Poems Of SR. TERESA, Carmelite of Lisieux
known as
The "Little Flower of Jesus,"

"My daughter, seek for those of
My Words, that breathe forth the most love; write them, and then,
guarding them with great care, as you would holy relics, be sure that
you read them often. When a friend desires to re-awaken in the heart of
his friend the first freshness and warmth of his affection, he says
to him : 'Do you remember your feelings when you said such a word to me
one day?' or again: 'Do you remember what you felt on such an
occasion? in such a place? at such a time?' In like manner do you, too,
believe that the most precious relics of Me to be found on earth today
are the words of My love, the words that came from the depths of My
loving Heart." Our Divine Lord to St. Gertrude.
Recall, O
Christ! the Father's glories bright, Recall the splendors of Thy
heavenly home, Which Thou didst leave, to come to earth's dark
night, And save poor sinners who in exile roam! Dear Jesus! bending
down at Mary's humble word, In her Thou didst conceal Thy majesty
adored. Now that maternal breast, Thy second heaven, Thy
rest, Remember Thou!
Remember, now, the day of Thy blest
birth, How angels, quitting heaven, sang joyously: "To God be power,
glory, lasting worth; And peace to men of good will ever be!" For
nineteen hundred years Thy promise Thou hast kept; Thy children in that
peace have waked, and worked, and slept. To taste forever here Thy
peace, divinely dear, I seek Thee now.
Remember O Thou Babe in
swaddling bands! Beside Thy crib I would forever stay. There, with
Thine angels, Lord of all the lands! I would remind thee of that happy
day. O Jesus! call to mind the shepherds and wise men, Who offered
Thee their hearts, as I mine own again; The Babes of Bethlehem
see, Who gave their blood for Thee. Remember Thou!
Thou that Mary's holy arms Thou didst prefer to any royal
throne. Dear little One! she shielded Thee from harm, She fed Thee
with her virginal milk alone. Oh, at that feast of love Thy mother gave
to Thee, My little Brother, grant that I a guest may be, Thy little
sister I. Oh, hear my ardent cry: Remember Thou!
that Thy childish voice, dear Lord! Called Joseph father, who, at
heaven's decree, Prevailed to snatch Thee from the tyrant's
sword, And sought old Egypt's far off coast with Thee. O Word of
God! recall what mysteries round Thee woke; Thou didst keep silent,
Lord! the while an angel spoke. Thy distant, long exile On banks of
ancient Nile, Remember now.
Remember Thou that on my native
shore, The stars of gold, the moon of silver bright, Which I
contemplate, wondering more and more, Charmed in the East Thine infant
eyes at night. That tiny hand of Thine, that stroked Thy Mother's
face, Sustained the world, held all things in their place; And Thou
didst think of me! Ah! how I think of Thee, Remember
Remember Thou, in solitude most blest, Thou laboredst with
Thy hands for daily bread. To live forgotten,‑- this Thy earnest
quest, All human wisdom trampled 'neath Thy tread, One single word
of Thine could charm a listening world; Yet Thou Thy wisdom kept in
closest silence furled. Thou, Who didst all things know, No sign of
power wouldst show. Remember Thou!
Remember how, - Stranger and
Pilgrim here, Thou hadst no'home, O Thou Eternal Word! Not e'en a
pillow for Thy head most dear; Not e'en a shelter, like the flitting
bird. O Jesu, come to me! Rest Thou upon my breast. Come, Come! My
spirit longs to have Thee for its Guest. Thou well beloved,
adored! Rest in my heart, dear Lord, Ever as now!
Thou, the loving tenderness That Thou didst show to children seeking
Thee. Like them I would receive Thv kind caress; Like them, Thy
blessings, Lord, be granted me. That I in heaven may gain Thy welcome
and Thy rest, Here will I practise well all childhood's virtues
best. "The childlike soul wins heaven." This promise Thou hast
given, Remember Thou!
Remember Thou that on the fountain's
brink,- A traveller, weary with the journey's length,- Thou of the
sinful tenderly didst think, And for contrition gave her lasting
strength. I know Thee well Who asked, of her, the draught, that
day. Thou art "the Gift of God," the Life, the Truth the Way. Thou
wilt not pass me by. I hear Thy tender cry: "Come to Me
"Come unto Me, poor souls with sorrow tost! Your heavy
load My hands shall take away; Your griefs and pains shall be forever
lost, Within the depths of love I feel for aye." I thirst, I thirst,
0 Christ! Nought else I seek, save Thee. Borne down beneath my cross, I
cry: "O comfort me!" Be Thy dear love my home! I come! Yes, Lord, I
come! Receive me now!
