Sacred Signs by Romano Guardini
WATER is a mysterious thing. It is so clear
and frictionless, so
"modest," as St. Francis called it.
It hardly pretends to any
character of its own. It seems to have no
other end or object
than to be of service, to cleanse what is
soiled and to refresh
what is dry.
But at some time you must have gazed down into
the still depths
of a great body of water, and felt it tugging
to draw you in, and
have got a glimpse of the strange and secret
thing water is, and
of the marvels, terrors and enticements that
lurk in its depths.
Or, at another time when it was whipped to a
boiling torrent by a
storm, you have heard it rushing and roaring,
rushing and
roaring, and watched the sucking vortex of a
whirlpool and felt a
force so grim and dreary that you had to tear
your thoughts away.
It is indeed a strange element. On the one
hand smooth and
transparent, as if it hardly existed in its
own right, ready at
hand to wash away dirt and satisfy thirst; and
on the other a
restless, foundationless, enigmatic force that
entices us on to
destruction. It is a proper image for the
secret ground-source
from which life issues and back into which
death recalls it. It
is an apt image for this life of ours that
looks so clear and is
so inexplicable.
It is plain why the church uses water as the
sign and the bearer
of the divine life of grace. We emerge from
the waters of baptism
into a new life, born again of water and the
Holy Ghost. In those
same waters the old man was destroyed and put
to death.
With this elemental element, that yields no
answer to our
questioning, with this transparent,
frictionless, fecund fluid,
this symbol and means of the supernatural life
of grace, we make
on ourselves, from forehead to breast, from
shoulder to shoulder,
the sign of the cross.
By her consecration of it, the Church has
freed water from the
dark powers that sleep in it. This is not a
form of language.
Anyone whose perceptions have not been blunted
must be aware of
the powers of natural magic inherent in water.
And are they only
natural powers? Is there not present also a
dark and
preternatural power? In nature, for all her
richness and beauty,
there is something demonic. City life has so
deadened our senses
that we have lost our perception of it. But
the Church knows it
is there. She "exorcises" out of
water those divinities that are
at enmity with God. She blesses it and asks
God to make of it a
vehicle of his grace. Therefore the Christian
when he enters
church moistens forehead, breast and
shoulders, all his person,
with the clean and cleansing water in order to
make clean his
soul. It is a pleasing custom that brings
grace and nature freed
from sin, and man, who so longs for cleanness,
into the unity of
the sign of the cross.
At evening also we sign ourselves in holy
water. Night, as the
proverb says, is no friend to man. Our human
nature is formed and
fashioned for light. Just before we give
ourselves over into the
power of sleep and darkness, and the light of
day and
consciousness is extinguished, there is a
satisfaction in making
the sign of the cross on ourselves with holy
water. Holy water is
the symbol of nature set free from sin. May
God protect us from
every form of darkness! And at morning, when
we emerge again out
of sleep, darkness and unconsciousness, and
life begins afresh,
we do the same thing. But in the morning it is
to remind
ourselves of that holy water from which we
have issued into the
light of Christ. The soul redeemed and nature
redeemed encounter
one another in the sign of the cross.
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