Mary of Agreda
from the Spanish by Reverend George J. Blatter
1914, So. Chicago, Ill., The Theopolitan; Hammond, Ind.,
W.B. Conkey Co., US.
City of God, the miracle of his omnipotence and the abyss of his
grace the divine history and life of the Virgin Mother of God our
Queen and our Lady, most holy Mary expiatrix of the fault of eve and
mediatrix of grace.
history and life of the Virgin Mother of God our Queen and our Mother
and Mediatrix of Grace, manifested to Sister Mary of Jesus, Prioress
of the convent of the Immaculate Conception in Agreda, Spain. For new
enlightenment of the world, for rejoicing of the Catholic Church, and
encouragement of men. Completed in 1665.
from the Original Authorized Spanish Edition by Fiscar Marison
(George J. Blatter). Begun on the Feast of the Assumption 1902,
completed 1912.
Mystical City of God consists of four volumes; The Conception, The
Incarnation, The Transfixion and The Coronation. These four Volumes
and a Popular Abridgement are also available.
work is published for the greater Glory of Jesus Christ through His
most Holy Mother Mary and for the sanctification of the militant
Church and her members.
1. In navigating a deep and dangerous
sea, the navigator is so much the more dangerously beset with its
terrors and the attacks of pirates, the farther he has penetrated
into its wide expanses. His cares are vastly increased on account of
his weakness and want of certainty; for he does not know when or
whence danger may come, and he is powerless to avert its coming and
unable to resist it when at hand. This is just what is now happening
to me since I am engulfed in the immense ocean of the excellence and
magnificence of the works of the most holy Mary. And yet it is a sea
full of repose and tranquillity, as I know and confess. Nor can the
fact, that I have advanced so far upon this sea of grace, and that I
have finished the first and second part of her life, give me
assurance; for in this work I have, as in a most clear mirror, only
so much the more clearly perceived my own incapability and vileness,
and the deepest conviction forces itself upon me, that her history is
most impenetrable and incomprehensible to all created understanding.
Nor are the enemies, the princes of darkness, ever at rest; for, like
the most persistent pirates, they continue to afflict and discourage
me by false illusions and temptations with a malice and astuteness
beyond all calculation. The navigator has no other recourse than to
fix his sight upon the north-star, according to. which, as his star
of the sea, he must guide and direct his course amid the waves. I am
trying to do the same in the midst of these multitudinous and
tormenting temptations and fears. Guided by my Star, the most holy
Mary, in whom, through obedience, I can ascertain and fix my will
upon the will of the Eternal, and being many times afflicted, full of
unquietness and fear, I cry out from the bottom of my heart and say:
“My Lord and most high God, what shall I do in my doubts? Shall
I proceed, or shall I desist, in writing this history? Do thou, 0
Mother of grace and my Instructress, make known to me thy will and
that of thy divine Son.”
2. I must confess truly, and as due
to the divine condescension, that God has always answered my clamors
and has never denied me his paternal kindness in making known his
will in many ways. Although this is sufficiently evident in the
assistance rendered to me in the writing of the first and second
parts, yet besides this proof, there are innumerable other assurances
given me by the Lord himself, by his most holy Mother, and his
angels, so that evidences have been heaped upon evidences, and
testimonies upon testimonies, to counteract my cowardice and fear.
What is more, the angels themselves in visible shapes, being the
prelates and ministers of the Lord in his holy Church, have pointed
out and reiterated the divine commandment, bidding me to believe and
execute this commission, and to continue to the end. Nor was there
wanting to me the light of infused science, which sweetly and
forcefully called, enlightened and moved my heart to the knowledge of
the highest perfection, the most immaculate holiness, the most
perfect virtue and the most desirable of what can be sought by the
will. It has at the same time referred me to all this as enclosed and
reserved, like a hidden manna, in that ark of the covenant, most holy
Mary, open for all that wish to approach and taste thereof.
3. Nevertheless, on entering upon the
writing of this third part, I was beset by new and harassing
contradictions, not less formidable than those experienced in the
first two portions of this history. I can say without fear, that I
have not composed a sentence or a word, nor have I brought myself to
write the least part of it, without experiencing more temptations
than the letters of the alphabet of which it is composed. Although
the hindrances caused by my own fear would have been sufficient
(since I know who I am, and cannot help being cowardly, nor ever can
put less confidence in myself than what my own weakness will warrant)
; yet neither this, nor the magnitude of the undertaking were the
real impediments, though these were at first unsuspected. I presented
to the Lord the second part, which I had written, in the same way as
I had presented the first. Under strict obedience I was compelled to
begin this third part, and, by the strength which this virtue gives
to all that practice it, I allayed the fear and faintness of my heart
in executing what had been assigned to me. But fluctuating between my
desire and fear of commencing, I was cast about like a vessel,
combated by violent and contrary winds.
4. On the one hand, the Lord bade me
proceed in what I had begun, as such was his will; nor, in my
continual prayers, did I ever feel impelled to a different course. It
is true, for some time I paid no attention to these directions of the
Most High and did not manifest them immediately to my superior and to
my confessor (not because I wished to conceal them, but in order to
act more securely and in order that they might not suspect I followed
only my own insight). But the Lord, who is so even and equable in all
his works, inspired them with a new energy in pressing their
continual exhortations and commands. Yet on the other hand, the envy
and malice of the ancient serpent maligned all that I did or was
moved to undertake. He raised up against me tormenting and alluring
temptations, by which he sometimes sought to inspire me with his own
boundless pride. At others, and very often, he sought to cast me down
to deepest dejection and involve me in darkest and most disorderly
fears, increasing his efforts as this history progressed, and
especially as it was coming to a close. This enemy also availed
himself of the judgment of some persons, who justly could claim my
respect and who would not further this work. He caused also
disturbances among the religious under my charge. It seemed to me
that I had no time to spare and was obliged to attend to the welfare
of the community, as the most important duty of a superioress. With
all these molestations I came to no such interior peace, as is
necessary for and befitting the actual enlightenment and intelligence
concerning the mysteries to be treated of. For this light cannot be
perceived, nor is it properly communicated, amid the spiritual storms
of temptation, but will shine only in the peace and serenity of the
soul’s faculties.
5. Afflicted and harassed by such a
variety of temptations, I ceased not in my clamors. On one day in
particular I spoke to the Lord: “Highest Lord and Good of my
soul, to thy wisdom are not concealed my sighs and my desire to
please Thee and to avoid errors in thy service (Ps. 37, to). Lovingly
I lament in thy royal presence; for, either Thou commandest me, O
Lord, what I cannot fulfill, or Thou permittest thy and my enemies to
hinder by their malice what Thou commandest.” The Lord answered
my complaint and with some severity, said: “Remember, soul,
that thou canst not continue what thou hast begun, nor wilt thou
finish the writings of my Mother’s life, if thou wilt not
become altogether perfect and pleasing in my eyes. For I wish that
thou gather within thee the copious fruits of this benefit, and that
thou among the first, profit by it in greatest abundance. In order
that thou mayest share its fruits as I wish, it is necessary, that
all which is earthly in thee and savoring of a daughter of Adam be
consumed. Thou must be free from the effects of sin with all its evil
inclinations and habits.” This answer of the Lord excited in me
new solicitudes and the most burning desire of performing all that it
implied; namely, not only a common mortification of all the
inclinations and passions, but an absolute death of the animal and
terrestrial life and its renovation and transformation into a
celestial and angelic state of existence.
6. Desiring to apply my powers to
what was proposed to me, I examined my inclinations and appetites, I
searched the bystreets and corners of my interior and felt a most
ardent wish to die to all that is visible and earthly. For some days
I suffered in these exercises great affliction and melancholy; for,
in proportion to my anxiety, increased also the dangers and occasions
of being diverted by attention to creatures. The more I sought to
withdraw myself from all my surroundings, so much the more did I find
myself bound and oppressed by what I abhorred. Of all this the enemy
availed himself for my discouragement, representing such a life as
altogether impossible to me. To this affliction was suddenly added
another new, strange disorder. I felt in my body a condition so
sensitive that the least exertion, even the most insignificant mor
tification, became more intolerable to me than until then the most
severe penances. Those that I was accustomed to undergo most
willingly, required now the most violent exertion, and I found myself
become so delicate that they seemed to inflict upon me mortal wounds.
To undergo discipline was an excruciating pain, causing swoons, and
each stroke cut through my very heart. Without exaggeration I
say, that merely to touch one hand with the other forced out my
tears, so that I felt great confusion and grief at being so
miserable. In forcing myself to labor in spite of this infirmity, I
found my blood oozing from my fingernails.
7. I could not account for this new
experience, and in considering it, I impatiently exclaimed: “Ah
me! What misery is this? What change do I feel within me? The Lord
commands me to morti fy myself and die to all creatures, and I feel
myself much more alive to pain and much less mortified.” For
some days I suffered in great bitterness and impatience of my soul.
In order to moderate my disturbance, the Most High consoled me,
saying: “My Daughter and Spouse, let not thy heart be afflicted
at the vividness of thy sufferings. I have sought by this means to
distinguish in thee the effects of sin and to restore thee to a new
life and prepare thee for works more exalted and pleasing to Me.
Until thou shalt have attained this state, thou canst not begin to
write what remains of the life of my Mother and thy Mistress.”
This answer of the Lord somewhat encouraged me; for his words are
words of life, vivifying the heart (John 6, 69). Although my troubles
and temptations were not abated, I prepared myself for labor and
battle; yet I continued to distrust my weakness and inability
and despaired of finding a remedy. I sought it in the Mother of life,
and I resolved to ask for help in sincerity and constancy. For She is
the only and most certain refuge of the needy and afflicted and She
has continually heaped her many favors upon me, the most useless
creature of the world.
8. I prostrated myself at the feet of
the great Lady of heaven and earth, and pouring out my spirit in her
presence, I besought Her mercifully to remedy my imperfections and
defects. I represented to Her my desire of pleasing Her and her
divine Son and again offered myself for her service, even if I should
have to pass through fire and torments and shed my blood. The kind
Mother answered my supplications by saying: “My daughter,
understand well, that these desires, which the Most High again
excites in thy heart, are pledges and effects of his love, by which
He calls thee to his intimate intercourse and familiarity. It is his
most holy will and mine, that thou on thy part correspond to them in
order that thou mayest not hinder thy vocation or retard any longer
the pleasure of his Majesty in what He requires of thee. During all
the writing of my life I exhorted and reminded thee of thy
obligations connected with this blessing, namely that thou imprint in
thyself the living image of its teachings and of my example according
to the graces thou receivest. Thou hast now arrived at the third and
last part of this history; and it is time thou raise thyself to a
perfect imitation of Me, clothing thyself with new strength and
extending thy hand to strong doings (Prov. 31, 17). By such a life
and behavior thou wilt be able to begin what still remains to be
written; for it must be written in such a way, that thou put in
practice the lessons it inculcates. Without such a disposition thou
wilt not be able to write it; since it is the will of the Lord, that
my history shall be written more in thy heart than on paper, and that
thou feel what thou writest, in order that thou mayest write what
thou feelest.”
9. “Therefore I desire that thy
interior be cleared from all earthly images and inclinations (Ps. 44,
11); so that, having put away and forgotten all visible things, thou
mayest center all thy conversation and intercourse upon thy Lord
(Phil. 3, 20), upon me, and upon his angels; and let all other things
be strange and foreign to thee. In the strength of this virtue and
purity, which I require of thee, thou shalt crush the head of the
ancient serpent and conquer his opposition to thy writing and
laboring. Because thou art so tardy in responding to the wishes of
the Lord, in entering upon the path He wishes thee to pursue, and in
placing full confidence in his blessed intentions, I tell thee truly:
while attending to these empty fears, thou art so tardy in responding
to the Lord, in entering upon the path He wishes thee to pursue and
in placing full confidence in his blessed intentions, that, precisely
on this account, divine Providence has permitted the dragon to be the
minister of his justice in punishing thy unbelief and thy want of
submission to his will. That same enemy has concocted schemes to draw
thee into some faults by setting before thee his deceits in the garb
of a good intention and of virtuous ends, and by seeking falsely to
persuade thee, that thou art not destined for such high favors and
exalted blessings; and, in order that thou mayest not merit them, he
has made thee dull and tardy in rendering thanks for them. Thou hast
been taken in by the deceit of deeming these works of the Most High
due to thee in justice, and not as works of grace; and so thou hast
neglected to co-operate to the fullest extent with the divine graces
and hast not corresponded to those thou receivest without any merit
of thy own. It is time, my dearest, that thou be assured, and that
thou believe the Lord and me; for I teach thee the highest
perfection, namely the imitation of me. Thus shall be conquered the
pride and cruelty of the demon and his head crushed by divine power.
There is no reason why thou shouldst impede its effects; but,
forgetting all things, consign thyself lovingly into the hands of my
divine Son and mine; for We desire of thee what is most holy, most
praiseworthy and pleasing in our eyes and estimation.”
10. By this instruction of my
heavenly Lady, Mother and Teacher, my soul was replenished with new
light and with the desire of obeying Her in all things. I renewed my
good resolutions, I resolved to raise myself by the help of divine
grace, and I strove to prepare myself for the fulfillment of the will
of the Most High without resistance. I availed myself of my bodily
condition, by which, as mentioned above, my sensibility to
mortification had been so much enlivened and increased. But the demon
abated not in his strife and opposition. He knew that the enterprise
I was to assume was very arduous and that the state to which the Lord
raised me was a refuge, but one far above human weakness and earthly
dullness. Gladly will I confess this truth and the slowness caused by
my frailty and sluggishness. I acknowledge, that the Lord has labored
with me during my whole life in order to raise me from the dust and
from the dunghill of my vileness, multiplying his blessings and
favors beyond all my comprehension. Moreover He has seconded all
these blessings by the aid of his right hand in order to gain his
end. I cannot at present mention all that He did for me; but at the
same time it seems unjust to pass it over in silence entirely, since
it will show to what misery sin has brought us and what distance
there is between the capacity of the reasoning creature and the
summit of virtue and perfection it can attain. It will also show what
it costs to restore man to that capacity.
11. Some years before writing this I
was repeatedly favored with an extraordinary blessing at the hands of
God. It was a sort of death to all the animal and terrestrial
operations, like that of civil death; and this state was followed by
another, which was one of new enlightenment and of more exalted
operations. But since the soul always remains clothed in mortal and
earthly corruption, I continue to feel the heavy weight of the flesh
overwhelming and degrading the soul (Wis. 9, 15), unless the Lord
renews his wonders and favors me with the assistance of divine grace.
On that occasion this renewal was wrought in me through the Mother of
piety, who, speaking to me in a vision, said: “Take heed, my
daughter, that now thou must begin to live not thy own life, but the
life of thy Spouse Christ in thee (Gal. 2, 20) ; He is to be the life
of thy soul, and the soul of thy life. For this purpose I wish to
cause in thee the death of thy old life, which has so far operated in
thee, and establish in thee the new life, which We ask of thee. Let
it then today be known to heaven and earth, that sister Mary of
Jesus, my daughter and servant, dies to the world, and that the Most
High works this change, in order that this soul may live only to what
faith teaches. Just as in natural death all things are left behind;
so shall this, my daughter, thus freed, by her last will and
testament consign her soul to her Creator and Redeemer and her body
to the earth of self-knowledge and patient suffering. Of this soul my
divine Son and I shall take charge, in order to fulfill entirely his
holy will, if she will obey Us promptly. We will celebrate her
exequies with our courtiers, in order to bury her in the bosom of the
divine humanity of the Word, which is the sepulchre of those that die
to the world while still in mortal life. From now on she must not
live in her own self, nor for herself, after the fashion of Adam; but
in all things she is now to manifest in her the life of Christ, who
is her life. I shall beseech Him to look kindly upon this deceased
one and to receive her soul as his own; to acknowledge her as a
stranger and pilgrim, living not on earth, but in the higher and
divine regions. I shall instruct the angels to accept her as a
companion and to treat and converse with her as if she were freed
from mortal flesh.”
12. “I command the demons to
let alone this dead one, just as they must let alone the other dead,
who are not under their jurisdiction and in whom they have no part;
for from this day on she shall be more dead to visible things than
those who have passed from this world. I conjure men to lose her out
of sight and forget her, as they forget the dead, in order that they
may thus allow her to remain in peace and tranquillity. And thee I
command and exhort, that thou consider thyself as one who has
finished life in this world and has entered eternal life in the
presence of the Most High. I desire thee to imitate the life of the
blessed in faith; since the certainty and assurance of truth is the
same for thee as for them. Thy conversation is to be on high (Phil.
3,20) ; thy intercourse, with the Lord (jf all creation and thy
Spouse; thy conference shall be with the angels and saints, and thou
must rivet thy whole attention upon me, thy Mother and Teacher. For
all the rest that is earthly and visible thou must have neither
movement of life, nor any activity; no more than a dead body. which
shows no feeling of life in response to anything that may happen to
it or may be done with it. Neither must difficulties inquiet thee,
nor flattery OT pleasures affect thee; thou must not respond to
injuries, nor be elated by honors; let neither presumption inflate
thee, nor mistrust cast thee down; thou must not give consent to any
feeling of concupiscence or anger; because thy model in all these
passions must be a dead body, already freed from all of them. Nor
must thou have any more dealings with the world than the dead; for
the world immediately forgets those whom it has praised in life, and
to such an extent, that, though they be father or brother, and the
most intimate relatives, it hastens to put them out of sight. All
this the deceased permit, without a murmur or a feeling of offense;
nor do the dead make any account of the living, much less do they
attend to them or to anything they may have left among their
13. “Having thus died to
thyself, it remains for thee to consider thyself as the food of
worms, fit only for vilest corruption. Thus shalt thou bury thyself
in the earth of thy self-knowledge, in order that thy senses and
passions may not presume to give forth their bad odor in the sight of
the Lord, nor, like an ill-covered and half-buried corpse, may not
presume to give forth its bad odor in the presence of the Lord and of
those that have entered the blessed life. Let thy horror of showing
any signs of life, or of not being entirely mortified in the sight of
thy God and of the saints, be much greater than that caused by
unburied bodies among men. The use of thy senses such as sight,
hearing, touch and others for the purpose of entertainment or
delight, should be a greater surprise and offense to thee, than to
see a corpse moving about. By this death thou shalt be prepared and
fit to be the only spouse of my divine Son, and my true and most
beloved disciple and daughter. Such is the state which I require of
thee, and so high is the wisdom, which I am to teach thee in
following my footsteps and in imitating my life, reproducing in
thyself, as far as is granted thee, all my virtues. This should be
the fruit of recording the wonders and sacraments of my sanctity
manifested to thee by the Lord. I wish that they escape not the
secrecy of thy bosom and be made known without having moved thee to
the perfect fulfillment of the will of my divine Son and of mine,
which tends to nothing else than toward thy own highest perfection.
Drink then the waters of wisdom from their fountainhead, the Savior:
there is no reason why thou shouldst remain void and unsatiated of
that, which thou art to administer to others, nor that thou shouldst
finish writing this history without deriving the fruits of this
blessing. Prepare thy heart then for this death, which I urge upon
thee, and thou shalt attain thy wishes and mine.”
14. Such were the words of the great
Lady of heaven to me on this occasion, and on many others She has
repeated this teaching of the salutary and eternal life. Of these
teachings I have written much in the chapters of the first and second
part, and shall continue to do so in the third part. From all this my
sluggishness and ingratitude toward such great benefits is very
apparent. For, though this great Queen and her divine Son have so
often promised to raise me to a most exalted state and habitation,
once I die to the earth and to myself, and though in their divine
kindness They now promise it freely and anew; yet 1 find myself
continually backward in virtue and much entangled in the pursuits of
a daughter of Adam. This state is a solitude and desert, created for
the soul in the midst of the surrounding creatures. In it my soul has
no intercourse with the rest of visible creatures, but enjoys the
presence and the communications of the Lord, of his holy Mother and
the angels, at the same time permitting all its activity and all its
dealings to be governed by the promptings of the divine will for
God’s greater glory and honor.
15. During the whole course of my
life, from earliest childhood, the Most High has exercised me in
continual infirmities, sorrows and other molestations of creatures.
But with the advance of years He increased also the sufferings of
another kind of trial, which made me forget much of those already
suffered in the past; it was like a two-edged sword which divided my
soul and spirit, as the Apostle says (Heb. 4, 12). This trial was
that constant fear, of which I have so often spoken, and for which I
have been reprehended in this history. Much of it I felt even from
childhood, but it developed and rose to the highest pitch since my
entrance into religion, where I applied myself entirely to the
spiritual life, and experienced the manifestations of the Lord to my
soul. Since that time God has placed me upon this cross, or into this
wine-press of the heart, namely: permitting me to remain in the
continual dread of not being on the right path, of being deceived, or
of having lost the grace and the friendship of God. My difficulties
were much augmented by the publicity, which some persons incautiously
and to my great grief, gave to my affairs, and by the terrors with
which others filled me at my danger. So deeply rooted in my heart was
this terror, that it has never ceased, and could never be allayed by
the satisfaction and complete assurances of my confessor and
superiors, nor by their kind encouragement, nor by their corrections,
nor by the many other means they used for this purpose. What is more,
although the angels and the Queen of heaven, and the Lord himself
continually reassured and soothed me, and although I feel myself free
in their presence; yet, as soon as I issue from this sphere of divine
light I am again assailed with incredible violence. This might easily
be recognized as the cruel machination of the infernal dragon, if my
troubles, afflictions and fears had not the appearance of arising
from other sources than the devil. This fiend especially assails me,
whenever I am about to open my heart to my confessors, particularly
to the superior, who directs me; for nothing does this prince of
darkness fear more than the light and the power possessed by the
ministers of the Lord.
16. In the bitterness of this sorrow
and the most ardent desire of grace and of not losing God, I have
lived many years, and the various and numerous happenings amid this
constant strife I cannot record. The root of this fear, I believe,
was holy, but many of its branches have been fruitless, although the
divine wisdom knew how to use them all for his different ends. On
this account He permitted the enemy to avail himself of the blessings
of the Lord for my affliction. For the inordinate fear, which hinders
the good, though it appear to imitate ever so much the good, is evil
and of the demon. My afflictions have at times reached such a pass,
that I considered it a great gain not to lose the life of my body,
and especially that of my soul. But the Lord, whom the winds and the
waves obey (Matth. 8, 27) and whom all things serve (Ps. 118, 91),
who gives nourishment to every creature in opportune time (Ps. 144,
15), has now in his condescension wished to give peace to my spirit
in order that I might enjoy more tranquillity in writing the rest of
this history. It is some years ago, that the Lord consoled me and
promised me peace and interior quiet before I should die; informing
me at the same time, that the dragon is so furious against me,
because he suspects there is little time left him for persecution.
17. In order to set about writing
this third part the Lord on a certain day, with singular
condescension and complacency, spoke to me as follows: “My
dearest Spouse, I wish to alleviate thy pains and moderate thy
afflictions; quiet thyself, my dove, and rest securely in the
sweetness of my love and of my powerful and kingly word; for I assure
thee upon this word, that it is I, who speak to thee and who have
selected thy paths according to my pleasure. It is I, that lead thee
along these ways; it is I, the same One, that is at the right hand of
the eternal Father and present in the sacrament of the holy Eucharist
in the species of bread. I give thee this assurance, in order that
thou quiet and convince thyself. For I do not wish thee, my dearest,
to be my slave, but my daughter and spouse, and I desire thee to
enjoy my gifts and delights. Enough of fears and of bitterness hast
thou suffered; let peace and tranquillity enter into thy afflicted
heart.” Such favors and assurances of the Lord, often repeated,
one would think, should not be humiliating, but should afford only
the greatest joy; but they are of such a kind, that they abase the
heart to the lowest dust and fill me with solicitude and anxiety.
Those that think different, have little experience and are only
slightly capable of the secret operations of the Most High. It is
certain, that I have been instructed in many new things interiorly
and was much alleviated in the troubles and temptations caused by
these disorderly fears. But the Lord is so wise and powerful, that on
the one hand He assures, and on the other He stirs up the soul,
injecting new fear of falling and thereby preserving it in the
knowledge and humiliation of self.
18. I must acknowledge that by these
and other continual favors, the Lord has not so much freed me from
fears, as confirmed me in them; for I live in continual dread, lest I
show myself ungrateful and fail to correspond by displeasing Him or
losing Him; lest I be wanting in the perfect love of Him, who is so
good in Himself; and lest I should not deserve to retain the fullest
possible love toward Him, or even that which is not possible. Filled
with these anxieties, and on account of my great misery, solicitude
and many faults, I said on one occasion to the Most High: “My
sweetest Love, Lord and Master of my soul, although Thou givest me so
many assurances to quiet my troubled heart, how can I do away with my
fears amid the dangers of this laborious and dreadful life, full of
temptations and persecutions, during which I hold my treasure in a
vase more fragile and weak than that of any other creature?”
With paternal condescension He responded:
cherished spouse, I do not wish thee to lose the just fear of
offending Me; but it is my will, that thou be not disturbed and
grieved in a disorderly manner, nor so as to hinder thee from rising
to my exalted and perfect love. Thou hast my Mother for a Teacher and
a model, for thy instruction and imitation. I shall assist thee by my
grace and support thee with my direction. Tell Me then, what thou
askest, or what thou desirest for thy peace and security.”
19. With the greatest resignation
that I could muster I replied: “Highest Lord and Father, much
is that which thou askest, although thy goodness and immense love
deserve that I fulfill it all. But I know my weakness and
inconstancy, and I shall be satisfied in no other way than by not
offending Thee, neither by the slightest thought, nor by the least
movement of my faculties; and I shall rest only when all my actions
shall be according to thy pleasure and good will.” The Lord
answered: “My continual help and favors shall not fail thee, if
thou correspond to them. In order that thou mayest do it so much the
better, I wish to perform a work, which is in keeping with the love I
have for thee. I will connect my immutable Being with thy
insignificance by an especial Providence, chaining and binding thee
in such a way, that, whenever thou shalt, in the weakness of thy
will, do anything less pleasing to Me, thou shalt feel my influence
detaining and recalling thee to Me. The effect of this blessing Thou
shalt know and feel immediately within thyself, just like a slave,
who is bound by chains in order that she may not fly.”
20. To the great joy and advantage of
my soul the Almighty fulfilled his promise and among many other
favors and blessings (which may not be mentioned and which do not
concern my purpose), none has been so precious to me as this one. I
perceive it not only in great dangers, but in the smallest; and in
such a way, that if I neglect or carelessly omit any work or
ceremony, although it be no more than to humiliate myself or to kiss
the floor on entering the choir to adore the Lord, as is customary in
the convent, I at once feel a sweet force, which draws me and calls
my attention to the defect, and which, on its part, permits not the
least imperfection. If sometimes in my weakness I fall into any, this
divine force is at once present, causing in me heartrending pain.
This pain serves as a check to the least disorderly inclination and
at the same time as a goad toward seeking immediate remedy for the
fault or imperfection committed. As the gifts of the Lord are without
regret (Rom. 11, 29), He has not only bound me with this mysterious
chain, but, in his divine condescension, on a certain day, that of
his holy Name and Circumcision, I perceived that He tripled it, in
order to restrain me and bind me still more forcibly, since a triple
cord, as the wise man says, is difficult to break (Eccles. 4, 12).
All this was necessary on account of my weakness, in order that I
might not be overcome by the importunate and astute temptations of
the ancient serpent.
21. In the meanwhile these
temptations increased so much, that in spite of the blessings and
commandments of the Lord mentioned above, in spite of the demands of
obedience and of others not to be mentioned here, I nevertheless
hesitated to begin the last part of this history; for I felt again
the fury of the powers of darkness, which tried to overwhelm me. I
understood this and I will explain it by what saint John says in the
twelfth chapter of the Apocalypse: That the great red dragon shot
forth from its maw a river of water against that heavenly Woman
(Apoc. 12, 15), whom he had pursued from heaven, and that, since he
could not touch or destroy Her, he turned in great rage against the
remnants and the seed of that great Lady, against those who are
sealed with the testimony of Jesus Christ (Apoc. 12, 17) in his
Church. During the time of which I am speaking this ancient serpent
strained all his wrath to disquiet me and, as far as he could, force
me to commit some faults, which retarded the purity and perfection of
life required of me and necessary for writing what I was commanded.
While this interior battle continued, the feast of the holy Guardian
Angel on the first of March intervened. Reciting matins in the choir
I suddenly felt a noise or great disturbance, so that I shrank and
humiliated myself to the very dust. Then I saw a great multitude of
angels, which filled the whole choir, and from their midst proceeded
a still greater refulgence or splendor as of a judge, seated upon a
tribunal or judgment-seat. I understood at once, that it was the
archangel saint Michael. Without delay they intimated to me, that
they were sent by the Most High with especial power and authority to
arraign me for my negligence and for my faults.
22. I desired to prostrate myself on
the earth to acknowledge my transgressions and humbly to weep before
those celestial judges, but as I was surrounded by the nuns, I dared
not make the presence of the angels known by prostrating myself in
body. I did what was possible interiorly, bitterly weeping over my
sins. In the meantime I saw the holy angels speaking and conferring
with each other, saying: “This creature is useless, slow, and
not at all fervent in fulfilling the commands of the Most High and of
our Queen. She will not come to a full trust in the blessings and the
enlightenments, which she continually receives at our hands. Let us
deprive her of all those blessings, since she does not put them to
use, nor earnestly strive to be so pure and perfect as the Lord
teaches her to be; neither does she proceed to write the life of his
most blessed Mother, as He has commanded her so many times. If she
does not mend, it is not just that she should receive so many and
such great favors and instructions in holiness.” Hearing these
words I was sadly afflicted at heart and I wept the more. Full of
confusion and grief I spoke to the holy angels in the bitterness of
my soul and I promised amendment of my faults and obedience unto
death to the Lord and to his most holy Mother.
23. At my humiliation and my promises
the angelic spirits relaxed somewhat in their severity and with
greater kindness they told me: that, if I would diligently fulfill
what I had promised, they would assure me of their continual favor
and assistance, admit me as their companion and friend, and hold
intercourse with me in the same way as they conversed with each
other. I thanked them for their kindness and besought them to present
my thanks also before the Most High. They disappeared, warning me,
that for the favors they would show me, I must imitate them in
purity, committing no fault or imperfection wilfully; and this they
intimated as the condition upon which this promise depended.
24. After these and many other
happenings, which need not be mentioned, I was left in a state of
greater humiliation, as was natural with one who had been so severely
reprehended for ingratitude, unworthiness and insensibility toward so
many blessings, exhortations and commandments. Full of confusion and
sorrow I considered within myself, what little excuse or pretext I
had for resisting the divine will, in view of all that I had come to
know and in view of its importance to my welfare. I resolved firmly
to execute the command or die in the attempt, and I sought for some
powerful and tangible means which should rouse and urge me on to
combat my want of attention, and which should keep me alert, if
possible, against any imperfection in all my operations and
movements, so that I might always do what is most holy and pleasing
in the eyes of the Lord. I betook myself to my confessor and superior
and besought him, in all the sincerity and submission of my heart, to
reprehend me severely and force me to be perfect and solicitous in
the most exact fulfillment of the divine will and in the execution of
what the divine Majesty required of me. Although he was most zealous
and vigilant as one who took the place of God and one who knew his
will and my prescribed path; yet he could not always come to my
assistance or be present on account of the absentations required by
his duties as a religious and as a superior. I resolved therefore
also to engage one of the nuns to assist me, asking her to reprehend
and advise me often, or warn me and stir me up by threats. All these
means and others I sought in the most ardent desire of pleasing the
Lord, his most holy Mother and my Teacher, the holy angels, all of
whom were of the same mind in regard to my advance in perfection.
25. In the midst of these solicitudes
it happened to me one night, that my holy guardian angel showed
himself to me as being particularly pleased and said: “The Most
High wishes to condescend to thy desires and has appointed me to
serve thee as a guide to spur thee on. I shall be thy faithful friend
and companion in order to advise thee and rouse thy attention; and
thou shalt find me present, just as now, whenever thou shalt turn thy
eyes toward me in the desire of pleasing and faithfully serving thy
Lord and Spouse. I will teach thee how to praise Him continually and
how to alternate with me in canticles. I will manifest to thee new
mysteries and treasures of his greatness; I will give thee deeper
understandings of his immutable being and divine perfections. And
whenever thou art engaged in outward works of obedience or charity,
or when, through some negligence, thou turnest to earthly and
exterior things, I shall call thee to By to the Lord; and for this
purpose I shall use some words of admonition, which often shall be
these: Who is like unto the God, that dwells on high and in the
hearts of the humble? At other times I shall call to thy mind the
blessings thou hast received from God and thy duty to his love. At
still others, I shall remind thee to look upon Him and raise up to
Him thy heart. But to all these warnings thou must be punctual,
attentive and obedient.”
26. “The Most High also desires
me not to conceal to thee any longer a favor, which until now thou
hast overlooked among the many conferred upon thee by his most
liberal bounty; and for this thou must now begin to thank Him. It is
this, that I am one of the thousand angels, who served as a guard to
our great Queen in this world, and one of those, who bear the device
of his admirable and holy name. Look upon me and thou wilt see it
upon my breast.” I looked and there recognized the holy name in
refulgent splendor, filling my soul with new consolation and jubilee.
The holy angel proceeded and said: “He has also commanded me to
call thy attention to the fact, that of us thousand angels very
rarely any are appointed as guardian angels of souls and whatever
souls so far have been committed to our care, have all been of the
number of the saints and none of them of the reprobate. Take heed
then, 0 soul, of thy obligation not to interrupt this series; for if
in spite of this blessing thou art lost, thy punishment and
chastisement shan be of the severest ever inflicted upon the damned
and thou shalt be known as the most unhappy and ungrateful of all the
daughters of Adam. That thou shouldst be favored by having me as thy
guardian, who was one of the guardians of our great Queen, most holy
Mary and the Mother of the Creator, was ordained by the most high
Providence and in view of thy being chosen to write and imitate the
life of his most blessed Mother. I was appointed to instruct thee and
assist thee, because I was an eye-witness of her divine works and
27. “This office of a guide
will be fulfilled principally by the great Lady herself; but I am to
furnish thee with the necessary images in order to elucidate what the
heavenly Mistress shall teach thee, and I am to give thee other
understandings ordained by the Most High, for the clearer recording
of the mysteries manifested to thee. Thou shalt experience all of
them although thou shalt not always know the connection and the
sacraments hidden under this providential guidance. Thou shalt also
perceive that the Lord himself, making use of this special providence
in thy regard, has commissioned me to compel thee, with sweetest
urgency, to imitate the purest Mary our Queen, and to follow Her and
obey Her in her doctrine. From now on I shall execute this mandate of
the Lord with greater insistence and force. Resolve then to be most
faithful and thankful in regard to these blessings and seek to scale
the highest summits of the perfection taught thee and asked of thee.
Remember, that even if thou reach the perfection of the highest
seraphim, thou shalt still be in great debt to God’s copious
and liberal mercy. The new mode of life, which the Lord asks of thee,
is contained and is made clear in the instructions given to thee by
our great Queen and Lady, and in what thou shalt understand and write
in this third part of her life. Listen to Her with a submissive
heart, thank Her humbly, execute Her doctrine anxiously and
carefully; for if thou do this, thou shalt be fortunate and eternally
28. Other things, which the angels
told me, need not be mentioned for my present purpose. But what is
contained in this introduction, will manifest partly the providence
of the Most High toward me and it will also make known the high
purposes of divine Wisdom in the writing of this history. These are,
that not only I, but all who desire, may reap the fruits of this
blessing, and that each one for himself may use it as an efficacious
means of salvation. It will also become evident, that Christian
perfection cannot be attained without great battles with the demon or
without incessant labor in overcoming and subjecting the passions and
evil inclinations of our depraved human nature. Finally, the heavenly
Mother and Instructress, that I might begin to write this third part
of her history, in sweetest kindness, said to me: “My eternal
blessing, and that of my most holy Son, come over thee, in order that
thou mayest write the rest of my life and in order that thou mayest
labor and strive after the perfection We desire of thee. Amen
How the divine Right Hand showered
upon the Queen of Heaven highest Gifts. In order that She might labor
In the holy Church; the Coming of the Holy Ghost; the copious Fruit
of the Redemption and the Preaching of the Apostles; the first
Persecution of the Church, the Conversion of saint Paul and the
arrival of saint James in Spain; the Apparition of the Mother of God
In Saragossa, and the Founding of the Pilgrimage of our Lady of the
Chapter I
1. In finishing the second part of
this history I showed how our great Queen and Lady, most holy Mary,
was privileged by God to be miraculously present in body at two
places, in the Cenacle as well as in the empyrean heavens, where She
was seated at the right hand of her Son and eternal God (Ps, 44, 10);
how in order to make his glorious Ascension more wonderful, the Son
of God and of the Virgin, took Her with Him for the purpose of
putting Her in possession of the ineffable rewards She had until then
merited and to assign Her the place, which, for her past and future
merits, He had prepared for Her from all eternity. I said also, that
the three Persons of the most blessed Trinity left it to the free
choice of the heavenly Mother either to return to the world for the
consolation of the first children of the Church and for its
foundation, or permanently to establish Herself even then in the most
blessed state and remain in the possession of the glory They had
conferred upon Her. For, conditional to her choice and in pursuance
of the great love They had for this peerless Creature, the will of
the divine Persons inclined toward retaining Her in the abyss of
their glory and not to restore Her to the banished children of Adam
upon earth. In a certain sense justice seemed to demand this; since
the world was already redeemed by the Passion and Death of her Son,
toward which She had co-operated in all plenitude and perfection.
Death had in Her no further claims, not only because She had suffered
its pains in that of Christ our Savior (as explained by me in its
place) ; but also because the great Lady never was tributary to
death, nor the demon, nor to sin, and therefore was not subject to
the common law of the children of Adam (Heb. 9, 27). According to our
mode of thinking, the Lord desired that She, without dying like the
others, should pass by another kind of transition from the state of
pilgrimage to that of comprehension, from mortality to immortality,
and that She should not suffer death upon the earth, who, while
remaining upon it, had committed no fault to merit death; for the
Most High could have passed Her from one state into the other in
another way.
2. Against this, however, stood the
charity and humility of this admirable and sweetest Mother; for her
love urged Her to come to the assistance of her children and to seek
the manifestation and exaltation of the name of the Most High in the
new evangelical Church. She desired also to gather into the faith
many faithful followers by her solicitation and intercession and to
imitate her children and brethren by dying upon the earth; though, by
reason of her sinlessness, She owed no such tribute (Rom. 6, 23). In
her vast wisdom and admirable prudence She knew how much more
precious it is to merit a reward and crown, than to possess them
gratuitously in advance, even if they happen to be those of eternal
glory. Her wisdom and humility were not without their present reward;
for the eternal Father made known to all the courtiers of heaven, at
the same time both his own desires and the choice of most holy Mary
for the good of the militant Church and for the succor of the
faithful. All the inhabitants of heaven then began to know what is
but just that we should know also on earth; namely: that, as we are
told by saint John, the eternal Father so loved the world as to give
not only his Son for its Redemption (John 3, 16); but also his
Daughter, the most holy Mary, sending Her from her glory to build up
the Church, which Christ its Artificer had established; and in like
manner and for the same purpose the Son delivered up his most loving
and beloved Mother, and the Holy Ghost his sweetest Spouse. To this
must be added another circumstance enhancing this blessing: namely
that it followed closely upon the injuries which Christ our Redeemer
received in his Passion and frightful Death, making the world
altogether unworthy of this benefit. 0 infinite love! 0 immense
charity! How evident is it become, that the multitudinous waters of
our sins cannot extinguish thee! (Cant. 8, 7).
3. After most holy Mary had remained
in heaven for three entire days and had enjoyed in body and soul the
glory of the right hand of her Son and true God. She departed with
the benediction of the blessed Trinity from the highest empyrean and
returned, according to her desire, to this nether world of the earth.
God ordered an innumerable multitude of angels, selected from all the
choirs and from the highest seraphim nearest to his throne, to
accompany their Queen. She was enveloped in a cloud or globe of the
most resplendent light, which served Her as a couch or reliquary and
in which She was borne downward by the seraphim. The beauty and
exterior splendor in which this heavenly Queen came to the earth can
never be compassed by the human mind in mortal life; and it is
certain that no living creature could have looked upon Her in merely
natural powers without losing its life. On this account it was
necessary, that the Most High should hide her refulgence from those
that saw Her, until the splendors of her beauty should have
moderated. Saint John the Evangelist alone was privileged to see the
Queen in the full redundance of the divine glory which She had
enjoyed. The immense beauty of this magnificent Queen and Mistress of
the heavens, as She descended from the throne of the blessed Trinity,
can easily be understood, when we consider how the face of Moses,
after having spoken with the Lord and received the law on the
mountain, shone with such light that the Israelites could not bear it
or look upon his face. We are not informed that the Prophet saw the
Divinity face to face; and if he saw It, his vision of God certainly
did not approach in the least to that enjoyed by the Mother of God.
4. The great Lady arrived at the
Cenacle as a substitute of her divine Son in the new evangelical
Church. In the gifts of grace, which She had received for this
ministry, She showed such a plenitude and abundance, that She excited
the wonder of the angels and the astonishment of the saints; for She
was a living image of Christ our Redeemer and Master. Beneath the
globe of light, in which, unseen, She arrived in the Cenacle, She was
restored to her natural existence, in so far as to be thenceforward
present only in that place. Immediately the Mistress of holy humility
prostrated Herself to the ground and abasing Herself to the dust,
said: “Most high God and my Lord, behold this vile worm of the
earth, acknowledging itself formed from it (Gen. 2, 7), and coming
from nothingness to this existence, which I hold through thy most
liberal clemency. I acknowledge also, O highest Father, that thy
ineffable condescension, without any merits of mine, has raised me
from the dust, to the dignity of being the Mother of thy
Onlybegotten. From my whole heart I praise and exalt thy immense
goodness in so favoring me. In gratitude for such great blessings I
offer myself to live and labor anew in this mortal life, according to
all the decrees of thy divine will. I consecrate myself as thy
faithful servant and as the servant of the children of the Church.
All of them I present before thy immense charity and implore Thee
from my inmost heart to look upon them as their kindest God and
Father. For them I offer up the sacrifice of being deprived of thy
glory and peace, and of having chosen of my own free will suffering
rather than joy, denying myself the vision of Thee in order to
perform what is so pleasing in thy sight.”
5. The holy angels that had come with
the Queen took leave of Her to return to heaven, congratulating the
earth for again possessing as its inhabitant their great Queen and
Lady. I wish to mention, that while I wrote of this, the holy princes
asked me, why I did not more frequently call Mary the Queen and
Mistress of the angels, and they told me not to neglect the use of
that title in the balance of this history, since they derived such
great delight therefrom. In order to obey and please them I shall use
it many times from now on. But returning to our history, we must take
notice, that the heavenly Mother, during the first three days after
her descent from heaven, remained much withdrawn from earthly things,
still lingering in the overflow of the joy and admirable influences
of her triduum of glory in the heavens. Of all mortals the Evangelist
saint John alone had cognizance of this mystery; for in a vision he
had seen the great Queen of heaven ascend with her divine Son and had
also seen Her descend in her glory and graces for the enrichment of
the Church. Two days he remained as it were entranced and suspended
in admiration at this extraordinary mystery. Knowing that his most
holy Mother had descended from on high he desired to speak to Her,
but dared not presume.
6. Battling between the urgency of
his love and the restraint of his humility, the beloved Apostle
hesitated nearly a whole day. Conquered by his filial love, he at
last resolved to seek the presence of his heavenly Mother in the
Cenacle, and on his way thither, he stopped to argue with himself.
“How can I presume to do what I desire, before knowing the will
of the Most High and of my Mistress? Yet my Redeemer and Master has
given Her to me as a Mother and favored and bound me to Her as a son;
hence it is my duty to serve and assist Her. She is not ignorant of
my desire, and will not despise it; She is kind and sweet, and will
pardon me. I wish to prostrate myself at her feet.” Therewith
saint John came to a resolve, and he went to the place where the
Queen was in prayer with the rest of the faithful. At the instant in
which he raised his eyes to look upon Her, he fell down prostrate
just as he and the other two Apostles had fallen at seeing the
transfigured Lord on mount Tabor (Matth. 17, 2). For the splendors
which he now saw in the countenance of most blessed Mary were very
like to those seen on our Savior Jesus at that time. As the
impression caused by the vision of her descent from heaven was also
still enduring, his human weakness was so much the more completely
overwhelmed and he fell to the earth, without power of again rising
to his feet for the space of an hour. Nor were the Apostles and
disciples, who were present in the Cenacle, necessarily astonished at
this fall; because, in imitation of their divine Master, and moved by
the example and instructions of the most holy Mary, they were
frequently, during the time they were expecting the Holy Ghost, lying
prostrate and in the form of a cross praying for the coming of the
7. The kindest Mother then approached
the humble and blessed Apostle, and raised him from his prostrate
position, and, assuming a more natural appearance, fell herself upon
her knees, and said to him: “My master and son, thou already
knowest that I am to be governed in all my actions by obedience to
thee; for thou takest the place of my divine Son and Master, in order
to command me in all that I am to do. I now ask thee anew to be
solicitous in commanding me, on account of the consolation I derive
from obeying in all things.” Hearing these words, saint John
felt great confusion and perplexity on account of what he had seen
and experienced concerning Her, and he once more prostrated himself
before Her, offering himself as her slave and begging Her to command
and govern Him entirely. In this urgent request saint John persevered
for some time, until, overcome by the humility of our Queen, he
subjected himself to her will and was persuaded to yield to Her,
agreeing to command Her as She wished. For this was of the greatest
profit for his own advancement, and for us a unique and efficacious
example, reminding us of our pride and teaching us to crush it. If we
acknowledge ourselves devout children of this heavenly Mother and
Mistress of humility, we are justly obliged to imitate and follow
Her. The vision of the great Queen of the angels in her state of
glory was so deeply impressed upon the understanding and the interior
faculties of the Evangelist, that the image of it remained within Him
during an His life. At the moment when he saw Her descend from
heaven, he cried out in great wonder. The intelligence he then
received concerning Her he afterwards manifested in the Apocalypse,
and especially in the twelfth chapter, as I will explain later on.
8. My daughter, though I have until
now so many times urged thee to detach thyself from all visible and
earthly things and to die to thyself and to all that savors of a
child of Adam, and though I have fully exhorted and instructed thee
in the first and second part of my life already written; yet I now
call upon thee anew, with the affection of a kind and loving Mother,
and I invite thee in the name of my divine Son, in my own name and in
that of the angels, who also love thee so much, that, forgetting all
else, thou raise thyself to another life, more exalted and heavenly,
approaching that of the eternal felicity. I desire that thou leave
entirely the ancient Babylon, thy enemies and all their false and
harassing vanities, and that thou approach the holy and celestial
Jerusalem, live in its porches, where thou art to occupy thyself in
the true and perfect imitation of my life and thus arrive by the
divine grace at the intimate union of my Lord and thy most faithful
Spouse. Hear me then, my dearest; with a joyful attention and
alacrity of soul follow me fervently, reproducing in thy life the
image of what thou writest, and study what works I performed after I
came back from the right hand of my divine Son to this world.
Meditate upon and penetrate into all my doings, in order that,
according to the graces thou receivest, thou mayest continually copy,
what thou understandest and writest. Divine favor will not fail thee,
for the Most High will not deny it to those, who on their part exert
themselves according to their power, and He will not refuse thee his
assistance to attain what is pleasing and acceptable to Him, if thou
do not by thy negligence make thyself unworthy. Prepare and expand
thy heart, inflame thy will, purify thy understanding, and cast out
from thy faculties every image and impression of visible creatures.
For thus will none of them interfere with thee, nor any of them draw
thee into venial sin or imperfections; the Most High will deposit in
thee his hidden wisdom and thus thou shalt be prepared and anxious to
execute all that is most pleasing in our eyes and enjoined upon thee
by Us.
From now on thy life is to be
like that of one newly called from the grave. Just as such a one is
apt to turn to a new life, as if estranged and foreign to all that
he loved in his former life, changed in all his desires, reformed
and alienated from all his former inclinations; so I desire, that
thou, my daughter, be renewed. For thou must live as if thou wert
re-endowed with the highest possible gifts of the soul by the divine
power within thee. But for these divine operations it is necessary
that thou use thy own efforts and prepare thy whole heart, so that
thou mayest be entirely free and become a blank tablet as it were,
whereon the Lord, with his own fingers, may write and stamp, as in
soft and yielding wax, the seal of my virtues. His Majesty desires
thee to be an instrument in his hands wherewith to operate his own
holy and perfect will; and thou knowest, that an instrument does not
offer resistance to the artisan, and if it possesses free will, it
uses it only in order to permit itself to be freely moved. Now then,
my dearest, come, come whither I call thee; and remember that if it
is natural to the highest Good to bestow favors and communicate
Itself to the creatures at all times, yet in the present age, this
Lord and Father of mercies seeks to manifest more abundantly his
liberal kindness toward mortals. For the times have advanced toward
their end and there are few, who are willing to dispose themselves
for the reception of his divine gifts. Do not thou lose such a
favorable occasion; follow me, and tread in my footsteps; and since
I invite thee to such a happiness in motherly love and by such high
and perfect doctrine, do not grieve the Holy Ghost by thy tardiness.
Chapter II
10. It befitted the exalted dignity
of saint John as being appointed the son of most holy Mary by Jesus
on the Cross, that he should be the secretary of the ineffable
sacraments and mysteries of the great Queen, which were kept
concealed from other persons. For this reason many of her mysteries
were revealed to him before her excursion into heaven, and he was
made an eye-witness of the hidden mysteries on the day of the
Ascension, when this sacred Eagle saw the divine Sun, Christ (Isaias
30, 26), ascend in seven-fold light, as Isaias said, and with it, the
moon Mary shining as the sun, on account of her likeness to Christ.
The most fortunate Evangelist saw Her ascend and seated at the right
hand of her Son; he saw Her also descend, as I have said, with
renewed astonishment; because he recognized the change and renovation
at her return to the earth after having experienced the influences of
the divine glory and godlike attributes. As is said in the second
part, our Savior Jesus had already promised the Apostles, that before
going to heaven He would arrange for the stay of his most blessed
Mother for the consolation and direction of his holy Church. But the
Apostle saint John, during his first joy and wonder at seeing the
great Queen seated at the right hand of Christ Our Savior, forgot
this promise and, absorbed in the consideration of this unthought of
event, he began to fear or get anxious, lest the heavenly Mother
should remain in the glory which She enjoyed. Agitated by this
uncertainty, saint John, amid the jubilee of his soul, felt also the
afflicting pangs of love at the loss; and these lasted until he again
remembered the promises of his Master and Savior and saw his most
holy Mother descending to the earth.
11. The mysteries of this vision
remained impressed upon the memory of saint John, so that neither
these, nor all the others revealed to him by the Queen of the angels,
ever escaped his mind; and the sacred Evangelist sought to spread the
knowledge of them in the holy Church. But the humility of the most
prudent Mary our Lady deterred him as long as She lived and persuaded
him to keep them hidden within his bosom until the Most High should
command otherwise; for it was not opportune to manifest them to the
world beforehand. The Apostle obeyed the wishes of the heavenly
Mother. Before his death, at the time when God commissioned him to
enrich the Church with the hidden treasures of these sacraments, he
was instructed by the Holy Ghost to reveal them in deeply
metaphorical and enigmatic language, which, as the Church itself
confesses, is difficult to understand. It was proper that they should
not be open to all, but shut up as the pearl is in nacre or in its
shell, or as the gold is hidden in the minerals of the earth. The
holy Church, gradually more enlightened and studying them diligently,
could draw upon these treasures as necessity required; and in the
meanwhile preserve them in deposit within the obscurity, which the
holy doctors have met with and acknowledge in the holy Scriptures,
and especially in the Apocalypse.
12. In the course of this history I
have already spoken of the providence of the Most High in concealing
the greatness of his most holy Mother in the primitive Church, (Part
II, 413) and I will offer no excuse for pointing it out anew, because
of the admiration it will cause in those, who now come to know of it.
In order to moderate our doubts (if any should be entertained), we
need only consider what the various saints and doctors have said
anent the providential concealment of the body and the burial of
Moses (Deut. 34, 6). This was ordained they say, in order that the
people of the Jews, so given to idolatry, might not be led astray
into giving adoration to the body of the Prophet, whom they esteemed
so highly, or that they might not begin to venerate him by some
superstitious and vain cult. For the same reason they say, that
Moses, writing of the creation of the world and of all creatures,
although the angels were the most noble of all, did not expressly
mention their creation, but only indicated it by the words: “God
created light;” because these words can be understood as well
of the material light of this visible world, as also, by a hidden
metaphor, of those substantial and spiritual lights, the holy angels,
of whom a more open mention was at that time not opportune.
13. If the Hebrews were subject to
the danger of idolatry because of the intercourse and vicinity of
heathenism and because of their blind inclination to attribute
Divinity to men or to whatever seemed great, powerful or in any way
superior; then, if, in the first preaching of the Gospel and the
faith of Christ our Savior, the great excellences of his most holy
Mother had been propounded to them, the gentiles would have been in
still greater danger of this error. In corroboration of this we have
the saying of Dionysius the Areopagite, who, though he was such a
great philosopher that he had found out the existence of the true God
even by his natural acumen of mind, openly maintained, after he had
become a Catholic, that, when he had seen and conversed with the most
holy Mary, he would certainly have esteemed and adored Her as a God,
if faith had not taught him otherwise. In this danger then would have
fallen, much more easily, the ignorant, and they would certainly have
confounded the Divinity of Christ the Redeemer, which they were
obliged to believe together with the greatness of his most pure
Mother, thinking that, since they were propounded at the same time
and showed such similarity in holiness, She was a God just as her
Son. But this danger vanished after the faith and practice of the
Church had taken such deep roots and after it had been so clearly
established by the teachings of the holy doctors and by so many
miracles wrought by God in testimony of the Redeemer. Enlightened by
these testimonies we know that He alone is God and true man, full of
truth and grace; and that his Mother is a mere creature, full of
grace without possessing the Divinity and next to God above all the
rest of creation. In our times then, so enlightened by the divine
truths, the Lord knows when and how it is proper to spread the glory
of his most holy Mother by opening up the enigmas and secrets of the
holy Scriptures wherein He holds them enshrined.
14. The mystery of which I am about
to speak, with many others concerning our great Queen, was recorded
by the Evangelist in the metaphors of the twenty-first chapter of the
Apocalypse; especially introducing the most holy Mary under the type
of the holy Jerusalem and describing Her under cover of all the
circumstances mentioned in that chapter. Although in the first part I
have explained it at length in three chapters, applying it, as it was
then given me to understand, to the mystery of the Immaculate
Conception of the blessed Virgin Mother; yet it is necessary now to
interpret it in relation to the mystery of the descent of the Queen
of angels after the Ascension of the Lord. Let it not be objected
that there is a contradiction or repugnance in these different
applications; for both of them are legitimately founded on the
literal text of the Scriptures, and there can be no doubt, that the
divine Wisdom can comprehend in the same and identical words many
mysteries and sacraments. As David said: In one word we can include
more than one thing, and God certainly included a double meaning in
the same words without equivocation or contradiction (Ps. 61, 12).
This is one of the sources of the difficulties found in holy
Scripture, and one that was necessary in order to make it more
pregnant and precious in its meaning and in order that the faithful
may study it with greater humility and reverence. That it should be
so full of enigmas and metaphors is necessary, since in that style
and wording, the sacred mysteries, which would be strained by the
more proper terms, can be expressed much more fully.
15. This will be better understood in
the mysteries now under consideration, for saint John says that “he
saw the holy city of the new Jerusalem, prepared and adorned as a
bride, descending from heaven,” etc. There is no doubt that
this metaphor of a city refers truly to the most holy Mary, and
points out her descent after having ascended with her most blessed
Son. At the same time it also refers to her descent in the divine
mind by her Immaculate Conception, in which She was formed as the new
earth and the new heaven, as explained on in the first part. The
Evangelist included both these sacraments, when he speaks of this
event in the twenty-first chapter. Therefore it will be necessary to
explain it in this new sense, though this will imply a repetition of
the sacred text; but I will explain it more briefly on account of
what I have already said in the first part. I will now speak in the
name of the Evangelist, for the sake of greater brevity.
16. “And I saw a new heaven and
a new earth. For the first heaven and the first earth was gone, and
the sea is now no more” (Apoc. 21, 1). He calls the most sacred
humanity of the incarnate Word and that of his heavenly Mother, a new
heaven and a new earth: a heaven, on account of the inhabitation of
the Divinity in humanity, and a new one, on account of the renovation
of mankind. In Christ Jesus our Savior lives the Divinity (Col. 2,
9), in a oneness of personality following from the indissoluble
substantial union; while in Mary another kind of union is effected,
an extraordinary union of graces. These heavens are now new; the
passible humanity, which the Evangelist had seen wounded and dead in
the sepulchre, he now saw elevated and placed at the right hand of
the eternal Father, crowned with glory and with the gifts merited by
his life and death. He saw also the Mother, who had given to Christ
this passible nature and had co-operated in the Redemption of the
human race, seated at the right hand of her Son (Ps. 44, 10) and
absorbed in the ocean of the inaccessible light of the Divinity,
participating in the glory of her Son as his Mother and meriting it
in justice and on account of her ineffable works of charity. He
called also the earth of the living a new heaven and a new earth, as
it was renewed by the lamp of the Lamb (Apoc. 21, 23), replenished
with the spoils of his triumph and newly illumined by the presence of
his Mother; renewed also because as Sovereigns They had taken
possession of their reign through all the eternities. They renewed it
also by having afforded its inhabitants the opportunity to see Them
with their own eyes and to partake of their benefits, by having
populated this earth with the new children of Adam as its citizens
and their allies and by having turned it over to them without any
danger of loss. On account of these different kinds of renewal he
said that the first heaven and the first earth had gone; not only
because the sacred humanity of Christ and that of most holy Mary, in
which He had lived as in the first heaven, had betaken Themselves to
the eternal habitations, bearing with them also the earth of their
human essence; but also because men themselves from the ancient
heaven and earth of their passible being, had passed to the state of
impassibility. Gone were the rigors of justice, and blessed rest was
attained. The winter of troubles had fled (Cant. 2, 11) and the
eternal springtime of joy and delight had come. The first earth and
heaven of all the mortals had also vanished; for the celestial
Jerusalem had been barred and locked during five thousand two hundred
years, so that none could enter and all the mortals would have been
confined to the old sin-stained earth, if through the entrance of
Christ and his most blessed Mother these bars and locks had not been
shattered and the divine justice had not been satisfied.
17. In an especial sense the most
blessed Mary was a new heaven and earth and new earth by ascending
with her Son, the Savior Jesus, and by taking possession at his right
hand in the glory of body and soul without having passed through the
death common to all the sons of men. Although even in her human
condition upon earth She was a heaven, whence She saw the Divinity;
but this condition of the great Lady passed away, to take the place
of another condition, making Her, by an admirable disposition of the
divine Providence, a new heaven, in which God might dwell among all
creatures in the highest glory. In this new order of things, in this
new heaven, there was no sea; for through Her the bitterness and
sorrows of labor had come to an end, if She would have consented to
remain from that time on in that most happy state. In regard to the
other saints, who in body and soul, or only in the soul, remained in
glory, all storms and dangers of the first earth in mortal life now
really had an end.
18. The Evangelist proceeds: “And
I John saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of
heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.”
I, an unworthy Apostle of Jesus Christ, am the one to whom this
hidden sacrament was revealed in order that it might become known to
the world: and I saw the Mother of the Incarnate Word, the true
mystical city of Jerusalem, the vision of peace, descending from the
throne of God himself to the earth, and I saw Her clothed as it were
with the Divinity and adorned with a new participation in God’s
attributes, his wisdom, power, holiness, immutability, and
amiability, and resembling his Son in her actions and behavior. She
came as an instrument of his Omnipotence and taking the place of God
by a new participation. Although She came to the earth in order to
labor upon it for the benefit of the faithful and for this purpose
deprived Herself voluntarily of the vision of eternal glory,
nevertheless the Most High resolved to send Her adorned and furnished
with the power of his own arm and to compensate Her for the beatific
vision She relinquished. Instead of it She was favored with another
sort of vision and participation in his incomprehensible Divinity,
suited to her present state of pilgrimage, but yet so divine and
exalted, that it exceeds all the thoughts of angels and men. He
adorned Her with gifts limited only by Herself and has prepared Her
as a Bride for her Spouse, the incarnate Word, enriching Her so that
no grace or excellence was wanting in Her. Nor should her absence
from his right hand deprive Her of the presence and intercourse of
her Man, who was to remain in Her, as in his proper heaven and
throne. Just as the sponge receives and soaks up the fluids into its
hollow spaces, so, according to our mode of understanding, this great
Lady was filled with influences and communications of the Divinity.
19. The text further states: “And
I heard a great voice from the throne, saying: Behold the tabernacle
of God with men, and He will dwell with them. And they shall be his
people; and God himself with them shall be their God.” This
voice proceeding from the throne, filled all my mind with sweetness
and joy. I understood how the great Lady, before her death, attained
possession of the great reward merited as a singular favor and the
prerogative due only to Her among all the mortals. None of these,
after attaining possession of their glory, had permission or
authority to return to life; yet this privilege was conceded to this
only Bride for the increase of her glory. She, in full possession of
eternal beatitudes and proclaimed by all the courtiers of heaven as
their legitimate Queen and Lady, wished of her own free will to
descend and become the Servant of her vassals, educating and
governing them as her children. On account of this charity She
deserved to have all the mortals as her subjects, and to be put in
possession of the militant Church, where She was to dwell, over which
She was to preside and draw the blessing, the mercy and forgiveness
of God; for in her bosom the Lord was sacramentally present during
the whole time in which She lived in the primitive Church after her
descent from heaven. If there had been no other reason, her Son would
have instituted the most holy Sacrament in the world in order. thus
to dwell in Her; and through her merits and petitions He remained
among men with new graces and benefits; wherefore the Evangelist
20. “And God shall wipe away
all tears from their eyes; and death shall be no more, nor mourning,
nor crying.” This great Lady came as the Mother of grace, of
mercy, of joy, and of life. She it is, that fills the world with joy,
that dries away the tears brought on by the sin of our mother Eve.
She turned mourning into rejoicing, tears into new jubilee, clamors
into praise and glory, the death of sin into life for all who seek
it. Now the death of sin is at an end, and all the clamors and the
pains of the wicked are at an end, if only, before their damnation,
they will flee to this sanctuary and there find pardon, mercy and
consolation. The first ages, which were not blessed with the presence
of Mary, the Queen of the angels, have fled and passed with all the
sorrows and sighs of those that sought Her and could not see Her; for
now the world possesses Her for a refuge and help, and for a shield
of mercy against the divine justice that hangs over the sinner’s
21. “And He that sat upon the
throne, said: Behold I make all things new.” This was the voice
of the eternal Father, who gave me to understand, how He would make
all things new: a new Church, a new Law, new Sacraments. Having
conferred upon men such new blessings as to give them his
Onlybegotten Son, He added to this blessing by sending them the most
holy Mary thus renewed, endowed with such wonderful gifts and power
as to enable Her to distribute the treasures of the Redemption, and
by placing them altogether into her hands to be scattered broadcast
according to her most prudent will. For this purpose did He send Her
from the royal throne, a faithful reproduction of his Son, and, like
a faithful copy of the Original, sealed Her, in as far as is possible
in a mere creature, with the attributes of the Divinity. Her holiness
was also to be copied by the new evangelical Church.
22. “And He said to me: Write,
for these words are most faithful and true. And He said to me: It is
done. I am Alpha and Omega; the beginning and the end. To him that
thirsteth, I will give of the fountain of waters, freely. He that
overcometh shall possess these things, and I will be his God; and he
shall be my son.” The Lord from his throne (says saint John),
commanded me to write down this mystery, in order to give witness to
the fidelity and truth of his words and of the works of the most holy
Mary, into whose hands He has pawned his Omnipotence. And because
these sacraments are so exalted and hidden, I announce them in
figures and riddles, leaving it to the Lord to manifest them in the
world at his own time, and letting all understand, that whatever is
possible has been done for the restoration and welfare of mortals. In
saying “it is done,” God reminds men of their obligations
toward Him for sending his Onlybegotten to suffer and die for them
and to teach them his doctrine; and for sending his Mother to assist
and succor the Church; and for sending the Holy Ghost to promote and
enlighten, to strengthen and comfort it with the gifts He had
promised. And since the eternal Father had nothing more to give us,
He says: “It is done.” As if he had said: “All that
is possible to my Omnipotence and proper to my equity and bounty, I
have given, and the One who is the beginning and end of all that has
being. As the beginning, I give it by the omnipotence of my will; and
as the end of all, I receive all things, providing in my wisdom the
means by which they attain their last end. These means are all under
the control of my most divine Son and his Mother, my chosen and
beloved One among the children of Adam. In Her are the pure and
living waters of grace, from which all the mortals, who thirst after
their eternal salvation, may draw it as from its fount and source
(John 7,37). For them these waters are distributed gratis; since they
could not merit them, yet with his own life, my incarnate Son has
merited them, and his blessed Mother gains and merits them for those
that apply to Her. And whoever shall overcome the hindrances to these
waters of grace, that is: Whoever overcomes himself, the world and
the demon, shall find Me a liberal, loving and mighty God; he shall
possess all My goods and whatever through my Son and his Mother I
have prepared for him; for I shall adopt him as my child and as an
inheritor of my eternal glory.
23. “But the fearful, and
unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and
sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, they shall have their
portion in the pool burning with fire and brimstone, which is the
second death.” To all the sons of Adam I give my Onlybegotten
as a Master, Redeemer, and Brother and his Mother as a Protectress,
Mediatrix and Advocate powerful before Me; and as such I send Her
again into the world, that all may understand how much I wish them to
avail themselves of her protection. But those that do not overcome
the repugnance of their flesh to suffering, or do not believe my
testimonies and wonders wrought in their behalf, or those witnessed
by my holy Scriptures; and those who, having believed, have entangled
themselves in the base impurities of carnal delights, the sorcerers,
idolaters, who forsake my true power and Divinity, following the
demon; all those that work deceit and malice shall have no other
inheritance than what they thus choose for themselves. This will be
the dreadful fire of hell, which is a pool of burning sulphur, full
of darkness and stench, where for each of the damned there shall be
different pains and torments according to the abominations committed
by each one; but all of them shall be eternal and connected with the
loss of the divine and beatific vision enjoyed by the saints. This
shall be the second death, from which there shall be no salvation;
because those overtaken by it have not availed themselves of the
Redemption from the first death of sin through the Redeemer and his
blessed Mother in grace. Still describing his vision the Evangelist
24. “And there came one of the
seven angels, who had the vials full of the seven last plagues, and
spoke with me, saying: Come and I will show thee the Bride, the Wife
of the Lamb.” I saw that this angel and the others were of the
highest and closest to the throne of the blessed Trinity; and that
they were endowed with special powers to chastise the presumption of
men who should commit the above-mentioned sins, after the mystery of
the Redemption, the life, teaching and death of the Savior had been
proclaimed, and the excellence and power of his most blessed Mother
in assisting the sinners had become known. And as, in the course of
time, these sacraments, with their miracles and enlightenment, with
the example of the saints, and especially that of the apostolic men,
of the founders of religious communities, and of the great number of
martyrs and confessors, have become more and more manifest: therefore
the sins of men in the last ages are more heinous and detestable,
their ingratitude toward such blessings is more abominable and worthy
of greater punishments. Consequently they rouse so much the greater
indignation and wrath of the divine justice. Thus in the future times
(which are the present ones for us), God shall punish men with
greater rigor, sending upon them the plagues reserved for the rapidly
approaching days of the final judgment. Let the reader refer to
paragraph 266 in the first part.
25. “And he took me up in
spirit to a great and high mountain; and he showed me the holy city
of Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God.” I was raised
by the power of God to a high mountain of exalted intelligence and
enlightenment concerning the hidden sacraments, and in this state I
saw the Bride of the Lamb, his Woman, like the city of Jerusalem; the
Bride of the Lamb, on account of her likeness in reciprocal love to
Him, who took away the sins of the world (John 1,29); his Woman,
because She accompanied Him inseparably through all his works and
wonders, and because for Her He came forth from the bosom of his
eternal Father to have his delight with the children of men, who were
the brethren of this Bride and, through Her, also his own brethren. I
saw Her also as the city of Jerusalem, who enclosed Him within
herself and afforded Him a spacious habitation, though He cannot be
encompassed by heaven or earth; and because He placed in that City
the temple and the propitiatory, where He wished to be sought and
propitiated by mankind. And although on earth She humiliated and
prostrated Herself beneath the feet of all, as if She had been the
least of creatures, I saw Her raised on high to the throne and the
right hand of her Onlybegotten, whence She again descended,
prosperous and bountiful, to enrich the faithful children of the
Chapter III
26. This holy city of Jerusalem, Mary
our Mistress, according to the Evangelist, “Having the glory of
God, and the light thereof, was like to a precious stone, as to the
jasper stone, even as a crystal.” From her very beginning, the
soul of the most holy Mary was filled and, as it were, bathed, in new
participations of the Divinity, such as was never seen or known of
any other creature; for She alone was the aurora sending forth the
splendors of the Sun, Christ, true God and man, to whom She was to
give birth. And this divine light and clearness went on increasing
until She reached the highest state, seated at the right hand of her
Son on the very throne of the blessed Trinity and clothed in the
variety of all the gifts, graces, virtues, merits and glory beyond
all creatures (Ps. 44, 10). When I saw Her in this place of
inaccessible light, it seemed to me, that She possessed no other
splendor than that of God himself, who seemed to communicate it to
Her from the fount and origin of his immutable Being. Through the
humanity of his Onlybegotten the same light and clearness seemed to
be both in the Mother and the Son, each according to their degree;
yet in substance seeming one and the same, not found in any of the
other blessed, nor in all of them together. In variety She seemed
like jasper, in preciousness She was inestimable, and in beauty of
body and soul She was like translucent crystal, permeated by the very
substance of clearness and light.
27. “And it had a wall great
and high, having twelve gates, and in the gates twelve angels, and
names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of
the children of Israel. On the east, three gates; and on the north,
three gates; and on the south, three gates; and on the west, three
gates.” The wall which defended and enclosed this holy city of
most holy Mary, was so great and high as is God himself and all his
omnipotence and divine attributes; for all the power and greatness of
God, his immense wisdom, were called in requisition to fortify, to
secure and defend this great Lady from the enemies that might assault
Her. And this invincible defense was redoubled, when She descended to
live alone in the world, without the company of her divine Son, and
to establish the new Church of the Gospel. For this purpose She held
at the disposal of her will, in a new manner, God’s own power
against all the enemies of the Church, visible and invisible. Since,
after the foundation of this new city of Mary, the Most High threw
open most liberally all his treasures, and since He wished to call
through Her all mortals to the knowledge of Himself and to the
eternal happiness, the gentiles, Jews, barbarians, without
distinction of nationality or estate: therefore He built this holy
City with twelve gates opening up toward all directions of the world.
In them He placed the twelve angels, who were to call and invite all
the children of Adam; and especially rouse all men to devotion and
piety toward their Queen. In these gates are also the names of the
twelve tribes of Israel, in order that no one might think himself
excluded from the sacred refuge of this heavenly Jerusalem, and in
order that all might understand, that most holy Mary holds their
names written in her heart and intimately connected with the favors
She received of the Most High as the Mother of clemency and mercy,
and not of justice.
28. “And the wall of that city
had twelve foundations, and in them, the twelve names of the twelve
Apostles of the Lamb.” When our great Mother and Mistress was
at the right hand of her Son and God in the throne of his glory, She
offered Herself to come back to the world to plant the Church;
thereupon the Lord charged Her especially with the care of the
Apostles and wrote their names in the inflamed and pure bosom of that
heavenly Instructress, where we would see them written, if that were
possible to our mortal eyes. Although at that time there were only
eleven names of the Apostles, that of Mathias was selected beforehand
to take the place of Judas. And because upon the wisdom and love of
this great Lady depended the doctrine, the instruction, the firmness
and entire government, by which we twelve Apostles and saint Paul
were to found the Church, on this account our names are written in
the foundation of this mystical city of Mary; for She is to be the
mainstay and the groundwork of the holy Church and of its founders,
the Apostles. By her doctrine She taught us, by her wisdom She
enlightened, by her charity She inflamed us, by her patience She bore
with us, by her meekness She drew us on, by her counsel She governed
us, by her advice She prepared us for her work, and by the
dispensation of her heavenly powers She delivered us from dangers. To
all She rendered assistance as if there were but one that needed it,
and each one She helped as if each were a multitude. To us twelve
Apostles were these gates opened up more widely than to all the
children of Adam. While our Mistress lived, She never failed in
protecting each one of us, but remained present with us at all times
and places, defending us and protecting us without fail in all our
necessities and labors. From this great and powerful Queen, and
through Her, we participated received all the blessings, graces and
gifts of the Most High, in order that we might be fit ministers of
the New Testament (II Cor. 3, 6). For these reasons were our names
written in the foundations of the walls of this mystical City, the
most blessed Mary.
29. “And he that spoke to me,
had a measure of a reed of gold, to measure the city and the gates
thereof, and the wall. And the city lieth in a foursquare, and the
length thereof is as great as the breadth: and he measured the city
with the golden reed for twelve thousand furlongs, and the length and
the height and the breadth thereof are equal.” In order that I
might understand the immensity of this holy City of God, the one that
spoke to me measured it in my presence. For measurement he had a
hollow cane or a reed of gold, which symbolized the deified humanity
of the Word, with its gifts, graces and merits; and in which were
united the frailty of the human and terrestrial nature with the
precious and inestimable essence of God, exalting the humanity and
its merits. Although this measure so greatly exceeds that which it
was to measure, namely the blessed Mary; yet in all the heavens and
the earth nothing else could be found to measure the most holy Mary
and her greatness, than her own Son and true God. For all the
creatures, human and angelical, were inferior and unsuited to the
measurement and exploration of this mystical and divine City. But
measured by her Son, She was found commensurate with Him, as a Mother
worthy of Him, without failing in anything belonging to this dignity.
Her greatness was twelve thousand stadia, equal in all its
dimensions; hence it forms a cube, proportionate in all its parts.
Such was also the proportion and immensity of the gifts of the great
Queen; so that if the saints each received five or two talents, She
received in proportion twelve thousand of each gift, reaching immense
magnitude. Though She was already measured thus when She passed into
existence by her Immaculate Conception and prepared for the
Mothership of God; yet She was measured again on this occasion, when
She returned from the right hand of the eternal Son and her
dimensions were proportionate to take the place and office of her Son
and Redeemer of the world.
30. “And the building of the
wall thereof was of jasper stone: but the city itself pure gold, like
to clear glass. And the foundations of the walls of the city were
adorned with all manner of precious stones.” The doings and the
outward behavior of most holy Mary, which, like the walls surrounding
a city, are visible to all, were of such wondrous beauty and variety,
that merely by her example She conquered and attracted the hearts of
all that looked upon Her or conversed with Her. By Her sole presence
She routed the demons and all his fantastical illusions; and
therefore the walls of this City were of jasper. By her conduct and
labors, as far as they became known exteriorly, our Queen produced
more fruits and wrought greater wonders in the primitive Church, than
all the Apostles and saints of that age. The interior of this city
was of the finest gold of inexplicable clearness, participated from
her own Son and so closely resembling the light of the infinite
Being, that it seemed but the reflex of it. And this City was not
only of the finest and most precious gold, but it seemed as of the
purest and transparent glass; for She was an immaculate mirror of the
Divinity, admitting no other image. She was like a crystalline tablet
on which was written the evangelical law. In Her it should become
known to the whole world; therefore this tablet was of clear glass
and not of opaque stone, as that of Moses, for one people only. All
the foundations in the walls of this great City were of precious
stones; for it was founded by the hand of the Most High, who, being
rich and powerful, built it without stint or measure, with whatever
was most precious, estimable and secure of all his gifts, privileges
and favors. These were typified by the most solid, rich, beautiful
and valuable stones known among men. (Let the tenth chapter of the
first book, first part, be consulted.)
31. “And the twelve gates of
the city are twelve pearls, one to each: and every several gate was
of one several pearl. And the street of the city was pure gold, as it
were transparent glass. And I saw no temple therein. For the Lord
Almighty is the temple thereof, and the Lamb.” He that comes to
this holy city of Mary and enters through faith, hope, veneration,
piety and devotion, will find it a precious pearl that will make him
fortunate, rich and prosperous in this life and blessed through her
intercession in the next. He will feel no repugnance in entering this
City of refuge, because its gates are lovely and desirable, like rich
and precious gems. Hence no mortal will have an excuse, if he does
not avail himself of the most blessed Mary and of her kindness toward
the sinners. For there is nothing in Her which is not capable of
attracting the soul to Her and to eternal salvation. If the gates
then are so beautiful and precious to all that approach them, much
more beautiful will be the square of this City; for it is of the
purest gold and translucent, which signifies her most ardent love and
desire to admit all and enrich them with the treasures of eternal
happiness. For this purpose She manifests Herself to all in the
clearest light; and no one will find in Her the darkness of deceit or
falsehood. And because into this holy city of Mary came God himself
and in an especial manner, and the Lamb, her own Son in sacramental
form, thus filling and occupying Her: therefore I saw in Her no
temple and no propitiatory except the omnipotent God and the Lamb.
