CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
CATHOLIC SAINTS INDEX | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
CATHOLIC DICTIONARY | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
The Priest Goes To The Altar Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, Who, when Thy passion drew nigh, didst for me, a wretched sinner, fear and grow sad, grant that I may ever direct all my sorrows unto Thee, Who art the God of my heart; and Thou, O Lord, through Thy passion and sorrow, assist me to bear them with patience, that, by the merits of Thy sufferings, they may become profitable to my soul. Amen. The Priest Begins Mass Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, Who in Thy bitter agony in the Garden wast comforted by an Angel, grant, through the merits of Thy prayer, that when I pray, Thy holy angel may assist and comfort me. Amen. At The Confiteor Lord Jesus Christ, Who, praying in the garden unto Thy heavenly Father, in Thy agony, didst miraculously sweat blood from all Thy members, grant, that, by remembrance of Thy bitter passion, I may shed tears of sincere repentance now in Thy presence. Amen. The Priest Kisses The Altar Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst suffer Judas to betray Thee with a kiss, grant that I may never betray Thee in my neighbor or myself; nor ever return evil to my enemies, but the good offices of charity. Amen. The Priest Goes To The Epistle Side Of The Altar Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst submit to be bound by the hands of wicked men, break, I beseech Thee, the chain of my sins, and so tie me with the hands of charity and the cords of Thy commandments, that I may neither in thought, word, nor deed, offend Thee hereafter. Amen. At The Introit Lord Jesus Christ, Who wast brought as a criminal to Annas, by an armed band of wicked men, grant that I may never suffer myself to be led into sin by the evil suggestions of my fellow creatures, or the temptations of the wicked one, but that I may be safely guided by Thy Holy Spirit, to the fulfillment of Thy Divine will. Amen. At The Kyrie Eleison Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst suffer Thyself to be thrice denied by the prince of the Apostles in the house of Caipnas, preserve me, I beseech Thee, from evil company, that I may suffer all worldly losses, and even death itself, rather than deny Thee once. Amen At The Dominus Vobiscum Lord Jesus Christ, Who, mercifully looking back on St. Peter, didst cause him to weep bitterly for his offences, look on me, I beseech Thee, with Thine eyes of mercy, that I may with tears fully bewail my sins, and neither in word nor deed ever offend Thee, my Lord and my God. Amen. At The Epistle Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst submit to be brought before Pilate, and there falsely accused, teach me to avoid the snares of the wicked, and to profess my faith constantly by the performance of good works. Amen. At The Munda Cor Meum. Lord Jesus Christ, Who before Herod didst suffer for us sinners, grant that I may bear patiently the injuries inflicted on me, and learn from Thee, O my divine Master, to be meek and humble of heart. Amen. At the Gospel Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst submit to be sent back as a fool by Herod to Pilate, and by that means, cause a reconciliation between them, strengthen me by Thy grace, that I may not fear the designs of my enemies, but profit by being persecuted by them and imitate Thine example. Amen. At The Unveiling Of The Chalice. Lord Jesus Christ, Who wast despoiled of Thy garments, and stripped naked, and scourged, for my sake, grant me grace, by a sincere confession of my sins, to put off the old man with all his acts, and never to appear before Thee destitute of the virtues of a Christian. Amen. At The Offertory Lord Jesus Christ, Who for me wast pleased to be bound unto a pillar, and there cruelly scourged, give me grace willingly to bear the scourges of Thy paternal correction, and never more to grieve Thee by my sins. Amen. At The Covering Of The Chalice Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst for my sake submit to be cruelly crowned with thorns, pierce my heart so thoroughly with the thorns of penance, that I may deserve to be hereafter crowned by Thee in heaven. Amen. The Priest Washes His Fingers Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, Who though declared innocent by the Governor Pilate, didst hear, without opening Thy divine lips, the outcries of the Jews to crucify Thee, grant me grace to lead a holy life and not to be troubled by the opinions of men, to live innocently, and patiently to bear the malice of others. Amen. At The Orate Fratres Lord Jesus Christ, Who without murmuring voluntarily didst submit to the cruel mocking of the Jews, grant me grace faithfully to resist all emotions of vain glory, and on the day of judgment to appear before Thee in the sacred garb of humility. Amen. At The Preface. Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst, for my sake, vouchsafe to receive the sentence of death, even the death of the cross, grant that on account of Thy love I may not fear the sentence of the most cruel death that the perverted judgments of men can pronounce against me, nor ever perversely judge others. Amen. At The Memento For The Living Lord Jesus Christ, Who, for my salvation, didst carry on Thy shoulders Thy heavy cross, grant that I may ardently embrace the cross of mortification, and for the love of Thee, bear it daily after Thee. Amen. The Priest Holds His Hands Over The Chalice Lord Jesus Christ, Who in that painful journey to Calvary, didst so lovingly admonish the holy women that wept over Thee, to mourn for themselves, give me grace to shed tears of repentance, that with them I may wash off my sins, and become acceptable to Thy Divine Majesty. Amen. The Priest Signs The Oblation Lord, Jesus Christ, Who wast for my sake nailed to the cross, and didst fasten thereto the handwriting of sin and death that was against me, pierce, I beseech Thee, my body with Thy holy fear, that, firmly adhering to Thy precepts, I may for ever be with Thee fastened to Thy cross.. Amen. The Elevation Of The Host Lord Jesus Christ, Who, for love of me, wast pleased to be elevated on the cross and exalted above the earth, detach my heart, I beseech Thee, from all earthly affections, that my soul may always live in the contemplation of heavenly things. Amen. At The Elevation Of The Chalice Lord Jesus Christ, Thy saving wounds are the fountain of grace for us; grant that through the merits of Thy precious blood our hearts may be purified from all impure thoughts and affections, and that it may prove a remedy for my sins. Amen. At The Memento For The Dead Lord Jesus Christ, Who, hanging on the cross, didst implore Thy heavenly Father for all mankind, even Thy crucifiers, give me, I beseech Thee, the grace of humility and patience, that, according to Thy precepts and example, I may love my enemies, and do good to those who hate me. Amen. At The Nobis Quoque Pecatoribus Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst so mercifully promise heaven to the penitent thief who humbly acknowledged his injustice, behold me, I beseech Thee, with the same eyes of mercy, that, now confessing my crimes, I may obtain pardon, and at the end of my life be strengthened with the hope to be with Thee in Heaven. Amen. At The Little Elevation Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst endure such thirst for my sake, grant me grace to bear patiently for Thy sake all earthly privations, and to hunger and thirst for Thy heavenly kingdom, and here below for Thy Word and Thy precious Body and Blood. Amen. At The Pater Noster Lord Jesus Christ, who from the cross didst recommend Thy Blessed Mother to the Beloved disciple, and the disciple to Thy Mother I beseech Thee to receive me and protect me amidst all the troubles of this life. Amen At The Breaking of the Host Lord Jesus Christ, Who, for my sake, dying on the cross, didst commend Thy soul unto Thy Father, grant that, in this life, I may spiritually die with Thee, and in the hour of my death confide my soul unto Thee, Who livest and reignest God, world without end. Amen The Priest Puts Part Of The Host Into The Chalice Lord Jesus Christ, Who, after Thy glorious victory over the power of the devil, didst descend into Limbo, to liberate the souls imprisoned there, apply, I beseech Thee, the virtue of Thy most precious Blood and passion to the faithful souls in Purgatory, that they may be received into the joys of Thy kingdom. Amen. At The Agnus Dei Lord Jesus Christ, the meditation on Thy torments has excited many to repentance; I beseech Thee, through the efficacy of Thy most bitter passion and death, grant me perfect contrition for the offences of my past life, and grace to avoid sin in future. Amen At The Communion Lord Jesus Christ, Who wast pleased to be buried in a new monument, give me, O Lord my God, a new heart, that, dying in Thee, I may happily participate in the glory of Thy resurrection. Amen. At The Ablution Lord Jesus Christ, Who for me, miserable sinner, wast by Joseph and Nicodemus embalmed with spices, and wrapped in white linen, grant me worthily to receive from Thy holy Altar Thy true and living Body in the holy Eucharist, and for ever entertain it in a true heart. Amen. After Communion Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst rise triumphant out of a sealed monument, grant me grace to rise from the bondage of sin, to walk in newness of life, that when Thou, Who art my Judge, shalt appear, I may also be worthy to appear with Thee in glory. Amen. At The Dominus Vobiscum Lord Jesus Christ, Who, after Thy resurrection, didst manifest Thyself to Thy beloved mother and disciples, to their great joy and consolation, mercifully grant me the grace, that, after this mortal life, I may with them rejoice in Thy heavenly kingdom, enjoying Thy presence for ever. Amen At The Last Collect. Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst vouchsafe, after Thy resurrection, to converse forty days with Thy disciples, and instruct them in all the mysteries of faith, teach me, I beseech Thee, the knowledge of those divine truths and strengthen my belief in them, according to Thy doctrine, and never to swerve in the least from Thy will. Amen At The Last Dominus Vobiscum Lord Jesus Christ, Who, after the term of forty days, didst ascend glorious and immortal into heaven, in the presence of Thy disciples, grant that my heart may, for Thy love, loathe all earthly things: attend only unto things eternal and pant, hunger and thirst, after Thee, as the first and best of all blessings. Amen. At the Gospel of St. John Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst send the Holy Ghost upon Thy disciples, while they were engaged in prayer, cleanse, I beseech Thee, my heart from all sin, that the same Holy Ghost may always dwell in it by His manifold gifts, and my soul be everlastingly comforted. Amen. |
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