CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
CATHOLIC SAINTS INDEX | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
CATHOLIC DICTIONARY | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
On Loving God |
But it will be well to note what class of people takes comfort in the
thought of God. Surely not that perverse and crooked generation to whom
it was said, Woe unto you that are rich; for ye have received your
consolation' (Luke 6.24). Rather, those who can say with truth, My soul
refuseth comfort' (Ps. 77.2). For it is meet that those who are not
satisfied by the present should be sustained by the thought of the
future, and that the contemplation of eternal happiness should solace
those who scorn to drink from the river of transitory joys. That is the
generation of them that seek the Lord, even of them that seek, not
their own, but the face of the God of Jacob. To them that long for the
presence of the living God, the thought of Him is sweetest itself: but
there is no satiety, rather an ever-increasing appetite, even as the
Scripture bears witness, they that eat me shall yet be hungry' (Ecclus.
24.21); and if the one an-hungred spake, When I awake up after Thy
likeness, I shall be satisfied with it.' Yea, blessed even now are they
which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they, and they
only, shall be filled. Woe to you, wicked and perverse generation; woe
to you, foolish and abandoned people, who hate Christ's memory, and
dread His second Advent! Well may you fear, who will not now seek
deliverance from the snare of the hunter; because they that will be
rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and
hurtful lusts' (I Tim. 6.9). In that day we shall not escape the
dreadful sentence of condemnation, Depart from Me, ye cursed, into
everlasting fire' (Matt. 25.41). O dreadful sentence indeed, O hard
saying! How much harder to bear than that other saying which we repeat
daily in church, in memory of the Passion: Whoso eateth My flesh and
drinketh My blood hath eternal life' (John 6.54). That signifies, whoso
honors My death and after My example mortifies his members which are
upon the earth (Col. 3.5) shall have eternal life, even as the apostle
says, If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him' (II Tim. 2.12). And
yet many even today recoil from these words and go away, saying by
their action if not with their lips, This is a hard saying; who can
hear it?' (John 6.60). A generation that set not their heart aright,
and whose spirit cleaveth not steadfastly unto God' (Ps. 78.8), but
chooseth rather to trust in uncertain riches, it is disturbed at the
very name of the Cross, and counts the memory of the Passion
intolerable. How can such sustain the burden of that fearful sentence,
Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the
devil and his angels'? On whomsoever that stone shall fall it will
grind him to powder' (Luke 20.18); but the generation of the faithful
shall be blessed' (Ps. 112.2), since, like the apostle, they labor that
whether present or absent they may be accepted of the Lord (II Cor.
5.9). At the last day they too shall hear the Judge pronounce their
award, Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for
you from the foundation of the world' (Matt. 25.34).
In that day those who set not their hearts aright will feel, too late,
how easy is Christ's yoke, to which they would not bend their necks and
how light His burden, in comparison with the pains they must then
endure. O wretched slaves of Mammon, you cannot glory in the Cross of
our Lord Jesus Christ while you trust in treasures laid up on earth:
you cannot taste and see how gracious the Lord is, while you are
hungering for gold. If you have not rejoiced at the thought of His
coming, that day will be indeed a day of wrath to you.
But the believing soul longs and faints for God; she rests sweetly in
the contemplation of Him. She glories in the reproach of the Cross,
until the glory of His face shall be revealed. Like the Bride, the dove
of Christ, that is covered with silver wings (Ps. 68.13), white with
innocence and purity, she reposes in the thought of Thine abundant
kindness, Lord Jesus; and above all she longs for that day when in the
joyful splendor of Thy saints, gleaming with the radiance of the
Beatific Vision, her feathers shall be like gold, resplendent with the
joy of Thy countenance.
Rightly then may she exult, His left hand is under my head and His
right hand doth embrace me.' The left hand signifies the memory of that
matchless love, which moved Him to lay down His life for His friends;
and the right hand is the Beatific Vision which He hath promised to His
own, and the delight they have in His presence. The Psalmist sings
rapturously, At Thy right hand there is pleasure for evermore' (Ps.
16.11): so we are warranted in explaining the right hand as that divine
and deifying joy of His presence.
Rightly too is that wondrous and ever-memorable love symbolized as His
left hand, upon which the Bride rests her head until iniquity be done
away: for He sustains the purpose of her mind, lest it should be turned
aside to earthly, carnal desires. For the flesh wars against the
spirit: The corruptible body presseth down the soul, and the earthly
tabernacle weigheth down the mind that museth upon many things' (Wisdom
9.15). What could result from the contemplation of compassion so
marvelous and so undeserved, favor so free and so well attested,
kindness so unexpected, clemency so unconquerable, grace so amazing
except that the soul should withdraw from all sinful affections, reject
all that is inconsistent with God's love, and yield herself wholly to
heavenly things? No wonder is it that the Bride, moved by the perfume
of these unctions, runs swiftly, all on fire with love, yet reckons
herself as loving all too little in return for the Bridegroom's love.
And rightly, since it is no great matter that a little dust should be
all consumed with love of that Majesty which loved her first and which
revealed itself as wholly bent on saving her. For God so loved the
world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in
Him should not perish but have everlasting life' (John 3.16). This sets
forth the Father's love. But He hath poured out His soul unto death,'
was written of the Son (Isa. 53.12). And of the Holy Spirit it is said,
The Comforter which is the Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in My
name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your
remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you' (John 14.26). It is
plain, therefore, that God loves us, and loves us with all His heart;
for the Holy Trinity altogether loves us, if we may venture so to speak
of the infinite and incomprehensible Godhead who is essentially one.
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