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James A. Varni


'If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. (Luke ix, 23.)

These are the words of Jesus, in which He emphasises the taking up of our cross daily, if we want to be His followers. Since, to be Catholic, we must be followers of Christ, daily should we make use of every available means that will enable us to observeOur Lord's injunction.

Day by Day with the Cross has been prepared for that one purpose. It will serve its greatest usefulness if but three trifling suggestions are heeded: (1) Each morning, read the 'Short Meditation on page 4, and then the indulgenced prayer, or the quotation (based on the Imitation of Christ) assigned under that date. (2) Have the intention to gain the indulgence (which, unless otherwise stated, can be gained as often as the prayer is said), and then recite the prayer at times during the day. (3) Form a daily resolution on what you have read.

All this is simplicity itself; and should not require even one full minute. Truly but a minimum of time for so great a spiritual gain as we daily take up our cross to follow the Saviour.



The Past? -Where is it? It has fled.

The Future?-It may never come.

Our friends departed?-With the dead.

Ourselves?-Fast hastening to the tomb. What are earth's joys?-The dews of morn. Its pleasures?-Ocean's writhing foam. Where's peace?-In trials meekly borne. Where's joy?-In Heaven, the Christian's home.

The Catholic Companion


The Sign of the Cross

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. (100 days; 300 if made with holy water. SUGGESTION: Make the Sign of the Cross both before and after using this booklet everyday.)

January 1: 'He who follows me, does not walk in darkness, Our Lord sa id. Let it, then, be our chief study to meditate on the life of Jesus Christ.

January 2: Jesus! (300 days)

January 3: Sublime words do not make a saint; it is a virtuous life that makes one dear to God.

January 4: Mother of Orphans, pray for us. (300 days)

January 5: Grant, O Lord, to keep us this day (or this night) without sin. (500 days, morning or evening)

January 6: If you knew the whole Bible by heart, and the sayings of all the philosophers, what good would it do you, if you did not have charity and the grace of God?

January 7: My Jesus, mercy! (300 days)

January 8: They that follow the pleasures of their senses, soil their conscience and lose the grace of God. January 9: O Most Holy Trinity, I adore the dwelling by Thy grace in my soul. (300 days)

January 10: This is the highest wisdom: to make progress towards the kingdom of heaven, by despising the world. January 11: My God, I love Thee. (300 days)

January 12: Often call to mind the proverb: 'The eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor is the ear filled with hearing. January 13: Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me. (500 days)

January 14: Our Lord says: 'Watch and pray, that you enter not into temptation.

January 15: Why do we neglect the things that are useful and necessary, and instead give our attention to such as are curious and mischievous? Having eyes, we see not!

January 16: My God, grant that I may love Thee, and as the sole reward of my love, grant that I may ever love Thee more and more. (300 days)

January 17: Many are the things which it is of little or no profit to the soul to know.

January 18: Mary, Mother of God and Mother of Mercy, pray for us, and for the departed. (300 days)

January 19: The highest and most useful lesson we can learn is this: To know ourselves truly and to look down upon ourselves.

January 20: O blessed Trinity, one God, I believe in Thee, I hope in Thee, I love Thee, I adore Thee: have mercy on me now and in the hour of my death, and save me. (300 days)

January 21: To think nothing of ourselves, and always to judge well and highly of others, is great wisdom and high perfection.

January 22: O most Holy Trinity, dwelling by Thy grace in my soul, grant that 1 may love Thee more and more. (300 days)

January 23: This ought to be our endeavour: To conquer ourselves, and every day to get more the mastery over ourselves, and to advance further in holiness.

January 24: Teach me, O Lord, to do Thy will, for Thou art my God. (500 days)

January 25: Woe to them who refuse to humble themselves willingly with the children; the lowly gate of the heavenly kingdom will not permit them to enter.

January 26: If you want to possess a blessed life, despise this present life.

January 27: Remain with me, O Lord; be Thou my true joy. (300 days)

January 28: Knowledge should not be condemned; but a good conscience and a virtuous life are always to be preferred.

January 29: May the most just, most high, and most adorable will of God be in all things done, praised, and magnified for ever. (500 days)

January 30: The more humble a man is, and the more resigned unto God, so much the more prudent shall he be in all his affairs, and the more at peace.

