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A History Of The Church In Five Books by Theodoret

THE remains of the great teacher were, some time after, removed to the imperial city. A great multitude of the faithful crowded the sea in ships, and lighted up part of the Bosphorus near the mouth of the Propontis, with torches. These treasures were brought to the city by the present emperor, who bears the name of his father, and who zealously maintains his pious principles. He laid his face upon the coffin, and entreated that his parents might be forgiven for having so unadvisedly persecuted the bishop. He had, by the death of his parents, been left an orphan at a very early age. But God took him under his own protection, and had him brought up in the knowledge of piety, while He preserved the empire from all seditions, and repressed the projects of usurpers. These mercies are ever present to his remembrance; and he is always ready to celebrate the praises of his Benefactor. In offering up these praises he is joined by his sisters, who have vowed perpetual virginity, and whose highest delight consists in meditating upon the holy Scriptures; the wants of the poor they regard as their treasure. The emperor is adorned with many excellent qualities; among which may be mentioned his philanthropy and mildness, his placidity of mind which can be ruffled by no tempests, and his sincere and stedfast faith. This will be clearly proved by the following narrative.

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