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The Gospel According To Saint Matthew With An Explanatory And Critical Commentary by Rev. A.J. Maas S.J.

1. Catholic

Jans. Cornelius Jansenius, bishop of Ghent, died 1576; he wrote “concordiam evangelicam” and “comment, in concordiam et totam histor. evangelicam,” besides several other works.

Mald. Maldonatus, died 1583; here belongs his classical work, “comment. in quatuor evangelia.”

Luc. or Luc. Brug. Lucas Brugensis, died 1600; his “in ss. quatuor Jesu Christi evangelia commentarius” is noted for brevity and grammatical accuracy.

Bar. Sebast. Barradas, died 1615; here belong his “commentaria in concordiam et historiam evangelicam,” tt. 4.

Lap. Cornelius a Lapide [van den Steen], died 1637; his “commentarii in quatuor evangelia” contain much patristic and philological erudition, but are less critical than Mald.’s.

Jans. jun., or Yprens. Cornelius Jansenius, bishop of Ypres, died 1638; here must be noted his “tetrateuchus seu commentarius in quatuor evangelia.”

Sylv. Johannes de Sylveira, died 1687; here belongs “in textum evangelicum commentaria quinque tomis distributa”; he gives regularly different versions for the text.

Calm. Aug. Calmet, died 1757; his commentary, translated into Latin by Mansi, is literal, concise, and clear.

Kist. Kistemacker, die heiligen Evangelien, Münster, 1818.

Gratz. Gratz, krit. histor. Commentar über d. Evang., Matt., Tübing. 1820.

Massl. Massl, Erklärung d. heil. Scriften Neuen Test., Straubing. 1836.

Berl. Berlepsch, quatuor Novi Test. evangelia, Ratisb. 1849.

Schegg. Schegg, Evangelium nach Matthäus übersetz, u. erklärt München, 1856–58.

Arn. Arnoldi, Comm. z. Evang. d. h. Matt., Trier, 1856.

Bisp. Bisping, Erklär. d. Evang. nach Matt., Münster, 1864.

Loch or Reischl. Loch und Reischl, die heil. Schriften d. Neuen Test., Regensburg, 1866.

Mc E. McEvilly, Exposition of the Gospels, Dublin, 1876.

Steenk. Van Steenkiste, Evang. S. Matt., Brug. 1876; 2d ed. 1882.

Fil. Fillion, Evangile selon St. Matthieu, Paris, 1878.

Schanz. Schanz, Comm. über d. Evang. d. h. Matth., Freib. 1879.

Knab. Knabenbauer, Evangelium sec. Matthæum, Parisiis, 1892.

2. Protestant

Luth. Lutheri annotationes in aliqu. cap. Matt., Vitemb. 1538.

Buc. Mart. Bucer, enarratio in quat. evangelia, Argent. 1527.

Calv. Calvini comment, in harm, ex trib. evang. comp., Genev. 1553.

Bez. Theod. Beza, annotat. maiores in Nov. Test., Gen. 1565.

Grot. Hugo Grotius, Annotationes, 1641.

Cappell. Jac. Cappellus, Observationes, 1656.

Calov. Calovii Biblia Nov. Test, illstr., Lips. 1719.

Beng. Bengel, Gnomon Nov. Test., Tübing. 1742.

Fritzsche, evangelium Matthæi recensuit et cum comment. ed. Lips. 1826.

Olsh. Olshausen, biblischer Comment., Königsberg, 1830–32.

Meyer, H. A. W. Meyer, krit. exeget. Handbuch über d. Ev. d. Matth., Gött. 1832.

De Wette, Kurze Erklärung d. Evangeliums Matthäi, Leipzig, 1836.

Bleek, synoptische Erklärung d. drei ersten Evangelien, ed. Holtzm., Leipzig, 1862.

Lutt. Henri Lutteroth, essai d’interpretation de quelques parties de l’évangile selon S. Matthieu, Paris, 1860, 64, 67, 76.

Weiss, das Matthäusevangelium und seine Lucasparallelen, Halle, 1876.

Wichelh. Joh. Wichelhaus, akademische Vorlesungen über d. Neue Test., edited by Dr. Zahn, Halle, 1876.

Keil, Commentar über d. Evangelium d. Matth., Leipzig, 1877.

Mans. Mansel, in the Speaker’s Commentary, London, 1878–80.

Alf. Henry Alford, The Greek Testament, Boston, 1886.

Schaff. Philip Schaff, in the International Commentary on the New Testament, vol. i. New York, 1888.

Holtzm. H. J. Holtzmann, Hand-Commentar z. Neuen Test., vol. i. Freib. 1892.

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