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The Canons And Decrees Of The Council Of Trent

Whereas, in pursuance of what was decreed in the last sessions, this holy and universal synod has, during these days, most accurately and diligently treated of the things relating to the most holy sacrifice of the Mass, and to the sacrament of Orders, with the view that, in the session this day held, it might publish, as the Holy Ghost should have suggested, decrees on these subjects; and, furthermore, the four articles pertaining to the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist, which had been finally deferred to this session; and, whereas, it thought that in the interim, those would have presented themselves at this sacred and holy council, who call themselves Protestants, for whose sake it had deferred the publication of those articles, and to whom it had given the public faith, or a safe-conduct, that they might come freely and without any hesitation; nevertheless, since they have not yet come, and petition in their name has been made to the holy synod, that the publication which was to have been made on this day, be deferred until the following session, an assured hope being held out that they will certainly be present long before that session, meanwhile, upon receiving a safe-conduct in a more ample form: The same holy synod, lawfully assembled in the Holy Ghost,—the same legate and nuncios presiding,—desiring nothing more ardently than to remove from amongst the most noble nation of Germany, all dissensions and schisms touching religion, and to provide for its rest, peace, and repose; being ready, should they come, both to receive them kindly, and to listen to them with good-will, and trusting that they will come, not with the design of obstinately opposing the Catholic faith, but of learning the truth, and that they will at last, as becomes those earnest after evangelical truth, acquiesce in the decrees and discipline of holy Mother Church; [this synod] has deferred the next session for the publishing and promulgating of the matters aforesaid, till the festival of St. Joseph, which will be on the nineteenth day of the month of March; in order that they may have sufficient time and leisure, not only to come, but also to propose, before that day arrives, what things soever they may wish. And, that it may take from them all cause for further delaying, it freely gives and grants them the public faith, or a safe-conduct, of the tenor and form which will be hereafter set down. But it ordains and decrees, that, in the mean time, it will treat of the sacrament of Matrimony, and, in addition to the publication of the above-named decrees, it will give its decision thereon, in the same session, and will pursue the subject of Reformation.

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