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Fathers Of The Church
Catholic Edition

Fathers of the Second Century: Hermas, Tatian, Athenagoras, Theophilus, and Clement of Alexandria (Entire)





Book First --Visions

Book Second --Commandments

Book Third --Similitudes


Tatian’s Address to the Greeks



Book I

Book II

Book III


A Plea For the Christians

The Treatise of Athenagoras


Exhortation to the Heathen

The Instructor

The Stromata, or Miscellanies

Clemens Alexandrinus on the Salvation of the Rich Man


Book First

Vision First
Against Filthy and Proud Thoughts, and the Carelessness of Hermas in Chastising His Sons

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Vision Second
Again, of His Neglect in Chastising His Talkative Wife and His Lustful Sons, and of His Character

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Vision Third
Concerning the Building of the Triumphant Church, and the Various Classes of Reprobate Men

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Chap. V

Chap. VI

Chap. VII

Chap. VIII

Chap. IX

Chap. X

Chap. XI

Chap. XII

Chap. XIII

Vision Fourth
Concerning the Trial and Tribulation that are to Come Upon Men

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Book Second

Commandment First
On Faith in God

Commandment Second
On Avoiding Evil-Speaking, and on Giving Alms in Simplicity

Commandment Third
On Avoiding Falsehood, and on the Repentance of Hermas for His Dissimulation

Commandment Fourth
On Putting One’s Wife Away for Adultery

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Commandment Fifth
Of Sadness of Heart, and of Patience

Chap. I

Chap. II

Commandment Sixth
How to Recognise the Two Spirits Attendant on Each Man, and How to Distinguish the Suggestions of the One from Those of the Other

Chap. I

Chap. II

Commandment Seventh
On Fearing God, and Not Fearing the Devil

Commandment Eighth
We Ought to Shun that Which is Evil, and Do that Which is Good

Commandment Ninth
Prayer Must Be Made to God Without Ceasing, and with Unwavering Confidence

Commandment Tenth
Of Grief, and Not Grieving the Spirit of God Which is in Us

Chap. I

Chap. II

Commandment Eleventh
The Spirit and Prophets to Be Tried by Their Works; Also of the Two Kinds of Spirit

Commandment Twelfth
On the Twofold Desire. The Commandments of God Can Be Kept, and Believers Ought Not to Fear the Devil

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Chap. V

Chap. VI

Book Third

Similitude First
As in This World We Have No Abiding City, We Ought to Seek One to Come

Similitude Second
As the Vine is Supported by the Elm, So is the Rich Man Helped by the Prayer of the Poor

Similitude Third
As in Winter Green Trees Cannot Be Distinguished from Withered, So in This World Neither Can the Just from the Unjust

Similitude Fourth
As in Summer Living Trees are Distinguished from Withered by Fruit and Living Leaves, So in the World to Come the Just Differ from the Unjust in Happiness

Similitude Fifth
Of True Fasting and Its Reward: Also of Purity of Body

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Chap. V

Chap. VI

Chap. VII

Similitude Sixth
Of the Two Classes of Voluptuous Men, and of Their Death, Falling Away, and the Duration of Their Punishment

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Chap. V

Similitude Seventh
They Who Repent Must Bring Forth Fruits Worthy of Repentance

Similitude Eighth
The Sins of the Elect and of the Penitent are of Many Kinds, But All Will Be Rewarded According to the Measure of Their Repentance and Good Works

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Chap. V

Chap. VI

Chap. VII

Chap. VIII

Chap. IX

Chap. X

Chap. XI

Similitude Ninth
The Great Mysteries in the Building of the Militant and Triumphant Church