January 31: Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation. (300 days)


February 1: O God, be merciful to me, a sinner. (500 days)

February 2: To thee, O Virgin Mother, who was never defiled with the slightest stain of original or actual sin, I

commend and entrust the purity of my heart. (300 days)

February 3: Perfect men do not easily believe every tale-teller; for they know human weakness is prone to evil, and very apt to slip in speech.

February 4: Guard me, O Lord, as the apple of Thy eye; shield me under the shadow of Thy wings. (500 days)

February 5: Do not boast of the size or beauty of your body, which with a little sickness is spoiled and disfigured.

February 6: My God and my all! (300 days)

February 7: It is a wise thing not at once to repeat to others what we have heard or believed.

February 8: Into Thy hands, O Lord, I commit my spirit. (500 days)

February 9: We ought to read devout and simple books as willingly as those that are high and profound. February 10: My God, my only good, Thou art all mine; grant that I may be all Thine. (300 days) February 11: Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us. (300 days)

February 12: The proud and greedy are never at rest; the poor and humble pass their life in abundance of peace. February 13: O God, hasten to my aid; O Lord, make haste to help me. (500 days)

February 14: There is no peace in the heart of the worldly man, nor in the man who is devoted to outward things, but in the fervent and spiritual man.

February 15: Queen of Apostles, pray for us. (300 days)

February 16: Do what you can, and God will be with your good will.

February 17: Help us, Joseph, in our earthly strife, ever to lead a pure and blameless life. (300 days)

February 18: Do not glory in riches, if you have them, nor in friends, because they are powerful; but, glory in God, Who gives all Things, and desires to give Himself above all things.

February 19: O Lord, repay us not according to the sins which we have committed, nor according to our iniquities. (500 days)

February 20: Do not be rash in what you have to do; and do not persist obstinately in your own opinions.

February 21: Do not be proud of your own good works; because the judgments of God are other than those of men; and what pleases men, often displeases Him.

February 22: O Mary, make me live in God, with God, and for God. (300 days)

February 23: Do not open your heart to every man, but discuss your business with one that is wise and fears God.

February 24: Do not fawn upon the rich, and do not be fond of appearing in the presence of the great.

February 25: My God, I believe in Thee, I hope in Thee, I love Thee above all things with my whole soul, my whole heart, my whole strength; I love Thee because Thou art infinitely good and worthy to be loved; and because I love Thee, it grieves me from my whole heart that I have offended Thee; have mercy on me a sinner. Amen. (300 days)

February 26: We should have charity towards all men; but familiarity is not advisable.

February 27: O Lord, increase in us the faith. (500 days)

February 28: It is safer to listen and to take advice than to give it.

February 29 (in Leap Year): To Thee be praise, to Thee be glory, to Thee be thanksgiving for ever and ever, O Blessed Trinity. (500 days)


March 1: St. Joseph, foster-father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and true spouse of Mary ever Virgin, pray for us. (300 days) March 2: We must watch and pray, lest time pass wastefully.

March 3: I thank Thee, O Lord, for having died upon the Cross for my sins. (300 days)

March 4: We might have much peace, if we would not busy ourselves with the sayings and doings of other people, and

with things which do not concern us.

March 5: Eternal Father, by the most precious Blood of Jesus Christ, glorify His most Holy Name, according to the desires of His adorable Heart. (300 days, if recited with the intention of making reparation for blasphemies against the name of Jesus)

March 6: If every year we rooted out one fault, we should soon become perfect men.

March 7: Resist your inclination in the beginning, and break off evil habit; lest by little and little it leads you into greater sin.

March 8: We give Thee thanks, Almighty God, for all Thy benefits; Who livest and reignest world without end. Amen. (300 days)

March 9: It is good for us now and then to have some troubles and adversities; for they make a man enter into himself, that he may know he is an exile, and not place his hopes in anything of the world.

March 10: As long as we live in this world, we cannot be without trouble and temptation.

March 11: Grant, we beseech, O Almighty eternal God, that through the spotless virginity of most pure Virgin Mary we may obtain purity of mind and body. Amen. (500 days)

March 12: Everyone should be careful about his temptations, and pray lest the devil find an opportunity, to catch him.

March 13: O purest Heart of Mary; Virgin most holy, obtain for me from Jesus purity and humility of heart. (300 days)

March 14: Resist temptations in the beginning!

March 15: Take great care against vain complacency and pride!

