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The Gospel According To Saint Matthew With An Explanatory And Critical Commentary by Rev. A.J. Maas S.J.

Title of the Gospel

Part I.              Jesus is shown to be the Messias in his infancy, 1, 2

A.              By his personal characteristics, 1

a.              By his genealogy, 1:1–17

b.              By his birth, 1:18–25

B.              By his reception, 2

a.              Among the Gentiles, 2:1–12

b.              Among the Jews, 2:13–23

Part II.              Jesus is shown to be the Messias in the preparation for his public life, 3, 4

A.              By the Forerunner, 3

a.              In his message, 3:1–12

b.              In his testimony, 3:13–17

B.              By his own preparation, 4

a.              In his trial, 4:1–11

b.              In his immediate preparation, and the general outline of his ministry, 4:12–25

Part III.              Jesus is the Messias in his public life, 5–28

A.              As teacher and legislator, 5–7:29

a.              Describing the citizens of the new kingdom, 5:1–16

1.              Introduction, 5:1, 2

2.              Character of the citizens, 5:3–12

3.              Influence of the citizens, 5:13–16

b.              Promulgating the law of the new kingdom, 5:17–48

1.              Relation of the new law to the old, 5:17–20

2.              The fifth commandment, 5:21–26

3.              The sixth commandment, 5:27–32

4.              The second and the eighth commandment, 5:33–37

5.              The lex talionis, 5:38–48

c.              Regulating the practices of the new kingdom, 6:1–7:12

1.              Our acts of devotion, 6:1–18

2.              Our private life, 6:19–34

3.              Our relation to our neighbor, 7:1–12

d.              Concluding the sermon on the mount, 7:13–29

1.              Warning against certain dangers, 7:13–23

2.              Exhortation to practice Christ’s teaching, 7:24–27

3.              Final observation, 7:28, 29

B.              As wonder-worker, 8:1–9:34

a.              Three diseases cured, 8:1–17

1.              The leper, 8:1–4

2.              The servant of the centurion, 8:5–13

3.              Peter’s mother-in-law, 8:14–17

b.              Temporal and spiritual dangers, 8:18–9:8

1.              Worldly superfluities, 8:18–20

2.              Worldly needs, 8:21, 22

3.              Dangers of life, 8:23–27

4.              Dangers of the spiritual life, 8:28–34

5.              Spiritual death, 9:1–8

c.              Growth of belief and unbelief, 9:9–34

1.              The publicans and the Pharisees, 9:9–13

2.              The disciples of Jesus and the disciples of John, 9:14–17

3.              The Jewish ruler and the Gentile woman, 9:18–26

4.              The common people and the Pharisees, 9:27–34

C.              As founder of the kingdom, 9:35–28:20

a.              First beginnings, 9:35–14:12

α.              Call and mission of the apostles, 9:35–10:42

1.              Necessity and choice of apostles, 9:35–10:4

2.              Present mission of the apostles, 10:5–15

3.              Future mission of the apostles, 10:16–42

β.              Testimony of the Baptist and obstinacy of the people, 11

1.              The Baptist’s embassy, 11:1–6

2.              Christ’s testimony to John, 11:7–15

3.              The rebuke of the people, 11:16–24

4.              Call of the citizens, 11:25–30

γ.              Perversity of the leaders, 12:1–50

1.              Plucking corn on the sabbath, 12:1–8

2.              Healing of the withered hand, 12:9–21

3.              Pharisees’ behavior after an exorcism, 12:22–37

4.              Petition for a sign from heaven, 12:38–45

5.              The true disciples, 12:46–50

δ.              Description of the kingdom, 13–14:12

1.              The seven parables, 13:1–52

2.              Illustrative facts, 13:53–14:12

a.]              Christ’s rejection in Nazareth, 13:53–58

b.]              The death of the Baptist, 14:1–12

b.              Progress of the kingdom within the apostles, 14:13–20:28

α.              The apostles learn and profess the divinity of Jesus, 14:13–36

1.              The multiplication of loaves, 14:13–21

2.              The walking on the sea, 14:22–36

β.              The apostles are separated from the Pharisees, 15:1–16:12

1.              Hypocrisy of the Pharisees, 15:1–20

2.              Men of good will are not rejected, 15:21–39

3.              The leaven of the Pharisees is proscribed, 16:1–12

γ.              The apostles are placed under the primacy of Peter, 16:13–17:26

1.              Peter’s confession, 16:13–20

2.              Peter’s rebuke, 16:21–28

3.              Peter at the transfiguration, 17:1–13

4.              Necessity and power of faith, 17:14–20

5.              Peter’s tribute money, 17:21–26

δ.              Conduct of the apostles as princes of the church, 18:1–20:28

1.              Their care of the little ones, 18:1–14

2.              Their care of sinners, 18:15–35

3.              On matrimony and virginity, 19:1–15

4.              On voluntary poverty, 19:16–30

5.              On the working of grace, 20:1–16

6.              On suffering and the cross, 20:17–28

c.              Completion of the kingdom of God, 20:29–28:20

α.              Three symbolic facts, 20:29–21:22

1.              The healing of the two blind men, 20:29–34

2.              The triumphal entrance into Jerusalem, 21:1–16

3.              The withering of the fig-tree, 21:17–22

β.              Final encounter with the Pharisees and their rejection, 21:23–23:39

