CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
CATHOLIC SAINTS INDEX | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
CATHOLIC DICTIONARY | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Table Of AbbreviationsThe following tables and notes are intended to guide readers of The Catholic Encyclopedia in interpreting those abbreviations, signs, or technical phrases which, for economy of space, will be most frequently used in the work. For more general information see the article Abbreviations, Ecclesiastical. I. - General Abbreviations. a article. ad an. at the year (Lat. ad annum). an., ann. the year, the years (Lat. annus, anni). ap. in (Lat. apud). art. article. Assyr. Assyrian. A.S. Anglo-Saxon. A.V. Authorized Version (i.e. tr. of the Bible authorized for use in the Anglican Church—the so-called "King James", or "Protestant" Bible. b. born. Bk. Book. Bl. Blessed. C.,c. about (Lat. circa); canon; chapter; compagnie. can. canon. cap. chapter (Lat. caput—used only in Latin context). cf. compare (Lat. confer). cod. codex. col. column. concl. conclusion. const., constit. Lat. constitutio. cura. by the industry of. d. died. dict. dictionary (Fr. dictionnaire). disp. Lat. disputatio. diss. Lat. dissertatio. dist. Lat. distinctio. D.V. Douay Version. ed., edit. edited, edition, editor. Ep., Epp. letter, letters (Lat. epistola). Fr. French. gen. genus. Gr. Greek. H. E., Hist. Eccl. Ecclesiastical History. Heb., Hebr. Hebrew. ib., ibid. in the same place (Lat. ibidem). Id. the same person, or author (Lat. idem). inf. below (Lat. infra). It. Italian. l. c., loc. cit. at the place quoted (Lat. loco citato). Lat. Latin. lat. latitude. lib. book (Lat. liber). long. longitude. Mon. Lat. Monumenta. MS., MSS. manuscript, manuscripts. n., no. number. N. T. New Testament. Nat. National. Old Fr., O. Fr. Old French. op. cit. in the work quoted (Lat. opere citato). Ord. Order. O. T. Old Testament. p., pp. page, pages, or (in Latin references) pars (part). par. paragraph. passim. in various places. pt. part. Q. Quarterly (a periodical), e.g. "Church Quarterly". Q., QQ., quæst. question, questions (Lat. quæstio). q. v. which [title] see (Lat. quod vide). Rev. Review (a periodical). R. S. Rolls Series. R. V. Revised Version. S., SS. Lat. Sanctus, Sancti, "Saint", "Saints"—used in this Encyclopedia only in Latin context Sept. Septuagint. Sess. Session. Skt. Sanskrit. Sp. Spanish. sq., sqq. following page, or pages (Lat. sequens). St., Sts. Saint, Saints. sup. Above (Lat. supra). s. v. Under the corresponding title (Lat. sub voce). tom. volume (Lat. tomus). tr. translation or translated. By itself it means "English translation", or "translated into English by". Where a translation is into any other language, the language is stated. tr., tract. tractate. v. see (Lat. vide). Ven. Venerable. Vol. Volume. II. - Abbreviations of Titles. Acta SS. Acta Sanctorum (Bollandists). Ann. pont. cath. Battandier, Annuaire pontifical catholique. Bibl. Dict. Eng. Cath. Gillow, Bibliographical Dictionary of the English Catholics. Dict. Christ. Antiq. Smith and Cheetham (ed.), Dictionary of Christian Antiquities. Dict. Christ. Biog. Smith and Wace (ed.), Dictionary of Christian Biography. Dict. d'arch. chrét. Cabrol (ed.), Dictionnarie d'archéologie chrétienne et de liturgie. Dict. de théol. cath. Vacant and Mangenot (ed.), Dictionnaire de théologie catholique. Dict. Nat. Biog. Stephen (ed.), Dictionary of National Biography. Hast., Dict. of the Bible Hastings (ed.), A Dictionary of the Bible. Kirchenlex Wetzer and Welte, Kirchenlexicon. P. G. Migne (ed.), Patres Græci. P. L. Migne (ed.), Patres Latini. Vig., Dict. de la Bible Vigouroux (ed.), Dictionnaire de la Bible. Note I.——Large Roman numerals standing alone indicate volumes. Small Roman numerals standing alone indicate chapters. Arabic numerals standing alone indicate pages. In other cases the divisions are explicitly stated. Thus "Rashdall, Universities of Europe, I, ix" refers the reader to the ninth chapter of the first volume of that work; "I, p. ix" would indicate the ninth page of the preface of the same volume. Note II.——Where St. Thomas (Aquinas) is cited without the name of any particular work the reference is always to "Summa Theologica" (not to "Summa Philosophiæ"). The divisions of the "Summa Theol." are indicated by a system which may best be understood by the following example: "I-II, Q. vi, a. 7, ad 2 um" refers the reader to the seventh article of the sixth question in the first part of the second part, in the response to the second objection. Note III.——The abbreviations employed for the various books of the Bible are obvious. Ecclesiasticus is indicated by Ecclus., to distinguish it from Ecclesiastes (Eccles.). It should also be noted that I and II Kings in D. V. correspond to I and II Samuel in A. V.; and I and II Par. to I and II Chronicles. Where, in the spelling of a proper name, there is a marked difference between the D. V. and the A. V., the form found in the latter is added, in parentheses. |
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