March 16: Our Lady of La Salette, who bringest sinners to repentance, pray without ceasing for us who have recourse to thee. (300 days)

March 17: In judging others a man toils in vain; because, for the most part, he is mistaken

March 18: If God were always the only object our desire, we should not be easily distracted at our own Opinions being opposed

Match 19: O Joseph, virgin father of Jesus, most pure spouse of the Virgin Mary, pray for us daily to Jesus Himself the Son of God that, armed with the weapons of His grace, we may fight as we ought in life and be crowned by Him in death. (500 days)

March 20: Do not commit evil for anything in the world!

March 21: My God, unite all minds in the truth and all hearts in charity. (300 days)

March 22: He does much who does well what he has to do.

March 23: Whatever is done from charity, be it ever so little and contemptible becomes entirely fruitful.

March 24: Study to be patient in bearing the defects of others, and their infirmities; because you also have many things which others must put up with.

March 25: Bid me bear, O Mother blessed, on my heart the wounds impressed, suffered by the Crucified (500 days)

March 26: We want to see others perfect, and yet we do not correct our own faults.

March 27: Mary, Mother of grace, Mother of mercy, protect us from the enemy, and receive us at the hour of death. (300 days)

March 28: You must learn to beat down yourself in many things, if you want to live in peace and harmony with others.

March 29: Sweetest Jesus, be to me not a judge but a Saviour (300 days)

March 30: In the morning, form your resolution. In the evening, examine your conduct how you have behaved during the day in word, deed, and thought.

March 31: O God, the author and lover of peace, to know Whom is to live, to serve Whom is to reign; shield Thy suppliants from all assaults, so that we who trust in Thy protection may fear no foe. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen. (3 years)


April 1: O my Jesus, Thou Who are charity itself, kindle in my heart that divine fire that consumes the saints and transforms them into Thee. (300 days)

April 2: Man proposes, but God disposes; neither is the way of man as he chooses.

April 3: Never be wholly idle, but either reading, or writing, or praying, or meditating, or labouring at something.

April 4: Seek a convenient time to attend to yourself; and reflect often upon the benefits of God to you.

April 5: Jesus my God, I love Thee above all things. (300 days)

April 6: As often as I have been amongst men, said a certain person, I have returned less a man. This, we, too, often experience when we talk long.

April 7: He who aims at inward and spiritual things, must, with Jesus, turn aside from the crowd. April 8: Heart of Jesus, grant that I may love Thee and make Thee loved. (300 days)

April 9: No man can rejoice securely but he who has the testimony of a good conscience within.

April 10: A joyous journey often ends in a sorrowful return; and a merry evening often makes a sad morning.

April 11: O Jesus, life eternal in the bosom of the Father, life of the souls made in Thy likeness, in the name of Thy love make us know-reveal to us Thy heart! (300 days)

April 12: There is no true liberty nor profitable joy but in the fear of God with a good conscience.

April 13: Happy is the man who casts away from him whatever may stain or burden his conscience.

April 14: Jesus, for Thee I live-Jesus, for Thee I die-Jesus, I am Thine in life and in death. Amen. (100 days)

April 15: Strive manfully! Habit is overcome by habit!

April 16: Deliver me, O Lord, from my enemies. (500 days)

April 17: Always have an eye upon yourself preferably to all your dearest friends.

April 18: Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, I give you my heart and my soul. (7 years)

April 19: There is no man in the world without some trouble or affliction, be he King or Pope.

April 20: Man's happiness does not consist in being rich; but a moderate portion is sufficient for him.

April 21: Jesus, for love of Thee, I am with Thee and for Thee. (300 days)

April 22: Do not lose confidence of making spiritual progress; you have yet time- the hour is not yet passed.

April 23: Unless you fight against yourself, you will not overcome vice.

April 24: In a very little while all will be over with you here. Take care how it stands with you in the next life. Man is here today, and gone tomorrow!

April 25: O Jesus, with my whole heart I cling to Thee. (300 days)

April 26: In every deed and thought, act as if you were immediately to die.

April 27: O Jesus, our Saviour, give us Thy blessing; save us from eternal death; assist Thy holy Church; grant peace to the nations; deliver the souls who are suffering (300 days)

April 28: It is better to shun sin than to fly death.

April 29: Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth, come into our hearts; shed the brightness of Thy light on all nations, that they may be one in Faith and pleasing to Thee. (300 days)

April 30: Blessed is the man that has the hour of his death continually before his eyes, and daily puts himself in order for death.


