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A Commentary On The Psalms From Primitive and Mediæval Writers Volumes 1 To 4 by Rev. J.M. Neale D.D.

Shut, (Lu.) O LORD, the gaping mouths of the wicked, who attempt to devour us with the cruel teeth of slander, that we, who trust not in our own strength, may be defended by the help of Thy Name. (1.)

Be in us,* O LORD GOD of Israel, and drive away from us the attack of the wicked, lest we be devoured, and check their hurtful indignation, lest we be swallowed up; and let the torrent of Thy pleasures so overflow within us that our soul may rejoice in safely crossing the torrent of sins; and let us not be rent with the teeth of our enemies, but rejoice in being delivered from the snare of the hunters. And do Thou, our Helper, give us a heritage of an eternal possession, Who with the co-operation of Thy WORD and HOLY SPIRIT, madest heaven and earth. (11.)

Our help is in Thy Name,* O LORD, grant that we may hate the enticement of the world; and avoid the snare of the pleasures which hunt after us; that Thou mayest destroy him that lieth in wait; Thyself strengthen and defend him that trusteth in Thee. (11.)

Turn aside,* O LORD, the snares which they lay for us who strive to hunt after our souls, and by the help of Thine aid confound the plots of our adversaries; since if Thou be not within us, the opposing power is able to devour and swallow us up. Be Thou the guard and guide of Thy servants, that they may not fall in with the snares of spiritual wickednesses, but may urge with all their vigour the flight whereby they strive to come to Thee. (11.)

Grant, (D. C.) O LORD, that our soul may pass over the torrent of sins, break by Thy might the snare of the devil’s fraud, that we may be delivered for evermore by Thy help. (1.)

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