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The Canons And Decrees Of The Council Of Trent

The sacred and holy Synod of Trent, lawfully assembled in the Holy Ghost, the same three legates of the Apostolic See presiding therein—recognizing, with the blessed apostle James, that Every best gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, who, to those who ask of him wisdom, giveth to all abundantly, and upbraideth them not; and at the same time knowing that The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, hath ordained and decreed, as regards all and each of the faithful of Christ, assembled in the city of Trent, that they should be exhorted, as is [hereby] exhorted, to amend themselves of their evils and sins heretofore committed, and to walk henceforth in the fear of the Lord; not to fulfil the lusts of the flesh; to be instant in prayer; to confess more frequently; to receive the sacrament of the Eucharist; to visit the churches; to fulfil, in fine, as far as each one shall be able, the commandments of the Lord; and, furthermore, daily to pray in private for peace between Christian princes, and for the unity of the Church: but as regards the bishops, and all others soever constituted in the priestly order, who are together celebrating an œcumenical council in this city, that they busy themselves to apply assiduously to the praises of God, to offer up victims, praises, and prayers; to celebrate the sacrifice of the mass on each Lord’s day at least, the day whereon God made the light, and rose again from the dead, and poured forth the Holy Ghost upon his disciples; making, as the same Holy Ghost enjoins by the apostle, supplications, prayers, intercessions, giving of thanks, for our most holy lord the pope, for the emperor, for kings, and the rest who are placed in authority, and for all men, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, may enjoy peace, and see an increase of faith. Furthermore, it exhorts that they fast at least on every Friday, in memory of the passion of the Lord, and bestow alms on the poor. Furthermore, on every Thursday there shall be celebrated, in the cathedral church, the mass of the Holy Ghost, with the litanies and other prayers appointed to this end; and on the same day there shall be said, in the other churches, at least the litanies and prayers. And during the time that the sacred services are being performed, let there be no talkings or conversations together, but, with mouth and mind, association with the celebrant. And inasmuch as It behoveth bishops to be blameless, sober, chaste, ruling well their own household, [the council] exhorts also that, above all things, each observe sobriety at table, and moderation in diet; further, that, since idle conversations are often wont to arise there, the reading of the divine Scriptures be introduced, even at the tables of bishops; and let each teach and instruct his servants not to be quarrelsome, given to wine, immodest, covetous, haughty, blasphemous, and lovers of pleasures; in fine, let them shun vice and embrace virtue, and in dress, appearance, and in all their actions show forth modesty, as becomes the servants of the servants of God.

Moreover, whereas it is the chief care, solicitude, and intention of this sacred and holy council, that, the darkness of heresies, which during so many years has covered the earth, being dispelled, the light, brightness, and purity of Catholic truth may, by the aid of Jesus Christ, who is the true light, shine forth; and that those things which need reformation may be reformed; the same synod exhorts all Catholics here assembled, and to be assembled, and especially those who are skilled in the sacred letters, that by sedulous meditation they diligently reflect within themselves, by what ways and means the intention of the synod may be best directed, and obtain the desired effect; that, in the most prompt and prudent manner, things to be condemned, may be condemned; and things to be approved, approved; that so, throughout the whole world, all may, with one mouth, and with the same confession of faith, glorify God, and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

But in delivering their sentiments, when the priests of the Lord are sitting together in the place of benediction, no one, according to the statute of the Council of Toledo, ought either to be boisterous by immoderate outcries, or cause disturbance by uproar; none to be contentious with false, vain, or obstinate disputations; but let whatsoever is said be so tempered by the mildest utterance of the words spoken, that neither the hearers be offended, nor the clear perception of a correct judgment warped by the mind being troubled.

Furthermore, this sacred synod has ordained and decreed, that if it should chance to happen that any do not sit in their due place, and [thus] deliver their sentiments, even under the word It pleaseth, are present at the congregations, and take part in any other act soever while the council lasts, none shall thereby be prejudiced, none acquire a new right.


After this, the next Session was indicted for Thursday, the 4th of the ensuing month of February.

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