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Chap. V

Chap. VI

Chap. VII

Chap. VIII

Chap. IX

Chap. X

Chap. XI

Chap. XII

Chap. XIII

Chap. XIV

Chap. XV

Chap. XVI

Chap. XVII


Chap. XIX

Chap. XX

Chap. XXI

Chap. XXII


Chap. XXIV

Chap. XXV

Chap. XXVI



Chap. XXIX

Chap. XXX

Chap. XXXI



Similitude Tenth
Concerning Repentance and Alms-Giving

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV


Address of Tatian to the Greeks

Chapter I
The Greeks Claim, Without Reason, the Invention of the Arts

Chapter II
The Vices and Errors of the Philosophers

Chapter III
Ridicule of the Philosophers

Chapter IV
The Christians Worship God Alone

Chapter V
The Doctrine of the Christians as to the Creation of the World

Chapter VI
Christians’ Belief in the Resurrection

Chapter VII
Concerning the Fall of Man

Chapter VIII
The Demons Sin Among Mankind

Chapter IX
They Give Rise to Superstitions

Chapter X
Ridicule of the Heathen Divinities

Chapter XI
The Sin of Men Due Not to Fate, But to Free-Will

Chapter XII
The Two Kinds of Spirits

Chapter XIII
Theory of the Soul’s Immortality

Chapter XIV
The Demons Shall Be Punished More Severely Than Men

Chapter XV
Necessity of a Union with the Holy Spirit

Chapter XVI
Vain Display of Power by the Demons

Chapter XVII
They Falsely Promise Health to Their Votaries

Chapter XVIII
They Deceive, Instead of Healing

Chapter XIX
Depravity Lies at the Bottom of Demon-Worship

Chapter XX
Thanks are Ever Due to God

Chapter XXI
Doctrines of the Christians and Greeks Respecting God Compared

Chapter XXII
Ridicule of the Solemnities of the Greeks

Chapter XXIII
Of the Pugilists and Gladiators

Chapter XXIV
Of the Other Public Amusements

Chapter XXV
Boastings and Quarrels of the Philosophers

Chapter XXVI
Ridicule of the Studies of the Greeks

Chapter XXVII
The Christians are Hated Unjustly

Chapter XXVIII
Condemnation of the Greek Legislation

Chapter XXIX
Account of Tatian’s Conversion

Chapter XXX
How He Resolved to Resist the Devil

Chapter XXXI
The Philosophy of the Christians More Ancient Than that of the Greeks

Chapter XXXII
The Doctrine of the Christians, is Opposed to Dissensions, and Fitted for All

Chapter XXXIII
Vindication of Christian Women

Chapter XXXIV
Ridicule of the Statues Erected by the Greeks

Chapter XXXV
Tatian Speaks as an Eye-Witness

Chapter XXXVI
Testimony of the Chaldeans to the Antiquity of Moses

Chapter XXXVII
Testimony of the Phoenicians

The Egyptians Place Moses in the Reign of Inachus

Chapter XXXIX
Catalogue of the Argive Kings

Chapter XL
Moses More Ancient and Credible Than the Heathen Heroes

Chapter XLI

Chapter XLII
Concluding Statement as to the Author















Book I

Chapter I
Autolycus an Idolater and Scorner of Christians

Chapter II
That the Eyes of the Soul Must Be Purged Ere God Can Be Seen

Chapter III
Nature of God

Chapter IV
Attributes of God

Chapter V
The Invisible God Perceived Through His Works

Chapter VI
God is Known by His Works

Chapter VII
We Shall See God When We Put on Immortality

Chapter VIII
Faith Required in All Matters

Chapter IX
Immoralities of the Gods

Chapter X
Absurdities of Idolatry

Chapter XI
The King to Be Honoured, God to Be Worshipped

Chapter XII
Meaning of the Name Christian

Chapter XIII
The Resurrection Proved by Examples

Chapter XIV
Theophilus an Example of Conversion

Book II

Chapter I
Occasion of Writing This Book

Chapter II
The Gods are Despised When They are Made; But Become Valuable When Bought

Chapter III
What Has Become of the Gods?

