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Fathers Of The Church, Catholic Edition

Fathers of the Third Century: Hippolytus, Cyprian, Caius, Novatian, Appendix





The Refutation of All Heresies

The Extant Works and Fragments of Hippolytus


The Life and Passion of Cyprian, Bishop and Martyr

The Epistles of Cyprian

The Treatises of Cyprian

The Seventh Council of Carthage under Cyprian

Treatises Attributed to Cyprian on Questionable Authority


Fragments of Caius


A Treatise of Novatian Concerning the Trinity

On the Jewish Meats


Acts and Records of the Famous Controversy About the Baptism of Heretics

Treatise Against the Heretic Novatian

Treatise on Re-baptism


The Refutation of All Heresies

Book I

Chapter I
Thales; His Physics and Theology; Founder of Greek Astronomy

Chapter II
Pythagoras; His Cosmogony; Rules of His Sect; Discoverer of Physiognomy; His Philosophy of Numbers; His System of the Transmigration of Souls; Zaratas on Demons; Why Pythagoras Forbade the Eating of Beans; The Mode of Living Adopted by His Disciples

Chapter III
Empedocles; His Twofold Cause; Tenet of Transmigration

Chapter IV
Heraclitus; His Universal Dogmatism; His Theory of Flux; Other Systems

Chapter V
Anaximander; His Theory of the Infinite; His Astronomic Opinions; His Physics

Chapter VI
Anaximenes; His System of “An Infinite Air;” His Views of Astronomy and Natural Phenomena

Chapter VII
Anaxagoras; His Theory of Mind; Recognises an Efficient Cause; His Cosmogony and Astronomy

Chapter VIII
Archelaus; System Akin to that of Anaxagoras; His Origin of the Earth and of Animals; Other Systems

Chapter IX
Parmenides; His Theory of “Unity;” His Eschatology

Chapter X
Leucippus; His Atomic Theory

Chapter XI
Democritus; His Duality of Principles; His Cosmogony

Chapter XII
Xenophanes; His Scepticism; His Notions of God and Nature; Believes in a Flood

Chapter XIII
Ecphantus; His Scepticism; Tenet of Infinity

Chapter XIV
Hippo; His Duality of Principles; His Psychology

Chapter XV
Socrates; His Philosophy Reproduced by Plato

Chapter XVI
Plato; Threefold Classification of Principles; His Idea of God; Different Opinions Regarding His Theology and Psychology; His Eschatology and System of Metempsychosis; His Ethical Doctrines; Notions on the Free-Will Question

Chapter XVII
Aristotle; Duality of Principles; His Categories; His Psychology; His Ethical Doctrines; Origin of the Epithet “Peripatetic.”

Chapter XVIII
The Stoics; Their Superiority in Logic; Fatalists; Their Doctrine of Conflagrations

Chapter XIX
Epicurus; Adopts the Democritic Atomism; Denial of Divine Providence; The Principle of His Ethical System

Chapter XX
The Academics; Difference of Opinion Among Them

Chapter XXI
The Brachmans; Their Mode of Life; Ideas of Deity; Different Sorts Of; Their Ethical Notions

Chapter XXII
The Druids; Progenitors of Their System

Chapter XXIII
Hesiod; The Nine Muses; The Hesiodic Cosmogony; The Ancient Speculators, Materialists; Derivative Character of the Heresies from Heathen Philosophy

Books II. And III. Are Awanting

Book IV

Chapter I
System of the Astrologers; Sidereal Influence; Configuration of the Stars

Chapter II
Doctrines Concerning AEons; The Chaldean Astrology; Heresy Derivable from It

Chapter III
The Horoscope the Foundation of Astrology; Indiscoverability of the Horoscope; Therefore the Futility of the Chaldean Art

Chapter IV
Impossibility of Fixing the Horoscope; Failure of an Attempt to Do This at the Period of Birth

Chapter V
Another Method of Fixing the Horoscope at Birth; Equally Futile; Use of the Clepsydra in Astrology; The Predictions of the Chaldeans Not Verified

Chapter VI
Zodiacal Influence; Origin of Sidereal Names

Chapter VII
Practical Absurdity of the Chaldaic Art; Development of the Art

Chapter VIII
Prodigies of the Astrologers; System of the Astronomers; Chaldean Doctrine of Circles; Distances of the Heavenly Bodies

Chapter IX
Further Astronomic Calculations

Chapter X
Theory of Stellar Motion and Distance in Accordance with Harmony

Chapter XI
Theory of the Size of the Heavenly Bodies in Accordance with Numerical Harmonies

Chapter XII
Waste of Mental Energy in the Systems of the Astrologers

Chapter XIII
Mention of the Heretic Colarbasus; Alliance Between Heresy and the Pythagorean Philosophy

Chapter XIV
System of the Arithmeticians; Predictions Through Calculations; Numerical Roots; Transference of These Doctrines to Letters; Examples in Particular Names; Different Methods of Calculation; Prescience Possible by These

Chapter XV
Quibbles of the Numerical Theorists; The Art of the Frontispicists (Physiognomy); Connection of This Art with Astrology; Type of Those Born Under Aries