Nor was it necessary to build a temple in this City for the
ceremonious offering of prayers and petitions as in other cities. For
God himself and her divine Son were her temple and They were
attentive and propitious to all her petitions, prayers, and requests
offered for the faithful of the Church.
32. “And the city hath no need
of the sun, nor of the moon, to shine in it. For the glory of the
Lord hath enlightened it, and the Lamb is the lamp thereof.”
After our Queen had returned to the world from the right hand of her
divine Son, her spirit was enlightened not only in the manner common
to the saints, nor only in the manner She had been enlightened before
her ascension, but, in recompense for the clear vision and fruition
of which She deprived Herself in order to return to the militant
Church, another kind of vision, an abstractive and continual vision
of the Divinity, was conferred upon Her, and with it was joined
another kind of fruition proportionate to it. Hence, in a manner
peculiar to Her, She participated in the state of the comprehensors,
though She was yet a pilgrim. Besides this privilege She enjoyed also
another: that her divine Son in the sacramental species of bread
remained continually within her bosom, as in his proper tabernacle:
for whenever She received holy Communion, the sacred species were not
dissolved until She received them the next time; so that as long as
She lived in the world after her descent from heaven, She bore with
Her without intermission her divine Son and sacramental God. By a
special kind of vision She also saw Him within Herself and conversed
with Him without the necessity of seeking his royal presence anywhere
outside of Herself. She bore Him within her bosom and could say with
the Spouse: I hold Him and will not let Him go (Cant. 3, 4). Hence
there could be no night in this holy City, where grace shone as the
moon, nor was there need of any other rays than those of the Sun of
justice, since She possessed them in all plenitude, and not only in
part, as the rest of the saints.
33. “And the nations shall walk
in the light of it: and the kings of the earth shall bring their
glory and honor into it.” No excuse or justification can the
banished children of Eve have, if by the divine light, which Mary
gave to the world, they do not walk in the path of true happiness. In
order that She might enlighten his Church in the first age, her Son
sent Her and made Her known to the first children of his holy Church.
In the course of ages He has continued to manifest her holiness and
greatness by the wonders performed by this Queen and by innumerable
favors and blessings flowing from her hands upon mankind. In these
last ages, which are the present, He will spread her glory and make
Her known in new splendor, on account of the Church’s great
need of her intercession and of her help against the world, the demon
and the flesh. For these, through men’s own fault, as we see
even in our day, will assume greater sway and strength to hinder the
working of grace in men and to make them more unworthy of glory.
Against this new malice of Lucifer and his followers the Lord wishes
to oppose the merits and intercession of purest Mary and the light
sent into this world by the example of her life. She is to be the
refuge and sanctuary of sinners and the straight and secure way, full
of splendor for all that wish to walk upon it.
34. If the kings and princes of the
earth would walk in that light and seek their honor and glory in this
city of Mary and employ the greatness, power, riches of their states
in advancing the honor of her name and that of her most holy Son,
then they could rest assured, that being directed by this Northstar,
they will be assisted in the exercise of their dignities and will
govern their states with great success. In order to renew this
confidence in our Catholic princes, professors and defenders of the
faith, He discloses all that I now and in the course of this history
have been made to understand and record. For this reason the highest
King of kings and the Restorer of monarchies has given the most holy
Mary the title of Patroness, Protectress and Advocate of these
Catholic kingdoms. Through this singular blessing the Most High has
resolved to remedy the calamities and difficulties, which the
Christians on account of their sins, are to endure and suffer and
which in our own times we sorrowfully and tearfully are sustaining.
The infernal dragon has poured out his froth and fury against the
holy Church, because he sees the carelessness of its heads and
members and because he sees so many men in love with vanity and
delusive pleasures. The greater part of the guilt and its punishment
falls upon those who call themselves Catholic, whose offenses, as
being those of children, are more heinous; for they know the will of
their heavenly Father, who dwells on high, and yet do not strive to
fulfill it more earnestly than the strangers. Though knowing that the
kingdom of heaven suffers violence and must be gained by labors, they
have nevertheless given themselves over to idleness and pleasure,
temporizing with the world and the flesh. This dangerous deceit of
the demon, the just Judge punishes by the demon himself, giving him,
in his just judgments, the liberty to afflict the holy Church and
scourge its children with rigor.
35. But the Father of Mercies, who is
in heaven, does not permit the works of his kindness to be entirely
undone; and in order to preserve them He offers us the opportune
protection of most holy Mary, in order that through her prayers and
intercession his divine justice may find some pretext or excuse for
the suspension of the rigorous chastisements hanging over us. He
wishes to wait and see, whether we shall avail ourselves of the
intercession of this great Queen and Lady of Heaven for pacifying the
just indignation of her divine Son, and whether we shall amend our
lives, by which we make ourselves unworthy of his mercy and provoke
his justice. Let not the Catholic princes and the inhabitants of
these kingdoms neglect this occasion, wherein the blessed Mary offers
the days of salvation and the acceptable time of her protection. Let
them exalt the glory and honor of this Queen by devoting themselves
entirely to the service of her divine Son and of Her, in thankfulness
of the blessing of the Catholic faith, which has been preserved until
now so pure in these kingdoms. For both Mother and Son have through
this preservation of the faith shown to the world their singular love
toward these kingdoms, and they now show it again, by vouchsafing
this salutary advice. Let them therefore zealously strive to employ
their power and their influence for spreading and exalting the name
of Christ and that of most blessed Mary through all the nations. Let
them believe, that in order to oblige the Son, there can be no more
efficacious means than to exalt his Mother with due reverence and to
spread the knowledge and veneration of Her through all the nations of
the world.
36. For a still greater proof and
testimony of the clemency of the most blessed Mary, the Evangelist
adds: “And the gates thereof shall not be shut by day: for
there shall be no night there. And they shall bring the glory and
honor of the nations into it.” Let no one, even though he has
been neglectful and a sinner, an infidel or a pagan, approach the
Mother of mercy with diffidence. She who deprived Herself of the
glory of the right hand of her Son in order to assist us, cannot shut
the portals of kindness to anyone that seeks relief with an humble
heart. Whether he arrives in the night of sinfulness or in the day of
grace, at any hour of his life, he shall be admitted and assisted. If
he who calls in the middle of the night at the door of a true friend,
will force him, either through his necessity or importunity, to rise
and help him with the desired bread, what will not She do, who is so
loving a Mother, who calls us and earnestly invites us to the remedy?
(Luke 11, 8). She will not wait until we ourselves importune Her; for
She hastens to assist. She is eager to respond, most sweet and
delightful in her favors, and most liberal in enriching us. She is
the leaven of mercy, inducing the Most High to grant it; She is the
portal of heaven, opened up for our entering through her intercession
and prayers: “There shall not enter into it anything defiled,
nor deceitful.” She is never roused to indignation or hatred
against men; in Her there is no deceit, no fault or defect; She
cannot fail in anything that mortals may need for their salvation. We
have no excuse or pretext for not going to Her with humble
acknowledgment; since She, being pure and spotless Herself, will
purify and cleanse also us. She holds the keys to the fountains, from
which, as Isaias says, we may draw the waters of the Redeemer; her
intercession, in response to our petitions, will turn these keys, so
that the waters will gush forth to wash us and to make us worthy of
her most blessed company, and that of her divine Son for all the
37. My daughter, I wish to tell thee
for thy comfort and the comfort of my servants, that thou hast
written of these mysteries in these chapters to my great satisfaction
and with the approbation of the Most High. He wishes the world to
know what I have done for the Church in coming back from the empyrean
heaven to assist the faithful, and how much I desire to help the
Catholics who seek my aid in accordance with the commands of God and
my own maternal affection. The saints also, and especially saint
John, were particularly rejoiced, that thou hast made mention of
their jubilee at seeing me ascend with my Son and Lord; for it is
time that the children of the Church should know this and understand
more fully the blessings to which the Omnipotent has raised me. They
are thereby to enliven their hope and make themselves more capable of
the favors I can and will bestow upon them. Let them know that I, as
a loving Mother, am filled with pity at seeing them so deceived and
oppressed by the tyranny of satan, to whom they have blindly fallen
victims. Saint John my servant has concealed many other sacraments in
the twenty-first and the twelfth chapter of the Apocalypse concerning
the favors shown me by the Almighty. In the course of this history
thou hast revealed those which the faithful can profitably know at
present, and thou shalt reveal still more.
38. But thou must without delay
gather for thyself the fruits of all thou hast understood and
written. First of all thou must advance in heartfelt love and
devotion toward me, and be convinced that I shall be thy help in all
tribulations, thy constant assistance in all thy works; that the
portals of my mercy are opened up for thee and for all whom thou
recommendest to me, if only thou shalt make thyself such as I desire.
Therefore I inform thee, my dearest, and urgently remind thee, that,
in the same manner as I was fitted out in heaven for returning and
engaging in a more perfect activity on this earth, so the Lord
desires thee to be renewed in the heaven of thy interior, in the
secret and superior parts of thy spirit, in those private exercises
by which thou hast created the interior solitude for writing the rest
of this life. Understand that all this has not been brought about
without special providence of God, which thou wilt easily see in
pondering over and recording thy experiences before beginning this
third part. Now that thou art left alone and art freed from the
government and daily intercourse of this community, I give thee this
advice; and there is now especial reason, that with the divine favor
thou renew thyself in the imitation of my life and in putting into
practice, as far as possible, what thou knowest of me. This is the
will of my divine Son, and is in harmony with thy own wishes. Hear
then my teaching and gird thyself with fortitude (Prov. 3 I, 17).
Resolve with all the powers of thy will to be attentive, fervent,
constant, eager and diligent in seeking to please thy Spouse and
Lord. Accustom thyself never to lose Him out of sight, even when thou
descendest to intercourse with creatures and engagest in the works of
Martha. I shall be thy Teacher. The angels shall stand by thee, so
that with them and by means of their enlightenments thou continually
praise the Lord. The Most High will lend thee his strength, so that
thou mayest fight his battles with his and thy enemies. Do not make
thyself unworthy of such great blessings and favors.
Chapter IV
39. I again remind those who shall
read this history not to be astonished at the hidden sacraments
recorded of the most blessed Mary therein, nor to hold them unworthy
of belief, because they have not been until now revealed to the
world. For, even setting aside the fact that they are all worthy and
befitting this great Queen, we cannot deny, that, though we have
until now no written record of her wonderful doings after the
Ascension of the Lord, yet we must suppose Her to have wrought many
and exceeding great wonders in her office as Teacher, Protectress and
Mother of the new evangelical Church, which was to be introduced into
the world under her assistance and supervision. And if the Lord
renovated Her in all her powers, as was stated, and if He exerted all
his Omnipotence through Her, no favor or blessing, no matter how
great, can consistently with the Catholic truth be disputed as
pertaining justly to this peerless and singular Creature.
40. Mary was three days in heaven
enjoying the beatific vision (as I said in the first chapter) and She
came back from her heavenly seat on the day which corresponds to the
Sunday after the day of the Ascension, called in the holy Church the
Sunday within the octave of that feast. She remained in the Cenacle
three succeeding days enjoying the after-effects of the beatific
vision. During this time the heavenly splendors, which still clothed
Her, were tempered and only the Evangelist saint John had full
knowledge of the mystery; for it was not opportune, that it should
become known to the rest of the Apostles at that time, because they
were scarcely as yet capable of such sacraments. Although She
remained in their company, it was necessary that her glory should be
hidden from them. For even the Evangelist, though he was especially
strengthened by grace for the privilege of looking upon Her with that
veil withdrawn, fell prostrate upon the ground as soon as he came
into her presence. Nor, on the other hand, was it befitting that the
Lord should suddenly deprive our great Queen of her refulgence and
the other exterior and interior effects of her admission into the
glory of his throne. He ordained in his infinite wisdom, that the
effects of those divine gifts and favors diminish by degrees and that
her virginal body return gradually to the more common visible state
for conversing with the Apostles and the rest of the faithful of the
holy Church.
41. I have also said above, that this
miracle of Mary’s admission into heaven does not conflict with
what is written in the Acts of the Apostles, though we there read,
that the Apostles and the holy women persevered unanimously in prayer
with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and with his brethren after the Lord
had ascended into heaven (Acts 1, 14). What I have said evidently
agrees with this passage; for saint Luke writes his history according
to what he and the Apostles saw in the Cenacle of Jerusalem, and
irrespective of the mystery of which they were ignorant. The sacred
body of Mary was in two places at the same time. Although the
attention and use of the senses and faculties was more perfect and
real in heaven, nevertheless it could be truly said, that She was in
the company of the Apostles and that She was seen by all. Moreover it
was true that the most blessed Mary persevered with them in prayer;
for She saw them from her place in heaven and there She united her
prayers and petitions with those of all the holy refugees of the
Cenacle; She presented them to her divine Son, at whose right hand
She was seated, and obtained for them perseverance and many other
great favors of the Most High.
42. The three days in which the great
Lady enjoyed the after-effects of glory and while the redundance of
its splendors gradually lessened, She spent in most ardent and divine
sentiments of love, gratitude and ineffable humility, beyond all the
terms or words, which I can find for manifesting what I have been
made to understand of this sacrament, for they fall far short of the
truth. The angels and seraphim, who attended upon Her, conferred in
new wonder with each other on these miracles, and they discussed
among themselves, which was the greatest miracle: that the Most High
should raise a mere Creature to such favors and greatness, or that
anyone, after having been raised to such heights of grace and glory,
should abase Herself beneath the lowest of creation and deem Herself
the most insignificant of all that is created. I perceived that the
highest seraphim stood, as it were, with bated breath at beholding
the doings of their Queen. Speaking to each other they said: “If
the demons before their fall had been privileged to behold this
example of humility, it would have been impossible for them to yield
to their pride. This our great Lady is She, who, without any defect,
without any deficiency, not only in part, but in all plenitude, has
filled up the vast voidness of humility in all creatures. She alone
has worthily conceived the majesty and supereminent greatness of the
Creator and the littleness of all creation. She is the One, that
knows when and how He must be obeyed and reverenced; and She
faithfully acts out her knowledge. Is it possible, that among the
thorns sown by sin among the children of Adam the earth should
produce such a pure Lily, emitting such fragrance for the delight of
the Creator and for mortals? (Cant. 2, 2), that from the desert of
the world, void of grace and full of earthliness, such a heavenly
Creature, affluent with the delights of the Almighty, should arise?
(Cant. 8, 5). Let Him be eternally praised in his wisdom and
goodness, who formed such a Creature, so wonderfully appointed for
our emulation in holiness and for an example and for the glory of the
human kind. And Thou, blessed among women, distinguished and chosen
among all creatures, be Thou congratulated, known and praised by all
generations! (Luke 1, 48). Mayest Thou enjoy for all eternity the
excellence given to Thee by thy Son and Creator! May He find his
pleasure and complaisance in Thee on account of the beauty of thy
works and gifts; may in Thee be satiated his immense charity for the
justification of all men. Thou, for all of them dost render Him
satisfaction, and looking upon Thee He shall not repent of having
called into existence ungrateful man. If they grieve and irritate
Him, Thou appeasest Him and turnest Him to mercy and kindness. We do
not wonder that He should favor men so much, since Thou, our Lady and
Queen, livest among them and callest them thy people.”
43. With these praises and many other
hymns the holy angels celebrated the humility and the works of the
most blessed Mary after She descended from heaven; and to some of
these praises She herself joined her responses. After dismissing the
host of the angels, who had accompanied Her from heaven, and after
having remained in seclusion still filled with the splendors of
heaven perceived only by saint John, She knew that it was time to
deal and converse with the faithful. She therefore left her
retirement and, like a loving Mother, began to hold tender
intercourse with the Apostles and disciples. With them She offered
tearful prayers to her divine Son, including them and all who in
future ages were to receive the grace of the holy Catholic faith.
From that day also, as long as She lived upon earth, She asked the
Lord to hasten the times when the feasts of the sacred mysteries
should be celebrated on earth in the same way as She knew they would
be celebrated in heaven. She also asked the Lord to send men of
exalted and distinguished holiness for the conversion of sinners,
having at the same time a foreknowledge of their sending. In these
prayers her burning charity for men rose to such a pitch, that
according to the natural course it would have destroyed her life. In
order to sustain Her and moderate the force of these desires, her
divine Son frequently sent one of his highest seraphim, who should
answer Her and promise Her the fulfillment of her desires and
petitions, at the same time revealing to Her in what order the divine
Providence would arrange all this for the greater advantage of
44. By the abstractive vision of the
Divinity, which, as I have said, She continued to enjoy, the
conflagration of love which swept through that purest and chastest of
hearts, became so ineffable, that beyond all comparison it exceeded
that of the most love-inflamed seraphim next to the throne of the
Godhead. If at times She permitted these flames of divine love to
abate somewhat, it was in order to contemplate the humanity of her
most holy Son; for no other image of visible things was ever allowed
to take up her interior faculties, except when She actually employed
her senses in dealing with creatures. At the consciousness and memory
of her absent Son She felt some natural tenderness; but this was
always a moderate and reasonable one, as She was the most prudent
Mother. But as the heart of the Son re-echoed to this love, He
permitted Himself to be wounded by the loving desires of his Mother:
and the words of the Canticle were literally fulfilled, that the eyes
of his beloved Spouse and Mother drew Him down to the earth (Cant. 4,
45. This happened many times, as will
be said later on, and it took place the first time during the few
days which passed between her descent from heaven and the coming of
the Holy Ghost, not more than six days after She again began to
converse with the Apostles. Christ our Savior would not permit
Himself a longer delay than these few days before He again descended
personally to visit and fill Her with new gifts and ineffable
consolation. The purest Dove was fainting with love and with those
pangs, which She says, cause well ordered charity in the wine-cellar
of the King (Cant. 2, 4). The Lord then coming to Her permitted Her
to recline upon his breast in the left arm of his humanity, and with
the right arm of his Divinity He illumined Her and enriched Her,
filled Her anew with vivifying and strengthening influences. Then
again were quieted the loving anxieties of this wounded Deer, now
drinking to her satisfaction from the fountain of the Savior. She was
refreshed and strengthened anew, in order that She might be inflamed
still more by the fires of her inextinguishable love. She was made
whole by being so much the more deeply wounded; She was healed by a
new sickness and vivified by delivering Herself over so much the more
completely to the agonies of her affection; for this kind of sickness
neither knows nor admits of any other kind of remedy. When the
sweetest Mother by these favors had regained strength and when the
presence of the Savior was revealed to her senses, She prostrated
Herself before his royal Majesty in order to ask Him humbly for his
blessing and to give Him most fervent thanks for the favor of his
46. The most prudent Lady was
surprised at this favor not only because it was such a short time
since She was deprived of her divine Son, but also because the Lord
had not informed Her of the time of his visit, nor had her most
profound humility permitted Her to expect such a divine condescension
in affording Her relief. As this was the first favor of this kind,
She was so much the more abashed and annihilated in her own mind. She
spent five hours with the Word enjoying his presence; and none of the
Apostles at that time knew of the favor, although they knew, from
what they noticed in the countenance and in the bearing of their
blessed Lady, that something wonderful was transpiring. None of them,
however, on account of their timidity and reverence, presumed to
inquire further into the cause. In order to take leave of her divine
Son, when She became aware that He wished to return to heaven, She
prostrated Herself again to the ground, asking Him for his blessing
and for his guidance in correcting any deficiency in her behavior for
the time when He should return to visit Her in the future. She asked
this favor, because the Lord himself had offered to visit Her
sometimes in her loneliness. Moreover, often before his Ascension,
She had prostrated Herself at his feet in acknowledgment of her
unworthiness and of her want of fervor thanking Him for his favors,
as I have narrated in the first part. AIthough She could accuse
Herself of no fault, because as the Mother of holiness, She never
committed any; and although She could not, as the Mother of wisdom,
commit any fault; yet the Lord permitted full sway to her humility
and love in the worthy acknowledgment of her debt to God as a mere
creature. In her most exalted knowledge and humility all that She did
seemed small in recompense for the supernatural blessings. This
inequality She attributed to Herself and although this could not be
called a fault, She wished to acknowledge the inferiority of earthly
things in comparison with divine excellence.
47. But among the ineffable mysteries
and favors which She received since the day of the Ascension of her
divine Son our Savior, were those connected with the worthy
preparation of the Apostles and disciples for the advent of the Holy
Ghost. The great Queen well knew how estimable and divine was to be
the blessing which was held in store for them by the Father of
lights; She considered also the fleshly affection of the Apostles for
the humanity of their Master Jesus. For the purpose of correcting
this defect and perfecting them in all things, as a tender Mother and
powerful Queen, She, on arriving in heaven with her divine Son, sent
some of her angels to the Cenacle as her messengers in order to
intimate to the faithful her own and her Son’s will, that they
should raise themselves above themselves and henceforth live more by
faith and love of God, than in the operations of their sensual
nature; that they should not be borne along solely by the sight of
God’s humanity, but that they let it serve them as a portal and
a path to the Divinity, where they would find adequate satisfaction
and repose. Such advice and exhortation the heavenly Queen ordered
the angel to give to the Apostles. Afterwards, when She again
descended from on high, She consoled them in their sorrow and soothed
them in their dismay, speaking to them for one hour every day and
explaining to them the mysteries of the faith taught Her by her
divine Son. She did this however not by any formal instruction, but
in the manner of a conference, exhorting them also to spend another
hour during the day in discussing among themselves the admonitions,
promises, doctrine and teachings of their divine Master Jesus and to
occupy themselves during some other part of the day in reciting
vocally the Our Father and some psalms, while the rest of the time
they were to spend in mental prayer. Towards evening they were to
partake of bread and fish and then indulge in moderate sleep. Through
these prayers and fasts they were to dispose themselves for the
advent and reception of the Holy Ghost.
48. The vigilant Mother, empowered by
the right hand of her divine Son, took care of that happy family in
order to bring all their works up to the highest perfection. After
her descent from heaven, She instructed the Apostles, yet She never
entered upon this duty without first being requested by saint Peter
or saint John. Through her prayers She moved her divine Son to
inspire them with these commands, in order that She might obey them
as his vicars and priests. Thus all things happened as arranged by
the Mother of humility and She obeyed as a handmaid. Laying aside all
pretense to her dignity as Queen and Lady, and making no use of her
sovereignty and dominion, She obeyed as a servant and conducted
Herself as if She were an inferior, and in this spirit She conferred
with the Apostles and the other faithful. During those days She
explained to them the mystery of the blessed Trinity in terms most
exalted and mysterious, yet suited to the understanding of all. She
explained also the mystery of the hypostatic union, and those of the
Incarnation, adding many others, which they had already been taught
by the Master; telling them at the same time that they would be
enlightened by the Holy Ghost for a deeper understanding of all these
49. She taught them how to pray
mentally, insisting on the excellence and necessity of that kind of
prayer; how the principal duty and the most noble occupation of the
rational creature was to raise itself, by the understanding and the
will, above all that is created to the knowledge and love of God; and
that no other object or occupation should ever be preferred or should
ever interrupt this duty, so as not to deprive the soul of this
supreme benefit, the beginning of eternal life and happiness. She
taught them also how to thank the eternal Father for having given us
his only Son for our Redeemer and Master, and for the love with which
the Lord redeemed us at the cost of his Passion and Death. She
exhorted them to give thanks to God for having singled them out as
his Apostles, as his companions and as the founders of his holy
Church. Such were the exhortations and teachings, with which the
heavenly Mother at that time enlightened the hearts of the eleven
Apostles and the other disciples and by which She prepared and
disposed them for the reception of the Holy Ghost and his divine
effects. As She saw into the inmost recesses of their hearts and knew
the natural condition and character of each one, She accommodated
Herself to the necessities, the bent of mind and the graces of each
in order to fill them with joy, consolation and constancy in the
practice of virtue. She exhorted them to persevere in humble
prostrations and other actions of worship and reverence in adoring
the greatness and majesty of the Most High.
50. Every morning and evening She
approached the Apostles to receive their benediction, first that of
saint Peter, as their chief, then of saint John and of the rest
according to their age. At first they all shrank from performing this
ceremony, beholding in Her their Queen and the Mother of their Master
Jesus. But the most prudent Lady insisted that all should bless Her
as ministers and priests of the Most High, explaining to them how the
highest reverence and respect was due to them on account of their
supreme dignity and office. As this was a contest of humility, it was
certain that the Mother of humility would be victorious and the
disciples would be overcome and instructed by her example. Besides,
the words of Mary were so sweet and persuasive for moving the hearts
of those first believers, that She urged them on with a heavenly
force and enlightened them to practice the highest perfections of
virtue and holiness. Perceiving these wonderful effects upon
themselves, they wonderingly commented upon them among each other,
saying: “Truly in this pure Creature we have found again the
teaching and consoling doctrine, of which we are deprived by the
absence of her Son, our Master. Her words and doings, her counsels,
her sweet and gentle intercourse, teach us and draw us on in the same
way as the conversation of the Lord, when He lived in our midst. Our
hearts are inflamed by the teachings and exhortations of this
wonderful Being as with those of Jesus our Savior. There is no doubt
that He as the omnipotent God, has deposited in the Mother of the
Onlybegotten his own divine wisdom and grace. We can now dry our
tears, since for our instruction and consolation He has given us such
a Mother and Mistress, and since He has left with us this living ark
of the Testament, wherein He has placed for us his law, his wonderful
staff, and the sweetest manna for our sustenance and comfort”
(Heb. 9, 4).
51. If the holy Apostles and the
other firstborn children of the Church had recorded in writing what
they saw as eye-witnesses of her deeds of eminent wisdom; what they
heard and what passed in their intercourse with Her for so long a
time, then we might be filled with higher conceptions of the holy and
heroic works of the sovereign lady. We would then see that as well in
the doctrine which She taught, as in the wonders which She wrought,
her most holy Son had communicated to Her a virtue, which although
coming from the Lord as from its fountain, yet, in the heavenly Lady,
was in a certain manner divine and was distributed from Her as from
an aqueduct to all the mortals. The Apostles however had the
happiness and good fortune of drinking the waters of the Savior and
of the teachings of his purest Mother in their very fount, receiving
them in a sensible manner and thus preparing them for their office
and ministry in founding the holy Church and planting the evangelic
faith throughout the world.
52. By the treason and death of that
unhappy one among all mortals, his episcopacy, as David says, had
become vacant and it was necessary to provide some other one worthy
of the apostolate (Ps, 108, 8). For it was the will of the Most High,
that the number twelve, which had been determined upon by the Master
of life as the proper number when He chose his Apostles, should also
be their number at the coming of the Holy Ghost. This decree of the
Lord was explained to the Apostles by the blessed Mary in one of her
instructions; all of them acceded to it and they asked Her as their
Mother and Mistress to choose one who should seem worthy and most fit
for the apostolate. The heavenly Lady knew beforehand who was to be
chosen; for the names of the twelve, including saint Mathias, were
written in her heart, as is said in the third chapter. But in her
profound humility and wisdom She judged it right to leave this to
saint Peter in order that he might begin to exercise in the new
Church the office of pontiff and head, as vicar of Jesus Christ, its
Author and Master. She therefore instructed the Apostle to hold this
election in the presence of all the disciples and other faithful so
that all might see him act as the supreme head of the Church. Saint
Peter thereupon arranged it all according to her directions.
53. The proceedings of this first
election in the Church are related by saint Luke in the first chapter
of the Acts of the Apostles. He says, that in the days intervening
between the Ascension of Christ and the coming of the Holy Ghost, the
Apostle saint Peter, having called together the one hundred and
twenty, who had been present at the Ascension, reminded them that the
prophecy of David concerning the treason of Judas in the fortieth
psalm must be fulfilled; that Judas, having been chosen as one of the
twelve Apostles, had unhappily prevaricated and made himself the
leader of those that captured Jesus; that with the price of his
treason had been bought the field called Haceldama; that at the end,
as unworthy of divine mercy, he had hung himself, had burst in the
middle and his entrails had fallen out, as was known to all who lived
in Jerusalem; that therefore it was becoming, another should be
chosen to the apostolate in his place in order to give testimony to
the resurrection of the Savior, in accordance with another prophecy
of David (Ps. 108,8) ; and that the one to be chosen should be from
the number of those who had followed Christ the Master in his
preaching ever since his Baptism by saint John.
54. Having thus persuaded all the
faithful of the propriety of electing the twelfth Apostle, they left
it to saint Peter to determine the manner of this election. The
Apostle then ordained, that from the seventy-two disciples two,
Joseph, called the just, and Mathias, should be selected. Between
these two lots were to be drawn and that one should be assigned to
the apostleship, who would draw the proper lot. All approved of this
manner of election, which at that time was a very secure way, since
the divine power wrought great miracles for the foundation of the
Church. They wrote the two names, with the title of Disciple and
Apostle of Christ, upon as many cards and placed them in an urn,
where they could not be seen. All of them then fell to prayer, asking
God to choose the one pleasing to Him, since, as the Lord, He knew
the hearts of all (Acts 1, 25). Saint Peter thereupon drew out one of
the lots, on which was written the name of Mathias as Apostle and
Disciple of Christ; joyfully Mathias was accepted and acknowledged as
the legitimate Apostle, and the eleven embraced him. The most holy
Mary, who was present at all these proceedings, asked his blessing
and, in imitation of Her, all the other faithful did the same. Then
all of them continued their prayers and fasting until the coming of
the Holy Ghost.
55. My daughter, thou hast rightly
wondered at the hidden and supernal favors, which I received at the
hands of my Son, and at the humility and thankfulness, with which I
received them; likewise the loving attention which I paid to the
necessities of the Apostles and the faithful of the Church amid all
my joy. It is time, my dearest, that thou gather the fruits of this
knowledge; for neither canst thou now comprehend more, nor do I
desire less of thee than that thou be to me a faithful daughter, who
imitates me fervently, and a disciple, who listens to me and follows
me with all her heart. Stir up thy faith then in order to be
convinced, that I am powerful to confer favors, and trust, that I
will enrich thee in unstinted liberality with gifts beyond all thy
desires. But at the same time do thou humiliate thyself to the very
earth and shrink to the very last place among creatures; for of
thyself thou art more useless than the most vile and despicable dust
and thou canst call nothing thy own except misery and want. Consider
well within thyself how great and exquisite is the kindness and
condescension of the Most High in regard to thee, and what kind of
thanks thou owest Him. If the one who pays his debts, even entirely,
cannot take to himself special credit; then it is just, that thou,
who canst not satisfy thy debt, shouldst remain humble, for though
thou labor ever so much and according to all thy powers, thou shalt
nevertheless remain a debtor. What shall then be thy indebtedness, if
thou remain remiss and negligent?
56. In this prudent alertness thou
wilt understand, how closely thou must imitate me in living faith, in
confident hope and in fervent love, in profound humility and in the
worship and reverence due to the infinite greatness of the Lord. I
warn thee again of the cunning vigilance of the serpent, who seeks to
induce mortals to neglect the veneration and worship due to God and
presumptuously to despise this virtue and what it implies. Into the
minds of the worldly and of the vicious he instills a most foolish
forgetfulness of the Catholic truths, in order that divine faith may
not keep alive in them the fear and veneration of the Most High; and
thus he succeeds in making them like to the heathens, who do not know
the true God. Others, who strive after virtue and perform some good
works, the enemy leads into a dangerous lukewarmness and negligence,
wherein they overlook what they are losing on account of their want
of fervor. Those that concern themselves more earnestly about
perfection, the dragon deceives with a certain coarse
over-confidence, so that on account of the favors they receive and on
account of the divine mercy which they experience, they begin to
consider themselves as special favorites of the Lord, forgetting the
humble fear and veneration, which they ought to experience in the
presence of Him, before whom, according to the teaching of the holy
Church, the powers of heaven tremble. But since I have on other
occasion reminded and admonished thee concerning this danger, let my
mentioning it here suffice.
57. In this manner I desire that thou
be faithful and punctual in the practice of this doctrine, exercising
it in all thy exterior actions without affectation or excess, and
teaching others by thy own example the holy fear and veneration due
from creatures to their Creator. I desire that thou teach and impress
this science especially upon thy religious, so that they may not be
ignorant of the humility and reverence, with which they are to
converse with God. The most efficacious instruction thou canst give,
will be thy example in fulfilling all thy obligations; for these
works thou must neither conceal, nor ever omit for fear of vanity.
This example is due in much greater degree from those that govern
others, since it is their duty to exhort, move and accompany their
subjects in the holy fear of the Lord, which is done more
efficaciously by example than by words. Admonish them particularly to
hold in veneration the priests as the anointed of the Lord. In
imitation of me do thou always ask for their blessing, when thou
approachest or leavest them. The more thou seest thy own self favored
by the divine condescension, so much the more bear in mind the
necessities and the afflictions of thy neighbors and the dangers of
those in sin, praying for all in great faith and confidence. For, thy
love of God cannot be true, if thou art content with enjoying only
thyself, and in the meanwhile forgetest thy brethren. Thou must
anxiously solicit the highest goods, which thou knowest of and
participatest in, for all men, since no one is excluded therefrom and
since all need the help and communication of God. In the love of me
thou wilt understand, how thou must imitate me in all things.
Chapter V
58. In the company of the great Queen
of heaven, and encouraged by Her, the twelve Apostles and the rest of
the disciples and faithful joyfully waited for the fulfillment of the
promise of the Savior, that He would send them the Holy Ghost, the
Consoler, who should instruct them and administer unto them all that
they had heard in the teaching of their Lord (John 14, 26). They were
so unanimous and united in charity, that during all these days none
of them had any thought, affection or inclination contrary to those
of the rest. They were of one heart and soul in thought and action.
Although the election of saint Mathias had occurred, not the least
movement or sign of discord arose among all those first-born children
of the Church; yet this was a transaction, which is otherwise apt to
arouse differences of opinion in the most excellently disposed; since
each one is apt to follow his own insight and does not easily yield
to the opinion of others. But into this holy congregation no discord
found entrance, because they were united in prayer, in fasting and in
the expectation of the Holy Ghost, who does not seek repose in
discordant and unyielding hearts. In order that it may be inferred,
how powerful was this union in charity, not only for disposing them
toward the reception of the Holy Ghost, but for overcoming and
dispersing the evil spirits, I will say; that the demons, who since
the death of the Savior had lain prostrate in hell, felt in
themselves a new kind of oppression and terror, resulting from the
virtues of those assembled in the Cenac1e. Although they could not
explain it to themselves, they perceived a new terrifying force,
emanating from that place, and when they perceived the effects of the
doctrine and example of Christ in the behavior of the disciples, they
feared the ruin of their dominion.
59. The Queen of the angels, most
holy Mary, in the plenitude of her wisdom and grace, knew the time
and predestined hour for the sending of the Holy Ghost upon the
apostolic college. When the days of Pentecost were about to be
fulfilled (Act 2, 1), (which happened fifty days after the
Resurrection of the Lord our Redeemer), the most blessed Mother saw,
how in heaven the humanity (John 14, 26) of the Word conferred with
the eternal Father concerning the promised sending of the divine
Paraclete to the Apostles, and that the time predetermined by his
infinite wisdom for planting the faith and all his gifts in his holy
Church, was at hand. The Lord also referred to the merits acquired by
Him in the flesh through his most holy Life, Passion and Death, to
the mysteries wrought by Him for the salvation of the human race and
to the fact, that He was the Mediator, Advocate and Intercessor
between the eternal Father and men, and that among them lived his
sweetest Mother, in whom the divine Persons were so well pleased. He
besought his Father also, that, besides bringing grace and the
invisible gifts, the Holy Ghost appear in the world in visible form,
that so the evangelical law might be honored before all the world;
that the Apostles and faithful, who were to spread the divine truth,
might be encouraged, and that the enemies of the Lord, who had in
this life persecuted and despised Him unto the death of the Cross,
might be filled with terror.
60. This petition of our Redeemer in
heaven was supported on earth by most holy Mary in a manner befitting
the merciful Mother of the faithful. Prostrate upon the earth in the
form of a cross and in profoundest humility, She saw, how in that
consistory of the blessed Trinity, the request of the Savior was
favorably accepted, and how, to fulfill and execute it, the persons
of the Father and the Son, as the Principle from which the Holy Ghost
proceeded, decreed the active mission of the Holy Spirit; for to
these Two is attributed the sending of the third Person, because He
proceeds from Both; and the third Person passively took upon Himself
this mission and consented to come into the world. Although all the
three divine Persons and their operations spring from the same
infinite and eternal will without any inequality; yet the same
powers, which in all the Persons are indivisible and equal, have
certain operations ad intra in each Person, which are not in the
others and thus the understanding engenders in the Father, not in the
Son, who is engendered; and the will breathes forth in the Father and
the Son, and not in the Holy Ghost, who is breathed forth. On account
of this reason the Father and the Son, as the active Principle, are
said to send the Holy Ghost ad extra, while to the Latter is
attributed the being sent, as if in a passive manner.
61. On Pentecost morning the blessed
Virgin Mary exhorted the Apostles, the disciples and the pious women,
numbering about one hundred and twenty, to pray more fervently and
renew their hopes, since the hour was at hand in which they were to
be visited by the divine Spirit from on high. At the third hour (nine
o’clock), when all of them were gathered around their heavenly
Mistress and engaged in fervent prayer, the air resounded with a
tremendous thunder and the blowing of a violent wind mixed with the
brightness of fire or lightning, all centering upon the house of the
Cenacle. The house was enveloped in light and the divine fire was
poured out over all of that holy gathering (Acts 2, 2). Over the head
of each of the hundred and twenty persons appeared a tongue of that
same fire, in which the Holy Ghost had come, filling each one with
divine influences and heavenly gifts and causing at one and the same
time the most diverse and contrary effects in the Cenacle and in the
whole of Jerusalem, according to the diversity of the persons
62. In the most holy Mary these
effects were altogether divine, and most wonderful in the sight of
all the heavenly courtiers; for as regard us men, we are incapable of
understanding and explaining them. The purest Lady was transformed
and exalted in God; for She saw intuitively and clearly the Holy
Ghost, and for a short time enjoyed the beatific vision of the
Divinity. Of his gifts and divine influences She by Herself received
more than all the rest of the saints. Her glory for that space of
time, exceeded that of the angels and of the blessed. She alone gave
to the Lord more glory, praise and thanksgiving than all the universe
for the benefit of the descent of his Holy Spirit upon his Church and
for his having pledged Himself so many times to send Him and through
Him to govern it to the end of the world. The blessed Trinity was so
pleased with the conduct of Mary on this occasion, that It considered
Itself fully repaid and compensated for having created the world; and
not only compensated, but God acted as if He were under a certain
obligation for possessing such a peerless Creature, whom the Father
could look upon as his Daughter, the Son as his Mother, and the Holy
Ghost as his Spouse; and whom (according to our way of thinking) He
was now obliged to visit and enrich after having conferred upon Her
such high dignity. In this exalted and blessed Spouse were renewed
all the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit, creating new effects and
operations altogether beyond our capacity to understand.
63. The Apostles, as saint Luke says
(Acts 2, 2), were also replenished and filled with the Holy Ghost;
for they received a wonderful increase of justifying grace of a most
exalted degree. The twelve Apostles were confirmed in this
sanctifying grace and were never to lose it. In all of them,
according to each one’s condition, were infused the habits of
the seven gifts: Wisdom, Understanding, Science, Piety, Counsel,
Fortitude and Fear. In this magnificent blessing, as new as it was
admirable in the world, the twelve Apostles were created fit
ministers of the new Testament and founders of the evangelical Church
for the whole world: for this new grace and blessing communicated to
them a divine strength most efficacious and sweet, which inclined
them to practice the most heroic virtue and the highest sanctity.
Thus strengthened they prayed, they labored willingly and
accomplished the most difficult and arduous tasks, engaging in their
labors not with sorrow or from necessity, but with the greatest joy
and alacrity.
64. In all the rest of the disciples
and the faithful, who received the Holy Ghost in the Cenacle, the
Most High wrought proportionally and respectively the same effects,
except that they were not confirmed in grace like the Apostles.
According to the disposition of each the gifts of grace were
communicated in greater or less abundance in view of the ministry
they were to hold in the holy Church. The same proportion was
maintained in regard to the Apostles; yet saint Peter and saint John
were more singularly favored on account of the high offices assigned
to them: the one to govern the Church as its head, and the other to
attend upon and serve the Queen and Mistress of heaven and of earth,
most holy Mary. The sacred text of saint Luke says, that the Holy
Ghost filled the whole house in which this happy congregation was
gathered (Acts 2, 2), not only because all of them were filled with
the Holy Ghost and his admirable gifts, but because the house itself
was filled with wonderful light and splendor. This plenitude of
wonders and prodigies overflowed and communicated itself also to
others outside of the Cenacle; for it caused diverse and various
effects of the Holy Spirit among the inhabitants of Jerusalem and its
vicinity. All those, who with some piety had compassioned our Savior
Jesus in his Passion and Death, deprecating his most bitter torments
and reverencing his sacred Person, were interiorly visited with new
light and grace, which disposed them afterwards to accept the
doctrine of the Apostles. Those that were converted by the first
sermon of saint Peter, were to a great extent of the number of those
who, by their compassion and sorrow at the death of the Lord, had
merited for themselves such a great blessing. Others of the just who
were in Jerusalem outside of the Cenacle, also felt great interior
consolations, by which they were moved and predisposed by new effects
of grace wrought in each one proportionately by the Holy Ghost.
65. Not less wonderful, although more
hidden, were some contrary effects produced on that day by the Holy
Ghost in Jerusalem. By the dreadful thunders and violent commotion of
the atmosphere and the lightnings accompanying his advent, He
disturbed and terrified the enemies of the Lord in that city, each
one according to his own malice and perfidy. This chastisement was
particularly evident in those who had actively concurred in procuring
the death of Christ, and who had signalized themselves in their rabid
fury against Him. All these fell to the ground on their faces and
remained thus for three hours. Those that had scourged the Lord were
suddenly choked in their own blood, which shot forth from their veins
in punishment for shedding that of the Master. The audacious servant,
who had buffeted the Lord, not only suddenly died, but was hurled
into hell body and soul. Others of the Jews, although they did not
die, were chastised with intense pains and abominable sicknesses.
These disorders, consequent upon shedding the blood of Christ,
descended to their posterity and even to this day continue to afflict
their children with most horrible impurities. This chastisement
became notorious in Jerusalem, although the priests and pharisees
diligently sought to cover it up, just as they had tried to conceal
the Resurrection of the Savior. As these events, however, were not so
important, neither the Apostles nor the Evangelists wrote about them,
and in the confusion of the city the multitude soon forgot them.
66. The chastisement and terror
extended also to the depths of hell, where the demons felt themselves
seized with new confusion and oppression for three days, just as the
Jews lay on the earth for three hours. During these three days
Lucifer and his demons broke forth in fearful howlings, communicating
new terror and confusion of torments to all the damned. O ineffable
and powerful Spirit! The holy Church calls Thee the finger of God,
because Thou proceedest from the Father and the Son, as the finger
from the arm and the body; but on this occasion it was manifested to
me, that Thou holdest the same infinite power with the Father and the
Son. Through thy sovereign presence the heaven and the earth are
moved by such opposite effects in all its inhabitants at one and the
same time; but they are similar to those, that will happen at the
last judgment. The saints and the just Thou fillest with thy grace,
thy gifts and thy ineffable consolations; and the impious and the
proud Thou chastisest and overwhelmest with confusion and pain. Truly
I see here fulfilled what Thou sayest through the mouth of David;
that Thou art a God of vengeance and workest freely, dealing out
retribution to the wicked, in order that they may not glory In their
unjust malice nor say in their heart that Thou failest in perception
or judgment while reproving and chastising their sins (Ps. 93,1).
67. Let the insipid of this world
then understand, and let the foolish be warned, that the Most High
knows the vain thoughts of men; that if He is liberal and most kind
to the just, He is also rigid in punishing the impious and the wicked
(Ps, 93, 11). It was befitting that the Holy Ghost should show
Himself to be the one as well as the other on this occasion; for He
proceeded from the incarnate Word, who had assumed human nature for
the sake of men, who had died for their salvation, and had suffered
ignominies and torments without opening his mouth or seeking
retribution for those insults and offenses. In coming down into this
world it was just that the Spirit should be zealous for the honor of
that same incarnate Word; though He did not punish all his enemies,
yet He indicated in the punishment of the most wicked, what all the
others deserved, who, in their stubborn perfidy had despised Him, if
by the respite allowed them, they did not return to truth in
heartfelt penance. It was also befitting, that the few, who had
received the Word and had followed Him as their Master and Redeemer,
and those who were to preach his faith and doctrine, be rewarded and
furnished with the proper means for establishing the Church and the
evangelical law. The Apostle says, that leaving one’s father
and mother and uniting oneself with a wife (as also Moses had said),
is a great sacrament in Christ and the Church (Gen. 2, 24; Ephes. 5,
32), because He descended from the bosom of the Father in order to
unite Himself with it in his humanity. Since then Christ came down
from heaven in order to be with his spouse, the Church, it follows
that the Holy Ghost came down on account of the most holy Mary, who
was not less his Spouse than Christ was of the Church, and who was
not less beloved by Him than the Church was beloved of Christ.
68. My daughter, in small esteem and
thankfulness do the children of the Church hold this blessing of the
Most High, by which, in addition to sending of his Son as their
Master and Redeemer, He sent also the Holy Ghost into his Church. So
great was the love, by which He sought to draw them to Himself, that,
in order to make them sharers of his divine perfections, He sent them
first the Son, who is wisdom (John 3, 16) and afterwards the Holy
Ghost, who is love, so that all might be enriched in the manner in
which they were capable. The divine Spirit, in coming for the first
time upon the Apostles and the others gathered with them, intended it
as a pledge and testimony, that He would confer the same favor on the
rest of the children of the Church, of light and of the Gospel, and
that He was ready to communicate his gifts to all, if all will
dispose themselves toward receiving them. In witness to this truth
the Holy Ghost came upon many of the faithful in visible form and
with visible effects (Acts 8, 17; 10,44; 11, 15), because they were
truly faithful servants, humble and sincere, pure and ready of heart
to receive Him. Also in our times He comes to many just souls,
although not with such open manifestations, because it is neither
necessary nor proper. The interior effects and gifts are all of the
same nature, acting according to the disposition and state of the one
who receives them.
69. Blessed is the soul which sighs
and aspires after this blessing and seeks to participate in this
divine fire, which enkindles, enlightens and consumes all that is
terrestrial and carnal, which purifies and raises it up to a new
existence, union and participation with God himself. This happiness,
as thy true and loving Mother, I desire for thee, my daughter, and in
order that thou mayest attain it in its fullness, I again exhort thee
to prepare thy heart by seeking to preserve inviolable tranquillity
and peace in all that may happen to thee. The divine clemency wishes
to raise thee to a habitation very exalted and secure, where the
torments of thy spirit shall come to an end and whither the assaults
neither of the world nor of hell can reach; where in thy own repose
the Lord shall rest and find in thee a worthy dwelling-place and a
temple of his glory. Thou shalt not escape the attacks and
temptations, directed against thee by the dragon with the most
cunning astuteness; but do thou live in continued wariness, lest thou
be disturbed or disquieted in the interior of thy soul. Guard thy
treasures in secret; enjoy the delights of the Lord, the sweet
effects of his chaste love, the influences of his holy science; for
in this regard He has singled thee out from many generations in
utmost liberality.
70. Take heed then of thy calling and
assure thyself, that the Most High offers thee anew the participation
and communication of his divine Spirit and his gifts. Remember
however, that when He confers them, He does not take away the freedom
of thy will; for He ever leaves the election of good or evil to its
free arbitrament. Hence, trusting in the divine favor, thou must
efficaciously resolve to imitate me in the works shown to thee of my
life and thou must never hinder the effects and the operations of the
gifts of the Holy Spirit In order that thou mayest understand better
this my doctrine, I will explain to thee the effects of all his seven
71. The first one, which is the gift
of Wisdom, fills the mind with the knowledge and the delight of
divine things and moves the heart to a sincere love toward the
practice and exercise of all that is good, all that is best, most
perfect and agreeable in the eyes of the Lord. With this impulse thou
must concur, yielding thyself entirely to the pleasure of his divine
will and despising all that might hinder thee, no matter how pleasant
it may seem to thy inclinations or alluring to thy appetite. Wisdom
is aided by the second gift, that of Intellect, which gives special
light to penetrate profoundly into the object presented to the
understanding. With this gift thou must co-operate by diverting and
turning aside thy attention and thoughts from all the bastard and
foreign objects of knowledge, which the demon either by himself or
through other creatures shall present to thy mind in order to
distract it and prevent it from penetrating deeply into the truth of
divine things. This kind of distraction greatly embarrasses the mind,
for the two kinds of knowledge are incompatible with each other, and
whenever the limited faculties of man are divided into their
attention to many objects, they enter into them less and attend less,
than if all their operations were riveted on one alone. In this is
evident the truth of what the Gospel says: that no one can serve two
masters (Matth. 6, 24). When the whole attention of the soul has thus
been riveted on understanding the good, Fortitude, the third gift, is
necessary, in order to execute resolutely all that the understanding
has perceived as most holy, perfect and agreeable before the Lord.
The difficulties and hindrances in the pursuit of the good are to be
overcome by Fortitude, making the creature ready to suffer whatever
labor or pain, in order not to be deprived of the true and highest
Good it has come to know.
72. But it often happens, that
natural ignorance and doubt added to temptation withhold the creature
from following out the conclusions and consequences of the divine
truth, and thus create hindrances in the execution of what is more
perfect. Hence, against the false prudence of the flesh, God
furnishes the fourth gift, that of Science, which gives light to
distinguish between different kinds of good, teaches the most certain
and secure way, and decides upon it, when necessary. To this is
joined the gift of Piety, the fifth, which inclines the soul with
sweet urgency to all that is truly pleasing and acceptable to the
Lord and to what is of real spiritual benefit to the one executing
it. It inclines the creatures to these things not through the natural
passions, but by holy, perfect and virtuous motives. Then, in order
that man may be guided by high prudence, the sixth gift, that of
Counsel, supports his understanding, in order that he may act with
precision and without temerity; weighing the means and taking counsel
with himself and with others discreetly for gaining honest and holy
ends by the selection of the proper means. To all these is added
Fear, the last, which guards and sets the seal upon all of them. This
gift inclines the heart to fly and avoid all that is imperfect,
dangerous or alien to the virtues and perfections of the soul, thus
serving as a wall of defense. It is necessary to understand the
object and the manner of this holy Fear, lest it grow excessive and
cause the creature to fear, where there is no occasion. Such has
often happened to thee through the astuteness of the serpent, when,
under guise of holy Fear, the devil entangled thee in an inordinate
liking for the blessings of the Lord. But by this instruction thou
art now informed how thou must exercise in thee the gifts of the Most
High and prepare thyself for them. I remind and admonish thee, that
this science of holy Fear is the accompaniment of the favors
communicated to thee by the Most High, and that it fills the soul
with sweetness, peace and tranquillity. It enables the creature
properly to estimate and appreciate the gifts, which come from the
powerful hand of the Almighty; neither are any of them unimportant,
nor does this Fear hinder a proper estimate of these gifts. It
induces the soul to give thanks with all its powers and to humiliate
itself to the dust. In understanding these truths without error and
in suppressing the cowardly fear of slaves, thou shalt be filled with
filial Fear, which, as thy guiding star, will help thee to navigate
securely in this ocean of tears.
Chapter VI
73. On account of the visible and
open signs, by which the Holy Ghost descended upon the Apostles, the
whole city of Jerusalem with its inhabitants was stirred to wonder.
When the news of the astounding events at the house of the Cenacle
spread about, the multitude of the people gathered in crowds to know
more of the happenings (Acts 2, 6). On that day was being celebrated
one of the paschs or feasts of the Jews; and as well on this account,
as on account of the special dispensation of heaven, the city was
crowded with foreigners and strangers from all parts of the world.
For to them the Most High wished to manifest the wonders of the first
preaching and spreading of the new law of grace, which the incarnate
Word, our Redeemer and Master, had ordained for the salvation of men.
74. The sacred Apostles, who were
filled with charity by the plenitude of the gifts of the Holy Ghost
and who knew that all Jerusalem was gathering at the doors of the
Cenacle, asked permission of their Mistress and Queen to go forth and
preach to them; in order that such great graces might not even for a
moment fail to redound to the benefit of souls and to new glory of
their Author. They all left the house of the Cenacle and, placing
themselves before the multitudes, began to preach the mysteries of
the faith and of eternal life. Though until then they had been so shy
and seclusive, they now stepped forth with unhesitating boldness and
poured forth burning words, that like a flashing fire penetrated to
the souls of their hearers. All the people were filled with wonder
and astonishment at these events, the like of which had never before
been heard or seen in the world. They looked at each other and in
consternation asked each other, saying: “What is this that we
witness? Are not all these that speak Galileeans? How then do we hear
them speaking in the language in which we were born? We Jews and
Proselytes, Romans, Latins, Greeks, Cretans, Arabs, Parthians, Medes
and all the rest of us from different parts of the world, hear them
speak and we understand them in our own languages ? O greatness of
God! How admirable is He in all His works!”
75. This miracle, that all the men of
so many different tongues then assembled in Jerusalem should hear the
Apostles in their own language, joined to the doctrine which they
preached, caused great astonishment. Yet I wish to remark, that
though all the Apostles, on account of the plenitude of science and
of gifts gratuitously received, were able to speak in the languages
of all nations, because that was necessary for the preaching of the
Gospel, yet on that occasion they all spoke the language of
Palestine. Using only this idiom they were understood by all the
different nationalities there present, as if they had spoken in the
several idioms. This miracle the Lord wrought at the time in order
that they might be understood and believed by those different
nations, and in order that saint Peter might not be obliged to repeat
in the different languages of those present what he preached to them
concerning the mysteries of faith. He preached only once and all
heard and understood him, each in his own language, and so it
happened also with the other Apostles. For if each one had spoken in
the language of those who heard them, and which they knew as their
mother tongue, it would have been necessary for them to repeat what
they said at least seven or eight times according to the different
nationalities mentioned by saint Luke (Acts 2, 9). This would have
consumed a longer time than is intimated by the sacred text, and it
would have caused great confusion and trouble to repeat the same
doctrines over and over again or to speak so many languages on one
occasion; nor would the miracle be so intelligible to us as the one
76. The people who heard the Apostles
did not understand the miracle, although they wondered at hearing
each their own idiom. What saint Luke says about their speaking
different languages, must be understood as meaning, that the Apostles
were then and there able to understand them, as I shall mention later
on (Acts 2, 4), and because on that day, those that came to the
Cenacle understood them all speaking in their own language. But this
miracle and wonderment caused in their hearers different effects and
opinions, according to the dispositions of each one. Those that
listened piously received a deep understanding of the Divinity and of
the Redemption of man, now so eloquently and fervently propounded to
them. They were moved eagerly to desire the knowledge of the truth;
by the divine light they were filled with compunction and sorrow for
their sins and with desire of divine mercy and forgiveness. With
tears in their eyes they cried out to the Apostles and asked what
they must do to gain eternal life. Others, who hardened their hearts,
altogether untouched by the divine truths preached by them, became
indignant at the Apostles, and instead of yielding to them, called
them innovators and adventurers. Many of the Jews, more impious in
their perfidy and envy, inveighed against the Apostles, saying they
were drunk and insane (Acts 2, 13). Among these were some of those
who had again come to their senses after having fallen to the ground
at the thunder caused by the coming of the Holy Ghost; for they had
risen still more obstinate and rebellious against God.
77. In order to refute their
blasphemies saint Peter, as the head of the Church, stepped forth
and, speaking in a louder voice, said: “Ye men of Judea, and
all ye that dwell in Jerusalem, be this known to you and with your
ears receive my words. For these are not drunk as you suppose, seeing
it is but the third hour of the day. But this is that which was
spoken of by the prophet Joel: ‘And it shall come to pass, in
the last days, (saith the Lord) I will pour out of my Spirit upon all
flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your
young ones shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.
And upon my servants indeed, and upon my handmaids I will pour out my
Spirit, and they shall prophesy. And I will show wonders in the
heaven above, and signs on the earth beneath: blood and fire, and
vapor and smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon
into blood, before the great and manifest day of the Lord arrives;
and it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call upon the name of
the Lord, shall be saved. Ye men of Israel, hear these words : Jesus
of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you, by miracles, and
wonders, and signs, which God did by Him in the midst of you, as you
also know: This same, delivered up by the determinate counsel and
foreknow ledge of God, you, by the hands of wicked men, have
crucified and slain. He was a holy Man, approved of God in his
virtues, by miracles and prodigies wrought in the midst of your
people, of which you know and are witnesses. And God has raised Him
from the dead, according to the prophecies of David. For that holy
king could not speak of himself, since you have his sepulchre in your
midst, where lies his body. He spoke as a prophet of Christ, and we
are ourselves witnesses as having seen Him risen and ascending into
heaven by his own power, to be seated at the right hand of the
Father, as likewise David has prophesied (Os. 15, 8; Ps. 109, 1). Let
the unbelievers understand these words of truth, which they wish to
deny in the perfidy of their malice; for against them stand the
wonders of the Most High which wrought in us as witnesses to the
doctrine of Christ and to his admirable Resurrection.”
78. “Let then the whole house
of Israel understand, and let them be assured, that God hath made
this Jesus, whom you have crucified, his Anointed and the Lord of
all, and that He has raised Him from the dead on the third day.”
On hearing these words the hearts of many, that stood there, were
moved to compunction and with great wailing they asked saint Peter
and the rest of the Apostles, what they should do for their salvation
(Acts 2, 37). Thereupon saint Peter said to them: “Do penance
and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the
remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
For the promise is to you, and to your children, and to all that are
far off, whomsoever the Lord our God shall call. Seek therefore now
to make use of the remedy, and to save yourselves from this perverse
and incredulous generation. Many other words of life saint Peter and
the other Apostles spoke to them, by which the perfidious Jews and
the other unbelievers were much confounded; and as no one could
answer, they withdrew and left the Cenacle. But the number of those
that received the true faith of Jesus Christ amounted to about three
thousand (Acts 2, 41). They all attached themselves to the Apostles
and were baptized by them to the great consternation and fear of all
Jerusalem; for the wonders and prodigies performed by the Apostles
filled with terror and dismay all the unbelievers.
79. The three thousand, who were
converted by the first sermon of saint Peter, were from all the
nations then gathered in Jerusalem, so that forthwith all nations,
without excluding any, might partake of the fruits of the Redemption,
all might be gathered to the Church, and all might experience the
grace of the Holy Spirit; for the holy Church was to be composed of
all nations and tribes. Many were Jews, who had followed Christ our
Savior with kindly feelings and witnessed his sufferings and Death
with compassion, as I said above. Some also of those, who had
concurred in his Passion, were converted, though these were few,
because many would not alter their disposition; for, if they had done
so, all of them would have been admitted to mercy and received pardon
for their error. After their preaching the Apostles retired that
evening within the Cenacle, in order to give an account to the Mother
of mercy, the purest Mary. With them also entered a great number of
the new children of the Church, in order that they might come to know
and venerate the Mother of mercy.
80. But the great Queen of the angels
was ignorant of nothing that had happened; for from her retreat She
had heard the preaching of the Apostles and She knew the secret
hearts and thoughts of all the hearers. The tenderest Mother remained
prostrate with her face upon the ground during the whole time,
tearfully praying for the conversion of all that subjected themselves
to the faith of the Savior, and for all the rest, if they should
consent to co-operate with the helps and the graces of the Lord. In
order to help the Apostles in their great work of beginning to
preach, and the bystanders in properly listening to them, the most
holy Mary sent many of her accompanying angels with holy
inspirations, encouraging the sacred Apostles and giving them
strength to inquire and to manifest more explicitly the hidden
mysteries of the humanity and Divinity of Christ our Redeemer. The
angels fulfilled all the commands of their Queen, while She Herself
exercised her own power and gifts according to the circumstances of
the occasion. When the Apostles came to Her with those copious first
fruits of their preaching and of the Holy Ghost, She received them
with incredible joy and sweetness and with the most loving kindness
of a true Mother.
81. The Apostle saint Peter spoke to
the recently converted and said to them: “My brethren, and
servants of the Most High, this is the Mother of our Redeemer and
Master, Jesus Christ, whose faith you have received in acknowledging
Him as true God and man. She has given Him the human form, conceiving
Him in her womb, and She bore Him, remaining a Virgin before, during
and after his birth. Receive Her as your Mother, as your Refuge and
Intercessor, for through Her you and we shall receive light,
direction, and release from our sins and miseries.” At these
words of the Apostle and at the sight of most holy Mary these new
adherents of the faith were filled with admirable light and
consolation ; for this privilege of conferring great interior
blessings and of giving light to those who looked upon Her with pious
veneration, was renewed and extended in Her at the time when She was
at the right hand of her divine Son in Heaven. As all of those
faithful partook of these blessings in the presence of their Queen,
they prostrated themselves at her feet and with tears besought her
assistance and blessing. But the humble and prudent Queen evaded this
latter, because of the presence of the Apostles, who were priests,
and of saint Peter, the Vicar of Christ. Then this Apostle said to
Her: “Lady, do not refuse to these faithful what they piously
ask for the consolation of their souls.” The blessed Mary
obeyed the head of the Church and in humble serenity of a Queen She
gave her blessing to the newly converted.
82. The love which filled their
hearts made them desire to hear from their heavenly Mother some words
of consolation; yet their humility and reverence prevented them from
asking for this favor. As they perceived how obediently She had
yielded to saint Peter, they turned to him and begged him to ask Her
not to send them away without some word of encouragement. Saint
Peter, though he considered this favor very proper for these souls
who had been born again to Christ by his preaching and that of the
other Apostles, nevertheless, aware that the Mother of Wisdom knew
well what was to be done, presumed to say no more than these words;
“Lady, listen to the petitions of thy servants and children.”
Then the great Lady obeyed and said to the converts: “My
dearest brethren in the Lord, give thanks and praise with your whole
hearts to the Almighty God, because from among all men He has called
and drawn you to the sure path of eternal life in the knowledge of
the holy faith you have received. Be firm in your confession of it
from all your hearts and in hearing and believing all that the law of
grace contains as preached and ordained by its true Teacher Jesus, my
Son and your Redeemer. Be eager to hear and obey his Apostles, who
teach and instruct you, so that you may be signed and marked by
Baptism in the character of children of the Most High. I offer myself
as your handmaid to assist you in all that serves toward your
consolation, and I shall ask Him to look upon you as a kind Father
and to manifest to you the true joy of his countenance, communicating
to you also his grace.”
83. By this sweetest of exhortations
those new children of the Church were filled with consolation, light,
veneration and admiration of what they saw of the Mistress of the
world; asking again for her blessing, they for that day left her
presence, renewed and replete with the wonderful gifts of the Most
High. The Apostles and disciples from that day on continued without
intermission their preaching and their miracles, and through the
entire octave they instructed not only the three thousand, who had
been converted on Pentecost day, but multitudes of others, who day by
day accepted the faith. Since they came from all parts of the world,
they conversed and spoke with each one in his own language; for as I
have said above, they spoke in various languages from that time on.
This grace was given not only to the Apostles, although it was more
complete and noticeable in them; also the disciples and all the one
hundred and twenty, who were in the Cenacle at the time, and also the
holy women, who received the Holy Ghost, were thus favored. This was
really necessary at the time on account of the great multitudes, who
came to the faith. Although all the men and many of the women came to
the Apostles, yet many, after having heard them, went to Magdalen and
her companions, who catechized, instructed and converted them and
others that came at the report of the miracles they performed. For
this gift was also conferred on the women, who, by the imposition of
hands, cured all the sicknesses, gave sight to the blind, tongue to
the mute, motion to the lame, and life to many of the dead. These and
other wonders were principally wrought by the Apostles, nevertheless
both their miracles and those of the women excited the wonder and
astonishment of all Jerusalem; so that nothing else was talked about
except the prodigies and the preaching of the Apostles of Jesus, of
his disciples, and followers of his doctrine.
84. The fame of these events soon
extended beyond the city; for no one sought a cure in vain. Such
miracles were at that time very necessary, not only for the
confirmation of the new law and doctrine of Christ our Savior, but
also because the natural desire of health and life would stimulate
men to seek the welfare of their body and thus bring them within
hearing and influence of the divine word. Thus they returned cured as
well in body as in soul, which generally happened to those, who came
to the Apostles in their maladies. Hence the number of the faithful
daily increased, and their fervor in faith and charity was so ardent,
that all of them began to imitate the poverty of Christ, despising
their riches and property and laying all their possessions at the
feet of the Apostles without reserving anything for themselves as
their own (Acts 2, 45). They wished to possess all things in common
and thus free themselves from the dangers of riches, preferring to
live in poverty, sincerity, humility and continual prayer without any
other care than that of eternal life. All of them considered
themselves as brethren and children of one Father in heaven (Matth.
23, 9). As faith, hope and charity, and the sacraments were the
common blessing of all, and as they were all seeking the same grace
and eternal life, inequality in other things seemed dangerous to
these Christian children of one Father, the inheritors of his goods
and professors of his law. It seemed to them inappropriate, that,
having such a bond of union in the principal and essential things,
some should be rich and others poor, and that temporal things should
not be communicated, where each one enjoyed those of grace; for all
gifts are from one and the same Father for all of his children.
85. This was the happy beginning and
the golden age of the evangelical Church, where the rushing of the
stream rejoiced the city of God (Ps, 45, 5) and the current of grace
and the gifts of the Holy Ghost fertilized this new paradise recently
planted by the hands of the Savior Jesus, while in its midst stood
the tree of life, most holy Mary. Then was faith alive, hope firm,
charity ardent, sincerity pure, humility true, justice most
equitable, when the faithful neither knew avarice nor followed
vanity, when they trod under foot vain pomp, were free from
covetousness, pride, ambition, which later prevailed among the
professors of the faith, who while confessing themselves followers of
Christ, denied Him in their works. We are inclined to object, that
those were the first-fruits of the Church, of the Spirit (Rom. 8,
23), that the faithful were few; that now the times are different,
that in those times the Mother of wisdom and grace lived in the
Church, whose presence, prayers and protection, defended and
encouraged the faithful to bring forth heroic works of the faith.
86. To this we answer by what will be
said in the course of this history, whence it will appear that none
other than the faithful have permitted so many vices to creep into
the fold of the Church; such as the demon himself with all his pride
and malice, never expected to see established among Christians. I
content myself with saying, that the power and grace of the Holy
Spirit were not exhausted in those first-fruits. His influence is
always the same and would be just as efficacious with the many to the
end of the Church, as it was with a few in its beginnings, if those
many were as faithful as those few. It is true that the times have
changed; but this change from virtue to vice, from good to evil,
consists not in any change of the heavens and the stars, but in a
change of men, who have strayed from the straight way of life eternal
and walk the way of perdition. I do not speak now of the pagans or of
the heretics, who have fallen away not only from the light of true
faith, but even from right reason. I speak of the faithful, who pride
themselves in being children of light, but content themselves with
only the name, and who sometimes use it merely to cloak their vices
and to cover up their crimes.
87. It will not be possible in this
third part to describe even the least part of the wonderful and great
works accomplished by the mighty Queen in the primitive Church; but
from those which I will describe, and from her life in this world
after the Ascension, much can be inferred. For She did not rest or
lose one moment or occasion of conferring some singular favor either
upon the whole Church or some of its members. For She consumed
Herself either in praying and beseeching her divine Son, without ever
experiencing a refusal; or in exhorting, instructing, counseling,
and, as Treasurer and Dispenser of the divine favors, distributing
graces in diverse manners among the children of the Gospel. Among the
hidden mysteries, which were made known to me concerning this power
of the blessed Mary, was also this, that in those first ages, during
which She lived in the holy Church, the number of the damned was
proportionately very small; and that, comparatively, in those few
years a greater number were saved than in many succeeding ages.
88. I acknowledge, that, if the lapse
of time had decreased the power, the charity and clemency of that
highest Sovereign, the good fortune of those living in that happy
time might cause a holy envy in those living by the light of faith in
our more protracted and less favored times. It is true we have not
the happiness of seeing Her, conversing with Her and listening to Her
with our bodily senses; and in this respect those first children of
the Church were more fortunate. But let us all remember, that in the
heavenly knowledge and charity of this most loving Mother we were all
present to Her, also during those times (Vol. III., 78); for She saw
and knew us all in the order and succession in which we were to be
born in the Church; and She prayed and interceded for us no less than
for those who lived in her times. Nor is She at present less powerful
in heaven, than She was then upon earth; nor less our Mother, than of
those first children; and She held us as her own, just as well as
them. But alas! that our faith and our fervor and devotion should be
so very different! Not She has changed, nor is her love less ardent,
nor would we experience less of her intercession and protection, if
in these troubled times we would hasten to Her with the same
sentiments of humility and fervor, asking for her prayers and
trustfully relying upon Her for help, as was the case with those
devoted Christians in the first beginning. Without a doubt the whole
Catholic Church would then immediately experience the same assistance
of the Queen throughout the whole world.
89. Let us return to the solicitude
of the kindest Mother for the Apostles and for the recently
converted, attending to the consolation and necessities of all and of
each one in particular. She exhorted and animated the Apostles and
the ministers of the divine word, fixing their attention upon the
prodigious manifestation of the divine power, by which her most holy
Son began to plant the faith of his Church; the virtue which the Holy
Ghost had communicated to them in order to make them fit ministers;
the ever present assistance of the divine right hand. She exhorted
them to acknowledge and praise Him as the author of all these
wonderful works and to render Him humble thanks for all of them; to
follow up in secure confidence their preaching and exhortation, the
exaltation of the name of the Lord, in order that He might be known,
extolled and loved by all the faithful. She herself practiced what
She taught and inculcated, by prostrating and humiliating Herself
before the Most High and by breaking forth in canticles of praise and
exaltation. These duties She fulfilled with such plenitude, that for
none of the converted did She ever omit giving thanks and offering
fervent prayers to the eternal Father; all of them remained
distinctly present in her mind.
90. Not only did She do all these
things for each one of them; but She received all, listened to all,
and enendeared Herself to them with words of light and life. During
those days following upon the coming of the Holy Ghost many conversed
with Her in private, opening up their inmost souls, and the same
happened also with those who were converted afterwards in Jerusalem.
Not that She was ignorant of their secrets; for She knew the hearts
of all, their affections, inclinations and conditions, enabling her
by this divine knowledge and wisdom to accommodate Herself to the
necessities and natural character and to render salutary assistance
against the maladies of each of her clients. Hence the most blessed
Mother conferred such exquisite blessings and vast favors to
innumerable souls, that they never can be known in this world.
91. There were many who were
privileged to be instructed and catechized in the holy faith by the
heavenly Mother and not one of them was lost; for at that time, and
as long as they lived, She continued to offer special prayers for
them, so that all of them were written in the book of life. In order
to bind her divine Son She said to Him: “My Lord and life of my
soul! According to thy will and pleasure have I returned to the world
in order to be the Mother of thy children, my brethren and the
faithful sons of the Church. Let not my heart be torn by seeing the
fruit of thy priceless blood fail in anyone of these that seek my
intercession; and let them not reap unhappiness from their having
availed themselves of me, the insignificant worm of the earth, for
obtaining thy clemency. Admit them, my Son, into the number of thy
friends, predestined for thy glory.” To these her prayers the
Lord immediately responded, promising that what She asked would be
done. And I believe the same happens in our day to all those that
merit her intercession and ask for it with all their hearts; for if
this purest Mother comes to her Son with similar petitions, how can
it be imagined, that He shall deny to Her that little, to whom He has
given his own Self, in order that She might clothe it in human flesh
and nature, and then nurse Him at her own virginal breast?
92. Many of those new faithful,
highly impressed with her greatness by their conversation with the
heavenly Mistress, returned to present to Her jewels and the richest
gifts; especially the women despoiled themselves of fineries to lay
them at her feet. But She would receive or permit none of these
gifts. When it seemed to Her appropriate not to refuse entirely, She
secretly inspired the minds of the givers to bring them to the
Apostles, in order that they might be equitably and justly
distributed in charity among the most poor and needy of the faithful.
But the humble Mother gratefully acknowledged them as if they had
been given to Her. The poor and the sick She received with ineffable
kindness, and many of them she cured of inveterate and long-standing
infirmities. Through the hands of saint John She supplied many secret
wants, never omitting the least point of virtue. As the Apostles and
disciples were engaged all day in preaching the faith and in
converting those that came, the great Queen busied Herself in
preparing their food and attending to their comfort; and at stated
times She served the priests on her knees and with incredible
humility and reverence asked to kiss their hands. This She observed
especially with the Apostles, knowing and beholding their souls
confirmed in grace, endowed with all that the Holy Ghost had wrought
in them and exalted by their dignity of being the highpriests and the
founders of the Church (Eph, 2, 20). Sometimes She saw them clothed
in great splendor, which elicited from Her increased reverence and
93. My daughter, in what thou hast
come to know of the events related in this chapter, thou wilt find a
great deal that points to the mystery of the predestination of souls.
Be convinced that, since the Redemption was so overflowing and
copious, it was sufficient for the salvation of all men (Rom. 5, 20).
The divine truth was made known to all, whoever heard its preaching
or who saw the effects of the coming of the Godman into the world.
Besides the outward preaching and knowledge of the remedy, all
received interior inspirations and helps in order to seek and accept
the means. You are surprised that, in spite of all this, only three
thousand were converted by the first sermon of the Apostle among all
that great multitude then in Jerusalem. It should cause a greater
surprise that in our times so few are converted to the way of eternal
life, as the Gospel is more widespread, its preaching is frequent,
its ministers numerous, the light of the Church clearer and the
knowledge of the divine mysteries more definite. With all this men
are blinder, the hearts more hardened, pride more inflated, avarice
more bold, and all the vices are practiced without fear of God and
without consideration.
94. In this most perverse and unhappy
state mortals cannot complain of the most high and equitable
providence of the Lord, who offers to all and everyone his fatherly
mercy, and points out to them both the way of life and the way of
death; so that if any man hardens his heart, God can permit it in
strictest justice. The reprobate will have none but themselves to
blame, if afterwards, when there is no more time, they shall be
uselessly dismayed with what in opportune time they could and should
have known. If in the short and transient life, which is given to
them in order to merit the eternal, they close their eyes and ears to
the truth and to the light, and if they listen to the demon, giving
themselves up to all the promptings of his malice; if they thus abuse
the goodness and clemency of the Lord, what can they then allege as
their excuse? If they do not know how to pardon an injury and for the
slightest offense meditate the direst vengeance; if, for the sake of
increasing their property, they pervert the entire order of reason
and of natural brotherhood; if for a passing delight they forget the
eternal pains, and if, in addition to all this, they despise the
warnings, helps and admonitions sent to them by God to inspire them
with the fear of perdition and induce them to avoid it, how shall
they afterwards find fault with the divine clemency? Let then
mortals, who have sinned against God, undeceive themselves: without
penance there shall be no grace, without reform no pardon, without
pardon no glory. But just as these are not conceded to those that are
unworthy, so they are also never denied to those that are worthy; nor
is ever the mercy of God withheld from anyone who seeks to obtain it.
95. From all these truths I desire,
my daughter, that thou collect for thyself what will be for thy
welfare. Let the first be, that thou receive attentively each holy
inspiration, each advice or instruction, although it come from the
most inferior minister of the Lord, or from whatever creature. Thou
must prudently consider, that none comes to thy notice by chance and
without divine predisposition; for there is no doubt that the
Providence of the Most High ordains all things for thy instruction,
and in this light must thou look upon them with humble thanks, trying
to find the virtue, which thou canst and shouldst practice in
accordance with the reminder and to exercise it in the manner in
which thou understandest and knowest it. Do not despise anyone of
them, though it may seem only a trifle; for by it thou must dispose
thyself for other works of greater virtue and merit. Consider
secondly, what a damage is wrought in souls by the neglect of so many
helps, inspirations, callings and other blessings of the Lord; for
their ingratitude vindicates the justice of the Most High in allowing
so many sinners to become hardened in their sins. If this is such a
formidable danger for all men, how much more will it be a danger for
thee, if thou abuse the abundant graces and favors, which the
kindness of the Lord has showered upon thee in preference to many
generations of men? And since my divine Son ordains all these things
for thy own good and for the good of other souls, I wish, lastly,
that in imitation of me, as has been shown thee, thou impregnate thy
heart with a most sincere determination to assist all the children of
the Church, and all other men, as far as thou canst, clamoring to the
Lord from thy inmost heart and asking Him to look upon the souls with
mercy for their salvation. And in order that they may gain this
blessing, offer to suffer for them as a victim if necessary;
remembering, that they cost my divine Son and thy Spouse the shedding
of his blood and his life, and remembering my own labors in the
Church. Do thou continually implore the divine mercy for the fruit of
that Redemption, and this practice I command thee under obedience.
Chapter VII
96. It is not the object of this
history to relate all the doings of the Apostles in the order
followed by saint Luke, nor to record all that they did after the
descent of the Holy Ghost; for, though the great Queen and Lady
certainly knew all that passed, yet many things happened where She
was not personally present. Of such it is not necessary to speak
here, nor would it be possible to describe the manner in which the
heavenly Queen cooperated in the works of the Apostles and disciples,
and in all else that happened; for in order to do this, there were
need of many large volumes. It is sufficient for my purpose and for
the sequence of this history to select the salient points of the Acts
of the Apostles written by the Evangelist, and make intelligible much
of what he omits concerning our Queen, and what was not to his
purpose nor proper for him to write at that time.