Chapter IV
Absurd Opinions of the Philosophers Concerning God

Chapter V
Opinions of Homer and Hesiod Concerning the Gods

Chapter VI
Hesiod on the Origin of the World

Chapter VII
Fabulous Heathen Genealogies

Chapter VIII
Opinions Concerning Providence

Chapter IX
The Prophets Inspired by the Holy Ghost

Chapter X
The World Created by God Through the Word

Chapter XI
The Six Days’ Work Described

Chapter XII
The Glory of the Six Days’ Work

Chapter XIII
Remarks on the Creation of the World

Chapter XIV
The World Compared to the Sea

Chapter XV
Of the Fourth Day

Chapter XVI
Of the Fifth Day

Chapter XVII
Of the Sixth Day

Chapter XVIII
The Creation of Man

Chapter XIX
Man is Placed in Paradise

Chapter XX
The Scriptural Account of Paradise

Chapter XXI
Of the Fall of Man

Chapter XXII
Why God is Said to Have Walked

Chapter XXIII
The Truth of the Account in Genesis

Chapter XXIV
The Beauty of Paradise

Chapter XXV
God Was Justified in Forbidding Man to Eat of the Tree of Knowledge

Chapter XXVI
God’s Goodness in Expelling Man from Paradise

Chapter XXVII
The Nature of Man

Chapter XXVIII
Why Eve Was Formed of Adam’s Rib

Chapter XXIX
Cain’s Crime

Chapter XXX
Cain’s Family and Their Inventions

Chapter XXXI
The History After the Flood

Chapter XXXII
How the Human Race Was Dispersed

Chapter XXXIII
Profane History Gives No Account of These Matters

Chapter XXXIV
The Prophets Enjoined Holiness of Life

Chapter XXXV
Precepts from the Prophetic Books

Chapter XXXVI
Prophecies of the Sibyl

Chapter XXXVII
The Testimonies of the Poets

The Teachings of the Greek Poets and Philosophers Confirmatory of Those of the Hebrew Prophets

Book III

Chapter I
Autolycus Not Yet Convinced

Chapter II
Profane Authors Had No Means of Knowing the Truth

Chapter III
Their Contradictions

Chapter IV
How Autolycus Had Been Misled by False Accusations Against the Christians

Chapter V
Philosophers Inculcate Cannibalism

Chapter VI
Other Opinions of the Philosophers

Chapter VII
Varying Doctrine Concerning the Gods

Chapter VIII
Wickedness Attributed to the Gods by Heathen Writers

Chapter IX
Christian Doctrine of God and His Law

Chapter X
Of Humanity to Strangers

Chapter XI
Of Repentance

Chapter XII
Of Righteousness

Chapter XIII
Of Chastity

Chapter XIV
Of Loving Our Enemies

Chapter XV
The Innocence of the Christians Defended

Chapter XVI
Uncertain Conjectures of the Philosophers

Chapter XVII
Accurate Information of the Christians

Chapter XVIII
Errors of the Greeks About the Deluge

Chapter XIX
Accurate Account of the Deluge

Chapter XX
Antiquity of Moses

Chapter XXI
Of Manetho’s Inaccuracy

Chapter XXII
Antiquity of the Temple

Chapter XXIII
Prophets More Ancient Than Greek Writers

Chapter XXIV
Chronology from Adam

Chapter XXV
From Saul to the Captivity

Chapter XXVI
Contrast Between Hebrew and Greek Writings

Chapter XXVII
Roman Chronology to the Death of M. Aurelius

Chapter XXVIII
Leading Chronological Epochs

Chapter XXIX
Antiquity of Christianity

Chapter XXX
Why the Greeks Did Not Mention Our Histories


A Plea For the Christians

Chapter I
Injustice Shown Towards the Christians

Chapter II
Claim to Be Treated as Others are When Accused

Chapter III
Charges Brought Against the Christians

Chapter IV
The Christians are Not Atheists, But Acknowledge One Only God

Chapter V
Testimony of the Poets to the Unity of God

Chapter VI
Opinions of the Philosophers as to the One God

Chapter VII
Superiority of the Christian Doctrine Respecting God

Chapter VIII
Absurdities of Polytheism

Chapter IX
The Testimony of the Prophets

Chapter X
The Christians Worship the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

Chapter XI
The Moral Teaching of the Christians Repels the Charge Brought Against Them

