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The Canons And Decrees Of The Council Of Trent

The same holy synod, desiring to pluck, like thorns, out of the field of the Lord, all the errors which have sprung up anew touching this most holy sacrament, and wishing to provide for the salvation of all the faithful, her daily prayers being piously offered up to Almighty God, amongst the other articles pertaining to this sacrament, which have been treated of with the most diligent inquiry into Catholic truth, very many and most accurate disputations, according to the weightiness of the matters, having been held, and the opinions also of the most eminent theologians having been ascertained; has likewise treated of these. Whether it be necessary unto salvation, and prescribed of divine right, that all the faithful of Christ should receive the said venerable sacrament under both species. And, whether he receives less, who communicates under either species, than he who communicates under both. And, whether Holy Mother Church hath erred, in communicating, under the species of bread only, the laity, and priests when not celebrating. And, whether little children also are to be communicated. But, because those of the most noble province of Germany, who call themselves Protestants, desire to be heard by the holy synod upon these articles before they are defined, and for this reason have solicited from it the public faith, that they may be permitted to come hither in safety, and dwell in this city, and speak freely and propound their opinions before the synod, and afterwards depart when they please; this holy synod, although it has, with great longing, looked forward for many months past for their coming, nevertheless, as an affectionate mother that groaneth and is in travail, most especially desiring and labouring after this, that, among those who are reckoned under the Christian name, there may be no schisms, but that, even as all acknowledge the same God and Redeemer, so all may speak the same thing, believe the same, think the same, trusting in the mercy of God, and hoping that it will come to pass, that they may be brought back to the most holy and salutary concord of one faith, hope, and charity, yielding willingly to them herein, [the said synod] hath, as far as concerns itself, given and granted, agreeably to their request, a public security and faith, which they call a safe-conduct, of the tenor which will be written down below; and for their sakes it hath postponed the definition of those articles until the second next session, which, that they may conveniently be present thereat, it hath indicted for the festival day of the conversion of Saint Paul, which will be on the 25th day of the month of January of the ensuing year. And it furthermore ordains this, that the sacrifice of the mass, on account of the close connection between both subjects, shall be treated of in the same session; and that it will meanwhile treat of the sacraments of penance and extreme unction in the next session. But this it hath decreed to be holden on the festival of Saint Catharine, virgin and martyr, which will be the 25th of November; and that at the same time, in both [sessions], it shall proceed with the matter of reformation.

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