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The Glories Of Mary


Prayer to the most holy Mary to obtain paradise.

OH queen of paradise, who sittest above the
choirs of angels, nearest to God ; from this vale
of misery I, a miserable sinner, salute thee, and
pray thee to turn towards me those kind eyes of
thine, that dispense graces to all those they look
upon. See, oh Mary, in how much danger I
now find myself, and must find myself, while I
live on this earth, of losing my soul, paradise,
and God. In thee, oh Lady, I have placed all
hopes. I love thee, and long to come to thee,
see thee, and praise thee in paradise. Ah Mary,
when will the day come that I shall see myself
safe at thy feet, and shall behold the mother of
my Lord and my mother, who has been so
occupied with my salvation ? When shall I kiss
that hand which has so many times delivered
me from hell and bestowed on me so many
graces, when, by my sins, I merited to be hated
and abandoned by all ? Oh Lady, I have been
very ungrateful to thee in my life ; but if I come
to paradise I will be no more ungrateful. There
I will love thee as much as I can, every moment
through all eternity, and I will make amends for
my ingratitude by blessing thee and thanking
thee forever. Above all, I thank God who gives
me such confidence in the blood of Jesus Christ
and in thee ; namely, that thou wilt save me, that
thou wilt free me from my sins, and obtain for
me light and strenght to execute the divine will,
and finally conduct me to the port of paradise.
All this have thy servants hoped, and none have
been deceived. Neither shall I be deceived.
Mary, I wish nothing else ; thou must save me.
Pray thy Son Jesus, as I also pray him, through
the merits of his passion, to preserve in me, and
always more increase this confidence, and I shall
be saved.


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