Chapter XVI
Type of Those Born Under Taurus

Chapter XVII
Type of Those Born Under Gemini

Chapter XVIII
Type of Those Born Under Cancer

Chapter XIX
Type of Those Born Under Leo

Chapter XX
Type of Those Born Under Virgo

Chapter XXI
Type of Those Born Under Libra

Chapter XXII
Type of Those Born Under Scorpio

Chapter XXIII
Type of Those Born Under Sagittarius

Chapter XXIV
Type of Those Born Under Capricorn

Chapter XXV
Type of Those Born Under Aquarius

Chapter XXVI
Type of Those Born Under Pisces

Chapter XXVII
Futility of This Theory of Stellar Influence

Chapter XXVIII
System of the Magicians; Incantations of Demons; Secret Magical Rites

Chapter XXIX
Display of Different Eggs

Chapter XXX
Self-Slaughter of Sheep

Chapter XXXI
Method of Poisoning Goats

Chapter XXXII
Imitations of Thunder, and Other Illusions

Chapter XXXIII
The Burning AEsculapius; Tricks with Fire

Chapter XXXIV
The Illusion of the Sealed Letters; Object in Detailing These Juggleries

Chapter XXXV
The Divination by a Cauldron; Illusion of Fiery Demons; Specimen of a Magical Invocation

Chapter XXXVI
Mode of Managing an Apparition

Chapter XXXVII
Illusive Appearance of the Moon

Illusive Appearance of the Stars

Chapter XXXIX
Imitation of an Earthquake

Chapter XL
Trick with the Liver

Chapter XLI
Making a Skull Speak

Chapter XLII
The Fraud of the Foregoing Practices; Their Connection with Heresy

Chapter XLIII
Recapitulation of Theologies and Cosmogonies; System of the Persians; Of the Babylonians; The Egyptian Notion of Deity; Their Theology Based on a Theory of Numbers; Their System of Cosmogony

Chapter XLIV
Egyptian Theory of Nature; Their Amulets

Chapter XLV
Use of the Foregoing Discussions

Chapter XLVI
The Astrotheosophists; Aratus Imitated by the Heresiarchs; His System of the Disposition of the Stars

Chapter XLVII
Opinions of the Heretics Borrowed from Aratus

Chapter XLVIII
Invention of the Lyre; Allegorizing the Appearance and Position of the Stars; Origin of the Phoenicians; The Logos Identified by Aratus with the Constellation Canis; Influence of Canis on Fertility and Life Generally

Chapter XLIX
Symbol of the Creature; And of Spirit; And of the Different Orders of Animals

Chapter L
Folly of Astrology

Chapter LI
The Hebdomadarii; System of the Arithmeticians; Pressed into the Service of Heresy; Instances Of, in Simon and Valentinus; The Nature of the Universe Deducible from the Physiology of the Brain

Book V

Chapter I
Recapitulation; Characteristics of Heresy; Origin of the Name Naasseni; The System of the Naasseni

Chapter II
Naasseni Ascribe Their System, Through Mariamne, to James the Lord’s Brother; Really Traceable to the Ancient Mysteries; Their Psychology as Given in the “Gospel According to Thomas;” Assyrian Theory of the Soul; The Systems of the Naasseni and the Assyrians Compared; Support Drawn by the Naasseni from the Phrygian and Egyptian Mysteries; The Mysteries of Isis; These Mysteries Allegorized by the Naasseni

Chapter III
Further Exposition of the Heresy of the Naasseni; Profess to Follow Homer; Acknowledge a Triad of Principles; Their Technical Names of the Triad; Support These on the Authority of Greek Poets; Allegorize Our Saviour’s Miracles; The Mystery of the Samothracians; Why the Lord Chose Twelve Disciples; The Name Corybas, Used by Thracians and Phrygians, Explained; Naasseni Profess to Find Their System in Scripture; Their Interpretation of Jacob’s Vision; Their Idea of the “Perfect Man;” The “Perfect Man” Called “Papa” By the Phrygians; The Naasseni and Phrygians on the Resurrection; The Ecstasis of St. Paul; The Mysteries of Religion as Alluded to by Christ; Interpretation of the Parable of the Sower; Allegory of the Promised Land; Comparison of the System of the Phrygians with the Statements of Scripture; Exposition of the Meaning of the Higher and Lower Eleusinian Mysteries; The Incarnation Discoverable Here According to the Naasseni

Chapter IV
Further Use Made of the System of the Phrygians; Mode of Celebrating the Mysteries; The Mystery of the “Great Mother;” These Mysteries Have a Joint Object of Worship with the Naasseni; The Naasseni Allegorize the Scriptural Account of the Garden of Eden; The Allegory Applied to the Life of Jesus

Chapter V
Explanation of the System of the Naasseni Taken from One of Their Hymns

Chapter VI
The Ophites the Grand Source of Heresy

Chapter VII
The System of the Peratae; Their Tritheism; Explanation of the Incarnation

Chapter VIII
The Peratae Derive Their System from the Astrologers; This Proved by a Statement of the Astrological Theories of the Zodiac; Hence the Terminology of the Peratic Heretics

Chapter IX
System of the Peratae Explained Out of One of Their Own Books

Chapter X
The Peratic Heresy Nominally Different from Astrology, But Really the Same System Allegorized

Chapter XI
Why They Call Themselves Peratae; Their Theory of Generation Supported by an Appeal to Antiquity; Their Interpretation of the Exodus of Israel; Their System of “The Serpent;” Deduced by Them from Scripture; This the Real Import of the Doctrines of the Astrologers

Chapter XII
Compendious Statement of the Doctrines of the Peratae

Chapter XIII
The Peratic Heresy Not Generally Known

Chapter XIV
The System of the Sethians; Their Triad of Infinite Principles; Their Heresy Explained; Their Interpretation of the Incarnation

Chapter XV
The Sethians Support Their Doctrines by an Allegorical Interpretation of Scripture; Their System Really Derived from Natural Philosophers and from the Orphic Rites; Adopt the Homeric Cosmogony

Chapter XVI
The Sethian Theory Concerning “Mixture” And “Composition;” Application of It to Christ; Illustration from the Well of Ampa

Chapter XVII
The Sethian Doctrines to Be Learned from the “Paraphrase of Seth.”

