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Historical Sketches: Volumes 1 To 3 -Blessed John Henry Newman

(The dates are, for the most part, according to Tillemont.)


132. St. Justin converted, p. 94.

166. Flight of St. Polycarp from persecution, p. 130.

211. Tertullian writes his treatise against flight in persecution, p. 132.

250. Flight of St. Cyprian, St. Gregory of Neocæsarea, and St. Dionysius, in the Dacian persecution, pp. 129, 130.

251. St. Antony born, pp. 99, 154; Novatian, schismatic, p. 78.

253. Origen dies, p. 99.

255. Manichæus, heretic, p. 143.

260. St. Dionysius, Pope, p. 42.

270. St. Antony adopts the solitary life, p. 103.

285. St. Antony retires into the desert, p. 103.

304. St. Macrina and her husband in the woods in Pontus, in the Dioclesian persecution, p. 17.

305. St. Antony begins to have disciples, p. 117.

306. Meletian schism in Egypt, p. 121.

316. St. Martin born in Pannonia, p. 186.

320. The forty Martyrs of Sebaste in the Licinian persecution, p. 58.

325. The first General Council at Nicæa; Arius condemned, pp. 4, 76.

326. St. Athanasius Bishop of Alexandria, pp. 4, 40, 97, 154

329. St. Gregory and St. Basil born, pp. 27, 51; Gregory, the father, made Bishop of Nazianzus, p. 51.

331. St. Martin enlists in the army, p. 187.

336. St. Martin leaves the army, p. 187.

338. Eusebius of Nicomedia usurps the see of Constantinople, p. 78.

340. St. Macrina, grandmother to St. Basil, dies, pp. 22, 38.

341. Macedonius usurps the see of Constantinople, p. 78.

347. St. Chrysostom born, p. 99.

349. Basil, St. Basil’s father, dies, p. 18; St. Emmelia and St. Macrina (junior) retire from the world, p. 18.

350. St. Basil and St. Gregory at Athens, p. 52; St. Martin goes to St. Hilary, pp. 187, 8; St. Paul of Constantinople martyred by the Arians, p. 78.

354. St. Augustine born, p. 99; Eustathius, Bishop of Sebaste, p. 20.

355. St. Antony supports St. Athanasius, pp. 6, 121; St. Basil leaves Athens, P. 54.

356. St. Gregory leaves Athens, p. 54; St. Antony dies, pp. 5, 99; St. Martin retires to Milan, p. 188; St. Hilary is banished to the East, p. 188; St. Basil teaches rhetoric at Cæsarea, p. 58; alludes to Apollinaris, p. 32; retires from the world, pp. 5, 56.

357. Naucratius, St. Basil’s brother, drowned, p. 18; St. Basil goes into Syria, etc., pp. 21, 38, 58; St. Athanasius writes in defence of his flight, p. 130.

358. St. Basil retires into Pontus, pp. 5, 57; his chants, pp. 61, 64, 65.

359. Council of Ariminum, pp. 4, 51.

360. St. Martin establishes his monastery at Poictiers, p. 188; Eudoxiususurps the see of Constantinople, p. 78; St. Basil separates from Dianius, p. 4; the monks of Nazianzus separate from St. Gregory’s father, pp. 51, 2.

361. St. Meletius, Bishop of Antioch, pp. 16, 31, 41, 47; Constantius dies, p. 40.

362. St. Gregory ordained priest, pp. 71, 82; St. Basil returns to Cæsarea, and is ordained priest, p. 5; Macedonius, heresiarch, pp. 40, 78.

363. Athanasius of Ancyra conforms, p. 32; Julian shuts up the Christian schools, p. 153.

364. St. Athanasius writes the life of St. Antony, pp. 97, 154; St. Gregory reconciles the monks of Nazianzus to his father, pp. 52, 70.

366. St. Damasus made Pope, p. 42; St. Gregory reconciles St. Basil to his bishop, pp. 6, 65; the Eunomians, pp. 6, 78.

367. Persecution under Valens, pp. 9, 30, 78.

369. Cæsarius dies, and St. Basil assists St. Gregory in securing his property, p. 66.

370. Eudoxius, Arian Bishop of Constantinople, dies, p. 78; eighty Catholic clergy burnt at sea, pp. 78, 84; St. Basil raised to the see of Cæsarea, pp. 9, 66.

