
Catholic Saints, Blesseds, and Venerables Index -V
B- Bishop
Bl.- Blessed
C- Confessor
D- Doctor of the Church
M- Martyr †
R- Recluse
V -Virgin
Ven.- Venerable
[LFMS] -source Butler's Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints
[LS] -source Butler's Lives of the Saints
[CE] -source the Catholic Encyclopedia
[CC] -source the Catholic Collection
- St. Valentine, Priest, M. February 14. [LFMS]
- St. Valery, A. December 12. [LFMS]
- St. Vandrille. A. July 22. [LFMS]
- St. Vaneng, C. January 9. [LFMS]
- St. Vanne, B. C. November 9. [LFMS]
- St. Vauge, H. June 15. [LFMS]
- St. Vedast, B. C. February 26. [LFMS]
- St. Venantius, M. May 18. [LFMS]
- St. Vergilius of Salzburg [CE]
- St. Veronica, V. January 13. [LFMS]
- St. Veronica Giuliani, July 9. [LFMS]
- St. Vicelinus [CE]
- St. Victor, Anchoret, C. February 26. [LFMS]
- St. Victor, M. April 12. [LFMS]
- St. Victor, M. May 8. [LFMS]
- St. Victor, M. July 21. [LFMS]
- St. Victor, P. M. July 28. [LFMS]
- Pope Bl. Victor III [CE]
- St. Victoria, V. M. December 23. [LFMS]
- St. Victorian and Companions, MM. March 23. [LFMS]
- St. Victorinus and Companions, MM. February 25. [LFMS]
- St. Victorinus, B. M. November 2. [LFMS]
- St. Vigilius, B. M. June 26. [LFMS]
- St. Vimin, B. C. January 21. [LFMS]
- St. Vincent, M. June 9. [LFMS]
- St. Vincent, M. January 22. [LFMS]
- St. Vincent Ferrer, C. April 5. [LFMS]
- Bl. Vincent Kadlubek [CE]
- St. Vincent of Lerins, C. May 24. [LFMS]
- St. Vincent (Maldegarius) [CE]
- Saint Vincent Palotti [CC]
- St. Vincent of Paul, C. July 19. [LFMS]
- Saint Vincent Strambi, C.P. [CC]
- St. Vindicianus [CE]
- St. Virgil, B. C. November 27. [LFMS]
- St. Virgilius [CE]
- Bl. Virgin Mary (see also St. Mary) [CE]
- Pope St. Vitalian [CE]
- St. Vitalis, M. April 28. [LFMS]
- SS. Vitalis and Agricola, MM. November 4. [LFMS]
- St. Vitalis of Savigny [CE]
- St. Vitus, &c. M. June 15. [LFMS]
- St. Vladimir the Great [CE]
- St. Vuigan, C. November 2. [LFMS]
- St. Vulsin, B. C. January 8. [LFMS]