Sacred Signs by Romano Guardini
MANY and various are the forces that actuate a
human being. Man
has the power to embrace the whole world of
nature, its stars,
mountains, seas and great rivers, its trees
and animals, and the
human world in which he finds himself, and by
love and
appreciation to draw it all into his own inner
world. He has the
power of love, the power also of hate and
repulsion. He can
oppose and repudiate his surroundings or
refashion them after his
own mind. Impulses of pleasure, desire, trust,
love, calmness,
excitement course through his heart in
multitudinous waves.
But of all his powers man possesses none
nobler than his ability
to recognize that there is a being higher than
his own, and to
bind himself to the honor of this Higher
Being. Man has the power
to know God, to worship him, and devote
himself to him in order
"that God may be glorified."
But if the majesty of God is to illuminate him
wholly, if he is
so to adore the Divine Majesty as to free
himself from his
persistent self-seeking,--if he is to slip out
of himself and go
beyond himself and so attain to a worship of
God that is for
God's glory only,--then he must exert a still
higher power.
In the still depths of man's being there is a
region of calm
light, and there he exercises the soul's
deepest power, and sends
up sacrifice to God.
The external representation of this region of
central calm and
strength is the altar.
The altar occupies the holiest spot in the
church. The church has
itself been set apart from the world of human
work, and the altar
is elevated above the rest of the church in a
spot as remote and
separate as the sanctuary of the soul. The
solid base it is set
on is like the human will that knows that God
has instituted man
for his worship and is determined to perform
that worship
faithfully. The table of the altar that rests
upon this base
stands open and accessible for the
presentation of sacrifice. It
is not in a dark recess where the actions may
be dimly glimpsed,
but uncurtained, unscreened, a level surface
in plain sight,
placed, as the heart's altar should be placed,
open in the sight
of God without proviso or reservation.
The two altars, the one without and the one
within, belong
inseparably together. The visible altar at the
heart of the
church is but the external representation of
the altar at the
centre of the human breast, which is God's
temple, of which the
church with its walls and arches is but the
expression and
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