Chapter XII
Consequent Absurdity of the Charge of Atheism

Chapter XIII
Why the Christians Do Not Offer Sacrifices

Chapter XIV
Inconsistency of Those Who Accuse the Christians

Chapter XV
The Christians Distinguish God from Matter

Chapter XVI
The Christians Do Not Worship the Universe

Chapter XVII
The Names of the Gods and Their Images are But of Recent Date

Chapter XVIII
The Gods Themselves Have Been Created, as the Poets Confess

Chapter XIX
The Philosophers Agree with the Poets Respecting the Gods

Chapter XX
Absurd Representations of the Gods

Chapter XXI
Impure Loves Ascribed to the Gods

Chapter XXII
Pretended Symbolical Explanations

Chapter XXIII
Opinions of Thales and Plato

Chapter XXIV
Concerning the Angels and Giants

Chapter XXV
The Poets and Philosophers Have Denied a Divine Providence

Chapter XXVI
The Demons Allure Men to the Worship of Images

Chapter XXVII
Artifices of the Demons

Chapter XXVIII
The Heathen Gods Were Simply Men

Chapter XXIX
Proof of the Same from the Poets

Chapter XXX
Reasons Why Divinity Has Been Ascribed to Men

Chapter XXXI
Confutation of the Other Charges Brought Against the Christians

Chapter XXXII
Elevated Morality of the Christians

Chapter XXXIII
Chastity of the Christians with Respect to Marriage

Chapter XXXIV
The Vast Difference in Morals Between the Christians and Their Accusers

Chapter XXXV
The Christians Condemn and Detest All Cruelty

Chapter XXXVI
Bearing of the Doctrine of the Resurrection on the Practices of the Christians

Chapter XXXVII
Entreaty to Be Fairly Judged

The Treatise of Athenagoras

Chapter I
Defence of the Truth Should Precede Discussions Regarding It

Chapter II
A Resurrection is Not Impossible

Chapter III
He Who Could Create, Can Also Raise Up the Dead

Chapter IV
Objection from the Fact that Some Human Bodies Have Become Part of Others

Chapter V
Reference to the Processes of Digestion and Nutrition

Chapter VI
Everything that is Useless or Hurtful is Rejected

Chapter VII
The Resurrection-Body Different from the Present

Chapter VIII
Human Flesh Not the Proper or Natural Food of Men

Chapter IX
Absurdity of Arguing from Man’s Impotency

Chapter X
It Cannot Be Shown that God Does Not Will a Resurrection

Chapter XI

Chapter XII
Argument for the Resurrection /rom the Purpose Contemplated in Man’s Creation

Chapter XIII
Continuation of the Argument

Chapter XIV
The Resurrection Does Not Rest Solely on the Fact of a Future Judgment

Chapter XV
Argument for the Resurrection from the Nature of Man

Chapter XVI
Analogy of Death and Sleep, and Consequent Argument for the Resurrection

Chapter XVII
The Series of Changes We Can Now Trace in Man Renders a Resurrection Probable

Chapter XVIII
Judgment Must Have Reference Both to Soul and Body: There Will Therefore Be a Resurrection

Chapter XIX
Man Would Be More Unfavourably Situated Than the Beasts If There Were No Resurrection

Chapter XX
Man Must Be Possessed Both of a Body and Soul Hereafter, that the Judgment Passed Upon Him May Be Just

Chapter XXI
Continuation of the Argument

Chapter XXII
Continuation of the Argument

Chapter XXIII
Continuation of the Argument

Chapter XXIV
Argument for the Resurrection from the Chief End of Man

Chapter XXV
Argument Continued and Concluded


Exhortation to the Heathen

Chapter I
Exhortation to Abandon the Impious Mysteries of Idolatry for the Adoration of the Divine Word and God the Father

Chapter II
The Absurdity and Impiety of the Heathen Mysteries and Fables About the Birth and Death of Their Gods

Chapter III
The Cruelty of the Sacrifices to the Gods

Chapter IV
The Absurdity and Shamefulness of the Images by Which the Gods are Worshipped

Chapter V
The Opinions of the Philosophers Respecting God

Chapter VI
By Divine Inspiration Philosophers Sometimes Hit on the Truth

Chapter VII
The Poets Also Bear Testimony to the Truth

Chapter VIII
The True Doctrine is to Be Sought in the Prophets

Chapter IX
”That Those Grievously Sin Who Despise or Neglect God’s Gracious Calling.”