97. As the Apostles continued their
preaching and wonders in Jerusalem the number of the faithful
increased and, as saint Luke says in the fourth chapter of the Acts,
after seven days reached five thousand. All of them were busy
catechising the newcomers in preparation for Baptism, though that
work was done principally by the disciples; for the Apostles were
preaching and were conducting some controversies with the pharisees
and sadducees. On this seventh day the Queen of Angels, being in the
retirement of her oratory and considering how the little flock of her
divine Son was increasing, asked the Lord to give light to the
Apostles in order that they might begin to institute a government for
the better direction of those new children of the faith. Prostrate
upon the floor She adored the Lord and said: “Most high and
eternal God, as a vile worm of the earth I wish to praise and exalt
Thee for the immense love Thou hast manifested for the human race;
and because Thou showest the mercy of a Father by calling so many to
the knowledge and faith of thy divine Son, glorifying and spreading
the honor of thy name through the world. I beseech thy Majesty, 0
Lord, to enlighten and instruct thy Apostles, my masters, to dispose
and order all that concerns the government, amplification and
preservation of thy holy Church.”
98. Then the most prudent Mother, in
the vision of the Divinity She had at that time, perceived that the
Lord was very well pleased and answered Her: “Mary my Spouse,
what dost thou wish? and for what dost thou ask Me? Thy voice and thy
sighs have sounded sweetly in my ears (Cant. 2, 14). Ask what thou
wishest, my will is inclined toward thy petitions.” The
heavenly Mary answered: “My Lord and my God, Master of all my
being, my desires and my sighs are not unknown to thy infinite wisdom
CPs. 37, 10). I desire, seek and solicit thy greater pleasure and
satisfaction, thy greater glory and the exaltation of thy name in the
holy Church. I present to Thee these new children, with whom Thou
hast so quickly be fruited it and also my desire that they receive
holy Baptism, since they have already been instructed in the faith.
And if it is according to thy will and service, I desire also that
the Apostles commence even now to consecrate the body and the blood
of thy and my Son, in order that by this new and admirable sacrifice
they may give Thee praise and thanks for the blessing of the
Redemption and all the favors Thou hast through it conferred upon the
world, and also that according to thy will the children of the Church
may in it receive the nourishment of eternal life. I am but dust and
ashes, the least handmaid of thy faithful, and a woman; and on that
account I hesitate in proposing this to thy priests and Apostles. But
do Thou inspire, 0 Lord, the heart of saint Peter, thy Vicar, to
ordain what Thou wishest.”
99. The Church therefore owes thanks
to most holy Mary for this special blessing: that by her most
discreet attention and intercession the body and blood of her divine
Son was consecrated for the first time after the Ascension and after
the coming of the Holy Ghost. It was natural, that through her
efforts the bread of life should begin to be distributed among her
children (Prov. 31, 14), since She was the richly laden and
prosperous vessel, which brought it from heaven. The Lord then
answered Her: “My beloved Dove, let what thou wishest, be done.
My Apostles, with saint Peter and John, shall speak to thee and thou
shalt order through them what thou wishest to be done.”
Immediately all of the Apostles entered the presence of the great
Queen, and She received them as usual by reverently falling on her
knees before them and asking their blessing. This Saint Peter, as the
head of the Apostles, imparted. He spoke for all of them and
represented to Mary, how the newly converted had already been
instructed in the mysteries of the Lord’s faith; how it was
just, that they should receive Baptism, and that they should be
marked as the children of Christ and admitted to the bosom of the
Church; he therefore asked the heavenly Mistress to point out the
order to be followed as most appropriate and pleasing to the Most
High. The most prudent Lady answered: “My master, thou art the
head of the Church and the vicar of my divine Son in it; all that
shall be ordained by thee in his name, shall be approved of Him and
his will with thine shall be mine.”
100. Thereupon saint Peter ordained
that on the following day (which corresponds to the Sunday of the
most holy Trinity), Baptism should be given to those who had been
converted during that week; this arrangement of saint Peter was
satisfactory to our Queen and to the other Apostles. Immediately
there arose a doubt as to what Baptism was to be given to them: the
baptism of saint John, or the Baptism of Christ our Savior. To some
it seemed that the baptism of saint John, which was that of penance,
should be given to them, and that through it they were to enter into
the faith and justification of their souls. Others, on the contrary,
said, that with the Baptism and the Death of Christ the baptism of
saint John had expired, since it had served merely to prepare the
souls for the reception of Christ the Redeemer, and that the Baptism
of the Lord gives grace sufficient for justifying the souls and for
washing off all the sins from those properly disposed; and that it
was necessary to introduce it immediately into the Church.
101. This opinion was approved of by
saint John and saint Peter, and was confirmed by the most holy Mary.
Hence they determined to institute at once the Baptism of Christ our
Lord and to confer it on the new converts and the rest who came to
the Church. In regard to the material and form of that Baptism there
was no doubt among the Apostles; for all of them agreed that the
material should be natural and elementary water, and the form should
be: I baptize thee in the name of the Father and of the Son and of
the Holy Ghost; because these were the matter and form designated by
the Lord our Savior and these words He had made use of in the Baptism
He had himself administered. This way of baptizing was observed
always from that day on. Wherever in the Acts of the Apostles it is
said that they baptized in the name of Jesus, this saying does not
refer to the form, but to the Author of the Baptism, namely Jesus, in
contradistinction to the author of the other baptism, that of saint
John. To baptize in the name of Jesus was the same as to baptize with
the Baptism of Jesus; but its form was that which the Lord himself
had given and contains the express mention of the three Persons of
the most holy Trinity (Math. 28, 19), as the foundation and beginning
of all the Catholic truth and faith. The Apostles therefore ordained,
that all the catechumens should gather in the house of the Cenacle in
order to be baptized; and that the seventy-two disciples should have
charge of preparing them for that occasion.
102. Then the great Lady, having
asked permission, spoke to that whole congregation and said: “My
masters, the Redeemer of the world, the true God and my Son, out of
the love which He had for men, offered to the eternal Father the
sacrifice of his sacred body and blood, consecrating Himself under
the species of bread and wine. Under these appearances He resolved to
remain in his Church, in order that its children might have in it the
sacrifice and food of eternal life they are to expect hereafter.
Through this sacrifice, which embodies the rnysteries of the life and
death of the Son, the Father is to be placated; and in it and through
it, the Church shall give the thanks and praise which it owes to Him
as its God and Benefactor. You are the priests and ministers, who
alone are to offer it. It is my desire, if such be your will, that
you begin to offer this unbloody sacrifice and that you consecrate
the body and blood of my divine Son, in order that we may render fit
thanks for the benefit of his Redemption and of the sending of the
Holy Ghost into the Church; and in order that the faithful, by
receiving this Sacrament, may begin to enjoy this bread of life in
all its divine effects. All those may partake of the sacred body, who
shall have received Baptism and who seem to be more fit and better
prepared; but Baptism is the first requisite for its reception.”
103. All the Apostles and disciples
conformed to the wish of the blessed Mary, and they thanked Her for
Her solicitude and her instruction. It was resolved, that on the
following day, after the Baptism of the catechumens, the body and
blood of Christ should be consecrated, and that Saint Peter should be
the celebrant, since he was the head of the Church. The holy Apostle
consented. But before dismissing them he proposed another difficulty
to the consideration of all, namely, concerning the order to be
observed in receiving and distributing the alms and the goods of the
newly converted.
104. He therefore said: “My
dearest brethren, you already know, that our Redeemer and Master,
Jesus, by his example, his doctrines and commands ordained and taught
the true poverty (Matthew 6, 20) in which we should live, abhorring
and shunning the cares entailed by riches and possessions, and
neither desiring or amassing wealth in this life. Besides this
salutary doctrine we have before our eyes the recent and formidable
example of the perdition of Judas, who was an Apostle as we
ourselves, and who, by his avarice and covetousness, went astray and
has fallen from the dignity of the apostolate into the abyss of
wickedness and eternal damnation. This tremendous danger we must
avoid, so that no one may hold in possession or handle money and that
all may imitate and follow the strictest poverty of our Captain and
Master. I know that all of you desire this, well understanding that
in order to preserve us from this contagion the Lord has placed this
risk and chastisement before our eyes. Therefore that we all may be
free from the hindrances connected with the gifts and alms brought us
by the faithful, it is necessary to arrange some form of
administration. It is proper that you now determine upon the manner
and order to be maintained in the reception and the distribution of
the moneys and gifts of the faithful.”
105. The whole gathering of the
Apostles and disciples were somewhat at a loss to find the proper
course to be pursued; and several opinions were proposed. Some of
them suggested that a chief steward be chosen, who should receive all
the money and gifts, and who should distribute it according to the
necessities of all. But this suggestion was not favored by this
gathering of the poor and of the disciples of the Master of poverty,
on account of the example of Judas so recently before their eyes. To
others it seemed good to make a deposit of all the goods into the
hands of a reliable person not belonging to the apostolic college,
who should be master of it and apply the profits or rents according
to the needs of the faithful; but also this seemed inappropriate,
just as other measures also proposed. The great Mistress of humility,
the blessed Mary, listened to all without saying a word; as well
because She wished to show this reverence to the Apostles, as because
no one would have advanced his own opinion, if She had first made
known her view. Although She was the Teacher of all, She always
conducted Herself as a disciple anxious to listen and learn. But
saint Peter and saint John, perceiving the diversity of opinion among
the rest, besought the heavenly Mother to show them the right way in
their doubts and to declare what should be most pleasing to her
divine Son.
106. She obeyed and speaking to the
whole gathering, She said: “My masters and brethren, I was in
the school of our true Teacher, my divine Son, from the time when He
was conceived in my womb, until He died and ascended into heaven; I
have never seen Him touch or handle money, nor accept a gift of much
value or price. When, shortly after his birth, He accepted the
presents offered to Him by the Kings at their adoration (Matth. 2,
11), it was because of the mysterious signification connected with
them and in order that He might not frustrate the pious intentions of
those Kings, who were the first-fruits among the heathens. But
without delay, while resting on my arms, He ordered me immediately to
distribute them among the poor and the temple, as I also did. Many
times during his life He told me, that one of the high purposes of
his coming into the world was to raise up poverty and to teach it to
mortals, who stand in horror of it. In his conversations, his
teachings and his most holy life He manifested to me, and made me
understand, that the holiness and perfection, which He had come to
teach, was to be founded on the most perfect voluntary poverty and
the contempt of riches. The more earnestly these were cultivated in
the Church, so much greater would be her sanctity in the course of
the ages; and this will be evident in the coming times.”
107. “Since we are to follow
the footsteps of our true Master and practice his teachings, in order
that we may found his Church by imitating his example; it is
necessary that we all embrace the most strict poverty and that we
honor and revere it as the mother of all virtues and holiness. Hence
I am of opinion that we all should detach our hearts from the love of
money and riches and that all of us should refuse to handle it or to
accept valuable and precious gifts. In order that no one may be
defiled by avarice, six or seven persons of approved life and
established virtue might be appointed, who are to receive the alms
and offerings and whatever else the faithful wish to deposit in their
desire to live more securely and to follow Christ my divine Son
without the embarrassment of possessions. All this must be given in
the form of alms, not in the manner of rents, or income, or capital.
All of it should be used for supplying the needs of the community and
of our brethren and poor, the needy and the infirm; and let none of
the congregation, nor the Church, consider any of these goods as
belonging to themselves any more than to any of the brethren. If the
alms thus offered for the sake of God should not suffice for the
maintenance of all, let those that are appointed for this work ask
for more in the name of God. Let all of us understand, that our lives
depend upon the most high Providence of my divine Son and not upon
the solicitude for acquiring money, nor upon increasing our
possessions under pretext of providing for our sustenance. Let us
rather have confidence and if necessary, rely on the beneficence of
108. None of the Apostles nor the
other faithful of that gathering objected to the decision of their
Great Queen and Teacher; but all of them heartily embraced her
doctrine, knowing that She was the only and legitimate disciple of
the Lord, and that She was the Teacher of the Church. The most
prudent Mother, by divine disposition, would not delegate to one of
the Apostles this instruction and the laying of this solid foundation
of evangelical and Christian perfection in the Church; because such
an arduous task required the authorship and example of Christ and his
most holy Mother. They were the Inventors and Institutors of this
most noble poverty and They were the first to honor it by an open
profession of it. These two Leaders were followed by the Apostles and
by all the children of the primitive Church. This kind of poverty
flourished afterwards for many years. Later on, through human frailty
and through human malice of the enemy, it decayed in some of the
Christians, so that finally it came to be restricted to the
ecclesiastical state. And because the course of time made this form
of poverty difficult or impossible also for this state, God raised up
the religious communities, where, with some diversity, the primitive
poverty was renewed and kept alive in its entirety or in its main
intent. Thus it will be preserved in the Church to the end, securing
its privileges to its devotees according to the degree in which they
follow, honor and love this virtue. None of the states of life
approved by the Church is excluded from its proportionate measure;
and none of those living in those states are excused from striving
after its highest perfection in their own lives. But as in the house
of God there are many mansions (John 14, 2), so there are also
different orders and grades of inhabitants; let each one live up to
the poverty which is in accordance with his state. But let all of us
understand, that the first step in the imitation and following of
Christ is voluntary poverty; and those that pursue it more closely,
can so much the more freely rejoice in sharing with Christ its
advantages and perfections.
109. With the decision of the blessed
Mary the meeting of the apostolic college was closed, and six prudent
men were chosen to receive and dispense the alms. The great Lady
asked the blessing of the Apostles, who again returned to their work
of preparing the catechumens for Baptism on the following day. The
Queen, with the assistance of her angels and of the other Marys,
proceeded to prepare and adorn the hall, in which her divine Son had
celebrated the last Supper; and with her own hands She cleansed it
and scrubbed it for his return in the consecration to be performed on
the next day. She asked the owner to furnish it in the same way as I
have described for the Thursday of the Last Supper and the devout
host deferred to her wishes with deepest reverence. She also prepared
the unleavened bread and the wine necessary for the consecration,
together with the same paten and chalice in which the Savior had
consecrated. For the Baptism She provided pure water and the basins
for administering it with ease and reverence. Then the loving Mother
retired and passed the night in most fervent aspirations,
prostrations, thanksgiving and other exercises of exalted prayer;
offering to the eternal Father all that She, in her heavenly wisdom,
knew would help worthily to prepare Herself and all the rest for the
worthy administration of Baptism.
110. Early the next day, which was
the octave of the coming of the Holy Ghost, all the faithful and
catechumens gathered with the Apostles and disciples in the house of
the Cenacle. Saint Peter preached to this gathering instructing them
in the nature and excellence of Baptism, the need in which they stood
of it and its divine effects, how they would, through it, be made
members of the mystical body of the Church, receive an interior
character; be regenerated to a new existence as children of God and
inheritors of his glory through the remission of sins and sanctifying
grace. He exhorted them to the observance of the divine law, to which
they subjected themselves by their own free will, and to humble
thanksgiving for this benefit and for all the others, which they
received from the hands of the Most High. He explained to them also
the mysterious and sacred truth of the holy Eucharist, which was to
be celebrated in the consecration of the true body and blood of Jesus
Christ, and he admonished all those especially, who were to receive
holy Communion after their Baptism.
111. Through this sermon all the
converts were inspired with additional fervor; for their dispositions
were altogether sincere, the words of the Apostles full of life and
penetration, and the interior grace very abundant. Then the Apostles
themselves began to baptize amid the most devout and orderly
attention of the others. The catechumens entered one door of the
Cenacle and after being baptized, they passed out through another,
while the disciples and others of the faithful acted as ushers. The
most holy Mary was present at the entire ceremony, although keeping
to one side of the hall. She prayed for all of them and broke forth
in canticles of praise. She recognized the effects of Baptism in each
one, according to the greater or less degree of virtues infused in
their souls. She beheld them renewed and washed in the blood of the
Lamb, and their souls restored to a divine purity and spotlessness.
In witness of these effects, a most clear light, visible to all that
were present, descended upon each one that was baptized. By this
miracle God wished to authenticate the first beginnings of this
Sacrament in his holy Church, and to console both those first
children and us, who are made partakers of this blessing without much
adverting to it or giving thanks for it.
112. This administration of Baptism
was continued on that day until all were baptized, although there
were about five thousand to receive it. While the baptized were
making their thanksgiving for this admirable blessing, the Apostles
with all the disciples and the faithful spent some time in prayer.
All of them prostrated themselves on the ground adoring the infinite
and immutable God, and confessing their own unworthiness of receiving
Him in the most august sacrament of the Altar. In this profound
humility and adoration they prepared themselves more immediately for
Communion. And then they recited the same psalms and prayers which
Christ had recited before consecrating, imitating faithfully that
sacred function just as they had seen it performed by their divine
Master. Saint Peter took in his hands the unleavened bread, and,
after raising up his eyes to heaven with admirable devotion, he
pronounced over the bread the words of consecration of the most holy
body of Christ, as had been done before by the Lord Jesus (II Cor.
11, 24). Immediately the Cenacle was filled with the visible splendor
of innumerable angels; and this light converged in a most singular
manner on the Queen of heaven and earth and was seen by all these
present. Then saint Peter consecrated the chalice and performed all
the ceremonies, which Christ had observed with the consecrated body
and blood, raising them up for the adoration of all the faithful. The
Apostle partook himself of the Sacrament and communicated it to the
eleven Apostles as most holy Mary had instructed him. Thereupon, at
the hands of saint Peter, the heavenly Mother partook of it, while
the celestial spirits there present attended with ineffable
reverence. In approaching the altar the great Lady made three
profound prostrations, touching the ground with her face.
113. She returned to her place, and
it is impossible to describe in words the effects of this
participation of the holy Eucharist in this most exalted of
creatures. She was entirely transformed and elevated, completely
absorbed in this divine conflagration of the love of her most holy
Son, whom She had now received bodily. She remained in a trance,
elevated from the floor; but the holy angels shielded Her somewhat
from view according to her own wish, in order that the attention of
those present might not be unduly attracted by the divine effects
apparent in Her. The disciples continued to distribute holy
Communion, first to the disciples and then to the others who had been
believers before the Ascension. But of the five thousand newly
baptized only one thousand received Communion on that day; because
not all were entirely prepared or furnished with the insight and
attention required for receiving the Lord in this great sacrament and
mystery of the Altar. With regard to the manner of Communion in that
day, the Apostles observed the distinction of giving to the most holy
Mother and the one hundred and twenty, upon whom the Holy Ghost had
come, both species, of bread and of wine; but the recently baptized
partook only of the species of bread. But this difference was not
made because the new faithful were less worthy of the one species
than of the other; but because the Apostles knew, that in either one
of the species they received the same Object in its entirety, namely
the sacramental God; and that there was no precept, and likewise no
necessity that each one receive both species. They considered, that
there would be great danger of irreverence and other very grave
inconveniences to permit the multitude to partake of the species of
the blood, while this was not to be feared in the Communion of the
few, who then partook of them at that time. I have been made to
understand, that, for all those who were not consecrating or
celebrating, the practice of communicating only the specie of bread
obtained from the very beginning of the Church. Although some, that
were not priests, for some time partook of both species; yet, as soon
as the Church increased and spread over the whole world, she, being
guided by the Holy Ghost, very wisely ordained, that laymen and those
not celebrating Mass should communicate only in the specie of the
sacred body; and that it was to pertain to those who were celebrating
these divine mysteries, to partake of both species. Such is the
secure practice of the Roman Catholic Church.
114. All having received holy
Communion, saint Peter ended the sacred mysteries by reciting some
psalms and prayers, which he and the other Apostles offered up in
thanksgiving; for at that time the other rites and ceremonies, which
later on were added for the worthy celebration of Mass, as well
before as after the Consecration and Communion, had not yet been
instituted. In our times the most blessed and wise Roman Church has
established all that is contained in the holy Mass as celebrated by
the priests of the Lord. The Apostles spent some more time in prayer,
and when the day had already declined toward evening they proceeded
to other business and to partake of the necessary nourishment. Our
great Queen and Lady gave thanks to the Most High for all of them,
and the Lord was pleased with her thanksgiving, granting the
petitions which his Beloved offered up for the present and the absent
in his holy Church.
115. My daughter, although in the
present life thou canst not penetrate into the mystery of the love
which I had and still have for men; yet, in addition to that which
thou hast understood, I wish, for thy better information, that thou
consider again, how the Lord has given me the title of Mother and
Teacher of the Church. With it He infused into my soul an ineffable
participation of charity and mercy for the children of Adam. As I was
a mere creature and since this blessing was so immense, its effects
would have deprived me many times of life, if the divine power had
not miraculously sustained me. These effects I felt frequently in my
thanksgiving, when souls were received into the Church or were made
partakers of the eternal glory; for I alone could know and estimate
this happiness in its entirety, and since I realized it, I gave
thanks for it to the Almighty with intense fervor and deepest
humility. But the occasions in which I was affected most deeply, was
when I asked for the conversion of sinners and when any of the
faithful fell into eternal perdition. At such and other times,
experiencing the extreme opposite of my joys, I suffered much more
than the martyrs in all their torments. I exerted myself for each
soul with an eminent and supernatural force. For all this the
children of Adam stand in debt to me, since I offered up for them so
many times my own life. Though at present I am not any more in a
condition to offer it for them, yet my love, which seeks their
eternal salvation, is not diminished, but is more exalted and
116. If such was the force of my love
of God, when my fellow-men were concerned, thou canst understand what
was my love toward the Lord himself, when receiving Him in the
blessed Sacrament. I will tell thee a secret concerning what happened
when I received holy Communion for the first time from the hands of
saint Peter. On this occasion the Most High gave such sway to the
violence of my love, that my heart opened up in fact and, as was my
desire, permitted the sacramental Lord to enter and take his rest
there as in his legitimate throne and tabernacle. From this thou wilt
understand, that, if in the glory which I now enjoy I could be
sorrowful, one of the reasons for being so would be the dreadful
carelessness and presumption with which mortals approach to receive
the sacred body and blood of my divine Son; some of them unclean and
abominable, others without veneration and respect, and nearly all of
them without attention, without appreciation or consideration for the
value of that food, which is nothing less than God himself for
eternal life or eternal death.
117. Fear then, my daughter, this
dreadful danger; weep to see it in so many children of the Church and
ask the intervention of the Lord. In pondering over my teachings make
thyself worthy to understand profoundly this mystery of love, and
when thou art permitted to receive Him, detach and cleanse thy
interior from all earthly things, attending only to the fact, that
thou art about to receive the infinite and incomprehensible God
himself. Surpass thyself in love, in humility, and thanksgiving;
since all that thou canst ever do, will be less than is demanded by
such an exalted mystery. For thy better preparation, let that which I
did on such occasions be thy model and example. I desire especially
that thou imitate me interiorly, as in the three bodily prostrations.
Observe also that which thou hast added thyself in order to do
reverence to the sacramental flesh and blood as coming from my womb
and as having been nourished and grown from my milk. Ever keep up
this devotion; for the truth thou hast perceived, that this
consecrated body contains part of my own blood and substance, is in
fact real. And if in thy love thou wouldst deeply grieve to see the
sacred body and blood ignominiously and sacrilegiously trampled under
foot; thou shouldst feel the same grief and shed bitter tears at
seeing so many children of the Church treat it with irreverence and
without any fear or decorum. Weep then over this misfortune; weep,
because there are few who weep over it, and weep, because the evident
designs Of the love of my divine Son are thus frustrated. And in
order that thou mayest weep more bitterly, I tell thee, that, just as
in the primitive Church there were so many, who were saved by it, now
there are countless souls, who damn themselves through it. I do not
tell thee what happens in this regard every day; lest, if thou knew
it, and have within thee any love, thou shouldst die of grief. This
damage is done, because the children of the faith are following
darkness, love vanity, covet riches, and nearly all of them seek
after vain and deceitful pleasure, which blinds and obscures the
understanding and covers up the light with darkness, which knows no
distinction between the good and the bad and penetrates not the
truths of the evangelical doctrine.
Chapter VIII
118. Until now I have only very
slightly touched upon the miracle mentioned in the above heading,
and, in order that so great a miracle of the Lord in favor of his
most loving Mother may not be without the special mention demanded by
our piety, I have reserved it for this chapter. My own limited powers
of explanation grieve me; for not only am I ignorant of infinitely
more than what I perceive concerning it, but even what I know, I can
describe only in most unsatisfactory and inadequate terms and by
language falling far short of my conceptions. Nevertheless I dare not
pass over in silence the benefits conferred upon our great Queen by
the right hand of her divine Son, after She had descended from heaven
to take charge of his Church on earth; for if they were great and
ineffable before that time, they now increased in eminent variety and
exhibited at the same time the infinite power of Him who conferred
them, and the immense capacity of that singular and chosen Creature,
who received them.
119. To explain this rare and
prodigious blessing, that the sacramental body of Christ in the
sacred species should be preserved continually in the bosom of Mary,
it is not necessary to seek for another cause than that underlying
all the other favors with which God distinguished this great Lady,
namely: that it was his holy will and according to his infinite
wisdom, by which He performs according to measure and weight all that
is befitting (Wis. 11, 21). Christian prudence and piety will be
content to know as a reason, that God had singled this mere Creature
out to be his natural Mother, and that therefore She alone, of all
creatures, deserved this distinction. As this miracle of her
Mothership was unique and without parallel, it would be shameful
ignorance to seek proofs of what the Lord did in Her by comparing it
with what He did or ever will do in other souls; since Mary alone
rises supereminently above the common order of all. Yet, though all
this is true, the Lord nevertheless wishes that by the light of faith
and by other enlightenment, we seek the reasons of the propriety and
equity, according to which the powerful arm of the Almighty wrought
these wonders in his most worthy Mother, so that in them we may know
and bless Him in Her and through Her; and so that we may understand,
how secure our salvation, all our hope, and our lot are in the hands
of that powerful Queen, toward whom her Son has directed all the
excess of his love. In accordance with these truths I will explain
what has been made known to me of this mystery.
120. The heavenly Mother lived
thirty-three years in the company of her Son and true God; and from
the time when He was born of her virginal womb She never left Him to
the time of his death on the Cross. She nursed Him, served Him,
followed Him and imitated Him, conducting Herself always as a Mother,
Daughter and Spouse, as a most faithful Servant and Friend; She
enjoyed the sight of Him, his conversation, his doctrine and the
favors, which, by all these meritorious services, She attained in
this mortal life. Christ ascended into heaven, and the force of love
and right reason demanded, that He should take to heaven with Him his
most loving Mother, in order that He should not be deprived of Her
there, nor She in this world of his presence and company. But the
most ardent love which both of Them had for men, dissolved in a
manner these bonds of union, inducing our kindest Mother to return to
the world in order to establish the Church; and moving the Son to
give his consent to her absence from Him during that time. But as the
Son of God was powerful enough to recompense Her for this privation
to a certain extent, it became for Him an obligation of his love to
make such a recompense. And the fulfillment of this obligation would
not have been so publicly acknowledged or made so manifest, if He
denied his blessed Mother the favor of accompanying Her upon earth,
while He remained seated at the glory of the right hand of his
Father. Besides, the most ardent love of the blessed Mother, having
been accustomed and nourished in the presence of the Lord her Son,
would have inflicted upon Her insufferable violence, if for so many
years She was to be deprived of that kind of presence of Him, which
was possible during her stay in the Church.
121. For all this the Lord our Savior
provided by continuing his sacramental presence in the heart of the
most fortunate Mother as long as She lived in the Church after his
taking his seat in heaven. To a certain extent He abundantly
recompensed Her by this sacramental presence for that which She had
enjoyed, when He had yet lived with Her in this world; for in those
times He often absented Himself in order to attend to the work of our
salvation and thus afflicted her heart with anxieties and fears,
roused by the works in which He had to engage; and even when He
returned, He could not remain always in her company; and when this
was possible, his very presence filled her mind with the terrors of
his coming passion and death on the Cross. This sorrow sometimes cast
a shadow on the joy of her possessing Him and attending upon Him. But
when He was established at the right hand of his eternal Father,
having sustained the torment of his Passion, and when this, her same
Lord and Son, took his rest sacramentally in her virginal bosom, then
the heavenly Mother enjoyed his presence without fear or disturbance.
In the Son She continually enjoyed the presence of the entire Trinity
by that manner of vision, which I have described before. Thus was
fulfilled and realized literally, what this great Queen says in the
Canticles: I shall hold Him, and will not leave Him, until I bring
Him to the house of my mother the Church. There I will give Him to
drink of the spiced wine and of the juice of my pomegranates (Cant.
8, 2).
122. In this blessing the Lord
fulfilled his promise made to the Church in his Apostles, that He
should be with them to the end of time (Matth. 28, 20). He had
already anticipated the fulfillment of this promise even at that
time, when He resolved to ascend into heaven, for He had remained
sacramentally present in his Mother since the last Supper, as related
above. But it would not have been entirely fulfilled after his
Ascension, if He had not wrought this new miracle in the Church; for
in those first years the Apostles had no temple or proper arrangement
for preserving continually the sacred Eucharist, and therefore they
always consumed it entirely on the day of its consecration. The most
holy Mary alone was the sanctuary and the temple, in which for some
years the most blessed Sacrament was preserved, in order that the
Church of Christ might not be deprived even for moment of the Word
made flesh, from the time when He ascended into heaven until the end
of the world. Although He was not there present in that Tabernacle
for the use of the faithful, yet He was there for their benefit and
for other more glorious ends; since the great Queen offered up her
prayers and intercessions for all Christians in the temple of her own
heart and She adored the sacramental Christ in the name of the whole
Church; while by his indwelling in that virginal bosom, Christ was
present and united to the mystical body of the faithful. Above all,
this great Lady was the cause of that age’s being supremely
fortunate; for, by thus sheltering within her bosom her sacramental
Son and God, just as He is now harbored within the sanctuaries and
tabernacles, He was continually adored with highest reverence and
piety by the most blessed Mary, and was never offended, as He is now
in our churches. In Mary He was satiated with the delights, which He
desired to enjoy for the eternal ages among the children of men
(Prov. 8, 31 ), and since all the assistance rendered to the Church
was rendered with these delights as an object, the Lord could not
have gained this end more fully than by remaining sacramentally
present in the heart of his purest Mother. She was the most
legitimate sphere of the divinity, and, as it were, the proper
element and the focusing point of its proper activity; and all the
other creatures outside of the heavenly Mary were in comparison with
Her, foreign to it, since this conflagration of divine love, which
continues to burn with infinite charity, found no room or element for
its flames.
123. From the understanding which has
been given me of the mystery of the love of Christ the Lord for his
most holy Mother and of the force with which He was drawn toward Her,
I would go so far as to say, that if He had not found this way of
remaining with Her in the sacramental species, He would have come
down from the right hand of the Father to the world in order to
render companionship to his Mother while She sojourned with his
Church. And if it had been necessary that the heavenly mansions and
the celestial courtiers should be deprived of the presence of the
most sacred humanity from that time, He would have considered that of
less importance than to be deprived of the company of his Mother. It
is no exaggeration to say this, when we all must confess, that in the
purest Mary the Lord found a correspondence and a degree of love more
conformable to his will than in all the blessed combined; and
consequently, his own love for Her exceeded his love for all others.
If the Shepherd of the Gospel leaves the ninety-nine sheep in order
to go in search of only one that is lost, and if we nevertheless dare
not say of Him that He leaves the greater for the less; it should not
cause wonder in us that this divine Shepherd should leave all the
rest of the saints in order to be in the company of his most sincere
Sheep, who clothed Him with her own nature and raised and nourished
Him as a Mother. Without a doubt the eyes of his beloved Spouse and
Mother would attract Him in swiftest flight from those heights (Cant.
6, 4) to that earth, where He had lived, whither He had before this
come for the salvation of the children of Adam, toward whom He was
less attracted, yea rather repelled by their sins and by the
necessity of suffering for them. If now He descended to live with his
beloved Mother, it would not be to suffer and die; but to enjoy the
delights of her company. Fortunately it was not necessary to rob
heaven of his presence; since by descending in sacramental form He
could satisfy both his own love and that of his most blessed Mother,
in whose heart, as in his couch, this true Solomon could take up his
rest without leaving the right hand of his eternal Father (Cant. 3,
124. The manner of operating this
miracle was as follows: at the Communion of the most blessed Mary,
the sacramental species, instead of entering the portion of the
stomach where the natural food is commingled and rarified, and
instead of being mixed up or digested with even the little
nourishment sometimes taken by the great Lady, halted on their
passage and lodged within the heart of Mary, as if in repayment of
the blood which it had given up at the Incarnation of the Word and
from which was formed the sacred humanity for hypostatical union with
the Word, as has been explained in the second part. The participation
in the holy Eucharist is called an extension of the Incarnation, and
therefore it was proper that the blessed Mother should share in this
participation in a new and singular manner, since She also concurred
in the Incarnation of the Word in a miraculous and extraordinary
125. The heat of the heart in the
perfectly healthy beings is very great, and in man it is certainly
not the less on account of his greater excellence and nobility of
nature and of his prolonged life and activity; and the providence of
nature supplies it with air and ventilation for its refreshment and
for moderating that heat, which is the source of all the other animal
warmth. Yet, though in the noble constitution of our Queen the ardors
of her heart were intense, and though the affections and operations
of her inflamed love still more increased them, nevertheless the
sacred species, while lodged in her heart, were not changed or
consumed. Moreover, although multiplied miracles were required in
order to preserve them, they are not to be attributed sparingly in
this singular Being: a Creature, who was altogether a prodigy and a
summary of wonders. This favor began at the first Communion and
through the preservation of the species continued until the second
Communion received at the hands of saint Peter on the octave of
Pentecost. Then, as the new species took their place in her heart,
the former ones were consumed. By this miraculous exchange, the
previous sacramental species continued to yield their place to those
She received in her Communions until the end of her life, so that She
was never deprived of the presence of her Son and God in sacramental
126. Through this privilege, and that
of the continual and abstractive vision of the Divinity mentioned
before, the most blessed Mary was made so godlike, and her operations
and faculties were raised so far above human conception, that it will
be impossible to understand them in this mortal life, or to attain of
them a proportionate idea as is possible for us concerning other
things. Nor can I find words to explain the little which could be
made clear to me, After She returned from heaven She was entirely
renewed and transformed in regard to the use of her senses; for on
the one hand, She was absent from her divine Son, in whom She had
worthily employed them, when He was sensibly present; on the other
hand, She felt and perceived Him resting in her heart, whereon all
her attention was centered. From the day on which She descended She
made a new treaty with her eyes and exercised a new dominion and sway
over them of not permitting any terrestrial and visible images to
enter except those that were necessary for the government of the
Church and for the discharge of her duties. She made no use of these
images, nor were they necessary to Her, for conversing or meditating
interiorly, and they were merely stored in her memory and
understanding; her interior meditations and contemplations were
actuated by infused images and by the science connected with the
abstract vision of the Divinity, after the manner in which the saints
know and see in God, or through vision, or knowledge of the creature
in themselves. In this manner our Queen understood the will of God in
all her works, and She did not make use of her sight in knowing or
learning any of these things, although She used her eyes to see where
She was going or with whom She was conversing in all the sincerity of
127. The sense of hearing She made
use of somewhat more frequently; for it was necessary to listen to
the faithful and to the Apostles in what they reported of the state
of souls, of the Church, and of its needs and spiritual advancement,
in order to answer them, and give them her instruction and counsels.
But She governed her sense of hearing so completely, that it was
affected by no sound or word, which disagreed in the least with the
holiness and perfection of her state, or which were not necessary for
the advance of charity toward her fellow-men. Of her sense of smell
She made no use for terrestrial odors, or of the common objects of
that sense; but by the intervention of the angels She was regaled by
the celestial perfumes, which were perceived by Her in praise of the
Creator. She experienced a great change also in the sense of taste;
for She was made aware, that, after her sojourn in heaven, She could
live without earthly nourishment, though that was not commanded Her,
but left to her own free will. Therefore She ate very seldom and
sparingly, and this only at times, when saint Peter or saint John
asked Her, or in order to avoid astonishment in others at not seeing
Her eat. But when She thus in obedience or in humility tasted food,
She perceived not the common taste or savor of it, so that her sense
reacted not upon it any more than if She had eaten some apparent or
glorified substance. Her touch likewise conformed to this kind of
change, for through it She perceived little of that which She touched
and had in it no sensible delight; but She felt the contact of the
sacramental species in her heart, to which She ordinarily attended
with feelings of admirable sweetness and joy.
128. All these privileges in regard
to the senses were granted Her at her petition; for She consecrated
all of them and her faculties anew to the greater glory of the Most
High and for producing in Her the plenitude of virtue, holiness and
the most eminent perfection. And though through her whole life, from
the first instant of her Immaculate Conception, She had complied with
all the requirements of a faithful servant (Matth. 25, 20) and of a
prudent dispenser of the plenitude of her graces and gifts (as
appears from the whole course of this history), yet after She
ascended to heaven with her Son, She was perfected in all things and
was furnished by the divine Omnipotence with new faculties of
operating. Though She was yet a pilgrim, since She did not yet enjoy
the beatific vision as a comprehensor, nevertheless the operations of
her senses partook of and were rather similar to those of the saints
glorified in body and soul than to the operations of the other
viators. There is no other way of comparing this state so singular,
so blessed and divine, in which our great Queen and Lady returned
from heaven to govern the holy Church.
129. To this exalted activity of the
sensible faculties corresponded her interior wisdom and knowledge;
for She knew the decrees of the most high Will in all that She wished
and was obliged to do; in what time, in what manner, in what order
and circumstance each work was to be accomplished; with what words
and under what arrangements; so that in this She was not excelled
even by the angels, who assist us without ever losing sight of the
Lord. The great Queen practiced the virtues with such high wisdom,
that She excited their admiration; for they saw that no other mere
creature could exceed Her or could arrive at that summit of
perfection and holiness, which they saw Her attain. One of the things
that filled Her with highest joy was the adoration and reverence
exhibited by the supernal spirits to the Lord sacramentally present
in her bosom. The same was also shown by the saints, whenever She
ascended into heaven bearing her most divine Son with Her in her
heart; and this was a sight furnishing new joy and jubilee for all
the blessed. The joy of seeing the blessed Sacrament thus honored by
the angels was a recompense for the gross negligence of mortals in
venerating the sacred body of the Lord. And as such the blessed Lady
also offered up the worship and reverence of the celestial spirits,
who knew how to estimate this mystery and venerated it without fail
or negligence.
130. Sometimes the body of her Son
manifested itself to Her openly within Her; at other times with all
the beauty of his most holy humanity; at other times, and almost
continually, were made known to Her all the miracles contained in the
most august Sacrament. All these wonders, and many others, which we
cannot understand in this corruptible life, most holy Mary enjoyed,
sometimes becoming manifest to Her in themselves, sometimes in the
abstractive vision of the Divinity; and with the images of the
Divinity were presented to Her also all that She was to do for
Herself and for all the Church. What was most consoling to Her, was
to perceive the joy and pleasure of her divine Son in remaining
sacramentally present in her sincerest heart, which without a doubt
(according to what was made known to me) was greater than to be in
the company of the saints. 0 extraordinary, singular and exalted
privilege! Thou by Thyself wert more pleasing to the Creator than the
high heavens He had made for his habitation (Ps. 113, 16). He who
cannot be contained in those illimitable spaces, measured and
enclosed Himself in Thee alone, and found a pleasant throne and
resting-place, not only in thy virginal womb, but in the immensity of
thy capacious love. Thou alone wast a heaven from the first of thy
existence, so that God lived in Thee after He gave Thee being and
shall rest in Thee in fullest delight through all the ages of his
eternity. Let all the nations know Thee; for in Thee they know and
praise their true God and Redeemer, since through Thee alone He has
visited us and repaired our unfortunate fall (Luke 1, 68).
131. Who of mortals, or even of the
angels, can describe the conflagration of love burning in the purest
heart of this great Queen so full of wisdom? Who can comprehend the
impetus of the river of the Divinity, which inundated and absorbed
this City of God? (Ps. 44, 5). What aspirations and acts of virtue
did She not enter into while exercising the measureless gifts of
grace showered upon Her! What prayers and petitions did She not send
forth for the holy Church! What entrancements of love for us did not
overwhelm Her! What gifts did She not merit and obtain for us! Only
the Author of this prodigy could know them. But let us on our part
raise our hopes, enliven our faith, and incite our love in union with
this kind Mother; let us solicit her intercession and assistance,
since He, who is her Son and our Brother, will deny nothing to Her
whom He has so singled out for his love, as I have described, and
will describe further on.
132. My daughter, thou hast so far
been well informed of my life and activity, considering that thou art
a mere creature. Besides me, there is no other created being, which
thou canst better use as thy model and original for thy greater
holiness and perfection. But now thou hast entered upon the
description of the supreme state of virtue reached by me in mortal
life. This favor should oblige thee to renew thy desires and direct
all the attention of thy faculties toward the perfect imitation of
all that I teach thee. It is time, my dearest, and there is reason,
that thou deliver thyself entirely over to my will in what I seek of
thee. In order that thou mayest animate thyself to the attainment of
this blessing, I wish thee to take notice, that, though the species
of the Sacrament are consumed, my divine Son, whenever souls receive
Him with reverence and fervor and prepare for Him a pure and ardent
heart, remains with them with special graces, by which He assists
them, enriches and directs them in return for their hospitality. Few
are the souls, who partake of this blessing, because many knowing of
it, approach the holy Sacrament without the proper disposition, as if
by haphazard or habit, and without being solicitous for the reverence
and holy fear due to it. But as thou art now informed of this secret,
I desire that, since by the orders of thy superiors thou receivest it
every day, thou prepare thyself worthily each time and thus partake
of this great blessing.
133. For this end thou must avail
thyself of the remembrance of what I did, and by it regulate thy
aspirations, thy fervor, thy love, and all that is necessary to
prepare thy heart as a temple and habitation of thy Spouse and
highest King. Labor then to collect all thy powers within thyself;
before and after receiving observe all that pertains to the fidelity
of a Spouse, and especially must thou place a guard over thy eyes and
a watch over all thy senses, in order that no profane or foreign
image may enter into the temple of the Lord. Keep thy heart entirely
pure and unspotted; for when it is impure or preoccupied, the
plenitude of divine light and wisdom cannot enter (Wis. 1, 4). All
this thou wilt know from what God has shown thee, if thou hast
attended to it with an upright purpose. Even supposing that thou
canst not exempt thyself from all intercourse with creatures, it is
befitting that thou hold thy senses in great subjection, and that
thou do not permit them to introduce the image of any sensible thing,
by which thou wouldst not be assisted in striving after the most holy
and pure of virtue. Separate the precious from the worthless, the
truth from deceit. In order that thou mayest imitate me perfectly, I
wish that from now on thou attend to the choice thou art to make in
all things great or small, so that thou err in none, perverting the
order of divine light.
134. Consider attentively the common
deception of mortals and the woeful damage they suffer. For in the
decisions of their will they ordinarily are moved solely by what they
perceive through the senses, and they immediately proceed to act upon
their choice without further consideration or counsel. Since the
sensible impressions immediately move the animal passions and
inclinations, it is evident that men do not act according to right
reason, but according to the impulse of passion, excited by the
senses and their objects. Hence, he that considers only the injury
and pain caused, is straightway moved to vengeance; he that follows
only his hankering after strange property, as soon as he lays his
eyes upon it, is impelled to injustice. In the same manner act so
many unfortunates, who follow the concupiscence of the eyes, the
movements of the flesh, and the pride of life, because these are the
only things offered by the world and the devil. In their blind
deception they follow darkness as their light, taste the bitter as
sweet, take deadly poison for remedy of their souls, and hold that
for wisdom which is nothing but diabolical and earthly ignorance. Do
thou guard thyself against these pernicious errors, and never resolve
on anything, or govern thyself by anything that is merely sensible or
arising from sensible impressions, nor pursue the advantages held out
through them. In thy actions take counsel first of all from the
interior knowledge and light communicated to thee by God, in order
that thou mayest not go blindly forward; and He shall always grant
thee sufficient guidance. Immediately seek the advice of thy
superiors and teachers, if thou canst do so before making thy choice.
And if thy superior or teacher is not at hand, seek counsel of
others, even inferiors; for this is more secure than to follow thy
own will, which may be disturbed and blinded by passion. This is the
rule to be followed especially in the exterior works, pursuing them
with recollection, with secrecy, and according to the demands of
circumstances and fraternal charity as they occur. In all of them it
is necessary not to lose out of sight the north-star of interior
light, while moving in the profound gulf of the intercourse with
creatures, where there is continual danger of perishing.
Chapter IX
135. Elevated to the highest degree
of grace and holiness possible in a mere creature, the great Lady of
the world saw with eyes of divine knowledge the little flock of the
Church increasing day by day. As a most watchful Mother and
Shepherdess, from the heights in which She was placed by the right
hand of her omnipotent Son, She watched with deepest insight lest any
assault or attack from the ravenous wolves of hell threatened the
little sheep of her fold; for She well knew their hatred against the
new-born children of the Gospel. The watchfulness of the Mother of
light served as a wall of defense to this holy family, which the
loving Queen had accepted as her own and which She looked upon as the
portion and inheritance of her divine Son, selected from the rest of
men and chosen by the Most High. For some days the little ship of the
Church, governed by this heavenly Comrnandress, proceeded
prosperously onward; being assisted as well by her counsels, her
teachings and warnings, as by her incessant prayers and petitions.
Not for one moment did She remit her diligence in attending to all
that was necessary for consolation of the Apostles and the other
136. A few days after the coming of
the Holy Ghost, while at her prayers, She spoke to the Lord: “My
Son, the God of true love, I know, my Lord, that the little flock of
thy Church, of which Thou hast made me the Mother and Defender, is of
no less price to Thee than thy own life and blood, by which Thou hast
redeemed it from the powers of darkness (Col. 1, 13). It is therefore
reasonable that I also offer my life and all my being for the
preservation and increase of what is so highly esteemed by Thee. Let
me die, my God, if it is necessary for the enhancement of Thy name
and for the spread of Thy glory throughout the world. Receive, my
Son, the offering of my lips and of my entire will in union with thy
own merits. Look kindly upon thy faithful; receive those who hope
solely in Thee and give themselves to Thee in faith. Govern thy vicar
Peter, that he may rightly direct the sheep Thou hast given him in
charge. Watch over all thy Apostles, thy ministers and my masters;
meet them with the blessings of thy sweetness, so that we all may
execute thy perfect and holy will.”
137. The Most High answered the
petition of our Queen: “My Spouse and Beloved, I am attentive
to thy desires and petitions. But Thou already knowest, that my
Church is to follow in my footsteps and my teachings, imitating Me in
the way of my suffering and the Cross, which my Apostles and
disciples and all my intimate friends and followers are to embrace;
for such they cannot be, without this condition of labor and
sufferings (Matth. 10, 38). It is also necessary that my Church
should bear the ballast of persecutions, by which it will pass
securely through the prosperity of the world and its dangers. Such is
my high Providence in regard to the faithful and the predestined.
Attend therefore, and behold the manner in which this is to be
brought about.”
138. Immediately the great Queen in a
vision saw Lucifer and a great multitude of hellish followers rising
out of the depths of the infernal caverns, where they had lain
oppressed since the time they had been vanquished on mount Calvary
and hurled to hell, as I have described above. She saw that dragon
with seven heads coming up as it were from the depths of the sea,
followed by the rest. Although he came forth very much weakened,in
the manner of convalescents, unable, after a long and grievous
sickness, to drag themselves along; yet in his pride and chagrin he
was lashed to implacable fury and arrogance, having on that occasion
experienced that these passions in him are greater than his power, as
Isaias says (Is. 14, 9). For on the one hand he exhibited the effects
of the crushing defeat which he had undergone in the victory and
triumph of the Savior on the Cross; and on the other hand he
exhibited his wrath and fury, which now was bursting forth like the
fires of a volcano against the holy Church and her children. Having
come upon the earth, he roamed all over it and reconnoitered; then he
hastened to Jerusalem in order to strain all his rabid fury in
persecuting the sheep of Christ. He began to spy from afar, gradually
approaching and veering around that fold, which was so humble and yet
so formidable to his arrogant malice.
139. The dragon saw what a multitude
had subjected themselves to the faith, and how many were hourly
receiving holy Baptism; how the Apostles continued to preach and to
perform such great miracles for the good of souls; how the new
converts renounced and abhorred riches; how the holy Church was
founded with all the principles of invincible sanctity. At such
astonishing changes the wrath of the demon increased and his
concentrated malice and wrath vented itself in fearful howls. Lashing
himself into fury on account of his being so powerless against God,
and, thirsting to drink up the pure waters of Jordan (Is. 16,6), he
sought to approach nearer to the congregation of the faithful; but in
this he could not succeed, because they were all united in perfect
charity. This virtue, together with faith, hope and humility, rose
like an unapproachable fortification against the dragon and his
ministers of malice. He roamed about in the vicinity to find some
little sheep, that might have carelessly strayed from the fold of
Christ, in order to attack and devour it. He schemed and plotted in
many ways to attract some one of them, who should give him an
opportunity of entering the fortress of virtue, by which all were
protected; but everywhere he found his entrance forestalled and
prevented by the vigilance of the Apostles and the power of grace,
and especially by the protection of most Holy Mary.
140. When the great Mother saw
Lucifer and such an army of demons rising up with malicious wrath
against the evangelical Church, her loving heart was pierced by a
dart of compassion and sorrow; for She knew on the one hand the
weakness and ignorance of men, and on the other hand the malicious
and cunning hatred of the ancient serpent. In order to restrain and
check his pride, the heavenly Mother turned upon them and said: “Who
is like God, that dwells in the highest? (Ps. 112, 5). 0 foolish and
vainglorious enemy of the Omnipotent! The same One who vanquished
thee on the Cross and crushed thy arrogance, redeeming the human race
from thy cruel tyranny, commands thee now; this power annihilates
thee, his wisdom confounds thee, and hurls thee back to hell. In his
name now shall I do this, so as to deprive thee of the power to
hinder the exaltation and glory due to Him from all men as their God
and Redeemer.” Then the solicitous Mother continued her prayers
and spoke to the Lord: “Supreme God and Father, if the power of
thy arm do not restrain and quench the fury, which I see in the
infernal dragon and his hosts, I doubt not that he will cover the
whole face of the earth with the ruin of its inhabitants. Be Thou a
God of kindness and mercy to thy creatures: do not permit, 0 Lord,
that this venomous serpent pour out its poison upon the souls
redeemed and washed in the blood of the Lamb (Apoc. 7, 14), thy Son
and the true God. Is it possible, that the souls themselves should
ever deliver themselves over to such a bloodthirsty beast, their
mortal enemy? How is my heart constrained with fear, lest any of the
souls, enriched with the fruit of this blood, fall into such a
deplorable misfortune? 0 that the wrath of this dragon might be
turned upon me alone, and that thy redeemed be placed in safety! Let
me, eternal Lord, fight the battles against thy enemies. Clothe me
with thy power in order that I may humiliate them and crush their
pride and haughtiness.”
141. In virtue of this prayer and the
resistance of the powerful Queen, Lucifer was struck with great fear,
and for the time being he dared not approach any of the congregation
of the faithful. Yet his fury was not allayed on that account, but he
plotted to enlist the scribes and pharisees, and all of the Jews,
whom he perceived still clinging to their obstinate perfidy. He
betook himself to them and by many suggestions filled them with envy
and hatred against the Apostles and the faithful of the Church; thus,
through the unbelievers, he roused the persecution, which he could
not begin himself. He filled them with dread, lest by the preaching
of the Apostles and disciples a like or greater damage would arise,
than from the preaching of Jesus the Nazarene. He suggested to them,
how evidently the followers of Christ intended to spread the glory of
his name; how, since they themselves had crucified Him as a
malefactor, his glory would redound to their dishonor. And, as there
were so many disciples and as so many miracles were wrought in his
name, how all the people would be drawn toward them; the teachers and
the learned in the law would be despised, and lose the accustomed
perquisites, as the new believers would donate all their goods to the
new teachers; and how inevitably this damage would very soon overtake
the teachers of the law, on account of the great multitudes following
the Apostles.
142. These malicious suggestions
appealed very strongly to the avarice and ambition of the Jews and
therefore they accepted them readily as sane and as very conformable
to their own desires. Hence arose the many meetings and cabals of the
pharisees, sadducees, magistrates, and priests against the Apostles,
as mentioned by saint Luke in the Acts. The first occasion arose at
the miracle wrought by saint Peter and saint John in healing the
paralytic, who had suffered under his malady for forty years from the
time of his birth and who was known throughout the city. As this
miracle was so evident and remarkable, the inhabitants gathered in
great multitudes, all astonished and excited beyond control. Saint
Peter preached them a great sermon, proving that they could not be
saved except by the name of Jesus, in virtue of which he and saint
John had cured this paralytic of forty years standing. In reference
to this event the priests held a meeting, in which they called the
two Apostles to account. But as the miracle was so notorious and as
the people glorified God in it, the iniquitous judges were too much
confused to attempt to punish the Apostles, although they commanded
them not to preach or teach in the name of Jesus the Nazarene for the
future. But saint Peter with invincible courage told them, that they
could not obey this command; because God commanded them the contrary,
and it was not right to obey men in opposition to God (Acts 4, 19.)
With this warning they were dismissed and the two Apostles
immediately repaired to the most holy Queen to report their
experience, although She, by a special vision, had been informed of
it all. Then they engaged in most exalted prayer, in which the Holy
Ghost again came upon all of them with visible signs.
143. A few days afterwards happened
the miraculous chastisement of Ananias and Saphira, who, tempted by
their avarice, tried to deceive saint Peter. They lied to the Apostle
in bringing to him a portion of the price of an inheritance they had
sold and secreting the other part. Shortly before, Barnabas, also
called Joseph, a Levite and a native of Cyprus, had likewise sold his
inheritance and brought all the proceeds of it to the Apostles. In
order that it might be impressed upon all, that each one should act
with the same integrity, Ananias and Saphira were punished, falling
dead at the feet of saint Peter one after the other. Through this
formidable wonder all in Jerusalem were struck with fear and the
Apostles preached with greater freedom. But the magistrates and
sadducees were roused to anger and had them seized and cast into the
public prison. There they remained but a short time, because the
Queen liberated them, as I shall soon relate.
144. I will not pass over in silence
the mystery connected with the fall of Ananias and Saphira, his wife.
When the great Mistress of heaven and earth perceived, that Lucifer
and his demons incited the priests and magistrates against the
preaching of the Apostles, and that through his suggestions, they had
dragged saint Peter and saint John before their tribunals after the
miracle of the paralytic, this loving Mother feared lest the
conversion of other souls might be prevented and therefore, as her
divine Son had enjoined Her, She, with greater courage than that of
Judith, took up their cause as her own and addressed that cruel
tyrant: “Enemy of the Most High, how dost thou dare, and how
shalt thou be able to rise up against his creatures, when by the
passion and death of my Son and the true God thou art so completely
vanquished, subjected and despoiled of thy tyrannous empire? What
canst thou do, O venomous basilisk, chained and imprisoned in hellish
torments for all eternity by the Almighty? Dost thou not know, that
thou art subjected to his infinite power, and that thou canst not
resist his invincible will? He commands thee, and I in his name and
power command thee, immediately to descend with thy hordes to the
depths, from which thou hast risen to persecute the children of the
145. The infernal dragon could not
resist the mandate of the powerful Queen; for her divine Son, to the
greater terror of the demons, permitted them all to see Him
sacramentally present in the bosom of the invincible Mother, as in
the throne of his omnipotence and majesty. This happened also on
other occasions, whenever Mary put Lucifer to confusion, as I shall
relate farther on. This time he hurled himself into the abysses with
all that had accompanied him, and they fell oppressed and annihilated
by the divine strength of that peerless Woman. For some time the
demons remained there in consternation and lashed themselves to fury
on account of their woeful state, which they could not escape, and
because they despaired of overcoming this powerful Queen or all those
who should come under her protection. In this furious dismay Lucifer
conferred with his demons and said: “In what calamity do I see
myself plunged! Tell me, what can I do against this my Enemy, who
thus torments and overwhelms me? She alone battles against me more
strenuously than all the creatures together. Shall I then give up
persecuting Her, in order that She may not succeed in destroying me?
Ever have I come forth from battle with Her vanquished, while She
remains victorious. I must acknowledge, that She is continually
diminishing my powers and that step by step She will succeed in
annihilating me, so that I shall be powerless against the followers
of her Son. Yet how am I to suffer such an unjust oppression? Where
is my exalted sovereignty? Am I then to subject myself to a Woman of
a condition and nature so inferior and vile in comparison with mine?
But I dare not at present battle with Her. Let us seek to overthrow
some of her followers, so that in some measure my confusion may be
allayed and my revenge satisfied.”
146. The Lord permitted the dragon
and his hordes to return and tempt the faithful for their probation.
But on becoming acquainted with the state of their souls and the
great virtues, with which they were adorned, they found no approach
open, nor any of the faithful that would listen to their insane
deceits and illusions. Yet on searching the dispositions and natural
inclinations of each one, through which unfortunately they always
carry on their fierce war against us, the demons found that Ananias
and Saphira were attached to money and had always sought after it
with a certain amount of avarice. Of this weakness they availed
themselves for their attack and they suggested to their imagination
the expediency of reserving a part of the price of a heritage, which
they had sold in order to give its proceeds to the Apostles in
thankful acknowledgment of the faith and Baptism received at their
hands. They permitted themselves to be entrapped by this low deceit,
because they found it harmonizing with their base inclination, and
they sought to deceive saint Peter. The Apostle knew of their sin
through a revelation and he chastised them by permitting them both,
first Ananias then Saphira, suddenly to fall dead at his feet.
Saphira, without knowing what had happened to her husband, shortly
afterwards practiced the same deceit and expired in the same way in
the presence of the Apostles.
147. Our Queen knew from the very
beginning what Lucifer was plotting and that Ananias and Saphira were
listening to his wily suggestions. Full of compassion and sorrow the
loving Mother prostrated Herself in the divine presence and called
out from the bottom of her soul: “Alas, my Son and Lord, that
this bloodthirsty dragon should snatch these simple sheep of our
flock! How does my heart suffer, 0 my God, to see the contagion of
avarice and deceit infect the souls, who have tasted life and thy
blood! If this most cruel enemy scathlessly thus mixes up with them,
the evil example of sin will do great damage on account of the
weakness of men, and one will follow the other in their fall. I shall
lose my life, 0 Lord, for grief, since I know what an evil sin is in
thy eyes, and especially the sin, not of strangers, but of thy
children. Do Thou, my Beloved, provide some remedy of this evil,
which Thou hast made known to me.” The Lord answered Her: “My
Beloved Mother, let not thy heart, in which I reside, be afflicted;
for I shall draw much good out of this evil for my Church, and it is
for this end that my Providence shall permit it. In chastising these
sins I shall teach the other faithful, by a visible example, to fear
such sins in the Church; and thus shall caution them against the
deceit and the covetousness of money. For the same chastisement, or
my anger, impends over all that shall commit the same fault; since my
justice shall always remain the same against all that are rebellious
to my will as taught by my holy law.”
148. With this answer the most holy
Mary consoled Herself, although She continued to pity those two
ensnared ones, Ananias and Saphira, on account of the divine
vengeance about to fall upon them in chastisement. In the meanwhile
She offered up most exalted prayers for the rest of the faithful, in
order that they might not fall into the snares of satan; and She
again turned upon him, to frighten and repel him from irritating the
Jews against the Apostles. Prevented by her power he desisted, and
the first children of the Church enjoyed much peace and tranquillity.
This happiness under the protection of the great Queen and Lady would
have continued forever, if men had not thought little of it, giving
themselves up to the same and worse deceits than Ananias and Saphira.
0 that the faithful would fear this example and imitate that of the
149. When the Apostles were taken
prisoners as related above, they called upon the divine mercy and the
protection of their heavenly Queen and Mother; and when She by divine
enlightenment became aware of their condition, She prostrated Herself
in the form of a cross before the throne of God and made for them the
following petition: “My supreme Lord, Creator of the universe!
From my whole heart I subject myself to thy divine will, and I know
it is according to the dispositions and ordainment of thy infinite
wisdom, that the disciples follow Thee as their Master, the true
light and guide of thy chosen ones. This I confess, my Son, because
Thou earnest upon this world in the appearance and habit of humility,
in order to give it credit and destroy pride and in order to teach
the way of the cross by patience in labor and in the contempt coming
from men. I know also that thy Apostles and disciples must follow
this doctrine and establish it in thy Church. But if it is possible,
God of my soul, that they at present retain their freedom and their
life in order to found the Church, preach thy holy name and bring the
world to the true faith, I beseech Thee, my Lord, to permit me to
favor thy vicar Peter, and my son, thy beloved disciple John, and all
those who by the cunning of Lucifer, are imprisoned. Let not that
enemy glory in having now triumphed over thy servants, nor let him
raise his head over the other children of the Church. Crush his
haughtiness, my Lord, and let him be confounded in thy presence.”
150. To her petition the Most High
answered: “My Spouse, let what thou desirest be done, for this
is also my will. Send thy angels to undo the work of Lucifer, for my
power is with thee.” With this loving consent the Queen of
angels immediately sent one of her guard, of a very high hierarchy,
to the prison of the Apostles in order to free them from their
fetters and draw them from their dungeon. This was the angel of whom
saint Luke speaks in the fifth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles,
freeing the Apostles at night at the order of the heavenly Mother;
although the Evangelist makes no mention of the secret connected with
this miracle. But he was seen by the Apostles, appearing to them full
of light and glory and telling them, that he was sent by his Queen to
liberate them from prison. He commanded them to preach, as they also
did. Besides this angel She sent also others to the magistrates and
priests in order to drive away from them Lucifer and his demons, who
were irritating and inciting them against the Apostles. They were to
inspire them instead with holy thoughts, and instill into them the
fear of injuring these men or hindering their preaching. The heavenly
spirits obeyed, and they fulfilled their mission so well, that the
venerable Gamaliel delivered himself of the opinion recorded by saint
Luke (Act 5, 34). For when the other judges were thrown into
consternation at the news, that the Apostles, whom they had cast into
prison, were freely preaching in the temple without its being known
through whom and how they had been freed from the prison, Gamaliel
counseled the priests not to trouble these men, but to let them
continue their preaching; since if this was the work of God they
could not hinder it, and if it was not, it would soon come to naught
of itself. For the same would happen as what had happened some time
before with the false prophets, Theodas and Judas of Galilee, who had
risen in Jerusalem and Palestine and who had both perished with all
their followers.
151. This counsel was inspired by the
holy angels of the Queen and through their influence the judges acted
upon it, though their own reputation and worldly interest induced
them to forbid the Apostles to preach any more in the name of Jesus
of Nazareth. When therefore they had again brought the Apostles
before their tribunal after their liberation from prison, they
dismissed them with a punishment. The Apostles immediately reported
all their undertakings and experiences to the most blessed Mary as to
their Mother and Teacher; and the most prudent Queen received them
with maternal affection and joy to see them so constant in suffering
and so zealous for the welfare of souls. “Now, my masters,”
she said, “you appear to me true imitators and disciples of
your Master, since you suffer affronts and injury for his name and
with a joyous heart help Him to bear the cross. You become his worthy
ministers and assistants in applying the fruit of the blood He has
shed for the salvation of men. May his right hand bless you and
strengthen you with divine virtue.” This she said to them on
her knees and kissing their hands; whereupon She ministered to their
wants, as described above.
152. My daughter, in what thou hast
understood and written in this chapter, thou possessest many and
important admonitions for thy salvation and for the salvation of the
faithful in the Church. First of all thou must meditate upon the
solicitude and watchfulness with which I sought after the eternal
salvation of all the faithful without overlooking the least of their
necessities and dangers. I taught them the truth, prayed incessantly,
encouraged them in their labors, urged the Lord to assist them; and
above all I defended them from the demons and their cunning and
furious wrath. All these blessings I procure for Christians from
heaven in our times; and if not all experience them, it is not
because I do not solicit them, but because there are very few of the
faithful who call to me with all their heart and who dispose
themselves toward meriting and reaping the fruit of my maternal love.
I would defend them all from the dragon, if all would call upon me
and if all would fear his pernicious deceits, by which they are
ensnared and entrapped to eternal damnation. In order that all may
wake up to this frightful danger, I now give them this new reminder.
I assure thee, my daughter, that all those, who damn themselves after
the death of my Son and in spite of the benefits and favors procured
by my intercession, will suffer greater torments in hell than those
who were lost before his coming and before I was in the world. Thus
those who from now on understand these mysteries and despise them to
their loss, shall be subject to new and greater punishments.
153. They must also remember in what
estimation they should hold their souls, since I did and am doing so
much every day for them, after they have been redeemed by the passion
and death of my divine Son. This forgetfulness among men is very
blameworthy and deserves a fearful chastisement. How unreasonable and
how damnable is the conduct of a man, who for a momentary sensible
pleasure, which at most must end with life and generally lasts only
for a short time, labors so much and still claims to have the faith,
while at the same time he takes no account of his immortal soul, and
forgets it, as if it ended and were consumed with the visible things?
They consider not, that when all comes to an end, the soul begins to
suffer or enjoy the eternal and everlasting things. As thou knowest
this truth and the perversity of mortals, thou wilt not be astonished
at the power of the dragon in our days; for where there is continual
combat, he that comes out victorious will gain the strength, which
the vanquished loses. This is especially true of the cruel and
incessant conflict of the demons, where the souls will gain in
strength by victory and the devils will be weakened, as happened when
my Son conquered them and I afterwards. But when this serpent finds
itself victorious over men, then it will raise its proud head, gain
new strength from its weakness and a greater sway, as it does now in
the world; for the lovers of its vanity have subjected themselves and
are following the standard and the fabulations of the devil. In the
midst of this ruin hell has opened its maw and the more it is
glutted, the more insatiable becomes its hunger, seeking to bury in
its infernal caverns all the rest of mankind.
154. Fear, my dearest, this danger as
thou knowest it, and do thou live in a continual watchfulness not to
open the gate of thy heart to the wiles of this bloodthirsty beast.
Thou hast a warning in Ananias and Saphira, into whose soul the demon
entered as soon as he had found out their desire of money and could
assault them through this portal. I do not wish thee to strive after
anything pertaining to this mortal life; and I wish thee so to
suppress and extinguish within thyself all the passions and
inclinations of weak nature, that not even the evil spirits, with all
their watchfulness, shall find in thee the least disorderly movement
of pride, covetousness, vanity, anger or any other passion. This is
the science of the saints, and without it no one can live secure in
mortal flesh. On account of ignoring it, innumerable souls perish. Do
thou learn it diligently, and teach it thy religious, in order that
each one may be vigilant over her own self. With it they shall live
in true peace and charity without deception; each one, and all of
them together, united in the peaceful tranquillity of the divine
Spirit and adorned by the exercise of all virtues, will be an
impregnable fortress for their enemies. Remind thyself and thy
religious of the chastisement of Ananias and Saphira, exhort them to
be very solicitous in the observance of their rules and
constitutions; for thus shall they merit my protection and special
Chapter X
155. As the new law of grace
continued to spread in Jerusalem so the number of the faithful
increased and the new evangelical Church was augmented day by day
(Acts 5, 14). In like manner did the solicitude and attention of its
great Queen and Teacher, Mary, expand toward the new children
engendered by the Apostles through their preaching. As they were the
foundationstones of the Church, on which the security of that
building was to depend, the most prudent Lady lavished especial care
upon the apostolic college. Her heavenly solicitude augmented in
proportion to the wrath of Lucifer against the followers of Christ
and especially against the Apostles, as the ministers of eternal
salvation to the other faithful. It will never be possible to
describe or to estimate in this life the blessings and favors
conferred by Her upon the Church and upon each of its mystical
members. This happened especially in regard to the Apostles and
disciples; for as has been revealed to me not a day or hour passed,
in which she did not work for them many wonders. I will relate in
this chapter some of the events, which are very instructive on
account of the secrets of divine Providence therein contained. From
them we can form an estimate of the most vigilant charity and zeal of
the blessed Mary for souls.
156. All the Apostles She loved and
served with incredible affection and reverence, both on account of
their great holiness and on account of their dignity as priests, as
ministers, preachers and founders of the Gospel. During all their
stay in Jerusalem She attended upon them, counseled and directed them
in the manner noted above. With the increase of the Church they were
obliged to go outside of Jerusalem in order to baptize and admit to
the faith many of the inhabitants of the neighboring places; but they
always returned to the city, because they had purposely delayed
separating from each other, or leaving Jerusalem, until they should
receive orders to do so. From the Acts we learn that saint Peter went
to Lydda and Jaffa, where he raised Tabitha from the dead and
performed other miracles, returning again to Jerusalem. Although
saint Luke relates these excursions after speaking of the death of
saint Stephen (of which I shall treat in the following chapter), yet
during these events, many were converted throughout Palestine, and it
was necessary, that the Apostles go forth to preach to them and to
confirm them in the faith, always returning in order to give an
account of their doings to their heavenly Mistress.
157. During all their journeys and
preachings the common enemy of all sought to hinder the spread of the
divine Word, or its fruit, by rousing the unbelievers to many
contradictions and altercations with the Apostles and their listeners
or converts; for it seemed to the infernal dragon more easy to
assault them, when he saw them removed and far from the protection of
their Mistress. So formidable the great Queen of the angels appeared
to the hellish hosts, that in spite of the eminent holiness of the
Apostles, Lucifer imagined them disarmed and at his mercy, easily
approachable to his temptations, as soon as they left the presence of
Mary. The furious pride of this dragon, as is written in Job (Job 41,
18), esteems the toughest steel as weak straw, and the hardest bronze
as a stick of rotten wood. He fears not the dart nor the sling; but
he dreaded the protection of the most blessed Mary, and in tempting
the Apostles, he waited until they should have left her presence.
158. But her protection failed them
not on that account; for the great Lady, from the watch-tower of her
exalted knowledge, reached out in every direction. Like a most
vigilant sentinel She discovered the assaults of Lucifer and hastened
to the relief of her sons and ministers of her Lord. When in her
absence She could not speak to the Apostles in any of their
afflictions, She immediately sent her holy angels to their assistance
in order to encourage, forewarn and console them; and sometimes also
to drive away the assaulting demons. All this the celestial spirits
executed promptly in compliance with the orders of their Queen. At
times they would do it secretly by inspirations and interior
consolations; at others, and more frequently, they manifested
themselves visibly, assuming most beautiful and refulgent bodies and
informing the Apostles of what was proper for the occasion, or what
had been ordered by their Mistress. This happened very often on
account of their purity and holiness and on account of the necessity
of favoring them with such an abundance of consolation and
encouragement. In all their difficulties and labors the most loving
Mother thus assisted them, besides offering up for them her continual
prayers and thanksgiving. She was the strong Woman, whose domestics
were sheltered by double garments; the Mother of the family, who
supplied all with nourishment and who by the labors of her hands
planted the vineyard of the Lord.
159. With all the other faithful She
proportionately exhibited the same care; and although there were many
converts in Jerusalem and in Palestine, She remembered them all in
their necessities and tribulations. And She thought not only of the
needs of their souls, but of those of the body, and many She cured of
most grave sicknesses. Others, whom She knew were not to be cured
miraculously, She visited and assisted in person. Of the poor She
took a still greater care, with her own hand administering to them
food on their beds of sickness, and seeing to their being kept clean,
as if She were the servant of all, infirm with the infirm. So great
was the humility, the charity and solicitude of the great Queen of
the world, that She refused no service or lowliest ministry to the
faithful, no matter how humble and insignificant the condition of
those applying for her assistance. She filled each one with joy and
consolation and lightened all their labors. Those upon whom on
account of their absence She could not personally attend, She
assisted secretly through her holy angels or by her prayers and
160. In an especial manner her
maternal kindness exhibited itself to those who were in the agony of
death; for she attended many of the dying and would not leave them,
until they had secured their eternal salvation. For those who went to
purgatory She offered up most fervent prayers and performed some
works of penance, such as prostrations in the form of a cross,
genuflections and other exercises, by which She satisfied for their
faults. Then She sent one of her angels in order to draw them from
purgatory and present them to her Son in heaven as his own and as the
fruits of his blood and Redemption. This happiness the Queen of
heaven procured to many souls during her stay upon earth. And, as far
as was made known to me, this favor is not denied in our days to
those, who during their earthly life dispose themselves properly for
meriting her presence, as I have written in another place. But, since
it would be necessary to extend the scope of this history very much,
if I were to describe how the most blessed Mary assisted many in the
hour of death, I cannot dilate upon this matter. I will recount only
one incident, in which She freed a girl from the jaws of the infernal
dragon. It is one which is so extraordinary and worthy of the
attention of us all, that it would not be right to omit it in this
history, or deprive ourselves of the lesson it contains.
161. Among the five thousand who were
first converted and who received Baptism in Jerusalem, there was also
a young girl of poor and humble parentage. This young woman, busying
herself with her household duties, took ill and for many days She
dragged on in her sickness without improvement. As happens to many
other souls, she on that account fell from her first fervor and in
her neglect committed some sins endangering her baptismal grace.
Lucifer, who never relaxed in his thirst for the ruin of souls,
approached this woman and attacked her with fiercest cruelty, being
thus permitted by God to do so for his greater glory and that of his
most blessed Mother. The demon appeared to her in the form of another
woman and with much cajolery told her to withdraw from those people,
who were preaching the Crucified, and not to believe anything they
said, because it was all falsehood; that, if she would not follow
this advice, she would be punished by the priests and judges who had
crucified the Teacher of that new and counterfeit religion; whereas,
if she obeyed, she would live peacefully and free from danger. The
girl answered: “I will do what thou sayest; but what shall I do
in regard to that Lady, whom I have seen with these men and women and
who appears to be so kind and peaceful? I desire her good will very
much.” The demon replied: “This One, whom thou
mentionest, is worse than all the rest, and Her thou must shun before
all. It is most important, that thou withdraw from her snares.”
162. Infested with this deadly poison
of the ancient serpent, the soul of this simple dove was brought near
to eternal death and her body, instead of being relieved, dropped
into more serious illness and was in danger of a premature end. One
of the seventy-two disciples, who visited the faithful, was informed
of the dangerous illness of the girl; for from her neighbors he heard
that one of his sect living in that house, was on the point of
expiring. The disciple entered in order to visit her and encourage
her according to her necessities. But the sick girl was so ensnared
by the demons, that she did not receive him or answer him one word,
although he zealously sought to exhort and instruct her; she on the
contrary sought to hide and stop her ears in order not to hear him.
From these signs the Apostle saw the imminent peril of this soul,
although he did not know the cause. Eagerly he hastened to report to
the Apostle saint John, who without delay visited the patient,
admonishing her and speaking to her words of eternal life, if she
would only listen. But she treated him in the same way as the
disciple, obstinately resisting the efforts of both. The Apostle saw
many legions of devils surrounding the girl, and, though they retired
at his approach, they failed not immediately afterward to renew the
illusion with which they had filled the unhappy girl.
163. Seeing her obstinacy, the
Apostle betook himself in great affliction to the most blessed Mary
in order to ask for help. Immediately the great Queen turned her
interior vision upon the sick one and She recognized the unhappy and
dangerous condition, in which the enemy had drawn that soul. The kind
Mother bewailed this simple sheep, thus deceived by the bloodthirsty
infernal wolf; and prostrate upon the floor She prayed for her
rescue. But the Lord answered not a word to the petition of his
blessed Mother; not because her petition was disagreeable to Him, but
for the contrary reason and because He was pleased with her clamors,
pretending deafness in order to hear them so much the longer; also in
order to teach us how great was the prudence and charity of our
Mother on these occasions. The Lord left Her for this purpose to the
common and ordinary state without favoring Her with a new inspiration
in regard to what She was asking. She however did not cease on that
account, nor did She permit her ardent charity to relax; for She knew
that She was not to be wanting in her office as Mother on account of
the silence of the Lord as long as She did not know expressly the
divine will. Proceeding thus prudently She dispatched one of her
angels to bring aid to that soul by defending it against the devil
and exhorting it by holy inspirations to forsake his deceits and
return to God. The holy angel fulfilled this commission with the
speed in which they are wont to obey the Most High; but, even though
he made a diligent use of all his powers as an angel, he could not
overcome the girl’s obstinacy in clinging to her illusions. To
such a state can a soul be reduced by delivering itself over to the
164. The holy angel returned to his
Queen and said:
Mistress, I return from the task of assisting this girl in her mortal
danger, as Thou, the Mother of mercy, hast imposed upon me; but her
hardness of heart is such, that she will not receive or listen to the
holy inspirations I have given her. I have fought against the demons
in her defense, but they resisted, standing on the rights which this
soul has freely yielded and continues to yield to them. The power of
divine justice has not co-operated with me as I desired in trying to
fulfill thy will; and I cannot, 0 Lady, give Thee the consolation
Thou expectest.” The loving Mother was much afflicted at this
answer; but as She is the Mother of love, of knowledge and holy hope,
She would not yield in what She had merited for all of us and what
She teaches. Retiring once more to pray for the salvation of that
erring soul, She prostrated Herself upon the ground and said: “My
Lord and God of mercy, behold here this vile wormlet of the earth;
chastise and afflict me, but let me not see this soul, which was
marked as one of the first-fruits of thy blood and is now deceived by
the serpent, become the spoil of his malice and of his hatred against
thy faithful!’