1.              Preparation for the contest, 21:23–22:14

2.              The formal contest, 22:15–46

3.              The formal rejection of the scribes and Pharisees, 23:1–39

γ.              Eschatological discourse, 24:1–25:46

1.              Introduction, 24:1–14

2.              The coming destruction of Jerusalem, 24:15–21

3.              The second advent of our Lord, 24:22–35

4.              Repeated warnings, 24:36–25:30

5.              The norm and sentence of the last judgment, 25:31–46

δ.              The passion and resurrection of our Lord, 26–28:15

1.              The sacred passion, 24–27

1.]              The preparation, 26:1–46

a.]              On the part of the enemies, 26:1–16

b.]              On the part of the apostles, 26:17–35

c.]              On the part of Jesus himself, 26:36–46

2.]              History of the passion proper, 26:47–27:50

a.]              The capture of Jesus, 26:47–66

b.]              The trial of Jesus, ecclesiastical and civil, 26:57–27:26

c.]              The execution of our Lord, 27:27–50

3.]              Immediate effects of the passion, 27:51–66

a.]              In nature, 27:51

b.]              In the realm of the dead, 27:52, 53

c.]              In the realm of the living, 27:54–66

2.              The resurrection, 28:1–15

1.]              Proof of the resurrection, 28:1–10

2.]              Unbelief of the Jews, 28:11–15

ε.              Mission of the apostles to all nations, 28:16–20


Ambr. St. Ambrose, bishop of Milan 374–397; Migne, patr. lat. 14–17.

Ammon. Ammonius of Alexandria, about 220; cf. cat. græc.

Ans. laud. Anselm of Laon, 1050–1117; “enarr. in Matt.”; cf. Migne, patr. lat. 162, 1227–1500.

Apollin. Apollinaris, bishop of Laodicea, about 370; his commentary is lost; cf. cat. græc.; author of a heresy.

Athan. St. Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria 327–373; Migne, patr. græc. 25–28.

Athen. Athenagoras of Athens, about 177; “legat. pro Christ.” and “lib. de resurrect. mortuor.”; Eng. transl. by Humphreys.

Aug. St. Augustin, bishop of Hippo 395–430; here belong his “de sermone in monte,” ll. 2; “de consensu evangelist.” ll. 4; “quæst. evangel.” ll. 2; quæst. 27 in evang. Matt.; Migne, patr. lat. 34, 35.

Barn. St. Barnabas, of the first or second century; his “epist. ad fideles” has been edited by Funk, opp. patr. apost., 1879; Gebhardt, Harnack et Zahn, ed. ii. patr. apost. opp. 1877.

Bas. St. Basil, bishop of Cæsarea in Cappadocia 370–379; cf. cat. græc.

Bed. Venerable Bede, about 731; here belongs his “in Matt. evang. expos. ll. 4.”; Migne, patr. lat. 92; the writer follows Jer. Ambr. Aug. op. imp.

Br. or Brun. St. Bruno, bishop of Segni, born in Asti 1044, died 1123; cf. Migne, patr. lat. 165.

Cat. græc. “Catena græcorum patrum in ev. Matt.,” edited by J. A. Cramer, Oxford, 1844; based on the homilies of Chrys.; it contains extracts from Acacius, Apollin. Bas. Clem. Cyr. Alex. Eus. Isid. Orig. Sever. Theodoret, Theod. her. Theod. mon. Theod. mops., and an anonymous author; more rarely are met extracts of Epiph. Hesych. Naz. Nyss. Severian.

Caj. Cajetan, 1469–1534; his commentary is brief and literal.

Chrys. St. Chrysostom, bishop of Constantinople 397–407; he wrote 90 [or 91] homilies on the first gospel; Migne, patr. græc. 57, 58.

Clem. St. Clement of Alexandria, about 194; cat. græc.

Clem. Rom. St. Clement of Rome, wrote about 95; edit, by Lightfoot, London and Cambridge, 1869, 1877; Funk, opp. patr. apost., Tübing. 1878; Gebhardt et Harnack, Lips. 1876.

Cypr. St. Cyprian, bishop of Carthage 248–258; especially “de orat. dom.”; Migne, patr. lat. 4.

Cyr. St. Cyril, bishop of Alexandria 412–444; fragments are found in Migne, patr. græc. 72, 365–474; extracts in cat. græc.

Cyr. Jer. St. Cyril, bishop of Jerusalem 348–386; Migne, patr. græc. 23.

Did. Didymus of Alexandria, about 370; his comment, is lost; cf. cat. græc.

