Sacred Signs by Romano Guardini
Evening also has its mystery. The mystery of
evening is death.
The day draws to a close and we make ready to
enter the silence
of sleep. The vigour which came with the
morning has by evening
run down, and what we seek then is rest. The
secret note of death
is sounded; and though our imaginations may be
too crowded with
the day's doings or too intent on tomorrow's
plans for us to hear
it distinctly, some perception of it, however
remote, does reach
us. And there are evenings when we have very
much the feeling
that life is drawing on to the long night
"wherein no man can
What matters is to have a right understanding
of what death
means. Dying is more than the end of life.
Death is the last
summons that life serves on us. Dying is the
final, the all-
decisive act. With individuals as with nations
the events that
precede extinction in themselves conclude and
settle nothing.
After the thing has happened, it remains to be
determined, by
nations as by individuals, what is to be made
of it, how it is to
be regarded. The past event is neither good
nor evil; in itself
it i; nothing. It is the face we put upon it,
our way of viewing
it, that makes it what it is. A great
calamity, let us say, has
overtaken a nation. The event has happened,
but it is not over
with. The nation may give way to despair. It
may also think the
matter through again, rejudge it; and make a
fresh start. Not
until we have decided how to take it is the
event, long past
though it may be, completed. The deep
significance of death is
that it is the final sentence a man passes on
his whole life. It
is the definite character he stamps upon it.
When he comes to die
a man must decide whether he will or will not
once more take his
whole life in hand, be sorry for all he has
done amiss, and
plunge and recast it in the burning heat of
repentence, give God
humble thanks for what was well done, (to him
be the honor!) and
cast the whole upon God in entire abandonment.
Or he may give way
to despondency and weakly and ignobly let life
slip from him. In
this case life comes to no conclusion; it
merely, without shape
or character, ceases to be.
The high "art of dying" is to accept
the life that is leaving us,
and by a single act of affirmation put it into
God's hands.
Each evening we should practice this high art
of giving life an
effectual conclusion by reshaping the past and
impressing it with
a final validity and an eternal character. The
evening hour is
the hour of completion. We stand then before
God with a
premonition of the day on which we shall stand
before him face to
face and give in our final reckoning. We have
a sense of the past
being past, with its good and evil, its losses
and waste. We
place ourselves before God to whom all time,
past or future, is
the living present, before God who is able to
restore to the
penitent even what is lost. We think back over
the day gone by.
What was not well done contrition seizes upon
and thinks anew.
For what was well done we give God humble
thanks, sincerely
taking no credit to ourselves. What we are
uncertain about, or
failed to accomplish, the whole sorry remnant,
we sink in entire
abandonment into God's all powerful love.
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