Chapter XVIII
The System of Justinus Antiscriptural and Essentially Pagan

Chapter XIX
The Justinian Heresy Unfolded in the “Book of Baruch.”

Chapter XX
The Cosmogony of Justinus an Allegorical Explanation of Herodotus’ Legend of Hercules

Chapter XXI
Justinus’ Triad of Principles; His Angelography Founded on This Triad; His Explanation of the Birth, Life, and Death of Our Lord

Chapter XXII
Oath Used by the Justinian Heretics; The Book of Baruch; The Repertory of Their System

Chapter XXIII
Subsequent Heresies Deducible from the System of Justinus

Book VI

Chapter I
The Ophites the Progenitors of Subsequent Heresies

Chapter II
Simon Magus

Chapter III
Story of Apsethus the Libyan

Chapter IV
Simon’s Forced Interpretation of Scripture; Plagiarizes from Heraclitus and Aristotle; Simon’s System of Sensible and Intelligible Existences

Chapter V
Simon Appeals to Scripture in Support of His System

Chapter VI
Simon’s System Expounded in the Work, Great Announcement; Follows Empedocles

Chapter VII
Simon’s System of a Threefold Emanation by Pairs

Chapter VIII
Further Progression of This Threefold Emanation; Co-Existence with the Double Triad of a Seventh Existence

Chapter IX
Simon’s Interpretation of the Mosaic Hexaemeron; His Allegorical Representation of Paradise

Chapter X
Simon’s Explanation of the First Two Books of Moses

Chapter XI
Simon’s Explanation of the Three Last Books of the Pentateuch

Chapter XII
Fire a Primal Principle, According to Simon

Chapter XIII
His Doctrine of Emanation Further Expanded

Chapter XIV
Simon Interprets His System by the Mythological Representation of Helen of Troy; Gives an Account of Himself in Connection with the Trojan Heroine; Immorality of His Followers; Simon’s View of Christ; The Simonists’ Apology for Their Vice

Chapter XV
Simon’s Disciples Adopt the Mysteries; Simon Meets St. Peter at Rome; Account of Simon’s Closing Years

Chapter XVI
Heresy of Valentinus; Derived from Plato and Pythagoras

Chapter XVII
Origin of the Greek Philosophy

Chapter XVIII
Pythagoras’ System of Numbers

Chapter XIX
Pythagoras’ Duality of Substances; His “Categories.”

Chapter XX
Pythagoras’ Cosmogony; Similar to that of Empedocles

Chapter XXI
Other Opinions of Pythagoras

Chapter XXII
The “Sayings” Of Pythagoras

Chapter XXIII
Pythagoras’ Astronomic System

Chapter XXIV
Valentinus Convicted of Plagiarisms from the Platonic and Pythagoric Philosophy; The Valentinian Theory of Emanation by Duads

Chapter XXV
The Tenet of the Duad Made the Foundation of Valentinus’ System of the Emanation of AEons

Chapter XXVI
Valentinus’ Explanation of the Existence of Christ and the Spirit

Chapter XXVII
Valentinus’ Explanation of the Existence of Jesus; Power of Jesus Over Humanity

Chapter XXVIII
The Valentinian Origin of the Creation

Chapter XXIX
The Other Valentinian Emanations in Conformity with the Pythagorean System of Numbers

Chapter XXX
Valentinus’ Explanation of the Birth of Jesus; Twofold Doctrine on the Nature of Jesus’ Body; Opinion of the Italians, that Is, Heracleon and Ptolemaeus; Opinion of the Orientals, that Is, Axionicus and Bardesanes

Chapter XXXI
Further Doctrines of Valentinus Respecting the AEons; Reasons for the Incarnation

Chapter XXXII
Valentinus Convicted of Plagiarisms from Plato

Chapter XXXIII
Secundus’ System of AEons; Epiphanes; Ptolemaeus

Chapter XXXIV
System of Marcus; A Mere Impostor; His Wicked Devices Upon the Eucharistic Cup

Chapter XXXV
Further Acts of Jugglery on the Part of Marcus

Chapter XXXVI
The Heretical Practices of the Marcites in Regard of Baptism

Chapter XXXVII
Marcus’ System Explained by Irenaeus; Marcus’ Vision; The Vision of Valentinus Revealing to Him His System

Marcus’ System of Letters

Chapter XXXIX
The Quaternion Exhibits “Truth.”