165. The most blessed Mary continued
for some time in this petition; but she received no answer from the
Lord, in order that her invincible heart and her charity toward her
neighbor might be put to the proof. The most prudent Virgin bethought
Herself of what had happened to the prophet Eliseus (IV Kings 4,34),
who had vainly sent his staff with his servant Giezi to resuscitate
the boy and had found that he himself must touch and stretch himself
over his body in order to restore him to life. Neither the angel nor
the Apostle were powerful enough to awaken from sin and from the
stupor of satan that unfortunate girl; therefore the great Lady
resolved to go and heal her in person. This resolve She recommended
to the Lord in her prayer, and, although She received no answer, She
considered that the work itself was a sufficient warranty to proceed.
She arose therefore to leave her room and to walk with saint John to
the dwelling of the sick woman, which was at some distance from the
Cenacle. But no sooner had She taken the first steps than the holy
angels, at the command of the Lord, approached to bear Her up on the
way. As God had not manifested his intention, She asked them, why
they thus detained Her; to which they answered:
“There is no
reason why we should consent to thy walking through the city, when we
can bear Thee along with greater propriety.” Immediately they
placed her upon a throne of resplendent clouds, on which they bore
Her along and placed Her in the sick-room. The dying girl, being poor
and now speechless, had been forsaken by all and was surrounded only
by the demons, who waited to snatch off her soul.
166. But as soon as the Queen of
angels made her appearance all the evil spirits vanished like flashes
of lightning and as if falling over each other in their dismay. The
powerful Queen commanded them to descend into hell and remain there
until She should permit them to come forth, and this they were forced
to do without the least power of resistance. The kindest Mother then
approached the sick woman and taking her by the hand and calling her
by her name, spoke sweetest words of life. Instantly a complete
change came over the girl, and she began to breathe more freely and
recover herself. Then she said to the heavenly Mary: “My Lady,
a woman came to me, who persuaded me to believe, that the disciples
of Jesus were deceiving me and that I had better immediately separate
myself from them and from Thee; otherwise, if I should accept their
way of life, I should fall into great misfortune.” The Queen
answered: “My daughter, she, who seemed to thee a woman, was
thy enemy, the devil. I come in the name of the Most High to give
thee eternal life; return then to his true faith, which thou hast
received, and confess Him with all thy heart as thy God and Redeemer,
who, for thy salvation and that of all the world, has died upon the
Cross. Adore and call upon Him, and ask Him for the pardon of thy
167. “All this,” the
patient answered, “I have believed before; but they told me, it
was very bad, and that they would punish me, if I should ever confess
it.” The heavenly Teacher replied: “My friend, do not
fear this deceit; but remember that the chastisement and pains which
are really to be feared are those of hell, to which the demons wish
to bring thee. Thou art now very near death and thou canst avail
thyself of the remedy I now offer thee, if thou wilt only believe me;
and thou shalt thus free thyself of the eternal fire, which threatens
thee on account of thy mistake.” Through this exhortation and
the graces procured for this poor woman by Mary, she was moved to
abundant tears of compunction and implored the blessed Lady further
to assist her in this danger, declaring herself ready to obey all her
commands. Then the loving Mother made her openly profess her faith in
Jesus Christ and elicit an act of contrition in preparation for
confession. At the same time She sent for the Apostles to administer
the Sacraments to her. The sick girl, repeating the acts of
contrition and love, and invoking Jesus and Mary, who was directing
her, happily expired in the arms of her Protectress. The blessed Mary
had remained with her two hours, in order to prevent the demons from
again renewing their assaults. Her assistance was so effectual, that
She not only brought back the young woman to the path of eternal
life, but delivered her soul from all guilt and punishment. She sent
her immediately to heaven accompanied by some of the twelve angels
that bore on their breasts the sign of the Redemption and palms and
crowns in their hands as special guardians of the devotees of the
great Queen. Of these angels I have spoken on a former occasion, and
it is not necessary to describe them here. I will only remark, that
the heavenly Queen chose the angels for different offices in the
service of men, in accordance with the graces and virtues, of which
they were possessed.
168. After the rescue of that soul,
the rest of the angels brought back their Queen, seated on the same
cloud, to her oratory. She immediately humiliated Herself,
prostrating Herself and adoring the Lord, and giving Him thanks for
having snatched that soul from the jaws of the infernal dragon. She
composed thereon a hymn of praise in his honor. This wonder was
wrought by the wisdom of God, in order that the angels, the saints of
heaven, the Apostles and also the demons might know the resistless
power of most holy Mary and in order that they might learn, that, as
She was the Mistress of all, so not all of them together could equal
Her in power; that nothing would ever be denied to her prayers in
favor of those who loved Her, served Her or called upon Her. For this
fortunate girl, having loved this heavenly Lady, secured salvation
through Her; while the demons, oppressed and confounded, were left in
despair of ever prevailing against the power of Mary when exerted in
favor of her clients. Other lessons might be drawn from this example,
which I leave to the prudent meditation of the faithful.
169. The same blessing was not
attained by two other converts, who failed to merit the efficacious
intercession of the blessed Virgin. Since their fate may serve as a
lesson and as a warning, like that of Ananias and Saphira, against
the astuteness of Lucifer in tempting and ruining human souls, I
shall relate it likewise, as far as it was made known to me. May the
instruction it conveys inculcate the fear of the just judgments of
the Most High (Ps. 118, 120). After the miracle just related the
demon was permitted to return with his host to the world in order to
test the constancy of the faithful; for thus must the just and the
predestined gain their crowns. He came forth filled with still
greater wrath and began to seek entrance into the hearts of the
faithful by searching out the evil inclinations of each one, as he
does even now. For experience has given him confidence, that we
children of Adam usually follow our inclinations and passions more
than the dictates of reason and of virtue. A multitude cannot be
perfect in all its components, and as the Church went on increasing
in number, so also the fervor of charity began to cool in some, thus
affording a greater field for the sowing of his hellish cockle. Among
the faithful saint John found two, who were beset with evil
inclinations and habits before their conversion and who sought favor
and alliance with some of the Jewish princes in the hope of worldly
gain and honor. Infected by this covetousness (which always was the
root of all evils), they temporized with the powerful and flattered
them in order to retain their friendship.
170. On account of these dealings the
demon judged them to be weak in their faith and virtue. He thought he
might be able to pervert them through the influence of the Jewish
priests, upon whom they depended. Following up his plot, the serpent
suggested to those priests many ways of reprehending and intimidating
the two converts for having accepted the faith in Christ and received
Baptism. Yielding to the instigations of satan the priests pressed
their threats with great show of authority and severity. As the anger
of those in authority is apt to frighten weak subjects, such as these
two in their attachment to their own interest happened to be, they
proceeded from weakness to apostasy from the faith of Christ in order
not to incur the displeasure of those powerful Jews. They moreover
still retained a certain unhappy and deceitful confidence in their
patrons and therefore soon dropped away from the gathering and the
other faithful, ceasing to attend the preaching and the other holy
exercises of the converts and thus making apparent their treasonable
falling away.
171. The Apostles were much aggrieved
at the ruin of these converts and at the scandal, which would be
occasioned by such a pernicious example in the beginnings of the
Church. They conferred among themselves, whether they should notify
the blessed Mary of this event, but they hesitated to cause Her this
sorrow and pain. Saint John told them, that the great Lady knew all
the affairs of the Church and that therefore also this one could not
have escaped her most vigilant attention and charity. Thereupon all
went to give Her an account of those two apostates, whom they had
already exhorted and tried to lead back to the faith. The loving and
prudent Mother saw no occasion for hiding her sorrow at the
threatened loss of souls already aggregated to the Church. It was
also proper, that the Apostles should learn from the sorrow of the
great Lady, how they must esteem the children of the Church and with
what zeal they were to preserve them in the faith and bring them to
eternal life. Our Queen returned immediately to her chamber and,
prostrate on the floor as usual, She poured out a most fervent prayer
for the two apostates, shedding copious and bloody tears.
172. In order to lessen somewhat her
grief by the knowledge of his hidden judgments, the Lord answered:
“My Spouse, chosen among all the creatures, I wish thee to
understand my just decrees concerning those two souls, for whom thou
prayest, and concerning others, who are to enter my Church. These
two, who have apostatized from my true faith, might do more harm than
good among the other faithful, if they continue their intercourse
with them; for they have very depraved habits and have become still
more hardened in their evil inclinations. Hence in my infinite
knowledge I foresee that they will be reprobates and that it will be
better to separate them from the flock of the faithful and cut them
off from the mystical body of the Church. Thus they shall be
prevented from infecting others by their contagion. It has already
become necessary, my beloved One, that, in conformity with my most
high Providence, both the predestined and of the foreknown should
join my Church: some, who by their sins shall incur damnation, and
others, who, through my grace, are to save themselves by good works.
My teachings and my Gospel are to be as the net, which gathers in all
kinds of fish, good and bad, the wise and the foolish, and the enemy
is to sow his cockle among the pure grain of truth (Matth. 13,28), in
order that the just may justify themselves so much the more, and the
impure, if so they choose in their malice, may defile themselves
still more.”
173. This was the answer given by the
Lord to this prayer of the most holy Mary. At the same time He
renewed within Her the participation in his knowledge, in order that
She, perceiving the equity of the Most High in condemning those
unworthy of his friendship and glory, might dilate her afflicted
heart. But as the heavenly Mother alone held the measure of the
sanctuary in her most eminent wisdom, knowledge and charity, She
alone also, among all creatures, estimated and pondered fully what it
meant to lose God eternally and to be condemned to eternal torments
in the company of the demons; and so her sorrow was in proportion. We
are aware, that the angels and the saints of heaven, who know this
mystery in God, cannot feel sorrow or pain, because that would be
inappropriate to their happy state. If it would be compatible with
their state of glory, their sorrow would be in proportion to the loss
caused by the eternal perdition to those, whom they love with perfect
charity and whom they desire to have with them in glory.
174. Hence, the sorrow and pain for
the perdition of souls, which was impossible to them, the blessed
Mary felt in a degree so much the greater as She exceeded them in
wisdom and charity. For She was in the state of pilgrimage, in which
She could feel this pain; She was endowed with the knowledge of the
blessed by which She understood its cause; for when She enjoyed the
beatific vision, She saw in the essence of God, his love and infinite
goodness for the salvation of men, together with the sorrow which He
would have for the perdition of souls, if such sorrow were possible.
She knew the horrible character of the demons, their wrath against
men, the terrors of the infernal torments and of the endless company
of the devils and the damned. As the most holy Mary saw, that these
two souls and an almost infinite number of others in the church were
to draw upon themselves eternal damnation, what a sorrow, what pains
and commiseration were caused in that tender, kind and loving heart
at these evils and many others far beyond my power of describing?
Many times did She lament such misfortunes and exclaim: “Is it
possible, that any soul, of its own free will, should ever deprive
itself eternally of seeing the face of God, and should chose rather
to look upon so many demons in hell?”
175. The secret of the reprobation of
these first apostates the most prudent Queen reserved to Herself
without manifesting it to the Apostles. But while she was thus
retired in her affliction, saint John the Evangelist entered to visit
Her and to inquire as to her wishes and how to serve Her. When he saw
Her so afflicted and sorrowful, he was filled with consternation and
asked permission to speak, saying: “My Lady and Mother of my
Lord Jesus Christ, since our Master died I have never seen on thy
countenance such grief and sorrow as now, when thy face and thy eyes
are bathed in tears of blood. Tell me, Lady, if possible, the cause
of this new affliction, and whether I can alleviate it at the cost of
my life.” The most blessed Mary answered: “My Son, weep
now for this very reason.” Saint John conceived that the memory
of the Passion had renewed in the loving Mother this bitter grief and
under that impression he said: “My Lady, as thy Son and our
Redeemer is now glorious and triumphant in heaven at the right hand
of the eternal Father, Thou canst moderate thy tears. Although it is
not just, that we forget what He suffered for men, yet it is also
right that we rejoice in the blessings following upon his Passion and
176. She answered: “It is also
just that I weep when I see, that after He died, some are seeking to
crucify Him anew by their sins and their apostasy and by the abuse of
the fruits of his precious blood; for I know that in his most ardent
love for men, He has suffered for the salvation of each one in
particular whatever He suffered for all together. I see this immense
love so little requited and so many lost who should know Him, that I
cannot constrain my sorrow, nor continue to live, unless the Lord
preserves my life. 0 children of Adam, formed according to the image
of my Son and Lord, what are you thinking of? Where is your judgment
and your justification for thus incurring the calamity of losing God
forever?” Saint John replied: “My Mother and Mistress, if
thy sorrow is occasioned by those two apostates, thou must know that
among so many there must be unfaithful servants; for even in our
apostolate itself was numbered Judas, a disciple in the school of our
Redeemer and Teacher.” “0 John,” answered the
queen, “if God himself wished the perdition of some souls, I
should be able to restrain my sorrow; but, though He permits the
damnation of the reprobate since they themselves seek it, this is not
the absolute will of the divine goodness; He wishes all to attain
salvation, if only they would not of their own free will resist. That
not all should be predestined and gain the fruit of the blood shed
for them, has cost my Son the sweating of blood. And if even now He
could be aggrieved for a soul that damns itself, He would doubtlessly
be more aggrieved than if He had again to suffer for it. Hence I, who
know this truth and am still living in the flesh, rightfully feel
what my Son desires to feel if it were possible.” By these and
other words of the Mother of mercy saint John was moved to tears and
lamentations, in which he joined with Her for a considerable time.
177. My daughter, since in this
chapter thou hast particularly learnt of the matchless and bitter
sorrow, with which I bewailed the perdition of souls, thou thyself
must learn also what thou must do for the salvation of thy own and
that of others in order to imitate me in the perfection which I
require of thee. No torment, nor death itself, would I have refused,
if such had been necessary to save any of the damned, and to save
them, I would have esteemed all sufferings a sweet alleviation in my
most ardent charity. Hence, if thou dost not die of this kind of
sorrow, thou art at least not excused from willingness to suffer all
that the Lord sends thee for advancing this cause, or from praying
and laboring all in thy power to prevent any sin in thy neighbor; and
when thou canst not all at once obtain thy object, or dost not know
whether the Lord has heard thee, do not lose confidence, but enliven
it and persevere in thy efforts; for such a solicitude can never
displease Him, who desires the salvation of all his redeemed more
than thou. If nevertheless thou art not heard in thy prayers, make
use of the means, which prudence and charity require, and return anew
to thy prayers. The Most High is always attracted by this sort of
charity for the neighbor and by the love which seeks to hinder sin.
He desires not the death of the sinner (Ezech. 33, 11); and, as thou
hast written, He does not entertain an absolute and antecedent decree
of damning his creatures, but seeks to save them all, if they do not
pursue perdition of their own free will. Although He permits this in
his justice as being inseparable from the free will of man, it is
against his inclination. Do not restrict thyself in these petitions,
and in those concerning temporal things, pray that his holy will be
done in all that is proper.
178. If I desire that thou labor with
such fervor of charity for the salvation of thy brethren, consider
what thou must do to save thyself, and in what estimation thou must
hold thy own soul, for which an infinite price was offered. I wish to
admonish thee as a Mother, that when temptations and passions incline
thee toward the commission of any sin, no matter how small, remember
the sorrows and the tears which the knowledge of the sins of men and
the desire to prevent them has caused me. Do not thou cause the like
in me, my dearest; for although I am now incapable of that pain, yet
thou deprivest me of the accidental joy of seeing thee, to whom I
condescended to become a Mother and Teacher, really endowed with the
perfection taught in my school. If thou art unfaithful in this, thou
wilt frustrate my great desire of seeing thee please my divine Son
and accomplish his holy will in all its plenitude. By the infused
light which thou receivest, do thou ponder how great are any faults
thou mayest commit after being so favored and bound in duty to the
Lord and to myself. Dangers and temptations will not be wanting to
thee during the rest of thy earthly life; but in all of them remember
my teaching, my sorrows and my tears, and above all what thou owest
to my divine Son, who is so liberal toward thee in applying to thee
the fruit of his blood for the purpose of eliciting thy grateful
Chapter XI
179. The office of Mother and Teacher
of the holy Church, which the Lord had conferred upon most holy Mary,
was necessarily accompanied by a knowledge and light proportionate to
those high offices. For she was to know all the members of this
mystical body which She governed, so that She might apply her
teachings and her ministrations according to each one’s
station, condition and necessity. This blessing our Queen received
with the plenitude and abundance of wisdom and knowledge as is clear
from all that I am writing. She knew all the faithful that joined the
Church, was informed of the natural inclinations, of the degree of
virtue and grace they possessed, the merit of their works, their
beginning and end. She was ignorant of nothing pertaining to the
Church, except when sometimes the Lord concealed from Her some
affair, which afterwards was made known to Her at its conclusion. Her
knowledge was not barren or profitless, but was inspired with the
charity of her divine Son toward all She saw and knew. As She at the
same time was aware of the sacraments of divine Providence, She used
all her wisdom according to the measure and weight of her interior
charity; for She gave neither more nor less than was proper according
to the deserts of love and estimation due to each one; and this is a
defect which we children of Adam ordinarily incur, even if we think
we have used the nicest equity.
180. But the Mother of beautiful love
and knowledge did not pervert the order of distributive justice,
mixing up her affections; She dispensed it by the light of the Lamb,
who enlightened and governed Her, dealing out her heartfelt love to
each according to his merits, neither more nor less. Nevertheless She
conducted Herself as a most loving Mother, without niggardliness or
forgetfulness. But in her exterior manifestations of this love She
governed Herself according to other rules of highest prudence,
carefully avoiding special predilections in her intercourse with
others and the slightest grounds of envy or emulation. For these are
very apt to disrupt communities and families, where many eyes are
always watching the public proceedings. It is a common and natural
passion in men to- seek estimation and distinction, especially in the
eyes of those who are powerful; and there is scarcely anyone, who
does not presume on possessing equal merits with all the rest and
deserving equal, or even greater favors. This kind of emulation is
not wanting even among those who are in the highest position, or have
attained high virtue, as is seen in the apostolic college, where, on
account of some distinction shown to one, the question of precedence
and dignity was immediately raised and broached before the Lord
(Matth. 18, 1).
181. In order to prevent and
forestall these heartburnings the great Queen was most solicitous to
show unbiased and uniform favor to all the members of the Church in
public. This conduct was not only worthy of such a Mistress, but most
necessary in the beginnings of her government. For the principles
upon which her behavior was founded, were to be well established for
the guidance of prelates in the future government of the Church.
Moreover in those happy beginnings all the Apostles and disciples,
and others of the faithful, excelled in the working of miracles and
in divine gifts, while in the latter times many were to signalize
themselves in holy science and learning. It was proper to teach all,
that neither on account of great gifts, nor for lesser ones, should
anyone exalt himself in vain presumption, or deem himself worthy of
great honors, or of being favored more highly, especially by God or
by his most holy Mother, as far as outward appearances are concerned.
Let the just be satisfied with being loved by the Lord and favored by
his friendship; and whoever is not satisfied with this, will not be
benefited by exterior honor and estimation.
182. But the great Queen did not, on
account of this restraint, fail in the veneration and honor which She
knew to be due to the dignity or office of the Apostles or the other
faithful. For just as She taught moderation in all that was to be
rendered to each one freely and gratuitously, so She was also an
example in all that was due under obligation to each one. Our
admirable Queen was so prudent in all her intercourse, that not one
of the faithful ever left Her dissatisfied, nor could anyone with any
show of reason, even if it were only apparent, deny Her esteem and
respect; all of them loved and blessed Her, and were filled with joy
and gratitude for her loving and maternal kindness. No one ever
suspected Her of forsaking Him in his necessity, or denying him her
consolation. Noone perceived himself to be less esteemed, or that She
favored or loved some more than others; nor did She give anyone an
occasion of making a comparison in this regard. Moreover She did not
wish to assign, on her own responsibility, any of the offices or
dignities, which were to be filled among the faithful; nor would She
use her influence in favor of anyone in this matter. All such
appointments She left to the well seeming and the wishes of the
Apostles, and relied upon her secret prayer for guiding them aright.
183. She was led also to this wise
disposition of her actions by her profoundest humility. In this She
was an example to all, since they knew that She was the Mother of
wisdom, who knew all things and could not err in her conduct. She
wished to leave this shining example ir; the Church, in order that no
one may presume on his own knowledge, prudence or virtue, especially
not in serious matters; but that all may understand, that true
insight is conditioned by humility and good counsel, and that, in all
matters that are not to be decided merely by private judgment, such
private judgment implies presumption. She likewise took into
consideration, that to intercede and favor others in temporal
matters, has the appearance of superiority, and still more does it
expose one to desire thankful returns from those so favored. All
these inequalities and defects in the practice of virtue were far
removed from the supreme sanctity of our heavenly Queen; and
therefore She taught us by her living example the rules of our
exterior conduct, which exclude as well the loss of merit as the
hindrance of the greatest perfection. Thus in her modesty She never
refused to give counsel to the Apostles when they so frequently
applied to Her for direction in the exercise of their office and in
their undertakings; and the same line of conduct She observed with
the other disciples and faithful of the Church, because She conducted
Herself in all things according to the plenitude of wisdom and
184. Among the saints who were
especially fortunate in meriting the greater love of the Queen of
heaven, there was one by the name of Stephen, who belonged to the
seventy-two disciples; for from the very beginning of his following
Christ our Savior, She looked upon him with an especial love, placing
him first, or among the first, in her estimation. She immediately
saw, that this saint was chosen by the Master of life for the defense
of his honor and his holy name, and that he was to give up his life
for him. Moreover this courageous saint was of a sweet and peaceful
disposition; and he was rendered much more amiable and docile to all
holiness by the workings of grace. Such dispositions made him very
pleasing to the sweetest Mother; and whenever She found any persons
naturally of a peaceful and meek character, She was wont to say, that
they resembled her divine Son. On this account and on account of many
heroic virtues of saint Stephen She loved him tenderly, procured him
many blessings, and thanked the Lord for having created, called and
chosen such a one for the first-fruits of his martyrs. In
consideration of his coming martyrdom, revealed to Her by her divine
Son, her heart was filled with additional affection for this great
185. The blessed saint corresponded
in most faithful attention and deepest reverence with the benefits
conferred upon him by Christ our Savior and his heavenly Mother; for
he was not only of a peaceful, but of an humble heart, and those that
are so disposed in truth, are thankful for all benefits, even though
they may not be so great as those conferred on saint Stephen. He
always entertained the highest conceptions concerning the Mother of
mercy, and in his high esteem and fervent devotion he continued to
seek her favor. He asked information on many mysterious matters; for
he was very wise, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith, as is told us
by saint Luke. The great Lady answered all his inquiries, encouraged
and exhorted him zealously to work for the honor of Christ. In order
to confirm him more in his strong faith, Mary forewarned him of his
coming martyrdom and said: “Thou, Stephen, shalt be the
first-born of the martyrs, engendered by my divine Son and Lord by
the example of his death; thou shalt follow his footsteps, like a
privileged disciple his master, and like a courageous soldier his
captain; and at the head of the army of martyrs, thou shalt carry his
banner of the Cross. Hence it is meet thou arm thyself with fortitude
under the shield of faith, and be assured, that the strength of the
Most High shall be with thee in the conflict.”
186. This warning of the Queen of the
angels inflamed the heart of saint Stephen with the desire of
martyrdom. As is recorded in the Acts of the Apostles, he was filled
with grace and fortitude and wrought great wonders in Jerusalem.
Besides the Apostles saint Peter and saint John, no one except he
dared to dispute with the Jews. His wisdom and spirit they could not
resist, because he preached to them with an intrepid heart, refuted
and accused them oftener and more courageously than the other
disciples (Acts 6, 9). All this saint Stephen did with burning desire
of attaining the martyrdom of which he had been assured by the great
Lady. As if he were afraid of anyone gaining this crown in advance of
him, he offered himself before all others to engage in the disputes
with the rabbis and teachers of the law of Moses, so eager was he to
defend the honor of Christ, for whom he knew he would lay down his
life. The infernal dragon, gradually becoming observant of the
ambitions of saint Stephen, directed his malignant attention toward
him and strove to hinder his attaining public martyrdom in testimony
of the faith of Christ. In order to destroy him, he incited the most
incredulous of the Jews to kill saint Stephen in secret. Lucifer was
tormented by the virtue and courage of saint Stephen and he feared
lest great things should be accomplished by him alive or in dying for
the confirmation of the faith and teachings of his Master. On account
of the hatred of the Jews against this disciple, the devils easily
persuaded them to make away with him in secret.
187. They attempted it often during
the short time, which intervened between the coming of the Holy Ghost
and his martyrdom. But the great Mistress of the world, who knew the
cunning and malicious attempts of Lucifer and of the Jews, protected
the saint from all their assaults, until the proper time for his
being stoned to death should have arrived. Three times the Queen sent
one of her angels to lead him from a house, in which his enemies had
made arrangements to choke him to death. The holy angel, while
remaining invisible to the assassins, was seen by saint Stephen, when
he was delivered from their hands and carried to the Cenac1e into the
presence of his Queen. At other times She warned him by the same
angel not to go to a certain street or house, where his enemies were
lying in ambush; and sometimes She detained him in the Cenac1e,
because She knew they were waylaying to kill him. They not only
surrounded the Cenac1e to murder him on his way to his lodging, but
they made the same attempts at other houses. For saint Stephen, as I
have mentioned, in his ardent zeal hastened about to bring help and
consolation to many of the faithful, and not only was without fear in
all these mortal dangers, but sought them out and welcomed them. As
he did not know how long the Lord would let him wait for this
happiness and saw how many times the blessed Mother freed him from
dangers, he was wont lovingly to complain to Her, saying: “My
Lady and Protectress, when shall the day arrive, in which I shall pay
to my God and Master the debt of my life, by sacrificing it for the
honor and glory of his holy name ?.’
188. To the heavenly Mother these
loving complaints of her servant Stephen afforded incomparable joy;
and with maternal and sweetest affection She would answer:
“My son and
most faithful servant of the Lord, the time appointed by his infinite
wisdom is drawing near and thy hopes shall not be frustrated. Do thou
at present fulfill the rest of thy task in the holy Church, so that
thou mayest secure for thyself thy crown; give thanks continually to
the Lord, who has it in store for thee.” The purity and
holiness of saint Stephen were most exalted and perfect, so that the
demons could not approach within a great distance of him; and he was
much beloved by Christ and his blessed Mother. The Apostles ordained
him a deacon. Even before he was martyred, his virtues reached a
heroic degree, meriting for him the distinction of being the first
one after the Passion to receive the palm of martyrdom. I will add
here what was made known to me in explanation of what saint Luke
wrote in the sixth chapter of the Acts.
189. A difference arose among the
newly converted in Jerusalem. The Greek complained of the Hebrew
converts, that in the daily service and work of relief, the widows of
the Greeks were not admitted in the same way to office as those of
the Jews (Acts 6, 1). Both the ones as well as the others were
Israelites, though the Jews born in Greece were called Greeks, and
those born in Palestine, Hebrews; and in this distinction was founded
the complaint of the Greeks. The daily administration consisted in
the distribution of the alms and offerings for the support of the
faithful, as has been described in the seventh chapter. This duty had
been assigned to six approved men with the consent of all, according
to the direction of the blessed Mary. But as the number of the
faithful increased it became necessary to appoint also some widows of
a mature age, to help along in the same work of providing for the
wants of the faithful, especially of the women and the sick; these
widows were to distribute, whatever they received from the six
almoners. They were of Hebrew birth, and as the Greek Jews saw, that
none of theirs were admitted to this office they complained to the
Apostles of this want of confidence in their own widows.
190. In order to compose this
difference, the Apostles called together the faithful and spoke to
them: “It is not meet, that we should leave the word of God and
serve tables. Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of
good reputation, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may
appoint over this business. But we ourselves will give all our time
to prayer and to the ministry of the word, while these men may solve
your doubts and difficulties in regard to the support of the
faithful” (Acts 6, 2). All approved of this expedient, and
without regard to nationality they elected the seven men mentioned by
saint Luke. The first and principal one was saint Stephen, whose
faith and wisdom was universally known. These seven were
superintendents over the six first ones and over the widows without
excluding the Greeks; for they looked to virtue rather than
nationality. It was saint Stephen who by his admirable wisdom and
holiness exlinguished the resentment of the Greeks and smoothed over
their differences with the Hebrews, so that at least during the
months in which he lived, all again united like children of Christ in
sincere charity without partiality or distinction of persons.
191. But saint Stephen did not on
that account neglect preaching or arguing with the unbelieving Jews.
As these Jews could not murder him in secret, nor overcome his wisdom
in public, they vented their mortal hatred in seeking false testimony
against him (Acts 6, 1). They accused him of blasphemy against God
and against Moses, of inveighing continually against the holy temple
and the Law, and of asserting that Jesus would destroy as well the
one, as the other. As the witnesses loudly proclaimed their slander
and the people were being roused by their falsehoods, they brought
him into the hall where the priests were gathered as the judges of
these accusations. The presiding judge first took the deposition of
saint Stephen before the court. The saint took occasion to prove with
highest wisdom, that Christ was the true Messiah promised to them in
the holy Scriptures; and in conclusion he reprehended them for their
unbelief and hardness of heart so strongly, that they could find no
answer and, gnashing their teeth, they stopped their ears, in order
not to be obliged to hear his words.
192. The Queen of heaven knew of the
seizure of saint Stephen; and, in order to animate him in her name
for the approaching conflict, She immediately sent him one of her
angels, even before He entered into dispute with the priests. Through
the holy angel saint Stephen sent Her answer, that he went with joy
to confess his Master and with unflinching heart to give his life for
Him, as he had always desired. Through the same messenger, he begged
Her, as his kindest Teacher and Mother, to assist him and, from her
retirement, to send him her blessing, since his not having been able
to obtain her parting benediction was the only regret he felt now,
when he was about to lay down his life according to Her wishes. These
last words of saint Stephen moved the maternal bosom of Mary to even
greater love and esteem than hitherto; and She desired to attend upon
him in person, at this hour, when her beloved disciple was to give up
his life for the honor and defense of his God and Redeemer. But the
blessed Mother hesitated at the difficulties, which would arise in
her passing through the streets of Jerusalem at a time of popular
excitement and also in finding an opportunity of speaking publicly to
saint Stephen.
193. She prostrated Herself in
prayer, begging the divine favor for her beloved disciple; and She
presented to the Lord her desire of helping him in the last hour. The
clemency of the Most High, which is always at the beck of his Spouse
and Mother and which was anxious to enhance the death of his faithful
disciple and servant Stephen, sent from heaven a multitude of angels,
who, with those of her guard, should carry their Queen to the place
where the saint then was. And immediately the mandate of the Lord was
executed: the angels placed Her upon a refulgent cloud and bore Her
to the tribunal, where the highpriest was examining into the charges
against saint Stephen. The vision of the Queen of heaven was hidden
from all except the saint. He however saw Her before him, supported
in the air by the holy angels in a cloud of heavenly splendor and
glory. This extraordinary favor inflamed anew the divine love and the
ardent zeal of this champion of the honor of God. In addition to the
joy of seeing Mary, the splendors of the Queen shone from the
countenance of saint Stephen, so that it gleamed with wonderful
beauty and light.
194. On account of this unwonted
spectacle the Jews listened with great attention to his words, as is
evident from the sixth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles. Those
that were in that hall looked upon saint Stephen and saw his
countenance shining as that of an angel; and without a doubt he
seemed to them more than man. God did not wish to hide that much of
the effects of the presence of the great Queen, in order that the
perfidious Jews might be so much the more confounded for not
accepting the truth preached in such a miraculous way. They did not
know the cause of this supernatural beauty of saint Stephen; for they
were not worthy to know it, nor was it a proper occasion to make it
known, and therefore saint Luke did not speak of it at that time. The
most blessed Mary spoke to Stephen words of life and of wonderful
consolation; She assisted him with the blessings of sweetness and
asked the eternal Father to fill him anew with the Holy Spirit. All
happened according to the prayers of the Queen and he manifested his
invincible courage and wisdom to the princes of the Jews, proving by
the unanswerable testimony of all the ancient Scriptures, from the
calling of Abraham to the Kings and Prophets, that Christ was their
Messiah and Savior.
195. At the end of this discourse,
through the inter. cession of the Queen and as a reward of the
unconquered zeal of saint Stephen, the heavens opened and the Savior
appeared to him standing at the right hand of the Father in the act
of assisting him in the conflict. Saint Stephen raised his eyes and
said: “Behold I see the heavens opened and its glory, and in it
I see Jesus at the right hand of God himself” (Acts 7, 55). But
the obdurate perfidy of the Jews esteemed these words as blasphemy
and they stopped their ears in order not to hear them. As the
punishment of blasphemers according to the law, was death by stoning,
they passed upon him that sentence. Then they all surrounded him like
wolves and dragged him from the city with great haste and noise. At
this juncture the blessed Mother gave him her benediction; and
speaking to him words of encouragement and endearment, She left him
in charge of her angels, whom She ordered to accompany him and to
remain with him until they should present his soul to the Most High.
Only one of the guardian angels, in company with those that had
descended from heaven as her escort to saint Stephen, now returned
with Her to the Cenacle.
196. From her retirement the great
Lady by an especial vision saw all that happened in the martyrdom of
saint Stephen: how they led him forth from the city with great haste
and violence, shouting that he was a blasphemer worthy of death; how
Saul was among them, more zealous than the rest, guarding the
vestments of those who had taken them off to stone saint Stephen; how
the shower of stones fell upon the saint and wounded him, some of
them remaining fixed in his head and stained by his blood. Great and
tender was the compassion of our Queen at such cruel martyrdom; but
still greater her joy in seeing saint Stephen meeting it so
gloriously. The kindest Mother failed him not in her tearful prayers
from her oratory. When the invincible martyr saw himself near to
death, he prayed: “Lord receive my spirit I” Then, on his
knees, he exclaimed with a loud voice: “Lord lay not this sin
to their charge I” (Acts 7, 59). In these prayers he was
supported by those of the blessed Mary, who was filled with
incredible joy to see the faithful disciple imitating so closely his
divine Master by praying for his enemies and persecutors and
commending his spirit into the hands of his Creator and Redeemer.
197. Covered with wounds from the
shower of stones thrown by the Jews, saint Stephen expired, while
they became still more hardened in their perfidy. Immediately the
angels of the Queen bore his pure soul to the presence of God in
order to be crowned with eternal honor and glory. Christ our Savior
received him with those words of the Gospel: “Friend, ascend
higher; come to Me, thou faithful servant; for, since thou hast been
faithful in small things and for a short time, I shall reward thee
with abundance, and I shall confess thee before my Father as my
faithful servant and friend, just as thou hast confessed Me before
men.” All the Angels, Patriarchs, Prophets and all the Saints
were filled with an especial accidental joy on that day and welcomed
the invincible martyr as the first fruits of the Passion of the Lord
and as the captain of all those that should follow him in martyrdom.
This most fortunate soul was placed very high in glory and close to
the most sacred humanity of Christ our Savior. The most blessed
Mother participated in the joy through a vision granted to Her; and
in praise of the Most High, She composed hymns and canticles with her
angels. Those that returned after leaving saint Stephen in heaven,
gave thanks to Her for the favor shown to the saint in securing him
his eternal happiness.
198. Saint Stephen died about nine
months after the passion and death of Christ, our Redeemer, on the
twenty-sixth of December, the same date on which the Church
celebrates his feast. On that day he had completed his thirty-fourth
year, which, with the addition of one day, was also the thirty-fourth
year of the birth of the Savior. Hence saint Stephen was born one day
later than Jesus, being only twelve months older, and his birth and
death happened on the same day of the year, as was clearly shown to
me. The prayer of the blessed Virgin and of saint Stephen merited the
conversion of Saul, as we will see later on. In order that this
conversion might be so much the more glorious the Lord permitted
Saul, from that day on, to take upon himself the task of persecuting
and destroying the Church of God; for he began to signalize himself
above all other Jews in the persecution, which the wrath of the Jews,
highly inflamed by the death of saint Stephen, now began to stir up
against the new believers. The desciples secured the body of the
invincible martyr and buried it with great mourning, because they had
now lost such a wise and strong defender of the law of grace. I have
dilated upon his history, because I have been shown the great
holiness of this first martyr, and because he was such a devout and
highly favored disciple of the most holy Mary.
199. My daughter, the divine
mysteries, when they are presented and explained to such men as are
accustomed only to the perception of earthly and sensible things,
appear to be insignificant, especially if at the same time their
souls are not purified from sin and cleared of the darkness of guilt.
For the human faculties, which, besides being of limited capacity,
are embarrassed by their attention and affection to what is apparent,
draw away from the truth, and, being accustomed to obscurity, are
dazzled by the light. On this account the earthly and animal men
conceive such distorted and low ideas of the wonderful works of the
Most High (1 Cor. 2, 14), and also of the works which I do for them
day after day. They tread under foot the gems, and they do not
distinguish the bread of the children from the gross food of
irrational brutes. All that is heavenly and divine seems to them
insipid, because they fail to perceive the savor of the senses; thus
they become incapable of attending to the high things and of
profiting from the science of life and the understanding contained in
200. But the Most High, my dearest,
has sought to preserve thee from this danger and has given thee
knowledge and light, improving thy senses and faculties, in order
that thou, being made capable and enlivened by the force of divine
grace, mayest perceive and distinguish without error the mysteries
and sacraments, which I manifest to thee. Although I have many times
told thee, that in this mortal life, thou shalt never penetrate or
value them in their entirety, yet thou canst and thou must, according
to thy powers, show thy appreciation of them by learning and
imitating my works. From the variety and bitterness of my pains and
sorrows, with which my whole life was interwoven, even after I had
returned from the right hand of my Son in heaven to the earth, thou
wilt understand, that thy own life must be of the same texture, if
thou wishest to follow me as my faithful disciple. In the prudent and
impartial humility, with which I governed the Apostles and all the
faithful, thou hast an example of how thou must proceed in the
government of thy subjects, in meekness, in modesty, with humble
dignity, and especially without acceptation of persons and without
making a distinction in favor of any person in those things that can
and ought to be common to all. This facilitates the true charity and
humility of those that govern; for if they show these virtues, they
will not be so dictatory in their commands, nor so presumptuous in
their own opinion, nor will they pervert the order of justice, as is
nowadays done with so much damage throughout Christianity. Pride,
vanity, self-interest, self love and the love of their own relations
have infected nearly all the course and conduct of government; and
hence all has gone wrong, and all the governments have been filled
with injustice and thrown into frightful confusion.
201. In the most ardent zeal, which I
had for the honor of my Son and true God and for the preaching and
defense of his holy name; in my joy at seeing the divine will
fulfilled and at seeing the fruit of the passion and death of Christ
spreading with the Church among souls in the favors which I procured
for the glorious martyr Stephen as the first who offered his life for
that object; in all this, my daughter, thou wilt find great motives
for praising the Most High in his divine works, so worthy of
veneration and glory; and thou wilt likewise find cause for imitating
me, and blessing his immense goodness for the wisdom He gave me, in
order to fulfill all his holy will and pleasure.
Chapter XII
202. Saint Luke says, that on the
same day on which saint Stephen was stoned to death, a great
persecution arose against the Church in Jerusalem. He mentions
especially that Saul devastated it, searching through the whole city
for the followers of Christ in order to seize and denounce them
before the magistrates. This he did to many of the believers, who
were arrested, illtreated, and killed in this persecution. Although
it was very severe on account of the hatred, which the princes and
priests had conceived against the Christians, and on account of the
zealous efforts of Saul in his jealous defense of the law of Moses
(of which he himself speaks in the letter to the Galatians 1, 13);
yet there was another cause for this severity, the effects of which
they felt, though they knew not its origin.
203. This secret cause was the dismay
of Lucifer and his demons, who were much disturbed by the death of
saint Stephen and began to stir up and excite themselves to
diabolical wrath against the faithful, especially against the Queen
and Mistress of the Church, the most holy Mary. For their greater
confusion the Lord had permitted them to see, how the angels had
carried Her to saint Stephen. From this instance of her extraordinary
solicitude and from the constancy and wisdom of saint Stephen,
Lucifer concluded, that the powerful Queen would do the same with
other martyrs, who were to die for Christ; or at least, that She
would aid and encourage them to despise torments or death and meet
such persecutions with invincible courage. In his diabolical
astuteness he had calculated on torments and sorrows as a means of
disheartening the faithful and drawing them from the following of
Christ; for it seemed to him, that men love their life so much and
are so afraid especially of violent death and pain, that they would
be deterred and fall away from the faith rather than encounter such a
fate. On this expectation the devil continued to set his hopes,
though through the ages his own malice deceived him, just as it had
deceived him in the first attempt at the death of Christ, the Leader
of all the saints.
204. But in this first beginning of
the Church the dragon found himself quite disturbed and confused in
his eagerness to irritate the Jews against saint Stephen. When he saw
the martyr die so gloriously, he called together his demons and said
to them: “I am much disturbed by the death of this disciple and
by the favors he has received at the hands of this Woman, our Enemy;
for if She thus succors the other disciples and followers of her Son,
we shall not be able to overcome or mislead any of them by the threat
of torments or death. They will on the contrary all be animated by
mutual example to suffer and die like their Master and, instead of
succeeding in destroying them, we ourselves shall be overcome and
humbled; for our greatest torment and the signal triumph, which they
can bring over us, will be their dying for the faith, which. we wish
to wipe out. We shall ruin ourselves by following this course; yet I
de not find any other, nor can I discover the proper mode of fighting
against this incarnate God, his Mother and his followers. Is it
possible, that men, who cling so much to life, should be so prodigal
of it, and, being so sensitive in regard to suffering, should deliver
themselves up to torments to imitate their Master? But nevertheless
my just wrath will not be placated on this account. I will persuade
others to give up their lives in support of my fallacies, just as
they do it for God. Nor will all men rr.erit the protection of that
invincible Woman, or be so courageous as to undergo such inhuman
torments as I shall devise. Let us go and excite the Jews our
friends, so that they may destroy this people and blot out from the
face of the earth the name of their Master.”
205. Then Lucifer proceeded to put
into execution his accursed designs and with the innumerable
multitudes of the demons he approached the princes and magistrates of
the Jews and all the rabid unbelievers among the people, filling them
with ungoverned fury and envy against the followers of Christ and, by
his deceitful suggestions, inflaming them with a false zeal for the
law of Moses and the ancient traditions. It was not difficult to sow
this cockle in hearts so perfidious and ravaged by sins; they
therefore readily embraced the infernal suggestions. Immediately, in
many gatherings and conferences, they consulted about putting a
sudden end to all the disciples and followers of Christ. Some were
for banishing them from Jerusalem; others, from Palestine; and still
others, killing them all, so that this sect might be stamped out at
once; some of them again were of the opinion, that they should be
subjected to rigorous torments, so as to deter others from joining,
and that they should be immediately dispossessed of their goods
before they should have given all to the Apostles. This persecution
was so severe, as saint Luke tells us, that the seventy-two disciples
fled from Jerusalem, scattering through Judea and Samaria, but at the
same time they began to preach through all the land with unfaltering
courage. The Apostles, with Mary and many of the faithful, remained
in Jerusalem although they kept under cover and in fear, hiding
themselves from the diligent search, which Saul instituted for their
206. The most blessed Mary, amid all
this trouble, remained watchful, and first of all, after the death of
saint Stephen, ordered his body to be secured and buried. She asked
those that attended to this duty, to bring Her a cross, which saint
Stephen had habitually carried with him. He had made it in imitation
of the one which the Lady herself had borne about with Her since the
coming of the Holy Ghost. In this She was imitated also by the other
faithful. She received the cross of saint Stephen with especial
veneration, not only on its own account, but on account of its having
been in possession of the martyr. She called him a saint, and
requested, that as far as could be, all his blood should be gathered
and preserved reverently as of a martyr already glorified. She
extolled his holiness and constancy in the presence of the Apostles
and many of the faithful, in order to console and encourage them in
their tribulation.
207. In order to understand, at least
in part, the magnanimity of heart manifested by the Queen in this and
the other persecutions during her earthly life, it is necessary to
have in mind a summary of her gifts, which were such that the heart
of her Man could rely entirely upon Her (Prov. 31, 11) and entrust
Her with all the works ad extra of his Omnipotence. For in her manner
of operating the most blessed Mary transcended all the powers of mere
creatures and approached to that of God, whose especial image She
was. No act or thought of men was hidden from Her; and She penetrated
all the schemes and machinations of the demons. She was ignorant of
nothing that was to be done through the holy Church. Yet, though all
this was in her mind, She was not confused in the disposition of so
many different matters; nor did She ever mix up one with the other;
nor was She ever flurried in their management; nor tired of the
difficulties; nor oppressed by their multitude; nor was She forgetful
of the more remote on account of the more proximate affairs; nor was
her prudence ever deficient, because it appeared to be immense and
without limit. Hence She attended to all as if She had only one
affair, and to each matter as if She had nothing else to attend to.
Just as the sun, without trouble, without rest and without
intermittence, illumines, vivifies and warms all without diminution
of itself; so our great Queen, chosen as the Sun of the Church,
governed, vivified and encouraged all its children, without excluding
anyone of them.
208. When She therefore saw the
Church disturbed, persecuted and afflicted by the persecution of the
demons and of the men instigated by them, She turned upon the
originators of this evil and imperiously commanded Lucifer and his
ministers to descend into hell, and they fell howling into the abyss
without power of resistance; thus they remained bound and imprisoned
for eight entire days, until they were again permitted to rise.
Thereupon She called the Apostles and with consoling words encouraged
them to remain firm and hope for the divine assistance in this
tribulation. Strengthened by this exhortation none of them left
Jerusalem. The disciples, who on account of their great number could
not conceal themselves properly, took leave of their Mother and
Mistress and departed from Jerusalem with her benediction. All of
them She exhorted and encouraged, admonishing them not to be
disheartened on account of persecutions, nor to give up preaching
Christ crucified; and they faithfully continued their preaching in
Judea, Samaria and other provinces. In their labors She comforted and
assisted them through her holy angels, inspiring them with courage
and bearing them to different localities, whenever necessary. The
latter according to saint Luke, happened to Philip on the way to
Gaza, when he baptized the Aethiopian, the servant of Queen Candace.
In order to assist the faithful in the hour of death, She likewise
was wont to send her angels, and after death She took care to assist
the souls, who went to purgatory.
209. The cares and labors of the
Apostles in this persecution were much greater than those of the
other faithful; for as the founders and masters of the Church it
behooved them to extend their solicitude to all as well in as outside
of Jerusalem. Although they were full of knowledge and of the gifts
of the Holy Ghost, yet the work was so arduous and the opposition so
powerful, that without the counsel and direction of their Mistress
they would often have felt dejected and oppressed. On this account
they frequently consulted Her, and She called them to the meetings
and conferences which she arranged for transacting the necessary
business. For She alone fully understood the present affairs and
foresaw clearly those of the future. By her orders they went forth to
attend upon matters wherever necessary outside of Jerusalem, as when
saint Peter and saint John went to Samaria on hearing that it had
accepted the word of God (Acts 8, 14). Amid all these occupations of
her own and the tribulations of the faithful, whom She loved as her
children, the great Lady retained all the serenity and tranquil peace
of her spirit, without falling away in the least point from utmost
210. She so disposed of things, that
She could frequently retire; for, although the exterior actions did
not hinder her continued prayer, She reserved many secret and special
works for times of solitude. She prostrated Herself, humbled Herself
to the dust, sighed and wept for the salvation of mortals and
bewailed the fall of so many, whom She recognized as reprobates. As
She held written in her heart the evangelical law and stamped therein
the image of the Church, She deeply pondered within Herself all that
concerned it: the trials and tribulations of its members. In Her
conferences with the Lord and with Herself, She sought to dispose and
order all its affairs with heavenly knowledge and insight according
to the holy will of the Most High. At such times She would renew her
participation with the essence and the perfections of God to
capacitate Her for such a divine work as the governing of his Church.
This therefore She did, without failing in anything and with such a
fullness of wisdom and holiness, as made Her seem more than a mere
creature, though in truth She was one. In all her thoughts, She was
most exalted; in wisdom She was beyond comparison; in counsel, most
prudent; in her decisions most equitable and clear-sighted; in her
works, most holy; in her words, true and sincere; in all goodness,
lovable. Toward the weak, She was most kind; toward the humble, sweet
and loving; toward the proud, reserved and majestic. Neither did her
own excellence inflate Her, nor adversity disturb Her, nor labors
cast Her down: in all her activities She was a faithful copy of her
divine Son.
211. The most prudent Mother bore in
mind, that the disciples, having dispersed to ‘preach the name
and faith of Christ the Savior, had as yet no formula or express
creed to guide themselves uniformly and without differences, so that
all the faithful might believe one and the same express truths.
Moreover She knew that the Apostles would soon have to go forth over
the whole world in order to spread and establish the Church through
their preaching, and that it was proper that all should be united in
their doctrine, upon which was to be founded all the perfection of a
Christian life. Therefore the most prudent Mother of wisdom wished to
see all the divine mysteries, which the Apostles were to preach and
the faithful to believe, reduced to a short formula. For if those
truths were molded into a few articles, they could more conveniently
be brought to the mind of all, the whole Church would be united in
one belief without any essential difference, and the whole spiritual
edifice of the Gospel would thus rest and be built up on the same
firm columns of one foundation.
212. In order to prepare for this
work, the importance of which She recognized, She presented her
wishes to the Lord, who had inspired them, and for more than forty
days She persevered in this prayer with fasting, prostrations and
other exercises. Thus, in the same way as it was proper for the
giving of the written law that Moses, as mediator between God and the
people, should fast and pray for forty days on mount Sinai; so also,
for the new law of grace (Christ our Savior being its Author and the
Mediator between the eternal Father and men), it was proper that the
most blessed Mary should mediate between men and her divine Son. The
Church was to have this new law written into the hearts, reduced to
articles of faith, which should never change and never show any
deficiency, because they are divine and indefectible truths. One day,
while persevering in these petitions, She spoke to the Lord thus:
“Most High Lord and eternal God, Creator and Ruler of all the
universe, in thy ineffable kindness Thou hast begun the magnificent
work of thy holy Church. It is not according to thy wisdom to leave
imperfect any works of thy divine right hand; raise then to its high
perfection this work, which Thou hast so gloriously commenced. Let
not the sins of mortals, 0 my God, hinder Thee, since the blood and
death of thy and my Onlybegotten out-clamor their malice; for they do
not call out for vengeance, as the blood of Abel (Gen. 4, 11), but
ask pardon for all that are guilty. Look upon the new children which
the blood of Christ has engendered for Thee, and upon those who are
to be engendered in the Church during the future ages. Give then thy
holy Spirit to Peter thy vicar, and to the rest of the Apostles, in
order that they may arrange into a convenient form the truths, upon
which thy Church is to be founded, and in order that its children may
know what to believe without differences of opinion.”
213. In order to answer in person to
these prayers of his Mother, her divine Son descended from heaven
with immense glory and spoke to Her: “My beloved Mother, be
relieved of thy affectionate anxiety and let thy ardent thirst for my
glory and for the increase of the Church be satiated in my presence
and converse. It is in my power to fulfill thy desires and thou art
the one to oblige Me to do it, since I will deny nothing to thy
desires and prayers.” During these words the blessed Mary was
prostrate on the ground in adoration of the Divinity and humanity of
her Son and true God. But the Lord raised Her up and filled Her with
ineffable joy and jubilee, by giving Her his benediction and
enriching Her with new favors and gifts of his right hand. She
remained in this ecstasy of delight enjoying the most exalted and
mysterious converse of her Son and Lord, and her anxiety for the
welfare of the Church was appeased; for He promised Her great gifts
and favors for the Church.
214. In answer to her prayer for the
Apostles, besides promising to assist them in preparing the symbol of
the faith, the Lord informed his Mother of the very wording of the
propositions or articles, of which the Creed was to be composed. Of
all this the most prudent Lady was well capable, as was explained
more fully in the second part of this history; but now, when the time
had arrived for executing what had been intended so long before, He
wished to renew it all in the purest heart of his virgin Mother, in
order that the fundamental truths of the Church might flow from the
lips of Christ himself. It was also proper to counteract again the
humility of the great Lady, so that She might consent to be called by
those with whom She yet lived in mortal flesh and who were to preach
and believe in this symbol, the Mother of God and a Virgin before and
after his birth. For it was not to be expected, that She, who had
been chosen by God for her humility in order to work the greatest of
his wonders, would be willing of Herself to publish this prerogative;
although it was greater to be the Mother and Virgin in the sight of
God, than to be so called in the Church of God (Luke 1, 48).
215. Christ our Lord took leave of
his blessed Mother and returned to the right hand of the Father.
Immediately He inspired saint Peter his vicar and the rest with the
desire of setting up a symbol of the universal faith of the Church.
Accordingly they sought conference with the heavenly Mistress
concerning its opportuneness and the measures to be taken for this
purpose. They resolved to fast and persevere in prayer for ten
continuous days, in order to receive the inspiration of the Holy
Ghost in this arduous affair. Having completed these ten days, which
were also the last ten of the forty, in which the Queen had treated
with the Lord about this matter, the twelve Apostles met in the
presence of Mary, and saint Peter spoke to them as follows:
216. “My dear brethren, the
divine mercy, in its infinite goodness and through the merits of our
Savior and Master Jesus, has favored his holy Church by gloriously
multiplying its children, as we have seen and experienced in this
short time. For this purpose the Almighty has multiplied miracles and
prodigies and daily renews them through our ministry, having chosen
us (though unworthy) as the instruments of his divine will in this
work and for the glory and honor of his holy name. Together with
these favors He has sent us tribulations and persecutions of the
devil and of the world, in order that we may imitate our Savior and
Captain, and in order that the Church, evenly ballasted, might reach
more securely the port of rest and eternal felicity. The disciples
have evaded the wrath of the chief priest and spread through the
neighboring cities, preaching the faith of Christ our Redeemer and
Lord. We must also soon depart and preach throughout the globe,
according to the command of the Lord before ascending into heaven
(Matth. 28, 19). Just as there is but one Baptism in which men are to
receive this faith, so there must be but one doctrine, which the
faithful are to believe. Hence it is meet that we, who are as yet
gathered harmoniously in the Lord, define the truths and mysteries
which we are to propound expressly to all the nations of the world,
and thus, without difference of opinions, believe the same doctrines.
It is the infallible promise of the Lord, that where two or three
shall be gathered in his name, He shall be in their midst (Matth. 18,
20). Confiding in his word we firmly hope, that He will now assist us
with his divine Spirit to understand and define, in his name and by
an unchangeable decree, the articles to be established in his holy
Church as long as it shall last, to the end of the world.”
217. All the Apostles consented to
this proposal of saint Peter. Then he celebrated a Mass, in which he
gave Communion to the most holy Mary and the Apostles, whereupon they
all, including the blessed Mother, prostrated themselves in prayer
calling upon the Holy Ghost. After continuing their prayers for some
time, they heard the rumbling of thunder, as on the first coming down
of the Holy Ghost upon the gathering of the faithful; at the same
time the Cenacle was filled with light and splendor and all were
enlightened by the Holy Spirit. Then the most blessed Mary asked each
of the Apostles to define a mystery, according as the divine Spirit
should inspire them. Thereupon saint Peter began, and was followed by
the rest in the following order:
1. Saint Peter: I believe in God, the
Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.
2. Saint Andrew: And in Jesus Christ,
his only Son, our Lord.
3 and 4. Saint James the Greater: Who
was conceived through operation of the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin
5. Saint John: Suffered under Pontius
Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried.
6 and 7. Saint Thomas: Descended into
hell, arose from the dead on the third day.
8. Saint James the Less: Ascended
into heaven, is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty.
9. Saint Philip: From thence He shall
come to judge the living and the dead.
10. Saint Bartholomew: I believe in
the Holy Ghost.
11. Saint Matthew: In the holy
Catholic Church, the Communion of saints.
12. Saint Simon: Forgiveness of sins.
13. Saint Thaddeus: The resurrection
of the flesh.
14. Saint Mathias: Life everlasting.
218. This symbol, which we ordinarily
call the Creed, the Apostles established after the martyrdom of saint
Stephen and before the end of the first year after the death of the
Savior. Afterwards, in order to refute the Arian and other heresies,
the Church, in the councils held on their account, explained more
fully the mysteries contained in the Apostles’ Creed and
composed the one now chanted in the Mass. But in substance both are
one and the same and contain the fourteen articles, which are the
basis for the catechetical teaching of the Christian faith and which
we are all bound to believe in order to be saved. As soon as the
Apostles had finished pronouncing this Creed, the Holy Ghost approved
of it by permitting a voice to be heard in their midst saying: “You
have decided well.” Then the great Queen and Lady of heaven
with all the Apostles gave thanks to the Most High; and She thanked
also them for having merited the assistance of the divine Spirit, so
as to be his apt instruments in promoting the glory of the Lord and
the good of the Church. In confirmation of her faith and as an
example to the faithful, the most prudent Mistress fell at the feet
of saint Peter, loudly proclaimed her belief in the Catholic doctrine
as contained in the symbol they had just now composed and formulated.
This She did for Herself and in the name of all the faithful, saying
to saint Peter: “My lord, whom I recognize as the vicar of my
most holy Son, in thy hands, I, a vile wormlet, in my name and in the
name of all the faithful of the Church, confess and proclaim all that
thou hast set down as the divine and infallible truth of the Catholic
Church; and in it I bless and exalt the Most High, from whom it
proceeds.” She kissed the hands of the vicar of Christ and of
the rest of the Apostles. Thus She was the first one thus openly to
profess the Catholic faith after it had been formulated into
219. My daughter, besides the
mysteries thou hast recorded in this chapter, I wish for thy greater
information and consolation, to manifest to thee other secrets of my
activity. After the Apostles had formulated the Creed, thou must know
that I repeated it many times during the day on my knees and with the
profoundest reverence. And whenever the words “born of the
Virgin Mary” occurred, I prostrated myself upon the earth with
such humility, gratitude and praise of the Most High, as no creature
can comprehend. In these acts of devotion I had present in my mind
all the mortals in order to make up for the irreverence with which
they pronounce these sacred words. Through my intercession the Lord
was induced to inspire the Church to repeat so many times the Credo,
the Ave Maria, and Pater Noster in the divine office; to accustom the
religious to humiliate themselves in reciting them, and to genuflect
in the Credo of the Mass at the words: “Et incarnatus est.”
Thus the Church, at least partially, seeks to pay the debt it owes to
the Lord for having vouchsafed such knowledge, and for the mysteries,
so worthy of reverence and gratitude, contained in the Creed.
220. Many times the holy angels sang
to me the Credo with wonderful harmony and sweetness, rejoicing my
spirit. Sometimes they would sing the Ave Maria, including those
words: “Blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus.” Whenever
they pronounced this most holy name, or the name Mary, they made a
most profound bow, causing in me new effects of loving humility,
abasing me to the very earth at the thought of how far exalted is the
being of God above my own terrestrial existence. 0 my daughter, bear
in mind the reverence with which thou shouldst recite the Credo,
Pater and Ave, and do not make thyself guilty of the thoughtless
rudeness of many of the faithful in this matter. The frequency with
which these prayers and divine words are repeated in the Church
should not infringe upon the proper reverence due to them. This
presumption arises from pronouncing them merely by the lips without
meditating upon their meaning. I desire that they be to thee a
subject of continuous meditation; arid for this purpose the Most High
has given thee a taste for studying the catechism; and thou wilt
please the Lord and me, if thou carry it with thee and read it many
times, as thou hast been accustomed to and as I again charge thee to
do from now on. Recommend it also to thy religious, for this kind of
knowledge is the jewel which should adorn the spouses of Christ and
which all Christians should bear about with them.
221. It should also impress thee,
that I was so anxious to see the Creed written as soon as it was
necessary for the welfare of the Church. To know what will advance
the glory and service of God and benefit one’s own conscience,
and not to execute it, or at least to make no effort toward it, is a
very reprehensible lukewarmness. And it is especially shameful in
those men, who, whenever they are in want of any temporal good, brook
no delay and clamorously ask God to satisfy their wishes; as for
instance, when they fail in health or fear bad crops, or when they
dread being deprived of much less necessary, or even superfluous and
dangerous things. At the same time, although they recognize their
deep obligations to God, they pretend not to understand them, or
delay their fulfillment out of negligence and want of love. Do thou
guard thyself against and never permit this disorder. Just as I was
most anxious in that which pertained to the service of the children
of the Church, so do thou be punctual in all that thou perceivest to
be the will of God, whether it is for the benefit of thy soul or for
the benefit of thy neighbor; and thus thou wilt imitate my example.
Chapter XIII
222. In the diligence, watchfulness
and solicitude, which the most prudent Mother devoted to the
government of her family, the Church, She was like a mother and like
to the strong woman, of whom Solomon says, that she considered the
paths and the ways of her household in order not to eat her bread in
idleness (Prov. 31, 27). The great Lady knew and considered them with
the plenitude and knowledge; and as She was clothed in the purple of
her charity and in the spotless white of her peerless purity,
therefore, in the fulness of her insight, She forgot nothing that was
needed by her children and domestics, the faithful. As soon as the
symbol of the faith was established, She, both with her own hands and
with the assistance of the holy angels serving as her secretaries,
provided innumerable copies of the Creed, which were sent without
delay to all the disciples preaching in different parts of Palestine.
She sent several copies to each one for distribution together with a
special letter, in which She informed them of the measures taken by
the Apostles and of their orders, that it should be accepted and
professed by all the faithful.
223. As the disciples were scattered
through different cities, some near and others far, She sent the
symbol and letter to those in the neighborhood by some of the
faithful, and to those farther off, by her angels. To some of the
disciples, in fact to the greater number of them, the angels appeared
visibly; while to others they did not appear, but they placed these
documents into their hands in an invisible manner, at the same time
admirably moving their hearts. As well through these inspirations, as
from the letter of the Queen, the disciples knew whence these
messages had come. Moreover She exhorted the Apostles to distribute
the written Creed in Jerusalem and in other places and to instruct
the faithful, how the Lord had sent the Holy Ghost to inspire and
approve it in such a signal manner and thereby imposed its veneration
upon all. She told them to omit no means of making it well
understood, that this was the only, invariable and secure doctrine,
which was to be believed, confessed and preached throughout the
Church as the sole means of obtaining grace and life everlasting.
224. The written copies of the Creed
of the Apostles were distributed in a very few days among the
faithful to their incredible benefit and consolation; for in their
fervor they received them with highest reverence and devotion. The
Holy Ghost, who had ordained this Creed for the security of the
Church, immediately began to confirm it by new miracles and
prodigies, operating not only through the hands of the Apostles and
disciples, but also through many of the believers. Many who received
it with special veneration and love, were suddenly enveloped in
divine splendor, filled with heavenly science and celestial
manifestations of the Holy Ghost. By these miracles others were in
their turn moved to a desire of possessing and reverencing these
documents. Others restored the sick to health, raised the dead or
expelled the demons from the possessed by merely placing the Credo
upon them. Among other marvels it happened one day that a Jew, who
was roused to anger at hearing a Christian devoutly reading the Creed
and was about to tear it from his hands, fell dead before he could
execute his design. From that time on, those that were baptized,
being adults, were required to profess the faith according to the
apostolic Creed; and while they pronounced it, the Holy Ghost visibly
appeared above them.
225. The gift of tongues likewise
continued; for the Holy Spirit gave it not only on the day of
Pentecost, but to many of the faithful afterwards, who assisted in
preaching or in giving instruction to the new believers; and whenever
they spoke or preached to many together of different nationalities,
they were understood by each nationality, though they spoke only in
the Hebrew language. In like manner they were able to speak in other
languages, when they happened upon a gathering of people all speaking
the same foreign language. Thus was renewed all that had happened at
the first coming down of the Holy Ghost. Besides these miracles the
Apostles wrought many others, and whenever they laid their hands upon
the believers, or confirmed them, the divine Spirit descended. So
many miracles and prodigies were dispensed by the hands of the
Almighty, that if they were all recorded, they would fill many
volumes. Saint Luke in the Acts describes those in particular, which
in justice should not be altogether left unnoticed in the Church of
God. He adds in a general way, that they were very numerous, and
therefore could not be included in his short history.
226. In pondering and writing of
these things I was greatly astonished at the liberal bounty of the
Almighty in thus often sending the Holy Ghost upon the believers in
the primitive Church. In response to my wonder I was informed of two
reasons for this liberality: first, just as the wisdom, goodness and
power of God so ardently desired men to participate in his Divinity
by sharing with Him his eternal happiness and glory, that He induced
the eternal Word to appear in this world in visible and passible
flesh, so also the third Person descended many times in visible and
appropriate form upon his Church, in order to establish it and
confirm it with like and equally secure demonstrations of his
omnipotence and love. Secondly, in the beginnings of the Church the
merits of the passion and death of Christ, together with the prayers
and intercession of his most holy Mother, were in a certain sense
more acceptable and therefore (according to our way of understanding)
more powerful with the eternal Father. For the children of the Church
had not yet interposed the many and grievous sins, which have been
committed since then and which have placed such great obstacles to
the benefits of the Lord and to his Holy Spirit. Hence He does not
now manifest Himself so familiarly to men as in the primitive Church.
227. Already a full year had passed
since the death of the Savior, and now the Apostles, by divine
impulse, began to consider about going forth to preach the faith
throughout the world; for it was time that the name of God be
preached also to the heathens and that they be taught the way of
eternal salvation. In order to consult the will of God in the
assignment of the kingdoms and provinces in which each one was to
preach, they, upon the advice of their Queen, resolved to fast and
pray for ten successive days. This practice of fasting and praying
for ten days, which they had observed immediately after the Ascension
in disposing themselves for the coming of the Holy Ghost, they
afterwards also retained in preparing themselves for the more
important undertakings. Having completed these exercises, the vicar
of Christ celebrated Mass and communicated the most blessed Mary and
the eleven Apostles, as they had done in preparing the Creed and as
is mentioned in the last chapter. After Mass they all persevered with
their Queen for some time in most exalted prayer, ardently invoking
the assistance of the Holy Ghost for the manifestation of his will in
this matter.
228. Having done this, saint Peter
spoke to them as follows: “My dearest brethren, let us
prostrate ourselves all together before the throne of God and with
all our heart and with deepest reverence let us confess our Lord
Jesus Christ as the true God, the Lord and Redeemer of the world,
professing his holy faith in the Creed which He has given us by the
Holy Ghost and our subjection to his divine will.” This they
did and thereupon uttered aloud with saint Peter the following
“Most high
and eternal God, we, vile and insignificant men, worms of the earth,
whom the Lord Jesus Christ in his clemency condescended to choose as
ministers of his holy doctrine and law and founders of his Church
through the whole world, with one heart and soul prostrate ourselves
to suffer and die for the confession and spread of the holy faith in
the world according to the commands of our Lord and Master Jesus
Christ. We wish to be spared no labors, difficulties or tribulations
in the performance of this work, even unto death. But distrusting our
weakness, we beseech Thee, Lord God most High, send upon us thy
divine Spirit to govern and direct our footsteps in the imitation of
our Master and to visit us with his strength. Do Thou manifest and
instruct us to which kingdoms and provinces each of us shall depart
according to thy good pleasure for the preaching of thy holy name.”
229. At the ending of this prayer a
wonderful light descended upon the Cenacle surrounding them all and a
voice was heard saying: “My vicar Peter shall point out the
province, which falls to each one. I shall govern and direct him by
my light and spirit.” The appointments themselves the Holy
Ghost left to saint Peter in order to confirm anew his power as head
and universal pastor of the Church, and in order that the Apostles
might understand, that it was to be founded throughout the world
under the direction of saint Peter and his successors, to whom they
were to be subject as the vicars of Christ. In this sense the
Apostles understood it, and I was given to understand, that such was
the will of the Most High. Saint Peter hearing this voice, proceeded
to partition out the provinces. He began with himself, and said: “I,
my Lord, offer myself to suffer and die in imitation of my Lord and
Redeemer, preaching the faith at present in Jerusalem, and afterwards
in Pontus, Galatia, Bythinia and Cappadocia, provinces of Asia; and I
shall take up my residence at first in Antioch and afterwards in
Rome, where I will establish my seat and found the Cathedral of
Christ our Redeemer and Master, and where the head of his Church
shall have his residence.” These words of saint Peter were
spoken in obedience to a positive command of the Lord, pointing out
the Roman Church as the centre and capital of the universal Church.
Without such a command of the Lord, saint Peter would not have
decided this difficult and important matter.
230. Saint Peter then continued: “The
servant of Christ, our dearest brother Andrew, will follow his Master
preaching his faith in the Scythian provinces of Europe, Epirus and
Thrace; and from the city of Patras in Achaia he will govern all that
province, and the others of his lot, as far as possible.” “The
servant of Christ, our dearest brother James the greater, will follow
his Master preaching the faith in Judea, in Samaria and in Spain;
thence he shall return in order to preach the doctrine of our Lord
Jesus Christ in this city of Jerusalem.” “The most dear
brother John shall obey the will of our Savior and Master as made
known to him from the Cross, discharging the duties of a son toward
our great Mother and Mistress. He shall serve Her and assist Her with
filial reverence and fidelity; he shall administer to Her the sacred
mysteries of the Eucharist and shall also take care of the faithful
in Jerusalem during our absence. And when our God and Redeemer shall
have taken into heaven his most blessed Mother, he shall follow his
Master in the preaching of the faith in Asia Minor, governing the
churches there established from the island of Patmos, whither he
shall retire on account of persecution.” “The servant of
Christ, our dearest brother Thomas, will follow his Master preaching
in India, in Persia and among the Parthians, Medes, Hircanians,
Brahmans, Bactrians. He shall baptize the three Magi Kings and, as
they shall be attracted by the rumor of his preaching and his
miracles, he shall instruct them fully in all things according to
their expectations.” “The servant of Christ, our dearest
brother James, shall follow his Master in his office of pastor and
bishop of Jerusalem, where he shall preach to all the Jews and shall
assist John in the attendance and service of the great Mother of our
Savior.” “The servant of Christ, our dearest brother
Philip, shall follow his Master preaching and teaching in the
provinces Phrygia and Scythia of Asia, and in the city called
Hieropolis in Phrygia.” “The servant of Christ, our
dearest brother Bartholomew, shall follow his Master preaching in
Lycaonia, part of Cappadocia in Asia; and he shall go to further
India and afterwards to Armenia Minor.” “The servant of
Christ, our dearest brother Matthew, shall first teach the Hebrews,
and then shall follow his Master, preaching in Egypt and Ethiopia.”
“The servant of Christ, our dearest brother Simon, shall follow
his Master preaching in Babylon, Persia and also in the kingdom of
Ethiopia.” “The servant of Christ, our dearest brother
Judas Thaddeus, shall follow our Master, preaching in Mesopotamia,
and afterwards shall join Simon to preach in Babylon and in Persia.”
“The servant of Christ, our dearest brother Mathias, shall
follow our Master, preaching his holy faith in the interior of
Ethiopia and in Arabia, and afterwards He shall return to Palestine.
And may the Spirit of God accompany us all, govern and assist us, so
that in all places we fulfill his holy and perfect will, and may He
give us his benediction, in whose name I now give it to all.”
231. These were the words of saint
Peter. When he ceased speaking a loud thunder was heard and the
Cenacle was filled with splendor and refulgence in witness of the
presence of the Holy Ghost. From the midst of this splendor was heard
a sweet and soft voice saying:
“Let each
one accept his allotment.” They prostrated themselves upon the
ground and with one voice said: “Most High Lord, thy word and
the word of thy vicar we obey with a prompt and joyous heart, and our
souls rejoice and are filled with thy sweetness in the abundance of
thy wonderful works.” This entire and ready obedience of the
Apostles to the vicar of Christ our Savior, since it was the effect
of their ardent and loving desire to die for his holy faith, disposed
them on that occasion for the grace of once more receiving the Holy
Ghost, who confirmed and augmented the favors they had already
received. They were filled with a new light and knowledge concerning
the peoples and provinces assigned to them by saint Peter, and each
one recognized the conditions, nature and customs of the kingdoms
singled out for him, being furnished interiorly with the most
distinct and abundant information concerning each. The Most High gave
them new fortitude to encounter labors; agility for overcoming
distances, although in this regard they were afterwards to be
frequently assisted by the holy angels; and the fire of divine love,
so that they became inflamed like seraphim lifted far beyond the
condition and sphere of mere human creatures.
232. The most blessed Queen was
present at all these events, and the workings of the divine power in
the Apostles and in Herself, were very clear to Her for on this
occasion, She experienced more of the divine influences than all of
them together. As She was exalted supereminently above all creatures,
so the increase of her gifts was in like proportion, transcending
immeasurably those of others. The Most High renewed in the purest
spirit of his Mother the infused knowledge concerning all creatures,
and especially concerning the kingdoms and nations assigned to the
Apostles. She knew all that each one knew, and more than they all
together, because She received a personal and individual knowledge of
each person to whom the faith of Christ was to be preached; and She
was made relatively just as familiar with all the earth and its
inhabitants, as She was with Her oratory and all those that entered
233. As I have said above and shall
often repeat farther on, the knowledge of Mary was the knowledge of a
supreme Mistress, Mother, Governess and Sovereign of the Church,
which the Almighty had placed in her hands. She was to take care of
all, from the highest to the lowest of the saints, and also of the
sinners as the children of Eve. As no one was to receive any blessing
or favor from the hands of her Son except through that of his Mother,
it was necessary that this most faithful Dispensatrix of grace should
know all of her family, whom She was to guard as a Mother, and such a
Mother! The great Lady therefore had not only infused images and
knowledge of all this, but She actually experienced it according as
the disciples and Apostles proceeded in their work of preaching.
Before Her lay open all their labors and dangers, and the attacks of
the demons against them; the petitions and prayers of these and of
all the faithful, so that She might be able to support them with her
own, or aid them through her angels or by Herself in person; for in
all these different ways did She render her assistance, as we shall
see in many events yet to be described.
234. I wish merely to state here,
that besides the knowledge derived by our Queen from infused images
She had also in God himself another knowledge of things through her
abstractive vision, by which She continually saw the Divinity. But
there was a difference between these two different kinds of
knowledge: since, when she saw in God the labors of the Apostles and
of all the faithful of the Church, enjoying at the same time through
this vision a certain participation of the eternal beatitude, the
most loving Mother was not affected with the sensible sorrow and
compassion, which filled Her when perceiving these tribulations
themselves through images. In this latter kind of vision She felt and
bewailed them with maternal compassion. In order that this merit
might not be wanting in Her, the Lord conferred this second kind of
knowledge upon Her for all the time of her pilgrimage here below.
Joined with this plenitude of infused species and knowledge, She held
also absolute command of her faculties, as I said above, so that She
admitted no images or ideas except those that were absolutely
necessary for sustaining life, or for some work of charity or
perfection. With this adornment and beauty, which was patent to the
angels and saints, the heavenly Lady was an object of admiration,
inducing them to praise and glorify the Most High for the worthy
exercise of all his attributes in Mary, his most holy instrument.
235. On this occasion She offered a
most profound prayer for the perseverance and courage of the Apostles
in their preaching throughout the world. And the Lord promised Her,
that He would guard and assist them to manifest the glory of his
name, and that He would at the end worthily reward them for their
labors and merits. By this promise most holy Mary was filled with
grateful jubilee and She exhorted the Apostles to give themselves up
to this work with all their heart, to set out joyfully and
confidently for the conversion of the world. Speaking to them many
other words of sweetness and life, She congratulated them on her
knees in the name of her divine Son for the obedience they had shown,
and in her own name, She thanked them for the zeal they had
manifested for the honor of the Lord and for the blessings they had
brought to souls by their sacrifice. She kissed the hands of each of
the Apostles, offering her prayers and her services and asking them
for their blessing, which they, as priests of God, gave Her.
236. A few days after the partition
of the earth among the Apostles, they began to leave Jerusalem,
especially those that were allotted the provinces of Palestine, and
first among them was saint James the greater. Others stayed longer in
Jerusalem, because the Lord wished the faith to be preached there
more abundantly and the Jews to be called before all others, if they
chose to come and accept the invitation to the marriage-feast of the
Gospel; for in the blessing of the Redemption this people, although
more ungrateful than the heathens, was especially favored. Afterwards
all the Apostles gradually departed for the regions assigned to them,
according as time and season demanded and as obedience to the divine
Spirit, the counsel of the most holy Mary, and the order of saint
Peter dictated. But before leaving Jerusalem each one visited the
holy places, such as the garden, Calvary, the holy Sepulchre, the
place of the Ascension, Bethany and the other memorable spots as far
as possible. All of them showed their veneration, moved even to tears
and regarding with loving wonder the very earth, which the Savior had
touched. Then they visited the Cenacle, reverencing the spot where so
many mysteries had taken place. There, again commending themselves to
her protection, they took leave of the great Queen of heaven. The
blessed Mother dismissed them with words full of sweetness and divine
237. But admirable was the solicitude
and care of the most prudent Lady in showing Herself as the true
Mother of the Apostles at their departure. For each of the twelve She
made a woven tunic similar to that of Christ our Savior, of a color
between brown and ash-gray; and in order to weave these garments She
called to aid her holy angels. She furnished each of the Apostles
garments of the same kind and like to that formerly worn by their
Master Jesus: for She wished that they should imitate Him even in
their garments and thereby be known exteriorly as his disciples. The
great Lady procured also twelve crosses of the height and size of
each of the Apostles and gave one to each, so that, as a witness of
their doctrine and for their consolation, they might carry it along
in their wanderings and their preaching. Each of the Apostles
preserved and carried this cross with him to his death; and as they
were so loud in praise of the Cross, some of the tyrants made use of
this very instrument to torment them happily to death.
