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A Manual Of Councils Of The Holy Catholic Church -Rev. Edward H. Landon. M.A.

QUEDLINBURG (1085). In 1085. Here the opinions of Wecilinus, a German, a clerk of Halberstadt, who defended the cause of the emperor, Henry III., against Gregory VII., and who maintained that persons deprived of their property by a juridical sentence were not subject to any ecclesiastical censure, not even excommunication, were condemned. The emperor, in 1086, made him Archbishop of Mayence.

QUERCUM AD (or the OAK) (403). [Pseudo-Council.] A council was held at a place in the neighbourhood of Chalcedon, in 403, and is known as the “Concilium ad Quercum.” Paul, Bishop of Heraclea, presided. Theophilus of Alexandria, the open enemy of St John Chrysostom, here succeeded in effecting his deposition, which was decreed by the thirty-six bishops present, amongst whom were Acacius of Berea, Severianus of Gabala, in Syria, Antiochus of Ptolemais, and Cyprian of Chalcedon. St Chrysostom was cited, but refused to appear, unless Theophilus, Acacius, Antiochus, and others of his declared foes withdrew.

The Emperor Arcadius, yielding to the wish of his wife Eudoxia, who had determined the ruin of Chrysostom, confirmed the judgment of the council, and banished him to Bithynia. However, an earthquake, which occurred on the very day of his departure, terrified the empress to such a degree, that he was instantly brought back, and re-entered Constantinople in triumph.—Tom. ii. Conc. p. 1323.

QUIERCY (838). [Concilium Carisiacense.] Florus brought forward the views of Omalarius. (See THERNVILLE 835, and HEFELC.)

QUIERCY (849). Held in 849, by Hincmar, and several [13] other bishops, who condemned Gothescalus, a predestinarian, and sentenced him to be degraded, flogged, and imprisoned at Hautvilliers, where he wrote a profession of faith similar to that which he had presented at the Council of Mayence in 848.—Tom. viii. Conc. p. 55.

QUIERCY (853). Held by Hincmar of Rheims, with several bishops and abbots, where four heads of doctrine were propounded—(1) That God hath predestined to life only; (2) That Freewill is restored to man by Jesus Christ, and that with the aid of Grace we have full power to do good; (3) That God would have all men to be saved; (4) That Jesus Christ suffered for all. The church of Lyons refused to receive these four articles, which were rejected by the Council of Valence, 855. (See C. VALENCE.)

QUIERCY (858). Held in 858. In this council the Bishops of the provinces of Rheims and Rouen wrote a long letter full of reproaches to Louis, King of Germany, blaming him for invading France upon the invitation of the disaffected nobles of Charles; and declaring that it had come to their ears, that in the course of his march through the various dioceses, cruelties and abominations had been committed, surpassing those of the heathen themselves.—Tom. viii. Conc. p. 654.

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