Chapter XL
The Name of Christ Jesus

Chapter XLI
Marcus’ Mystic Interpretation of the Alphabet

Chapter XLII
His System Applied to Explain Our Lord’s Life and Death

Chapter XLIII—Letters, Symbols of the Heavens

Chapter XLIV
Respecting the Generation of the Twenty-Four Letters

Chapter XLV
Why Jesus is Called Alpha

Chapter XLVI
Marcus’ Account of the Birth and Life of Our Lord

Chapter XLVII
The System of Marcus Shown to Be that of Pythagoras, by Quotations from the Writings of Marcus’ Followers

Chapter XLVIII
Their Cosmogony Framed According to These Mystic Doctrines of Letters

Chapter XLIX
The Work of the Demiurge Perishable

Chapter L
Marcus and Colarbasus Refuted by Irenaeus

Book VII

Chapter I
Heresy Compared to (1) the Stormy Ocean, (2) the Rocks of the Sirens; Moral from Ulysses and the Sirens

Chapter II
The System of Basilides Derived from Aristotle

Chapter III
Sketch of Aristotle’s Philosophy

Chapter IV
Aristotle’s General Idea

Chapter V
Nonentity as a Cause

Chapter VI
Substance, According to Aristotle; The Predicates

Chapter VII
Aristotle’s Cosmogony; His “Psychology;” His “Entelecheia;” His Theology; His Ethics; Basilides Follows Aristotle

Chapter VIII
Basilides and Isidorus Allege Apostolic Sanction for Their Systems; They Really Follow Aristotle

Chapter IX
Basilides Adopts the Aristotelian Doctrine of “Nonentity.”

Chapter X
Origin of the World; Basilides’ Account of the “Sonship.”

Chapter XI
The “Great Archon” Of Basilides

Chapter XII
Basilides Adopts the “Entelecheia” Of Aristotle

Chapter XIII
Further Explanation of the “Sonship.”

Chapter XIV
Whence Came the Gospel; The Number of Heavens According to Basilides; Explanation of Christ’s Miraculous Conception

Chapter XV
God’s Dealings with the Creature; Basilides’ Notion of (1) the Inner Man, (2) the Gospel; His Interpretation of the Life and Sufferings of Our Lord

Chapter XVI
The System of Saturnilus

Chapter XVII
Marcion; His Dualism; Derives His System from Empedocles; Sketch of the Doctrine of Empedocles

Chapter XVIII
Source of Marcionism; Empedocles Reasserted as the Suggester of the Heresy

Chapter XIX
The Heresy of Prepon; Follows Empedocles; Marcion Rejects the Generation of the Saviour

Chapter XX
The Heresy of Carpocrates; Wicked Doctrines Concerning Jesus Christ; Practise Magical Arts; Adopt a Metempsychosis

Chapter XXI
The System of Cerinthus Concerning Christ

Chapter XXII
Doctrine of the Ebionaeans

Chapter XXIII
The Heresy of Theodotus

Chapter XXIV
The Melchisedecians; The Nicolaitans

Chapter XXV
The Heresy of Cerdon

Chapter XXVI
The Doctrines of Apelles; Philumene, His Prophetess


Chapter I
Heresies Hitherto Refuted; Opinions of the Docetae

Chapter II
Docetic Notion of the Incarnation; Their Doctrines of AEons; Their Account of Creation; Their Notion of a Fiery God

Chapter III
Christ Undoes the Work of the Demiurge; Docetic Account of the Baptism and Death of Jesus; Why He Lived for Thirty Years on Earth

Chapter IV
Docetic Doctrine Derived from the Greek Sophists

Chapter V
Monoimus; Man the Universe, According to Monoimus; His System of the Monad

Chapter VI
Monoimus’ “Iota;” His Notion of the “Son of Man.”

Chapter VII
Monoimus on the Sabbath; Allegorizes the Rod of Moses; Notion Concerning the Decalogue

Chapter VIII
Monoimus Explains His Opinions in a Letter to Theophrastus; Where to Find God; His System Derived from Pythagoras

Chapter IX

Chapter X
Hermogenes; Adopts the Socratic Philosophy; His Notion Concerning the Birth and Body of Our Lord

Chapter XI
The Quartodecimans

Chapter XII
The Montanists; Priscilla and Maximilla Their Prophetesses; Some of Them Noetians

Chapter XIII
The Doctrines of the Encratites

Book IX

Chapter I
An Account of Contemporaneous Heresy

Chapter II
Source of the Heresy of Noetus; Cleomenes His Disciple; Its Appearance at Rome During the Episcopates of Zephyrinus and Callistus; Noetianism Opposed at Rome by Hippolytus

Chapter III
Noetianism an Offshoot from the Heraclitic Philosophy

Chapter IV
An Account of the System of Heraclitus

Chapter V
Heraclitus’ Estimate of Hesiod; Paradoxes of Heraclitus; His Eschatology; The Heresy of Noetus of Heraclitean Origin; Noetus’ View of the Birth and Passion of Our Lord

Chapter VI
Conduct of Callistus and Zephyrinus in the Matter of Noetianism; Avowed Opinion of Zephyrinus Concerning Jesus Christ; Disapproval of Hippolytus; As a Contemporaneous Event, Hippolytus Competent to Explain It

Chapter VII
The Personal History of Callistus; His Occupation as a Banker; Fraud on Carpophorus; Callistus Absconds; Attempted Suicide; Condemned to the Treadmill; Re-Condemnation by Order of the Prefect Fuscianus; Banished to Sardinia; Release of Callistus by the Interference Of Marcion; Callistus Arrives at Rome; Pope Victor Removes Callistus to Antium; Return of Callistus on Victor’s Death; Zephyrinus Friendly to Him; Callistus Accused by Sabellius; Hippolytus’ Account of the Opinions of Callistus; The Callistian School at Rome, and Its Practices; This Sect in Existence in Hippolytus’ Time