238. Moreover the devout Mother
furnished each one of them with a small metal case, in which She
placed three of the thorns from the crown of her divine Son, some
pieces of the cloths in which She had wrapped the infant Savior, and
of the linen with which She had wiped and caught the most precious
blood of the Circumcision and Passion of the Lord. All these sacred
pledges She had preserved with the greatest care and veneration, as
the Mother and the Treasure-keeper of heaven. In order to consign
them to the Apostles She called them together and, with the majesty
of a Queen and the tenderness of a Mother, She told them that these
remembrances, with which She would enrich them on their departure,
were the greatest treasures in her possession; for in them they would
carry with them vivid remembrances of her divine Son and the certain
assurance, that the Lord loved them as his children and as ministers
of the Most High. Then She handed them those relics, which they
received with tears of consolation and joy. They thanked the great
Queen for these favors and prostrated themselves in adoration of the
sacred relics. Embracing they bade farewell to each other, saint
James being the first to depart and commence his mission.
239. I was given to understand, that
the Apostles preached not only in the countries assigned to them by
saint Peter, but in many other neighboring and more remote regions.
This is not difficult to understand; because many times they were
carried from one country to another by the angels, not only in order
to preach, but in order to consult with each other, especially with
the vicar of Christ saint Peter, and still much more frequently were
they brought in the presence of their Queen, whose sympathy and
counsel they needed in the arduous enterprise of planting the faith
in so many different and barbarous nations. If, in order to bring
nourishment to Daniel, the angel took Habbacuc to Babylon (Dan. 14,
35), it is nothing strange, that such miracles should be performed
for the Apostles in order that they might preach Christ, make known
the Divinity, and plant the universal Church for the salvation of the
human race. Above I have made mention of the angel, who carried
Philip, one of the seventy-two disciples, from the road of Gaza to
Azotus, as related by saint Luke (Acts 8, 40). All these miracles,
and innumerable others unknown to us, were necessary to these men,
who were to be sent to so many kingdoms, provinces, and peoples yet
in possession of the devil, full of idolatries, errors and
abominations, which was the condition of the world at the time the
incarnate Word came to save the human race.
240. My daughter, by the lessons
contained in this chapter I wish to draw thee to deplore, with inmost
groaning and sighing and, if possible, with tears of blood, the
difference between the state of the holy Church in our times and that
of those primitive times; how its purest gold of holiness has been
obscured (Thren. 4, 1), and the ancient beauty in which the Apostles
have founded it, is lost; how it has sought foreign; and deceitful
powders and paints to cover the horrid and distorted ugliness of
vice. In order that thou mayest penetrate into this truth, thou must
renew in thyself the consideration of the force and eagerness, with
which the Divinity seeks to communicate his goodness and perfection
to creatures. So great is the impetus of the river of God’s
goodness overflowing on mankind, that only the free will of man,
which He has given to him in order to receive its benefits, can raise
a dam against it; and whenever, through this free will, man resists
the influence and force of the divine Goodness, he (according to thy
mode of understanding), violates and grieves this immense love in its
very essence. But if creatures would place no obstacle and permit its
operations, the whole soul would be inundated and satiated with
participation in its divine essence and attributes. It would raise
the fallen from the dust, enrich the indigent children of Adam, place
them above all their miseries and seat them with the princes of his
glory (I Kings 2, 8).
241. From this, my daughter, thou
wilt understand two things unknown to human wisdom. First, how
pleasing to the highest Goodness is the service of those who, with an
ardent zeal for God’s glory, devote their labor and solicitude
toward removing the obstacles, which men place to their own
justification and the communication of his favors. The satisfaction
of the Most High, arising from this work in others, cannot be
estimated in this mortal life. On this account the ministry of the
Apostles, the prelates, the priests and preachers of the divine word
are so highly exalted; for they succeed in office those, who founded
the Church and who labored in its preservation and extension; all of
them are to be co-operators and executors of the immense love of God
for the souls created to be sharers in his Divinity. Secondly, thou
must ponder the greatness and abundance of the gifts and favors,
which the infinite power communicates to those souls, who do not
hinder his most liberal bounty. The Lord manifested this truth
immediately in the beginnings of the evangelical Church, when, to all
those who were to enter into it, He showed his bounty by such great
prodigies and wonders, frequently sending the Holy Ghost in a visible
manner, working miracles in those who accepted the Creed, and
showering forth other hidden favors on the faithful.
242. But most of all shone forth his
almighty power and munificence in the Apostles and disciples, because
in them there was no hindrance to his eternal and holy will and they
were true instruments and executors of the divine love, imitators and
successors of Christ and followers of truth. Hence they were elevated
to an ineffable participation in the attributes of God, especially as
regards his science, holiness and power, working for themselves and
for the souls such great miracles, as mortal man cannot ever
sufficiently extol. After the Apostles, other children were born to
the Church, in which, from generation to generation, this divine
wisdom and its effects were transplanted (Ps, 44, 17). Leaving aside
at present the innumerable martyrs who shed their blood for Christ
and gave their lives for the holy faith, consider the founders of
religions, the great saints, who flourished in them, the doctors, the
bishops, the prelates and apostolical men, through whom the bounty
and omnipotence of God was so abundantly manifested. They are so
great, that others, who are ministers of God for the welfare of
souls, and all the faithful, can have no excuse, even if God does not
work similar ones in those He finds fit for his operations.
243. And to the greater confusion of
the negligent ministers of the Church in our days, I desire thee to
understand, that in his eternal decrees the Most High dispenses his
infinite treasures of the souls through the ministry of the prelates,
priests, preachers, and teachers of his divine word. As far as his
will is concerned, they might all be angelic rather than human in
their holiness and perfection; they might enjoy many privileges and
exemptions of nature and grace, and thus become fit ministers of the
Most High, if only they would not pervert the order of his infinite
wisdom and if they lived up to the dignity to which they are called
and chosen before all others. This infinite kindness of God is just
as great now, as in the first ages of the Church; the inclination of
the highest Goodness to enrich souls is not changed, nor can it be ;
his condescending liberality has not diminished; the love of his
Church is always at its height; his mercy is just as much concerned
at the miseries of men, which in our times are become innumerable;
the clamor of the sheep of Christ is louder than ever; the prelates,
priests and ministers are more numerous than heretofore. If this is
so, to what is to be attributed the loss of so many souls and the
ruin of the Christian people? Why is it, that the infidels not only
do not enter the Church, but subject it to so much affliction and
sorrow? that the prelates and ministers do not shine before the
world, exhibiting the splendors of Christ, as in the ages gone by and
in the primitive Church?
244. O my daughter, I invite thee to
let thy tears flow over this loss and ruin. Consider how the stones
of the sanctuary are scattered about in streets of the city (Thren.
4, 1). See how the priests of the Lord have assimilated themselves to
the people (Is. 24, 2), when, on the contrary, they should raise the
people to the holiness, which is due to priesthood. The sacerdotal
dignity and the precious vestments of virtue are soiled by contagion
with the worldly; the anointed of the Lord, consecrated solely to his
worship and intercourse, have lapsed from their noble and godlike
station; they have lost their beauty in debasing themselves to vile
actions, unworthy of their exalted position among men. They affect
vanity; they indulge greed and avarice; they serve their own
interest; they love money, they place their hopes in treasures of
silver and gold; they submit to the flatteries and to the slavery of
the worldly and powerful; and, to their still lower degradation, they
subject themselves to the petty whims of women, and sometimes make
themselves participants in their counsels of malice and wickedness.
There is hardly a sheep in the fold of Christ, which recognizes in
them the voice of its Pastor, or finds from them the nourishment of
that redeeming virtue and holiness, which they should show forth. The
little ones ask for bread, and there is none to distribute (Thren. 4,
4). And if it is dealt out in self-interest or as a compliment, how
can it afford wholesome nourishment to the necessitous and infirm
from such leprous hands? How shall the heavenly Physician confide to
such administrators the medicine of life? Or how can the guilty ones
intercede and mediate mercy for those who are less, or even equally,
245. These are the reasons why the
prelates and priests of our times do not perform the miracles of the
Apostles and disciples, and of those who in the primitive Church
imitated their lives by an ardent zeal for the honor of the Lord and
the conversion of souls. On this account the treasures of the blood
and death of Christ in the Church do not bear the same fruits, either
in his priests and ministers, nor in the other mortals; for if they
neglect and forget to make them fruitful in themselves, how can they
expect them to flow over on the rest of the human family? On this
account the infidels are not converted on learning of the true faith,
although they live within sight of the princes of the Church, the
ministers and preachers of the Gospel. The Church in our times is
richer in temporal goods, rents and possessions; it abounds with
learned men, great prelacies, and multiplied dignities. As all these
advantages are due to the blood of Christ, they ought all to be used
in his honor and service, promoting the conversion of souls,
supporting his poor and enhancing the worship and veneration of his
holy name.
246. Is this the use made of the
temporal riches of the Church? Let the captives answer, whether they
are ransomed by the rents of the Church; let the infidels testify,
whether they are converted, whether heresies are extirpated at the
expense of the ecclesiastical treasures. But the public voice will
loudly proclaim, that from these same treasures palaces were built,
primogenitures established, the airy nothingness of noble titles
bought; and, what is most deplorable, it is known to what profane and
vile uses those that succeed in the ecclesiastical office put the
treasures of the Church, how they dishonor the High-priest Christ and
in their lives depart just as far from the imitation of Christ and
the Apostles, as the most profane men of the world. If the preaching
of the divine word by these ministers is so dead and without power of
vivifying the hearers, it is not the fault of truth or of the holy
Scriptures; but it is because of the abuse and of the distorted
intentions of those that preach it. They seek to compromise the glory
of Christ with their own selfish honor and vain esteem, the spiritual
goods, with base acquisition of stipends; and if those two selfish
ends are reached, they care not for other results of their preaching.
Therefore they wander away from the pure and sincere doctrine, and
sometimes even from the truth, which the sacred authors have recorded
in the Scriptures and according to which the holy teachers have
explained them; they slime it over with their own ingenious
subtleties, seeking to cause rather the pleasure and admiration of
their hearers than their advancement. As the divine truths reach the
ears of the sinners so adulterated, they impress upon the mind rather
the ingenious sophistry of the preacher, than the charity of Christ;
they bring with it no force or efficacy for penetrating the hearts,
although full of ingenious artifice to delight the ears.
247. Let not the chastisement of
these vanities and abuses, and of others unknown to the world,
astonish thee, my dearest, and be not surprised, that divine justice
has so much forsaken the prelates, ministers and preachers of his
word, or that the Catholic Church, having such an exalted position in
its beginnings, should now be brought to such low estate. And if
there are some priests and ministers, who are not infected with these
lamentable vices, the Church owes so much the more to my divine Son
in these times, when He is so deeply offended and outraged. With
those that are zealous, He is most liberal; but they are few in
number, as is evident from the ruin of the Christian people and from
the contempt into which the priests and preachers of the Gospel have
fallen. For if the number of the perfect and the zealous workers were
great, without a doubt sinners would reform and amend their lives;
many infidels would be converted; all would look upon and hear with
reverence and fear such preachers, priests and prelates, they would
respect them for their dignity and holiness, and not for their
usurped authority and outward show, which induces a reverence too
much like worldly applause and altogether without fruit. Do not be
afraid or abashed for having written all this for they themselves
know that it is the truth and thou dost not write of thy own choice,
but at my command. Hence bewail such a sad state, and invite heaven
and earth to help thee in thy weeping; for there are few who sorrow
on account of it, and this is the greatest of all the injuries
committed against the Lord by the children of the Church.
Chapter XIV
248. Our mother the Church, governed
by the divine Spirit, celebrates the conversion of saint Paul as one
of the greatest miracles of grace for the consolation of sinners;
for, from a virulent and blasphemous persecutor of the name of
Christ, as saint Paul calls himself (1 Tim. 1, 13), he was changed to
an Apostle obtaining mercy through divine grace. As in obtaining it
our great Queen bore such a prominent part, this rare miracle of the
Omnipotent must not be passed over in this history. But its greatness
can be better understood if the state of saint Paul as a persecutor
of the Church at the time of his calling is explained, and when the
causes, which induced him to signalize himself as such a strong
champion o’f the law of Moses and bitter persecutor of Christ,
are known.
249. Saint Paul was distinguished in
Judaism for two reasons. The one was his own character, and the other
was the diligence of the demon in availing himself of his naturally
good qualities. Saint Paul was of a disposition generous,
magnanimous, most noble, kind, active, courageous and constant. He
had acquired many of the moral virtues. He glorified in being a
staunch professor of the law of Moses, and in being studious and
learned in it; although in truth he was ignorant of its essence, as
he himself confesses to Timothy, because all his learning was human
and terrestrial; like many Jews, he knew the law merely from the
outside, without its spirit and without the divine insight, which was
necessary to understand it rightly and to penetrate its mysteries.
But as his ignorance seemed to him real knowledge and as he was
gifted with a retentive memory and keen understanding, he was a great
zealot for the traditions of the rabbis (Gal. 1, 14). He judged it an
outrage and absurdity, that (as he thought), a new law, invented by a
Man crucified as a criminal, should be published in opposition to
them and to that law, which was given by God himself and received by
Moses on the mount (Exod.24). Hence he conceived a great hatred anhd
contempt for Christ, his law and his disciples. Steeped in this error
he called into activity all his moral virtues, (if that can be called
virtue which was devoid of true charity), and prided himself much in
combating the errors of others. For that is a common fault with the
children of Adam, that they please themselves in some good work
without making the much more important effort to reform some of their
vices. In this self-deception lived and acted Saul, deeply convinced
that he was zealously promoting the honor of God in upholding the
ancient law of Moses and its divine ordainments. It appeared to him
that in acting thus he was defending God’s honor; for he had
not really understood this law, which in its ceremonies and figures
was but temporal and not eternal and which was necessarily to be
abrogated by a more wise and powerful Legislator, as Moses himself
foretold (Deut. 18, 15).
250. This indiscreet zeal and
vehemence was fanned by the malice of Lucifer and his ministers, who
irritated and roused him to even greater hatred against the law of
our Savior Jesus Christ. Many times have I in the course of this
history mentioned the malicious attempts and infernal schemes of this
dragon against the holy Church. Among them was his anxious search for
men, who should serve as apt and efficient instruments and executors
of his malice. Lucifer by himself or his demons, although they are
able to tempt men singly, are yet unable to raise up their rebellious
banners in public or become leaders in any sect or sedition against
God, unless it be through the assistance of some human being in
leading on the blind and unenlightened. This cruel enemy was
infuriated by the happy beginnings of the holy Church; he feared its
progress, and burned with envy to see beings of a lower nature than
himself raised to the participation of the Divinity and glory, which
he himself had lost. He recognized the inclinations of Saul, his
habits and the state of his interior, and all seemed to harmonize
well with his own designs of destroying the Church of Christ through
the willing hands of unbelievers.
251. Lucifer consulted the other
demons concerning this wicked plan in a meeting held especially for
this purpose. With common accord the dragon and others of the demons
resolved ceaselessly to urge on Saul by stirring up his anger against
the Apostles and the whole flock of Christ, using suggestions and
reasonings adapted to his state of mind; and, in order that he might
be the sooner influenced by them, they were to represent his
indignation as a virtue to be gloried in. The demons executed this
resolve to the letter and without losing any occasion. Although Paul
was dissatisfied and opposed to the teaching of our Lord even before
his death on the Cross; yet he had not yet declared himself so
zealous a defender of the law of Moses and adversary of the Lord. It
was only at the death of saint Stephen, that he showed the wrath,
which the infernal dragon had roused against the followers of Christ.
As that enemy had found the heart of Saul on that occasion so ready
to execute all his malicious suggestions, he became so arrogant in
his malice, that it seemed to him he need not desire more, and that
this man would offer no resistance to any malice he ever could
252. In his impious presumption
Lucifer tried to induce Saul to attempt single-handed the life of all
the Apostles, and, with still greater presumption, even the life of
the most blessed Mary. To such a point of insanity rose the pride of
this most bloodthirsty dragon. But he deceived himself. The
disposition of Saul was most noble and generous, and therefore it
appeared to him beneath his dignity and honor to stoop to such crimes
and act the part of an assassin, when he could, as it seemed to him,
destroy the law of Christ by the power of reasoning and open justice.
He felt a still greater horror at the thought of killing the most
blessed Mother, on account of the regard due to Her as a woman; and
because he had seen Her so composed and constant in the labors and in
the Passion of Christ. On this account She seemed to him a
magnanimous Woman and worthy of veneration. She had indeed won his
respect, together with some compassion for her sorrows and
afflictions. the magnitude of which had become publicly known. Hence
he gave no admittance to the inhuman suggestions of the demon against
the life of the most blessed Mary. This compassion for Her hastened
not a little the conversion of Saul. Neither did he further entertain
the treacherous designs against the apostles, although Lucifer sought
to make their assassination appear as a deed worthy of his courageous
spirit. Rejecting all these wicked thoughts, he resolved to incite
all the Jews to persecute the Church, until it should be destroyed
together with the name of Christ.
253. As the dragon and his cohorts
could not attain more, they contented themselves with having brought
Saul at least to this resolve. The dreadful wrath of these demons
against God and his creatures can be estimated from the fact, that on
that very day they held another meeting in order to consult how they
could preserve the life of this man, whom they had found so well
adapted to execute their malice. These deadly enemies well know, that
they have no jurisdiction over the lives of men, and that they can
neither give nor take life, unless permitted by God on some
particular occasion; nevertheless they wished to make themselves the
guardians and the physicians of the life and health of Saul as far as
their power extended, namely, by keeping active his forethought
against whatever was harmful and suggesting the use of what was
naturally beneficial to the welfare of life and limb. Yet with all
their efforts they were unable to hinder the work of grace, when God
so wished it. Far were they from suspecting, that Saul would ever
accept the faith of Christ, and that the life, which they were trying
to preserve and lengthen, was to redound to their own ruin and
torment. Such events are provided by the wisdom of the Most High, in
order that the devil, being deceived by his evil counsels, may fall
into his own pits and snares, and in order that all his machinations
may serve for the fulfillment of the divine and irresistible will.
254. Such were the decrees of the
highest Wisdom in order that the conversion of Saul might be more
wonderful and glorious. With this intention God permitted Satan,
after the death of saint Stephen, to instigate Saul to go to the
chief priests with fierce threats against the disciples of Christ,
who had left Jerusalem, and to solicit permission for bringing them
as prisoners to Jerusalem from wherever he should find them (Acts 9,
1). For this enterprise Saul offered his person and possessions, and
even his life; at his own cost and without salary he made this
journey in order that the new Law, preached by the disciples of the
Crucified, might not prevail against the Law of his ancestors. This
offer was readily favored by the high-priest and his counselors; they
immediately gave to Saul the commission he asked, especially to go to
Damascus, whither, according to report, some of the disciples had
retired after leaving Jerusalem. He prepared for the journey, hiring
officers of justice and some soldiers to accompany him. But his by
far most numerous escort were the many legions of demons, who in
order to assist him in this enterprise, came forth from hell, hoping
that with all this show of force and through Saul, they might be able
to make an end of the Church and entirely devastate it with fire and
blood. This was really the intention of Saul, and the one with which
Lucifer and his demons sought to inspire him and his companions. But
let us leave him for the present on his journey to Damascus, anxious
to seize all the disciples of Christ, whom he should find in the
synagogues of that city.
255. Nothing of all this was unknown
to the Queen of heaven; for in addition to her science and vision
penetrating to the inmost thoughts of men and demons, the Apostles
were solicitous in keeping Her informed of all that befell the
followers of her Son. Long before this time She had known that Saul
was to be an Apostle of Christ, a preacher to the gentiles, and a man
distinguished and wonderful in the Church; for of all these things
her Son informed Her, as I said in the second part of this history.
But as She saw the persecution becoming more violent and the glorious
fruits and results of the conversion of Saul delayed, and as She
moreover saw how the disciples of Christ, who knew nothing of the
secret intentions of the Most High, were afflicted and somewhat
discouraged at the fury and persistence of his persecution, the
kindest Mother was filled with great sorrow. Considering, in her
heavenly prudence, how important was this affair, She roused Herself
to new courage and confidence in her prayers for the welfare of the
Church and the conversion of Saul. Prostrate in the presence of her
Son, She poured forth the following prayer:
256. “Most high Lord, Son of
the eternal Father, true God of the true God, engendered of his own
and indivisible substance and, by the ineffable condescension of thy
infinite goodness, become my Son and the life of my soul, how shall
I, thy slave, continue to live, if the persecution of the beloved
Church Thou hast commended to my care shall prevail and be not put
down by thy almighty power? How shall my heart behold the fruit of
thy precious blood despised and trodden under foot? If Thou, my Lord,
givest to me the children begotten by Thee in the Church and if I am
to love them and look upon them as a Mother, how shall I be consoled,
when I see them thus oppressed and destroyed for confessing thy holy
name and loving Thee with a sincere heart? Thine is the power and the
wisdom; and it is not proper that he should glory against Thee, who
is the dragon of hell, the enemy of thy name, and the slanderer of my
children and thy brethren. My Son, confound the pride of this ancient
serpent, which in its pride rises up anew to vent its fury against
the simple sheep of thy flock. Behold how Lucifer has drawn into his
deceits Saul, whom Thou hast chosen and set apart as thy Apostle. It
is time, O my God, that Thou show thy Omnipotence and save this soul,
through whom and in whom thy name is to be so highly exalted, and so
much good to be secured for all the world.”
257. The most blessed Lady persevered
in this prayer for a long time, offering to suffer and die, if
necessary, for the welfare of the holy Church and the conversion of
Saul. As in his infinite wisdom her divine Son had foreseen this
mediation of his beloved Mother, He descended from Heaven and
appeared to Her in person, while She was praying in the retirement of
her oratory. He said to Her: “My beloved Mother, in whom I find
the fulfillment of all my will and pleasure, what are thy requests?
Tell Me what thou wishest?” As usual She prostrated Herself in
the presence of her divine Son and adoring Him as the true God, said:
“My highest Lord, far in advance dost Thou know the hearts and
the thoughts of thy creatures, and my desires are open to thy eyes.
My petitions are those of one knowing thy infinite charity for men,
of the mother of thy Church, the advocate of sinners and thy slave.
If I have received all from Thee without my merit, I cannot fear to
be unheard in my desires for thy glory. I ask, O my Son, that Thou
look upon the affliction of thy Church; and that, like a loving
Father, Thou hasten the relief of thy children engendered by thy most
precious blood.”
258. The Lord delighted in the voice
and clamors of his most loving Mother and Spouse; and therefore He
asked more particularly, as if ignorant of what She desired Him to
grant and what beforehand could not be denied to her great merits and
love. In these ruses of love Christ our Lord continued for some time
conversing with his sweetest Mother, while She pleaded for the end of
persecution and the conversion of Saul. Among other things He said:
“My Mother, if in my mercy I show clemency to Saul, how shall
my justice be satisfied, since Saul persists in the deepest unbelief
and malice and with all his heart serves my enemies for the
destruction of my Church and the blotting out of my name from the
face of the earth, thus meriting my wrath and chastisement?” To
this argument, which was so conclusive on the side of justice, the
Mother of mercy and wisdom was not at a loss for response, and She
answered: “My Lord and eternal God, my Son, the turgid floods
of guilt in Saul were not sufficient to extinguish the fire of thy
divine love, when, as Thou hast thyself manifested to me, Thou didst
choose Paul as thy Apostle and as a vase of election, acceptable to
thy divine mind and worthy to be written in thy memory. More powerful
and efficacious were thy infinite mercies, by which Thou hast founded
thy beloved Church, and therefore I do not ask anything, which Thou
thyself hast not resolved upon beforehand; but I grieve, my Son, that
this soul should proceed to greater length for the ruin and perdition
of itself and of others (if it can be like that of others), and that
a hindrance should be placed to the glory of thy name, to the joy of
the angels and saints, to the consolation of the just, to the
confidence afforded to sinners, and to the confusion of thy enemies.
Do not then, my Son and Lord, despise the prayers of thy Mother; let
thy divine decrees be executed and let me see thy name magnified; for
the time and the occasion are opportune and my heart cannot suffer
such a blessing to be delayed.”
259. During this appeal the charity
in the bosom of the most chaste Virgin Queen broke out into such a
flame. that without a doubt it would have consumed her natural life,
if the Lord had not preserved Her by the miraculous interference of
his almighty power. Although in order to enjoy the delight of the
excessive love of this Creature, He permitted his blessed Mother to
suffer some sensible pain and, as it were, to fall into a kind of
swoon, yet her Son, who according to our way of understanding, could
not longer resist the love which wounded his heart, consoled and
restored Her by yielding to her prayers. He said: “My Mother,
chosen among all creatures, let thy will be done without delay. I
will do with Saul as Thou askest, and will so change him, that from
this moment he will be a defender of the Church which he persecutes,
and a preacher of my name and glory. I shall now proceed to receive
him immediately into my friendship and grace.”
260. Thereupon Jesus Christ our Lord
disappeared from the presence of his most blessed Mother leaving Her
still engaged in prayer and furnished with a clear insight into what
was to happen. Shortly afterward the Lord appeared to Saul on the
road near Damascus, whither, in his ever increasing fury against
Jesus, his accelerated journey had already brought him. The Lord
showed himself to Saul in a resplendent cloud amid immense glory, and
at the same time Saul was flooded with divine light without and
within, and his heart and senses were overwhelmed beyond power of
resistance (Acts 9, 4). He fell suddenly from his horse to the ground
and at the same time he heard a voice from on high saying: “Saul,
Saul, why dost thou persecute Me?” Full of fear and
consternation he answered: “Who art Thou, Lord?” The
voice replied: “I am Jesus whom thou persecutest; it is hard
for thee to kick against the goad of my omnipotence.” Again
Saul answered with greater fear and trembling: “Lord, what dost
Thou command and desire to do with me?” The companions of Saul
heard these questions and answers, though they did not see the
Savior. They saw the splendor surrounding him and all of them were
filled with dread and astonishment at this sudden and unthought-of
event, and they were for some time dumbfounded.
261. This new wonder, surpassing all
that had been seen in the world before, was greater and more
far-reaching than what could be taken in by the senses. For Saul was
not only prostrated in body, blinded and bereft of his strength so
that, if the divine power had not sustained him, he would have
immediately expired; but also as to his interior he suffered more of
a change than when he passed from nothingness into existence at his
conception, farther removed from what he was before than light from
darkness, or the highest heaven from the lowest earth; for he was
changed from an image of the demon to that of one of the highest and
most ardent seraphim. This triumph over Lucifer and his demons had
been especially reserved by God for his divine Wisdom and
Omnipotence; so that, in virtue of the Passion and Death of Christ
this dragon and his malice might be vanquished by the human nature of
one man, in whom the effects of grace and Redemption were set in
opposition to the sin of Lucifer and all its effects. Thus it
happened that in the same short time, in which Lucifer through pride
was changed from an angel to a devil, the power of Christ changed
Saul from a demon into an angel in grace. In the angelic nature the
highest beauty turned into the deepest ugliness; and in the human
nature the greatest perversity into the highest moral perfection.
Lucifer descended as the enemy of God from heaven to the deepest
abyss of the earth, and a man ascended as a friend of God from the
earth to the highest heaven.
262. And since this triumph would not
have been sufficiently glorious, if the Lord had not given more than
Lucifer had lost, the Omnipotent wished to add in saint Paul an
additional triumph to his victory over the demon. For Lucifer,
although he fell from that exceedingly high grace which he had
received, had never possessed beatific vision, nor had he made
himself worthy of it, and hence could not lose what he did not
possess. But Paul, immediately on disposing himself for justification
and on gaining grace, began to partake of glory and clearly saw the
Divinity, though this vision was gradual. O invincible virtue of the
divine power! O infinite efficacy of the merits of the life and death
of Christ! It was certainly reasonable and just, that if the malice
of sin in one instant changed the angel into a demon, that the grace
of the Redeemer should be more powerful and abound more than sin
(Rom. 5, 20), raising up from it a man, not only to place him into
original grace, but into glory. Greater is this wonder than the
creation of heaven and earth with all the creatures; greater than to
give sight to the blind, health to the sick, life to the dead. Let us
congratulate the sinners on the hope inspired by this wonderful
justification, since we have for our Restorer, for our Father, and
for our Brother the same Lord, who justified Paul; and He is not less
powerful nor less holy for us, than for saint Paul.
263. During the time in which Paul
lay prostrate upon the earth, he was entirely renewed by sanctifying
grace and other infused gifts, restored and illumined proportionately
in all his interior faculties, and thus he was prepared to be
elevated to the empyrean heaven, which is called the third heaven. He
himself confesses, that he did not know whether he was thus elevated
in body or only in spirit (I Cor. 12, 4). But there, by more than
ordinary vision, though in a transient manner, he saw the Divinity
clearly and intuitively. Besides the being of God and his attributes
of infinite perfection, he recognized the mystery of the Incarnation
and Redemption, and all the secrets of the law of grace and of the
state of the Church. He saw the peerless blessing of his
justification and of the prayer of saint Stephen for him; and still
more clearly was he made aware of the prayers of the most holy Mary
and how his conversion had been hastened through Her; and that, after
Christ, her merits had made him acceptable in the sight of God. From
that hour on he was filled with gratitude and with deepest veneration
and devotion to the great Queen of heaven, whose dignity was now
manifest to him and whom he thenceforth acknowledged as his Restorer.
At the same time he recognized the office of Apostle to which he was
called, and that in it he was to labor and suffer unto death. In
conjunction with these mysteries were revealed to him many others, of
which he himself says that they are not to be disclosed (II Cor. 7,
4). He offered himself in sacrifice to the will of God in all things,
as he showed afterwards in the course of his life. The most blessed
Trinity accepted this sacrifice and offering of his lips and in the
presence of the whole court of heaven named and designated him as the
preacher and teacher of the gentiles, and as a vase of election for
carrying through the world the name of the Most High.
264. For the blessed in heaven this
day was one of great accidental joy and jubilee, and all of them
composed new songs of praise and exaltation of the divine power for
such a rare and extraordinary miracle. If at the conversion of any
sinner they are filled with joy (Luke 15, 7), with what joy were they
not filled at seeing the greatness of the Lord’s mercy thus
manifested and such an immense blessing conferred upon all the
mortals for the glory of his holy Church? Saul came out of his
rapture changed into Paul; and rising from the ground he seemed to be
blind and could not see the light of the sun. His companions brought
him to Damascus to the house of one of his acquaintances and there to
the admiration of all, he remained three days without eating or
drinking engaged in earnest prayer. He prostrated himself on the
ground and, as he was now in a state to deplore his sins, with
deepest sorrow and detestation of his past life, he prayed: “Woe
is me, in what darkness and blindness have I lived, and how far have
I hastened on the way of eternal perdition. O infinite love! O
charity without measure! O infinite sweetness of the eternal bounty!
Who, O my Lord and God, has induced Thee to act thus toward me the
vile worm of the earth, thy enemy and blasphemer? But who could
induce Thee except thyself and the prayers of thy Mother and Spouse?
When I in blindness and darkness persecuted Thee, Thou, most kind
Lord, camest to meet me. While I was busy shedding the innocent blood
which shall always cry out against me, Thou, the God of mercies,
didst wash and purify me with thy own and make me a partaker of thy
ineffable Divinity. How shall I praise eternally such unheard of
mercies? How shall I sufficiently bewail a life so hateful in thy
eyes? The heavens and the earth proclaim thy glory. I shall preach
thy holy name and shall defend it in the midst of thy enemies.”
Such and other aspirations saint Paul repeated with matchless sorrow
and with acts of the most ardent charity and with the deepest and
most humble gratitude.
265. On the third day after the
disablement and conversion of Saul the Lord spoke in a vision to one
of the disciples, Ananias, living in Damascus (Acts 9, 10). Calling
him by name as his servant and friend, the Lord told him to go to the
house of a man named Judas in a certain district of the city and
there to find Saul of Tarsus, whom he would find engaged in prayer.
At the same time Saul had also a vision, in which he saw and
recognized the disciple Ananias coming to him and restoring sight to
him by the imposition of hands. But of this vision of Saul, Ananias
at that time had no knowledge. Therefore he answered: “Lord, I
have information of this man having persecuted thy saints in
Jerusalem and caused a great slaughter of them in Jerusalem; and not
satisfied with this, he has now come with warrants from the
high-priests in order to seize whomever he can find invoking thy holy
name. Dost thou then send a simple sheep like myself to go in search
of the wolf, that desires to devour it ?” The Lord replied:
“Go, for the one thou judgest to be my enemy, is for Me a vase
of election, in order that he may carry my name through all the
nations and kingdoms, and to the children of Israel. And I can, as I
shall, assign to him what he is to suffer for my name.” And the
disciple was at once informed of all that had happened.
266. Relying on this word of the
Lord, Ananias obeyed and betook himself at once to the house, in
which saint Paul then was. He found him in prayer and said to him:
“Brother Saul, our Lord Jesus, who appeared to thee on thy
journey, sends me in order that thou mayest receive thy sight and be
filled with the Holy Ghost.” He received holy Communion at the
hands of Ananias and was strengthened and made whole, giving thanks
to the Author of all these blessings. Then he partook of some
corporal nourishment, of which he had not tasted for three days. He
remained for some time in Damascus, conferring and conversing with
the disciples in that city. He prostrated himself at their feet
asking their pardon and begging them to receive him as their servant
and brother, even as the least and most unworthy of them all. At
their approval and counsel he went forth publicly to preach Christ as
the Messias and Redeemer of the world and with such fervor, wisdom
and zeal, that he brought confusion to the unbelieving Jews in the
numerous synagogues of Damascus. All wondered at this unexpected
change and, in great astonishment, said: Is not this the man, who in
Jerusalem has persecuted with fire and sword all who invoke that
name? And has he not come to bring them prisoners to the chief
priests of that city? What change then is this, which we see in him?
267. Saint Paul grew stronger each
day and with increasing force continued his preaching to the
gathering of the Jews and gentiles. Accordingly they schemed to take
away his life and then happened, what we shall touch upon later. The
miraculous conversion of saint Paul took place one year and one month
after the martyrdom of saint Stephen, on the twenty-fifth of January,
the same day on which the Church celebrates that feast; and it was in
the year thirty-six of the birth of our Lord; because saint Stephen,
as is said in chapter the twelfth, died completing his thirty-fourth
year and one day of his thirty-fifth; whereas the conversion of saint
Paul took place after he had completed one month of the thirty-sixth;
and then saint James departed on his missionary journey, as I will
say in its place.
268. Let us return to our great Queen
and Lady of the angels, who by means of her vision knew all that was
happening to Saul; his first and most unhappy state of mind, his fury
against the name of Christ, his sudden casting down and its cause,
his conversion, and above all his extraordinary and miraculous
elevation to the empyrean heaven and vision of God, besides all the
rest, that happened to him in Damascus. This knowledge was not only
proper and due to Her, because She was the Mother of the Lord and of
his holy Church and the instrument of this great wonder; but also
because She alone could properly estimate this miracle, even more so
than saint Paul and more than the whole mystical body of the Church;
for it was not just, that such an unheard of blessing and such a
prodigious work of the Omnipotent should remain without recognition
and gratitude among mortals. This the most blessed Mary rendered in
all plenitude and She was the first One, who celebrated this solemn
event with the acknowledgment due to it from the whole human race.
The holy Mother invited all her holy angels and many others from
heaven, who, forming into alternate choirs, sang with Her canticles
of praise in exaltation of the power, wisdom and liberal mercy of the
Almighty toward Paul; and others on the merits of her most holy Son,
in virtue of which this conversion, so full of prodigies and
miracles, had been wrought. By this thanksgiving and fidelity of most
holy Mary the Most High (according to our way of understanding such
things), as it were, compensated Himself for having so highly favored
the Church in this conversion of saint Paul.
269. But let us not pass over in
silence the reflections of the new Apostle concerning what the
kindest Mother might think of him now, and must have thought of him
as such an enemy and persecutor of her most holy Son and his
disciples, intent on the destruction of the Church. The loving
conjectures of saint Paul in this matter arose not so much from
ignorance, as from his humility and veneration toward the Mother of
Jesus. But he did not know that the great Lady was cognizant of all
that had happened in connection with him. Although from this newly
acquired knowledge of heavenly things in God he had recognized Her as
his most kind Helper in his conversion and salvation; yet the
wickedness of his past life abashed, humiliated and somewhat
frightened him, as one unworthy of the favor of such a Mother, whose
Son he had persecuted so furiously and blindly. It seemed to him that
for the pardoning of such grave sins an infinite mercy was necessary,
and Mary was a mere creature. On the other hand, he was encouraged by
the thought, that She, in imitation of her Son, had pardoned his
executioners. The disciples also told him, how kind and sweet She was
with sinners and the needy; and then he was inflamed with the ardent
desire of seeing Her and he resolved in his mind to throw himself at
her feet and to kiss the ground whereon She walked. But immediately
he was again overcome by shame at the thought of appearing before
Her, who was the true Mother of Jesus, still in mortal flesh and so
deeply wronged by his conduct. He discussed within himself, whether
he should not ask Her to punish him, because that would be some sort
of satisfaction; yet again this vengeance seemed foreign to her
gentleness, since She had obtained for him through her prayers such
immense mercy.
270. Amid these and other disquieting
thoughts the Lord permitted saint Paul to suffer a harrowing, yet
sweet sorrow; and at last he said to himself: “Take heart, vile
and sinful man, for without a doubt She will receive and pardon thee,
since She has interceded for thee as the true Mother of Him who died
for thy salvation, and She will act as the Mother of such a Son,
since both of Them are all mercy and kindness and will not despise
the contrite and humble heart” (Ps. 50, 19). The fears and
doubts of saint Paul were not hidden from the heavenly Mother; for
She knew all through her exalted science. She knew also that the
Apostle would not find an occasion to see Her for a long time. Moved
by her maternal love and compassion, She would not permit this
consolation to be postponed to such a distant period. Therefore, in
order to bring it to him from Jerusalem, She called one of her angels
and said to him: “Heavenly spirit and minister of my Son and
Lord, I am moved to compassion at the sorrow and trouble in the
humble heart of Paul. I beg thee, my angel, go immediately to
Damascus and console and comfort him in his fears. Congratulate him
on his good fortune and remind him of the thanks he owes eternally to
my Son and Lord for the clemency with which He has drawn him to his
friendship and chosen him as his Apostle. Tell him, that never has
such mercy been shown to any man as to him. And in my own name tell
him, that I shall aid him as a Mother in all his labors and serve him
as the Handmaid of all the Apostles and ministers of the name and
doctrine of my Son. Give him my blessing in the name of Him, who
condescended to assume flesh in my womb and to be nursed at my
271. The holy angel immediately
fulfilled the commission of his Queen and quickly appeared to saint
Paul, who had remained in continued prayer; for this happened on the
day after his Baptism and on the fourth after his conversion. The
angel manifested himself in human form, wonderfully beautiful and
resplendent, and fulfilled all the orders of Mary. Saint Paul
listened to his message with incomparable humility, reverence, and
joy of spirit, and thus replied to the angel: “Minister of the
omnipotent and eternal God, I, the most vile of men, beseech thee,
sweetest heavenly spirit, do thou, according as thou seest me
indebted to the condescending mercy of the infinite God, give Him
thanks and due praise, for having so undeservedly marked me with the
character and divine light of his children. The more I flew from his
immense bounty, the more He followed me and advanced to meet me; when
I delivered myself over to death, He gave me life; when I persecuted
Him as an enemy, He raised me to his grace and friendship,
recompensing the greatest injuries with the most extraordinary
blessings. No one ever rendered himself so hateful and abominable as
I; yet no one was so freely pardoned and favored (I Tim. 1, 13). He
snatched me from the mouth of the lion in order that I might be one
of the sheep of his flock. Thou art a witness of it all, my lord;
help me to be eternally grateful. And I beseech thee, tell the Mother
of mercy and my Lady, that this her unworthy slave lies prostrate at
her feet, adoring the ground on which they tread and with a contrite
heart asking Her to pardon him for having so daringly sought to
destroy the honor and name of her Son and true God. Beseech Her to
forget my offense and deal with this blasphemous sinner as the Mother
who as a Virgin conceived, brought forth and nursed the Lord, who had
given Her life and had chosen Her for this purpose from amongst all
creatures. I am deserving of chastisement and retribution for so many
sins and I am prepared to suffer all; but I am aware of the clemency
of her heart and I shall not declare myself undesirous of her favor
and protection. Let Her receive me as a child of the Church which She
loves so much. All the days of my life I shall devote myself entirely
to its increase and defense and to the service of Her, whom I
recognize as my salvation and as the Mother of grace.”
272. The holy angel returned with
this answer to the most blessed Mary; and although in her wisdom She
well knew it, he repeated it to Her, She heard it with an especial
joy and again gave thanks and praise to the Most High for the works
of his divine right hand in the new Apostle saint Paul, and for the
benefits which would result therefrom to his holy Church and the
faithful. Of the confusion and rout of the demons at the conversion
of saint Paul, and of many other secrets made known to me concerning
the malice of the devils I shall speak, as far as possible, in the
next chapter.
273. My daughter, none of the
faithful should be ignorant of the fact, that the Most High could
have drawn and converted saint Paul without resorting to such
miracles of his infinite power. But He made use of them in order to
show men, how much his bounty is inclined to pardon them and raise
them to his friendship and grace, and in order to teach them, by the
example of this great Apostle, how they, on their part, should
cooperate and respond to his calls. Many souls the Lord wakes up and
urges on by his inspiration and help. Many do respond and justify
themselves through the Sacraments of the Church; but not all
persevere in their justification and still a fewer number follow it
up or strive after perfection: beginning in spirit, they relax, and
finish in the flesh. The cause of their want of perseverance in grace
and relapse into their sins is their not imitating the spirit of
saint Paul at his conversion, when he exclaimed: “Lord, what is
it Thou wishest with me, and what shall I do for Thee?” If some
of them proclaim this sentiment with their lips, it is not from their
whole heart, and they always retain some love of themselves, of
honor, of possessions, of sensual pleasure or of some occasion of
sin, and thus they soon again stumble and fall.
274. But the Apostle was a true and
living example of one converted by the light of grace, not only
because he passed from an extreme of sin into that of wonderful grace
and friendship of God; but also because he cooperated to his utmost
with the call of God, departing at once and entirely from all his
evil dispositions and selfseeking and placing himself entirely at the
disposal of the divine will and pleasure. This total denegation of
self and surrender to the will of God is contained in those words:
“Lord, what dost Thou wish to do with me?” and in it
consisted, as far as depended upon him, all his salvation. As he
pronounced them with all the sincerity of a contrite and humbled
heart, he renounced his own will and delivered himself over to that
of the Lord, resolved from that moment forward to permit none of his
faculties of mind or sense to serve the animal or sensual life into
which he had strayed. He delivered himself over to the service of the
Almighty in whatever manner or direction should become known to him
as being the divine will, ready to execute it without delay or
questioning. And this he immediately set about by entering the city
and obeying the command of the Lord given through the disciple
Ananias. As the Most High searches the secrets of the human heart, He
saw the sincerity, with which saint Paul corresponded to his vocation
and yielded to his divine will and disposition. He not only received
him with great pleasure, but multiplied exceedingly his graces, gifts
and wonderful favors, which even Paul would not have received or ever
have merited without this entire submission to the wishes of the
275. Conformably to these truths, my
daughter, I desire thee to execute fully my oft-repeated commands and
exhortations, that thou forget the visible, the apparent and
deceitful. Repeat very often, and more with the heart than with the
lips those words of saint Paul: “Lord, what dost Thou wish to
do with me?” For as soon as thou beginnest to do anything of
thy own choice, it will not be true, that thou seekest solely the
will of the Lord. The instrument has no motion or action except that
imparted to it by the artisan; and if it had its own will, it would
be able to resist and act contrary to the will of the one using it.
The same holds true between God and the soul: for, if it entertains
any desire of its own independently of God, it will militate against
the pleasure of the Lord. As He keeps inviolate the liberty of action
conceded to man, He will permit it to lead man astray, as soon as he
decides for himself without reference to the direction of his Maker.
276. And since it is not proper that
the doings of creatures in this mortal life should be miraculously
governed by the divine power, God, in order that men might not
advance false excuses, has implanted a law into their hearts and also
constituted his holy Church, in order that they might know the divine
will and regulate their conduct in the fulfilling of it. Moreover,
for additional security, He has appointed superiors and ministers in
his Church, in order that hearing and obeying them, men might obey
the Lord in them. All this security thou, my dearest, possessest in
fullness, so that thou shouldst neither admit of any movement,
thought, desire of thy own, nor fulfill thy own will in anything
independently of the will and direction of him who has charge of thy
soul; for him the Lord sends to thee, just as He sent Ananias to
saint Paul. Moreover thou art in a particular manner obliged to this
obedience, because the Most High looks upon thee with an especial
love and grace and desires to use thee as an instrument in his hands,
assists thee, governs thee, and moves thee directly as well as
indirectly through me and his holy angels; and all this He continues
to do faithfully, as is well known to thee. Consider then, how much
reason thou hast to die to thy own desires and live only for the will
of God, and that it alone should give life to all thy actions and
operations. Cut short therefore all thy reflections and self-reliance
and remember, that, even if thou shouldst have the wisdom of the most
learned, the counsel of the most prudent, and the natural
intelligence of the angels, thou couldst, with all this, know how to
execute his will far less perfectly than by resigning and leaving all
to his divine pleasure. He alone knows what is suitable to thee and
seeks it with an eternal love; He chose thy ways and governs thee in
them. Permit thyself to be guided by his divine light, without losing
time in doing thy duty; for in this delay lurks the danger of erring,
and in my doctrine lie all security and success. Write it in thy
heart and fulfill it with all thy strength, in order that thou mayest
merit my intercession and, through it, to be brought near to the Most
Chapter XV
277. By the abundant testimony of
holy Scriptures and later, by the teaching of the holy doctors and
masters of the spiritual life, the whole Catholic Church and all its
children are informed of the malice and most vigilant cruelty of hell
against all men in seeking to draw them to the eternal torments. From
the same sources we know also how the infinite power of God defends
us, so that, if we wish to avail ourselves of his invincible
friendship and protection, and if we on our part make ourselves
worthy of the merits of Christ our Savior, we shall walk securely on
the path of eternal salvation. In order to assure us in this hope and
to console us, all the holy Scriptures, as saint Paul assures us,
were written. But at the same time we must exert ourselves, lest our
hopes be made vain through want of our co-operation. Hence saint Paul
joins one with the other; for, having admonished us to throw all our
care upon the Lord who is solicitous for us, he adds immediately: Be
sober and watch, because your adversary the devil goes about like a
roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
278. These and other advices of the
sacred Scripture are given both in general and for each one in
particular. And although from them and from continued experience the
children of the Church might arrive at a more definite and particular
knowledge of the attacks and persecutions of the devils against all
men; yet, because in their earthliness and gross sensuality they are
accustomed to attend only to what they perceive by the senses and
never lift their thoughts to higher things, they live in a false
security, ignoring the inhuman and hidden cruelty with which the
devils solicit and draw them to perdition and therein succeed. Men
are ignorant also of the divine protection by which they are
surrounded and defended; and like ignorant persons, they neither give
thanks for this blessing, nor pay any attention to their danger. Woe
is to the earth, says saint John in the Apocalypse (Apoc. 12, 12),
because satan has come down to you with great indignation of his
wrath. This lamenting voice the Evangelist heard in heaven, where, if
the saints could feel sorrow, they certainly would feel it for us on
account of the hidden war, which our powerful, and mortally enraged
enemy wages against men. But although the saints cannot feel sorrow,
they pity us for this danger; while we, sunk in a formidable lethargy
and forgetfulness, have neither sorrow nor compassion for ourselves.
In order to rouse from their torpor those that read this history, I
understand, that throughout the course of these revelations I have
been enlightened concerning the hidden schemes of malice concocted by
the demons against the mysteries of Christ, against the Church and
her children. These I have described in many passages, particularly
dilating upon some of the secrets of this terrible war against men,
which the devils wage in order to draw us to their side. On this
present occasion of the conversion of saint Paul, the Lord has shown
to me this truth more openly, enabling me to describe and make known
the continual combat and strife, which goes on, unperceived by our
senses, between our angels and the demons, and to make known the
manner in which we are defended by the divine power, either through
our angels, or through the most blessed Mary, or directly by Christ
or the omnipotence of God.
279. Of the altercations and
contentions of the holy angels in defending us against the hellish
envy and malice of the demons the holy Scriptures contain the most
clear testimony, to which, for my purpose, it will suffice merely to
refer. Well known is what the holy Apostle Judas Thaddeus says in his
canonical letter : that saint Michael contended with the devil
against his design of making known the resting-place of the body of
Moses, whom the holy archangel, at the command of God, had buried in
a place concealed from the Jews. Lucifer wished to make it known, in
order to tempt the Jews to fall away from the lawful worship into
idolatry by inducing them to offer sacrifices at his sepulchre; but
saint Michael opposed the attempt of satan to reveal it. The enmity
of Lucifer and his demons against man is as old as their disobedience
against God; and, as said in the first part, their fury and cruelty,
after they had come to know that the eternal Word was to take flesh
and to be born of that Woman clothed with the sun (Apoc. 12, 1), are
proportionate to their rebellious pride against God. Because the
proud angel rejected these decrees of God and would not bow his neck
in obedience, he conceived this hatred against God and his creatures.
As he cannot vent it upon the Omnipotent, he executes it upon the
works of his right hand. Besides this, possessing the nature of an
angel, he resolves irrevocably and never ceases to strive after what
he has once determined to attain; hence, although changing the means
to attain his end, he never changes his will in regard to persecuting
mankind. On the contrary his hatred has increased and will increase
in proportion to the favors lavished by God upon the just and upon
the holy children of his Church, and in proportion to the victories
gained by the seed of that Woman, his Enemy, in whom God had
threatened to crush his head, while he should be able to do no more
than lie in ambush at her heels (Gen. 3, 15).
280. Moreover, this fiend is a pure
spirit and is not fatigued or ever in need of rest. Therefore he is
so vigilant in persecuting us, that he commences the combat from the
very first instant of our existence in the mother’s womb and he
does not abate his fury and strife against the soul until it leaves
the body. The saying of Job is verified: that the life of man on
earth is a warfare (Job 7, 1). This battle does not consist merely in
our being born in original sin and therefore subject to the “femes
peccati” and the disorderly passions inclining us to evil; but,
besides fomenting the continual battle within our own selves, the
demon wages war against us on his own account, availing himself of
all his own astuteness and malice, and, as far as his power goes, of
our own senses, faculties, inclinations and passions. Above all he
seeks to make use of other natural causes to deprive us of salvation
together with our life. And if he does not succeed in this, he misses
no chance of causing us damage or leading us into sin and robbing us
of grace, even from the moment of our conception until that of our
death. Hence so long must last also our defense.
281. All this, especially with the
children of the Church, happens in the following manner. As soon as
the demons suspect that the conception of a human body is to take
place, he first notes the intention of the parents, and whether they
are in the state of grace or not, or whether they have committed any
excess in the act of generation; he studies also the complexion of
the humors of their bodies, for ordinarily these humors influence
also those of the body generated. The demons also take note of the
particular as well as of the general natural causes and conditions of
nature, which unite in bringing about the generation and the
organization of the human body. From these different concurring
elements of generation, the demons, with their vast experience, judge
as much as possible of the complexion or inclinations of the one
conceived and they are wont to layout great plans for future action.
If they fear good results, they seek to hinder as much as possible
the last generation or infusion of the soul, waylaying the mother
with dangers or temptations to bring about an abortion before the
creation of the soul, which is ordinarily delayed forty or eighty
days. But as soon as they see God create or infuse the soul, the
wrath of these dragons exerts itself in furious activity to prevent
the creature from issuing to light, and from attaining Baptism, if it
is to be born where this Sacrament can easily be administered. For
this purpose they suggest and tempt the mothers to many disorders and
excesses, whereby the parturition is forced and a premature birth or
the death of the child in the womb might be caused; for among
Catholics and heretics, who still administer Baptism, the demons
content themselves with depriving children of Baptism and thus
withholding them in limbo from the vision of God. Among pagans and
idolaters they are not so solicitous, because among them damnation is
in certain prospect.
282. Against their malign influence
the Most High provides defense and protection in various ways. The
most common is that of his vast and universal Providence, which
insures the proper effects of natural causes in their time,
independently of the perversion or hindrance of the demons. For this
is the limit set to their power. Otherwise, if God would give free
scope to their implacable malice, they would overturn the whole
world. The goodness of the Creator will not allow this, nor does He
wish to deliver over his works or the government of inferior matters,
much less that of men, to his sworn and mortal enemies. For the
demons, in his scheme of the universe, hold the places merely of vile
executioners; and even in this office they do no more than what is
commanded or permitted them. If depraved men would not join hands
with these enemies, entertaining their deceits and by their sins
meriting punishment, all nature would preserve the common order of
cause and effect both in general and in particular; and there would
be no occasion for such great misfortunes and losses among the
faithful, in the diminution of crops, in contagious diseases, in
sudden deaths, and in other devastations invented by the devil. All
these and many other evils, happening even at the birth of children
through vices and disorders, we merit ourselves by uniting with the
demons for our own chastisement and by delivering ourselves over to
their malice.
283. Besides this general providence
of God for the protection of his creatures must be mentioned the
particular protection of the angels, whom, according to David, the
Most High has commanded to bear us up in their hands, lest we stumble
into the slings of satan (Ps. 40, 12); and in another place of holy
Scripture, it is said, that He sends his angels to surround us with
his defense and free us from evils (Ps. 33, 8). This defense, like
the persecution of the devil, commences from the womb in which we
receive being, and continues until our souls are presented at the
tribunal of God to be adjudged to the state merited by each one. At
the moment in which a human being is conceived, the Lord commands the
angels to stand guard over it and its mother. Afterwards, at the
right time, He assigns a particular angel as its guardian, as I said
in the first part of this history (Part I, 114). From the very
beginning the angels enter into violent combat with the demons for
the protection of the souls committed to their care. The demons
contend that they have jurisdiction over the creature, because it is
conceived in sin, a child of malediction, unworthy of grace and
divine favor, and a slave of hell. The angel refutes them by
maintaining that it was conceived according to the laws of nature,
over which hell has no power; that, if it is conceived in sin, it was
due to its human nature, by default of the first parents and not of
its own free will; and that, even if conceived in sin, God has
created it to know, praise and serve Him, and, by virtue of his
Passion, to merit eternal glory; and that these high ends are not to
be frustrated by the mere will of the demons.
284. These enemies also argue, that
in the begetting of the human being its parents had not the proper
intention or rightful purpose, that they committed excess and sin in
the act of generation. This is the strongest argument which the
devils can advance for their right over human creatures yet in the
womb; for without a doubt, sins make the child unworthy of divine
protection and justly hinder its conception. Yet, although this
latter often happens and a number of human beings are conceived
without ever seeing the light, ordinarily the holy angels prevent
such a sad result. If they are legitimate children, the angels
allege, that the parents have received the Sacraments and blessings
of the Church; likewise, that they have some virtues, such as having
given alms, being kind, having practised some devotions or good
works. The holy angels avail themselves of these things as powerful
arms to ward off the devils and defend their charges. Over
illegitimate children the combat waxes more difficult; the enemy
exercises a greater right, because in the begetting of such children,
wherein God has been so grievously offended, the enemies obtain a
greater right and the parents justly deserve rigorous chastisement.
Hence, in defending and preserving illegitimate children, God
manifests his most liberal mercy in a special manner. The angels base
their arguments against the demon on this mercy, and that, after all,
the children are the results of natural causes, as I have said above.
If the parents have no merits of their own, neither any virtues, but
are sullied by sins and vices, then the holy angels refer to the
merits found in the forefathers of the child, in its brothers or
relations; to the prayers of its friends and acquaintances, and that
it is no fault of the child if the parents are sinners or have
committed excess in its generation. They also contend, that those
children, if they live, may reach a high degree of virtue and
holiness, and that the demon has no right to hinder them from
arriving at the knowledge and love of their Creator. Sometimes God
manifests to them his design of choosing them for some great work in
the service of the Church; and then the defense of the angels is most
vigilant and powerful; but also the demons exercise greater fury in
their persecution, being incited thereto by the greater solicitude of
the angels.
285. All these combats, and those we
shall yet speak of, are spiritual, for they take place between pure
spirits. the angels and the demons, and are conducted by weapons
appropriate to the angels and to the Lord. The most effective arms
against the malign spirits are the divine truths and mysteries of the
Divinity and of the most holy Trinity, of Christ the Savior, of the
hypostatic union, of the Redemption, and of the immense love with
which the Lord, as God and man, seeks our eternal salvation; likewise
the holiness and purity of most holy Mary, her mysteries and merits.
All these sacraments they present in ever new aspects to the view of
the demons, so that they are forced to understand and take notice of
them through the activity of the holy angels and of God himself. And
then happens; what saint James says, that the devils believe and
tremble (Jas. 2, 19), for these truths terrify and torment them so
much, that in order not to be obliged to take notice of them, they
take refuge in deepest hell; and they are so tormented by their
horror of the mysteries of Christ, that they are wont to ask God to
take away the knowledge and remembrance of the hypostatic union and
other great wonders of divine love. Hence the angels in their
contentions with them often repeat those words: “Who is like to
God? Who is equal to Christ, the true God and man, who died for the
human race? Who is to be compared to the most holy Mary, our Queen,
who was exempt from all sin, and gave flesh and bodily form to the
eternal Word in her womb, a Virgin before and after?”
286. The persecutions of the demons
and the defense of the angels continue at the birth of the child. At
that hour the mortal hatred of this serpent exceeds itself,
especially with those children who might receive Baptism; because he
strives to hinder it by any means in his power. Hence the innocence
of the infant cries loudly to the Lord in the words of Ezechias:
“Lord, I suffer violence, answer Thou for me” (Isaias 38,
14). For it seems, that the angels, after the child has left the
shelter of its mother’s womb and is unable either to protect
itself or to secure from its elders sufficient protection against so
many perils, are filled with great anxiety and thus begin to solicit
for it direct interference of God. Hence the care of the elders is
very often supplemented by that of the holy angels, shielding the
child in its sleep, when alone, and in other situations, in which
many children would perish, if they were not protected by their
angels. All of us, that attain the happiness of receiving Baptism and
Confirmation, possess in these Sacraments a most powerful defense
against the attacks of hell; because through them we are marked as
children of the holy Church, being regenerated to justification as
children of God and heirs of glory. The virtues of faith, hope and
charity, and other virtues, adorn and strengthen us to good works,
and we participate in the other sacraments and suffrages of the
Church, wherein the merits of Christ and his saints, and all the
other great blessings are applied to us. If we would avail ourselves
of these advantages, we would vanquish the demon, and hell would have
no part in any of the children of the Church.
287. But, 0 sad misfortune, that
there should be so few who on arriving at the use of reason do not
lose the grace of Baptism and join hands with the demon against their
God! In view of this it would seem just, that we should be deprived
and cut off from the protection of his Providence and of his holy
angels. He however does not act thus: on the contrary, at the time
when we begin to be unworthy of it, He meets us with greater kindness
in order to manifest in us the riches of his infinite bounty. Words
cannot describe what and how great are the astuteness and diligence
of the demon in order to ruin man by inducing him to commit some sin,
as soon as he comes to the years of discretion and the use of reason.
For this they prepare from afar, seeking to accustom them to vicious
actions during the years of their infancy; to present to their ears
and eyes the example of evil conduct in their parents, their nurses,
and older companions; to make the parents neglectful in counteracting
this bad example. For in this tender age, like in soft wax on the
unwritten tablet, all sensible impressions are deeply engraved and
thus afford the demons an opportunity to move the inclinations and
passions of the children; and it is well known, that men ordinarily
follow these inclinations and passions, unless prevented by special
influences. Hence these children, coming to the use of reason, will
follow the bent of the inclinations and passions in regard to
sensible pleasures, with which their imagination and phantasy are
filled. As soon as they fall into some sin, the demon immediately
takes possession of their souls, acquiring new right and power for
drawing them into other sins.
288. Not less active is the diligence
and care of the holy angels to prevent such damage and defend us from
the devil. They frequently inspire the parents with holy thoughts,
urging them to watch over the education of their children, to
catechize them in the law of God, to enjoin upon them pious works and
devotions, to withdraw from evil and exercise themselves in the
virtues. The same good thoughts they instil into the children as they
grow up, or according to the light given them by God as to his
intentions with the souls. In conducting this defense they enter into
great disputes with the demons; because those malign spirits allege
all the sins of the parents against the children and likewise the
wrongful doings of the children themselves; for if they are not
guilty, the demons claim that their actions are the result of his own
activity and therefore that he has a right to continue them in their
souls. If the child, on coming to the use of reason, commences to
sin, they put up a great fight to prevent the good angels from
withdrawing them from evil. The good angels on their part allege the
virtues of the parents and forefathers, and the good actions of the
children themselves. Even if it were no more than that of having
pronounced the name of Jesus or Mary as taught them by their parents,
they bring this as a defense as their having begun to honor the name
of their Lord and of their Mother; and likewise, if they practice
other devotions, or know the Christian prayers and recite them. Of
all this the angels avail themselves as serviceable arms in our
defense against the demon; for with each good action we rob the
devils of some of the right acquired over us by original sin, and
still more by actual sin.
289. As soon as man enters into the
use of his reason the battle between the demons and the angels
becomes still more bitter; for whenever we commit some sin, the
dragon exerts all his powers to deprive us of our lives before we
have time to do penance and thus to seal our eternal damnation. In
order that we may commit new crimes, he besets all our ways with
slings and dangers peculiar to each one’s state of life, and he
overlooks-none of us, although he does not tempt one as dangerously
as the other. But if men would see into these secret workings of the
demons just as they happen, and if they could perceive the traps and
pitfalls, which of their own fault they permit the demon to prepare
for them, all would live in trembling and fear, many would change
their state of life, or would refuse to enter upon it, others would
forsake the positions, offices and dignities, which they now esteem
so highly. But in ignorance of their risk, they live on in pernicious
security; they do not know enough to understand or believe more than
is evident to their senses and therefore they do not fear the hellish
traps and pitfalls set for their ruin. Hence the number of fools is
so great, and that of the truly prudent and wise so small; many are
called and few are chosen; the wicked and the sinners are countless,
while the virtuous and the perfect are very scarce. In proportion as
any one multiplies his sins, in that proportion the devil acquires
positive rights over his soul, and if he cannot put an end to the
life of his victim, he at least seeks to treat him as his vile slave.
For he claims, that each day this soul becomes more his own, and that
of its own will it so chooses; that therefore it cannot justly be
snared from his hands, nor deserve the assistance which it will not
accept; that the merits of Christ should not be applied to it, when
it spurns them; that it should not benefit from the intercession of
the saints, when it entirely forgets them.
290. By these and other pretenses,
which cannot be all mentioned here, the devil tries to cut short the
time of penance for those whom he claims as his own. If he does not
succeed in this, he tries to block the way of their justification;
and his attempts are successful with many souls. But the protection
of God and of the holy angels is wanting to none of us and thus we
are delivered from dangers of death by innumerable ways; and this is
so certain that there is scarcely anyone, who could not verify it in
the course of his life. They furnish us with ceaseless inspirations
and warnings; they make us of all occasions and means available for
our admonishment and exhortation. What is still more valuable, they
defend us against the rabid fury of the demons and set in motion
against them all that the intellect of an angel or of a blessed
spirit can devise, and all that their power and their most ardent
charity can command for our safety. All this is necessary many times
for some souls and at times for all the souls, who have delivered
themselves over to the jurisdiction of the demons and who use their
liberty and their faculties only for such temerity. I do not speak of
the pagans, the idolaters and heretics. These indeed, the angels
likewise defend and inspire to the practice of the moral virtues,
which they afterwards use as arguments against the devils; but
ordinarily the most they do for them is to protect their lives, in
order that God, having allowed them so much time for their
conversion, may be justified in his behavior toward them. The angels
also labor to prevent them from committing such great sins as the
demons incite them to; for the charity of the angels exerts itself,
so that at least they may not incur such great punishments, as the
malice of the demons seeks to fasten upon them.
291. Within the mystical communion of
the Church however are fought the hardest battles between the angels
and the demons, according to the different state of souls. All its
members they commonly defend with the ordinary weapons furnished them
by the sacramental character impressed upon the soul in Baptism, by
grace, by virtues, by the performance of good and meritorious works,
by devotions to the saints, by the prayers of the just, and by all
the good movements Catholics may have during their life. This defense
of the just is most powerful; for since they are in grace and
friendship of God, the angels obtain a greater right against the
demons, and thus they rout them by showing up the holiness and
perfection of these souls, which are so formidable to the powers of
hell; and therefore this by itself ought to cause us to esteem grace
beyond all creation. There are other lukewarm and imperfect souls who
fall into sin and occasionally rise again. Against these the demons
obtain more power to persecute them with their cruelty. But the holy
angels strenuously exert themselves in their defense, so that, as
Isaias tells us (Is. 42, 3) ; the broken reed may not be crushed, and
the smoking flax be not entirely extinguished.
292. There are other souls so unhappy
and depraved, that during their whole life after their Baptism they
have not performed one good work; or if they have ever risen from
sin, they have returned to it with such eagerness, that they seemed
to have renounced their God, living and acting as if they had no hope
of another life, no fear of hell, no repentance for any of their
sins. In these souls there is no vitality of grace, no attempt at
true virtue, nor have the holy angels any good or available grounds
for their defense. The demons cry out: This soul at least is
altogether ours, subject to our commands, and has no part in grace.
They point out to the good angels all the sins, wickedness and vices
of such souls, which of their own free will serve such evil masters.
What then passes between the angels and the demons is incredible and
indescribable; because the demons exert all their fury to prevent
such souls from receiving inspirations and helps. As they cannot
resist the divine power, they seek at least with all their power to
hinder them from attending or yielding to the call of heaven. With
such souls ordinarily it happens, that whenever God himself or
through his holy angels sends them a holy inspiration or movement,
these demons must first be put to flight and the soul snatched from
their midst, lest these birds of prey immediately pounce upon and
destroy the holy seed. This defense the angels usually conduct with
the words, which I have quoted above:
“Who is like
unto God, that dwells on high? Who like Christ, at the right hand of
the eternal Father? Who is like to the most holy Mary?”
together with other sayings, before which the infernal dragons take
flight; sometimes they are thereby hurled back into hell, although,
not abating in their fury, they again return to the conflict.
293. The hellish foes also strive
with all their force to induce men to multiply their sins, in order
that the measure of their sins may so much the sooner be complete and
their time of penance and of life may come to an end; for then the
demons would be enabled to carry them off to eternal torments. But
the angels, who are rejoiced by the repentance of sinners (Luke 8,
12), even though they may not be able to bring them to repentance,
labor diligently to do away with occasions of sin and to lessen the
number of sins or prevent them altogether. And when, with all their
efforts, unknown to mortals, they cannot bring back the souls from
sin, they resort to the intercession of the most holy Mother of God,
asking Her to be their Mediatrix with the Lord and lend her aid in
confounding the demons. In order to move her merciful kindness the
sooner, they induce the souls of sinners to practice some special
devotion or perform some service in honor of the great Lady. Although
it is true, that all good works performed in the state of sin are
dead and very weak weapons against the devil, yet they always retain
some remote appropriateness, on account of the good end in view; and
thus the sinner is less indisposed toward grace than without them.
Moreover these good works, when presented by the angels and
especially by the heavenly Mother, possess, in the eyes of the Lord,
a certain life, or the resemblance of it, altogether different from
that given to them by the sinners; and therefore though He does not
bind Himself to respond to them He nevertheless does it on account of
the One so asking.
294. In these different ways an
infinite number of souls come out of their sinful ways and are
snatched from the claws of the dragon; and as there are innumerable
souls who fall into such a dreadful state, that they need a powerful
aid, the most holy Queen interposes hers, whenever the angels fail in
their defense. The demons are fiercely tormented by their own fury
whenever they perceive any sinner calling upon or remembering his
Queen; since they know by experience how kindly She receives sinners
and how readily She makes their cause her own. Without hope or spirit
of resistance the devils immediately give themselves up as foiled and
vanquished. It often happens, when God desires to bring about some
special conversion, that the great Queen herself peremptorily
commands the demons to withdraw from that soul and sink into the
abyss, and her commands are always obeyed. At other times, without
such peremptory orders, God permits them to see the mysteries, the
power, and holiness of his Mother, and this new knowledge, filling
them with consternation and confusion, puts them to flight. If the
souls respond and co-operate with the grace obtained for them by the
heavenly Sovereign, they are freed from the attacks of the demons.
295. Yet though the intercession of
the great Queen and her power is so formidable to the devils and
though the Most High confers no favor upon the Church or upon the
souls without Her, there are nevertheless many occasions in which the
humanity of the incarnate Word itself battles for us and defends us
against Lucifer declaring Himself openly with his Mother in our favor
and annihilating and vanquishing the demons. So great is his love for
men and for all that pertains to their welfare, that this happens not
only when the demons are made to feel directly the virtues of Christ
and his merits through the operation of the Sacraments in the souls,
but also when, in other miraculous conversions, He fills them with
particular knowledge of one or more mysteries to their confusion and
rout. Of such a kind was the conversion of saint Paul, of Mary
Magdalen and other saints; or whenever it is necessary to protect
some Catholic kingdom, or the Church, from the treachery and malice
of hell for their destruction. On such occasions not only his sacred
humanity, but even the infinite Divinity, armed with the omnipotence
of the Father, advances upon the demoniacal hosts, filling them in
the above-mentioned manner with the knowledge of the mysteries and of
his Omnipotence, by which He overwhelms them and forestalls them in
their real or intended conquests.
296. Whenever the Lord thus
interposes such powerful aid the whole infernal reign of confusion is
terrorized and stricken down into the hellish abysses for many days,
giving forth howls of mournful despair and totally unable to move
from their places until the Lord again gives them permission to rise.
But as soon as they receive permission, they again issue forth with
their former fury for the ruin of souls. Although it may not seem in
harmony with their pride and arrogance to enter into a new contest
with the One, by whom they have been overthrown and vanquished,
nevertheless their jealous fear lest we come to the enjoyment of God
and their furious desire to prevent it, again prevail and urge them
to continue their persecutions to the end of our lives. I was made to
understand, that if God were not so outrageously misused in his
mercy, He would often interpose, even miraculously, his divine
Omnipotence in our behalf. Especially would He do this in defense of
the mystical body of the Church and of some Catholic governments,
bringing to naught the counsels of hell for the destruction of
Christianity in our times. We do not merit this protection of the
infinite power, because all are united in rousing the divine wrath
and the whole world has joined hands with the infernal fiends, into
whose power it has fallen on account of the blind and insane pursuit
of evil rampant among men.
297. In the conversion of saint Paul
this assistance of the Most High is openly manifest; for He had set
him apart even in the womb of his mother, and chosen him as an
Apostle and as a vase of election. Although his life before the
persecution of the Church was a series of events, which deceived the
demons just as he is deceived in many other souls, yet God watched
him from the moment of his conception and regulated his natural
character and the care of the angels in his defense and protection.
Hence the hatred of the devil and their desire of causing his death
in the first years of his life increased. As they failed in this, and
as they later saw him become a persecutor of the Church, they were
solicitous to preserve his life. When the holy angels found
themselves powerless to withdraw Paul from the error, to which he had
entirely dedicated himself, the powerful Queen entered the combat and
made his cause her own. Through Her, Christ and the eternal Father
interposed his divine assistance and snatched him from the grasp of
the dragon. In one instant at the apparition of the Lord, all the
demons that accompanied saint Paul on the way to Damascus, were
hurled to the abyss.
298. On that occasion Lucifer and his
cohorts felt the lash of the divine Omnipotence; filled with fear and
consternation they for some days lay lifeless in the depths of the
infernal caverns. But as soon as the Lord took away from their minds
the remembrance of the divine mysteries, they began to breathe forth
new wrath. The great dragon called together the rest and spoke to
them: “How is it possible to rest, when every day I see new
injuries heaped upon me by this incarnate Word and by this Woman, who
conceived and bore Him as man? Where is my strength? Where is my
power, and of what use is my fury and the triumphs which I gained
over Him among mortals ever since God without reason cast me from the
heavens to this abyss? It seems, my friends, that the Omnipotent
intends to seal up the portals of these infernal regions and open up
those of heaven, which would be the destruction of our reign and of
all my coveted designs to drag to these torments the rest of mankind.
If God, besides having redeemed men, works for them such miracles, if
he shows them such love and seeks to draw them to his friendship by
such powerful works of his right hand, they will permit themselves to
be overcome, even if they have the disposition of wild beasts and
hearts of adamant. All will love and serve Him, if they are not more
obstinate and rebellious than we ourselves. What soul can be so
callous as not to be drawn to this Godman, who with such a tender
love seeks its eternal glory? Saul was our friend, a willing
instrument of my designs, subject to my will and command, an enemy of
the Crucified, and I had destined him for most cruel torments in this
hell. In the midst of all this God suddenly snatches him from my
hands, and by his divine power raises this insignificant creature of
the earth to such high grace and favors, that we, his enemies, are
astounded. What has Paul done to deserve such an exceeding good
fortune? Was he not in my service offending his God? If God has been
so liberal with him, what protection will He not lavish upon other
less grievous sinners? And even if He does not convert them by such
great miracles, He will gain them through Baptism and the other
Sacraments, by which they can justify themselves day by day. This
example of God’s mighty defense of the Church, at the time when
I attempted to destroy it through Saul, will draw all the world to
his service. Is it possible that I should see vile human kind raised
to the grace and happiness which I have lost, and that it should
occupy the heaven from which I have been hurled? This thought
torments me more furiously than the fires of hell. I am filled with a
powerless rage against myself for not being able to destroy myself in
my wrath. Would that God himself would do it, instead of preserving
me in these torments. But since this is not to be, tell me, my
vassals, what shall we do against this so powerful God? Him we cannot
injure; but in those whom he loves so much, we can avenge ourselves,
because in them we can oppose his will. And since my majesty is most
offended and incensed against this Woman, our Enemy, who gave him
human being. I wish to inaugurate new ways of destroying Her and
avenging ourselves for having robbed us of Saul and cast us into
these Abysses. I shall not rest until I shall have vanquished Her.
For this purpose I resolve to execute all the plans formed against
God and man after my fall from heaven. Come, all of you, to help me
in my designs and to execute my will.”
299. Such were the words of
exhortation addressed to the demons by Lucifer. Some of them
answered: “Our captain and leader, we are ready to obey thee,
knowing how much this Woman, our Foe, oppresses and torments us; but
it is possible that She by Herself without other aid may resist us,
despising all our efforts and attacks, as we have seen on other
occasions, when She showed Herself altogether our superior in
strength. What She feels most, is to see us attack the followers of
her Son; because She loves them and is solicitous about them as a
Mother. Let us raise a general persecution against the faithful, for
we have at our service the whole of Judaism, now incensed against the
new Church of the Crucified; through the priests and pharisees we may
succeed in all our attempts against the faithful and thus vent our
wrath against this hostile Woman.” Lucifer approved of this
counsel and showed favors to the demons, who had given it. Thus
agreed, they issued forth to destroy the Church by the hands of
others, just as they had attempted it through Saul. Thence resulted
what I shall relate further on, and also the battle of the most holy
Mary against the dragon and his hosts, wherein She gained such great
victories for the holy Church. To this battle I referred in the sixth
chapter of the first part, and there stated, that I had reserved it
for this place. Of it I shall speak in the next chapter.
300. My daughter, by no power of
human words wilt thou in this mortal life ever succeed in describing
the envy of Lucifer and his demons against men, or the malice,
astuteness, deceits and ruses, with which in his wrath he seeks to
bring them into sin and later on to the eternal torments. He tries to
hinder all good works, and such as are performed he tries to
minimize, or to destroy and pervert as to their merits. All the
malice of which his own mind is capable, he attempts to inject into
the souls. Against these attacks God provides admirable protection if
men will only co-operate and correspond on their part. Hence the
Apostle admonishes them to walk carefully amid all these dangers and
conflicts; not like the foolish, but as wise, redeeming their time;
because the days of mortal life are evil and full of dangers (Ephes.
5, 15). Again he exhorts them to be fixed and constant in good works,
because their labor shall not be in vain before the Lord (I Cor 15,
58). The truth of this our enemy knows and dreads, hence he seeks
with deepest malice to cause dismay in the souls at the commission of
one sin, in order that they may ruin themselves by despair and leave
off all good works; for thus would they throw aside the weapons with
which the angels can defend them and do battle with the demons.
Although these works in the sinner have not the life of charity or of
merit for grace or glory yet they are very useful. Sometime it
happens, that on account of the habit of doing good the divine
clemency furnishes efficacious help for performing these works with
greater fervor, or with sorrow for sins and true charity, by which
the soul regains justification.
301. By all our good deeds as
creatures we open up ways to the blessed for defending us and for
asking the divine mercy to look upon us and snatch us from sin. The
saints also feel obliged to come to the assistance of those that
sincerely invoke them in danger and that show them a special
devotion. If the saints in their charity are so inclined to favor men
in the dangerous conflicts with the devils, thou must not be
surprised, my dearest, that I am so merciful with the sinners who
take refuge in my clemency; for I desire their salvation infinitely
more than they themselves. Innumerable are those whom I have saved
from the infernal dragon because of their devotion to me, even though
they have recited only one Ave, or have said only one word in my
honor and invocation. So great is my love for them, that if they
would call upon me in time and with sincerity, none of them would
perish. But the sinners and the reprobate do no such thing; because
the wounds of sin, not being of the body, do not distress them, and
the oftener they are committed, the less regret or sorrow do they
cause. The second sin is already like wounding a dead body which
knows neither fear, nor defense, nor sensation.
