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The Divine Liturgies Of Our Fathers by Saint John Chrysostom

For the light-bearing day of the Resurrection, to be said of the Priest at the Dismissal of the Liturgy.

Bless, Father.

If any be pious and a lover of God, let him enjoy this beautiful and bright festal gathering. If any be a prudent servant, let him joyfully enter into the joy of his Lord. If any be weary with fasting, let him obtain now the denarius. If any have worked from the first hour, let him receive to-day the just reward. If any have come after the third, let him keep festival with thanksgiving. If any have arrived after the sixth, let him be in no uncertainty; for assuredly he shall lose nothing. If any have delayed until the ninth, let him approach nothing doubting. If any have arrived only at the eleventh, let him not fear on account of his lateness; for the Master, being liberal, receiveth the last, even as the first: he refresheth him that cometh at the eleventh, as him that hath worked from the first; yea on the last he hath mercy, and for the first hath a care: yea to that he giveth, and to this granteth: yea the works he accepteth, and the pupose welcometh: yea the deed he honoureth, and the will commendeth. Therefore enter ye all into the joy of our Lord: yea ye first, and ye second, obtain the reward. Ye rich, and ye poor, celebrate together. Ye temperate, and ye careless, honour the day. Ye that have fasted, and ye that have not fasted, rejoice to-day. The table is full, fare ye all sumptuously. The calf is ample, let none depart hungry. Enjoy ye all the banquet of faith. Enjoy ye all the riches of bounty. Let none lament his poverty; for the common Kingdom hath appeared. Let none bewail his stumblings; for forgiveness hath arisen out of the grave. Let none fear death; for the Saviour’s death hath liberated us. He hath extinguished it, by being seized thereof. He hath despoiled Hades, who descended into Hades. He exasperated Hades, when it tasted of his flesh: and anticipating this, Esaias cried out:—Hades, saith he, is exasperated, by encountering thee below. It is exasperated, for truly it is abolished. It is exasperated, for truly it is mocked. It is exasperated, for truly it is slain. It is exasperated, for truly it is destroyed. It is exasperated, for truly it is bound. It took a body, and lighted upon God. It took clay, and encountered heaven. It took what it saw, and is fallen by what it saw not. Where is thy sting, O death? where is thy victory, O Hades? Christ is risen, and thou art overthrown. Christ is risen, and the demons are fallen. Christ is risen, and the Angels rejoice. Christ is risen, and life reigneth. Christ is risen, and none is dead in the tomb. For Christ, being risen from the dead, is become the first-fruits of those that have fallen asleep, To him be glory, and might, unto the ages of the ages. Amen.

And there is sung the Troparion of the Saint to the 4th pl. Tone.

The grace of thy mouth (See page 339).

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