Chapter VIII
Sect of the Elchasaites; Hippolytus’ Opposition to It

Chapter IX
Elchasai Derived His System from Pythagoras; Practised Incantations

Chapter X
Elchasai’s Mode of Administering Baptism; Formularies

Chapter XI
Precepts of Elchasai

Chapter XII
The Heresy of the Elchasaites a Derivative One

Chapter XIII
The Jewish Sects

Chapter XIV
The Tenets of the Esseni

Chapter XV
The Tenets of the Esseni Continued

Chapter XVI
The Tenets of the Esseni Continued

Chapter XVII
The Tenets of the Esseni Continued

Chapter XVIII
The Tenets of the Esseni Continued

Chapter XIX
The Tenets of the Esseni Continued

Chapter XX
The Tenets of the Esseni Concluded

Chapter XXI
Different Sects of the Esseni

Chapter XXII
Belief of the Esseni in the Resurrection; Their System a Suggestive One

Chapter XXIII
Another Sect of the Esseni: the Pharisees

Chapter XXIV
The Sadducees

Chapter XXV
The Jewish Religion

Chapter XXVI
Conclusion to the Work Explained

Book X

Chapter I

Chapter II
Summary of the Opinions of Philosophers

Chapter III
Summary of the Opinions of Philosophers Continued

Chapter IV
Summary of the Opinions of Philosophers Continued

Chapter V
The Naasseni

Chapter VI
The Peratae

Chapter VII
The Sethians

Chapter VIII
Simon Magus

Chapter IX

Chapter X

Chapter XI

Chapter XII
The Docetae

Chapter XIII

Chapter XIV

Chapter XV
Marcion and Cerdo

Chapter XVI

Chapter XVII

Chapter XVIII
The Ebionaeans

Chapter XIX

Chapter XX

Chapter XXI
The Phrygians or Montanists

Chapter XXII
The Phrygians or Montanists Continued

Chapter XXIII
Noetus and Callistus

Chapter XXIV

Chapter XXV
The Elchasaites

Chapter XXVI
Jewish Chronology

Chapter XXVII
Jewish Chronology Continued

Chapter XXVIII
The Doctrine of the Truth

Chapter XXIX
The Doctrine of the Truth Continued

Chapter XXX
The Author’s Concluding Address

The Extant Works and Fragments of Hippolytus

Part I

On the Hexaemeron, Or Six Days’ Work

On Genesis

On Numbers. By the Holy Bishop and Martyr Hippolytus, from Balaam’s Blessings

On Kings

On the Psalms. The Argument Prefixed by Hippolytus, Bishop of Rome, to His Exposition of the Psalms

On Psalm II. From the Exposition of the Second Psalm, by the Holy Bishop Hippolytus

On Psalm XXII. Or XXIII. From the Commentary by the Holy Bishop and Martyr Hippolytus, on “The Lord is My Shepherd.”

On Psalm XXIII. Or XXIV. From the Commentary by the Same, on Ps. xxiii

On Psalm CIX. Or CX. From the Commentary by the Same on the Great Song


On Proverbs. From the Commentary of St. Hippolytus on Proverbs

On the Song of Songs

On the Prophet Isaiah

On Jeremiah and Ezekiel

On Daniel

Preface by the most holy Hippolytus, (Bishop) of Rome

Scholia on Daniel

Chap. i

Chap. ii

Chap. iii

Chap. vii

Chap. ix

Chap. x. 6

Chap. xii

Chap. ii

Chap. Xxiii

Doubtful Fragments on the Pentateuch


Section I
Of the Creation of Heaven and Earth. “In the Beginning God Created,” Etc

Sections II., III
And the Lord Said: “And I Will Bring the Waters of the Flood Upon the Earth to Destroy All Flesh,” Etc

Section IV
On Gen. vii. 6

Section V
On Gen. viii. I

Section X
On Deut. xxxiii. II

On the Psalms

The Argument of the Exposition of the Psalms by Hippolytus, (Bishop) of Rome

On Psalm xxxi. 22. Of the Triumph of the Christian Faith

On Psalm lv. 15

On Psalm lviii. 11

On Psalm lix. 11. Concerning the Jews

On Psalm lxii. 6

On Psalm lxviii. 18. Of the Enlargement of the Church

On Psalm lxxxix. 4. Of the Gentiles

On the Words in Psalm xcvi. 11: “Let the Sea Roar (Be Moved), and the Fulness Thereof.”

On Psalm cxix. 30–32

On the Words in Psalm cxxvii. 7: “On the Wrath of Mine Enemies.” Etc

On the Words in Psalm cxxxix. 15: “My Substance or (Bones) Was Not Hid from Thee, Which Thou Madest in Secret.”