Remember Thou that, though a child of
light, Too oft, alas! I have neglected Thee. Take pity on me in
life's dreary night; Oh, pardon all my sin and misery! Make my sad
heart rejoice Thy holy will to do; My soul to those delights, hid in
Thy gospels, woo! That I that book of gold Ever most dear did
hold, Remember Thou!
Remember Thou Thy holy Mother's
power That she possesses o'er Thy Heart divine. Remember, at her
prayer, one joyful hour, Thou didst change water to delicious
wine. Deign also to transform my works, though poor they be; Oh,
make them glorious works, when Mary pleads with Thee. That I am Marv's
child, Dear Jesus, meek and mild, Remember Thou!
that the summits of the hills Thou often didst ascend at set of
sun. Ah! how Thy prayer the long, long night hours fills, Thy chants
of praise when weary day is done. Thy prayer I offer now, with ever new
delight, Joined to my own poor prayers, my office, day and
night. That I, too, near Thy heart, Take in Thy prayer my
part, Remember Thou!
Remember that Thine eyes beheld the
fields White to the harvest,- harvest of the blest! Thy Heart o'er
them Its mystic influence wields; Within that Heart is room for all,
and rest. That soon may come for Thee Thy glorious harvest day, I
immolate myself, I offer prayers alway. I give my joys, my
tears, For thy good harvesters. Remember Thou!
Recall that
feast of angels in delight, That harmony of heaven's kingly
host, The joy of all those choirs of spirits bright, When one is
saved, once counted 'mongst the lost. Oh, how I would augment that joy
and glory there! For sinners I will pray with ceaseless, ardent
prayer. To win dear souls to heaven, My life and prayers are
given. Remember Thou!
Remember that most holy flame of
love Thou wouldst enkindle in all hearts alway. To me it came from
Thy fair heaven above; Would I could spread its fires by night and
day! One feeble spark, dear Lord!- 0 glorious mystery!- A fire
immense can light, if fanned to flame by Thee. I long, Divinest
Star! To bear Thy flames afar. Remember Thou!
Remember how
the festal board was graced, To feast the penitent returning
son! Remember, too, the innocent soul is placed Ever near Thee, O
Thou Beloved One! Unto the prodigal no welcome is denied; But, ah!
the elder son is always at Thy side. Father, and Love Divine, All
that Thou hast is mine. Remember Thou!
Remember how Thou didst
disdain earth's pride, When working miracles with God's own
ease. "Ye who seek human praise! can ye decide To give your faith to
mysteries like these? The great works that I do, (so Thou hast said,
dear Lord!) My friends shall yet surpass, according to My word." How
humble Thou wast then, Among the sons of men. Remember
Remember in what rapture of delight The loved apostle
rested on Thy Heart. In that deep peace he knew Thy love and
might; Thy mysteries thence he drew, - how strong Thou art! Of Thy
beloved John I feel no jealousy. I am Thy choice; I, too, behold the
mysterv. I, too, upon Thy breast May have ecstatic rest. Remember
Recall Thine awful hour of agony When blood and tears bore
witness to Thy woe. O pearls of love! O rubies fair to see! Thence
virginal blooms of beauty ever grow. An angel, showing Thee what
harvest Thou shouldst reap, Gave gladness to Thee, then, even while
Thou didst weep. Then truly didst Thou see, Amongst those lilies,
me! Remember nowl
Thy blood, Thy tears, - a fruitful living
source, Those mystic flowers, makes virginal evermore; And to them
grants a wondrous, holy force, For winning souls to serve Thee and
adore. A virginal heart is mine; yet, Christ, what mystery! Mother
of souls am I, through my chaste bond with Thee. These virginal flowers
that bloom To bring poor sinners home, Remember
Remember Thou, that, steeped in direst woe, Condemned by
men, to heaven Thine eyes were raised; And Thou didst cry: " Soon ye My
power shall know. Soon shall ye hear My name by angels praised!
" Yet who believed Thee, then, the Son of God to be, Thy glory
veiled and hid in our humanity? Fairest of sons of men! My God! I
knew Thee then! Remember now!
Remember that Thy dear, divinest
Face, Even among Thy friends, was oft unknown. But Thou hast drawn
me by its matchless grace; Thou knowest well I claimed it for mine
own. I have divined its charms, tho' wet with human tears. Face of
Eternal God! I love Thee all these years. Part of my name Thou
art! Thou dost console mv heart. Remember Thou! *
Thou that amorous complaint, Escaping from Thy lips on Calvary's
tree: "I thirst!" Oh, how my heart like Thine doth faint. Yes, yes!