May 1: Mary, our hope, have pity on us. (300 days)

May 2: Always be ready, and so live that death may never find you unprepared.

May 3: Hail, O Cross, my only hope! (500 days)

May 4: Do not trust in your friends and neighbours, and do not put off your soul's welfare till the future, for men will

forget you sooner than you think.

May 5: It is better to provide now in time, and send some good before you, than to trust to the assistance of others after death.

May 6: Christ Jesus, be Thou my helper and my redeemer. (300 days)

May 7: If you are not concerned for yourself now, who will be concerned about you hereafter?

May 8: St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle, that we may not be lost in the tremendous judgment. (300 days)

May 9: While you have time, amass for yourself immortal riches.

May 10: Think of nothing but your salvation; care only for the things of God.

May 11: It is better to purge away our sins, and cut off our vices now, than to keep them to be cleansed after death.

May 12: Mary, Virgin Mother of God, pray earnestly to Jesus for me. (300 days)

May 13: A man shall be more grievously punished in those things in which he has sinned the most. May 14: If a little suffering makes you so impatient now, what will hell do?

May 15: Study to guard against and to get the better of such things as displease you in others.

May 16: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, assist me in my last agony. (7 years)

May 17: As your eye observes others, you, also, are observed by others.

May 18: Always keep in mind your end, and that time lost returns no more.

May 19: Blessed be Jesus Christ and His most pure Mother. (300 days)

May 20: He that shuns not small defects, by little and little falls into greater.

May 21: You will always be glad in the evening if you spend the day well.

May 22: Mother of love, of sorrow, and of mercy, pray for us. (300 days)

May 23: Watch over yourself, stir up yourself, admonish yourself, and whatever may become of others, do not neglect yourself.

May 24: O Lord Jesus Christ, Thou alone art Holy, Thou alone aft the Lord, Thou alone aft most High. (500 days)

May 25: Christ will come to you, if you will prepare for Him a worthy dwelling within yourself.

May 26: My Mother, my sure trust. (300 days)

May 27: Men soon change, and they quickly fail; but Christ abides forever, and stands by us firmly to the end.

May 28: O Jesus, grant that I may be Thine, wholly Thine, always Thine. (300 days)

May 29: Put your whole trust in God, and let Him be your fear and your love.

May 30: Sacred Heart of Jesus, protect our families. (300 days)

May 31: All things pass away, and you, too, along with them!


June 1: Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine. (500 days)

June 2: Christ was willing to suffer and to be despised! And do you dare to complain of anything? June 3: Christ had enemies and detractors! And would you want all to be your friends and benefactors? June 4: O Jesus, be Thou Jesus to me, and save me. (300 days)

June 5: If you will stand for no contradiction, how can you be the friend of Christ?

June 6: Our Lord says: 'Come to me all you that labour and are burdened, and I will refresh you. June 7: Through the sign of the Cross, deliver us from our enemies, our God. (3 years)

June 8: Do not mind who may be for you or against you; but be careful that God is with you in everything you do! June 9: Have a good conscience, and God will sufficiently defend you; for he whom God will help, no man's malice can


June 10: Sweet Heart of my Jesus, make me love Thee ever more and more. (300 days)

June 11: Many a time it is a great advantage, for keeping us in greater humility, that others know and condemn our


June 12: The humble man, in the midst of reproaches, remains in great peace; for his dependence is on God, and not on the world.

June 13: Heart of Jesus, burning with love of us, inflame our hearts with love of Thee. (500 days)

June 14: The peaceful man does more good than one that is very learned.

June 15: The passionate man turns even good to evil, and readily believes evil.

June 16: He that is in perfect peace suspects no man.

June 17: Blessed be the most Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. (300 days)

June 18: If you wish to be borne with, bear also with others.

June 19: See how far you yet are from true charity and humility, which do not know how to feel anger or indignation against any one but oneself.

June 20: He who best knows how to endure, will possess the greater peace.

June 21: May the Heart of Jesus be loved everywhere. (300 days)

June 22: According as every one is interiorly, so does he judge exteriorly.

June 23: We blame little things in others, and overlook great things in ourselves.

June 24: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, may I breathe forth my soul in peace with you. (7 years) June 25: The soul that loves God, despises all things that are less than God.

June26: The good man's glory is the testimony of a good conscience.

June 27: Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for us. (300 days)

June 28: Have a good conscience, and you shall always have joy.