Part II
Dogmatical and Historical

Treatise on Christ and Antichrist

Against Plato, on the Cause of the Universe

Against the Heresy of One Noetus

Against Beron and Helix

Fragment I

Fragment II

Fragment III

Fragment IV

Fragment V

Fragment VI

Fragment VII

Fragment VIII

The Discourse on the Holy Theophany

Fragments of Discourses or Homilies

Fragments from Other Writings of Hippolytus

Of a certain person Magistrianus

Appendix to the Works of Hippolytus
Containing Dubious and Spurious Pieces

Canons of the Church of Alexandria


The Life and Passion of Cyprian, Bishop and Martyr

The Epistles of Cyprian

Epistle I
To Donatus

Epistle II
From the Roman Clergy to the Carthaginian Clergy, About the Retirement of the Blessed Cyprian

Epistle III
To the Presbyters and Deacons Abiding at Rome. A.D. 250

Epistle IV
To the Presbyters and Deacons

Epistle V
To the Presbyters and Deacons

Epistle VI
To Rogatianus the Presbyter, and the Other Confessors. A.D. 250

Epistle VII
To the Clergy, Concerning Prayer to God

Epistle VIII
To the Martyrs and Confessors

Epistle IX
To the Clergy, Concerning Certain Presbyters Who Had Rashly Granted Peace to the Lapsed Before the Persecution Had Been Appeased, and Without the Privity of the Bishops

Epistle X
To the Martyrs and Confessors Who Sought that Peace Should Be Granted to the Lapsed

Epistle XI
To the People

Epistle XII
To the Clergy, Concerning the Lapsed and Catechumens, that They Should Not Be Left Without Superintendence

Epistle XIII
To the Clergy, Concerning Those Who are in Haste to Receive Peace. A.D. 250

Epistle XIV
To the Presbyters and Deacons Assembled at Rome

Epistle XV
To Moyses and Maximus, and the Rest of the Confessors

Epistle XVI
The Confessors to Cyprian

Epistle XVII
To the Presbyters and Deacons About the Foregoing and the Following Letters

Epistle XVIII
Caldonius to Cyprian

Epistle XIX
Cyprian Replies to Caldonius

Epistle XX
Celerinus to Lucian

Epistle XXI
Lucian Replies to Celerinus

Epistle XXII
To the Clergy Abiding at Rome, Concerning Many of the Confessors, and Concerning the Forwardness of Lucian and the Modesty of Celerinus the Confessor

Epistle XXIII
To the Clergy, on the Letters Sent to Rome, and About the Appointment of Saturus as Reader, and Optatus as Sub-Deacon. A.D. 250

Epistle XXIV
To Moyses and Maximus and the Rest of the Confessors

Epistle XXV
Moyses, Maximus, Nicostratus, and the Other Confessors Answer the Foregoing Letter. A.D. 250

Epistle XXVI
Cyprian to the Lapsed

Epistle XXVII
To the Presbyters and Deacons

Epistle XXVIII
To the Presbyters and Deacons Abiding at Rome

Epistle XXIX
The Presbyters and Deacons Abiding at Rome, to Cyprian

Epistle XXX
The Roman Clergy to Cyprian

Epistle XXXI
To the Carthaginian Clergy, About the Letters Sent to Rome, and Received Thence

Epistle XXXII
To the Clergy and People, About the Ordination of Aurelius as a Reader

Epistle XXXIII
To the Clergy and People, About the Ordination of Celerinus as Reader

Epistle XXXIV
To the Same, About the Ordination of Numidicus as Presbyter

Epistle XXXV
To the Clergy, Concerning the Care of the Poor and Strangers

Epistle XXXVI
To the Clergy, Bidding Them Show Every Kindness to the Confessors in Prison

Epistle XXXVII
To Caldonius, Herculanus, and Others, About the Excommunication of Felicissimus

The Letter of Caldonius, Herculanus, and Others, on the Excommunication of Felicissimus with His People

Epistle XXXIX
To the People, Concerning Five Schismatic Presbyters of the Faction of Felicissimus

Epistle XL
To Cornelius, on His Refusal to Receive Novatian’s Ordination

Epistle XLI
To Cornelius, About Cyprian’s Approval of His Ordination, and Concerning Felicissimus

Epistle XLII
To the Same, on His Having Sent Letters to the Confessors Whom Novatian Had Seduced

Epistle XLIII
To the Roman Confessors, that They Should Return to Unity

Epistle XLIV
To Cornelius, Concerning Polycarp the Adrumetine

Epistle XLV
Cornelius to Cyprian, on the Return of the Confessors to Unity

Epistle XLVI
Cyprian’s Answer to Cornelius, Congratulating Him on the Return of the Confessors from Schism

Epistle XLVII
Cornelius to Cyprian, Concerning the Faction of Novatian with His Party

Epistle XLVIII
Cyprian’s Answer to Cornelius, Concerning the Crimes of Novatus

Epistle XLIX
Maximus and the Other Confessors to Cyprian, About Their Return from Schism

Epistle L
From Cyprian to the Confessors, Congratulating Them on Their Return from Schism

Epistle LI
To Antonianus About Cornelius and Novatian

Epistle LII
To Fortunatus and His Other Colleagues, Concerning Those Who Had Been Overcome by Tortures

Epistle LIII
To Cornelius, Concerning Granting Peace to the Lapsed

Epistle LIV
To Cornelius, Concerning Fortunatus and Felicissimus, or Against the Heretics

Epistle LV
To the People of Thibaris, Exhorting to Martyrdom

Epistle LVI
To Cornelius in Exile, Concerning His Confession

Epistle LVII
To Lucius The Bishop of Rome, Returned from Banishment

Epistle LVIII
To Fidus, on the Baptism of Infants

Epistle LIX
To the Numidian Bishops, on the Redemption of Their Brethren from Captivity Among the Barbarians