I share Thy burning thirst with Thee. The more my heart burns bright
with Thy great Heart's chaste fires, The more I thirst for souls, to
quench Thy Heart's desires. That with such love always I burn, by
night, by day, Remember Thou!
Remember, O my Jesu! Word of
life! That Thou hast loved me, dying e'en for me. Oh, let me be with
holy folly rife! So would I, also, live and die for Thee! Thou
knowest, Lord! my wish, my loving heart's desire, - To make Thee loved,
and then, in martyrdom expire. I long of love to die. O hear my
ardent cry. Remember Thou!
Recall that glorious, that victorious
hour, When Thou didst say: "Happy indeed is he, Who has not seen My
triumph and My power, But, seeing not, has still believed in Me." In
faith's dim, shadowy night, I love Thee, I adore. Jesu, I wait in
peace, till faith's long night is o'er. That not one wish had I To
see Thee 'neath this sky, Remember Thou!
Remember that ascending
unto God, Thou wouldst not leave us orphans sad and lone, But didst,
a Prisoner still, where we abode, Veil on our altars all Thy pomp, my
Own! The shadow of Thv veil is, oh! how pure and bright, Thou Living
Bread of faith, heaven's Food, my heart's Delight. O mystery of
love! My Bread from heaven above, Jesus, 'tis Thou!
Thou, in spite of insults hurled Against this sacrament of love
divine, Thou dost remain in this dull, weary world, And fix Thy
dwelling in a heart like mine. O Bread of exiled souls! holy and
heavenly Host! No more I live -not I! in Thee my life is lost. Thy
chosen ciborium Am I. Come, Jesu, come! My Love art Thou.
sanctuary here, dear Lord, am I, That evil men shall never dare
molest. Rest in my, heart! Oh, do not pass me by! Thy garden I, each
flower an offering blest. But if from me Thou turn, white Lily of the
vale! I know too well those flowers would wither and would
fail. Ever, Thou Lily rare! Bloom in my garden fair. My life art
Remember that I longed upon this earth, To comfort Thee
for sinners' scorn of Thee. Give me a thousand hearts to praise Thy
worth. My Well Beloved! abide, abide with me! A thousand hearts too
few would be for my desire; Give me Thy Heart to set my longing heart
on fire. My ardent love for Thee, While swift the moments
flee, Remember Thou!
Remember, Lord! that Thy dear will
alone Is my sole wish, my only happiness. I give mvself to Thee, to
rest, mine Own! With Thee in peace, and know Thy power to bless. And
if Thou seems't to sleep while raging waves beat high, In peace I still
remain, without one anguished cry. In peace, on Thee, I wait; But,
for th' Awakening great, Prepare me Thou!
Remember how I often
long and sigh For that last day when angels shall proclaim: "Time is
no morel The judgment draweth nigh. Rise thou, to face thy judge! He
calls thy name." Then swiftly shall I fly, past bounds of earth in
space, To live at last within the Vision of Thy Face. That it alone
can be My joy eternally, Remember
21, 1895.
Beside the tomb wept Magdalen at
dawn,- She sought to find the dead and buried Christ; Nothing could
fill the void now He was gone, No one to soothe her burning grief
sufficed. Not even you, Archangels heaven assigned! To her could
bring content that dreary day. Your buried King, alone, she longed to
find, And bear His lifeless body far away.
Beside His tomb she
there the last remained, And there again was she before the
sun; There, too, to come to her the Saviour deigned,- He would not
be, by her, in love outdone. Gently He showed her then His bless~d
Face, And one word sprang from His deep Heart's recess: Maryl His
voice she knew, she knew its grace; It came with perfect peace her
heart to bless.
One day, my God! I, too, like Magdalen, Desired
to find Thee, to draw near to Thee; So, over earth's immense,
stretching plain, I sought its Master and its King to see . Then
cried I, though I saw the flowers bloom In beauty 'neath green trees
and azure skies: O brilliant Naturel thou art one vast tomb, Unless
God's Face shall greet my longing eyes." A heart I need, to soothe me
and to bless,- A strong support that can not pass away,- To love me
wholly, e'en my feebleness, And never leave me through the night or
day. There is not one created thing below, Can love me truly, and
can never die. God become man none else' my needs can know; He, He
alone, can understand my cry.