June 29: To glory in tribulation is not hard to him that loves; for so to glory is to glory in the cross of the Lord. June 30: Sacred Heart of Jesus, be Thou known, be Thou loved, be Thou imitated. (300 days)


July 1: Eternal Father! I offer Thee the precious Blood of Jesus Christ in satisfaction for my sins, for the relief of the souls in purgatory, and for the wants of Holy Church. (500 days)

July 2: Never rejoice except when you have done well.

July 3: Sweet Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us and upon our erring brethren. (300 days)

July 4: The glory that is given and received by man does not last very long.

July 5: Sacred Heart of Jesus, strengthened in Thine agony by an angel, be our support in our own agony. (300 days)

July 6: Sadness always accompanies the glory of this world.

July 7: All for Thee, most Sacred Heart of Jesus. (300 days)

July 8: He that seeks temporal glory, or does not from his soul despise it, shows himself to have little love for that which is heavenly.

July 9: He has great peace of heart who cares neither for praise nor blame.

July 10: Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed. (500 days every time said thrice)

July 11: You are not more holy for being praised, nor the worse for being blamed.

July 12: Man looks on the face, but God sees into the head.

July 13: Come, O Lord, and do not delay. (500 days)

July 14: Man considers the actions, but God weighs the intentions.

July 15: Always to do well, and to esteem yourself of small account, is the mark of a humble soul,

July 16: We therefore beseech Thee to help Thy servants whom Thou hast redeemed with Thy precious Blood. (300 days)

July 17: Sooner or later you must be separated from all, whether you want to or not.

July 18: In life and in death keep yourself near to Jesus, and entrust yourself to His fidelity, Who alone can help you when all others fail.

July 19: O Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, have mercy on us. (300 days)

July 20: Be humble and peaceful, and Jesus will be with you.

July 21: We ought rather to choose to have the whole world against us than to offend Jesus.

July 22: O good Jesus, hide me within Thy wounds. (300 days)

July 23: Learn to part with an intimate and beloved friend for the love of God.

July 24: Help us, O Lord our God; and defend with perpetual assistance those whom Thou makest to rejoice in the honour of the Holy Cross. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. (5 years)

July 25: Do not feel put out when you are forsaken by a friend, because at last we must all be separated one from another.

July 26: Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, Light of the world, I adore Thee. For Thee I live, for Thee I die. Amen. (300 days)

July 27: No saint was ever so sublimely enraptured and illuminated as not to be tempted sooner or later.

July 28: Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, make us saints. (300 days)

July 29: Temptation is usually a sign of the solace that is to follow.

July 30: That Thou wouldst recall all straying sheep into the unity of the Church and wouldst guide all unbelievers into the light of the Gospel, we pray Thee, Lord, hear us. (300 days)

July 31: The devil does not sleep, neither is the flesh yet dead; therefore, you must not cease to prepare yourself for the battle; for on the right hand and on the left are enemies that never rest.


August 1: Shield, O Lord, Thy people; and ever keep them in Thy care, who put their trust in the pleading of Thine

Apostles, Peter and Paul. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen. (300 days)

August 2: Dispose yourself to patience, rather than to being consoled; and to carrying the cross, rather than to gladness. August 3: Virgin most sorrowful, pray for us. (300 days)

August 4: All that is high is not holy; nor is every pleasant thing good.

August 5: Immaculate Queen of Peace, pray for us. (300 days)

August 6: Put yourself always in the lowest place, and the highest shall be given to you; for the highest does not stand

without the lowest.

August 7: May the Most Blessed Sacrament be forever praised and adored. (300 days)

August 8: Be grateful for the least, and you shall be worthy to receive greater things.

August 9: Reward, O Lord, with eternal life all those who do us good for Thy name's sake. (300 days) August 10: Jesus has many lovers of His heavenly kingdom, but few bearers of His cross!

August 11: Praised be the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. (300 days) August 12: All desire to rejoice with Jesus, but few are willing to endure anything for His sake.

August 13: Lord Jesus, cover with the protection of Thy divine Heart our Holy Father the Pope. Be to him light,

strength, and consolation. (300 days)

August 14: To many, this seems a hard saying: 'Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Jesus. August 15: Holy Mary, deliver us from the pains of hell. (300 days)

August 16: In the cross is salvation! In the cross is life!

August 17: There is no health of soul, nor hope of eternal life, but in the cross.

