center>Of how the rejoicing of the will must be directed, by way of
the images, to God, so that the soul may not go astray because of
them or be hindered by them.
JUST as images are of great benefit for remembering God and
the saints, and for moving the will to devotion when they are used
in the ordinary way, as is fitting, so they will lead to great
error if, when supernatural happenings come to pass in connection
with them, the soul should not be able to conduct itself as is
fitting for its journey to God. For one of the means by which the
devil lays hold on incautious souls, with great ease, and
obstructs the way of spiritual truth for them, is the use of
extraordinary and supernatural happenings, of which he gives
examples by means of images, both the material and corporeal
images used by the Church, and also those which he is wont to fix
in the fancy in relation to such or such a saint, or an image of
him, transforming himself into an angel of light that he may
deceive. For in those very means which we possess for our relief
and help the astute devil contrives to hide himself in order to
catch us when we are least prepared. Wherefore it is concerning
good things that the soul that is good must ever have the greatest
misgivings, for evil things bear their own testimony with them.
2. Hence, in order to avoid all the evils which may happen to
the soul in this connection, which are its being hindered from
soaring upward to God, or its using images in an unworthy and
ignorant manner, or its being deceived by them through natural or
supernatural means, all of which are things that we have touched
upon above; and in order likewise to purify the rejoicing of the
will in them and by means of them to lead the soul to God, for
which reason the Church recommends their use, I desire here to set
down only one warning, which will suffice for everything; and this
warning is that, since images serve us as a motive for invisible
things, we must strive to set the motive and the affection and the
rejoicing of our will only upon that which in fact they represent.
Let the faithful soul, then, be careful that, when he sees the
image, he desire not that his senses should be absorbed by it,
whether the image be corporeal or imaginary, whether beautifully
made, whether richly adorned, whether the devotion that it causes
be of sense or of spirit, whether it produce supernatural
manifestations or no. The soul must on no account set store by
these accidents, nor even regard them, but must raise up its mind
from the image to that which it represents, centering the
sweetness and rejoicing of its will, together with the prayer and
devotion of its spirit, upon God or upon the saint who is being
invoked; for that which belongs to the living reality and to the
spirit should not be usurped by sense and by the painted object.
If the soul do this, it will not be deceived, for it will set no
store by anything that the image may say to it, nor will it occupy
its sense or its spirit in such a way that they cannot travel
freely to God, nor will it place more confidence in one image than
in another. And an image which would cause the soul devotion by
supernatural means will now do so more abundantly, since the soul
will now go with its affections directly to God. For, whensoever
God grants these and other favours, He does so by inclining the
affection of the joy of the will to that which is invisible, and
this He wishes us also to do, by annihilating the power and
sweetness of the faculties with respect to these visible things of