Thou comprehendest all I need, dear
Lord! To win my heart, from heaven Thou didst come; For me Thy blood
didst shed, O King adored! And on our altars makest Thy home. So, if
I may not here behold Thy Face, Or catch the heaenly music of Thy
Voice, I still can live, each moment, by Thy grace, And in Thy
Sacred Heart I can rejoice.
O Heart of Jesus, wealth of
tenderness! My joy Thou art, in Thee I safely hide. Thou, Who my
earliest youth didst charm and bless, Till my last evening, oh! with me
abide, All that I had, to Thee I wholly gave, To Thee each deep
desire of mine is known. Whoso his life shall lose, that life shall
save;- Let mine be ever lost in Thine alone!
I know it well, -no
righteousness of mine Hath any value in Thy searching eyes; Its
every breath my heart must draw from Thine, To make of worth my life's
long sacrifice. Thou hast not found Thine angels without taint; Thy
Law amid the thunderbolts was given; And yet, my Jesus! I nor fear nor
faint. For me, on Calvary, Thy Heart was riven. To see Thee in Thy
glory face to face,- I know it well, - the soul must pass through
fires. Choose I on earth my purgatorial place, - The flaming love of
Thy great Heart's desires! So shall my exiled soul, to death's
command, Make answer with one cry of perfect love; Then flying
straight to heaven its Fatherland, Shall reach with no delay that home
Exiled afar from heaven, I still, dear Lord, can sing,
- I, Thy betrothed, can sing the eternal hymn of love; For, spite of
exile comes to me, on dove like wing, Thy Holy Spirit's fire of rapture
from above. Beauty supreme! my Love Thou art; Thyself Thou givest
all to me. Oh, take my heart, my yearning heart, - Make of my life
one act of love to Thee!
Canst Thou my worthlessness efface? In
heart like mine canst make Thy home? Yes, love wins love,-O wondrous
grace! I love Thee, love Thee! Jesu, come I
Love that enkindleth
me, Pierce and inflame me; Come, for I cry to Thee! Come and be
mine ! Thy love it urgeth me; Fain would I ever be Sunken and
lost in Thee, Furnace divine! All pain bome for Thee Changes to
joy for me, When my love flies to Thee, Winged like the
dove. Heavenly Completeness, Infinite Sweetness, My soul
possesseth Thee Here, as above. Heavenly Completeness, Infinite
Naught else art Thou but Love! *Note: The swiftly
varying metres of this rapturous "Canticle" evidently are meant to
indicate the ever increasing ecstasy of the singer; unless,
indeed, Soeur Theresa had no explicit intention, but was simply carried
on by the force of a quasi
19, 1896.
wondrous love Thou didst come down from heaven To immolate Thyself, O
Christ, for me; So, in my turn, my love to Thee is given, I wish to
suffer and to die for Thee.
Thou, Lord, hast spoken this truth
benign: "To die for one loved tenderly Of greatest love on earth is
sign;" And now, such love is mine,-- Such love for
Abide, abide with me, 0 Pilgrim blest! Behind the hill
fast sinks the dying day. Helped by Thy cross I mount the rocky
crest; Oh, come, to guide me on my heavenward way.
To be like
Thee is my desire; Thy voice finds echo in my soul. Suffering I
crave! Thy words of fire Lift me above earth's mire, And sin's
Chanting Thy victories, gloriously sublime, The
Seraphim - all heaven - cry to me, That even Thou, to conquer sin and
crime, Upon this earth a sufferer needs must be.
For me, upon
life's dreary way, What scorn, what anguish, Thou didst bear Let me
grow humble every day , Be least of all, alway, Thy lot to
Ah, Christ! Thy great example teaches me Myself to
humble, honors to despise. Little and low like Thee I choose to
be, Forgetting self, so I may charm Thine eyes. My peace I find in
solitude, Nor ask I more, dear Lord, than this: Be Thou my sole
beatitude, Ever, in Thee, renewed My joy, my bliss!
Thou, the
great God Whom earth and heaven adore, Thou dwellest a prisoner for me
night and day; And every hour I hear Thy voice implore: " I thirst I
thirst I thirst for love alway!
I, too, Thy prisoner am I; I,
too, cry ever unto Thee Thine own divine and tender cry: "I thirst!
Oh, let me die Of love for Thee!"
For love of Thee I thirst!
Fulfil my hope; Augment in me Thine own celestial flame! For love of
Thee I thirst! Too scant earth's scope. The glorious Vision of Thy Face
I claim!
My long slow martyrdom of fire Still more and more
consumeth me. Thou art my joy, my one desire. Jesu! may I
expire Of love for
30, 1806.