August 18: O Holy Spirit, sweet guest of my soul, remain with me, and see that I ever remain with Thee. (300 days) August 19: Take up your cross, and follow Jesus, and you shall go into life everlasting.

August 20: Sweet Heart of Jesus, be my love. (300 days)

August 21: If you are Jesus' companion in suffering, you shall also be His companion in glory.

August 22: There is no other way to life and to true interior peace, but the way of the holy cross, and of daily


August 23: That thou wouldst deign to humble the enemies of Holy Church, we beseech Thee, hear us. (300 days) August 24: Go where you will, seek what you will, and you will not find a higher way above, nor a safer way below,

than the way of the holy cross.

August 25: No man has so heartfelt a sense of the Passion of Christ as he whose lot it has been to suffer like things. August 26: Heart of Jesus, I trust in Thee. (300 days)

August 27: If you carry the cross willingly, it will carry you to your desired goal, where there will be an end of


August 28: Most worthy Queen of the world, Mary ever Virgin, intercede for our peace and salvation, thou who didst bring forth Christ the Lord the Saviour of all.

August 29: If you carry the cross unwillingly, you make it a burden to yourself, and nevertheless you must bear it. August 30: Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, increase in us Faith, Hope and Charity. (300 days)

August 31: If you fling away one cross, you will surely find another, and perhaps a heavier.


September 1: Vouchsafe that I may praise thee, holy Virgin; grant me strength against thine enemies. (300 days) September 2: The whole life of Christ was a cross and a martyrdom; and do you seek for yourself rest and joy? September 3: May the Virgin Mary with her loving child bless us. (300 days)

September 4: The more the flesh is brought down by affliction, the more is the spirit strengthened by interior grace. September 5: Mother of love, of sorrow, and of mercy, pray for us. (300 days)

September 6: Set yourself, like a good and faithful servant of Christ, to bear manfully the cross of your Lord, for the

love of Him Who was crucified for you.

September 7: Drink of the chalice of the Lord lovingly, if you desire to be His friend, and to have a share with Him. September 8: O Mary, who didst enter the world free from stain, do thou obtain for me from God; that I may pass out of

it free from sin. (300 days)

September 9: To suffer is what awaits you, if you are resolved to love Jesus, and constantly to serve Him. September 10: Holy God, Holy and strong, Holy and immortal, have mercy on us. (500 days)

September 11: All recommend patience; but, how few there are that desire to suffer!

September 12: Mary! (300 days).

September 13: No man is fit to understand heavenly things who has not resigned himself to suffer adversities for Christ. September 14: The Cross is my sure salvation. The Cross I ever adore. The Cross of the Lord is with me. The Cross is

my refuge. (300 days)

September 15: Mary sorrowing, Mother of Christians, pray for us. (300 days)

September 16: Nothing is more acceptable to God, nothing more beneficial for you in this world, than to suffer

willingly for Christ.

September 17: To the King of Ages, immortal and invisible, to God alone be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. (500 days)

September 18: Patience and humility in adversity please God more than much consolation and devotion in prosperity.

September 19: May my heart be spotless, O Lord, that I may not be confounded. (300 days)

September 20: Let this be the final conclusion: 'Through many sufferings we must enter into the kingdom of God.

September 21: Happy are they who rejoice to be wholly intent on God, and who shake off every worldly impediment.

September 22: As the deer longs for the fountains of water, thus longs my soul for Thee, O God. (500 days)

September 23: Let go all transitory things; seek the eternal!

September 24: Mother of Mercy, pray for us. (300 days)

September 25: The world promises things that are temporary and of small value, and is served with great eagerness.

September 26: Sacred Heart of Jesus, I give myself to Thee through Mary. (300 days)

September 27: For a small gain, men run a great way; for eternal life, many will scarce lift a foot once from the ground.

September 28: My God, I give Thee thanks for that which Thou givest, for that which Thou takest away. May Thy will be done. (300 days)

September 29: Think about your sins with great displeasure and sorrow; and never esteem yourself to be anything on account of your good works.

September 30: Virtue, and discipline, and knowledge, teach me, O Lord, for I have believed Thy Commandments. (300 days)


October 1: Fear nothing so much, blame and flee nothing so much, as your vices and sins, which ought to displease you more than the loss of anything whatsoever.

October 2: Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom His love commits me here, ever this day (or this night) be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen. (300 days)

October 3: Fear the judgments of God, dread the anger of the Almighty; diligently search out your own iniquities, to see in how great things you have offended, and how much good you have neglected.

