+Prayer Of Saint Germanus+
OH my only Lady, who art the sole consolation which I receive from God; thou who art the
only celestial dew that doth soothe my pains;
thou who art the light of my soul when it is
surrounded with darkness; thou who art my
guide in my journeyings, my strength in my
weakness, my treasure in my poverty ; balm for
my wounds, my consolation in sorrow; thou
who art my refuge in misery, the hope of my
salvation, graciously hear my prayer, have pity
on me, as is befitting the mother of a God who
hath so much love for men. Thou who art our
defence and joy, grant me what I ask; make me
worthy of enjoying with thee that great happiness which thou dost enjoy in heaven. Yes, my
Lady, my refuge, my life, my help, my defence,
my strength, my joy, my hope, make me to come
with thee to paradise. I know that, being the
mother of God, thou canst obtain this for me if
thou wilt. Oh Mary, thou art omnipotent to
save sinners, thou needest nothing else to re
commend us to thee, for thou art the mother of
true life. Amen.
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