Sacred Signs by Romano Guardini
WHEN we cross ourselves, let it be with a real
sign of the cross.
Instead of a small cramped gesture that gives
no notion of its
meaning, let us make a large unhurried sign,
from forehead to
breast, from shoulder to shoulder, consciously
feeling how it
includes the whole of us, our thoughts, our
attitudes, our body
and soul, every part of us at once. how it
consecrates and
sanctifies us.
It does so because it is the Sign of the
universe and the sign of
our redemption. On the cross Christ redeemed
mankind. By the
cross he sanctifies man to the last shred and
fibre of his being.
We make the sign of the cross before we pray
to collect and
compose ourselves and to fix our minds and
hearts and wills upon
God. We make it when we finish praying in
order that we may hold
fast the gift we have received from God. In
temptations we sign
ourselves to be strengthened; in dangers, to
be protected. The
cross is signed upon us in blessings in order
that the fulness of
God's life may flow into the soul and fructify
and sanctify us
Think of these things when you make the sign
of the cross. It is
the holiest of all signs. Make a large cross,
taking time,
thinking what you do. Let it take in your
whole being,--body,
soul, mind, will, thoughts, feelings, your
doing and not-doing,--
and by signing it with the cross strengthen
and consecrate the
whole in the strength of Christ, in the name
of the triune God.
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