October 4: Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, model of the priestly heart, have mercy on us. (300 days)

October 5: Some carry their devotion only in their books, some in pictures, and some in outward signs and figures. Some have God in their mouths, while there is little of God in their hearts.

October 6: Keep your resolution firm, and your intention upright, towards God.

October 7: Queen of the most holy Rosary, pray for us. (300 days)

October 8: Fight like a good soldier; and if sometimes you fall through frailty, resume greater courage than before.

October 9: It is better to keep secret the grace of devotion, and not to boast nor to talk about it.

October 10: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. (500 days)

October 11: It is better to have little than much, because you might be proud of it.

October 12: Let us, with Mary Immaculate, adore, thank, pray to and console the most sacred and well-beloved Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. (300 days)

October 13: He does not act with sufficient discretion who gives himself up wholly to joy.

October 14: We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee, because by Thy holy Cross Thou hast redeemed the world. (3 years)

October 15: Even in good intentions and desires it is wise to use some restraint at times.

October 16: Sacred Heart of Jesus, I believe in Thy love for me. (300 days)

October 17: We must not regard what the flesh likes or dislikes, but rather endeavour that, even against its will, it may be subject to the spirit.

October 18: Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. (300 days)

October 19: Of two evils, always choose the less.

October 20: Blessed and praised be the Sacred Heart and precious Blood of Jesus in the most holy Sacrament of the altar. (300 days)

October 21: To escape the future eternal punishment, endeavour patiently to endure present evils for God's sake.

October 22: Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, burning with love of us inflame our hearts with love of Thee. (300 days)

October 23: The flesh will complain, but if you try hard enough you can control it.

October 24: Angel who didst support our Lord Jesus Christ, come and support us too; come, and do not delay. (300 days)

October 25: You must conceive real contempt of yourself, if you want to triumph over flesh and blood.

October 26: Glory, love, and gratitude be to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. (300 days)

October 27: Learn to break your own will.

October 28: O how humble and lowly I should think of myself; and how worthless, in spite of whatever good I may seem to have!

October 29: My God, bestow Thy blessings and Thy merits on all persons, and on those souls in purgatory, for whom I am in charity, gratitude, or friendship bound and have the desire to pray. Amen. (300 days)

October 30: Say this on every occasion: Lord, if this is pleasing to You, so let it be. But if You know that it will be hurtful to me, and not profitable for the salvation of my soul, take away from me such and such a desire.

October 31: Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, furnace of divine charity, give peace to the world. (300 days)


November 1: O Jesus, Son of the Living God, have mercy on us! O Jesus, Son of the Virgin Mary, have mercy on us! O

Jesus, King and centre of all hearts, let there be peace in Thy Kingdom! (300 days)

November 2: Use temporal things, but desire eternal.

November 3: Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Amen. (300 days; applicable only to the dead)

November 4: Be freely willing to forego all human comfort.

November 5: O Lord, my God, I now, at his moment readily and willingly accept at Thy hand whatever kind of death it

may please Thee to send me, with all its pains, penalties and sorrows (7 years every time said; Plenary Indulgence at the point of death to all who, with sincere love toward and, under the usual conditions, say the above prayer on any day they may choose)

November 6: Lord, keep me from all sin, and I will fear neither death nor hell.

November 7: From sudden and unprovided death, O Lord deliver us. (300 days)

November 8: He is not a truly patient man who will suffer only so much as he shall think fit, and from whom he pleases. November 9: Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that in the hour of death being strengthened by the Sacraments and

cleansed of all sins, we may with joy deserve to be received into the bosom of Thy mercy. Through Christ our Lord.

Amen. (3 years)

November 10: With God, not anything, however trifling, which is suffered for God's sake, shall go unrewarded. November 11: Be prepared to fight, if you desire to gain the victory.

November 12: Love, honour, and glory be to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. (300 days)

November 13: Without fighting yourself, you cannot attain the crown of patience.

November 14: If you will not suffer, you refuse to be crowned; but if you desire to be crowned, fight manfully, and

endure patiently.

November 15: Thou art my Mother, O Virgin Mary; defend me lest I should ever provoke thy most beloved Son, and grant that I may always and in everything please Him. (300 days)

November 16: Without labour, there is no coming to rest; nor without fighting do we arrive at victory.

November 17: How is it possible that the life of man can be loved, since it has so much bitterness, and is subject to so many calamities and miseries?