Chapter X
Answer to the Objection of the Heathen, that It Was Not Right to Abandon the Customs of Their Fathers

Chapter XI
How Great are the Benefits Conferred on Man Through the Advent of Christ

Chapter XII
Exhortation to Abandon Their Old Errors and Listen to the Instructions of Christ

The Instructor
Book I

Chapter I
The Office of the Instructor

Chapter II
Our Instructor’s Treatment of Our Sins

Chapter III
The Philanthropy of the Instructor

Chapter IV
Men and Women Alike Under the Instructor’s Charge

Chapter V
All Who Walk According to Truth are Children of God

Chapter VI
The Name Children Does Not Imply Instruction in Elementary Principles

Chapter VII
Who the Instructor Is, and Respecting His Instruction

Chapter VIII
Against Those Who Think that What is Just is Not Good

Chapter IX
That It is the Prerogative of the Same Power to Be Beneficent and to Punish Justly. Also the Manner of the Instruction of the Logos

Chapter X
That the Same God, by the Same Word, Restrains from Sin by Threatening, and Saves Humanity by Exhorting

Chapter XI
That the Word Instructed by the Law and the Prophets

Chapter XII
The Instructor Characterized by the Severity and Benignity of Paternal Affection

Chapter XIII
Virtue Rational, Sin Irrational

Book II

Chapter I
On Eating

Chapter II
On Drinking

Chapter III
On Costly Vessels

Chapter IV
How to Conduct Ourselves at Feasts

Chapter V
On Laughter

Chapter VI
On Filthy Speaking

Chapter VII
Directions for Those Who Live Together

Chapter VIII
On the Use of Ointments and Crowns

Chapter IX
On Sleep

Chapter X
Quaenam de Procreatione Liberorum Tractanda Sint

Chapter XI
On Clothes

Chapter XII
On Shoes

Chapter XIII
Against Excessive Fondness for Jewels and Gold Ornaments

Book III

Chapter I
On the True Beauty

Chapter II
Against Embellishing the Body

Chapter III
Against Men Who Embellish Themselves

Chapter IV
With Whom We are to Associate

Chapter V
Behaviour in the Baths

Chapter VI
The Christian Alone Rich

Chapter VII
Frugality a Good Provision for the Christian

Chapter VIII
Similitudes and Examples a Most Important Part of Right Instruction

Chapter IX
Why We are to Use the Bath

Chapter X
The Exercises Suited to a Good Life

Chapter XI
A Compendious View of the Christian Life

Chapter XII
Continuation: with Texts from Scripture

Prayer to the Paedagogus

A Hymn to Christ the Saviour

To the Paedagogus

The Stromata, or Miscellanies
Book I

Chapter I
Preface—The Author’s Object—The Utility of Written Compositions

Chapter II
Objection to the Number of Extracts from Philosophical Writings in These Books Anticipated and Answered

Chapter III
Against the Sophists

Chapter IV
Human Arts as Well as Divine Knowledge Proceed from God

Chapter V
Philosophy the Handmaid of Theology

Chapter VI
The Benefit of Culture

Chapter VII
The Eclectic Philosophy Paves the Way for Divine Virtue

Chapter VIII
The Sophistical Arts Useless

Chapter IX
Human Knowledge Necessary for the Understanding of the Scriptures

Chapter X
To Act Well of Greater Consequence Than to Speak Well

Chapter XI
What is the Philosophy Which the Apostle Bids Us Shun?

Chapter XII
The Mysteries of the Faith Not to Be Divulged to All

Chapter XIII
All Sects of Philosophy Contain a Germ of Truth

Chapter XIV
Succession of Philosophers in Greece

Chapter XV
The Greek Philosophy in Great Part Derived from the Barbarians

Chapter XVI
That the Inventors of Other Arts Were Mostly Barbarians

Chapter XVII
On the Saying of the Saviour, “All that Came Before Me Were Thieves and Robbers.”