Epistle LX
To Euchratius, About an Actor

Epistle LXI
To Pomponius, Concerning Some Virgins

Epistle LXII
Caecilius, on the Sacrament of the Cup of the Lord

Epistle LXIII
To Epictetus and to the Congregation of Assurae, Concerning Fortunatianus, Formerly Their Bishop

Epistle LXIV
To Rogatianus, Concerning the Deacon Who Contended Against the Bishop

Epistle LXV
To the Clergy and People Abiding at Furni, About Victor, Who Had Made the Presbyter Faustinus a Guardian

Epistle LXVI
To Father Stephanus, Concerning Marcianus of Arles, Who Had Joined Himself to Novatian

Epistle LXVII
To the Clergy and People Abiding in Spain, Concerning Basilides and Martial

Epistle LXVIII
To Florentius Pupianus, on Calumniators

Epistle LXIX
To Januarius and Other Numidian Bishops, on Baptizing Heretics

Epistle LXX
To Quintus, Concerning the Baptism of Heretics

Epistle LXXI
To Stephen, Concerning a Council

Epistle LXXII
To Jubaianus, Concerning the Baptism of Heretics

Epistle LXXIII
To Pompey, Against the Epistle of Stephen About the Baptism of Heretics

Epistle LXXIV
Firmilian, Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, to Cyprian, Against the Letter of Stephen. A.D. 256

Epistle LXXV
To Magnus, on Baptizing the Novatians, and Those Who Obtain Grace on a Sick-Bed

Epistle LXXVI
Cyprian to Nemesianus and Other Martyrs in the Mines

Epistle LXXVII
The Reply of Nemesianus, Dativus, Felix, and Victor, to Cyprian

The Reply to the Same of Lucius and the Rest of the Martyrs

Epistle LXXIX
The Answer of Felix, Jader, Polianus, and the Rest of the Martyrs, to Cyprian

Epistle LXXX
Cyprian to Sergius, Rogatianus, and the Other Confessors in Prison

Epistle LXXXI
To Successus on the Tidings Brought from Rome, Telling of the Persecution

Epistle LXXXII
To the Clergy and People Concerning His Retirement, a Little Before His Martyrdom

The Treatises of Cyprian

Treatise I
On the Unity of the Church

Treatise II
On the Dress of Virgins

Treatise III
On the Lapsed

Treatise IV
On the Lord’s Prayer

Treatise V
An Address to Demetrianus

Treatise VI
On the Vanity of Idols: Showing that the Idols are Not Gods, and that God is One, and that Through Christ Salvation is Given to Believers

Treatise VII
On the Mortality

Treatise VIII
On Works and Alms

Treatise IX
On the Advantage of Patience

Treatise X
On Jealousy and Envy

Treatise XI
Exhortation to Martyrdom, Addressed to Fortunatus


Heads of the Following Book

On the Exhortation to Martyrdom

Treatise XII
Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews

First Book



Second Book



Third Book



The Seventh Council of Carthage under Cyprian

Treatises Attributed to Cyprian on Questionable Authority

Treatises Attributed to Cyprian on Questionable Authority

On the Public Shows

On the Glory of Martyrdom

Of the Discipline and Advantage of Chastity

Exhortation to Repentance
That all sins may be forgiven him who has turned to God with his whole heart


Fragments of Caius

From a Dialogue or Disputation Against Proclus

Against the Heresy of Artemon

Canon Muratorianus


A Treatise of Novatian Concerning the Trinity

Chapter I. Argument
Novatian, with the View of Treating of the Trinity, Sets Forth from the Rule of Faith that We Should First of All Believe in God the Father and Lord Omnipotent, the Absolute Founder of All Things. The Works of Creation are Beautifully Described. Man’s Free-Will is Asserted; God’s Mercy in Inflicting Penalty on Man is Shown; The Condition After Death of the Souls of the Righteous and Unrighteous is Determined

Chapter II. Argument
God is Above All Things, Himself Containing All Things, Immense, Eternal, Transcending the Mind of Man; Inexplicable in Discourse, Loftier Than All Sublimity

Chapter III. Argument
That God is the Founder of All Things, Their Lord and Parent, is Proved from the Holy Scriptures

Chapter IV. Argument
Moreover, He is Good, Always the Same, Immutable, One and Only, Infinite; And His Own Name Can Never Be Declared, and He is Incorruptible and Immortal

Chapter V. Argument
If We Regard the Anger, and Indignation, and Hatred of God Described in the Sacred Pages, We Must Remember that They are Not to Be Understood as Bearing the Character of Human Vices

Chapter VI. Argument
And That, Although Scripture Often Changes the Divine Appearance into a Human Form, Yet the Measure of the Divine Majesty is Not Included Within These Lineaments of Our Bodily Nature

Chapter VII. Argument
Moreover, that When God is Called a Spirit, Brightness, and Light, God is Not Sufficiently Expressed by Those Appellations

Chapter VIII. Argument
It is This God, Therefore, that the Church Has Known and Adores; And to Him the Testimony of Things as Well Visible as Invisible is Given Both at All Times and in All Forms, by the Nature Which His Providence Rules and Governs

Chapter IX. Argument
Further, that the Same Rule of Truth Teaches Us to Believe, After the Father, Also in the Son of God, Jesus Christ Our Lord God, Being the Same that Was Promised in the Old Testament, and Manifested in the New