November 18: Holy Mary, the Deliverer, pray for us and for the souls in purgatory. (300 days)

November 19: The world is condemned as deceitful and vain; and yet it is with reluctance abandoned, because the concupiscence of the flesh is so strong.

November 20: The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and pride of life, draw us to the love of the world.

November 21: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph the Just, bless us now and when we die as we must. (300 days)

November 22: Always desire and pray that the Will of God may be entirely fulfilled in you.

November 23: Do not be anxious for the shadow of a great name, nor for acquaintance with many, nor for the particular love of individuals.

November 24: Jesus, Mary Joseph. 7 years)

November 25: Be prudent! Pray! And humble yourself in all things!

November 26: Divine Heart of Jesus, convert sinners, save the dying, set free the holy souls in purgatory. (300 days)

November 27: In everything, attend to yourself, what you are doing, and what you are saying; and direct your whole attention to this, that you may please God alone, and neither desire nor seek anything except God.

November 28: I adore Thee, O most Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. (300 days)

November 29: As for the sayings or doings of others, judge nothing rashly; tend to your own affairs; and so it may be brought about that you will be little or seldom disturbed.

November 30: Dear Lord Jesus, grant them eternal rest. (300 days; applicable only to the dead)


December 1: Blessed and praised every moment be the most Holy and Divine Sacrament. (300 days) December 2: Never to feel any grief at all, nor to suffer any trouble of heart or body, is not the state of this present life,

but of everlasting rest.

December 3: Give me, O Lord, courage to resist, patience to endure, and constancy to persevere.

December 4: O God, Thou art all-powerful; make me holy. (500 days)

December 5: Know that the love of yourself is more hurtful to you than anything in the world.

December 6: In thy conception, O Virgin Mary, thou wast immaculate; pray for us to the Father, Whose Son, Jesus,

conceived of the Holy Ghost, thou didst bring forth. (300 days)

December 7: Do not desire that which you may not have.

December 8: O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. (300 days)

December 9: Do not seek to have that which may embarrass you and deprive you of your inward liberty. December 10: Let us, with Mary Immaculate, adore, thank, pray to and console the most sacred and well-beloved

Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. (300 days)

December 11: Grant, O Lord, that I may prudently avoid him that flatters me, and patiently bear with him that

contradicts me.

December 12: Blessed be the holy and Immaculate Conception of the most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. (300


December 13: This is great wisdom: Not to be moved with every kind of words, nor to give ear to the wicked, flattering


December 14: Cleanse my heart and my body, O holy Mary. (300 days)

December 15: Do not take it to heart if some people think ill of you, and say of you what you are not willing to hear. December 16: Jesus, King and centre of all hearts, through the advent of Thy kingdom, grant us peace. (300 days) December 17: It is no small prudence to be silent in evil time, and to turn within to God, and not to be disturbed with the

judgment of man.

December 18: Do not let your peace depend on the tongues of men; for whether they put a good or bad construction on

what you do, you still are just what you are!

December 19: He who neither desires to please nor fears to displease men shall enjoy much peace. December 20: Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy Kingdom come! (300 days)

December 21: Do not set yourself for much rest, but for great patience.

December 22: Many say many things, and therefore little credit must be given to them.

December 23: Bless the Lord, all ye His angels; ye strong in power, who perform His word. Bless the Lord, all ye His

virtues; ye ministers of His, who do His will. (300 days)

December 24: It is not possible to satisfy all.

December 25: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts; the heavens and the earth are full of Thy glory. (300 days) December 26: Take it not to heart, if you see others honoured and advanced, and yourself despised and debased. December 27: O Heart of love, I place all my trust in Thee; for though I fear all things from my weakness, I hope all

things from Thy mercies. (300 days)

December 28: Lift up your heart to heaven, and the contempt of men on earth will not grieve you. December 29: Almighty, everlasting God, grant us an increase of faith, hope and charity; and, that we may merit to

attain what Thou dost promise, grant us to love what Thou dost ordain. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. (5 years) December 30: Mortify your vices; for this will do you more good than the knowledge of many difficult questions. December 31: Praise, adoration, love, and thanksgiving be every moment given to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus in all

the tabernacles of the world and unto the end of time. Amen. (300 days)

Nihil obstat,

F. MOYNIHAN, Censor Deputatus.



Archiepiscopus MeIbournensis. 10/1/1945


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