"With desolation is all the land made desolate because there is none that considereth in his heart." — Jeremiah xii, 11.
Oh, how long, how immense, how happy, or how miserable will be
Mortal men, endowed with immortal souls! study, meditate, and weigh well this great word:
Oh, Eternity, how far thou art from the thoughts of men! how seldom do men reflect on thee,
Oh, Eternity! What shall I say of thee? How shall I say it? Who can fully understand the meaning of this word,
I think of a thousand years—of a hundred times a thousand years—of a hundred millions of times a thousand years—I fancy to myself as many millions of years as there are leaves in the forest, blades of grass on the earth, grains of sand on the seashore, drops of water in the ocean, atoms in the air, and stars in the firmament, and still I have not yet begun to express the meaning of this word:
Oh, Eternity of bliss! Who would not long for thee! Oh, Eternity of woe! Who would not fear thee! What would I say! I cannot express, I cannot even conceive it. As long as God shall be God, Heaven will last. As long as God shall be God, hell will endure. But how long will that Be? Forever and forever, for
Pleasures pass away; the punishments of pleasure will be eternal. Afflictions pass away; their recompense will last for all Eternity. Choose, then, the joys of a moment, and the sufferings of a moment and the joys of Eternity. Eternity depends on death, death on life, life on a moment, and on that moment depends:
Oh my God, I present myself before Thee, with a heartfelt sorrow for my sins. I humbly adore Thee; I believe in Thee and Thy Holy Catholic Church, and in Eternity. I hope in Thee, and, through Thy goodness, I hope for a happy Eternity. I love Thee with my whole heart, and for Eternity. I submit myself to whatever Thou shalt ordain concerning me; "here cut, here burn, but spare me in eternity." Grant me, O Almighty and merciful God, the grace I stand in need of to serve Thee faithfully during life, and to possess Thee in Eternity. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
"ln Thee, O Lord, have I hoped; let me never be confounded."
Sorrowful Mother Mary, pray for me now and at the hour of my death. Amen.