Chapter X. Argument
That Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Truly Man, as Opposed to the Fancies of Heretics, Who Deny that He Took Upon Him True Flesh

Chapter XI
And Indeed that Christ Was Not Only Man, But God Also; That Even as He Was the Son of Man, So Also He Was the Son of God

Chapter XII. Argument
That Christ is God, is Proved by the Authority of the Old Testament Scriptures

Chapter XIII. Argument
That the Same Truth is Proved from the Sacred Writings of the New Covenant

Chapter XIV. Argument
The Author Prosecutes the Same Argument

Chapter XV. Argument
Again He Proves from the Gospel that Christ is God

Chapter XVI. Argument
Again from the Gospel He Proves Christ to Be God

Chapter XVII. Argument
It Is, Moreover, Proved by Moses in the Beginning of the Holy Scriptures

Chapter XVIII. Argument
Moreover Also, from the Fact that He Who Was Seen of Abraham is Called God; Which Cannot Be Understood of the Father, Whom No Man Hath Seen at Any Time; But of the Son in the Likeness of an Angel

Chapter XIX. Argument
That God Also Appeared to Jacob as an Angel; Namely, the Son of God

Chapter XX. Argument
It is Proved from the Scriptures that Christ Was Called an Angel. But Yet It is Shown from Other Parts of Holy Scripture that He is God Also

Chapter XXI. Argument
That the Same Divine Majesty is Again Confirmed in Christ by Other Scriptures

Chapter XXII. Argument—That the Same Divine Majesty is in Christ, He Once More Asserts by Other Scriptures

Chapter XXIII. Argument
And This is So Manifest, that Some Heretics Have Thought Him to Be God the Father, Others that He Was Only God Without the Flesh

Chapter XXIV. Argument
That These Have Therefore Erred, by Thinking that There Was No Difference Between the Son of God and the Son of Man; Because They Have Ill Understood the Scripture

Chapter XXV. Argument
And that It Does Not Follow Thence, that Because Christ Died It Must Also Be Received that God Died; For Scripture Sets Forth that Not Only Was Christ God, But Man Also

Chapter XXVI. Argument
Moreover, Against the Sabellians He Proves that the Father is One, the Son Another

Chapter XXVII. Argument
He Skilfully Replies to a Passage Which the Heretics Employed in Defence of Their Own Opinion

Chapter XXVIII. Argument
He Proves Also that the Words Spoken to Philip Make Nothing for the Sabellians

Chapter XXIX. Argument
He Next Teaches Us that the Authority of the Faith Enjoins, After the Father and the Son, to Believe Also on the Holy Spirit, Whose Operations He Enumerates from Scripture

Chapter XXX. Argument
In Fine, Notwithstanding the Said Heretics Have Gathered the Origin of Their Error from Consideration of What is Written: Although We Call Christ God, and the Father God, Still Scripture Does Not Set Forth Two Gods, Any More Than Two Lords or Two Teachers

Chapter XXXI. Argument
But that God, the Son of God, Born of God the Father from Everlasting, Who Was Always in the Father, is the Second Person to the Father, Who Does Nothing Without His Father’s Decree; And that He is Lord, and the Angel of God’s Great Counsel, to Whom the Father’s Godhead is Given by Community of Substance

On the Jewish Meats

Chapter I. Argument
Novatian, a Roman Presbyter, During His Retirement at the Time of the Decian Persecution, Being Urged by Various Letters from His Brethren, Had Written Two Earlier Epistles Against the Jews on the Subjects of Circumcision and the Sabbath, and Now Writes the Present One on the Jewish Meats

Chapter II. Argument
He First of All Asserts that the Law is Spiritual; And Thence, Man’s First Food Was Only the Fruit Trees, and the Use of Flesh Was Added, that the Law that Followed Subsequently Was to Be Understood Spiritually

Chapter III. Argument
And Thus Unclean Animals are Not to Be Reproached, Lest the Reproach Be Thrown Upon Their Author; But When an Irrational Animal is Rejected on Any Account, It is Rather that that Very Thing Should Be Condemned in Man Who is Rational; And Therefore that in Animals the Character, the Doings, and the Wills of Men are Depicted

Chapter IV. Argument
To These Things Also Was Added Another Reason for Prohibiting Many Kinds of Meats to the Jews; To Wit, for the Restraint of the Intemperance of the People, and that They Might Serve the One God

Chapter V. Argument
But There Was a Limit to the Use of These Shadows or Figures; For Afterwards, When the End of the Law, Christ, Came, All Things Were Said by the Apostle to Be Pure to the Pure, and the True and Holy Meat Was a Right Faith and an Unspotted Conscience

Chapter VI. Argument
But, on the Ground that Liberty in Meats is Granted to Us, There is No Permission of Luxury, There is No Taking Away of Continence and Fasting: for These Things Greatly Become the Faithful,—To Wit, that They Should Pray to God, and Give Him Thanks, Not Only by Day, But by Night

Chapter VII. Argument
Moreover, We Must Be Careful that No One Should Think that This Licence May Be Carried to Such an Extent as that He May Approach to Things Offered to Idols


Treatise Against the Heretic Novatian

A Treatise Against the Heretic Novatian by an Anonymous Bishop
That the Hope of Pardon Should Not Be Denied to the Lapsed

Treatise on Re-baptism

A Treatise on Re-Baptism by an Anonymous Writer

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