Chapter XVIII
He Illustrates the Apostle’s Saying, “I Will Destroy the Wisdom of the Wise.”

Chapter XIX
That the Philosophers Have Attained to Some Portion of Truth

Chapter XX
In What Respect Philosophy Contributes to the Comprehension of Divine Truth

Chapter XXI
The Jewish Institutions and Laws of Far Higher Antiquity Than the Philosophy of the Greeks

Chapter XXII
On the Greek Translation of the Old Testament

Chapter XXIII
The Age, Birth, and Life of Moses

Chapter XXIV
How Moses Discharged the Part of a Military Leader

Chapter XXV
Plato an Imitator of Moses in Framing Laws

Chapter XXVI
Moses Rightly Called a Divine Legislator, And, Though Inferior to Christ, Far Superior to the Great Legislators of the Greeks, Minos and Lycurgus

Chapter XXVII
The Law, Even in Correcting and Punishing, Aims at the Good of Men

Chapter XXVIII
The Fourfold Division of the Mosaic Law

Chapter XXIX
The Greeks But Children Compared with the Hebrews

Book II

Chapter I

Chapter II
The Knowledge of God Can Be Attained Only Through Faith

Chapter III
Faith Not a Product of Nature

Chapter IV
Faith the Foundation of All Knowledge

Chapter V
He Proves by Several Examples that the Greeks Drew from the Sacred Writers

Chapter VI
The Excellence and Utility of Faith

Chapter VII
The Utility of Fear. Objections Answered

Chapter VIII
The Vagaries of Basilides and Valentinus as to Fear Being the Cause of Things

Chapter IX
The Connection of the Christian Virtues

Chapter X
To What the Philosopher Applies Himself

Chapter XI
The Knowledge Which Comes Through Faith the Surest of All

Chapter XII
Twofold Faith

Chapter XIII
On First and Second Repentance

Chapter XIV
How a Thing May Be Involuntary

Chapter XV
On the Different Kinds of Voluntary Actions, and the Sins Thence Proceeding

Chapter XVI
How We are to Explain the Passages of Scripture Which Ascribe to God Human Affections

Chapter XVII
On the Various Kinds of Knowledge

Chapter XVIII
The Mosaic Law the Fountain of All Ethics, and the Source from Which the Greeks Drew Theirs

Chapter XIX
The True Gnostic is an Imitator of God, Especially in Beneficence

Chapter XX
The True Gnostic Exercises Patience and Self-Restraint

Chapter XXI
Opinions of Various Philosophers on the Chief Good

Chapter XXII
Plato’s Opinion, that the Chief Good Consists in Assimilation to God, and Its Agreement with Scripture

Chapter XXIII
On Marriage

Book III

Caput I
Basilidis Sententiam de Continentia Et Nuptiis Refutat

Caput II
Carpocratis Et Epiphanis Sententiam de Feminarum Communitate Refutat

Caput III
Quatenus Plato Aliique E Veteribus Praeiverint Marcionitis Aliisque Haereticis, Qui a Nuptiis Ideo Abstinent Quia Creaturam Malam Existimant Et Nasci Homines in Poenam Opinantur

Caput IV
Quibus Praetextibus Utantur Haeretici ad Omnis Genetis Licentiam Et Libidinem Exercendam

Caput V
Duo Genera Haereticorum Notat: Prius Illorum Qui Omnia Omnibus Licere Pronuntiant, Quos Refutat

Caput VI
Secundum Genus Haereticorum Aggreditur, Illorum Scilicet Qui Ex Impia de Deo Omnium Conditore Sententia, Continentiam Exercent

Caput VII
Qua in Re Christianorum Continentia Eam Quam Sibi Vindicant Philosophi Antecellat

Caput VIII
Loca S. Scripturae Ab Haereticis in Vituperium Matrimonii Adducta Explicat; Et Primo Verba Apostoli Romans 6:14, Ab Haereticorum Perversa Interpretatione Vindicat