302. The result of this torpid
insensibility to eternal damnation, and to the deceits of the devils
in fastening it upon men, is dreadful. Without knowing upon what they
rest their false security, the sinners are asleep and perfectly at
ease as to their ruin, when they ought justly to fear and take heed
of the swiftly approaching eternal death; or at least seek help by
praying to the Lord, or to me, or the saints. But even this, which
costs them so little, they do not know how to begin, until the time,
in which the conditions of their salvation can be realized, has, for
many of them, passed away. If for some of them I still procure
salvation in the last agony, this privilege cannot be common to all.
Hence are lost so many children of the Church, who in their
ingratitude and foolishness despise the many and powerful helps given
by the divine clemency in most opportune time. Therefore also it will
increase their confusion, when they shall see, that, with the mercy
of their God, my own kindest wishes to save them, and the charity of
the saints before their eyes, they have robbed God of the glory of
their conversion; and not afforded me or to the angels or saints the
joy of saving them in answer to their heartfelt invocation.
303. I wish, my daughter, to manifest
to thee still another secret. Thou already knowest, that my Son and
Lord in the Gospel says: That the angels have joy in heaven whenever
any sinner does penance and is converted to the way of life through
his justification (Luke 15, 10). The same happens when the just
perform works of true virtue and merit new degrees of glory. Now that
which happens among the heavenly inhabitants in the conversion of
sinners and in the increase of merit of the just, has a counterpart
in what happens with the demons at the sins of the just and the
deeper falls of sinners; for no sin is committed by men, however
small, in which the demons do not take pleasure; and those that
attend to the business of tempting mortals immediately give notice to
the demons in the eternal dungeons of their successes. There they
enjoy them and record them for further use, both in order to press
their claims before the divine Judge, and in order that their greater
dominion and jurisdiction over sinners according to the measure of
the offense may be publicly known. In this manner they show their
treacherous hate of men, whenever they succeed in deceiving them into
sin by some momentary and apparent pleasure. But the Most High, who
is just in all his works, ordained that also the conversion of
sinners and the good works of the just should redound to the torment
of the envious demons, since they rejoice so much at the perdition of
304. This sort of chastisement
therefore causes great torments to all the demons; because by it they
are not only confounded and oppressed in their mortal hatred of men,
but by the victories of the saints and the conversion of sinners they
are deprived of a great part of their power over those, whom they
have drawn into sin by their plots. The new torments thus caused to
them they seek to vent upon the damned in hell; and just as there is
new joy in heaven at the penance and good works of sinners, so, for
the same reason, there arise new confusion and misfortune in hell at
the good works of the just. On such occasions, amid howls of despair,
the demons inflict new accidental torments upon all that live in
those dungeons of dismay and horror. Thus heaven and hell are
affected at the same time in contrary ways by the conversion and
justification of the sinner. Whenever the souls justify themselves
through the Sacraments, especially by a truly sorrowful confession,
it often happens that the devils for a long time dare not appear
before the penitent, nor for many hours even presume to look at him,
if he himself does not again encourage them by losing the divine
favor and returning again to the dangers and occasions of sin; for
then the demons quickly cast off the fear inspired by true penitence
and justification.
305. In heaven there can be no sorrow
or pain; but if there could be, then the saints would feel it on
account of nothing in the world so much as to see the justified souls
falling back and losing grace, and the sinner drawing away further or
making it impossible for him to regain divine favor. Sin of its own
nature is just as powerful to move heaven to sorrow and pain as
penance and virtue are to torment hell. Consider then, my dearest, in
what dangerous ignorance mortals ordinarily live, depriving heaven of
its joy in the justification of souls, hindering the external glory
connected therewith, holding up the punishment due to the demons, and
affording them on the contrary the joyful triumph of the fall and
perdition of men. I desire that thou, as a faithful and prudent
handmaid, be guided by thy higher knowledge, labor in compensating
these evils. See that thou always approach the sacrament of
Confession with fervor, esteem and veneration, and with a heartfelt
sorrow for thy sins; for this Sacrament inspires the dragon with
great terror and he exerts himself diligently to hinder souls by his
deceits, in order to cause them to receive this Sacrament lukewarmly,
out of mere habit, without sorrow, and without proper disposition. He
is so eager in this matter not only because he wishes to cause the
loss of souls, but also to avoid the fierce torments of being
oppressed and confounded in his malignity by the true penance and
justification of his escaped victims.
306. Besides all this, my friend, I
wish to remind thee, that, although the infernal dragons are indeed
the authors and masters of lies and although they deal with men only
in order to mislead and ruin them by their deceits, yet these
enemies, whenever in their meetings they confer among themselves in
regard to misleading men, are forced to admit certain truths, which
they know and cannot deny. They understand them, yet they communicate
them to men, not in good faith, but obscured and mixed with their own
errors and falsehoods for the promotion of their own malicious
designs. Since thou hast in this chapter, and in the whole course of
this history, laid bare so many of their counsels, meetings and
secrets, they are highly enraged against thee; for they flattered
themselves, that these secrets and all their machinations would never
come to the knowledge of men. Therefore they are furious to take
vengeance upon thee; but the Most High will protect thee, if thou
call upon Him to crush the head of the dragon. Do thou also beseech
the divine clemency, that these advices and instructions may help to
undeceive mortals, and by the divine light redound to their benefit.
On thy own part do thou seek faithfully to correspond, as being under
greater obligations to Him than all others living in the present age.
For if, understanding their malice, thou dost not exert thyself to
vanquish them with the assistance of the Most High and of his holy
angels, thy ingratitude and the triumph of hell will grow in
proportion to the favors thou hast received.
Chapter XVI
307. When Lucifer and the infernal
chiefs, after the conversion of saint Paul, were plotting vengeance
on the most holy Mary and the children of the Church, as described in
the last chapter, they did not apprehend that the knowledge of this
great Queen and Mistress of the world penetrated into those obscure
and profound abysses of hell and extended to the most hidden secrets
of their evil counsels. Thus deceived, the blood-thirsty dragons
esteemed their victory and the full execution of their schemes
against Her and the disciples of her Son as most certain. But from
her retreat, the blessed Mother with the clearness of her heavenly
science, knew of all their conferences and understood all the
intrigues of these enemies of the light. She perceived all their aims
and the means which they intended to use; their wrath against God and
against Her, and their mortal hatred against the Apostles and the
rest of the faithful. Although the most prudent Lady was well aware
that the demons could execute none of their fury without the
permission of the Lord, yet, as this conflict in mortal life is
unavoidable and as She knew the weakness of men and their only too
common ignorance of the demoniacal astuteness and malice intent on
their perdition, She was filled with great solicitude and sorrow at
the unanimous resolve of those jealous enemies for the destruction of
the faithful.
308. In addition to this knowledge
and to the charity directly drawn from the Lord, She was endowed with
another kind of tireless activity, similar to that of the Divinity,
which continues without interruption as one pure act. The most
diligent Mother was ceaselessly actuated by her love and solicitude
for the glory of the Most High and the consolation and protection of
her children. At the same time She pondered in her most chaste bosom
upon the supernal mysteries, conferring the past with the present,
and both with the future, and preparing for it with a more than human
discretion and foresight. Her most ardent desire of the salvation of
all the faithful and her maternal compassion for their labors and
dangers, compelled Her to estimate all their tribulations and perils
as her own and, as far as her love was concerned, She desired to
suffer them all Herself, if possible, while the rest of the followers
of Christ should labor in the Church without molestation, meriting in
joyful peace grace and life eternal for themselves and leaving to Her
alone all sorrows and tribulations. Although this was not possible
according to the equitable providence of God, yet we stand indebted
to the most holy Mary for this extraordinary and wonderful token of
love, and not infrequently her anxious and restless love merits for
us great blessings, which the Omnipotent concedes in order to satisfy
her yearnings for our salvation.
309. She did not know on this
occasion, what in particular were the resolves of the hellish foes in
their conference; for She understood only in general, that their fury
was directed against Her in an especial manner. Divine Providence
concealed from Her some of their designs, in order that the triumph
She would gain over hell might afterwards be so much the more
glorious. Nor was it necessary to prepare Her for temptations and
persecutions, as was conceded to other faithful, whom She so excelled
in high and magnanimous spirit, and of whose trials and tribulations
She had a clearer knowledge. According to her wont in all affairs,
she resorted to prayer, consulting about them with God in pursuance
of the example and teaching of the Lord. For this purpose She retired
and, prostrating Herself in admirable reverence and fervor upon the
ground, thus besought Him:
310. “Most high Lord and
eternal God, holy and incomprehensible, behold here prostrate before
Thee thy humble handmaid and vile wormlet of the earth, supplicating
Thee, eternal Father, through thy Onlybegotten Son and my Lord Jesus
Christ. Do not despise my petitions and sighs, which from my inmost
soul I present to thy immense charity in union with that which,
derived from the furnace of thy own love, Thou hast communicated to
thy slave. In the name of all thy holy Church, of thy Apostles and
thy faithful servants, I present to Thee, o Lord, the sacrifice of
the passion and death of thy Onlybegotten; that of his sacramental
body, the most acceptable petitions and prayers He offered to Thee
during the time of his mortal and passible life, the love with which
He assumed flesh for the Redemption of the world in my womb, his
imprisonment there and his rearing at my breast; all this I offer in
order to be permitted to ask Thee for that which Thou seest in the
desire of my heart.”
311. During this prayer the great
Queen was raised in divine ecstasy, in which She saw her Onlybegotten
at the right hand of the eternal Father, asking Him to concede to his
most blessed Mother all her petitions and representing to Him, that
She was his true Mother, entirely pleasing to the Divinity and worthy
of being received and heard in all her prayers. She saw also, that
the eternal Father assented and was pleased with his request, and
that looking upon Her, He said: “Mary, my daughter, ascend
higher.” At this bidding of the Most High, an innumerable
multitude of angels of different hierarchies descended from heaven,
who surrounded Her and raised Her from the earth on which She lay
prostrate. They then bore Her up body and soul to the empyrean heaven
and placed Her before the throne of the most holy Trinity, which
manifested Itself to Her by a most exalted, not intuitive, but
imaginary vision. She prostrated Herself before the throne and adored
God in the three Persons with the most profound humility and
reverence, at the same time thanking her divine Son for having
presented her petition to the eternal Father and asking Him again to
do so. The divine Lord, at the right hand of his Father,
acknowledging Her as his worthy Mother and the Queen of heaven, would
not forget the obedience He had shown Her on earth (Luke 2, 51) ;
but, in the presence of all the courtiers of heaven, renewed the
acknowledgment of his filial obligations and again presented to the
Father the wishes and prayers of his most blessed Mother. And the
eternal Father answered in these words:
312. “My Son, in whom my will
finds the plenitude of satisfaction, my ears are attentive to clamors
of thy Mother and my clemency is inclined toward all her desires and
petitions.” Then turning to the most blessed Mary, he said: “My
beloved Daughter, chosen from myriads according to my pleasure, thou
shalt be the instrument of my Omnipotence and the Treasure of my
love. Let thy anxiety rest and tell Me, my Daughter, what thou
askest; for, toward thy desires and petitions, which are holy in my
eyes, my will inclines.” Thus favored the blessed Mary
answered. “My eternal Father and most high God, who art the
Author and Preserver of the whole world, thy holy Church is the
object of my solicitude and prayer. Remember in thy kindness, that it
is the work of thy Onlybegotten, who became man and acquired and
planted it by his own blood (Act 20, 28). Anew the infernal dragon
and all thy enemies, his allies, are raising up against it and are
attempting the ruin and perdition of all thy faithful, who are the
fruit of the Redemption of thy Son. Confound the evil councils of the
ancient serpent and defend thy servants, the Apostles, and the other
faithful of the Church. In order that they may be freed from the
attacks and fury of these enemies, let them all direct their assaults
against me, if possible. I, my Lord, am only one poor creature, and
thy servants are many: let them enjoy thy favors and thy peace, by
which they advance thy exaltation and glory, and let me suffer the
tribulations, which threaten them. Let me battle against thy enemies
and Thou, by the power of thy arm, shalt overcome and confound their
313. “My spouse and my
Beloved,” answered the eternal Father, “thy desires are
acceptable in my eyes and I will grant thy petition as far as is
possible. I shall defend my servants in what is proper and conducive
to my glory, and permit them to suffer in what is necessary for their
crown. In order that thou mayest understand the secret of my wisdom,
by which these mysteries are to be fulfilled, I wish to raise thee to
my throne, where thy ardent charity merits thee a place in the
consistory of our great counsels and in the participation of our
divine attributes. Come, my Beloved, and thou shalt understand our
secrets for the government of the Church, its increase and progress;
and thou shalt follow thy will, which is ours, now about to be
manifested to thee.” By the force of these most sweet words
Mary felt Herself raised to the throne of the Divinity and placed at
the right hand of her Son to the admiration and joy of all the
blessed, who recognized the voice and the will of the Almighty. And
truly it was wonderful and new to all the angels and saints to see a
Woman, in mortal flesh, called and elevated to the throne and council
of the most blessed Trinity in order to be informed of the mysteries
hidden to the rest and enshrined in the bosom of God for the
government of the Church.
314. It would seem astounding, if in
some city of this world some woman were called to the councils of the
government, and still more surprising to introduce her into the
select and close circles, where the more difficult the important
matters of the whole government are discussed and transacted. Such a
course would of right seem hazardous, since Solomon says, that in
seeking truth and reason among men he found but one out of a thousand
who followed it, and among women not one. On account of their natural
frailty, there are so few of them who possess constancy and integrity
of judgment, that ordinarily it is presumed in none, and if there are
any, they are scarcely capable of managing affairs that are difficult
of understanding and require deep insight, unless they are aided by
other light beyond the ordinary and natural. This common law did not
extend to our great Queen and Lady; for if on the one hand our mother
Eve, in her ignorance, began by destroying the palace of this world
built by God, on the other hand the most blessed Mary, who was most
wise and the Mother of wisdom, rebuilt it and restored it by her
peerless prudence; and therefore She was worthy to enter into the
councils of the most holy Trinity where its restoration was to be
315. There She was again asked what
favors She requested and desired for Herself and for the whole
Church, in particular for the Apostles and disciples of the Lord. The
most prudent Mother repeated her most fervent desires for the glory
and exaltation of God’s holy name, and for restriction of the
persecution designed by the enemies of the Lord against the faithful.
Although the three Persons of the most holy Trinity well knew all her
desires, yet they commanded the great Lady to propose them, in order
to elicit their approbation and delight and in order to make Her more
capable of new mysteries of their divine Wisdom and the
predestination of the elect. To explain what has been shown me of
this sacrament, I will say, that, because the will of the most holy
Mary was most just, holy, and in all things pleasing and conformable
to the most blessed Trinity, it seems (according to our way of
understanding such things) God could not will anything contrary to
this most pure Lady; for He was bent in the direction of her holiness
and was wounded by the hair and eyes of so beloved a Spouse (Cant.
4,9), and One so singular among all creatures; and since the Father
looked upon Her as his Daughter, the Son as his Mother, and the Holy
Ghost as his Spouse, and since all Three had entrusted to Her the
Church in fullest confidence, therefore the three Persons did not
wish to decree the execution of anything without, as it were,
consulting the wisdom and the pleasure of the Queen of all Creation.
316. In order that the will of the
Most High and of the most blessed Mary might coincide in these
decrees, it was necessary that the great Lady should first receive a
new measure of science and insight into the most hidden counsels of
his providence, by which all the affairs of his creatures are
arranged in weight and measure (Wis. 11, 21) and all their means and
ends in highest equity and propriety. For this purpose the most holy
Mary received on this occasion a most clear insight in all that was
to be done and preordained by the divine power in the Church
militant. She saw the most hidden reason for all that was to be done;
how many and which of the Apostles were to die before She should pass
from this life; the labors they were to undertake for the name of the
Lord; the reason why all this should be so according to the secret
judgments of God, and the predestination of saints; and why they
should thus shed their blood for the planting of the Church, just as
the Lord and Redeemer had shed his for its foundation in his Passion
and Death. She understood also how, through her own compassion and
sorrow at seeing the sufferings of the Apostles and followers of
Christ, She could compensate Herself for not being allowed to take
upon Herself their sufferings as She desired; for this momentary
labor could not be spared them, if they were to reach the eternal
reward in store for them (II Cor. 4, 17). To afford the great Lady an
opportunity for this kind of merit, She was informed of the near
death of saint James and the imprisonment of saint Peter, but not of
his liberation by an angel. She understood also, that the Lord
portioned out to the Apostles and the faithful that kind of suffering
or martyrdom, which corresponded with each one’s grace and
strength of soul.
317. In order to satisfy in all
things the most ardent charity of this purest Mother, the Lord
permitted Her to fight anew all the battles with the dragons of hell
and gain over them victories and triumphs, which the rest of the
mortals shall never attain. By this means She was to crush their head
and humble their pride, weakening their forces and breaking their
strength, which they were mustering against the faithful. God renewed
in Her all his gifts and participations in his divine attributes, and
each of the three Persons gave Her his blessings. The holy angels
brought Her back to the Cenacle in the way as they had brought Her to
the empyrean heaven. As soon as She found Herself recovered from her
ecstasy, She prostrated Herself with her face upon the ground in the
form of a cross and with most tender tears and incredible humility
thanked the Almighty for this new blessing conferred upon Her in
answer to her most humble petitions. For some time She conferred with
her holy angels concerning the mysteries and necessities of the
Church in order to attend to its most pressing needs. It seemed
advisable to prepare and encourage the Apostles for coming trouble,
since the common enemy was to direct his main battle against them.
For this purpose She spoke to saint Peter, saint John and the rest in
Jerusalem, advising them of many particulars, that were to happen to
them and to the whole Church, confirming the report of the conversion
of saint Paul and telling them of the zeal, with which he was
preaching the name of his Master and Lord.
318. To those Apostles and disciples,
who were not in Jerusalem, She sent angels, in order to notify them
of the conversion of saint Paul and in order to prepare and encourage
them with the same good counsels as those in Jerusalem. She sent an
especial angelic messenger to warn saint Paul of the intended
assaults of the devil and to animate and confirm him with the hope of
divine assistance in his tribulations. Obediently the angels
fulfilled all these errands with their accustomed celerity,
manifesting themselves in visible forms to the Apostles and
disciples. All of them were exceedingly consoled and encouraged by
these favors of the most blessed Mary; and each one answered through
the same envoys, sending humble acknowledgment and offering
themselves to die for the honor of their Redeemer and Master. Saint
Paul especially showed his gratitude in his answer; for his desire of
seeing and thanking his Protectress urged him to demonstrate his
devotion in a more fervent manner. He was at that time in Damascus
preaching and disputing in the synagogues, although soon after he
went to Arabia to preach; but from there he afterwards came to
Damascus a second time, as I shall relate further on.
319. Saint James the great was
farther away than any of the others. He was the first one to leave
Jerusalem, and, having preached some days in Judea, he departed for
Spain. For this journey he embarked at Joppe, which is now called
Jaffa, in the year thirty-five in the month of August, called
Sextilis, one year and five months after the passion of the Lord,
eight months after the martyrdom of saint Stephen and five months
before the conversion of saint Paul, all according to what I said in
the eleventh and fourteenth chapters of this last part. Sailing from
Jaffa, saint James touched at Sardinia and shortly afterwards arrived
in Spain, disembarking at the port of Carthagena where he began his
preaching. He tarried but a short time in Carthagena, and guided by
the Spirit of the Lord, He took his way to Granada, where he was made
aware that the harvest was bountiful and the occasion opportune for
beginning his labors for his Master; and so it really turned out.
320. Before going farther I will
state, that saint James was one of the most intimate and beloved
disciples of the great Mistress of the world. Though he was related
to Her, as was also saint John, his brother, not much of this
predilection could be seen in her exterior conduct, on account of the
impartiality of the most prudent Lady, already referred to in chapter
the eleventh. With regard to saint John the whole apostolic college
knew that the Lord had appointed him as the Son of his most pure
Mother; therefore the most prudent Lady was not under such
restrictions in regard to exterior tokens of love with saint John as
She was with saint James and the other Apostles. But interiorly the
blessed Lady loved saint James with special tenderness, as I have
already stated in the second part, and She manifested it in
extraordinary favors, conferred upon him during his life until his
martyrdom. Saint James deserved these favors on account of his
special piety and affection toward Mary, distinguishing himself
therein from all the rest. He needed the protection of the great
Queen, because he was of a generous and magnanimous heart, and of a
most fervent spirit; being resistlessly drawn on to offer himself for
labors and dangers. Hence he was the first one to go forth preaching
the faith and the first of all the Apostles to suffer martyrdom.
While on his missionary journeys he was indeed like the lightning
flash, like the son of thunder, as he was called and designated by
his brethren upon entering into the apostolate (Marc. 3, 17).
321. During his labors in Spain the
demons raised up incredible persecutions through the unbelieving
Jews. Nor were those of small import which he afterwards met in Italy
and Asia Minor, whither he had returned to preach and to suffer his
martyrdom. This he underwent in Jerusalem, having in the few years of
his apostolate traveled in many distant countries. As it cannot be my
purpose to relate all that saint James suffered in his extensive
journeys, I will record only what concerns more closely this history.
In general I have understood that the great Queen of heaven watched
over him with an especial love, for reasons already stated, and that
through her angels She defended and rescued him from many and great
dangers, consoled him and comforted him many times, sending
information and advice, such as he needed more particularly and
oftener than the other Apostles during his short life. Many times
also Christ our Savior sent angels from heaven to defend his great
Apostle and to carry him from one region to another during his
missionary travels.
322. During the time of his preaching
in these Spanish kingdoms, the great Queen, besides many other tokens
of her love, twice favored saint James by a personal visit in order
to defend him in his tribulations and dangers. In Saragossa happened
one of these visits or apparitions, which is no less certain than
celebrated in the world and which cannot be denied without doing
violence to a wellknown fact, corroborated and witnessed by great
miracles and the traditions of sixteen hundred and more years. Of
this I will speak in the next chapter. Of the other miraculous visit
I do not know whether there is any record in Spain; for it happened
not so publicly. As was revealed to me, it took place in Granada, and
in the following manner. The Jews had in that city some synagogues,
maintained there ever since the time of their first coming from
Palestine to Spain; for, on account of the fertility of the soil and
the facility of communication with Palestine by sea, they could live
there more comfortably. When saint James came to preach in Granada,
they were already informed of what concerned Christ our Redeemer.
Although some of them desired to become acquainted with his doctrine
and the grounds upon which it rested, yet others, the greater number,
having been influenced by the devil not to believe, and to reject his
teaching, would not permit his doctrines to be preached even to the
heathens, as being contrary to the rites of the Jews and of Moses and
as endangering Judaism, if once received by the gentiles. Stirred on
by this diabolical deceit the Jews hindered the faith from spreading
among heathens, who knowing Christ to be a Jew and seeing his own
countrymen and co-religionists persecuting Him as a false deceiver,
hesitated in becoming his adherents in the beginnings of the Church.
323. When saint James therefore came
to preach to Granada, the Jews commenced their opposition,
proclaiming him as an adventurer, a deceiver, the author of false
sects, a legerdemain and enchanter. Saint James brought twelve
disciples with him, in imitation of his Master. As all of them
persisted in preaching, the hatred of the Jews and of their followers
increased, so that they wished to assassinate the disciples; and they
really killed one of them, who in his ardent zeal had opposed the
Jews. But as the holy Apostle and his disciples not only not feared
death, but courted suffering for the name of Christ, they continued
to preach the faith with still greater zeal. Having thus labored for
many days and converted many of the infidels of that city and
province, the fury of the Jews rose to a higher pitch. They seized
them all and led them forth bound and fettered beyond the city walls
and there likewise chained their feet, for they considered them to be
magicians and sorcerers who might otherwise escape. As their enemies
made preparations to decapitate them all immediately, the holy
Apostle ceased not to call upon the Most High and upon his Virgin
Mother, praying as follows: “Most holy Mary, Mother of my Lord
the Redeemer Jesus Christ, extend thy favor in this hour to thy
humble servant. Pray for me, sweetest and kindest Mother, and for
these faithful professors of the faith. If it is the will of the Most
High, that we here give our lives for the glory of his holy name, do
Thou ask, O Lady, that my soul may be received in his presence.
Remember me, most clement Mother, and bless me in the name of Him who
chose Thee among all creatures. Receive in sacrifice my resignation
to the misfortune of not seeing Thee, if this is to be the last day
of my life. O Mary! O Mary!”
324. These last words saint James
repeated many times. But from her oratory in the Cenacle, where She
was favored by an especially clear vision, the great Queen heard all
and saw what was passing with her most beloved apostle saint James.
Thus informed She was moved with tenderest compassion at the
tribulation of her servant and at his clamors. She felt still more
sorrow at being so far away, and, as She knew that nothing is
difficult to the divine power, She entertained the loving desire of
helping and defending the Apostle in his danger. As She knew moreover
that this Apostle was to be the first to shed his blood for her
divine Son, her compassion became more vehement. But She did not ask
the Lord or the angels to bring Her to the place where saint James
then was; because her admirable prudence prevented Her from making
such a petition. For She knew that divine Providence would need no
such reminder on her part, nor fail in anything that was necessary.
In asking such miracles, as long as She lived in the flesh, She
exercised highest discretion and restraint always subjecting her
desires to the will of the Lord.
325. But her Son and true God, who
took notice of the wishes of such a Mother, knowing that they were
holy, just and full of piety, immediately commanded the thousand
angels of her guard to assist Her and fulfill the will of their Queen
and Lady. They all manifested themselves to Her in human shape and
told Her what the Most High had commanded. Without delay they placed
Her upon a throne made of a beautiful cloud and carried Her to the
field in Spain, where saint James and his companions were awaiting
martyrdom in their fetters. Their enemies had already bared their
scimitars or swords to strike off their heads. The Apostle alone saw
the Queen of heaven in the clouds from which She spoke to him in most
endearing terms, saying: “James, my son and dearest friend of
my Lord Jesus Christ, be of good heart and be blessed eternally by
Him who called and brought thee to his divine light. Rise then,
faithful servant of the Most High, and be free of thy bonds.”
The Apostle, as far as he had been able in his fetters, had
prostrated himself upon the ground. At the words of the powerful
Queen his fetters and those of his disciples instantly fell and they
found themselves free. The Jews, on the contrary, who stood with
drawn weapons, all fell to the earth where they remained for some
hours deprived of their senses. The demons, who had accompanied them
and stirred them on, were hurled to the profound abysses, thus
leaving saint James and his disciples at liberty and giving thanks to
the Almighty for this blessing. The Apostle most fervently thanked
the heavenly Mother with exceeding humility and in the jubilee of his
soul. His disciples, although they did not see the Queen or her
angels, understood the miracle and were informed by the Apostle of
some of the particulars, by which they might be confirmed in faith,
hope and devotion toward the most blessed Mary.
326. The heavenly Queen still more
extended this favor; for She not only freed saint James from imminent
death, but wished all Spain to benefit from his preaching and
instruction. From Granada She ordered him to continue his journeys,
commanding hundreds of her guardian angels to accompany him and show
him the way from one place to another, to defend him and his
disciples from all dangers, and finally, after having traversed all
the provinces of Spain, to bring him to Saragossa. All this the
hundred angels set about doing according to the orders of their
Queen, while the rest brought Her back to Jerusalem. In such
celestial company and guardianship saint James traveled through all
the Spanish realm, more securely than the Israelites through the
desert. In Granada he left some of his disciples, who afterwards
suffered martyrdom, and with the others and those he afterwards
gathered, he continued his missionary tours in many parts of
Andalusia. Then he came to Toledo, Portugal, Galicia and Asturia.
Afterwards, making digressions to different places, he arrived in
Rioja, thence, passing through Lograno, he went to Tudela and
Saragossa, where happened what I shall relate in the next chapter.
During his peregrinations saint James left disciples as bishops in
the different cities of Spain, planting the faith and divine worship.
So great and prodigious were the miracles he performed in this
kingdom, that those of which we know must not appear extraordinary in
comparison with those we know nothing of, since these are much more
astonishing. The fruit of his preaching in Spain was immense in
proportion to the shortness of his stay; and it would be a great
error to say or think, that the conversions he made were few, for in
all the places reached by him, he established the faith and ordained
many bishops for the government of the children he engendered to
Christ in this kingdom.
327. In concluding this chapter I
wish to state, that by different means I was made acquainted with the
many contrary opinions of ecclesiastical historians concerning the
things which I am describing; as for instance, concerning the
departure of the Apostles from Jerusalem for the purpose of preaching
the faith, the partition among them of the world by lot, the
establishing of the Creed, the departure of saint James and his
death. About all these and other events, I understand, writers differ
very much in assigning the years or dates of their happening and in
harmonizing them with the text of the canonical writings. But I have
no commission from the Lord to clear up these and other doubts, or
decide the controversies. From the very beginning I have said, that
the Lord commanded me to write this history without regard to
opinions, and without mixing up my certain knowledge with opinions.
If what I write follows naturally and does not contradict in any way
the sacred text, and at the same time maintains the dignity
corresponding to the matter, I cannot undertake to add to the
authenticity of this history, and Christian piety will ask for no
more. It is also possible that, by proceeding in this manner, some of
the differences of historians may be made to harmonize, and to this
the well-read and the learned will attend.
WORDS OF THE QUEEN The Virgin Mary speaks to Sister Mary of
Agreda, Spain
328. My daughter, the miracle of my
being raised by the divine power to the sovereign throne of God in
order that I might be consulted in the decrees of his divine wisdom
and will, as described by thee in this chapter, is so great and
extraordinary, that it exceeds all the capacity of man in this mortal
life, and only in eternal glory and in beatific vision men shall
recognize this sacrament with a most special joy of accidental glory.
As this blessing and wonderful privilege was the effect and the
reward of the most ardent charity with which I loved and do love the
highest Good, and of the humility by which I considered myself as his
slave, and as these virtues truly raised me to the throne of the
Divinity and established me there even while yet in mortal flesh, I
wish thee to have a more intimate knowledge of this mystery, which
without a doubt was one of the most exalted wrought in me by the
divine Omnipotence and which excited the greatest wonder in the
angels and saints. Thy own admiration I wish thee to turn into a most
vigilant care and into a most lively desire of imitating me and in
following me in the virtues, by which I merited such favors.
329. Remember then, my dearest, that
not only once, but many times was I raised to the throne of the most
holy Trinity in mortal flesh during the time which intervened from
the descent of the Holy Ghost to my Assumption to eternal glory. In
what still remains for thee to write of my life, thou wilt understand
many other secrets connected with this privilege. And every time the
puissant right hand of the Most High showed me this favor I
experienced most copious effects of graces and gifts, according to
the different ways of the divine Omnipotence and according to my, as
it were, ineffable and boundless capacity of participating in the
divine perfections. Sometimes in conferring upon me these favors the
eternal Father said to me: “My Daughter and Spouse, thy love
and fidelity bind Us to thee more than to any other creature and fill
Us with the plenitude of satisfaction. Ascend to our throne, so that
thou mayest be absorbed in the abyss of our Divinity and hold in this
Trinity the fourth place, as far as is possible to a mere creature.
Take possession of our glory, the treasures of which We place in thy
hands. Thine are the heavens, the earth and all the abysses. Enjoy in
this mortal life all the privileges of the blessed more fully than
all the saints. Let all the nations and creatures, whom We have
called into existence, serve thee; let the powers of heaven obey
thee, let the supreme seraphim be subject to thee and let all
blessings be thine own in our divine consistory. Be thou enlightened
as to the great counsels of our wisdom and divine will and do thou
take part, in our decrees, since thy will is most equitous and
faithful. Penetrate into the reasons for whatever We resolve in
justice and holiness; and let thy will and thy motives be one with
ours in whatever We provide for our holy Church.”
330. In such ineffable condescension
the Most High governed my will, that He conformed it entirely to his
own and that nothing was done in the Church without my decision,
which was to be conformable to that of the Lord himself, since He
knew the appropriate reasons and motives for each of the decrees of
his eternal counsels. I saw that it was not possible for me according
to the common law to suffer all the labors and tribulations of the
Church and especially not of the Apostles, as I had desired. This
charitable desire, though it was impossible of execution, was not a
deviation from the divine will, but was given to me by God as a token
and witness of the boundless love with which I loved Him; for it was
on account of the love of the Lord toward men, that I desired to take
upon myself the labors and sufferings of all men. And because on my
part this love was true and my heart was prepared to fulfill this
charity, and as I truly grieved not to be able to suffer for all,
therefore it was so acceptable in the eyes of the Lord and He
rewarded it as if I had really fulfilled it in deed. Hence arose my
compassion for the martyrdom and torments of the Apostles and the
others persecuted for Christ; in all of them and with all of them I
was afflicted and tormented, and in some measure died their death.
Such was the love I had for my faithful children; and (with the
exception of suffering), it is the same now, although Christians do
not suspect or know how much my charity deserves their gratitude.
331. I received these ineffable
blessings from the right hand of my divine Son at the time when I was
raised from the world and placed at his side, partaking of his
exaltation and glory in the full measure possible to a mere creature.
The hidden decrees and sacraments of the infinite Wisdom were first
made manifest to the most holy humanity of my Lord, which, being
united to the eternal Word, was the admirable medium of the Divinity.
Through this humanity in another manner, they were communicated to
me; for the union of his humanity with the Word is immediate and
substantial and hence it participates intrinsically of the Divinity
and of its decrees, in a manner corresponding to the substantial and
personal union. I however partook of this favor by another wonderful
and unexampled process, considering that I was a mere creature and
not having the divine nature; in a manner similar to the most holy
humanity and as one, who, next to the Mangod, was closest to the
Divinity. Thou canst not at present understand more or penetrate
deeper into this mystery. But the blessed understood it, each one
according to his degree of heavenly science; and all of them
understood this conformity and similitude of myself with my divine
son, as well as the difference between me and Him. All of this was,
and is now, to them a motive for new canticles of glory and praise of
the Omnipotent; for this was one of the great wonders wrought in me
by the powerful right hand of God.
332. In order that thou mayest
increase the force of thy holy affections and desires as well of
nature as of grace, although they may not be within the possibility
of execution, I will reveal to thee another secret. It is this: when
I perceived the effects of the Redemption in the justification of
souls by the operation of grace through contrition, or through
Baptism and the other Sacraments, I conceived such an esteem for
them, that I was filled with a holy emulation and desire to
participate in their effects. As I had no sins of which I could be
cleansed and justified, I could not partake of their effects in the
same degree as the sinners who received them. But because I wept over
their sins more than they all, and as I thanked the Lord for these
blessings so liberally conferred upon them, I gained more graces than
were necessary to justify all the children of Adam. So much the Most
High permitted Himself to be indebted to my works and such was their
merit of grace in the eyes of God.
333. And now, my daughter, consider
under what obligations thou art after being informed and enlightened
concerning these great and venerable secrets. Let not these talents
lie idle, nor waste or despise such great blessings of the Lord;
follow me in perfect imitation of all my doings manifested to thee.
In order that thou mayest nourish the flame of divine love,
ceaselessly bear in mind how my most holy Son and I in this mortal
life sighed and ardently yearned for the salvation of all the
children of Adam and wept over the eternal perdition incurred by so
many in their deceitful and counterfeit pleasures. In this charitable
zeal I wish thee to distinguish thyself very much, as my daughter and
disciple, and as a most faithful spouse of my Son, who delivered
Himself to the death of the Cross on this very account. For if the
force of this love did not take away my life, it was because the Lord
miraculously preserved it; and this is the love which placed me upon
the throne of God and made me partaker of the counsels of the most
blessed Trinity. If thou, my dear, shalt be as diligent and fervent
in imitating me and as anxious to obey me, as I expect of thee, I
asure thee of a participation in the favors shown to my servant
James; I will hasten to thy aid in thy tribulations; I will govern
thee, as I have so often promised thee; and more than this, the Most
High will be more liberal with thee than all thy highest wishes can
ever hope to compass.
Chapter XVII
334. In the eighth chapter of the
Acts of the Apostles saint Luke narrates the persecution incited by
hell against the Church after the death of saint Stephen. He calls it
a great persecution, because, through the zealous efforts of saint
Paul before his conversion, the infernal dragon succeeded in raising
it to highest pitch. Of this persecution I have spoken in the twelfth
and fourteenth chapter of this part. But from what I have said there,
it will be understood that this enemy of God did not rest or consider
himself so completely overcome, as not to venture new battles against
the Church and the most blessed Lady. From what saint Luke himself
says in his twelfth chapter concerning the imprisonment of saint
Peter and James by Herod, it is clear that this persecution began
anew after the conversion of saint Paul, not even considering his
express statement, that Herod sent soldiers to afflict some of the
faithful of the Church (Acts 8, 1). In order that what I said and
will say may be better understood, I repeat, that these persecutions
were all plotted and set in motion through the demons, by inciting
certain malicious men. And because divine Providence at times gave
the demons this permission, and at others withdrew it, casting them
into hell, as at the conversion of saint Paul and at other occasions,
it naturally happened, that the primitive Church sometimes enjoyed
peace and tranquillity, at other times, when this truce was again
broken, it was molested and afflicted; and this is the lot of the
Church in all ages.
335. Peace was favorable to the
conversion of the faithful, and persecution increased their merit and
practice of virtues; and this kind of variation was ordained, and
will always be maintained, by the divine Providence. Hence, after the
conversion of saint Paul the Church enjoyed some months of peace,
namely, from the time when Lucifer and his companions were hurled
vanquished into hell until their return to the earth, of which I will
speak directly. Of this time of tranquillity saint Luke speaks in the
ninth chapter where, after relating the conversion of saint Paul, he
says, that the Church had peace throughout Judea, Galilee and
Samaria, and that it increased and walked the way of the Lord in
consolation of the Spirit. Although the Evangelist mentions this
after speaking of the coming of saint Paul to Jerusalem, yet it
occurred long before; for saint Paul’s coming to Jerusalem
happened more than five years after his conversion and saint Luke, in
writing his history, mentions this coming of saint Paul to Jerusalem
before mentioning his conversion, as is the case with many events in
the Evangelists, who were in the habit of anticipating historical
facts in order to finish and illustrate their present point; for they
did not intend to write the history of all the events, although in
the main they did follow the course of events according as they
336. This being understood and
following up what I said in the fifteenth chapter concerning the
hellish meeting called by Lucifer after the conversion of saint Paul,
I wish to say, that this conference lasted for some time and the
infernal dragon with his demons evolved diverse schemes and resolved
on different measures for the destruction of the Church and for the
possible debasement of the great Queen from her high state of reputed
holiness. But the serpent’s ignorance about Her was
incomparably greater than his knowledge. The days of peace enjoyed by
the Church being past, the princes of darkness issued forth from the
abysses in order to execute their malicious designs fabricated in the
infernal dungeons, and at the head of them all came forth Lucifer. It
is worthy of attention, that so great was the fury and indignation of
this blood-thirsty beast against the Church and the most blessed
Mary, that he brought with him from hell more than two thirds of his
demons for this enterprise and without doubt he would have emptied
hell of all its demons, if a part had not been necessary for the
torture of the damned souls. For not only are the damned ceaselessly
burning in the fires lighted by divine justice, but this dragon never
permits the absence of all the demons to relieve them of the sight
and companionship of their tormentors. Though Lucifer is so ravenous
for the destruction of mortals on earth, he is just as unwilling to
grant any relief to the damned in hell, and therefore he will never
entirely empty it of the demons. Such an impious, cruel and inhuman
master the unfortunate sinners on earth continue to serve!
337. The holiness of the blessed
Mother, their divine favor and protection lavished on the faithful as
exhibited in saint Stephen and saint Paul, and all the other events
after the death of the Savior, which all came to the knowledge of the
dragon, had raised his wrath to the highest and to inconceivable
pitch. Therefore he took up his seat in Jerusalem personally to erect
his batteries against the very stronghold of the faith and in order
to direct the operation of all the infernal squadrons; for the demons
preserve order among themselves only for the purpose of warfare
against men, while in all the rest they are full of discord and
confusion. The Most High has never permitted full sway to their envy,
for in one moment they would overturn and destroy the whole world;
but He gave them a limited freedom, in order that by affliction the
Church might take deep roots in the blood and the merits of the
saints and so that in persecution and torments might be manifested
the wisdom and power of the Pilot directing this little ship of the
Church. Immediately Lucifer commanded his satellites to scour the
whole earth in order to find out where the Apostles and disciples
were preaching the name of the Lord. The dragon in Jerusalem sought
the localities most remote from the places consecrated by the
mysteries and the blood of the Lord; for he and all the demons
dreaded these spots and the nearer they approached, the more they
felt themselves weakened and oppressed by the divine power. These
effects they feel to this day, and will feel to the end of the world.
Sorrowful it is indeed, that this sanctuary of the faithful, on
account of the sins of men, is now in the hands of pagans; and happy
are the few children of the Church who are within its precincts, such
as the sons of our great father and restorer of the Church, saint
338. Through the information brought
by his demons Lucifer learnt the condition of the faithful in all the
places where the faith of Christ was being preached. He issued new
orders for the persecution of Christians, assigning more or less
powerful demons according as he thought it necessary against the
different Apostles, disciples or followers of the faith. Others he
appointed as messengers to furnish him with accounts of what was
happening, or to transmit his orders for conducting the warfare
against the Church. Lucifer also pointed out to his demons
unbelieving, perfidious, evil-minded and depraved men, whom they were
to excite and provoke to envious wrath against the followers of
Christ. Among these were Herod and many Jews, who abhored the
Crucified and wished to blot out his very name from the land of the
living (Jer. 11, 19). They also availed themselves of the gentiles
that were most depraved and most given to idolatry. They selected,
both from the ones as from the others, the worst and most perfidious
to act as helpers and instruments of their malice. In this way they
began the persecution of the Church, and they continued in succeeding
ages to use similar diabolical arts for the ruin of virtue, of the
fruits of the Redemption and the blood of Christ. In the primitive
Church the infernal dragon caused great havoc among the faithful,
overwhelming them with diverse kinds of tribulation, not recorded or
known to us; although we know, that what saint Paul in his epistle to
the Hebrews says of the persecution of the ancient saints, was
repeated in the saints of the new Testament. In addition to these
exterior persecutions the demons afflicted all the just, the
Apostles, disciples and believers with hidden temptations,
suggestions, illusions and malicious promptings, as he continues to
do now with all those who desire to walk in the divine law and follow
Christ our Redeemer and Master.
339. But nothing of all this was
hidden to the great Mother of wisdom, because in the clearness of her
eminent science She perceived all the secrets of hell, that were
hidden to the rest of mortals. Although blows and wounds, when they
find us prepared, are wont to cause us less damage, and although the
most prudent Virgin was so well fortified against the coming troubles
of the holy Church that She could not be surprised by them, yet, as
they concerned the Apostles and the faithful whom She loved from her
inmost soul, the prospect of these afflictions wounded her most
tender heart and filled Her with sorrow in proportion to her almost
boundless charity. It would have deprived Her of life many times, if,
as I have often said, the Lord had not wonderfully preserved it. And
in truth, all just souls, who are perfected in divine love, would be
moved at seeing the wrath and fury of such a host of demons, so
vigilant and astute, exerted against the few faithful in their needy
and frail condition and burdened with so many miseries of their own.
In consideration of their danger, the most blessed Mary forgot all
that concerned Herself and was ready to undergo any possible
suffering for the protection and consolation of her children. She
multiplied her sighs and tears, her exertions and prayers, for their
safety. Especially the Apostles and disciples She sought to fortify
and encourage by renewing her counsels and exhortations. Many times
She restrained the demons by her sovereign commands as Queen, and
snatched from their claws innumerable souls, whom they were deceiving
and perverting, and thus She rescued them from eternal death. At
other times She prevented great cruelties intended for the ministers
of Christ; for Lucifer sought the life of the Apostles, as he had
already done before through Saul. All this happened likewise to the
disciples, who were preaching the faith.
340. Though the heavenly Mistress
preserved her interior peace and tranquillity and her exterior
equanimity and serenity, yet her compassionate anxiety and maternal
solicitude failed not to reveal, in some measure, the sorrow of her
heart in her countenance. And as saint John attended upon Her with
the watchful devotion of a son, the slight change in her appearance
could not remain concealed from the eagle eyes of this seer. He was
deeply afflicted, and having in vain battled with his anxiety, he
betook himself to the Lord seeking enlightenment and saying: “My
Lord and God, Savior of the world, I acknowledge my indebtedness to
Thee for having, without my merits and out of pure condescension,
given me Her as a Mother, who is thy own; who conceived Thee, bore
and nursed Thee at her bosom. Through this blessing I am made rich
and prosperous in the possession of the greatest Treasure of heaven
and earth. But without thy royal presence thy Mother, my Mistress, is
forsaken and alone, and for it neither men nor angels can compensate,
much less I, a vile worm and a slave. My God and Savior of the world,
I now see Her sorrowful, who gave Thee human form and who is the joy
of thy people. I desire to console Her and alleviate her grief, but I
find myself incapable of doing it. Reason and love urge me on; but
reverence and my frailty prohibits it. Give me, 0 Lord, light and
spirit for doing what will please Thee and serve thy Mother.”
341. After this prayer the saint
debated with himself for some time, whether he should ask the great
Mistress of heaven concerning her sorrow or not. On the one side his
love urged him thereto, on the other he was restrained by his holy
fear and reverence for Her. Three times he approached the door of Her
oratory, and was as many times withheld by his reverence from asking
the question. The heavenly Mother knew all that saint John was doing
and what passed through his heart. Out of respect for him as a priest
and minister of the Lord, She thereupon rose from her prayer and
sought him out saying: “Master, tell me what thou asketh of thy
servant.” I have already stated, that the Lady called the
priests and ministers of her Son “masters.” The
Evangelist was consoled and encouraged by this advance and with some
hesitation answered: “My Lady, my office and desire of serving
Thee has caused me to notice thy sorrow and I am troubled at thy
suffering, which I am anxious to alleviate.”
342. Saint John added no more words;
but the Queen knew his desire to be informed of her trouble, and in
promptest obedience She fulfilled his wishes as those of her
superior, even before he should express them. Most holy Mary turned
to the Lord and said: “My God and Son, Thou hast wished thy
servant John to take thy place as my companion and attendant, and I
have received him as my prelate and superior, whose will and desire,
as soon as they become known to me, I wish to obey in order that I,
thy humble servant, may live and be governed by thy obedience. Give
me permission to tell him of my anxiety according to his wish.”
She felt at once the fiat of the divine will and falling on her knees
at the feet of saint John, She asked his blessing and kissed his
hands. Having asked his permission to speak, She said: “My
master, lord, the sorrow of my heart is well founded, for the Most
High has shown to me the tribulations which are to come over the
Church, and the persecutions, which all its children, especially the
Apostles, shall suffer. In preparation and for the execution of this
wickedness in the world, I have seen the infernal dragon with
innumerable hosts of evil spirits issuing forth from the caverns of
the abyss, all filled with implacable wrath and fury for the
destruction of the Church. This city of Jerusalem will be the first
and foremost in their assault. In it one of the Apostles will meet
his death, and others will be imprisoned and afflicted at the
instigation of the demon. My heart is filled with compassion and
sorrow at the opposition of these enemies to the exaltation of the
holy name of God and to the salvation of souls.”
343. Thus informed the Apostle was
likewise aggrieved and somewhat troubled. But in the strength of
divine grace he answered the Queen saying: “My Mother and Lady,
thy wisdom cannot ignore that the Most High will draw great fruits
for his Church and for his faithful children from these trials and
tribulations, and that He will assist them in their affliction. We
Apostles are prepared to sacrifice our lives for the Lord, who has
offered his own for the whole human race. We have received great
blessings and it is not just that they remain idle and useless. When
we were little ones in the school of our Teacher and Lord, we behaved
like children. But since He has enriched us with the Holy Ghost and
enkindled in us the fire of love, we have lost our cowardice and
desire to walk the way of the Cross, taught us by his doctrine and
example. We know that the Church is to be established and preserved
by the blood of its ministers and children. Pray Thou for us, my
Lady, that by the divine power and thy protection we gain the victory
over our enemies and that, for the glory of the Most High, we triumph
over all of them. But if this city of Jerusalem is to bear the brunt
of the persecution, it seems to me, my Lady, that Thou shouldst not
await it here, lest the fury of hell, by inciting the malice of men,
attempt some indignity to the tabernacle of God.”
344. The great Queen and Lady of
heaven, full of love and compassion for the Apostles and all the
other faithful, and spurning all fear, would rather have stayed in
Jerusalem, in order to visit, console and encourage all in their
impending tribulation. But this preference, though so holy, She did
not make known to saint John; for, as it was the choice of her heart,
She preferred to disregard it and yield in humble obedience to the
wishes of the Apostle, whom She held as her prelate and superior. In
this subjection, giving no direct answer, She thanked the Evangelist
for his courageous desire of suffering and dying for Christ; and, as
for departing from Jerusalem, She told him to command and dispose as
he thought fit; for She would obey him in all as his subject and
would ask the Lord to guide him by his divine light according to his
glory and pleasure. On getting this consent of the blessed Mother,
(affording us such a great example and reprehending so much our
disobedience), the Evangelist proposed to go to Ephesus, as the
confines of Asia Minor. In suggesting this journey to the most holy
Mary, he said: “My Lady and Mother, in order to leave Jerusalem
and seek occasion to labor for the exaltation of the name of the Most
High, it seems best for us to retire to the city of Ephesus, where
Thou canst bring forth the fruits of faith, which are not to be
expected in Jerusalem. Would I were one of the angels, who assist at
the throne of the blessed Trinity, so as to serve Thee worthily in
this journey; but I am only a vile worm of the earth. The Lord
however will be with us, and Thou shalt have Him a propitious Helper
as thy God and thy Son.”
345. Having resolved upon this
journey, the necessary notice and advice was yet to be given to the
faithful in Jerusalem. The great Lady therefore retired to her
oratory and prayed as follows: “Most high and eternal God, this
humble handmaid prostrates herself before thy royal presence and from
my inmost heart I beseech Thee to direct and guide me in thy greater
pleasure and good will. I will make this journey in obedience to thy
servant John, whose will shall be as thy own. It is not just that thy
handmaid and Mother, who has been so favored by the right hand,
should take any step which is not for the greater glory and
exaltation of thy holy name. Attend, 0 Lord to my desires and
prayers, in order that I may act most appropriately and justly.”
Then the Lord answered Her and said: “My Dove and dearest
Spouse, I have ordained this journey for my greater pleasure. Obey
John, and go to Ephesus; for there in due time I wish to manifest my
clemency to some souls through thy mediation and presence.” By
this answer of the Lord the most blessed Mary was consoled in the
knowledge of the divine will, and She asked the Lord for his blessing
and for permission to prepare for her departure at the time set by
the Apostle. Full of the fire of charity She was inflamed with the
desire of promoting the good of souls in Ephesus, of which the Lord
had given Her hopes. I will now relate, how the most blessed Mary, in
obedience to her Son’s, our Savior’s, will, came to
Saragossa in Spain to visit saint James, in what year and day this
happened, and what took place on this occasion.
346. All the solicitude of our great
Mother and Lady was centered upon the increase and spread of the holy
Church, the consolation of the Apostles, disciples and the other
faithful, and in defending them from the persecutions and assaults
prepared by the infernal dragon and his hosts. In her matchless
charity, before She departed from Jerusalem to take up her abode in
Ephesus, She ordered and arranged many things, both by Herself and
through her holy angels, in order, as much as possible, to provide
all that seemed proper for the needs of the Church in her absence;
for at that time She had no knowledge of the duration of her sojourn
or of her return to Jerusalem. The most effectual service She could
render to the faithful was her continual prayer to secure the
assistance of the infinite power of her Son for the defense of the
Apostles and the faithful against the proud and vaunting schemes of
Lucifer’s wickedness. The most prudent Mother knew, that among
the Apostles James would be the first one to shed his blood for
Christ our Savior, and because She loved him in a special manner, as
I have stated above, She offered up more particular prayers for him
than for the other Apostles.
347. While the heavenly Mother
continued in these prayers, on one of the days, the fourth before
leaving for Ephesus, She felt in her chastest heart new and sweetest
affections, as was usual, when She was about to receive some signal
favor. They are called words of the Lord in the language of holy
Scriptures. Responding to them as the Mistress of holy science, the
most blessed Lady said: “Lord, what dost Thou command me to do?
What dost Thou desire of me? Speak, 0 Lord, for thy handmaid
heareth.” Repeating these words She saw her divine Son,
descending in person to visit Her, seated upon a throne of ineffable
majesty and accompanied by innumerable angels of all the heavenly
choirs and hierarchies. With all his court the Lord entered the
oratory of his most blessed Mother, and the humble and devout Virgin
worshipped Him in deepest reverence from the inmost of her purest
soul. Then the Lord spoke to her saying: “My most beloved
Mother, of whom I have received human being for the salvation of the
world, I am attentive to thy petitions and holy desires and they are
pleasing to Me. I shall defend my Apostles and my Church, and I shall
be their Father and Protector, so that it shall not be overcome nor
the gates of hell prevail against it (Matth. 18, 18). As thou already
knowest, it is necessary for my glory, that the Apostles labor with
my grace, and that at the end they must follow Me to the cross and to
the death I have suffered for the whole human race. The first one who
is to imitate Me therein is my faithful servant James, and I wish
that he suffer martyrdom in this city of Jerusalem. In order that he
come hither, and for other purposes of my glory and thine, I desire
thee to visit him in Spain, where he is preaching my name. I desire
my Mother, that thou go to Saragossa where he now is, and command him
to return to Jerusalem. But before he leaves that city, he is to
build a temple in thy name and title, where thou shalt be venerated
and invoked for the welfare of that country, for my glory and
pleasure, and that of the most blessed Trinity.”
348. The great Queen of heaven
accepted this commission from her divine Son with new jubilee of her
soul. And with sincerest gratitude She answered: “My Lord and
true God, let thy holy will be done in thy servant and Mother for all
eternity, and let all the creatures praise Thee for the admirable
works of kindness done to thy servants. I, 0 Lord, bless and magnify
Thee in them and give humble thanks for them in the name of the
entire Church and in my own name. Grant me, my Son, that in the
temple Thou commandest to be built by thy servant James, I may be
permitted to promise the special protection of thy almighty arm, and
that this sacred place shall be part of my inheritance for the use of
all those that call with devotion upon thy holy name and ask me to
intercede for them with thy clemency.”
349. Christ our Redeemer answered
Her: “My Mother, in whom I am well pleased, I give thee my
royal word, that I shall look with especial clemency and fill with
blessings all those who with devotion and humility call upon Me
through thy intercession in that temple. In thy hands have I
deposited and consigned all my treasures; as my Mother, who holds my
place and power, thou canst signalize that place by depositing
therein thy riches and promising in it thy favors; for all will be
fulfilled according to thy will and pleasure.” Again the most
blessed Mary thanked her Son and God for this promise. Then, at the
command of the Lord, a great number of the angels that accompanied
Her formed a royal throne of a most resplendent cloud and placed Her
thereon as the Queen and Mistress of all creation. Christ the Savior
gave them his blessing and ascended with the rest of the angels to
heaven. The purest Mother, borne by the hands of the seraphim and
accompanied by her thousand angels and the rest, departed body and
soul for Saragossa in Spain. Although this journey could have been
made in the shortest moment of time, the Lord ordered the angels to
move along singing hymns of praise and jubilee to their Queen in
choirs of sweetest harmony.
350. Some of them sang the “Ave
Maria,” others the “Salve sancta Parens” and “Salve
Regina”; others the “Regina coeli laetare,” etc.,
choir answering choir in such harmony and concord of sounds, as no
human art could ever attain. The great lady also, with a heart as
humble as this favor was exalted, opportunely responded, referring
all this glory to the Most High. She repeated many times: “Holy,
holy, holy, Lord God Sabaoth (Is. 6, 3), have pity on the poor
children of Eve. Thine is the glory, thine the power and majesty.
Thou alone art holy, the most High and the Lord of all the celestial
armies and of all creation.” The angels then would respond also
to these songs of the Virgin, so sweet in the hearing of the Lord.
Proceeding in this manner till about midnight, they arrived in
351. The most fortunate Apostle saint
James was encamped with his disciples outside of the wall running
along the banks of the river Ebro. In order to engage in prayer, he
had separated some distance from his companions. Some of his
disciples had fallen asleep and others were absorbed in prayer, all
of them far from expecting the strange event. The procession of the
angels spread out somewhat and sang still louder, so that not only
saint James, but also his disciples could hear them from afar. Those
that were asleep awoke and all of them were filled with interior
sweetness and wonder, with heavenly consolation, which caused them to
remain speechless with admiration and to shed tears of joy. They saw
in the sky a most brilliant light, brighter than that of the sun; but
it was not diffused beyond a certain space and seemed like a large
luminous globe. Lost in admiration and joy they stood motionless
until called by their teacher. Through the miraculous effects, which
they felt within them, the Lord wished to prepare them for what would
be manifested to them concerning this great mystery. The holy angels
placed the throne of their Queen and Lady within sight of the
Apostle, who was still wrapt in most exalted prayer and heard much
more plainly the celestial music and saw more of the light than his
disciples. The angels bore with them a small column hewn of marble or
jasper; and a not very large image of their Queen, made of some other
material. This image was carried by the angels with great veneration.
During that night, the angels, exerting their skill in fashioning the
things of nature, had prepared all this for the occasion.
352. Seated on her throne in the
cloud and surrounded by the angelic choirs the Queen of heaven
manifested Herself to saint James. In wonderful beauty and refulgence
the great Lady far outshone all the angels. The blessed Apostle
prostrated himself upon the earth and in deepest reverence venerated
the Mother of his Creator and Redeemer. He was shown at the same time
the image and the pillar or column in the hands of some of the
angels. The loving Queen gave him her blessing in the name of her
divine Son and said: “James, servant of the Most High, be thou
blest by his right hand: may He raise thee up and show thee the light
of his divine countenance.” All the angels answered: “Amen.”
The Queen of heaven continued: “My son James, this place the
most high and omnipotent God of heaven has destined to be consecrated
by thee upon earth for the erection of a temple and house of prayer,
where, under my patronage and name He wishes to be glorified and
magnified, where the treasures of his right hand shall be
distributed, and all his ancient mercies shall be opened up for the
faithful through my intercession, if they ask for them in true faith
and sincere piety. In the name of the Almighty I promise them great
favors and blessings of sweetness, and my protection and assistance;
for this is to be my house and temple, my inheritance and possession.
A pledge of this truth and of my promise shall be this column with my
image placed upon it. In the temple which thou shalt build for me, it
shall remain and be preserved, together with the holy faith, until
the end of the world. Thou shalt immediately begin to build this
temple of God, and after thou hast completed it, thou shalt depart
for Jerusalem; for my divine Son wishes thee to offer the sacrifice
of thy life in the same place where He offered his for the salvation
of the human race.”
353. The great Queen finished
speaking and ordered the holy angels to set up the column, and upon
it the sacred image, in the same place where they now stand; and the
angels fulfilled her command in one moment. As soon as the column and
the image were in place, the angels and the holy Apostles recognized
that spot as a house and portal of God, as holy ground, consecrated
as a temple to the glory of the Most High and the invocation of his
holy Mother. As witness to this fact they immediately worshipped and
reverenced the Divinity. Saint James prostrated himself upon the
ground and with the holy angels celebrated with new canticles the
first dedication of a temple instituted in this world under the name
and title of the great Mistress of heaven and earth. This was the
happy origin of the sanctuary of our Lady of the Pillar in Saragossa,
which is justly called the angelic chamber, the house of God and of
his purest Mother, worthy of the veneration of the whole world and a
secure pledge and earnest of the favors and benefits not prevented by
our sins. It seems to me, that our great patron and Apostle, the
second Jacob, gave a more glorious beginning to this temple, than the
first Jacob to his in Bethel, when he journeyed to Mesopotamia,
although in that name and on that rock was built the temple of
Solomon. There Jacob saw in his sleep the mystical and figurative
representation of the ladder with the accompanying angels; but here
our Jacob saw the true Stair of Heaven with his bodily eyes, and
accompanied by many more angels. There the stone was consecrated as a
temple, which was to be destroyed many times and after some centuries
was to cease to exist; but here, in the firmness of this truly
consecrated pillar, was established the temple, the faith and the
worship of the Most High until the end of the world, where the angels
were to ascend with the prayers of the faithful and to descend with
incomparable blessings and favors to be distributed to all those that
in this place devoutly call upon and venerate this great Queen and
354. Our apostle gave most humble
thanks to the most blessed Mary and asked Her for the special
protection of this Spanish kingdom and particularly of this place
consecrated to her devotion and name. The heavenly Mother granted him
all his requests; and having again given him her blessing, She was
carried back to Jerusalem in the same order by the holy angels. At
her petition the Most High charged an angel with the care and defense
of this sanctuary, and from that day until now this angel fulfills
this office and will continue it as long as the sacred image and
column shall remain there. All the faithful Catholics may see with
their own eyes the wonderful preservation of this sanctuary, since it
has remained intact and uninjured for more than sixteen hundred
years* amid all the perfidy of the Jews, the idolatry of the Romans,
the heresy of the Arians, and the savage fury of the Moors and
pagans; and still greater would the astonishment of Catholics be, if
they could know of the plots and schemes which all hell has
fabricated in different ages through the hands of these infidel
nations for the destruction of this sanctuary. I will not detain
myself in relating these events, because it is not necessary and does
not belong to my purpose. It is enough to say, that Lucifer has set
all these enemies to attack it many times and the guardian angel of
this sanctuary has foiled all his attempts.
355. But I wish to mention two points
which have been made known to me for record here. First, that in
regard to the promises of Jesus Christ and of his most blessed
Mother, although they seem absolutely to assure the preservation of
this temple and sanctuary, yet they contain an implicit condition, as
is the case with many other promises of holy Scripture in regard to
particular blessings of divine grace. This implicit condition here
is, that we on our part conduct ourselves in such a way as not to
oblige God to deprive us of this merciful privilege, thus promised
and offered to us. Because the Lord, beneath the mysterious decrees
of his justice, hides this compelling measure of sins, therefore this
condition is not declared or made manifest to us; and moreover, we
know from the teachings of holy Church, that his favors and promises
are not to be used by us against the Lord and that we must not sin in
reliance upon his liberal mercy, since this, more than aught else,
will make us unworthy of it. So many and so great may become the sins
of these kingdoms and of that devout city of Saragossa, that we
justly draw upon ourselves the loss of this wonderful blessing and of
the protection of the great Queen and Lady of the angels.
356. The second point which I will
touch upon and which is not less worthy of our consideration, is,
that Lucifer and his demons, since they know of these facts and of
the promises of the Lord, have attempted and are still attempting to
introduce into this illustrious city, with a more refined malice than
elsewhere, heinous vices and sins, especially such as may offend
against the purity of the most blessed Mary. The purpose of the
ancient serpent is to bring about two most execrable effects: first,
either to induce the inhabitants of that city, if possible, so to
offend God, as to cause Him to abolish the sanctuary, thus reaching
the end which he could not otherwise attain; or, if that is not
possible, at least to hinder souls from showing proper reverence and
devotion to the sacred temple and to the great blessings promised
through Mary to all her devout supplicants. Lucifer and his demons
know very well that the inhabitants of Saragossa and its neighborhood
are much more heavily indebted to the great Queen of heaven than many
other cities and provinces of Christianity. For it holds within its
walls the storehouse and fountainhead of the favors and blessings, to
draw which, others must come from afar; therefore if its inhabitants,
while possessing these advantages, would lead a more wicked life and
consequently treat with contempt this condescending clemency, which
no one can ever merit, then certainly their ingratitude to God and
his most blessed Mother would provoke a greater indignation and
punishment in divine Justice. Joyfully I will confess to all that
shall read this history, that I consider myself extremely fortunate
in being permitted to write it in a place which is only two days’
foot-journey from the city of Saragossa and I look upon that
sanctuary with inmost affection of soul, in acknowledgment of the
debt, which, as all know, lowe to the great Mistress of the world. I
acknowledge also my obligations and my gratitude toward the piety of
that city. In return I desire urgently to bring to the remembrance of
its inhabitants the sincere and ardent devotion they owe to the most
blessed Mary, the favors they can obtain for themselves by it, and
the blessings they may lose by forgetfulness and inattention. Let
them consider themselves as more favored and indebted than other
faithful. Let them esteem their treasure, happily enjoy it, and let
them not make the propitiatory of their God a useless and common
dwelling, converting it into a court of justice; for the most holy
Mary has appointed it as a workhouse or council house of her mercies.
357. The vision of the most blessed
Mary having faded away, saint James called his disciples, who were
absorbed in the music and in wonder at the brightness, though they
did not hear or see anything else. Their great teacher revealed to
them as much as was calculated to animate them toward helping to
build the temple, with which he had been commissioned; and, with the
assistance of the holy angels, before he left Saragossa, compleced
the little chapel, in which now the image and the column are still
preserved. Afterwards the Catholics erected the sumptuous temple and
whatever else surrounds and adorns that celebrated sanctuary. The
evangelist saint John at the time knew nothing of this excursion of
the heavenly Mother to Spain, nor did She tell him about it; for
these privileges and favors did not concern the faith of the
universal Church, wherefore she kept the secret of them to Herself.
Other greater ones however She made known to saint John and the other
Evangelists, because they were necessary for the common instruction
and faith of the Christians. But when saint James arrived from Spain
and saw his brother John in Jerusalem, He related what had happened
to him in his preaching-tours through Spain. He told him also of the
two visions of the most blessed Mary and of what had happened in
Saragossa in connection with the temple he had erected in that city.
Through the Evangelist many of the other Apostles and disciples
learnt of this miracle, for he afterwards told them of it in
Jerusalem in order to confirm them in their faith and devotion to the
Mistress of heaven and awaken their confidence in her protection.
Hence, those that knew of these favors to saint James, from that time
called upon Her in their labors and necessities; and the loving
Mother helped some of them often, and all of them at different times
in certain difficulties and dangers.
358. The miraculous appearance of the
most blessed Mary in Saragossa took place in the beginning of the
fortieth year of the birth of the Lord, during the night of the
second of January. Four years, four months and ten days had passed
from the time when saint James left Jerusalem on his missionary tour
up to this event; for he had left in the year thirty-five, on the
twentieth of August, as I mentioned above (No. 319) ; and after the
apparition he spent, in building the temple, in returning to
Jerusalem and in preaching, one year, two months and twenty-three
days. He died on the twenty-fifth of March in the year forty-one. The
great Queen of the angels, at the time She appeared to him in
Saragossa, was fifty-four years, three months and twenty-four days of
age. For immediately on coming back to Jerusalem, She prepared to
depart for Ephesus, as I will relate in the next book and chapter;
and She left four days afterwards. Thus this temple was dedicated
many years before her glorious transition, as will be evident, when I
shall mention her age at her death; for from this apparition to her
death intervened a longer time than is ordinarily assumed. During all
these years She was already publicly venerated in Spain and had
temples built in her honor; for in imitation of that in Saragossa
others were soon erected, where altars were raised in her honor and
solemn veneration.
359. This wonderful distinction
without a doubt exalts Spain beyond all that can be said in its
praise; since thereby it signalized itself before all nations and
kingdoms in the public veneration, reverence and devotion due to the
great Queen and Mistress of heaven and earth, and was more zealous to
worship and invoke Her even while She was yet living, than other
nations were after her death and transition to heaven. In return for
this ancient and universal devotion, the most blessed Mary, as I was
given to understand, has enriched these realms more than the other
kingdoms of the earth by spreading the public veneration of so many
miraculous images, and sanctuaries dedicated in Spain to her honor.
By multiplying these favors the heavenly Mother has sought to
familiarize intercourse with Her throughout the kingdoms, offering
her protection in so many temples and sanctuaries and meeting the
devotions of the faithful in so many places throughout the provinces.
This should induce us to acknowledge Her as our Mother and Patroness
and give us to understand, that the defense and the spreading of her
honor through the whole world is a special privilege of this nation.
360. Therefore I pray and humbly
beseech all the subjects and inhabitants of Spain, and, in the name
of this great Lady, exhort all of them to refresh their memory,
enliven their faith, renew and excite their ancient devotion toward
the most blessed Mary, and consider themselves more bound and obliged
to her service than other nations. Let them hold especially the
sanctuary of Saragossa in highest veneration, as excelling all the
others and as being the starting-place of the piety and devotion
toward this Queen in Spain. And let all those who read this history
believe, that the former happiness and greatness of Spain was a gift
of the most blessed Mary and a reward for the service rendered to Her
by the Spanish people. If we in our days see the glory and happiness
of Spain so much diminished, it is the fault of our negligence by
which we oblige Her to withdraw her protection. If we desire a remedy
for so many calamities, we can obtain it only through this powerful
Queen, gaining her favor by new and extraordinary proofs of our
devotion. And as the admirable blessing of the Catholic faith and the
other benefits I have mentioned, have come to us through our great
patron and Apostle saint James, let our devotion and confidence
toward him likewise be renewed, in order that the Almighty through
his intercession may renew his wonders.
361. My daughter, thou knowest, that
not without some mysterious reason I have in the course of this
history so many times shown thee the secret machinations and
treacherous counsels of hell for the ruin of mankind, and the furious
and restless wrath with which Lucifer seeks to encompass it. In this
assault hell misses no opening, no occasion, and lets no stone
unturned, nor forgets any path, any state or person in laying snares
for their fall and in trying to find ways so much the more dangerous
and deceitful, the more they find their victims desirous of eternal
life and of the friendship of God. Besides these general warnings
thou hast often been shown the council-meetings and the plots laid
against thee. It is important for all the children of the Church to
escape the ignorance in which they live concerning the dangers
besetting their eternal salvation; for they do not know or take
notice, that their ignorance of these secrets is the chastisement of
the sin of Adam, and how, after being enlightened, they again lose it
and become more unworthy of it than before through their own sins.
Many of the faithful are as oblivious and careless, as if there were
no demons to persecute and deceive them; and if they sometimes think
of them, it is superficially and lightly, falling immediately back
into their forgetfulness, which for many of them means no less than
eternal punishment. If at all times and in all places, in all their
works and on all occasions the demons set their snares, it is but
just and proper that Christians on their part take not one step
without asking divine light to see and avoid the danger. But as the
children of Adam are so torpid in regard to this matter, they perform
scarcely one work without being assailed by the infernal serpent and
infected by his poison. Thus they accumulate sins upon sins, evil
upon evil, irritating the divine justice and shutting out mercy.
362. In these dangers I exhort thee,
my daughter, that just as the fury and watchfulness of hell against
thee is greater, so also, with the divine grace, thy watchfulness be
more earnest and continual in order to vanquish those astute enemies.
Consider what I did, when I saw the designs of Lucifer to persecute
me and the holy Church: I multiplied my prayers, tears, sighs and
supplications; and when the demons tried to avail themselves of the
help of Herod and the Jews of Jerusalem, although I needed not fear
the least for myself in the city and desired to remain there, I
nevertheless gave up my desire of staying in order to furnish an
example of caution and of obedience by flying from danger and by
yielding to the will of saint John. Thou art not strong and art in
great danger from creatures; and, what is still more, thou art my
disciple, and hast my life and works for thy model. Therefore I
desire thee to fly from danger as soon as thou seest it; and if
necessary, avoid it at the cost of the greatest sensible pain, always
acting under obedience, which thou must look upon as thy guiding-star
and as thy support against the danger of a fall. Cautiously examine,
whether beneath some apparent work of piety there lurk not the snares
of the demon and see that thou do not suffer evil in doing good to
others. Do not trust to thy own judgment, although it may seem good
and secure to thee; never hesitate to obey in all things, seeing that
I by obedience safely passed through many labors and difficulties.
363. Renew also the loving desire of
following my footsteps and of imitating me perfectly, so as to finish
what still remains of my history, at the same time writing it in thy
heart. Run on the way of humility and obedience after the order of my
life and virtues, and if thou obey me (as I have wished and so often
asked of thee) I will assist thee as my daughter in thy necessities
and tribulations. My divine Son shall execute his designs in regard
to thee, as thou hast desired before beginning this work; his
promises so often repeated to thee will be fulfilled and thou wilt be
blessed by his powerful right hand. Praise and magnify the Most High
for the favor shown to my servant James in Saragossa, for the temple
there erected before my Assumption into heaven, and for all the
wonders concerning it. Remember that this was the first temple of the
evangelical law and was most pleasing to the will of the most blessed
Describes the Journey of the Most
Blessed Mary with Saint John to Ephesus; the Death and Chastisement
of Herod; the Destruction of the Temple of Diana; the Return of the
Most Blessed Mary from Ephesus to Jerusalem; the Instructions She
gave to the Evangelists; the exalted State of Her purest Soul before
Her death; Her most blessed Transition, Assumption and Coronation in
Chapter I
365. The most blessed Mary, having
enriched and blessed Saragossa and the kingdom of Spain by her
presence, and her promises of protection, and having established
through saint James and her angels the temple as a monument to her
sacred name, was borne by the hands of the seraphim back to
Jerusalem. As soon as the great Lady of heaven and Queen of the
angels had left the cloud-throne, on which She had been borne, and
set her foot upon the floor of the Cenacle, She prostrated Herself
upon it, humbling Herself to the dust in order to praise the Most
High for the favors conferred upon Her, upon saint James and upon the
kingdom of Spain in this miraculous journey. At the thought of a
temple built in her honor and for her invocation, She, in her
ineffable humility, so annihilated Herself in her own estimation, as
seemingly to have entirely forgotten that She was the Mother of God,
a sinless Creature and without measure superior to all the highest
seraphim. She humbled Herself and gave thanks for these benefits, as
if She were a mere worm of the earth, of less value and guilty of
more sins than all the creatures. This new debt seemed to Her so
great, that She felt obliged to aspire to new and more exalted
degrees of holiness in recompense. This She resolved to do and really
accomplished, arriving at a degree of wisdom and humility beyond all
our capacity to conceive.
366. In these exercises, and in
praying with great fervor for the defense and increase of the Church,
She spent the greater part of the four days after her return to
Jerusalem. In the meanwhile the evangelist saint John made
preparations for the journey and embarkation for Ephesus, and on the
fourth day, which was the fifth of January of the year forty, saint
John notified Her that it was time to leave; for there would be a
ship and all things had been arranged for the journey. The great
Mistress of obedience, without answer or delay, knelt down and asked
permission of the Lord to leave the Cenacle and Jerusalem; and then
She proceeded to take leave of the owner of the house and its
inhabitants. It can easily be imagined, how sorrowful they were at
this leave-taking; for on account of her most sweet conversation, and
because of the favors and blessings received at her liberal hands,
all were held captives and prisoners in love and veneration of Her,
whereas now all at once they were to be deprived of her consoling
presence and of this rich Treasure, the well spring of so many
blessings. All of them offered to follow and accompany Her; but as
this was not opportune, they asked Her to hasten her return and not
to forsake forever this house, which was entirely at her disposal.
The heavenly Mother thanked them for these pious and loving wishes by
expressing her own humble love, and She somewhat allayed their grief
by giving them hope of her return.
367. Then She asked permission of
saint John to visit the holy places of our Redemption and there to
worship and adore the Lord, who had consecrated them by his presence
and his precious blood. With the Apostle She made these sacred
stations, exhibiting incredible devotion and tears of reverent love,
and saint John, deeply consoled at being permitted to accompany Her,
exercised himself in heroic acts of virtue. The most blessed Mother
saw at each of the holy places the angels, who had been deputed to
guard and defend them; and anew She charged them to resist Lucifer
and his demons, lest they destroy or profane by irreverence those
sacred spots, as they desired and intended to do through the
unbelieving Jews. She told the angels to drive away by holy
inspirations the bad thoughts and diabolical suggestions, by which
the infernal dragon sought to excite the Jews and other mortals to
blot out the memory of Christ our Savior in those holy places, and
She charged them with this duty for all the future times, since the
wrath of the evil spirits against the places and the works of the
Redemption endures through all the ages. The holy angels obeyed their
Queen and Mistress in all that She ordained.
368. Having satisfied her piety, She
asked saint John on her knees to bless Her for the journey, just as
She had been wont to do with her divine Son; for She continued to
exercise the same great virtues of obedience and humility toward the
beloved disciple, his substitute. Many of the faithful of Jerusalem
offered Her money, jewels, vehicles and all things necessary for her
journey to the sea and to Ephesus. The most prudent Lady humbly
showed her appreciation to all, but accepted nothing. For her journey
to the sea She made use of an unpretentious beast of burden, on which
She was carried along as the Queen of the virtues and of the poor.
She recollected the journeys and pilgrimages She had made with her
divine Son and with her spouse Joseph, and these recollections,
together with the heavenly love, which had induced Her once more to
travel, awakened in her dove-like heart tender and devout affections.
In order to be in all things most perfect, She excited new acts of
resignation to the divine will in being deprived, for the glory and
exaltation of his name, of the company of her Son and of her spouse,
whose consoling presence She had enjoyed on her former journeys. She
also resigned Herself to the divine will in regard to leaving the
quiet of the Cenacle, the neighborhood of the sacred places, and the
intercourse with so many of the faithful and devout children of the
Church, and praised the Most High: because He had given Her the
beloved disciple as a companion in her banishment.
