+Prayer Of Saint Methodius+
THY name, oh mother of God, is full of all
graces and divine blessings. Thou hast comprehended him who is incomprehensible, and nourished him who nourishes all living creatures. He
who fills heaven and earth and is Lord of all, has
chosen to have need of thee, since thou hast clothed him with that garment of flesh that he had not
before. Rejoice, oh mother and handmaid of
God! rejoice! rejoice! thou hast for a debtor him
to whom all creatures owe their being. We are
all debtors to God, but God is a debtor to thee.
Hence it is, oh most holy mother of God, that
thou hast greater goodness and greater charity
than all the other saints, and more than all others
hast near access in heaven to God, because thou
art his mother. Ah, we pray thee that we may
celebrate thy glories, and may know how great
is thy goodness, being mindful of us and of our
miseries. Amen
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