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Catholic Pocket Dictionary - R

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We speak here only of converts who are supposed to have received valid baptism.

A baptized person who has previously belonged to an heretical sect has incurred the censures of the Church, and cannot therefore be restored to the sacraments or receive sacramental absolution till he has been absolved from censures. It may be that his error was no fault of his, and, if so, he was not a formal heretic. Still, he is treated as such in the external court of the Church, and the Pope reserves to himself the power of removing the bar of excommunication. In many countries, however, bishops receive power as delegates of the Holy See in their extraordinary or quinquennial faculties to absolve from the censure in question, and they communicate this power to all their priests who have faculties for hearing confessions.

The life of a recluse is still more solitary and austere than that of a hermit; it implies that the persons practicing it "live for ever shut up in their cells, never speaking to anyone but to the superior when he visits them, and to the brother who brings them necessaries. Their prayers and austerities are doubled, and their fasts more severe and more frequent."

The ecclesiastic who has charge of the government of a congregation or a college is called the Rector.

The idea connected with redemption is that of being brought out of a state of bondage or slavery and restored to one's former estate. Christian usage applies the term to the acts by which Christ delivered mankind from the bondage of sin and the devil, and restored it to its original estate of friendship with God.

The Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, was founded by St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori in the year 1732.

On February 25, 1749, Pope Benedict XIV approved the rules and confirmed the new institute by a solemn approbation, and St. Alphonsus called his congregation by the name of the Most Holy Redeemer. The members of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, besides the three simple but perpetual vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, bind themselves by a vow of perseverance until death in the Institute, which they confirm in a promissory oath. They are bound by their vow of poverty to refuse all benefices, offices, or dignities outside their Congregation.

The Congregation is under the Government of a superior-general, called the Rector Major, who is elected for life by a general chapter, and is assisted by six consultors. His residence is in Rome. The superiors of the various provinces (Provincials) and of the houses (Rectors), with their consultors, are appointed for a term of three years by the Rector Major.

An anthem in honor of the Blessed Virgin which begins with these words, and after each of whose four clauses the Alleluia is repeated; it is said at the end of the offices of the Breviary during the Easter season.

Persons of either sex observing a common rule of life, bound by three vows of religion, and obeying, with regard to dress, food, and the employment of their time, the statutes of the particular order or congregation to which they belong.

The word includes the bodies of departed saints, fragments of their bodies, articles or portions of articles which they have used, such as clothes, vestments, rosaries, and the like. The Church also venerates relics of Christ and His Blessed Mother. Such are the holy nails, lance, spear, or fragments of the True Cross, the girdle, veil, &c., of the Blessed Virgin.

The word "religion" denotes the virtue which deals with giving to God the honor which is His due.

The religious orders of men and women devote their lives to spreading the teachings of Christ and the practice of the Saints for human instruction. The religious life has sanctified and embraced the varied activities which have as their purpose the dispelling of that ignorance which is an obstacle to salvation. Hence has arisen the multitude of congregations which adorn the Catholic Church of our day, as follows:

See Listing.

See Listing.

In all ages, of coarse, the Blessed Sacrament has been reserved for the sick, and the first Christians, in the times of persecution, kept the Eucharist at home and gave communion to themselves.

Certain sins, power to absolve from which is reserved by the superior to himself and not imparted to inferiors, who have ordinary or delegated jurisdiction over other sins. Papal cases are reserved to the Pope, episcopal cases to the bishop, the reserved cases of regulars to the prelates of the order.

Verses said after the Lessons, because part of it is said by one reader or singer to whom the choir answer with the rest of the responsory.

The principle "Do wrong to no man" implies that if we have done another any injury we are bound to make good the loss. Thus, if we have converted another's property to our own use, we must give it back to him; if we have destroyed anything that is his, even without benefiting by the action, we must hand over to him an equivalent at our own cost. We are also bound to indemnify him for any inconvenience that he may have suffered by being deprived of his property. Restitution applies, as far as the case admits, to any injury to another's life or limb, wife, goods, or good name, and is binding under pain of mortal sin where the matter is serious. Absolution may be given before restitution ie actually made, provided that the penitent has the intention of restoring as soon as possible. If the intention is not carried out, the penitent grievously sins. It should be noted that they who cooperate in causing injury are bound to make restitution.

The doctrine of a general resurrection of the dead.

The mystery of Christ's resurrection from the dead. This is the greatest of Christ's miracles and the strongest proof of His Divinity.

A book which contains the forms to be observed by priests in the administration of the sacraments in funeral services and burials and in most of the blessings which they can give by ordinary or delegated authority.

A vestment of linen, fitting closely, with close sleeves reaching to the hands, proper to bishops and abbots. The use of it is also granted to certain other dignitaries.

The Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday before Ascension Day are observed by all Catholics of the Latin rite as days of solemn supplication, and are called Rogation days because the Litany of the Saints is chanted in the procession which takes place on each of the three days, rogatio being the Latin equivalent for the Greek word litany. Those who are bound to recite the breviary are also bound to say the litany privately, if not in procession. These litanies are called lesser, by comparison with the more ancient and solemn chanting of the litany on St. Mark's Day.

A form of prayer in which fifteen decades of Aves, each decade being preceded by a Pater and followed by a Gloria, are recited on beads.

Directions for the order to be followed in Mass and other sacred rites.

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