Of the benefits which the soul receives from not setting its
rejoicing upon the good things of nature.
MANY are the benefits which come to the soul through the
withdrawal of its heart from this rejoicing; for, besides
preparing itself for the love of God and the other virtues, it
makes a direct way for its own humility, and for a general charity
toward its neighbours. For, as it is not led by the apparent good
things of nature, which are deceitful, into affection for anyone,
the soul remains free and able[596] to love them all rationally and
spiritually, as God wills them to be loved. Here it must be
understood that none deserves to be loved, save for the virtue
that is in him. And, when we love in this way, it is very pleasing
to the will of God, and also brings great freedom; and if there be
attachment in it, there is greater attachment to God. For, in that
case, the more this love grows, the more grows our love toward
God; and, the more grows our love toward God, the greater becomes
our love for our neighbour. For, when love is grounded in God, the
reason for all love is one and the same and the cause of all love
is one and the same also.
2. Another excellent benefit comes to the soul from its
renunciation of this kind of rejoicing, which is that it fulfils
and keeps the counsel of Our Saviour which He gives us through
Saint Matthew. 'Let him that will follow Me', He says, 'deny
himself.'[597] This the soul could in no wise do if it were to set
its rejoicing upon the good things of nature; for he that makes
any account of himself neither denies himself nor follows Christ.
3. There is another great benefit in the renunciation of this
kind of rejoicing, which is that it produces great tranquillity in
the soul, empties it of distractions and brings recollection to
the senses, especially to the eyes. For the soul that desires not
to rejoice in these things desires neither to look at them nor to
attach the other senses to them, lest it should be attracted or
entangled by them. Nor will it spend time or thought upon them,
being like the prudent serpent, which stops its ears that it may
not hear the charmers lest they make some impression upon it.[598]
For, by guarding its doors, which are the senses, the soul guards
itself safely and increases its tranquillity and purity.
4. There is another benefit of no less importance to those
that have become proficient in the mortification of this kind of
rejoicing, which is that evil things and the knowledge of them
neither make an impression upon them nor stain them as they do
those to whom they still give any delight. Wherefore the
renunciation and mortification of this rejoicing result in
spiritual cleanness of soul and body; that is, of spirit and
sense; and the soul comes to have an angelical conformity with
God, and becomes, both in spirit and in body, a worthy temple of
the Holy Spirit. This cannot come to pass if the heart rejoices in
natural graces and good things. For this reason it is not
necessary to have given consent to any evil thing, or to have
remembrance of such; for that rejoicing suffices to stain the soul
and the senses with impurity by means of the knowledge of evil;
for, as the Wise Man says, the Holy Spirit will remove Himself
from thoughts that are without understanding -- that is, without
the higher reason that has respect to God.[599]
5. Another benefit of a general kind follows, which is that,
besides freeing ourselves from the evils and dangers
aforementioned, we are delivered also from countless vanities, and
from many other evils, both spiritual and temporal; and especially
from falling into the small esteem in which are held all those
that are seen to glory or rejoice in the said natural gifts,
whether in their own or in those of others. And thus these souls
are held and esteemed as wise and prudent, as indeed are all those
who take no account of these things, but only of that which
pleases God.
6. From these said benefits follows the last, which is a
generosity of the soul, as necessary to the service of God as is
liberty of spirit, whereby temptations are easily vanquished and
trials faithfully endured, and whereby, too, the virtues grow and
become prosperous.