Sacred Signs by Romano Guardini
THE heart's deepest need makes us long for
union with God. Two
paths lead to this union, two separate paths,
though they end at
the same goal. The first is the path of
knowledge and love. This
path our own souls point out to us. The other
we know only
because Christ has shown it to us.
The act of knowing is an act of union. By
knowledge we penetrate
the nature of an object and make the object
our own. We mentally
absorb it, and it becomes part and parcel of
ourselves. Love is
also an act of union, of union, and not merely
of the desire of
union. It is an actual union, for so much of a
thing as we love
that much belongs to us. Since there are more
ways than one of
loving, we call this kind "spiritual"
love. But the word is not
quite right, since it also applies to the
other mode of union by
the second path I spoke of. The difference is
that while this
first instinctive kind of love effects a
union, it does not, as
the other does, join being with being. It is
union by conscious
knowledge and willed intention.
Does any material form exist that provides a
likeness for such a
union? There does; the very wonderful one of
light and heat.
Our eyes, without approaching or touching it,
see and take in the
candle flame. Eyes and candle remain where
they were, and yet a
union is effected. It is not a union of
mingling and absorption,
but the chaste and reverent union of the soul
with God by
knowledge. Since, as Scripture says, God is
truth, and since
whoever knows the truth, mentally possesses
it, so by right
knowledge of him our minds possess God. God is
present in the
intellect whose thoughts of him are true. This
is what is meant
by "knowing God," To know God is to
be one with him as the eye
becomes one with the candle flame by looking
at it.
But the light of the candle flame cannot be
separated from its
heat. Though again the candle remains where it
was, we feel on
our cheek or the back of our hand a radiating
This union of heat is a likeness for the union
between us and the
Divine Flame by love. God is good. Whoever
loves the good
possesses it spiritually, for the good becomes
ours by our loving
it. Just so much of goodness as we love, just
that much do we
possess. "God," as Saint John tells
us, "is love. And he that
abideth in love abideth in God, and God in
him." To know, to love
God, is to be one with him; and our eternal
beatitude will
consist in looking upon God and loving him.
Looking, loving, does
not mean that we stand hungering in his
presence, but that to our
innermost depths we are filled and satisfied.
Flame, which is a figure for the soul, is also
a figure for the
living God; for "God is light and in him
there is no darkness."
As the flame radiates light so God radiates
truth, and the soul
by receiving truth is united with God, as our
eyes by seeing its
light are united with the flame. And, as the
flame radiates heat,
so does God radiate the warmth of goodness;
and as the hand and
the cheek by perceiving the warmth become one
with the flame, so
whoever loves God becomes one with him in
goodness. But also,
just as the candle remains free and disengaged
in its place, so
does God abide unmoved "dwelling in
unapproachable light."
Flame, emitting light, emitting heat, is an
image to us of the
living God.
All this comes very much home to us on Holy
Saturday when the
Easter candle, which symbolizes Christ; is
lighted. Three times,
each time in a higher tone, the deacon sings
"Lumen Christi," and
then lights the Pascal candle. At once every
lamp and candle in
the church is lighted from it, and the whole
building is alight
and aglow with the radiance and warmth of
God's presence.
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