Caput IX
Dictum Christi ad Salomen Exponit, Quod Tanquam in Vituperium Nuptiarum Prolatum Haeretici Allegabant

Caput X
Verba Christi Matt. xviii. 20, Mystice Exponit

Caput XI
Legis Et Christi Mandatum de Non Concupiscendo Exponit

Caput XII
Verba Apostoli 1 Cor. vii. 5, 39, 40, Aliaque S. Scripturae Loca Eodem Spectantia Explicat

Caput XIII
Julii Cassiani Haeretici Verbis Respondet; Item Loco Quem Ex Evangelio Apocrypho Idem Adduxerat

Caput XIV
2 Cor. xi. 3, Et Eph. iv. 24, Exponit

Caput XV
1 Cor. vii. 1; Luc. xiv. 26; Isa. lvi. 2, 3, Explicat

Caput XVI
Jer. xx. 14; Job xiv. 3; Ps. l. 5; 1 Cor. ix. 27, Exponit

Caput XVII
Qui Nuptias Et Generationem Malas Asserunt, II Et Dei Creationem Et Ipsam Evangelii Dispensationem Vituperant

Duas Extremas Opiniones Esse Vitandas: Primam Illorum Qui Creatoris Odio a Nuptiis Abstinent; Alteram Illorum Qui Hinc Occasionem Arripiunt Nefariis Libidinibus Indulgendi

Book IV

Chapter I
Order of Contents

Chapter II
The Meaning of the Name Stromata or Miscellanies

Chapter III
The True Excellence of Man

Chapter IV
The Praises of Martyrdom

Chapter V
On Contempt for Pain, Poverty, and Other External Things

Chapter VI
Some Points in the Beatitudes

Chapter VII
The Blessedness of the Martyr

Chapter VIII
Women as Well as Men, Slaves as Well as Freemen, Candidates for the Martyr’s Crown

Chapter IX
Christ’s Sayings Respecting Martyrdom

Chapter X
Those Who Offered Themselves for Martyrdom Reproved

Chapter XI
The Objection, Why Do You Suffer If God Cares for You, Answered

Chapter XII
Basilides’ Idea of Martyrdom Refuted

Chapter XIII
Valentinian’s Vagaries About the Abolition of Death Refuted

Chapter XIV
The Love of All, Even of Our Enemies

Chapter XV
On Avoiding Offence

Chapter XVI
Passages of Scripture Respecting the Constancy, Patience, and Love of the Martyrs

Chapter XVII
Passages from Clement’s Epistle to the Corinthians on Martyrdom

Chapter XVIII
On Love, and the Repressing of Our Desires

Chap. XIX
Women as well as Men Capable of Perfection

Chapter XX
A Good Wife

Chapter XXI
Description of the Perfect Man, or Gnostic

Chapter XXII
The True Gnostic Does Good, Not from Fear of Punishment or Hope of Reward, But Only for the Sake of Good Itself

Chapter XXIII
The Same Subject Continued

Chapter XXIV
The Reason and End of Divine Punishments

Chapter XXV
True Perfection Consists in the Knowledge and Love of God

Chapter XXVI
How the Perfect Man Treats the Body and the Things of the World

Book V

Chapter I
On Faith

Chapter II
On Hope

Chapter III
The Objects of Faith and Hope Perceived by the Mind Alone

Chapter IV
Divine Things Wrapped Up in Figures Both in the Sacred and in Heathen Writers

Chapter V
On the Symbols of Pythagoras

Chapter VI
The Mystic Meaning of the Tabernacle and Its Furniture

Chapter VII
The Egyptian Symbols and Enigmas of Sacred Things

Chapter VIII
The Use of the Symbolic Style by Poets and Philosophers

Chapter IX
Reasons for Veiling the Truth in Symbols

Chapter X
The Opinion of the Apostles on Veiling the Mysteries of the Faith

Chapter XI
Abstraction from Material Things Necessary in Order to Attain to the True Knowledge of God

