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A Commentary On The Psalms From Primitive and Mediæval Writers Volumes 1 To 4 by Rev. J.M. Neale D.D.

ARG. THOMAS. That CHRIST created all the elements which we see. The Voice of CHRIST touching the Jews. The Voice of CHRIST, or of the Church, to the FATHER. Of teaching, and of Judgment.

VEN. BEDE. Understanding is prefixed in the title for this reason: because a two-fold captivity follows, one spiritual, the other carnal; one which led into Babylon when the Temple was destroyed, the other which subdued by faith, when the confusion of errors was overthrown. Jerome believes this Psalm to have been sung against the Chaldees; Cassiodorus, against the Romans; Arnobius against the Philistines, when, after the slaughter of Hophni and Phinehas, the Ark of GOD was taken. The Synagogue speaks throughout the Psalm. In the first place, it laments the reason why they were delivered to the Gentiles, so that the boldness of her foes profaned the LORD’S Sanctuary, stating that the impenitent heart of certain Jews had provoked GOD’S chastisement; yet it prophesies that some of them shall be converted at the end of the world. O God, wherefore hast Thou cast us off unto the end? In the second part it says that the superstitions and iniquities of men were destroyed by the coming of CHRIST, counting up the divers great works He hath done, amongst which it beseeches Him to help the erring Jews. For God is my King of old. Thirdly; it asks, that mindful of His promise, He may deliver the seed of Abraham from destruction, and that the pride of the enemies, who extol themselves vainly, may go up before Him. Deliver not the soul that confesseth Thee to the beasts.

SYRIAC PSALTER. Of Asaph, when David saw the Angel destroying the people, and wept, and said, Upon me and mine offspring, and not on these guiltless sheep. Moreover, a prophecy of the siege of the city Jerusalem forty years after the Ascension, by Vespasian the aged, and Titus his son, who slew tens of thousands of Jews, and destroyed Jerusalem; thence, unto the present day, Jews are despised.

EUSEBIUS OF CÆSAREA. A Proclamation of the final siege of Jerusalem under Vespasian and Titus.

S. ATHANASIUS. A Psalm in solitary address. A Psalm of thanksgiving.

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