369. For her greater alleviation and
comfort during this journey all her holy angels on her leaving the
Cenacle, appeared to Her in visible and corporeal forms surrounding
Her and protecting Her in their midst. With this escort of the
celestial host and the human company of saint John She journeyed to
the port, where the vessel was ready to sail for Ephesus. She spent
her time in oftrepeated and sweet colloquies and canticles with the
celestial spirits, sounding the praises of the Most High. At other
times She conversed with saint John, who with admirable reverence was
tenderly solicitous to serve Her in all that occurred and seemed
opportune. This solicitude of saint John was met by the heavenly
Mother with incredible humility and gratitude; for these two virtues,
gratitude and humility, made all the favors She received appear to
Her very great, and although all service was due Her in justice, She
nevertheless acknowledged it as the most voluntary favor.
370. They came to the harbor and
immediately embarked in the ship with other passengers. The great
Queen of the world was now for the first time upon the sea. She saw
and comprehended with clearness the vast Mediterranean and its
communication with the great ocean. She beheld its height and depth,
its length and breadth, its caverns and secret recesses, its sands
and minerals, its ebb and tide, its animals, its whales and fishes of
all sizes, and whatever other portentous animals it enclosed. She
knew how many men had drowned and perished in voyaging it and She
remembered the saying of Ecclesiasticus: That those who navigate the
sea, narrate its dangers (Ecclus 43, 26), and that of David:
Wonderful are the surges and pride of the swollen waves (Ps. 92, 4).
The heavenly Mother could easily know all this, as well because of an
especial dispensation of her divine Son, as on account of her supreme
angelic privilege and grace, and of her singular participation in the
divine attributes, which resembled those of the most sacred humanity
of Christ our Savior. In virtue of these gifts and privileges, her
knowledge extended to all these things not only as they are in
themselves and without deceit, but far beyond the sphere of angelic
371. When this great panorama of
creatures, in which were reflected, as from a most clear mirror, the
greatness and omnipotence of the Creator, was presented to her
faculties filled with heavenly wisdom, her spirit winged its ardent
flight to the very being of God, so wonderfully reflected in those
creatures, and for all of them, and in all of them, She gave praise
and glory and magnificence to the Most High. With the compassion of a
most loving Mother for those who trusted their lives to the
indomitable fury of the sea in navigating over its waves, She most
fervently besought the Almighty to protect from its dangers all who
should call upon her name and ask for her intercession. The Lord
immediately granted this petition and promised to favor whoever upon
the sea should carry some image of Her and should sincerely look upon
this Star of the sea, most blessed Mary, for help in its perils.
Accordingly it will be understood, that, if the Catholics and the
faithful encounter ill success and perish in navigation, it is
because they ignore the favors to be obtained from the Queen of the
angels, or because on account of their sins they fail to remember Her
in the raging storms, or fail to seek her favors with sincere faith
and devotion; for neither can the word of the Lord ever fail, nor
will the great Mother ever deny assistance to those endangered by the
perils of the sea.
372. Another wonder also happened;
for when the most blessed Mary saw the sea with the fishes and other
maritime animals, She gave them all her blessing and commanded them
to acknowledge and praise their Creator in the manner they were
capable of. Then it was wonderful to see all the fishes of the sea
obeying her command and with incredible swiftness placing themselves
in front of the ship. None of the species of sea-animals was missing,
each being represented by an innumerable multitude. All of them
surrounded the ship and showed their heads above the water and with
unwonted motions and signs of pleasure for a long time acknowledged
Her as the Queen and Mistress of creatures and showed themselves
grateful to Her for coming upon the waters and visiting them in their
place of habitation. This strange event astonished all the passengers
as something never before seen. The multitudes of large and small
fishes, so crowded and packed together, somewhat impeded the progress
of the vessel, and the passengers gazed upon this spectacle and
wonderingly discussed it, for they did not know the cause of this
miracle. Saint John alone understood it, and for a while he could not
restrain his tears of devoted joy. After some time he asked the
heavenly Mother to give them her blessing and her permission to
depart since they had so promptly obeyed Her when asked to praise the
Most High. The sweetest Mother complied, and immediately that army of
fishes disappeared and churned the sea into foam by their quick
motion. Thereupon the ship pursued its way over the tranquil and
serene bosom of the waters, arriving at Ephesus in a few days.
373. When they landed the great Queen
continued to work miracles equal to those wrought upon the sea. She
cured the sick and the possessed, who, as soon as they came into her
presence, were set free. I will not tarry to relate all these
wonders; for many books would be necessary and much time to describe
all the doings of the most blessed Mary and the favors of heaven,
which She dispensed as the instrument and medium of the omnipotence
of the Most High. I will record only those, which are necessary for
this history and which shall suffice to manifest in some measure the
unknown and wonderful works of our great Queen and Lady. In Ephesus
lived some Christians, who had come from Jerusalem. There were not
many, but on learning of the arrival of the Mother of Christ the
Redeemer, they hastened to pay Her a visit and offer their dwellings
and their possessions for her use. But the great Queen of virtues,
who sought neither ostentation nor temporal commodities, chose for
her dwelling the house of a few retired and poor women, who were
living by themselves free from intercourse with men. By the
intervention of the angels, they lovingly and generously placed their
home at the disposition of the Lady. In it they selected a very
retired room for the Queen and another for saint John, which these
Two occupied during their stay in Ephesus.
374. The most blessed Mary thanked
the owners, who were to live with Her. Then She retired to her room
and, prostrate upon the ground as was usual in her prayers, The
adored the immutable essence of God, offering to sacrifice Herself in
his service in this city and saying:
“Lord God
omnipotent, by the immensity of thy Divinity Thou fillest all the
heavens and the earth (J er. 23, 24). I, thy humble handmaid, desire
to fulfill entirely thy holy will, on all occasions, in all places,
and at all times, in which thy Providence shall deign to place me;
for Thou art my only Good, my being and my life, and toward thy
pleasure and satisfaction tend all my thoughts, words and actions.”
The most prudent Mother perceived that the Lord accepted her prayer
and her offering, and that He responded to her desires with divine
power, ready to assist and govern Her always.
375. She continued her prayer for the
holy Church and laid out her plans for the assistance of all the
faithful. She called her angels and sent some of them to aid the
Apostles and disciples, whom She knew to be much pressed in the
persecutions, raised by the demons through infidel men. In those days
saint Paul fled from Damascus before the attacks of the Jews, as he
himself mentions in the second epistle to the Corinthians, where he
says, that he was let down from the walls of the city in a basket (II
Cor. 11,23). To defend him from these perils and those with which
Lucifer threatened him on his way to Jerusalem, the great Queen of
angels sent her angels to be his guard and protection; for the wrath
and fury of hell was roused against saint Paul more than against any
of the other Apostles. This is the journey the Apostle himself refers
to in his letter to the Galatians (Gal. 1, 18), where he says, that
after three years he went to Jerusalem to visit saint Peter. These
three years are not to be counted from the time of his conversion,
but from the time he had returned from Arabia to Damascus. This is to
be inferred from the text itself, for after stating that he returned
from Arabia to Damascus, he immediately adds, that after three years,
he went up to Jerusalem. If those three years are counted from the
time before his sojourn in Arabia, the text would occasion much
376. With greater clearness this may
be proved by computing the time of the death of saint Stephen and the
journey of the most blessed Virgin to Ephesus. For counting from the
day of his Nativity, saint Stephen died at the end of the
thirty-fourth year of Christ, but counting them from the day of the
Circumcision, as the Church does now, saint Stephen died seven days
before the completion of the thirty-four years, being the seven days
before the first of January. The conversion of saint Paul happened in
the year thirty-six, on the twenty-fifth of January. If he had come
to Jerusalem three years afterwards, he would have found there the
most holy Mary and saint John, while he himself says, that he had not
seen anyone of the Apostles there, except saint Peter and saint James
the less, who was called Alpheus, If the holy Queen and saint John
had at that time been in Jerusalem saint Paul would certainly not
have missed seeing them, and he would have mentioned at least saint
John; yet he says, that he had not seen him. The explanation is, that
saint Paul came to Jerusalem in the year forty, four years after his
conversion, and a little less than a month after the most blessed
Mary had departed for Ephesus. Saint Paul had entered the fifth year
of his conversion and the other Apostles, except the two he saw, had
already left Jerusalem and were preaching the Gospel of Christ, each
one in his appointed province.
377. Conformably with this reckoning
we must assume, that saint Paul spent the first year after his
conversion, or the greater part of it, in journeying to Arabia and
preaching the Gospel there; then, the three following years, in
Damascus. Hence the evangelist Luke, in the ninth chapter of his Acts
of the Apostles, although he says nothing of Paul’s journey to
Arabia, nevertheless says that for many days after his conversion the
Jews of Damascus plotted to take his life, these many days referring
to the four years thus passed. Then he adds, that his disciples,
aware of the plots of the Jews, on a certain night lowered him in a
basket from the city walls and thus despatched him on his journey to
Jerusalem. There, although knowing of his miraculous conversion, the
Apostles and the new disciples, nevertheless retained a certain fear
and suspicion of his not persevering, because he had been such a
professed enemy of Christ, our Savior. Hence they at first held
themselves aloof from saint Paul, until saint Barnaby spoke to them
and introduced him to saint Peter, saint James and other disciples
(Acts 26, 27). Saint Paul prostrated himself at the feet of the vicar
of Christ, kissed them in acknowledgment of his errors and sins, and
begging to be admitted as one of his subjects and as a follower of
his Master, whose holy name and faith he desired to preach at the
cost of his blood.
378. From the fear and suspicion of
saint Peter and James concerning the perseverance of saint Paul we
can likewise deduct that he arrived in Jerusalem in the absence of
the most blessed Mary and saint John; for he would have presented
himself first of all to Her to allay suspicion against him; and the
two Apostles would likewise have first asked Her, whether they could
trust saint Paul. All of them would have been set at ease by the most
prudent Lady, as She was so solicitous and attentive in consoling and
instructing the Apostles, especially saint Peter. But since the great
Lady had already left for Ephesus, they had no one to assure them of
the constancy of saint Paul, until saint Peter reassured himself of
it at seeing him thus prostrate at his feet. Thereupon he was
received with great joy of soul by saint Peter and the other
disciples. All of them gave humble and fervent thanks to the Most
High, and commissioned saint Paul to preach in Jerusalem. This he
gladly did, to the astonishment of all the Jews who knew him. As his
words were like burning arrows, that penetrated into the hearts of
all that heard him, they were struck with terror; and in two days all
Jerusalem was roused by the news of his arrival, flocking to see him
with their own eyes.
379. Lucifer and his demons were not
asleep on this occasion, for they were visited by the Almighty with
an increase of torment at the arrival of saint Paul. The divine
power, so evident in him, oppressed and paralyzed the infernal
dragons. But as their pride and malice shall never be extinguished
through all the eternity of their existence (Ps. 73, 23), they were
roused to fury, as soon as they recognized this divine virtue as
flowing from Paul. Lucifer, with incredible rage, called together
many legions of the demons and exhorted them anew to rouse themselves
and exert all the forces of their malice for the entire destruction
of saint Paul, and not to leave any stone unturned in Jerusalem and
in all the world for the attainment of this object. The demons
without delay set about this work, exciting Herod and the Jews
against the Apostle, and directing their attention to the burning
zeal with which he began to preach in Jerusalem.
380. The great Mistress of heaven
perceived all this from her retirement in Ephesus; for in addition to
the knowledge of all things through her heavenly science, She
received information of all that happened to saint Paul from the
angels She had sent for his defense. As the most blessed Mother
expected the disturbance about to be raised by the malice of Herod
and the Jews, especially against saint Paul, and as, on the other
hand, She knew the importance of preserving his life for the
exaltation of God’s name and the spread of the Gospel, the
great Queen was filled with new solicitude and regret at being absent
from Palestine, where She could have rendered more immediate
assistance to the Apostles. Therefore She sought to furnish it so
much the more abundantly from Ephesus by multiplying her prayers and
petitions, her ceaseless tears and sighs, and by other measures
through the hands of her holy angels. In order to allay her
anxieties, the Lord, one day in her prayer, assured Her, that He
would fulfill her petitions and protect the life of saint Paul in
this danger and in these assaults of the devil. And so He did: for
one day saint Paul, while praying in the temple, was raised to an
ecstatic rapture and filled with most exalted enlightenment and
understanding, wherein the Lord commanded him immediately to leave
Jerusalem and save his life from the hatred of the unbelieving Jews.
381. Hence saint Paul sojourned in
Jerusalem at that time not more than fifteen days, as he himself says
in his epistle to Galatians (Gal. 1, 18). After some years he
returned thither from Miletus and Ephesus and was taken prisoner, and
he refers to this ecstasy in the temple and to the command of the
Lord to leave Jerusalem in the twenty-second chapter of the Acts. Of
this vision and command he informed saint Peter, as the head of the
apostolic college; and after consultation concerning his mortal
danger, he was secretly sent to Caesarea and Tarsus with orders to
preach indiscriminately to the gentiles, which he did. The most
blessed Mary was the instrument and Mediatrix of all these miraculous
favors. It was through Her that her Divine Son operated them, and
from Her, God received the proper thanks for the graces distributed
to the whole Church.
382. Having thus been reassured in
regard to the life of saint Paul, the most blessed Mother entertained
the hope that through the assistance of divine Providence She might
save the life of her cousin James, who was very dear to Her and who
was still in Saragossa, protected by the hundred angels She had
appointed for his guardians and companions at Granada. These holy
angels frequently went back and forth, bringing the petitions of the
Apostles to the most blessed Mary and her counsels back to him. In
this way saint James learned of the sojourn of the great Queen in
Ephesus. When he had brought the chapel or small temple of the Pillar
in Saragossa to a sufficient state of completion, he consigned it to
the care of the bishop and the disciples appointed by him here as in
other cities in Spain. Some months after the apparition of the Queen,
he departed from Saragossa, continuing to preach through different
provinces. Having come to Catalonia, he embarked for Italy, where
without much delay, he pursued his journey overland always preaching
until he again embarked for Asia, and ardently desiring to see there
the most blessed Mary, his Mistress and Protectress.
383. Saint James happily attained his
object and reached Ephesus. There he prostrated himself at the feet
of the Mother of his Creator, shedding copious tears of joy and
veneration. From his inmost heart he thanked Her for the peerless
favors obtained at her hands from the Most High during his travels
and his preaching in Spain, and especially for her having visited him
and conferred such blessings upon him during her visits. The heavenly
Mother, as Mistress of humility, immediately raised him from the
ground and said to him: “My Master, remember thou art the
anointed of the Lord and his minister, and that I am a humble
wormlet.” With these words the great Lady fell on her knees and
asked the blessing of saint James as a priest of the Most High. He
remained for some days in Ephesus in the company of the most blessed
Mary and of his brother John, to whom he gave an account of all that
had happened to him in Spain. With the most prudent Mother during
those days he held most exalted colloquies and conferences, of which
it will suffice to record the following.
384. In order to prepare saint James
for his leave taking the blessed Mary one day said to him: “James,
my son, these will be the last few days of thy life. Thou knowest how
deeply I love thee in the Lord, and how I desire to raise thee to his
intimate love and eternal friendship, for which He has created thee,
redeemed and called thee. In the few days that still remain of thy
life, I desire to demonstrate to thee my love and I offer thee all
that by the divine grace I can do for thee as a true Mother.”
To this exceedingly great favor saint James responded with deepest
veneration: “My Mistress and Mother of my God and Redeemer,
from the bottom of my soul I thank Thee for this new benefit,
possible only to thy unbounded charity. My Lady, I beseech Thee, give
me thy blessing that I may suffer martyrdom for thy Son, my true God
and Savior. If it is his will and for his glory, I beseech Thee from
my soul, not to forsake me in the sacrifice of my life, but that I
may see Thee with my own eyes in my passage and that Thou offer me as
an acceptable victim in his divine presence.”
385. The most holy Mary promised to
present his petition to the Lord and that She would fulfill it, if
the divine will and condescension should so permit. Thus inspiring
him with the hope of her assistance and with other consolations of
eternal life, She comforted the Apostle and strengthened him for his
expected martyrdom. Among other words She spoke to him also as
follows: “My son James, what torments or suffering shall ever
seem great at the prospect of entering the eternal joys of the Lord?
The most bitter shall seem sweet and the most terrible, welcome and
desirable to him who knows the infinite and highest Good, which he
shall possess in return for a momentary sorrow (II Cor. 4, 17). I
congratulate thee, my master, for thy most happy lot and that thou
art so soon to leave the tribulations of this morta11ife in order to
enjoy the infinite Good as a comprehensor in the gladness of his
divine countenance. In this my heart is lightened that thou art so
shortly to obtain what my soul desires for thee; and that thou givest
thy temporal life for the unending possession of eternal rest. I give
thee the blessing of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, in
order that all the three Persons, in the oneness of their essence,
assist thee in tribulation and lead thee to the desired end; and my
own blessing shall be with thee in thy glorious martyrdom.”
386. The great Queen added other
words of admirable wisdom and highest consolation in parting from
saint James. She asked him, in her name and in the name of all the
creatures to praise God, and to intercede for the holy Church, as
soon as He should come to the vision of the blessed Trinity. Saint
James offered to do all She desired and again asked her favor and
protection in the hour of his martyrdom. This She once more promised,
and taking leave of Her, saint James said: “My Mistress,
blessed among women, thy life and intercession is the prop on which
the holy Church, now and during the ages in which it is to exist,
shall rest securely in the midst or the persecutions and temptations
of the enemies of the Lord. Thy charity shall be to Thee the
instrument of thy martyrdom. Keep in mind always, as our sweetest
Mother, the kingdom of Spain, where the holy Church and the faith of
thy divine Son and Redeemer has now been planted. Receive it under
thy special protection and preserve in it thy sacred temple and the
faith, which I unworthily have preached; and give me thy holy
blessing.” The most holy Mary promised to fulfill his petition
and desires, and She parted from him, bestowing upon him her
reiterated blessing.
387. Saint James took leave also of
his brother saint John, who shed abundant tears, not so much of
sorrow as of joy, on account of the happy lot of the elder brother,
since he was to be the first of the Apostles to attain eternal
happiness and the palm of martyrdom. Thereupon saint James journeyed
without much delay to Jerusalem, where he preached for some days
before he died, as I shall show in the next chapter. The great Lady
of the world remained in Ephesus, attentive to all that happened to
saint James and all the other Apostles, without losing them from her
interior vision or intermitting her prayers for them and for all the
faithful of the Church. At the thought of the martyrdom of saint
James for the name of Christ, such conflagrations of love and desires
of giving her life for the Lord welled up in the purest heart of
Mary, that She merited, many times over, the crowns gained by the
Apostle and by all others together; for with each one of the martyrs
She suffered many martyrdoms of love, more excruciating to her chaste
and burning heart than the torments of sword and fire to the bodies
of the martyrs.
388. My daughter, in the events of
this chapter thou wilt find much guidance for a perfect life.
Consider then, that just as God is the beginning and origin of all
the being and faculties of creatures, so also, according to right
reason, He is to be their sole last end; for if man has received all
without meriting it, then he likewise owes all to Him who has given
it gratis; and if men have received all in order to produce results,
then all the results belong to the Creator and not to the creatures.
This truth, which I understood fully and pondered in my heart, urged
me to prostrate myself and lower myself to the very dust in adoring
the immutable being of God. I reflected how I was created out of
nothing, formed of earth, and in the presence of God I annihilated
myself, acknowledging Him as the Creator, to whom lowed my life,
being and motion (Acts 17, 28), and protesting that without Him I was
nothing, and that all was due to Him as the one beginning and end of
all creation. In the light of this truth, all that I did and suffered
seemed little; and although I ceased not to do good, I continually
longed and sighed to do and suffer still more. Never was my heart
satisfied, because I still found myself a debtor, getting poorer and
ever more indebted. This state of mind is very well founded in right
reason and still more on faith, and this debt is manifest and common
to all men, if they would only direct their attention toward it. But
amid the universal forgetfulness of men I wish, my daughter, that
thou solicitously imitate me in the practices and exercises described
to thee, and especially that thou humble thyself to the dust and
abase thyself in proportion as the Most High raises thee up by the
favors and blessings of his right hand. The example of my humility
thou wilt see clearly evident in the special favors, as for instance,
when He commanded a temple to be built, in which I was to be honored
and invoked even during my mortal life. This and other favors humbled
me beyond all human imagination. Therefore, if I thus humbled myself
after performing such great things, consider how much more thou must
do it in response to such great liberality of the Lord toward thee
and after such niggardly correspondence on thy part.
389. I wish also, my daughter, that
thou imitate me in being very careful to practice poverty of spirit
concerning the use of necessities and comforts, offered thee by thy
sister-nuns or by thy well-wishers. Choose and accept only the most
poor and most ordinary, the most undesirable and humble things for
thy use; for otherwise thou canst not imitate me in the spirit, in
which without ostentation I refused all comforts and good things of
this life offered to me by the faithful of Jerusalem, and of which I
accepted only what was absolutely necessary during my sojourn in
Ephesus. In the exercise of this virtue is contained much that will
make human beings happy, while the deceived and blind worldlings
please themselves in pursuing what is entirely opposed to this virtue
and truth.
390. Seek also to guard thyself from
another very common mistake: namely that by which men, instead of
acknowledging that all the goods of body and soul belong to the Lord,
nevertheless appropriate all of them to themselves and consider them
so much their own, that they not only refuse to offer them freely to
their Creator, but even, if at any time they must part with them;
lament and are aggrieved over their loss, as if they had been injured
or as if God had treated them unjustly. With such a disorderly
affection parents are wont to love their children, and children their
parents, married men their wives, and wives their husbands, and all
of them, their possessions, honor, health and other temporal goods,
while many souls thus love even the spiritual goods; and they go so
far in this disorderly love, that they have no measure in their
sorrow, when they lose them. Though it be impossible to recover them,
they live in unrest and dejection, passing from the disorder of their
sensible affection to the disorder of their reason and to unjust
complaint. Hence they dare not only condemn the rulings of divine
Providence and lose the merit of sacrificing what is the Lord’s,
but they wish to have it understood, that they esteem the possession
of these transitory goods as their highest aim, and that, if they
were permitted, they would live many ages content with these apparent
and perishing things.
391. None of the children of Adam can
have a love greater, or one equal to that, with which I loved my
divine Son and my spouse saint Joseph; yet this love was so well
ordered while I lived in their company, that I willingly sacrificed
their conversation and intercourse during all the time in which I was
deprived of their presence. This conformity and resignation I desire
thee to imitate, whenever something is wanting to thee, which thou
shouldst love in God; for outside of God thou art permitted to love
nothing. The anxious desire of seeing the supreme Good and of loving
God eternally and forever in heaven must alone be perpetual in thee.
For this happiness thou must sigh in tears from thy inmost heart; for
it thou must gladly suffer all the hardships and afflictions of this
mortal life. Thou must live in these aspirations in such a way, that
from now on in trying to make thyself worthy of God thou be anxious
to suffer all that thou hearest or understandest as having been
suffered by the saints. But remember these desires of suffering and
these aspirations and attempts to see God are to be of such a kind,
that thy suffering becomes real through thy sorrow at not being able
actually to encounter actual torments and at not being found worthy
of bearing all the martyrdom thou thus desirest. In thy flights of
desire to arrive at the beatific vision thou must permit no other
lower motive to intermingle, such as the relief afforded by the joy
of God’s vision against the hardships of this life; for to
desire the vision of the highest Good, is not love of God, but love
of self and of one’s own comfort, and cannot merit reward in
the eyes of the all-penetrating and all weighing omnipotent God. But
if thou do all these things sincerely and in all perfection, as a
faithful servant and spouse of my divine Son, desiring to see Him in
order to love Him, praise Him, and never to offend Him eternally, and
if thou covet all labors and sufferings only for these ends, believe
me and assure thyself, that thou wilt draw Us to thee and that thou
wilt arrive at the kind of love thou continually desirest; since
precisely for this purpose, We are so liberal with thee.
Chapter II
392. Our great apostle saint James
came to Jerusalem at a time when that whole city was very much
incensed against the disciples and followers of Christ our Lord. This
new fury the demons had secretly roused by stirring up the zeal of
the Jews for the old Law and their jealousy against the new
evangelical Law. The immediate cause of these movements was the
preaching of saint Paul, who, although he remained not more than
fifteen days in Jerusalem, nevertheless in that short time, by the
divine power, had converted many and excited the wonder and
admiration of all the people. Although the unbelieving Jews felt
relieved somewhat by the news of his having left Jerusalem, yet they
were again thrown into consternation by the speedy arrival of saint
James, who showed no less zeal and heavenly wisdom in proclaiming the
name of Christ our Redeemer. Lucifer, who was not ignorant of his
coming, availed himself of it as a new means of exciting the spleen
and rousing the wrath of the high priests, priests and scribes. Saint
James began to preach most fervently the name of the Crucified, his
mysterious Death and Resurrection. In the first few days he converted
to the faith some of the Jews, among whom were especially Hermogenes
and Philetus, both of them magicians and sorcerers, who had a pact
with the devil. Hermogenes was deeply versed in magic and Philetus
was his disciple; the Jews wanted to engage the services of these two
in order either to overcome saint James in dispute, or if that was
impossible, to take away his life by their magic arts.
393. This wickedness the devils had
intended to execute through the instrumentality of the unbelieving
Jews; for they themselves could not come near saint James on account
of the terrors of the divine grace emanating from the Apostle.
Philetus first began the dispute with saint James, so that, if he
should gain no advantage, Hermogenes, as the more skillful master in
the magic art, might enter the combat. Philetus brought forth his
sophistical and false arguments, but the holy Apostle spoke with such
wisdom and force, that all his sophism yielded as the darkness before
the light: Philetus was overcome and converted to the truth of
Christ, becoming from that time on a defender of the Apostle, and his
doctrine. But fearing the diabolical arts of his master Hermogenes,
he sought the protection of saint James. The holy Apostle gave him a
piece of cloth or linen, which he had received from Mary, and with
this relic Philetus protected himself against the power of Hermogenes
for some days, until the latter himself entered the dispute.
394. Although Hermogenes feared saint
James, he could not evade the meeting, because he had pledged himself
to the Jews to enter the discussion and convince saint James.
Accordingly he tried to enforce his errors by more cogent arguments
than his disciple. But all that he could do was unavailing against
the heavenly force and wisdom of the Apostle, which was like an
impetuous torrent. He brought Hermogenes to silence and obliged him
to confess his belief in the mysteries of the faith of Christ, just
as he had done with Philetus: both of them accepted the faith and
doctrine preached by the Apostle. The demons were roused to fury
against Hermogenes and, through the power they had acquired over him,
began to maltreat him on account of his conversion. As he learned how
Philetus had defended himself by the relic obtained from the Apostle,
he sought a like favor against his enemies. Saint James gave him the
scarf he had used in his travels and with it Hermogenes put to flight
the demons and made them powerless to approach or afflict him
395. These conversions and others
made by saint James in Jerusalem were hastened by the tearful sighs
and prayers of the great Queen in her retreat at Ephesus, where (as I
have often said) She knew by vision all that was done by the Apostles
and the other faithful of the Church; and particularly what happened
with the beloved Apostle James for whom She was especially solicitous
as being so near his martyrdom. Hermogenes and Philetus persevered
for some time in the faith of Christ; but afterwards they fell away
and lost it in Asia, as is evident from the second epistle to
Timothy, where saint Paul says that Figelus, or Philetus, and
Hermogenes had left him. Although the seed of the faith had sprung up
in the hearts of these men, it took no sufficient root to resist the
temptations of the demon, whom they had served and familiarly
entertained for so long a time. The evil and perverse inclinations of
their vices still remained and again prevailed, withdrawing them from
the faith they had accepted.
396. When the Jews, through the
conviction and conversion of Philetus and Hermogenes, saw their hopes
frustrated, they were filled with new anger against the apostle saint
James and they determined to put an end to his life. For this purpose
they bribed Democritus and Lysias, centurions of the Roman militia,
to furnish them with soldiers for the arrest of the Apostle. In order
to hide their treachery they were to raise a feigned quarrel or
disturbance on a certain day during his preaching and thus get him
within their power. The execution of this wicked design was left to
Abiator, the high-priest of that year, and to Josias, a scribe of the
same mind as the high priest. As they had planned, so they executed
their scheme; for, while the saint was preaching to the people about
the mystery of the Redemption, proving it to them with admirable
wisdom from the testimonies of the ancient writings and moving his
audience to tears of compunction, the priest and the scribe were
roused to diabolical fury. Giving the signal to the Roman soldiers,
the priest sent Josias to throw a rope around the neck of saint James
and fell upon him, proclaiming him a disturber of the people and the
author of a new religion in opposition to the Roman empire.
397. Democritus and Lysias thereupon
rushed up with their soldiers and brought the Apostle bound to Herod,
the son of Archelaus, whose malice had been roused interiorly through
the astuteness of Lucifer and exteriorly by the evil-minded and
hateful Jews. Thus doubly incited, Herod began against the disciples
of the Lord, whom he abhorred, the persecution mentioned by saint
Luke in the twelfth chapter of the Acts and sent his soldiers to
afflict and imprison them. He instantly commanded saint James to be
beheaded, as the Jews had asked. Incredible was the joy of the holy
Apostle at being seized and bound like his Master and at seeing
himself conducted to the place, where he was to pass from this mortal
life to the eternal through martyrdom, as he had been informed by the
Queen of heaven. He offered most humble thanks for this benefit and
publicly reiterated the open profession of his faith in Christ our
Lord. Remembering the petition he had made in Ephesus, that She be
present at his death, he called upon Her from his inmost Soul.
398. The most holy Mary from her
oratory heard these prayers of her beloved Apostle and cousin; for
She was attentive to all that happened to him and She helped and
favored him with her own efficacious petitions. During this her
prayer, She saw a great multitude of angels and heavenly spirits of
all hierarchies descending from heaven, part of them surrounding the
Apostle in Jerusalem as he was led to the place of execution, while
numerous others approached their Queen at Ephesus. Presently one of
them addressed Her saying: “Empress of heaven and our Lady, the
most high Lord and God bids you immediately to hasten to Jerusalem to
console his great servant James, to assist him in his death and to
grant all his loving and holy desires.” This favor the most
blessed Mary joyfully and gratefully acknowledged. She praised the
Most High for the protection granted to those who trust in his mercy
and put their lives in his hands. In the meanwhile the Apostle was
led to execution and on the way thereto he wrought great miracles
upon the sick and ailing and on some possessed by the demons. There
were a great number of them, because the rumor of his execution by
Herod had spread about and many of the unfortunates hastened to
receive his last ministrations and counsels. All that applied were
healed by the great Apostle.
399. In the meanwhile the holy angels
placed their Queen and Mistress upon a most refulgent throne, as they
had done on other occasions, and on it bore Her to Jerusalem and to
the place of the execution of saint James. The holy Apostle fell upon
his knees in order to offer his life to the Most High in sacrifice,
and when he raised his eyes toward heaven, he saw in the air near him
the Queen of heaven, whom he had been invoking in his heart. He
beheld Her clothed in divine splendors and great beauty, surrounded
by multitudes of the angels. At this heavenly spectacle the soul of
James was moved to new jubilee and his heart was seized with the
ardors of a divine love. He wished to proclaim the most blessed Mary
as the Mother of God and the Mistress of all creation. But one of the
sovereign spirits restrained him in this fervent desire and said:
“James, servant of our Creator, restrain within thy own bosom
these precious sentiments and do not manifest to the Jews the
presence and assistance of our Queen; for they are not worthy or
capable of knowing Her, but instead of reverencing Her will only
harden themselves in their hatred.” Thus advised the Apostle
forbore and moving his lips in silence, he spoke to the heavenly
Queen as follows:
400. “Mother of my Lord Jesus
Christ, my Mistress and Protectress, Thou consolation of the
afflicted and refuge of the needy, in this hour bestow upon me, my
Lady, thy so much desired blessing. Offer for me to thy Son and
Redeemer of the world, the sacrifice of my life, since I am burning
with desire to be a holocaust for the glory of his name. Let today
thy most pure and spotless hands be the altar of my sacrifice, in
order that it may become acceptable in the eyes of Him, who died for
me upon the cross. Into thy hands, and through them into the hands of
my Creator, I commend my spirit.” Having said these words, and
keeping his eyes fixed upon the most holy Mary, who spoke to his
heart, the holy Apostle was beheaded by the executioner. The great
Lady and Queen of the world (O wonderful condescension!) received the
soul of her beloved Apostle and placing it at her side on the throne,
ascended with it to the empyrean heavens and presented it to her
divine Son. As the most blessed Mary entered the heavenly court with
this offering, She caused new joy and accidental glory to all the
heavenly inhabitants and was received with songs of praise. The Most
High received the soul of James and placed it in eminent glory among
the princes of his people. The most blessed Mary, prostrate before
the throne of the Almighty, composed a song of praise and
thanksgiving for the triumphal martyrdom first gained by one of his
Apostles. On this occasion the great Lady did not see the Divinity by
intuitive vision, but by an abstractive one, such as I have described
before this. But the blessed Trinity filled Her with new blessings
and favors for Herself and for the holy Church, for which She had
made great preparations. All the saints likewise blessed her and then
the holy angels brought Her back to her oratory in Ephesus, where in
the meanwhile an angel had impersonated Her. On arriving the heavenly
Mother of virtues prostrated Herself as usual in order to give thanks
to the Most High for all that had happened.
401. The disciples of saint James
during the following night secured his sacred body and secretly
brought it to Jaffa, where by divine disposition they embarked with
it for Galicia in Spain. The heavenly Lady sent an angel to guide and
accompany them to the port, where according to the divine will they
were to disembark. Although they did not see the angel, they felt his
protection during the whole voyage and often in a miraculous manner.
Thus Spain, just as it owed its first instruction in the faith so
deeply rooted in the hearts of its people, to the protection lavished
by most holy Mary upon the Apostle, now also owes to Her the
possession of his sacred body for its consolation and defense. Saint
James died in the year forty-one of our Lord, on the twenty-fifth of
March, five years and seven months after his setting out to preach in
Spain. According to this count and that which I gave above, the
martyrdom of saint James happened seven full years after the death of
our Savior Jesus Christ.
402. That his martyrdom was at the
end of March is clear from the twelfth chapter of the Acts, where
saint Luke says, that because of the rejoicings of the Jews in the
death of saint James, Herod imprisoned also saint Peter with the
intention of beheading him after the feast of the Pasch, which was
that of the paschal lamb, or of unleavened bread. This the Jews
celebrated on the fourteenth of the moon of March. From this passage
it appears that the seizure of saint Peter was during this Pasch or
very near it; and that the death of James had preceded it a few days,
the fourteenth of the moon of March in the year forty-one, according
to our present computation of the years and months, occurred in the
last days of March. Accordingly the death of saint James happened on
the twenty-fifth, before the fourteenth of the moon, and soon
thereupon took place the imprisonment of Peter and the Pasch of the
Jews. The holy Church does not celebrate the feast of saint James on
the day of his death, because it falls on the same day as the
Incarnation and ordinarily also in the time of the Lord’s
passion. It was therefore transferred to the twenty-fifth of July,
which is the day on which the body of the Apostle was brought to
403. The death of saint James and the
haste of Herod in inflicting it, greatly increased the most impious
cruelty of the Jews; for in the savage brutality of the wicked king
they saw a valuable means of pursuing their vengeance against the
followers of Christ the Lord. Lucifer and his demons were of like
opinion; they, by their suggestions, and the Jews, by their insistent
flatteries, persuaded him to seize upon saint Peter, which he readily
did in order to gain the good will of the Jews for his own temporal
ends. The demons stood in great awe of the vicar of Christ on account
of the power emanating from him against them; and therefore they
secretly sought to hasten his imprisonment. Saint Peter, bound with
many chains, lay in the dungeon awaiting his execution after the
holidays of the Pasch. (Acts 12, 4). Although the undaunted heart of
the Apostle was as free from anxiety or solicitude as if he had been
at liberty, yet the whole body of the Church of Jerusalem was in
consternation, and all the disciples and the faithful were greatly
afflicted at the news that Herod was to execute him without delay. In
their affliction they multiplied their prayers and petitions to the
Lord for the preservation of saint Peter, whose death threatened the
whole Church with great havoc and tribulation. They invoked also the
protection and powerful intercession of the most blessed Mary, from
whom they all expected deliverance.
404. The dangerous crisis impending
over the Church was not unknown to the heavenly Mother, for, from her
retreat in Ephesus, by her clearest interior vision of all things,
She saw all things that passed in Jerusalem. She likewise increased
her ardent requests, her sighs, prostrations and bloody tears,
supplicating the Lord for the liberation of saint Peter and the
protection of the holy Church. These prayers of the blessed Mother
penetrated the heavens and wounded the heart of her Son Jesus, our
Savior. In response the Lord descended in person to her oratory,
where She was lying prostrate with her virginal face upon the ground
mingling with the dust. The sovereign King entered and raised Her
lovingly from the ground, saying: “My Mother, moderate thy
sorrow and ask whatever thou wishest; for I shall grant it all and
thou shalt find grace in my eyes to obtain it.”
405. By the presence and loving
caresses of her Son the heavenly Mother was reanimated and filled
with glad consolation; for the tribulations of the Church were the
sole cause of her martyrdom, and to see saint Peter in prison
condemned to death, and the dangers thus threatening the primitive
Church, afflicted Her more than can be conceived. She renewed her
petition in the presence of Christ the Redeemer, and said: “Lord
and true God, my Son, Thou knowest the tribulations of thy holy
Church and her clamors sound in thy ears, while they penetrate to the
inmost of my afflicted heart. Thy enemies are resolved to take away
the life of her Pastor, thy vicar; and if Thou, my Lord permit it
now, they will scatter thy little flock and the infernal wolves will
triumph over thy name in seeing their wishes fulfilled. Issue then,
my Lord God and life of my soul, thy sovereign command over this sea
of tribulation, and the winds and waves, that batter this little
ship, shall be quieted and I shall live. Protect thy vicar and
confound thy enemies. And if it is to thy glory and according to thy
will let these tribulations come over me, so that I may suffer for
thy faithful children and be the aid of thy right arm I may battle
with the invisible enemies in the defense of thy holy Church.”
406. Her divine Son answered: “I
desire that thou act according to thy wishes, using the powers I have
given Thee: do or undo whatever is necessary for the welfare of my
Church, and Thou mayest be sure, that all the fury of the demons will
be turned toward Thee.” She thanked him for this new favor and
offered to undertake the battles of the Lord for his faithful,
saying: “Most High Lord, hope and life of my soul, prepared is
the heart and spirit of thy servant to labor for the souls bought
with thy blood and life. Although I am but useless dust, I know Thee
to be infinite in power and wisdom; with the favor of thy assistance
I fear not the infernal dragon. As Thou wishest me to dispose and act
in thy name for the welfare of the Church, I now command Lucifer and
all his ministers of wickedness, who are disturbing the Church, to
descend to the abyss and there be silenced until it shall please thy
Providence to permit their return to the earth.” This command
of the Queen of the world in Ephesus was so powerful, that at the
very moment of her issuing it, all the demons in Jerusalem were
precipitated into hell, the whole multitude descending into the
eternal caverns without power of resisting the divine force exerted
through the most blessed Mary.
407. Lucifer and his companions knew
that this chastisement proceeded from our Queen, whom they called
their enemy because they dared not pronounce her name. They remained
in hell, confounded and dismayed as on other occasions, until they
were permitted to rise in order to battle against Mary, as will be
related further on. During that time they consulted anew about the
means of attaining this end. Having obtained this triumph over the
demons the most blessed Mary bethought Herself of overcoming likewise
the opposition of Herod and the Jews, and therefore She said to her
divine Son: “Now, my Son and Lord, if it is thy will, let one
of thy holy angels be sent to deliver thy servant Peter from prison.”
Christ our Lord approved of her wish and, at the orders of both these
Sovereigns, one of the heavenly spirits there present hastened to
liberate saint Peter from his prison in Jerusalem.
408. The angel executed these orders
very swiftly.
Coming to the dungeon, he found saint
Peter fastened with two chains, guarded by two soldiers at his side
and by a number of other soldiers at the entrance of the prison. The
Pasch had already been celebrated and it was the night before he was
to be executed according to the sentence passed upon him. But the
Apostle was so little disturbed that he was sleeping with as much
unconcern as his guards (Acts 12, 6). When the angel arrived, he was
obliged to wake him by force and while saint Peter was still drowsy,
said to him: “Arise quickly; put on thy girdle and thy shoes,
take thy mantle and follow me.” Saint Peter found himself free
of the chains and, without understanding what was happening to him
and ignorant of what this vision could mean, followed the angel.
Having conducted him through some streets, the angel told him, that
the Almighty had freed him from prison through the intercession of
his most blessed Mother, and thereupon disappeared. Saint Peter,
coming to himself understood the mystery and gave thanks to the Lord
for this favor.
409. Saint Peter thought it best
first to give an account of his liberation and consult with James the
Less and others of the faithful, before seeking safety in flight.
Hastening his steps he came to the house of Mary, the mother of John,
who was also called Mark. This was the house of the Cenacle, where
many of the disciples had gathered in their affliction. Saint Peter
called to them from the street, and a servant-maid, by the name of
Rhode, descended to see who was calling. As she recognized the voice
of Peter, she left him standing at the door outside and fled
excitedly to the disciples, telling them that it was Peter. They
thought it some foolish misunderstanding of the servant; but she
maintained, that it was Peter; so they, far from guessing the
liberation of Peter, concluded that it might be his angel. During
these questions and answers saint Peter was in the street clamoring
at the door, until they opened it and with incredible joy and
gladness saw the holy Apostle and head of the Church freed from the
sorrows of prison and death. He gave them an account of all that had
happened to him through aid of the angel, in order that they might in
strict secrecy notify saint James and all his brethren. Foreseeing
that Herod would search for him with great diligence, they
unanimously decided that he leave Jerusalem that very night and not
return, lest he should be taken in some future search. Saint Peter
therefore fled, and Herod, having instituted a search in vain,
chastised the guards, and was roused to new fury against the
disciples. But on account of his pride and impious designs, God cut
short his activity by a severe punishment, of which I shall speak in
the following chapter.
410. My daughter, thy astonishment at
the singular favor conferred by me on my servant James at his death,
affords me an occasion to tell thee of a privilege confirmed to me by
the Almighty at the time when I bore the soul of the Apostle to
heaven. Although I have already on other occasions revealed to thee
something of this secret, thou shalt now understand it more fully in
order to increase thy filial devotion toward me. When I brought to
heaven the happy soul of James, the eternal Father spoke to me in the
hearing of all the blessed: “My Daughter and Dove, chosen for
my acceptation from all the creatures, let my courtiers, angels and
saints understand that, for the exaltation of my holy name, for thy
glory and for the benefit of mortals, I now give thee my royal word,
that if men, in the hour of their death invoke thee and call upon
thee with affection in imitation of my servant James, soliciting thy
intercession with me, I will bend to them in clemency and look upon
them with eyes of fatherly mercy; I will defend and guard them
against the dangers of that last hour; I will ward off the cruel
enemies that seek the perdition of souls in that hour; I will furnish
them through thee with great helps for resisting these enemies and
gaining grace, if they wish to avail themselves of this help; and
thou shalt present to Me their souls to be rewarded by my liberal
411. For this privilege the whole
triumphant Church, and I with it, sang hymns of thanks and praise to
the Most High. Although the angels have the office of presenting the
souls when they issue from the captivity of mortal life, to the
tribunal of the just Judge, yet I have this same privilege in a more
exalted degree than is granted to any other creature by the
Omnipotent; for I possess it by another title and by a particular and
supereminent right. Many times I make use of this privilege and I
have done so with some of the Apostles. Since I see thee desirous of
knowing how thou canst obtain from me this favor so precious to the
soul, I answer thy pious wish by exhorting thee to take care lest
thou make thyself unworthy by ingratitude and forgetfulness; and
before all, to gain for thyself that inviolate purity, which I expect
of thee and of the other souls. For the great love which love and
cherish toward God, obliges me, with sincerest affection and charity
to demand of all men the observance of his holy law and the
preservation of their friendship and grace with God. This thou must
prefer before thy life and be willing to die rather than offend thy
God and highest Good.
412. I wish that thou set about
obeying me, act out my instructions, and work with all thy might to
imitate what thou seest and writest of me; that thou permit no
intermission in thy love, nor forget for one moment the heartfelt
affection thou owest to the liberal mercy of thy Lord; that thou be
thankful for all his blessings and to me, since thy obligations are
far beyond the power of fulfillment by thee in this mortal life. Be
faithful in thy correspondence, fervent in thy devotion, ready to do
what is most holy and perfect. Let thy heart expand and do not narrow
it in pusillanimity, following the instigations of the devil. Extend
thy hand to strong and powerful deeds, filled with confidence in the
Lord; be not oppressed by adversities, thus impeding the will of the
Lord in thee, and the high ends of his glory. Retain vivid faith and
hope, even in the greatest assaults and temptations. In all this let
the example of my servants James and Peter assist thee, and the
certain knowledge of possessing through me the happy security of
those who live under the protection of the Most High. In this
confidence and in devotion to me James obtained the singular favor I
showed him in his martyrdom; trusting in me he undertook immense
labors in order to reach that crown. In this confidence saint Peter
remained so tranquil and content in his prisonchains, nor lost for a
moment the serenity of his soul. Thus he merited at the same time,
that my divine Son and myself should plan his liberation. Of such
favors the children of darkness make themselves unworthy, because
they build all their hopes on that which is visible and on their
diabolical earthly astuteness. Raise up thy heart, my daughter, and
withdraw it from these deceits; aspire to that which is most pure and
holy, since with thee shall be the arm of the Almighty, who wrought
such great wonders in Me.
Chapter III
413. In the rational creature love
produces on the heart effects similar to those of the force of
gravity on the stone. The stone tends to move whithersoever its own
weight draws it, that is to its centre of attraction; love is the
weight of the heart, drawing it to its centre, namely, to that which
it loves. If at any time the heart is diverted by necessity or
inadvertence, love will immediately make it recoil like a liberated
spring returning again to its normal position. This weight or sway of
love in a manner seems to take away the liberty of the heart, in so
far as it becomes subject and subservient to what it loves, and
prevents the will from commanding any other course of action than
that sought and ordered by the urgency of this love. The happiness or
unhappiness of a creature arises from the good or evil use it makes
of love, for what man loves that he makes his master; if this master
is evil and vile, so will also the man be tyrannized and degraded; if
good, then will he be ennobled and made happy, and so much the more,
the more noble and excellent the good is, that he loves. By these
principles I hope to be able to explain in part, what has been made
known to me concerning the exalted state in which the most holy Mary
lived never having dropped from it but rising higher and higher from
the first instant of her Conception without interruption or
relaxation, until She entered the state of a comprehensor in the
beatific vision.
414. If all the love of the holy
angels and of men could be united in one person, it would be less
than that of the most holy Mary; yet, if we could unite the love of
all the other creatures into one whole, it is certain that such a
conflagration of love would result, that, without being infinite, it
would seem so to us, on account of its surpassing all our
comprehension. If then the charity of our great Queen exceeded all
this, only the infinite Wisdom could measure the love of this
Creature and estimate the intensity, with which it inclined and
tended toward the Divinity. We however can at least understand that
in this chastest, purest and most inflamed heart there could be no
other mastery or sway, no other movement or liberty, except that of
loving supremely the highest Good; and this in such an exalted
degree, that with our limited capacity we can much sooner believe
than understand it, confess than penetrate it. This charity of the
most pure Virgin filled Her at the same time with the most ardent
desires of seeing the face of God, who was absent, and assisting the
holy Church, which was present to Her. Thus She was consumed by two
opposite tendencies; but She governed them with such wisdom, that
there arose from them no conflict within Her, nor did She give
Herself up to the one to the neglect of the other; but She attended
to both, exciting wonder in all the saints and fullest complacency in
the Lord of the saints.
415. In this exalted and eminent
state of holiness the most holy Mary often consulted within her heart
about the condition of the primitive Church left in her charge; and
how She could exert Herself for its peace and progress. In these
aspirations the liberation of saint Peter, which made it possible for
him to continue the government of the faithful, and also the casting
forth of Lucifer and his demons from Jerusalem, which freed the
faithful from their tyranny and allowed them some respite, afforded
the most holy Mary some relief and consolation in her anxiety. The
divine Wisdom, which dispenses labors and consolations with weight
and measure (Wis. 11, 21), ordained that the most blessed Mother
should at that time have a very intimate knowledge of the evil
disposition of Herod. She perceived the abominable ugliness of that
most unfortunate soul brought on by his boundless vices and
oft-repeated crimes, which had roused the wrath of the just and
almighty Judge. She knew how greatly Herod and the Jews were enraged
against Jesus and his disciples after the escape of saint Peter. She
saw, also, how the seed of rage, sown by the demons in the hearts of
Herod and the Jews, had grown, and how furious their hatred against
Jesus our Redeemer and his disciples had become; how the iniquitous
ruler had conceived the purpose of exterminating all the faithful
within the confines of Judea and Galilee and how he would employ in
this work all his forces and means. Although the most blessed Mary
was aware of this design of Herod, She was not informed at that time
of his horrid death. But as She knew his power and the depravity of
his soul, She was horrified at his evil state, and deeply grieved at
his wrath against the followers of the faith.
416. In her anxieties and in her
reliance upon the divine help our Queen labored incessantly in
prayers and tears, travailing in her clamors as I have shown on other
occasions. Ever governed by her most exalted prudence, She spoke to
one of the highest angels of her guard, saying: “Minister of
the Most High and creature of his hands, my solicitude for the holy
Church strongly urges me to seek its welfare and progress. I beseech
thee to ascend to the throne of the Most High, represent to Him my
affliction; ask Him in my name, that I may be permitted to suffer
instead of his faithful servants and that Herod be prevented from
executing his designs for the destruction of the Church.”
Immediately the angel betook himself to the Lord with this message,
while the Queen of heaven, like another Esther, remained in prayer
for the liberty and salvation of her people and of Herself. (Eph. 4,
16). The heavenly ambassador was sent back by the blessed Trinity
with the answer: “Princess of heaven, the Lord of hosts says,
that Thou art the Mother, the Mistress and the Governess of the
Church, and that Thou holdest his power while Thou art upon earth;
and He desires Thee, as the Queen and Mistress of the heaven and
earth, to execute sentence upon Herod.”
417. In her humility the most blessed
Virgin was somewhat disturbed by this answer, and urged by her
charity, She replied to the angel: “Am I then to pronounce
sentence against a creature who is the image of the Lord? Since I
came forth from his hands I have known many reprobates among men and
I have never called for vengeance against them; but as far as I was
concerned, always desired their salvation if possible, and never
hastened their punishment. Return to the Lord, angel, and tell Him
that my tribunal and power is inferior to and dependent upon his, and
that I cannot sentence anyone to death without consulting my
Superior; and if it is possible to bring Herod to the way of
Salvation, I am willing to suffer all the travails of the world
according to the disposition of his divine Providence in order that
this soul may not be lost.” The angel hastened back with this
second message of his Queen and having presented it before the throne
of the most blessed Trinity, was sent back to Her with the following
answer: “Our Mistress and Queen, the Most High says, that Herod
is of the number of the foreknown, since he is so obstinate in his
malice, that he will take no admonition or instruction; he will not
co-operate with the helps given to him; nor will he avail himself of
the fruits of the Redemption, nor of the intercession of the saints,
nor of thy own efforts, 0 Queen and Lady, in his behalf.”
418. For the third time the most holy
Mary dispatched the heavenly prince with still another message to the
Most High, saying: “If it must be that Herod die in order to
hinder him from persecuting the Church, do thou, 0 angel, represent
to the Almighty, how in the infinite condescension of his charity, He
has granted me in mortal life to be the Refuge of the children of
Adam, the Advocate and Intercessor of sinners; that my tribunal
should be that of kindness and clemency for the refuge and assistance
of all that seek my intercession; and that all should leave it with
the assurance of pardon in the name of my divine Son. If then I am to
be a loving Mother to men, who are the creatures of his hands and the
price of his life-blood, how can I now be a severe judge against one
of them? Never was I charged with dealing out justice, always mercy,
to which all my heart inclines; and now it is troubled by this
conflict of love with obedience to rigorous justice. Present anew, O
angel, this my anxiety to the Lord, and learn whether it is not his
pleasure that Herod die without my condemning him.”
419. The holy messenger ascended for
the third time and the most blessed Trinity listened to his message
with the plenitude of pleasure and complacency at the pitying love of
his Spouse. Returning, the angel thus informed the loving Mistress:
“Our Queen, Mother of our Creator and my Lady, the almighty
Majesty says that thy mercy is for those mortals who wish to avail
themselves of thy powerful intercession, not for those who despise
and abhor it like Herod; that Thou art the Mistress of the Church
invested with all the divine power, and that therefore it is meet
Thou use it as is opportune: that Herod must die; but it shall be
through thy sentence and according to thy order.” The most
blessed Mary answered: “Just is the Lord and equitable are his
judgments (Ps, 118, 137). Many times would I suffer death to rescue
this soul of Herod, if he himself would not by his own free will make
himself unworthy of mercy and choose perdition. He is a work of the
Most High (Job. 10,8), formed according to his image and likeness
(Gen. 1,27) ; he was redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, which taketh
away the sins of the world (Apoc. 1, 5). But I set aside all this
and, considering only his having become an obstinate enemy of God,
unworthy of his eternal friendship, by the most equitable justice of
God, I condemn him to the death he has merited, in order that he may
not incur greater torments by executing the evil he has planned.”
420. This wonder the Lord wrought for
the glory of his most blessed Mother and in witness of his having
constituted Her as the Mistress of all creatures with supreme power
to act as their Sovereign like her divine Son. I cannot explain this
mystery better than in the words of the Lord in the fifth chapter of
saint John, where He says of Himself: “The son cannot do
anything that the Father does not; but He does the same, because the
Father loves Him; and if the Father raises the dead, the son also
raises whom he pleases, and the Father has given to the Son to judge
all, in order that just as all honor the Father, they may also honor
the Son; for no one can honor the Father without honoring the Son.”
And immediately He adds: that He has given Him the power of judging,
because He is the Son of man, which He is through his most blessed
mother. On account of the likeness of the heavenly Mother to her Son
(of which I have often spoken) the relation or proportion of the
Mother with the Son in this power of judgment must be transferred to
the Mother in the same manner as that of the Son from the Father.
Mary is the Mother of mercy and clemency to all the children of Adam
that call upon Her; but in addition to this the Almighty wishes it to
be understood that She possesses full power of judging all men and
that all should honor Her, just as they honor her Son and true God.
As his true Mother He has given Her the same power with him in the
degree and proportion due to Her as his Mother and a mere creature.
421. Making use of this power the
great Lady sent the angel to Caesarea, where Herod then was, to take
away his life as the minister of divine justice. The angel executed
the sentence without delay. The evangelist saint Luke says, that the
angel of the Lord struck Herod and, eaten up by worms, the unhappy
man died the temporal and eternal death. The wound of this stroke was
interior and from it sprang the corruption and the worms that so
miserably finished him. From the same text it appears that, after
having beheaded saint James and after saint Peter had escaped, Herod
descended to Caesarea in order to compose some differences that had
arisen between him and the inhabitants of Sidon and Tyre (Acts 12,
23). Within a few days, vested in the royal purple and seated upon a
throne, he harangued the people with great show of words. The people,
full of vain flattery, proclaimed him as a victor and as a god; and
Herod, in foolish vanity, was pleased with this adulation of the
people. Because he had not given honor to God, but usurped to himself
divine honor in vain pride, as saint Luke says, the angel of the Lord
struck him. Although this was his last crime, which filled the
measure of his iniquity, he merited the chastisement not only for
this, but for so many other crimes committed by him in persecuting
the Apostles, mocking the Lord our Savior (Luke 23, 11), beheading
the Baptist (Mark 6, 27), committing adultery with his sister-in-law
Herodias, and for many other abominations.
422. Immediately the angel returned
to Ephesus and gave an account of the execution of the sentence
against Herod. The merciful Mother wept over the loss of this soul;
but praised the judgments of the Lord and gave him thanks for the
benefit, which the Church would derive from his chastisement; for, as
saint Luke says (Acts 12, 24), the Church grew and increased by the
word of God. This was true not only in Galilee and Judea, where the
persecutor Herod was removed, but, through saint John and the help of
the most holy Mother, the Church was taking root in Ephesus. The
science of the blessed Apostle was full as that of the cherubim, and
the love of his heart was inflamed like that of the seraphim; and he
had with him as his Mother and Teacher, the Mistress of wisdom and
grace. On account of these precious advantages the Evangelist could
undertake great and wonderful works for the foundation of the law of
grace, not only in Ephesus, but in all neighboring regions of Asia
and in the borderlands of Europe.
423. Arriving at Ephesus the
Evangelist began to preach in the city, baptizing those whom he
converted to the faith of Christ our Savior and confirming the faith
by great miracles and prodigies, such as had never been witnessed by
those gentiles. Since the Greek schools in those countries turned out
many philosophers and men learned in what, notwithstanding the
admixture of many errors, could be called human sciences, the blessed
Apostle convincingly taught them the true science, making use not
only of miracles and signs, but of argumentation for the credibility
of the Christian faith. All his catechumens he immediately sent to
the most holy Mary and She instructed many; as She knew the interior
inclinations of all, She spoke to the heart of each one and filled it
with heavenly light. She wrought prodigies and miracles for the
benefit of the unfortunate, curing the possessed and the infirm,
succored the poor and the needy and, by the labor of her own hands,
gave assistance to the sick in the infirmaries, attending upon them
in person. In her house the kindest Queen had a supply of clothes for
the most poor and forsaken of her fellowmen. She helped many in the
hour of their death, gaining these souls in their last agony and
bringing them safely through all the assaults of the demon to their
Creator. So many souls did She draw to the path of truth and life
eternal, and so numerous were the wonders She wrought for this end,
that they could not be recorded in many books; for no day passed in
which She did not increase the possessions of the Lord by the copious
and abundant fruit of souls.
424. On account of the growth of the
primitive Church through the holiness, solicitude and labors of the
Queen of Heaven, the demons were filled with confusion and furious
disappointment. Although they rejoiced in the condemnation of all
souls because it swelled the numbers of the damned in hell yet they
were grievously put out at the death of Herod; for on account of his
obstinacy they had expected from him no amendment of his vile and
abominable life and therefore had considered him a powerful
instrument for the persecution of the followers of Christ our Lord.
The divine Providence permitted Lucifer and the other infernal
dragons to emerge from the depths of hell, whither they had been cast
forth from Jerusalem by the most blessed Mother, as I have related in
the last chapter. After having spent their time in hell in planning
and preparing temptations for their conflict with the invincible
Queen of the angels, Lucifer resolved to make complaint against Her
to the Lord himself, as he had done against holy Job (Job 1, 9) ;
although he now did it with greater wrath. With this intent, before
issuing from the abyss, he spoke to his ministers as follows:
425. “If we do not vanquish
this Woman, our Enemy, I fear that without a doubt She will destroy
my sovereignty; for we all find in Her a strength more than human,
which annihilates and oppresses us, whenever and in whatsoever manner
She pleases to exercise it. This is what makes Her intolerable to me;
for if She were God, who is offended by my high aspirations and
hostility and who has infinite power to destroy us, I would not feel
so much confusion at being overcome; but this Woman, though She is
the Mother of God, of the incarnate Word, is not God; She is a mere
creature of a nature inferior to ours. I shall not further endure to
be treated by Her in such an imperious manner and be ruined by her
opposition to me. Let us all go forth to destroy Her and let us make
our complaint to the Omnipotent as we have now concluded to do.”
In reliance upon his pretended rights the dragon executed his
resolve; for he alleged, that God, instead of leaving Her in her
humble condition exposed to the persecutions and temptations of the
demons, had by his graces and gifts unjustly raised this Woman above
him, though She was but dust of the earth while he was an angel of
such superior essence. But I must remark, that these hellish foes did
not present themselves before the Lord so as to see Him, being
entirely incapable thereof; but through their knowledge and belief in
the supernatural mysteries, which is conceded to them in a curtailed
yet by them unavoidable measure, they are permitted to speak to God.
This is what is meant, when they are mentioned as being in the
presence of God to make complaint or to have converse with Him.
426. The Almighty gave Lucifer
permission to go forth in battle against the most blessed Mother; but
the conditions asked by Satan were unjust, and therefore many of them
were not conceded. The divine Wisdom furnished those weapons, which
were appropriate to each combatant, in order that the victory of his
Mother might be so much the more glorious and crush the head of this
ancient and poisonous serpent (Gen 3, 15). This battle was
mysterious, no less than its triumphant issue, as we shall see in the
following chapters; moreover its mysterious character is plainly
evident in the twelfth chapter of the Apocalypse and from the other
mysteries of which I have spoken in my explanations of the first part
of this history (Part 1, No. 94). I wish only to state here, that the
divine Providence foreordained all this, not only for the greater
glory of his most holy Mother and for the exaltation of the divine
power and wisdom, but also in order to bring relief to the Church
from the persecutions roused against it by the demons; and also to
bind Himself with some show of justice to the bestowal of the
infinite favors and blessings which the most holy Mary alone and no
other souls could ever merit for the whole Church. The Lord
continually works in this manner in his Church: preparing and
fortifying some chosen souls, against which, as members and parts of
his holy Church, the dragon may exert all his wrath and fury. If they
overcome him by the help of divine grace, their victories redound to
the benefit of the whole mystical body of the faithful and the enemy
loses some of his right and power over them.
427. My daughter, when in the course
of this history I so often call thy attention to the lamentable state
of the world and to that of the holy Church in which thou livest, and
when I so often express my maternal solicitude that thou imitate me,
remember, my dearest, that I have great reasons for obliging thee to
lament with me and for wishing thee to weep over that which I
bewailed in my mortal life ; and which would afflict me in my present
state, if in it I were capable of sorrow. I assure thee, soul, thou
hast reached times, in which thou oughtest to shed tears of blood
because of the calamities coming over the children of Adam. Since
thou canst not at one and the same time attain a full knowledge of
them all, I remind thee of what from my place in heaven I see going
on in the whole world among the believers of the holy faith. Turn
then thy eyes upon those multitudes and behold the greater part of
the children of Adam in the darkness and errors of unbelief, rushing
without hope of salvation to eternal perdition. Behold also the
children of the faith and of the Church, how heedless and forgetful
of this damage they continue to be, so that there are none who seem
to deplore it. For in contempt of their own salvation, they care not
about that of others and, their faith being dead and their love
extinct, they sorrow not for the loss of souls created by God and
redeemed by the blood of the incarnate Word.
428. All are the children of the
eternal Father who is in heaven (Matth 23, 9) and all are obliged to
have a care of their brethren according to each one’s
condition. This obligation rests more especially upon the children of
the Church, who can live up to it by their prayers and supplications.
But this duty lies still more directly upon those who have influence,
upon those who are nourished by the Christian faith, and who enjoy
more of the benefits of the liberal hand of the Almighty. Those who
through the law of Christ are favored with temporal advantages and
who make use of them for the service and the delights of the flesh,
are they who, as the powerful, are to be more powerfully tormented
(Matth 23, 9). If the pastors and the chiefs of the house of the Lord
seek only a life of ease, without caring to engage in true earnest
labor, they will make themselves accountable for the ruin of the
flock of Christ and for the carnage brought on by the infernal
wolves. 0 my daughter, into what a lamentable state has the Christian
people been cast by the powerful, by the pastors, and by the wicked
ministers, whom God has given them in his secret judgments! O what
confusion and chastisements await them! Before the tribunal of the
just Judge they will have no excuse; since the Catholic truth
undeceives them, their conscience loudly protests, while they
willfully remain deaf to all warnings.
429. The cause of God remains
neglected and without a champion; his possessions, which are the
souls, are left without increase; all as it were look but to their
own interest and preservation, each one according to his own
diabolical cunning and according to his state of life. Truth is
obscured, flattery raises its voice, avarice is unbridled, the blood
of Christ is trodden under foot, the fruits of the Redemption are
held in contempt; no one wishes to risk his own comfort or interest
in order to save what has cost the Savior his blood and life. Even
the friends of God are influenced by the evils; for they do not make
use of their charity and its holy liberty as they ought; and most of
them allow themselves to be overcome by their cowardice and content
themselves with working for themselves alone, forsaking the common
cause of the souls of others. Hence thou mayest understand, my
daughter, that now, after the evangelical Church has been established
by my divine Son and fertilized by his own blood, those unhappy times
have come, of which the Lord himself complains through his holy
Prophets, saying: what the palmerworm hath left the locust has eaten,
and what the locust left the bronchus consumed, and the residue is
destroyed by the mildew; (Joel 1, 4) and in order to gather some
fruits from his vineyard, the Lord goes about like the gleaner after
the vintage, who seeks some remaining grape, or some olive, which is
not dried up, or carried away by the demons (Is. 24, 13).
430. Tell me now, my daughter, how is
it possible, if thou still hast a true love for my divine Son and for
me, that thou find consolation or rest in thy heart at the sight of
the loss of souls, which He redeemed by his blood and I have sought
with blood-mingled tears? Even today, if I could shed them, I would
begin to do so with new weeping and compassion; and since it is not
possible for me now to weep over the dangers threatening the Church,
I wish that thou do it and that thou spurn consolation in a
misfortune so calamitous and so worthy of lament. Weep bitterly then,
and lose not the merit of such a sorrow; and let it be so deep, that
thou findst no relief except in affliction for the sake of the Lord
whom thou lovest. Think of what I did, in order to stave off the
damnation of Herod and to prevent it for those who wish to avail
themselves of my intercession. In the beatific vision I pray without
ceasing for the salvation of my clients. Let not the labors and
tribulations sent to thee by my divine Son intimidate thee from
helping they brethren and acquiring them for the possession of Christ
Amidst the injuries done to Him by the children of Adam, do thou
labor to recompense them in some measure by the purity of thy soul,
which I desire shall be rather that of an angel than of an earthborn
woman. Fight the battles of the Lord against his enemies and in his
name and mine, crush their head, reign over their pride and cast them
into hell. Do thou also counsel the ministers of Christ with whom
thou conversest, to use their power in doing the same, to defend the
souls in lively faith and, in them, the honor and glory of the Lord;
for thus shall they repress and vanquish them with divine power.
Chapter IV
431. Most celebrated is the history
of the city of Ephesus, situated on the western confines of Asia; for
many renowned events of past ages made that city famous and
illustrious throughout the globe. But its greatest privilege and
excellence consists in having entertained and harbored within its
walls the supreme Queen of heaven and earth for the space of some
months, the number of which I will state later on. This privilege was
a most fortunate one for Ephesus; since the other things which are
mentioned for its renown made it truly unhappy and infamous, because
through them the prince of darkness had permanently set up his throne
in that city. But as our great Lady and Mother of grace found Herself
hospitably entertained and thus considered Herself under obligation
to its inhabitants, who received Her liberally and offered her gifts,
it naturally followed, that She, in accordance with her most
perfectly ordered and burning charity deeming Herself brought nearer
to these her benefactors, should repay their hospitality with greater
blessings. For if She was liberal to all, even strangers, She would
certainly be much more free with her gifts and favors to the
inhabitants of Ephesus. Her own gratitude moved Her to this, since
She considered Herself indebted to the whole commonwealth. She
offered up for it special prayers, asking her divine Son to pour out
over its inhabitants his blessings and as a kind Father to illumine
and bring it to the knowledge of the true faith.
432. The Lady received answer that,
as the Mistress and Queen of the whole Church, She was free to do as
She pleased; that, however, She should take notice of the obstacles,
which this city placed in the way of the divine clemency by its
ancient and still existing abominations; that its inhabitants had
thereby locked the gates of mercy and merited the rigors of justice,
which would have already been executed upon them, if the Lord had not
ordained Her to live among them just at the time, when their
wickedness had reached the highest point and called the loudest for
punishment. Together with this answer the most blessed Mother
perceived, that the divine Justice, as it were, asked her permission
and consent to the destruction of that idolatrous people of Ephesus
and its neighborhood. At this answer and what it implied the kind
heart of the sweetest Mother was much afflicted; but her immense
charity was not intimidated, and multiplying her prayers, She
answered the Lord:
433. “Most High, just and
merciful King! I know well that the rigor of thy justice will be
executed, if thy mercy is excluded; but for thy mercy any motive
found by thy wisdom is sufficient, although small may be the
inducement presented on the part of sinners. Consider therefore, 0
Lord, how this city has afforded me a dwelling according to thy will
and how its inhabitants have helped me and offered me and thy servant
John their goods. Temper thy rigor, my God, and let it be exercised
on me, for I am willing to suffer for the salvation of these
unfortunates. Thou, O Allpowerful, whose infinite goodness and mercy
forever conquers in good or evil canst take away the obstacle, which
prevents their profiting of thy blessings; let not my eyes behold the
destruction of so many souls, the works of thy hands, purchased by
thy blood.” The Lord replied: “My Mother, I desire that
thou see for thyself the cause of my just indignation and how much
these men, for whom thou pleadest, have merited it. Attend, and thou
shalt see.” And immediately, by a most clear vision, She saw
what follows.
434. She perceived that many
centuries before the incarnation of the Word in her virginal womb,
among the many councils held by Lucifer for the destruction of men,
one was held in which he thus spoke to his demons: “From the
delights of my former state in heaven, from the prophecies made by
God to man and from the favors shown to many of his friends, I
conjecture how much God shall be beholden to men and women for
abstaining from certain vices, which I desire to maintain upon the
world. These vices are especially those connected with the delights
of the flesh and with the pleasures of possession or avarice; in
these He seeks to induce them to renounce even what is allowed. In
order that they may be so induced, He shall furnish them with many
helps, so that they may be chaste and poor of their own accord, and
subject their free will to that of others. If through these virtues
they overcome us, they will merit great reward before God, as I have
spied out in some who were chaste, poor and obedient. My plans will
be seriously frustrated, if we do not take measures to counteract
this damage and seek to compensate for it in all the ways open to our
astuteness. I take into consideration also, that, if the divine Word
is to assume human flesh, as I have been given to understand, He will
be very chaste and pure, and that He will teach chastity to others,
not only men, but women, who, though they are weaker, yet usually are
more tenacious. If they, whom I overcame in the first woman, shall
thus vanquish me, it will be so much the more tormenting to me.
Besides all this, the Scriptures of the ancients speak much of the
favors, which men shall enjoy through the incarnate Word. For the
human nature of the Son of God is to enrich and raise up earthborn
men by his power.”
435. “In order to oppose all
this” Lucifer continued, “I desire your counsel and your
diligent help; and we must begin even now to hinder men from
attaining such great benefits.” Thus the hateful plotting of
hell against evangelical perfection was far in advance of its
profession in the religious orders. This matter was thoroughly
considered by the demons and the result of their deliberations was,
that a great many demons should be appointed as heads of hellish
legions, who were to tempt those desirous of living a life of
chastity, poverty and obedience. In derision of chastity especially,
they were to institute a sort of false and apparent state of
virginity, in which counterfeit and hypocritical virgins were to
consecrate themselves to Lucifer and all the demons. The enemies
hoped thereby to gain over these persons to themselves not only for
their own triumph, but also to cast discredit upon the chaste life of
religious orders, which they presumed would be instituted by the
incarnate Word and his Mother in the world. In order that this false
religion might be propagated so much the better in the world, they
resolved to found it upon worldly abundance and on whatever is most
pleasing to nature, as in reality it was; for in secret those
interested agreed to live licentiously under the name of chastity in
honor of false gods.
436. But immediately the question
arose, whether this religion was to be for men or for women. Some of
the demons wanted it to be for men only, in order that through their
greater constancy those religious orders might be more permanent;
others again thought that men are not so easily deceived as women,
since they reason more deeply and could more easily detect error;
while there was not so much of this risk in women, who were of weak
judgment, ready to believe earnestly in what they like and have once
settled upon, and inclined to persevere in their error. This argument
prevailed and was approved by Lucifer, although he did not entirely
exclude men; for he judged, that some would be found, who would
embrace the fallacy on account of the influence they would thereby
gain over others. This could be expected especially if the demons
would help along by nourishing their fear of losing the estimation of
their fellowmen and by astutely making use of public opinion to keep
alive the fallacies in those who would engage in this service.
437. Following up their infernal
schemes the demons set about instituting a counterfeit and false
religious order or congregation of virgins; for Lucifer said to the
other demons: “Although it would be a great pleasure to me to
have real virgins consecrated and dedicated to my worship and
adoration in the same way as God wishes them for Himself; yet
chastity and purity of the body so offends me, that I cannot endure
this virtue, even if practiced entirely in honor of my greatness.
Therefore we must see to it, that these virgins be the object of our
basest attempts. If any of them should remain chaste in body, we
shall fill her with bad thoughts and desires, so that in reality none
of them will be chaste, though they may strive to contain themselves
out of vain pride; and as they are to be impure in their thoughts, we
will seek to maintain them in the vainglorious conceit of their
438. In order to start these false
religious orders the demons scoured through the whole earth, and it
seemed to them, that among all the nations, certain women called
Amazons were best suited for the execution of their devilish plans.
These Amazons had come from Scythia to Asia Minor where they now
lived. They were warlike, covering up by their arrogance and pride
the weakness of their sex. By force of arms they had possessed
themselves of extended provinces, and had constituted Ephesus as the
centre of their power. For a long time they governed themselves,
disdaining subjection to men and life in their company, for such a
life, they in their presumptuous pride, called slavery or servitude.
Since much is said of them in histories, though with many
contradictions, I will not dilate upon this matter. For my purpose it
is sufficient to state, that, since these Amazons were proud,
vainglorious and averse to men, Lucifer found them predisposed toward
his counterfeit virginity. He filled them with vain hopes of gaining
great veneration and renown in the world by being known as pledged to
virginity and stirred them with the desire of becoming famous and
admired of men and perhaps of one of them reaching the position and
worship of a goddess. In their unbridled desire of this worldly honor
they gathered around them many Amazons, both true and counterfeit
virgins, and instituted their spurious congregation of virgins at
Ephesus, the place of their origin.
439. In a short time these more than
foolish virgins grew very numerous and through the instigations of
the demons were much admired and applauded by the world. Among them
one signalized herself and became very celebrated for her beauty,
nobility, high intellect, chastity and other allurements. She was
called Diana and the fame and admiration of her became widespread.
The veneration of her and the multitude of her companions were the
occasion of the building of the renowned temple of Ephesus, which the
world estimated as one of its marvels and which took many years to
construct. As Diana gradually gained the worship and title of goddess
among the blind multitude, this rich and sumptuous temple was finally
dedicated to her, and was called the temple of Diana. In imitation of
it and under the same title, many others were built in other parts of
the world. In order to spread the renown of this counterfeit virgin
during her lifetime in Ephesus, the demon communicated with her and
filled her with diabolical illusions; many times he surrounded her
with a false splendor and manifested to her secrets to be
promulgated. He taught her also some ceremonies and forms of worship
similar to those of the people of God; by which she and the people
might worship the devil. The rest of the virgins venerated her as a
goddess; which was also done by the other heathens, who were as
prodigal as they were blind in attributing divinity to all that
seemed to them wonderful.
440. These diabolical frauds had thus
been established when the neighboring kings defeated the Amazons and
assumed the government of Ephesus. They preserved this temple of
Ephesus as something sacred and divine, and they permitted the
continuance of that gathering of foolish virgins. Although some man
of the people burned this temple, the city and the government
authorities rebuilt it, being especially helped by the contributions
of women. This was a little more or less than thirty years before the
Redemption of the human race. Hence at the time when the most blessed
Mother was in Ephesus not the old temple stood, but the second one,
built later. In this temple the virgins occupied different
apartments. But as, during the time of the Incarnation and death of
Christ, idolatry was so firmly established in the world, those
diabolical women not only had not improved in their customs, but
deteriorated, and nearly all of them held abominable intercourse with
the demons. In connection therewith they committed other most
loathsome crimes and deceived the world by their humbugging
prophecies, by which the devil filled both them and their dupes with
their insanities.
441. This and much more did the most
blessed Mary behold around Her in Ephesus and on account of it She
was struck with a sorrow certainly mortal, if She had not been
preserved by the Lord. But having seen that Lucifer had appropriated
the statute of Diana as a seat or throne of his wickedness, She
prostrated Herself upon the ground before her divine Son and said:
“Lord God Most High, worthy of all reverence and praise! It is
proper that these abominations, which have lasted for so many ages,
should cease. My heart cannot bear to see that an unhappy and
abominable woman receive the worship due to the true God, such as
Thou alone as the Infinite deservest; nor can I endure to see the
name of chastity so profaned and prostituted in honor of the demons.
Thy infinite condescension has made me the guide and the mother of
virgins, as a most noble part of thy Church, the most precious fruit
of thy Redemption, most pleasing to Thee. The title of chastity must
be consecrated to Thee in the souls, which shall be my children, and
I cannot consent to leave it any longer to these adulterous women. I
make complaint against Lucifer and against hell, for their
presumption in unjustly appropriating such a right. I beseech Thee,
my Son, to chastise them by rescuing these souls from his tyranny and
conferring on them the liberty of thy faith and true light.”