Chapter XII
God Cannot Be Embraced in Words or by the Mind

Chapter XIII
The Knowledge of God a Divine Gift, According to the Philosophers

Chapter XIV
Greek Plagiarism from the Hebrews

Book VI

Chapter I

Chapter II
The Subject of Plagiarisms Resumed. The Greeks Plagiarized from One Another

Chapter III
Plagiarism by the Greeks of the Miracles Related in the Sacred Books of the Hebrews

Chapter IV
The Greeks Drew Many of Their Philosophical Tenets from the Egyptian and Indian Gymnosophists

Chapter V
The Greeks Had Some Knowledge of the True God

Chapter VI
The Gospel Was Preached to Jews and Gentiles in Hades

Chapter VII
What True Philosophy Is, and Whence So Called

Chapter VIII
Philosophy is Knowledge Given by God

Chapter IX
The Gnostic Free of All Perturbations of the Soul

Chapter X
The Gnostic Avails Himself of the Help of All Human Knowledge

Chapter XI
The Mystical Meanings in the Proportions of Numbers, Geometrical Ratios, and Music

Chapter XII
Human Nature Possesses an Adaptation for Perfection; The Gnostic Alone Attains It

Chapter XIII
Degrees of Glory in Heaven Corresponding with the Dignities of the Church Below

Chapter XIV
Degrees of Glory in Heaven

Chapter XV
Different Degrees of Knowledge

Chapter XVI
Gnostic Exposition of the Decalogue

Chapter XVII
Philosophy Conveys Only an Imperfect Knowledge of God

Chapter XVIII
The Use of Philosophy to the Gnostic

Book VII

Chapter I
The Gnostic a True Worshipper of God, and Unjustly Calumniated by Unbelievers as an Atheist

Chapter II
The Son the Ruler and Saviour of All

Chapter III
The Gnostic Aims at the Nearest Likeness Possible to God and His Son

Chapter IV
The Heathens Made Gods Like Themselves, Whence Springs All Superstition

Chapter V
The Holy Soul a More Excellent Temple Than Any Edifice Built by Man

Chapter VI
Prayers and Praise from a Pure Mind, Ceaselessly Offered, Far Better Than Sacrifices

Chapter VII
What Sort of Prayer the Gnostic Employs, and How It is Heard by God

Chapter VIII
The Gnostic So Addicted to Truth as Not to Need to Use an Oath

Chapter IX
Those Who Teach Others, Ought to Excel in Virtues

Chapter X
Steps to Perfection

Chapter XI
Description of the Gnostic’s Life

Chapter XII
The True Gnostic is Beneficent, Continent, and Despises Worldly Things

Chapter XIII
Description of the Gnostic Continued

Chapter XIV
Description of the Gnostic Furnished by an Exposition of 1 Cor. vi. 1, Etc

Chapter XV
The Objection to Join the Church on Account of the Diversity of Heresies Answered

Chapter XVI
Scripture the Criterion by Which Truth and Heresy are Distinguished

Chapter XVII
The Tradition of the Church Prior to that of the Heresies

Chapter XVIII
The Distinction Between Clean and Unclean Animals in the Law Symbolical of the Distinction Between the Church, and Jews, and Heretics


Chapter I
The Object of Philosophical and Theological Inquiry—The Discovery of Truth

Chapter II
The Necessity of Perspicuous Definition

Chapter III
Demonstration Defined

Chapter IV
To Prevent Ambiguity, We Must Begin with Clear Definition

Chapter V
Application of Demonstration to Sceptical Suspense of Judgment

Chapter VI
Definitions, Genera, and Species

Chapter VII
On the Causes of Doubt or Assent

Chapter VIII
The Method of Classifying Things and Names

Chapter IX
On the Different Kinds of Cause

Fragments of Clemens Alexandrinus

Chap. i. 3

Chap. i. 1

Chap. ii

Chap. iii

Chap. iv. 18

Chap. v. 6

From His Catena

Clemens Alexandrinus on the Salvation of the Rich Man

Who is the Rich Man that Shall Be Saved?

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