+How To Say The Rosary+

- At the Crucifix make the Sign of the Cross, then recite the Apostle's Creed
- Say one Our Father on the first large bead
- One Hail Mary on each of the three small beads
- On the next large bead say One Glory Be, Announce the first Mystery then say one Our Father
- Move to the right side of the rosary then on each of the ten small beads recite one Hail Mary while contemplating on the Mystery
- On each large bead say the Glory Be, announce the next Mystery then recite one Our Father. Repeat steps 5 and six for all five decades of the Rosary (say the Mystery, one Our Father, ten Hail Marys, one Glory Be)
- At the end of the last decade on the medal recite the Glory Be, followed by 'Hail Holy Queen' then 'Oh My Jesus'. It is then customary to kiss the crucifix followed by the Sign of the Cross.
- Prayer intentions: You may optionally ask Our Lady and list all of them before you begin the first mystery (you may also dedicate the entire rosary for a single intention), or you may list seperate intentions at the beginning of each decade before the Our Father.
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