Diod. Diodorus, bishop of Tarsus 378–394; cat. græc.

Dion. Dionysius the Carthusian, 1403–1473; cf. his “enarrat. in quatuor evangelistas.”

Druth. Druthmar, monk of Corbie, about 850; his “expositio in Matt. evangelist.” is found in Migne, patr. lat. 106, 1261–1504.

Ephr. St. Ephrem Syrus, 299–378.

Epiph. St. Epiphanius, bishop in Cyprus 368–403; cat. græc.; cf. Migne, patr. græc. 41–43.

Eus. H. E. Eusebii historia ecclesiastica; Eusebius was bishop of Cæsarea 315–320; Migne, patr. græc. 19–24; cat. græc.

Eustath. Eustathius, bishop of Antioch about 323.

Euth. Euthymius Zigabenus, about 1116; he follows Chrys., but has also matter of his own; Migne, patr. græc. 129.

Fab. Faber Stapulensis or Lefèvre d’Etaples, 1455–1537; his commentaries were placed on the Index “donec corrigantur.”

Fortun. Fortunatius, referred to by Jer.

Gloss, ord. Glossa ordinaria, by Walafridus Strabus, who died in 849.

Greg. Naz. St. Gregory, bishop of Nazianzus about 370–389; cat. græc.

Greg. Nyss. St. Gregory, bishop of Nyssa about 371; cat. græc.

Greg. the Great. St. Gregory I., 590–605; Migne, patr. lat. 75–79.

Hesych. Hesychius, bishop of Jerusalem, died 609 [?]; cat. græc.

Hil. St. Hilary, bishop of Poitiers about 354; Migne, patr. lat. 9, 917–1078.

Hippol. St. Hippolytus, bishop of Portus about 220; Migne, patr. græc. 10.

Ign. St. Ignatius, bishop of Antioch, died about 107; edit. by Lightfoot, London, 1885; Funk, Tübing. 1878–1881; Zahn, Lips. 1876.

Iren. St. Irenæus, bishop of Lyons about 178; Migne, patr. græc. 7.

Isid. St. Isidore of Pelusium, about 412; cat. græc.

Jac. Edess. Jacob of Edessa, about 580.

Jac. Nis. St. Jacobus of Nisibis, about 320–340.

Jer. St. Jerome, about 378–420; he wrote his “commentariorum in evangelium Matthæi libros iv.” very hastily, following Orig. and Hil. quite closely; Migne, patr. lat. 26, 21–218.

Lyr. Nicolaus of Lyra, about 1320; his “postilla in universa biblia” must here be noted.

Mops. Theodore, bishop of Mopsuestia 399–428; cat. græc.; cf. Migne, patr. græc. 66.

Naz. See Greg. Naz.

Nic. Lyr. See Lyr.

Nyss. See Greg. Nyss.

op. imp. “opus imperfectum” consists of 53 homilies on part of the first gospel; formerly the work was found among those of Chrys., but the author must have been an Arian of the sixth or seventh century; Migne, patr. græc. 56, 611–946.

Orig. Origen, 185–354; only tt. x.–xvii. on Matthew xii. 36–xxiii. 53 are left in Greek; the comment. on the following part of the first gospel, up to xxviii. 13, is preserved in Latin; Migne, patr. græc. 13, 836–1800. Jer. relates that he read 25 vols. of Origen’s commentaries on Matthew, and as many homilies, together with his “commaticum interpretationis genus.”

Pasch. Radbert Paschase, a French monk, died about 865; Migne, patr. lat. 120.

Rab. Rabanus Maurus, 776–856; his “comment. in Matt. ll. octo” must here be mentioned; Migne, patr. lat. 107, 727–1156.

Rup. Rupertus, abbot, about 1130; his “de trinitate et operibus eius” as well as “in Matt. de gloria et honore filii hominis ll.13” deserve attention; Migne, patr. lat. 167, 1533 ff., 168, 1307 ff.

Sever. Severus of Antioch, sixth cent.; cat. græc.

Severian. Severianus, bishop in Syria about 400; cat. græc.

Tert. Tertullian, about 200; Migne, patr. lat. 1, 2; note especially his comment, on the Our Father.

Theod. her. Theodore of Heraclea, about 394; cat. græc.; his commentary is lost.

Theod. mops. See Mops.

Theodor. Theodoret, bishop of Cyrus 420–458; cat. græc.

Theoph. or Thph. Theophylact, archbishop in Bulgaria about 1071; his commentary is in a manner a synopsis of Chrys.; Migne, patr. græc. 123.

Theoph. ant. Theophilus of Antioch 170–182; his commentary is lost, but referred to by Jer.

Thom. St. Thomas of Aquin, died 1274; his “in Matthæum evangelistam expositio” and “catena aurea in Matthæum …” must here be noted.

Tost. Aphonsus Tostatus or Abulensis, died 1445; his 4 vols. fol. of “quæstiones” on the first gospel belong here.

Vict. Victorinus, referred to by Jer.

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