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Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
The RCIA Process

--by Vickie Shepherd

Mystagogy, Revealing The Mysteries
The RCIA Process

This time after Easter is an important time for all of us but especially for the neophytes (the newly baptized and initiated) it is a time when you explore the experiences of the Easter Vigil through the Sacraments and ministry of the Church. You will look more deeply into the sacraments and how they affect you in your daily life, how they strengthen you for the journey and how we are sent to share in our sacramental lives. Our ministry through the sacraments is the sharing of our experience with Jesus Christ and the sacraments he gave us to bring us closer to Him. When others begin to understand that they will also thirst for what we have as Catholics and as brothers and sisters in faith --sent out to be among the others whose lives we touch daily. You will always have an effect on others' lives if you truly reach out to them and embody the Christian/Catholic lifestyle. Mystagogy is the revealing of the mysteries of faith and we are constantly in this part of our faith journey--always learning and living that life more each day. --God Bless you always!

~ Vickie

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