Sacred Signs by Romano Guardini
ONE morning I had climbed a high hill and was
turning around to
go back. Below me, in the early light, ringed
around with the
silent hills, lay the lake, crystal clear.
Great green trees
bordered it with their nobly-sweeping boughs.
The sky was high
and spacious. The whole scene was so fresh, so
clear, that a
feeling of joy took possession of me. It was
as if invisible
noiseless fountains were shooting up into the
bright, far,
Then I came to understand how a man, whose
heart is overflowing,
may stand with uplifted face, and hands
outspread like the
shallow dish of the paten, and offer up to the
Infinite Goodness,
to the Father of lights, to God, who is love,
the world around
him and within him, the silent world brimming
over with life and
light, and how it would seem to him that that
world, lifted up on
the paten of his open hands, would be clean
and holy.
Thus did Christ once stand on the spiritual
mount and offer up to
his Father the holocaust of his love and his
life's breath. On a
lower eminence of that same mountain, on the
foothill of Mount
Moriah, Abraham performed his sacrifice. And
in the same spot
before this the King and Priest Melchisidech
had made expiation.
In the self-same place, in the first age of
the world, Abel's
simple offering rose straight up to heaven.
That spiritual mountain still rises, and the
hand of God is still
stretched out above, and the gift mounts up
every time a priest--
not in his own person, since he is merely the
instrument, of no
value in itself,--stands at the altar and
raises in his outspread
hands the paten with the white bread on it.
"Receive, O Holy
Father, almighty, everlasting God, this
spotless victim, which I,
thine unworthy servant, offer to thee, O God,
living and true,
for all my countless sins and negligences, and
for all those here
present...that it may avail for my and their
salvation into life
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