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A Commentary On The Psalms From Primitive and Mediæval Writers Volumes 1 To 4 by Rev. J.M. Neale D.D.

Teach us,* O LORD, with the good-will of Thy law, and be our refuge in trouble, Who wisely teachest man knowledge that he may not sin. (1.)

Fail not Thy people,* O LORD, whom Thou hast purchased; neither forsake the inheritance for which Thou didst hang upon the Cross, but until such time as Thy justice, now hidden, shall shine forth in manifest judgment, guide us with Thine outstretched loving-kindness, and according to the multitude of our sorrows, make us glad with Thine encouragement, that Thou Who now framest toil in commandment, mayest grant us rest in the world to come. (11.)

Grant us,* O LORD, the desirable gift of power to do, whereby we may be able to rise up against the ungodly, and to oppose the sayings of the wicked, and as a pit is made ready for those who work iniquity against Thee, so let there be a glorious dwelling made ready in the heavens for us who believe. (11.)

Arise, O LORD,* Who judgest the earth, and Who dealest vengeance to the proud: bestow on Thy redeemed the medicine of Thy lovingkindness, and grant mercy to the guilty, Who wast for us adjudged to the Cross by ungodly men. (11.)

O GOD, (D. C.) the help of our hope, be the refuge of Thy servants in every need, soften the evil days for us, and let the consolations of Thy lovingkindness ever make our soul glad. (1.)

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