371. St. Basil writes to St. Athanasius, p. 40; he resists Valens and Modestus, p. 9, etc.; slandered by a monk of Nazianzus, p. 67; Patricius, Augustine’s father, dies a Christian, p. 158.

372. St. Martin elected Bishop of Tours, p. 188; St. Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, p. 18; dispute between St. Basil and Anthimus, p. 69; St. Gregory made Bishop of Sasima, p. 70; complains of St. Basil, p. 72.

373. Augustine joins the Manichees, p. 143; St. Basil falls ill, p. 14; proposes to send St. Gregory of Nyssa to Rome, p. 44; St. Athanasius dies [al. A.D. 371], p. 40.

374. St. Gregory’s father dies, p. 73; St. Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium, pp. 12, 15; Probus makes his speech to St. Ambrose, pp. 168; St. Ambrose elected Bishop of Milan, p. 188; Marcellus, accused of Sabellianism, dies, p. 79.

375. St. Basil goes into Pisidia and Pontus, p. 16; enters a protest against Eustathius, p. 20; complains of St. Damasus, p. 45.

376. Demophilus, Arian Bishop of Constantinople, p. 79; Augustine teaches rhetoric at Carthage, p. 147.

377. St. Meletius and St. Eusebius pp. 14, 31; in ill-esteem at Rome, pp. 45, 47; Apollinaris, heretic, p. 32.

379. Death of St. Basil, pp. 26, 75; accession of Theodosius, p. 76; St. Gregory goes to Constantinople, p. 79.

380. Theodosius declares for the Church, p. 78; St. Peter, Bishop of Sebaste, p. 18.

381. Priscillian made Bishop of Avila, p. 195; Second General Council held at Constantinople, pp. 79, 83.

382. St. Gregory retires to Asia, pp. 75, 79; pronounces oration in praise of St. Basil, pp. 73, 75; passes Lent without speaking, p. 86.

383. Maximus assumes the purple; Gratian killed, p. 192; Augustine goes to Rome, p. 147.

384. St. Martin, at Treves, is courted by Maximus and his empress, p. 194; Augustine goes to Milan, pp. 147; Council of Bordeaux, p. 196; Priscillian, heretic, executed, p. 197.

386. St. Martin’s second visit to Treves; he communicates with the Ithacians, p. 198; etc.; Augustine converted, p. 157, etc.

387. Augustine baptized by St. Ambrose, p. 159; St. Monica dies, p. 158.

388. St. Augustine settles at Thagaste, p. 159.

389. St. Gregory Nazianzen dies, p. 93; Ithacius deposed and banished, p. 198; St. Augustine ordained priest at Hippo, p. 160.

390. Council of Milan against the Ithacians, p. 198.

392. Sulpicius Severus introduced to St. Martin, p. 186.

395. St. Augustine consecrated coadjutor to Valerius, p. 161.

396. Sulpicius writes the life of St. Martin, p. 186.

397. St. Martin dies, p. 203.

398. St. Augustine writes his Confessions, p. 145, etc.; Council of Turin, p. 198.

403. St. Chrysostom in persecution, p. 169.

405. Sulpicius writes his Dialogues, p. 204, etc.; Pelagius commences his heresy, p. 179.

410. Rome taken by Alaric, August 24th, p. 168.

411. St. Augustine writes to Proba, p. 169.

413. Demetrias devotes herself to religion, p. 172, etc.

414. St. Jerome writes to Demetrias, p. 179; Pelagius writes to Demetrias, p. 180.

417. St. Augustine and St. Alypius write to Juliana, p. 180; Pope Zozimus for a while baffled by Pelagius, p. 180.

418. Sulpicius deceived by the Pelagians, p. 202.

420. St. Jerome dies, p. 173.

428. The Vandals cross to Africa, p. 128; St. Augustine writes to Honoratus, p. 134.

430. Treatise of unknown author addressed to Demetrias, p. 183; the Vandals besiege Hippo, p. 139; death of St. Augustine, p. 140.

431. Third General Council, held at Ephesus, p. 129.

440. St. Leo elected Pope, p. 184.

455. Sack of Rome by Genseric, p. 183.

456. Demetrias builds the church of St. Stephen, p. 184.

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