442. The Lord answered: “My
Mother, I grant thy petition, for it is not just that, even were it
only in name, this virtue of chastity, which was so ennobled in Thee
and is so pleasing to Me, should be ascribed to my enemies. But many
of those counterfeit virgins are foreknown as reprobates on account
of their abominations and their obstinacy, and all of them will not
embrace the way of eternal life. Some few of them will accept the
faith, which shall be taught them.” At this juncture saint John
came to the oratory of the most blessed Mother; but he did not then
know of the mystery She was then engaged in, nor of the presence of
her divine Son. But the true Mother of the humble wished to join to
her prayers those of his beloved disciple. She therefore secretly
asked permission of her Son to speak to him and said to him: “John,
my Son, my heart is grieved on account of the abominable crimes
committed against the Most High in the temple of Diana and my soul
desires to see them ended and atoned.” The holy Apostle
answered: “My Lady, I have seen something of what passes in
that abominable place. I cannot restrain my sorrow and my tears, that
the demon should be there venerated and worshipped as is due to God
alone; and no one can put a stop to such great evils, unless Thou, my
Mother, wilt take this matter in hand.”
443. The most blessed Mary then
ordered the Apostle to join Her in prayer for a remedy of these
evils. Saint John betook himself to his chamber, while the most
blessed Lady remained with the Savior in hers. Prostrate before the
Lord and shedding copious tears, She resumed her prayers and
petitions. She persevered therein with most burning fervor and as it
were in agonizing sorrow appealing to her divine Son for comfort and
consolation, She received the following response to her petitions and
prayers: “My Mother and my Dove, let what thou askest be done
without delay; give thy orders and commands according to thy heart’s
wishes as the powerful Mistress.” By this favor the love of the
most blessed Virgin was inflamed with zeal for the honor of the
Divinity. As Queen She imperiously commanded all the demons in the
temple of Diana to descend immediately to the depths of hell and to
leave the place, which they had infested as their own for so many
years. Many legions of them inhabited that temple, deceiving men by
their superstitions and profaning the souls; but in the shortest
twinkling of an eye, in virtue of the powerful command of the Queen,
most holy Mary, all of them were hurled into hell. So great was the
terror by which She struck them down, that as soon as She opened her
lips to pronounce the first word they waited not for the second; for
they were then already in hell and the swiftness of an angel, proper
to them as pure spirits, seemed to them tardy in their flight from
the Mother of the Omnipotent.
444. They were unable to leave the
abysmal caverns until, as I shall soon relate, they received
permission to come forth with the great dragon to do battle with the
Queen of heaven; and in hell itself they sought the localities
farthest removed from the place where She was upon earth. I must
remark, that by these triumphs the most holy Mary so vanquished the
demon, that he could not return to reassume the same position or
jurisdiction in those places of which he was dispossessed. But this
infernal serpent was and is so venomous, that new heads grow upon him
where the former are cut off, continually evolving new schemes of
malice and wickedness against God and his Church. Following up her
victory the great Mistress of the world, with the consent of Christ
our Savior, immediately ordered one of her holy angels to repair to
the temple of Diana and destroy it without leaving a stone upon a
stone. Of all the women that dwelt there he was to save only nine
designated by Her, while all the rest should die and be buried in the
ruins of the building. These were reprobates, whose souls, before
they could increase their punishment by more sins, should be buried
in hell with the demons, whom they had obeyed and worshipped.
445. The angel of the Lord executed
the mandate of his Queen and Mistress, and in the shortest space of
time the rich and famous temple of Diana, the establishment of which
had consumed many ages, was shattered to the dust: so sudden was the
destruction and ruin of it, that it roused the astonishment and fear
of the inhabitants of Ephesus. He saved the nine women designated by
the most holy Mary in pursuance of the command of Christ our Savior;
for these alone accepted the faith, as I shall relate. All the others
perished in the ruins, not leaving even a remembrance of themselves.
Although the inhabitants of Ephesus instituted an inquiry, they could
find no one upon whom to put the blame, as they had been able to do
in the burning of the first temple when, for the sake of the fame
attached to his crime, the incendiary delivered himself up of his own
accord. The evangelist saint John took occasion from this event to
preach with still greater fervor the divine truth and to free the
Ephesians from the deceits and errors of the demons. The Evangelist
joined the Queen of heaven in giving thanks to the Most High for this
triumph over Lucifer and over idolatry.
446. But it is necessary here to
explain, that this event must not be connected with that mentioned in
the nineteenth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles concerning the
temple of Diana, which saint Luke relates, that a renowned artificer
of Ephesus, called Demetrius, who manufactured silver images of the
goddess Diana, conspired with others, who were interested in his art
or trade, against saint Paul; for the Apostle preached all through
Asia, that those were no gods, which were manufactured by the hands
of men. On account of this new doctrine Demetrius persuaded his
associates, that saint Paul was not only ruining their trade, but
causing the temple of Diana, so greatly venerated in Asia and the
whole world, to be despised. This conspiracy roused the artisans, and
they, the whole city, so that the cry went up: “Great is the
Diana of the Ephesians,” bringing on what saint Luke relates in
that chapter. In order to make intelligible what I have said above, I
will add, that this temple, of which saint Luke speaks, was another,
less costly and more ordinary temple, which the Ephesians began to
build after the most blessed Virgin had returned to Jerusalem. When
saint Paul came to preach in Ephesus this temple had already been
completed. From what saint Luke says, we can gather how deeply
ingrown idolatry and the cult of Diana was in the Ephesians and in
the whole of Asia. This was natural not only on account of the length
of the time in which this error had held sway, but also because that
city had made itself illustrious and famous throughout the world by
the worship of Diana and by its great temple. The inhabitants of
Ephesus having been delivered from this deceit and vanity by the
Blessed Virgin, and their city being the seat and source of this
worldwide superstition, imagined that they could not live without
their goddess or without their building temples in her honor. So
ingrained was the ignorance of the true God among the heathens, that
many Apostles and many years were required for making known the truth
and rooting out the cockle of idolatry, especially among the Romans
and the Greeks, who esteemed themselves the most wise and civilized
of all the nations of the earth.
447. Having destroyed the temple of
Diana the most holy Mary conceived still greater desires of laboring
for the exaltation of the name of Christ and for the spread of the
holy Church, in order that the triumph gained over the enemies might
bring its proper fruit. While She was thus multiplying her prayers
and petitions for this purpose, it happened one day that the holy
angels manifested themselves to Her in visible forms and said to Her:
“Our Queen and Mistress, the great God of celestial hosts
commands us to bring Thee to heaven before his royal throne to which
He calls Thee.” The most holy Mother answered: “Behold
here the handmaid of the Lord; let his holy will be done in me.”
Then the angels received Her on a throne of light, such as I have
described on other occasions, and bore Her to the empyrean heavens
and to the presence of the most holy Trinity, which manifested Itself
not by an intuitive, but by an abstractive vision. She prostrated
Herself before the sovereign throne, adored the immutable being of
God in profound humility and reverence. Then the eternal Father spoke
to Her and said: “My Daughter and meekest Dove, the cries of
thy inflamed heart for the exaltation of my holy name have come to my
ears, and thy petitions for the holy Church are acceptable in my
eyes, inclining me to mercy and clemency. In response to thy love I
wish to renew in thee my power, in order that thou mayest defend my
honor and glory, triumph over my enemies and their ancient pride,
bind and crush their necks, and in order that through thy victories
thou mayest assist my Church and acquire new blessings and favors for
its members, thy brethren.”
448. The most holy Mary replied:
“Behold, 0 Lord, I am the least of thy creatures; my heart is
prepared for all that shall be thy pleasure and for all that shall
promete the exaltation of thy ineffable name and thy greater glory;
let thy divine will be done in me.” The eternal Father added:
“Let all my courtiers of heaven understand, that I appoint Mary
as the chief and leader of all my hosts, and as the conqueror of all
my enemies gloriously to triumph over them.” The other two
divine Persons, the Son and the Holy Ghost, added their approval; and
all the blessed with the angels answered: “Thy holy will be
done, 0 Lord, in heaven and on earth.” Thereupon the Lord
ordered eighteen of the highest seraphim to adorn, strengthen, and
arm their Queen for battle against the infernal dragon. On that
occasion were mysteriously fulfilled the promise in the book of
Wisdom: that the Lord armed the creatures for vengeance upon his
enemies, and the other sayings there recorded (Wis. 5, 18). Six of
the seraphim first came forward to adorn the most blessed Lady with a
sort of light as with an impenetrable armor, which at the same time
manifested the holiness and justice of the Queen, so invincible and
impenetrable to the demons, that in an ineffable manner She was made
godlike in strength. For this wonder the seraphim and the saints gave
thanks to God.
449. Immediately another six of the
seraphim approached and, in obedience to the command of the Lord,
they furnished Her with another new enlightenment. It was a sort of
reflection of the Divinity in her countenance, unbearable to the
sight of the demons. In virtue of this gift, the enemies, although,
as we shall see, they came to tempt Her, could not look upon her
godlike face, not being deemed worthy of this privilege by the Lord.
Then came also the last six seraphim and at the command of the Lord
they furnished Her with offensive weapons, since She was to take upon
Herself the defense of the Divinity and its honor. In pursuance of
their divine commission the angels added to all the faculties of the
great Lady new qualities of divine virtue, corresponding to the gifts
with which the Most High had endowed Her. In virtue of this privilege
the great Mistress received the power to impede, restrain and
counteract at her will the most secret schemes and attempts of all
the demons, so that all of them became subject to the will and
mandate of the most holy Mary, without liberty to hinder her decrees;
and of this power She availed Herself frequently in favor of the
faithful and of her clients. All these special powers, and whatever
they implied, the three divine Persons confirmed, each One separately
conferring upon her gifts corresponding to his divine attributes and
bidding Her return to the Church and by them triumph over the enemies
of the Lord.
450. In parting the three divine
Persons gave their blessing to the most blessed Mary and She adored
Them in deepest reverence. Then the angels, full of wonder at the
works of the Most High, brought Her back to her oratory, exclaiming:
“Who is She, that so godlike, rich and prosperous, descends
from the highest heaven to the world to defend the honor of God’s
name? How well appointed and how beautiful does She advance to battle
for the Lord? 0 Queen, 0 most exalted Lady, proceed prosperous in thy
beauty, go forth and reign over all the creatures, and let all of
them praise and magnify Thee; because He has shown Himself so liberal
and powerful in thy blessings. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God
Sabbaoth, the Lord of the celestial hosts (Is. 6, 3) and in Thee
shall bless Him all the generations of men.” Arriving at her
oratory the most blessed Mary gave humblest thanks to the Almighty,
prostrating Herself to the dust as She was wont to do on such
451. The most prudent Mary conferred
within Herself for some time, in order to prepare for her conflict
with the demons. While thus meditating She saw issuing upon the
earth, as from the abyss, a fearful red dragon with seven heads, from
each of which came forth the smoke and fire of vast wrath and fury,
while many other demons followed him in similar shapes. This vision
was so horrible that no other living being could have looked upon it
without losing its life; and it was indeed necessary, that the most
blessed Mary should be forewarned and made so invincible in order to
enter into battle with these blood-thirsty beasts of hell. They
gathered around the great Queen in furious howlings and began to
vaunt their threats, saying; “Come, come let us destroy this
our enemy; we have the permission of the Almighty to tempt Her and
make war upon Her. This time we shall make an end of Her, we shall
take vengeance for the injuries She has continually inflicted on us
and for the destruction of our temple of Diana. Let us destroy Her
likewise; She is but a Woman, a mere Creature, whereas we are
knowing, astute and powerful spirits; we need not fear this earthly
452. That entire host of infernal
dragons advanced upon the invincible Queen, Lucifer leading them on
and challenging Her to battle. As the most deadly poison of this
serpent is his pride, by which he usually instills his vices for the
destruction of innumerable souls, it seemed to him proper to begin
with this vice, outwardly concealing it in accordance with the state
of sancity, which he attributed to the most holy Mary. For this
purpose the dragon and his followers transformed themselves into
angels of light and thus manifested themselves to Her, imagining that
She had not yet seen and recognized them as demons and dragons of
hell. They began with praise and flattery saying: “Powerful art
Thou, Mary, great and valorous among women; all the world honors and
celebrates Thee for the virtues it sees in Thee and for the prodigies
and wonders Thou performest through them. Thou art worthy of glory,
since no one equals Thee in holiness. We know this better than all
the rest, and therefore we proclaim it and sing to Thee in festive
joy at thy doings.” By these counterfeit acknowledgments
Lucifer sought to excite in the mind of the humble Queen, haughty
thoughts of pride and presumption. But instead of moving or
persuading Her to any pleasure or consent in them, he drew forth in
Her living darts of pain, that transfixed her sincerest heart. Not
all the torments of the martyrs were to Her so painful as these
diabolical flatteries. In order to confound them, She excited acts of
humility, annihilating Herself and debasing Herself in such an
admirable and resistless a manner, that hell could not bear it nor
remain longer in her presence; for the Lord had ordained that Lucifer
and his ministers should recognize and feel these acts of humility.
All the devils fled with dreadful howls, saying: “Let us away
to the abyss, for less painful to us is the confusion of that place
than the humility of this invincible Woman.” They left Her, and
the most prudent Lady gave thanks to the Almighty for this first
453. My daughter, the pride of the
demon includes a desire which the devil himself knows is absurd:
namely, his desire that the saints serve and obey him as god, and
thus make him like to God in this respect. But the fulfillment of
this desire is impossible, since it implies in itself a
contradiction. The essence of holiness consists in the creature’s
conforming itself to the divine will, loving God above all things in
obedience, whereas sin consists in deviating from this rule by the
love of some other object and obedience to the demon. But the
uprightness of true virtue is so conformable to reason, that even the
devil cannot ignore it. On this account he seeks, if possible, to
cause the good to fall in order to satisfy his wrath and envy at not
being able to draw them to his service, and satiate his intense
desire of preventing the glory of God in his saints, which he cannot
appropriate for himself. Hence also his violent efforts to fell to
the earth some cedar of Lebanon in sanctity and to enslave those who
have been the servants of the Most High. With this in view he exerts
all his ingenuity and care, and often he seeks to induce his devotees
to practice some of the moral virtues, even if only in appearance, as
is done by hypocrites and as we have seen in the virgins of Diana. He
hopes thereby to have his share in what God loves and desires, and to
sully and pervert what the Lord wishes to use as a channel for his
454. Remember, my daughter, that the
byways, snares and schemes of this serpent for the fall of the just
are so numerous, that without the special favor of the Most High the
souls could never know them, much less overcome them or escape his
treacherous plots. In order to deserve this protection of the Lord,
God wishes the creature on its part never to relax in vigilance, nor
trust in its own strength, nor ever be remiss in asking and desiring
this help; for without it, man can do nothing and will soon perish.
What especially draws down the divine clemency is fervor of the heart
and promptness in divine worship, and above all, persevering
obedience and humility, which give stability and fortitude against
the assaults of the enemy, I wish to impress upon thy mind, not for
thy discouragement, but for thy advice and warning, that the works of
the just, to which this serpent does not impart some of its poison,
are very rare. For usually he tries with utmost subtlety to excite
some terrestrial passion or inclination, by which he secretly
deflects or perverts the intentions, preventing man from acting
purely for God and for the legitimate ends of true virtue. Since the
cockle of some foreign affection, either in part or the whole, is
thus sown with the wheat, it is difficult to detect, unless souls
strip themselves of all earthly inclinations and examine their works
in the divine light.
455. Thou art well warned, my
daughter, against this peril and against the ceaseless efforts of the
demons, which are more violent against thee than against other souls.
Let not thy vigilance be less than his, and do not trust in the mere
appearance of good intention in thy works; for, though appearances
must always be good and upright, yet this is not sufficient, nor can
the creature always discern them. The demon often deceives the soul
under the cloak of a good intention, proposing some apparently or
remotely good end, in order to lead them into proximate danger; and
thus it happens, that, enmeshed in this danger, the men never attain
the good which drew them into action. At other times he prevents the
soul, under cloak of this good intention, from examining into
circumstances, which vitiate the act by imprudence in the
performance. Then again, under the outwardly good intention, are
often hidden the earthly passions and inclinations, which dominate
the heart. Hence, amid so many dangers, thou canst find safety only
in scrutinizing thy actions by the light which the Lord infuses into
the superior part of thy soul; by it thou wilt know how to
distinguish the good from the evil, the truth from the falsehood, the
bitter from the sweet, passions from right reason (Jer. 15, 19). Then
the divine light in thee will not be obscured by darkness, the eye
will be single and will purify the body of thy actions (Matth. 6,
22), and thou wilt be entirely and in all things pleasing to thy Lord
and to Me.
Chapter V
456. After the death of the unhappy
Herod the primitive Church of Jerusalem enjoyed some measure of quiet
and tranquillity for a considerable time. The great Lady of the world
merited this favor through her maternal solicitude and care. During
this time saint Barnaby and saint Paul preached with wonderful
success in the cities of Asia Minor, Antioch, Lystra, Perge and
others, as is related by saint Luke in the thirteenth and fourteenth
chapter of the Acts of the Apostles and in connection with the
miracles and prodigies performed by saint Paul in those cities and
provinces. The apostle saint Peter, after his liberation from prison,
fled from Jerusalem and retired to another part of Asia not under the
jurisdiction of Herod. From that place he governed the faithful
accruing to the Church in Asia and those that were in Palestine. All
of them acknowledged and obeyed him as the Vicar of Jesus Christ and
head of the Church, believing that all he ordained and enacted upon
earth was confirmed in heaven. With this firm faith they came to him
with all their doubts and difficulties as to their supreme pontiff.
Among other matters they asked him to decide the questions raised by
some of the Jews concerning the doings and teachings of saint Paul
and Barnaby as well in Jerusalem as in Antioch, in opposition to the
circumcision and the law of Moses, as I will relate later on and as
is recorded by saint Luke in the fifteenth chapter of the Acts of the
457. On this occasion the Apostles
and disciples of Jerusalem begged saint Peter to return to the holy
city in order to settle these controversies and establish order, so
that the preaching of the faith might not be hindered; for since the
death of Herod the Jews had no one to assist them in their
persecutions, and therefore the Church enjoyed greater peace and
tranquillity in Jerusalem. On the same grounds they also asked him to
request the holy Mother of Jesus to come to that city; for all the
faithful longed for Her with loving hearts, expected to be consoled
in the Lord and hoped for the prosperity of all the affairs of the
Church through her presence. On account of these appeals saint Peter
resolved to return at once to Jerusalem, and before setting out, he
wrote the following letter to the most holy Queen.
458. Letter of Saint Peter to most
holy Mary. “To Mary, the Virgin, Mother of God: Peter, the
Apostle of Jesus Christ, thy servant and the servant of the servants
of God.” “Lady, among the faithful some doubts and
differences have arisen concerning the doctrine of thy Son and our
Redeemer, whether the ancient law of Moses is to be observed in
conjunction with his teachings. They wish to know from us what is
proper, and that we state to them what we heard from the mouth of the
divine Teacher. In order to consult with my brethren, the Apostles, I
am now setting out for Jerusalem and, for the consolation of all and
by thy love for the Church, we beseech Thee likewise to come to that
city, where, since the death of Herod, the Jews are more peaceful and
the faithful more at ease. The multitude of the followers of Christ
desire to see Thee and console themselves in thy presence. When we
shall have arrived at Jerusalem, we shall notify the other cities,
and with thy assistance will be established what shall be conducive
to the interests of the holy faith and to the excellence of the law
of grace.”
459. This was the tenor and contents
of the letter. The Apostles usually observed the same method,
addressing first the person or persons to whom they were writing,
then mentioning the writer, or inversely, as is apparent in the
letters of saint Paul, and of saint Peter and of the other Apostles.
To call the Queen Mother of God was agreed among the Apostles after
they had composed the creed; and in speaking of Her they used
indiscriminately the term of Virgin or Mother, because it was very
important that all the faithful of the Church should accept the
doctrine of the virginity and maternity of the great Lady. Some of
the other faithful called Her Mary of Jesus, or Mary of Jesus, the
Nazarene. Others less significantly called Her Mary, the daughter of
Joachim and Anne. Such were the titles given to our Queen by the
faithful in their conversation. The holy Church, preferring the names
given Her by the Apostles, calls Her Virgin and Mother of God, and to
these it has added other titles, still more illustrious and
mysterious. A messenger brought the letter of saint Peter to the
heavenly Lady, and in giving it to Her, he mentioned that it was from
the Apostle. She received it on her knees, in reverence for the Vicar
of Christ, and kissed it; but She would not open it, because saint
John was absent preaching in the city. As soon as the Evangelist
returned, She as usual asked his benediction on her knees, and handed
him the letter, telling him that it was from saint Peter, the supreme
high-priest. Saint John asked her what it contained; but the Mistress
of all virtues answered: “Do thou, my master, first read it and
then tell me what it contains.” This the Evangelist proceeded
to do.
460. I cannot restrain my wonder and
confusion at the humility and obedience of the most holy Mary in a
matter of so small moment; for only her heavenly prudence could
inspire Her, the Mother of God, with the thought, that it would be
more humble and submissive not to read this letter of the Vicar of
Christ except in the presence and under the obedience of the one to
whose guidance She had submitted Herself as her superior. Her example
reproves and stigmatizes the presumption of inferiors, who try to
find excuses and pretenses for evading the humility and obedience due
to their superiors. But the most holy Mary was a model and a teacher
of holiness in all things, great or small. Having read the letter to
Her, he asked Her, what She thought best to write to the Vicar of
Christ. But also in this She did not wish to give any appearance of
her being his equal or superior, preferring to obey; and therefore
She answered: “My son and master, do thou arrange whatever
shall be proper; for I, as thy servant, will obey.” The
Evangelist replied, that it seemed to him best to obey saint Peter
and return immediately to Jerusalem. “It is right and proper to
obey the head of the Church,” answered the purest lady; “let
us prepare even now for our departure.”
461. Thus resolved, saint John went
out to seek passage for Palestine and to prepare whatever was
necessary for a speedy departure. In the meanwhile, at the request of
the Evangelist, most blessed Mary called together the women who were
her acquaintances and disciples in Ephesus, in order to take leave of
them and instruct them in what they must do to persevere in their
holy faith. There were seventy-three of them, many of them virgins,
among whom were also the nine saved from the ruins of the temple of
Diana. These and many others Mary herself had converted and
catechized in the faith; and She had formed of them a community in
the house of their hostesses. Through this congregation of women the
heavenly Lady had begun to atone for the sins and abominations,
perpetrated in the temple of Diana for so many ages, and She
established the observance of chastity in community life in that very
city of Ephesus where the devil had profaned it. Of all this, these
women had been informed, though they did not know that She had
destroyed the temple of Ephesus; for this remained a secret, in order
that neither the Jews should find a pretext, nor the heathens be
stirred to anger against the gentle Mother by their insane love of
Diana. The Lord provided that the ruin of the temple should be looked
upon as an accident and be soon forgotten, so that profane authors
wrote nothing about it, though they had written much concerning the
burning of the first temple.
462. The most blessed Mary, in her
desire to console them for her absence spoke to these disciples in
sweetest words. She left them a paper, in which She had written with
her own hand: “My daughters, the will of the Almighty calls me
back to Jerusalem. In my absence keep in mind the doctrine, which you
have received from me and which I heard from the mouth of the
Redeemer of the world. Look upon Him always as your Lord and Master
and as the Spouse of your souls, serving Him and loving Him with all
your heart. Remember the commandments of his holy law, in which you
shall be instructed by his ministers and priests, reverence and obey
them in humility, without ever accepting other teachers, who are not
disciples of Christ my divine Son, or followers of his doctrine. I
shall always see that his ministers assist and protect you, and I
shall never forget you or cease to commend you to the Lord. In my
place will remain Mary, the elder: obey her in all things with great
respect, and she will care for you with the same love and solicitude
as I have done. You will observe inviolate retirement and
recollection in this house, and no man shall ever enter it; and if it
is necessary to speak to anyone, it shall be in the portal, in the
presence of three of your number. Your prayers shall be uninterrupted
and in private, reciting and singing those I have left you written in
my chamber. Observe silence and meekness and treat your neighbors as
you would be treated yourselves. Speak always the truth and be ever
mindful of Christ crucified in all your thoughts, words and actions.
Adore Him and confess Him as the Creator and Redeemer of the world;
and in his name I give you his blessing, and I ask Him to live in
your hearts.”
463. These and other exhortations the
most blessed Mother left for the congregation, which She had
dedicated to her Son and true God. The one She had appointed their
superior was one of the pious women, who had offered Her hospitality
and who owned the house. This woman was well able to govern, for she
had had much intercourse with the Queen and had been well informed
concerning the law of God and its mysteries. She was called Mary the
elder, because the most holy Mother had given her own name to many
others in Baptism, communicating, as the Wise man says, without envy
the excellence of her name (Wis. 7, 13) ; as this one was the first
thus baptized in Ephesus, She was called Mary the elder, to
distinguish her from the later ones. The most blessed Mary left them
also in writing, the Our Father, the Creed and the ten Commandments
together with other prayers, which they were to recite vocally. To
encourage them in these and other exercises She also left them a
large cross made quickly at her request by the hands of the angels
and set up in her oratory. Besides all this, as a kind Mother, and in
order to bind them to Her still more, She distributed the things in
her possession, which, though of trifling human value, were
nevertheless rich and inestimable to them as being pledges and proofs
of her maternal love.
464. Moved to great pity because,
having engendered them in Christ, She was now obliged to relinquish
them as orphans, She took leave of them. They all prostrated
themselves at her feet with great wailing and abundant tears; for now
they were to lose in one moment the consolation, the refuge and the
joy of their heart. But on account of the continued solicitude of the
most blessed Mother for her devout congregation all the seventythree
afterwards persevered in the fear of God and the faith of Christ our
Lord. Yet the demon raised up violent persecutions against them and
against the inhabitants of Ephesus. Foreseeing this the prudent Queen
fervently prayed for them before leaving and asked her divine Son to
guard and preserve them, and to appoint some angels for the defense
of this small flock. All this the Lord granted Her according to her
wish; and She afterwards often consoled them by sending exhortations
from Jerusalem and by charging the disciples and Apostles at Ephesus
to watch over these virgins and retired women. The great Lady
continued this loving care during her whole life.
465. When the day of departure
arrived, the Humblest of the humble asked saint John for his blessing
and with it they betook themselves to the ship, having remained in
Ephesus two years and a half. On leaving their dwelling all her
thousand angels manifested themselves in visible human forms, but all
of them were armed for battle and formed into squadrons. This
unwonted sight gave Her to understand, that She was to be prepared to
continue her conflict with the great dragon and his allies. Before
reaching the sea She saw a great multitude of the infernal legions
meeting Her in various dreadful and terrific shapes; in the midst of
them came a dragon with seven heads, so horrible and huge as to
exceed the size of a large ship, and so fierce and abominable as to
cause torment by its mere presence. Against these formidable hosts
the invincible Queen fortified Herself by the most firm faith and
fervent love, repeating the words of Psalms and the sayings from the
mouth of her most holy Son. She ordered her holy angels to assist
Her, for those terrific shapes naturally inspired Her with some human
dread and horror. The Evangelist knew nothing of this conflict until
the heavenly Lady afterwards informed him and gave him an insight
into it.
466. Our blessed Lady embarked with
the saint, and the ship’s sails were set. But it had proceeded
only a short distance from the port, when those dragons of hell,
making use of the permission given them, stirred up the sea by a
tempest such as had not been seen before that time nor until now; for
the Almighty wished to exalt the power of his arm and the holiness of
Mary and therefore He permitted such liberty to the malice and powers
of the demons in this battle. The waves rose with terrific roarings,
piling themselves upon the winds and apparently even upon the very
clouds, forming with them mountains of water and foam, as if they
were preparing for an onset to break the bounds of the abysses that
imprisoned the ocean (Ps. 13, 9). The ship was lashed and battered to
and fro, and it seemed a miracle that it was not shattered to
splinters at each shock. Sometimes it was hurled up into the clouds,
at others sent to plow up the sand of the ocean’s abysses;
often its sails and masts were buried in the foaming waves. During
some of the onsets of this unspeakably furious hurricane the ship was
held in the air by the angels in order to save it from some of the
vaster billows, which would inevitably have overwhelmed and sent it
to the bottom.
467. The mariners and passengers
perceived the effects of this assistance, but remained ignorant of
the cause; in their distress they were beside themselves, bewailing
their ruin, which they deemed inevitable. The demons added to their
terror; for, assuming human shapes, they loudly called upon the
mariners as if from neighboring ships sent to their aid and urged
them to forsake their ship and save themselves in the others. For
though all the vessels suffered in this storm, yet the wrath of the
demons and their power of doing harm was confined principally to the
ship on which our Lady sailed and the distress and peril of the other
vessels was not so great. The malicious designs of the demons were
known only to the most blessed Virgin and not to the sailors, and
therefore they believed these voices as of true passengers and
sailors. Thus deceived they at times gave up caring for their own
ship and left it to the fury of the sea, expecting to save themselves
on one of the other ships. But the angels supplied their place
directing and steering it when the sailors gave it up in despair to
the destruction of the waves.
468. In the midst of this confusion
and distress the most holy Mary preserved her tranquillity, serenely
borne up by the ocean of her magnanimity and virtue, but at the same
time practicing all the virtues by acts heroic in proportion to the
exigencies of the occasion and the dictates of her wisdom. As during
this tempestuous voyage She personally experienced the dangers of
navigation, which She had understood on her former voyage by divine
inspiration, She was moved to new compassion for all voyagers at sea
and renewed her former prayers and petitions. The most prudent Virgin
also admired the indomitable forces of the sea and was led to
consider the wrath of divine justice, so well represented by this
insensible creature. And passing from these considerations to that of
the sins of mortals, who drew it upon themselves from the Almighty,
She entered into the most ardent prayers for the conversion of the
world and the increase of the Church. For this She offered up the
hardships of this voyage; since notwithstanding the tranquillity of
her soul, She suffered much bodily inconvenience and still greater
affliction at the. thought that all her fellow-voyagers were made to
suffer this persecution and tribulation of the demons on her account.
469. A large share of this suffering
fell to the evangelist saint John on account of his deep solicitude
for his true Mother and Mistress of the world. To this was added his
own actual suffering. All was so much the more dreadful to him,
because at that time he did not know what was passing in the interior
of the most blessed Virgin. He sought a few times to console Her and
console himself by assisting and comforting Her. Although the voyage
from Ephesus to Palestine usually lasted only about six days, this
one lasted fifteen, of which fourteen were tempestuous. One day saint
John was very much disheartened at the continuance of this
measureless hardship and, no longer able to restrain himself, said
“My Lady, what is this? Are we to perish at sea? Beseech thy
divine Son to look upon us with the eyes of a Father and to defend us
in this tribulation.” The blessed Mother answered him: “Do
not be disturbed, my son; for we must now fight the battles of the
Lord and overcome his enemies by fortitude and patience.” I
shall beg of Him that no one who is with us shall perish, and that He
sleep not, who watches over Israel (Ps. 70, 4) ; the strong ones of
his court assist us and defend us; let us suffer for Him who placed
Himself upon the Cross for the salvation of all.” At these
words saint John recovered the necessary courage.
470. Lucifer and his demons with
increasing fury threatened the powerful Queen by telling Her that She
would perish in this sea and not escape alive. But these and other
threats were but spent arrows and the most prudent Mother despised
them, not even listening to them, or looking upon the demons, or
speaking to them a single word. They themselves on the other hand
could not bear even to glance at her face on account of the virtue of
the Most High shining from it. And the more they strove to overcome
this virtue, the weaker they became and the more were they tormented
by those offensive weapons, with which the Lord had clothed his most
holy Mother. But in all of this lengthened conflict He concealed from
her his purpose and also his countenance, never showing Himself to
Her in visions as had been usual.
471. But at the end of fourteen days
of this stormy voyage her divine Son deigned to descend and visit Her
in person. He appeared upon the sea and saying: “My dearest
Mother, I am with thee in tribulation.” This vision and the
words of the Lord, ineffably consoling on all occasions, were
especially consoling to the most blessed Mother in this extremity;
because help is more welcome in necessity. She adored her Son and God
and answered: “My God and only Good of my soul, whom the winds
and the sea obey (Matth. 8, 27), behold, my Son, our affliction: let
not the works of thy hands perish.” The Lord said to Her: “My
Mother and my Dove, from thee have I received human form; therefore I
desire that all my creatures obey thy orders; command them as the
Mistress of all, for they are subject to thy will.” The most
prudent Mother had desired the Lord to command the waves, as He had
done in the storm on the sea of Galilee; but the occasion was
different, since at that time there was no one else but He to command
the winds and the sea. The heavenly Mary therefore obeyed and, in the
name of her divine Son, She first commanded Lucifer and his hosts
instantly to leave the Mediterranean and cease to harass it.
Immediately they fled in the direction of Palestine; for She had not
commanded them to hell, not wishing to put an end to the battle. The
enemies having retired, She commanded the waters and the winds to
subside. They immediately obeyed, becoming tranquil and serene in the
shortest space of time to the great astonishment of the passengers,
who knew not the cause of this sudden change. Christ the Lord took
leave of his Mother, having filled her with benedictions and joy and
told Her to disembark on the next day. Thus it also happened; for on
the fifteenth day after their embarkation, they arrived happily at
port and left the ship. Our Queen and Mistress gave thanks to the
Almighty for these benefits and offered Him songs of thanksgiving and
praise for having saved Her from the dreadful dangers. In this also
the Evangelist joined, and the blessed Mother thanked him for having
accompanied Her in her hardships. She asked his blessing and then
they both set out for Jerusalem.
472. The holy angels accompanied
their Queen and Lady in battle array as I have said; for also the
demons were awaiting her arrival resolved to continue the conflict as
soon as She had reached the shore. With incredible fury they led on
the assault by suggesting various temptations against all the
virtues; but all their darts fell back upon themselves; they could
make no breach in this tower of David, of which the Spouse says, that
it is furnished with the thousand shields and all the arms of the
strong, e Cant. 4, 4), and that it is fortified by towers of silver.
Before entering her house in Jerusalem the great Lady, in her piety
and devotion, yearned to visit the sacred spots consecrated by our
Redemption, which was also the last thing She had done on leaving the
city; but as saint Peter, at whose call She had come, was waiting,
and as She knew the proper order to be maintained in all the virtues,
She preferred obedience to her private devotions. Accordingly She
betook Herself directly to the house of the Cenacle, where saint
Peter then stayed, and falling on her knees before him, She asked for
his blessing and begged his pardon for not having complied sooner
with his command. She sought his hand in order to kiss it as that of
the high-priest; but She did not lay the blame for her delay on the
storm, nor did She mention any other circumstance in excuse. Only
from the accounts furnished to him afterwards by saint John, did
saint Peter learn of the hardships encountered on the voyage. The
Vicar of our Savior and all the disciples and faithful of Jerusalem
received their Teacher and Mistress with indescribable joy, reverence
and love, and they prostrated themselves at her feet, thanking Her
for having come to fill them with gladness and consolation and live
where they could see and serve Her.
473. My Daughter, I desire that thou
continually renew the remembrance of what I have told thee of these
sacred mysteries of my life; for it is not my will that thou be only
an insensible instrument for manifesting them to the Church, but
rather that thou be the one, who before and above all others shall
draw fruit from this new blessing by practicing my teachings and
following my example. For this purpose has the Lord called thee, and
for it have I chosen thee as my daughter and disciple. Since thou
hast duly noticed my act of humility in not opening the letter of
saint Peter without consent of my son John, I wish to dilate further
upon the lesson contained in this instance. I desire thee to notice
that in those two virtues, humility and obedience, which are the
foundation of Christian perfection, there is nothing small, and all
that pertains to them is most pleasing to the Most High and draws
down the most abundant reward of his generous mercy and justice.
474. Consider then, my dearest, that,
just as in the present condition of man nothing is more contrary to
his nature than the subjection of one’s will to that of
another, so nothing is more necessary than this subjection for the
bending of that stiff-necked pride, which the demon seeks to stir up
in all the children of Adam. Hence the enemies labor sleeplessly to
induce men to follow their own judgment and will. Thereby the devils
gain many triumphs and lead many souls into diverse roads of
destruction; for in all states and conditions of life the demon seeks
to instill this poison into mortals, secretly soliciting them to
follow their own judgment and refuse to obey the laws and the will of
their superiors, but rather to despise and rebel against it,
perverting the order of divine Providence for the well-ordering of
all things. And because men overthrow this government of the Lord,
the world is filled with confusion and darkness, created things are
thrown out of order and subjected to opposite force without regard or
attention to God and his laws.
475. But though all this damage is
odious in the eyes of the supreme Governor and Lord, yet it is
especially displeasing to Him in religious, who, being bound by the
vows of religion, seek to widen these restrictions or altogether free
themselves from their obligations. I am not now speaking of those who
transgress their rules in open daring or break their vows in small or
in great things; this is nothing else than a dreadful temerity
entailing eternal damnation. But, in order that they may not incur
such a danger, I wish to exhort those who seek their salvation in
religion, to guard themselves against entertaining opinions or
explanations for relaxing the obedience due to their superiors in the
name of God, or against trying to determine what liberties they might
take without committing sin by infringing on obedience and their
other vows or against studying whether they may not act according to
their own judgment in certain matters great or small. Such
disquisitions are never made for the better observance of vows, but
always in order to stifle the remorse of conscience in breaking them.
I remind them, that the demons seek to induce them to swallow these
poisonous gnats, in order that, little by little, after being
accustomed to those that seem insignificant, they may arrive at
swallowing the camels of the more serious sins. Those that
continually hover about the entrances to mortal sins, will, to say
the least, make themselves liable to a strict inquiry by the Judge
and thus receive the smallest reward. For they have studied all their
lives to give to the Lord the least in their power to oblige Him.
476. These attempts to explain away
the binding force of the love of God, tending to remodel it according
to the inclinations of the flesh, are very abominable to my divine
Son and to myself; for it is a sign of great disaffection to obey the
divine law out of necessity, making it apparent, that only the fear
of punishment urges one on, and not love toward Him who commands, and
that nothing would be done, if no punishment were in store. Many
times, in the effort to avoid humiliation at the hands of the
immediate superior, the subject appeals to the higher authority and
thus asks for exemptions from those who have only a general
information and cannot know or understand his particular needs or
danger. It cannot be denied, that this is still a kind of obedience;
but it is also certain, that it is a shift for greater liberty,
diminishes the reward and incurs danger; since without doubt it is
more meritorious to obey and subject oneself to the inferior
authority, to those in a lower condition, and to those less favorably
disposed to one’s own views and inclinations. I learned no such
doctrines in the school of my divine Son, nor did I show them in
practice; for all things I sought the permission of those I held as
superiors, never being without them as thou hast seen. Even for
opening and reading the letter of saint Peter, the head of the
Church, I waited to find out the will of his inferior, who was my
more immediate superior.
477. My daughter, I do not wish thee
to follow the teachings of those who seek liberty and license in
following their own inclinations; but I choose thee and conjure thee
to imitate me and walk the secure path of perfection. Hankering after
dispensations and exemptions perverts the christian and the religious
life. At all times thou must live in humble and obedient subjection,
and thou must not hold thyself excused therefrom on account of being
a superior, for thou hast thy confessors and superiors. If sometimes
in their absence thou canst not act in obedience, ask counsel and
obey one of thy subjects. For thee, all of them should be as
superiors; and let not this seem strange to thee; since thou art the
least of the human born and shouldst consider thyself so, humiliating
thyself beneath them all in order to be my true follower, my disciple
and daughter. Besides this thou must punctually tell me thy faults
twice a day and ask my permission for all that thou art to do during
each day, confessing also every day the sins thou committest. I shall
exhort thee, and command thee what is proper, both through myself and
through my ministers of the Lord; and thou must not shrink to tell
many others of thy ordinary faults, in order that in all things and
before all men thou humiliate thyself in the eyes of the Lord and in
mine. This science, hidden to the world and the flesh, I desire thee
to learn and impart to thy nuns. In teaching thee this lesson I wish
to reward thee for thy labor in writing my life; for by these
instructions in so important a doctrine I wish to impress thee, that,
if thou wishest to imitate me as thou shouldst, thou must communicate
or speak with no one, nor undertake anything, nor write letters, nor
move about, nor allow any thoughts (if possible), except in obedience
to me and to those who govern thee. The worldly and carnal men call
these virtues impertinent and vain observances; but their ignorant
pride will have its punishment when, in the presence of the Judge,
truths will be revealed; then will be seen who were the ignorant and
the wise, and those will be rewarded, who as true servants have been
faithful as well in small as in greater things (Matth. 25, 21); when
there is no remedy left, the foolish ones will know the damage done
by their carnal prudence.
478. As thou wert moved to a certain
envy on learning that I myself governed that congregation of women at
Ephesus, I now advise thee to have no such feeling. Remember that
thou and thy nuns have chosen me for your Superior and special
Patroness in order that I might govern you as your Queen and Lady;
and I desire them to know, that I have accepted this office and have
constituted myself in it forever on condition, that they be perfect
in their vocation and very faithful to their Lord, my divine Son, to
whom I have assigned them as his spouses. Remind them often of this,
so that they watch over themselves and retire from the world,
despising it with all their hearts; that as my daughters they do not
degenerate, living in recollection and peace; that they follow and
execute the doctrines which I have given thee in this history for
thee and for them and that they hold it in high veneration,
gratefully writing it in their hearts. For in having presented to
them my life for the rule and government of their souls, as it is now
written by thy hands, I am fulfilling my office as Mother and
Superior, in order that as subjects and as daughters they may tread
in my footsteps, imitate my virtues and correspond with me in
faithful love.
479. Another important lesson canst
thou draw from this chapter, namely: those that do not obey
willingly, when any adverse circumstance turns up in what is
commanded, will immediately be cast down, afflicted and disturbed,
and, in order to justify their impatience, they will blame the one
that commands, and complain about him either to his superiors or to
others, as if he that commands were responsible for the untoward
accidents happening to the inferior, or as if he had it in his power
to direct the government of the whole world according to the wishes
of his subject. Indeed, many times God, in reward for complete
submission, raises hindrances in order that the one who obeys may
increase his merit and crown, at other times he punishes those who
show any repugnance in obeying by withholding full success; and all
these accidents can in nowise be blamed upon the superior, who
commands. The Lord simply said: He who hears you, and who obeys you,
hears and obeys Me (Luke 10, 16). The labor connected with obedience
always redounds to the benefit of those who obey; if they do not
profit by their obedience, it is no fault of the one that commands. I
made no complaints against saint Peter for asking me to come from
Ephesus to Jerusalem, although I suffered so much on the voyage; but
I asked him pardon for not having fulfilled his command more
expeditiously. Never show any grievance or sign of being displeased
toward thy superiors, for this is a very ugly spirit and such liberty
will destroy all the merit of thy obedience. Look upon them with
reverence, as taking the place of Christ, and thy merit will be
abundant; follow my footsteps, my example and my doctrine, and thou
wilt be perfect in all things.
Chapter VI
480. All our efforts are gloriously
insufficient to describe the plenitude of perfection of all the
doings of the most blessed Mary; for unfailingly are we overcome by
the grandeur of even the smallest virtue (if indeed there be any of
them small) when we come to consider the matter upon which She
wrought them. But our efforts, shall always be full of blessings for
us, if, without presumptuously attempting to fathom this ocean of
grace, we humble ourselves to glorify and exalt in Her the Creator
and to discover more and more in what we can imitate Her. I shall
esteem myself very fortunate, if by making known the favors conferred
by God upon our great Queen, I can show to the children of the Church
something of what is so far above that for which I cannot find
adequate and appropriate terms to describe; for in all that I can
say, I shall still speak as one that is dull, stuttering and without
fervor of devotion. Wonderful are the events which have been
manifested to me for the purpose of being recorded in this and the
following chapters.
481. After the most blessed Mary had
complied obediently with the will of saint Peter, as I have related
in the preceding chapter, She thought it proper to satisfy her piety
in visiting the sacred spots of our Redemption. She performed all her
works of mercy with such prudence, that She omitted none, assigning
to each one its place in order that no circumstance necessary to
bring it to perfection might be wanting. Applying her heavenly wisdom
She first performed that which was greater and foremost in order,
then what seemed of less importance; but, as well the one as the
other, with all the attention of her soul in the measure as each
required. She left the Cenacle to visit the sacred places and was
accompanied by all her holy angels, as well as followed up by Lucifer
and his legions for further conflict. These dragons, forming in
battle array and presenting the most fearful shapes, uttered their
threats and suggested their temptations. But as soon as the great
Lady approached any of the holy places to perform her devotions, the
demons fell back, repelled by divine power; they also felt themselves
crushed by the hidden virtue communicated to these holy places
through the Redemption of Christ. Lucifer, urged on by the temerity
of his pride, attempted to come nearer; for, relying upon his
permission to tempt and persecute the great Lady, he was anxious, if
possible, to gain some victory over Her in the very places where he
had been so signally vanquished; or at least to hinder Her from
showing the veneration and worship required.
482. But the Most High ordained, that
the power of his arm against Lucifer and his demons should be shown
through this very Queen, and that her exercises, which he tried to
disturb, should be the sword with which he was to be overcome and cut
down. And thus it happened; for the devotion and piety with which the
heavenly Mother worshipped her divine Son and with which She renewed
the grateful remembrance of the Passion, caused such terror to the
demons, that they could not tolerate it and they felt a force so
oppressive and tormenting proceeding from Her, that they were obliged
to recede still farther from the invincible Queen. They broke out
into fearful roarings, audible to Her alone, and they exclaimed: “Let
us fly from this Woman, our Enemy, who so confounds and oppresses us
by her virtues. We seek to blot out the remembrance and the
veneration of these places, in which men were redeemed and in which
we were despoiled of our dominion; and this Woman, being a mere
creature, hinders our designs and renews the triumphs gained by her
Son upon the Cross.”
483. The most holy Mary made all the
stations of the holy places in company of her angels; and having
arrived on mount Olivet, where her Son ascended into heaven, the Lord
himself, in effable beauty and glory, descended from his throne to
visit and console his most pure Mother. He manifested Himself to Her
with the affection and bounty of a Son, yet as the infinite and
powerful God. He so filled Her with his Divinity and elevated Her
above the terrestrial, that for a long time She was separated from
visible things; and though She ceased not to attend to external
works, She performed them with a greater constraint upon Herself,
being completely spiritualized and transformed into her Divine Son.
Through her divine Son She perceived that these favors were part of
her reward for her humility and obedience toward saint Peter and in
attending upon his commands in preference not only to her devotion,
but also her convenience. He also promised Her anew his assistance in
her battle against the demons and in immediate fulfillment of this
promise, the Lord ordained that Lucifer and his hosts should then and
there become convinced of a power in Her such as they had not
experienced before.
484. The Queen returned to the
Cenacle and as the demons again sought to renew their temptations,
they rebounded like inflated rubber balls, when thrown swiftly at a
stone wall. These vainglorious hosts were hurled back upon themselves
with greater force than that with which they had assaulted the most
holy Mary. They broke out in still more furious howlings and, driven
to confess certain truths by their own dismay, they said; “0 we
unhappy ones, who are obliged to look upon such happiness of the
human nature! What great excellence and dignity man has now attained
in this pure Creature! How ungrateful shall men be, and how foolish,
if they do not profit by the blessings bestowed upon them in this
Daughter of Adam! She is truly its salvation and our destruction.
Great things her Son does with Her; but She is not unworthy of them.
A cruel punishment is this, that we must confess all these truths. O
would that God conceal from us this Woman, who adds such torments to
our envy! How shall we vanquish Her, if the mere sight of Her is
insufferable to us? Let us console ourselves in the fact, that men
lose so much of what this Woman merits for them, and that they
foolishly despise Her. In them shall we avenge our injuries, through
them we shall exercise our fury, filling them with illusions and
errors; for if they but pay attention to her example, all of them
would profit by this Woman and follow her virtues. But this is not
enough to console me (added Lucifer) for this Woman, his Mother, can
please God more than all the sins we can lead men into shall
displease Him; and even if this were not so my position does not
permit me to remain indifferent at seeing human nature so highly
exalted in a mere weak Woman. This wrong is unbearable: let us return
to persecute Her; let us give vent to the fury of our envy even in
spite of torment: and though we all suffer by it, let our pride be
not dismayed, for possibly some triumph may yet be gained over this
our Enemy.”
485. The most blessed Mary knew of
and heard all these wrathful threats; but as the Queen of virtues She
despised them all. Without the least sign of disturbance in her
countenance She retired to her oratory in order prudently to confer
with Herself concerning the mysteries of this conflict and concerning
the difficult business now before the Church in seeking to end
circumcision and the ancient law. In this the Queen of the angels
labored for a few days, engaged during her retirement in continual
prayers, petitions, tears and prostrations. In her own affairs She
also asked the Lord to stretch out his almighty arm against Lucifer
and grant Her the victory over him and the demons. Although the great
Lady knew Him to be on her side and that He would not leave Her in
tribulation, She ceased not her prayers and She acted on her part as
if She had been the weakest of creatures in the time of temptation.
She taught us what we ourselves should do in temptation, since we are
so subject to them and so apt to be overcome. She prayed for the holy
Church, asking the Lord to grant to it his evangelical law, pure,
unsullied, without wrinkle, and unhampered by the ancient ceremonies.
486. This petition the most blessed
Mary urged with the most burning fervor; for She knew that Lucifer
and all hell sought through the Jews to unite circumcision with
Baptism and the rites of Moses with the truths of the Gospel. The
admission of these fallacies would help to maintain the Jews in their
stubborn adhesion to the old Law during the coming ages. One of the
fruits and triumphs of the great Lady in her battle with the dragon
was, that circumcision was immediately rejected by the council of
which I shall speak; and from that time on the pure grain of
evangelical truth was separated from the dried and barren stubble of
the mosaic ceremonies, as it is to this day in our holy mother the
Church. All this the most blessed Mary procured through her merits
and her prayers. She knew, in the meanwhile, that saint Paul and
saint Barnaby were hastening from Antioch to Jerusalem in order to
confer with saint Peter and, as related by saint Luke in the
fifteenth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, solve the difficulties
raised by the Jews.
487. Saint Paul and saint Barnaby
were aware of the return of the Queen of heaven when they came to
Jerusalem. In his ardent desire of seeing Her saint Paul with saint
Barnaby, at once sought her presence, and they cast themselves at her
feet, shedding abundant tears of joy. Not less was the joy of the
heavenly Mother at meeting these Apostles, toward whom She bore an
especial love in the Lord on account of their zealous labors for the
exaltation of God’s name and the spread of the faith. The
Mistress of the humble desired them to present themselves first to
saint Peter and the rest, and last to Her, judging Herself to be the
least of all creatures. But they, preserving the proper order in
their reverence and love, thought that none should be preferred to
Her who was the Mother of God, the Mistress of all creation and the
beginning of all our happiness. The great Lady prostrated Herself
before saint Paul and Barnaby, kissed their hands and asked for their
blessing. On this occasion saint Paul was favored with a wonderful
ecstatic abstraction, in which were revealed to him great mysteries
and prerogatives of this mystical City of God, the Blessed Mary, and
he saw Her as it were completely invested with the Divinity.
488. Through this vision saint Paul
was filled with admiration and with incomparable love and veneration
for the heavenly Mary. Somewhat recovering himself, he said to Her:
“Mother of all piety and clemency, pardon this vile and sinful
man for having persecuted thy divine Son, my Lord, and his holy
Church.” The Virgin Mother answered and said: “Paul,
servant of the Most High, if He who created and redeemed thee,
deigned to call thee to his friendship and made thee a vessel of
election, how can I, his slave, refuse to pardon thee? (Acts 9, 15).
My soul magnifies and exalts Him, because He wished to manifest
Himself so powerful, liberal and holy in thee.” Saint Paul
thanked the heavenly Mother for the benefit of his conversion and for
the other favors conferred upon him by Her in saving him from so many
dangers. The same also saint Barnaby did, and both again asked for
her protection and help, which the most holy Mother promised.
489. Saint Peter, as the head of the
Church, had called upon the Apostles and disciples then in and around
Jerusalem, and convoked them to a meeting in the presence of the
Mistress of the world. In order that the most prudent Virgin, in her
profound humility, might not absent Herself from this council, saint
Peter had interposed his authority as Vicar of Christ. All of them
being gathered, saint Peter said: “My brethren and children in
Christ our Savior, it was necessary that we meet in order to solve
the difficulties and decide upon the affairs, which our most beloved
brethren Paul and Barnaby have brought to our notice, and to
determine other matters touching the increase of the holy faith. For
this it is proper that we engage in prayer to obtain the assistance
of the Holy Ghost and we shall persevere therein for ten days as is
our custom. On the first and on the last day we shall celebrate the
sacrifice of the Mass, by which we shall dispose our hearts to
receive the divine light.” All of them approved of this
arrangement. In order to celebrate the first Mass on the next day the
Queen prepared the hall of the Cenacle, cleaning and decorating it
with her own hands and holding all things in readiness for the
Communion of Herself together with the Apostles and disciples during
those Masses. Saint Peter alone celebrated, observing all those rites
and ceremonies which I have described, when speaking of the Masses on
other occasions.
490. The other Apostles and disciples
communicated at the hands of saint Peter; then the most blessed Mary,
taking the last place. Many angels descended to the Cenacle. All
those present saw them and at the time of the consecration the
Cenacle was filled with a wonderful light and fragrance, through
which the Lord wrought wonderful effects in their souls. Having
celebrated the first Mass, they agreed upon certain hours, in which
they were to persevere together in prayer, as far as they could
without neglecting the necessary ministry of souls. The great Lady
retired to a place, where She remained alone and motionless for those
ten days without eating or speaking to anyone. During that time She
experienced such hidden mysteries as to move the angels to
astonishment; and I find myself unable to describe what has been
manifested to me concerning them. I will briefly indicate a small
part of these mysteries, for to state all is impossible. The heavenly
Mother having received holy Communion on the first of the ten days
and retired to pray alone, at the command of the Lord, was
immediately raised up by her angels and others there present to the
empyrean heavens. Since She was taken up body and soul, one of the
angels took her shape in order that the Apostles in the Cenacle might
not become aware of her absence. They bore Her up with the splendor
and magnificence described by me on other occasions, and on this
occasion it was even greater on account of the designs of the Lord.
When Mary arrived in a region of the air far removed from the earth,
the almighty Lord commanded Lucifer and all his hellish hosts to come
into the presence of the Queen into those higher regions. Immediately
all of them came before Her and She saw them and knew them all just
as they were and the condition they were in. The sight was somewhat
painful to her, because the demons are so abominable and disgusting;
but She was armed with divine virtue, so that She could not be harmed
by this horrible and execrable sight. Not so the demons; for the Lord
gave them to understand by an especial insight the greatness and
superiority of that Woman, whom they were persecuting as their Enemy.
They were made to perceive how foolishly presumptuous they had been
in their attempts against Her. To their still greater terror they saw
that She carried in her bosom the sacramental Christ and that the
whole Divinity held Her as it were enveloped in its Omnipotence for
their humiliation, overthrow and destruction.
491. The demons moreover heard a
voice proceeding from the Deity itself, saying: “With this
shield of my powerful arm, invincible and strong, I shall always
defend my Church. This Woman shall crush the head of the ancient
serpent (Gen. 3, 15), and shall forever triumph over Its haughty
pride for the glory of my holy name.” All these and other
mysteries of the most holy Mary the demons perceived and understood
while they were gathered around Her in dismay. So great was the
despair and crushing pain which they felt, that they, with loudest
clamors, said: “May the power of the Almighty cast us
immediately into hell, and let it not keep us in the presence of this
Woman, who torments us more than the fire. 0 invincible and strong
Woman! Recede from us, since we ourselves cannot fly from thy
presence, where we are bound by the chains of the Almighty. Why dost
Thou also torment us before our time? (Matth. 8, 29). Thou alone of
all human nature art the instrument of the Omnipotent against us; and
through Thee men can acquire the eternal blessings we have lost.
Those that have sunk into despair of ever seeing God eternally, are
now rewarded for the accredited good works of their Redeemer by the
vision of Thee, which in our hate is to us a torment and
chastisement. Release us, almighty Lord and God; let this new
punishment, in which Thou renewest that of our fall from heaven,
cease; for in it Thou executest the punishment Thou hast threatened
us with in this wonder of thy powerful arms.”
492. During these and other
lamentations of despair the demons were held spellbound in the
presence of the Queen for a long time, and although thy made the most
violent efforts to fly, they were not permitted to do it as fast as
their fury urged them on. In order that the terror of the most holy
Mary might strike them so much the deeper and become the more
notorious, the Lord ordained, that She herself should use her
authority as Mistress and Queen in permitting them to leave. At the
instant in which She did this, all of them cast themselves, with all
the swiftness in their power, from the upper regions into the abyss.
They gave forth dreadful howls, terrorizing all the damned souls with
new punishments, and, full of dismay and torments in not being able
to deny their defeat, they proclaimed in their presence the power of
the Almighty and of his holy Mother. Having won this triumph the most
serene Empress proceeded on her way to the empyrean heaven, where She
was received with new and admirable jubilee, remaining there for
twenty-four hours.
493. She prostrated Herself before
the throne of the most blessed Trinity and adored It in the unity of
its undivided nature and majesty. She prayed for the Church, in order
that the Apostles might understand and resolve what was proper for
the establishment of the evangelical law and the termination of the
law of Moses. In answer to these petitions She heard a voice from the
throne, by which the three divine Persons, One after the Other and
each One for Himself, promised to assist the Apostles and disciples
in declaring and establishing the divine truth, assuring Her, that
the Father would direct its establishment by his Omnipotence, the
Son, as head of the Church, assist it by his Wisdom, and the Holy
Ghost, as its Spouse, by his Love and his enlightening gifts. Then
the heavenly Mother saw, that the most holy humanity of her Son
presented to the Father the prayers and petitions, which She Herself
had offered for the Church, and how, approving of them, He proposed
the reasons why they should be fulfilled, in order that the faith of
the Gospel and his entire holy law might be established in the world
in accordance with the decrees of the divine will and mind.
494. Immediately, in execution of
this will and proposal of Christ our Savior, the Lady saw issuing
forth from the Divinity and immutable essence of God the form of a
temple or Church, beautiful, clear and resplendent as if built of
diamond or of sparkling crystal, adorned with many enamels and
relieves to enhance its beauty. The angels and saints saw it and in
astonishment exclaimed: “Holy, holy, holy and powerful art
Thou, Lord, in thy works” (Apoc. 4, 8). This Church or temple
the most blessed Trinity placed in the hands of the most holy
humanity of Christ, and, in a manner which cannot be described in
words, He united it with Himself. Thereupon He turned it over to the
most holy Mother and as soon as Mary received it, She was filled with
new splendor. She annihilated Herself within Herself and then saw the
Divinity, clearly and intuitively, by eminent and beatific vision.
495. The great Queen remained in this
joy for many hours, truly introduced into the cellar of fermented
wine spoken of in the Canticles (Canticle 8, 2). Since what She
experienced and received there surpasses all created thought or
capacity, it suffices here to say, that anew was ordered in Her love
(Cant. 2, 4) and directed with new fervor toward the Church consigned
to Her under the above symbol. Enriched by these favors, She was
borne back by the angels to the Cenacle, having in her hands the
mystical temple She had received from her divine Son. She remained in
prayer during the other nine days without motion and without
interrupting the acts, in which She had been left by the beatific
vision. They fall not within human thought, and can much less be
indicated by human words. Among other things which She did, was to
distribute the treasures of the Redemption among the children of the
Church. Commencing with the Apostles and going through the different
ages, She applied them separately to the just and the saints,
according to the secret disposition of eternal predestination. The
execution of these decrees her divine Son had consigned to the most
holy Mary, giving Her dominion over the whole Church and the
dispensation of all the graces, that each one earns through the
merits of the Redemption. Regarding a mystery so exalted and hidden,
I cannot say more than this.
496. On the last of the ten days
saint Peter celebrated the other Mass and all received holy Communion
as in the first. Then, all being gathered in the name of the Lord,
they invoked the Holy Ghost and began to consult about the solution
of the difficulties that had arisen in the Church. Saint Peter, as
the head and the highpriest, spoke first, then saint Paul and
Barnaby, and saint James the Less, as is related by saint Luke in the
fifteenth chapter of the Acts. The first decision of this council
was, that the exact law of the circumcision and the law of Moses
should not be imposed upon the baptized; since eternal salvation was
given through Baptism and faith in Christ. Although saint Luke
principally mentions only this decision, yet there were others, which
defined certain matters concerning the government and the ceremonies
of the Church, in order to stop some abuses introduced by the
indiscreet piety of some of the faithful. This is held to be the
first council of the Apostles, although they had also gathered to
establish the Credo and other things as mentioned before. However, at
that only the Apostles had convened, whereas now also those disciples
took part, who could come. Also the manner of conferring and of
resolving was different, being a formal decision, as is clear from
the words of saint Luke: “It has seemed good to the Holy Ghost
and to us,” etc. (Luke 15, 28).
497. Couched in these terms the
decision of the council was sent by letter to the faithful and to the
churches of Antioch, Syria and Cilicia; and they remitted these
letters through the hands of saint Paul and Barnaby and of other
disciples. In order that the approbation of the Lord might not be
wanting, it happened, that, both in the Cenacle at coming to their
decision, and in Antioch when the letters were read before the
faithful, the Holy Ghost descended in visible fire, so that all the
faithful were consoled and confirmed in the Catholic truth. The most
holy Mary gave thanks to the Lord for the blessings thus bestowed
upon the Church. She immediately dispatched saint Paul and Barnaby
with the rest and for their consolation She gave them as relics part
of the clothes of Christ our Lord and some objects She had still left
of the Passion. Offering them her protection and prayers, She sent
them filled with new consolation and spiritual force upon the labors
still awaiting them. During all these days of the council, on account
of the terror with which most holy Mary had inspired him, Lucifer and
his ministers could not come near the Cenacle; yet they prowled about
in the distance, without being able to execute any of their malice
against its members. Happy age, and fortunate congregation!
498. Since, in spite of his continual
prowling about the Queen and his roaring as of a hungry lion, Lucifer
saw that he could gain no advantage himself, he engaged some
sorceresses, with whom he had made an express pact, and persuaded
them to attempt the life of Mary by magic means. These unhappy dupes
tried it in several ways; but their enchantments were of no avail.
Many times, when they purposely placed themselves in the way of the
Queen, they were struck dumb and motionless. The most blessed Mary,
in her boundless charity, labored much to undeceive and convert them
by kind words and deeds; but of the four, who were thus sent on by
the demon, only one was converted and received Baptism. And thus all
his attempts came to naught, Lucifer was so confused and enraged,
that he would many times have given up tempting the most blessed
Mary, if his unquenchable pride had permitted him. The Lord almighty
ordained all this, in order that the victories and triumphs of his
Mother might be more glorious, as we shall see in the following
499. My daughter, in the constancy
and invincible fortitude with which I vanquished the demons, thou
hast one of the most urgent motives for persevering in grace and
acquiring great crowns. The human nature and that of the angels (even
though they be devils) are subject to contrary and opposite
conditions; for the spiritual nature is indefatigable, and that of
mortals weak and so prone to fatigue, that it soon tires and succumbs
in labor. As soon as it finds any difficulty in the practice of
virtue it is discouraged and turns back; what it pursues with
pleasure on one day, it contemns the next; what seemed agreeable
today, it finds hard tomorrow; now it wishes, then again it does not
wish; sometimes it is fervent, sometimes lukewarm. But the demon is
never fatigued or weakened in his efforts at tempting souls. The
Almighty, however, is not wanting in his providence; for He limits
and restrains the power of the demons, so that they cannot pass the
measure set for them, nor exert all their indefatigable powers for
the persecution of souls. On the other hand He supports the weakness
of men, giving them grace and strength to resist and overcome their
enemies on the prescribed battleground.
500. Hence the inconstancy of souls
in virtuously maintaining their position during temptation and in not
bearing with fortitude and patience the inconveniences of doing good
and fighting against the demons, is not excusable. The bent of
passion, drawing man toward the sensible and pleasurable, suddenly
presents itself across the path of duty and the demons, with
diabolical astuteness, seek to exaggerate the hardship and
disagreeableness of mortification, representing it as dangerous to
health and life. Thus he deludes innumerable souls to precipitate
themselves from one abyss to another. In this thou hast before thy
eyes, my daughter, a very common aberration of the worldly-minded,
but which is very abominable in the sight of the Lord and myself.
Hence it is, that many men are weak, wavering and indisposed toward
the practice of virtue or penitential mortification for their sins.
And the very ones who are so weak in doing good, are strong in doing
evil. In the service of the devil they are constant and are ready to
undergo much more difficult and arduous tasks in sinning, than the
law of God commands for the practice of virtue. They show themselves
tardy and imbecile in the work of saving their souls, eager and
strong to load upon themselves eternal damnation.
501. This damage also those who
profess a life of perfection are wont in part to incur, if they
unduly consider the hardships attached to such a life. Drawn into
this deception, they either hinder their advance in perfection or
afford the devil many victories in temptation. In order that thou, my
daughter, mayest not incur this danger, thou shouldst consider the
fortitude and constancy with which I resisted Lucifer and all hell,
and the magnanimity with which I despised his illusions and
temptations, not permitting myself to be disturbed, or to pay any
attention to them; for this is the best way to overcome his haughty
pride. Nor was I ever led by temptation to remissness in my labors or
in my exercises; but I augmented them, together with my prayers,
petitions and tears, as is necessary in the time of battle with those
enemies. Hence I exhort thee to do the same in eager watchfulness;
because thy temptations are not of the ordinary kind, but are
directed against thee in highest malice and astuteness. Of this I
have warned thee many times and this experience teaches thee.
502. Since thou hast noticed the
great terror caused to the demons at perceiving the sacramental Lord
resting in my bosom, I wish to call thy attention to two things.
First, that for the overthrow of hell and for causing fear in the
demons, all the holy Sacraments of the Church are most powerful
means; but above all the holy sacrament of the Eucharist. This was
one of the hidden purposes of the Lord my Son, in the institution of
this sovereign mystery and of the other Sacraments. If in our time
men do not ordinarily feel these powerful effects, it is because in
the frequency of the reception of the Sacraments much of the
veneration and estimation in receiving them has been lost. But do not
doubt, that souls who frequent them with devotion and piety, are
formidable to the demons and that they exercise great power and
dominion over them in the same way as thou hast seen and described it
of me. The explanation of this fact is: that this divine fire, in the
pure souls, finds itself as it were in its own element. In me it was
active to the limit of possibility in a mere creature, and therefore
I inspired such terror to the demons.
503. In further proof of what I said,
I wish secondly to inform thee, that these blessings were not to have
an end with me; for in proportion God has wrought the same effects in
other souls. In our own times it has happened that, in order to
vanquish the demon, God showed and opposed to him a soul bearing
within it the sacramental species and thereby so humiliated and
annihilated the dragon, that for many days he dared not approach this
soul and begged the Omnipotent not to be shown any soul bearing
within it holy Communion. On another occasion Lucifer, in conjunction
with some heretics and other bad Christians, schemed to do severe
harm to these Spanish kingdoms; and if God had not cut them short
through this same person, the whole of Spain would now be lost and in
the hands of the enemies. The divine clemency interfered for its
defense by showing this person to the devil and his ministers after
Communion. In their terrors the demons dropped their malicious
designs for the immediate destruction of all Spain. I will not tell
thee who this person was; for it is not necessary, and I reveal this
secret to thee for no other purpose than to show how favorably the
Almighty looks upon a soul which tries to merit its favors and
worthily receives Him in holy Communion; and how He manifested
Himself liberal and powerful not only to me, on account of my dignity
and sanctity of Mother, but how He wishes also in other souls to be
known and glorified as relieving the needs of the Church according to
time and occasion.
504. From this thou wilt understand,
that, in the same proportion as the demons fear the souls that
worthily receive holy Communion and other fortifying Sacraments, so
they exert all their powers to cause those souls to fall and to
hinder them from accumulating all this strength of the Lord against
them. Labor then against these tireless and astute enemies and seek
to imitate me in fortitude. I desire also that thou hold in great
veneration the councils of the Church and all such gatherings, and
whatever is resolved and established by them; for the Holy Ghost
assists at these councils and He fulfills his promise, that He will
be with those who gather together in his name (Matth. 8, 20). Hence
what is thus ordained and commanded must be obeyed. Although in our
times no visible signs of the assistance of the Holy Ghost occur in
such councils, yet He does not fail to govern them invisibly; for
signs and wonders are not any more so necessary as in the first
beginnings of the Church. Such as are necessary are not withheld by
the Lord. For all these blessings exalt and praise his liberal
kindness and mercy, and especially for those which He conferred on me
during my mortal life.
Chapter VII
505. In order to understand better
the mysteries to be described in this chapter, it is necessary to
presuppose what I have written in the eighth, ninth and tenth
chapter, of the first book, of the first part, where I explained the
twelfth chapter of the Apocalypse in so far as it was made known to
me at that time. Not only there, but during the whole course of this
heavenly history, have I referred to the present chapters of this
third part for a description of the battles of the most holy Mary
with Lucifer and the demons, the triumphs She gained, and the state
in which She was left by the Almighty after these battles for the
rest of her earthly life. Of all these sacred mysteries the
evangelist saint John had a knowledge and he describes them in his
Apocalypse (as I have stated at other times), especially in the
twelfth and twenty-first chapters. On these two chapters I must
discourse in this history for two reasons.
506. First, the secrets contained in
them are so exalted and magnificent, that they can never be
adequately explained or manifested; especially as the Evangelist,
considering it as the sacrament of the King and Queen, has enveloped
them in such enigmatical and metaphorical language, as can be
interpreted only through divine revelation when and how the Lord
shall please; and in this the Evangelist followed the express
commands of the most holy Mary. Secondly, the proud rebellion of
Lucifer, although in general opposing the supreme will and orders of
the Most High and omnipotent God, was especially directed against
Christ our Lord and his Mother, to whose superiority and excellence
the apostate angels do not wish to subject themselves. Also the first
rebellion and war waged with saint Michael in heaven was in protest
against their authority; but at that time they could not war with the
incarnate Word and with his Virgin Mother in person, but only against
the mysterious sign or representation of that mysterious Woman, which
they saw placed in the heavens as a prophetic symbol of all the
mysteries of the Incarnation to be enacted in her womb. When the time
came for the execution of all these sacraments and for the
Incarnation of the Word in her womb, it was proper that this battle
of the demons should be renewed and that Christ and Mary should
triumph over them in person. For this the Lord, as well in heaven as
afterwards in paradise, had threatened them with this enmity between
the Woman and the serpent, and between the seed of the Woman and the
serpent, in order that She might crush his head.
507. All this was fulfilled to the
letter in Christ and in Mary; for of our great Highpriest and Savior
saint Paul says, that He was tempted in all things like we ourselves
and for our example, but without sin; and the same can be said of the
most holy Mary. Lucifer had permission to tempt Them after his fall
from heaven, as I have said in the tenth chapter of the first Part.
And because this battle with the most holy Mary was to be a
counterpart of the first one in heaven and was to be for the demons
the fulfillment of the threat and menace contained in her image, it
was described and enveloped in the same enigmatical words. Having
sufficiently explained about the first battle, I must now speak of
what happened in the second. Although Lucifer and his demons had
already been punished in their first rebellion by the eternal loss of
the beatific vision and hurled into hell, they were now punished anew
in this second battle by additional accidental torments corresponding
to their evil desires and attempts against the most blessed Mary. The
explanation thereof is, that the natural faculties of a creature draw
satisfaction and contentment from their attaining what they strive
after and this in proportion to the vehemence with which they have
striven; and on the other hand, pain and disappointment in not
attaining their object, or in experiencing opposite results. Now, the
demons since their fall had desired nothing more vehemently than to
see that One fall from grace, who was to be the medium of grace for
the children of Adam. Hence it was an inconceivable torment for the
infernal dragons to find themselves vanquished and foiled in the
desperate desires and hopes entertained by them for so many ages.
508. The heavenly Mother on the other
hand, on account of the same and many other reasons, in the overthrow
of the ancient serpent gained a most joyful triumph. For the
conclusion of this battle, moreover, and for the state which She was
then to enjoy during the rest of her life, her divine Son held in
readiness so many and such great blessings, as surpass all human and
angelic capacity. In order to say something of what I have been made
to understand, the reader must remember, that, on account of our
limited powers and capacity, we are constrained to use for the most
exalted mysteries the same terms and words as we use for the more
ordinary ones. Yet in what I am to speak of now, there is infinite
latitude and extent of mystery, within which the Almighty can raise
the creature from one state, which seems to us the highest, to one
much more exalted, and from this again to a higher and more excellent
state. For, such a creature as Mary, after being destined and
confirmed in this world of graces, gifts and favors, and after
reaching (as She really did) all that is not God’s essence,
must at last embrace within itself a vastness of excellence so great,
that, of its own Self, it constitutes a new hierarchy, greater and
more exalted than all the rest of the creatures angelic and human.
509. Having premised all this, I will
proceed to tell as well as I can, what happened to Lucifer until his
final overthrow through the most holy Mary and her Son our Savior.
The dragon and his demons were not yet entirely subdued by the
triumphs related in the last chapter, when they were hurled down from
the upper air into the abyss by the great Lady; nor by their
ill-success with the sorceresses in Jerusalem. But, fearing in his
malice that he should have little time left for his temptations and
persecutions, the enemy, in his implacable malice, wished to make up
for the shortness of time by an increase of fury and temerity. Hence
he sought out other men, who, having been especially instructed by
him in magic and witchcraft, were still greater sorcerers. To these
Lucifer gave special and minute directions how to take away the life
of Her whom they held as their enemy. These ministers of evil
attempted to fulfill their commission many times, making use of very
powerful and pernicious charms. But none of them could in any way
harm either the life or the health of the most blessed Mary; for the
effects of sin exerted no influence over Her who was sinless and who,
moreover, for other reasons, was exempt and superior to all natural
causes. Seeing this and finding his most deeply laid plans
frustrated, the dragon visited those sorcerers with fierce and cruel
punishments; for the Lord permitted this, because they had merited
chastisement for their temerity and in order that they might know,
what kind of master they served.
510. Full of this new fury Lucifer
convened all the princes of darkness and reminded them of the many
reasons they had since their fall from heaven, for straining all
their forces and their whole malice in order to cast down this Woman,
their Enemy; since they now clearly recognized in Her the One shown
to them at that time. They all agreed with him and resolved to unite
and assault Her alone, presuming that on some occasion or another
they would find Her less prepared and bereft of her defense. Mary
being alone in her oratory, they at once seized this opportunity and,
emptying hell for this enterprise, they advanced upon Her in united
multitudes. This battle was the greatest ever fought by a mere
creature, from the first one in the empyrean heaven to the end of the
world; and it was very much like that first one. In order to estimate
the fury of Lucifer and his demons, in coming to where the most
blessed Mary then was, one must consider their torments, as well in
perceiving the divine power emanating from Her as in remembering how
often they had been oppressed and vanquished by Her. But their wrath
and envy conquered even these torments and drove them, in spite of
their pains, to throw themselves as it were upon the bristling pikes
and swords to avenge themselves upon the heavenly Lady for not to
make such an attempt was a greater torment than any other.
511. The first assault of the demons
was directed principally upon the exterior senses of Mary, consisting
in terrific how lings and confused clamors. Arraying their hosts in
the air, they produced such a fearful noise and trembling, that the
machinery of the whole world seemed on the point of destruction. To
make all this appear more real, they assumed diverse visible shapes,
some of horrid and different kinds of demons, other of angels of
light. In these shapes they pretended to begin a darksome and
formidable contest or battle, seemingly without cause and so that
only the confused and terrible noise could be heard. Thus they sought
to produce fear or disturbance in the soul of the most blessed Lady.
And truly they would have excited terror in any other, even the most
holy creature, if left to the ordinary resources of grace, and no one
could have encountered them without losing life; for this onset
lasted for twelve whole hours.
512. But our great Queen and Lady
remained immovable and serene, as tranquil as if She heard or saw
nothing of all this; She was disturbed or altered in no wise, showed
no change in her countenance, no traces of sorrow during the whole of
this infernal uproar. Then the demons proceeded to other temptations
directed against the internal faculties of the invincible Mother,
pouring out their diabolical malice more than I can describe; for all
that devilish multitude exhausted the full measure of their hellish
astuteness in concocting their false revelations, lights and
suggestions, their promises and threats in attempting to infect each
of her virtues by temptations to the contrary vice. I will not stop
to enumerate in particular these temptations, as it is neither
necessary nor convenient. But our Lady and Queen overcame them all,
since in opposition to the vices She performed acts of the contrary
virtues, which reached an excellence fully in proportion to the
impulse and force of her then acquired state of grace, gifts and
513. As one who was experiencing the
strength of hellish malice and who knows the necessity of divine
assistance, She prayed on that occasion for all that are afflicted
and tempted by the demon. The Lord granted Her the power of extending
her protection to all those who are tempted and who invoke her
intercession. The demons persevered in this battle until no kind of
malice was left un-attempted against the most pure Mother. Then She
on her part called upon the divine justice, asking God to rise up and
judge his cause (as David says Ps. 73, 22), that his enemies might be
dispersed and those who abhorred his presence be put to flight. To
fulfill his judgment the incarnate Word descended from heaven to her
retirement in the Cenacle, appearing to his Virgin Mother as her
sweetest and loving Son, and to the enemies as the severe Judge on
the throne of his supreme majesty. He was accompanied by innumerable
angels, by the ancient saints, Adam and Eve and many patriarchs and
prophets, and saint Joachim and Anne. All these presented and
manifested themselves to the most blessed Mary in her oratory.
514. Prostrating Herself as usual in
deepest veneration and worship, the great Lady adored her Son and
true God. The demons did not see the Lord, though they were made
aware of his royal presence and tried to fly from the imminent
punishment. But the divine power detained them, fettering them in the
manner in which their spirit nature permitted; and the ends of their
fetters or chains the Lord placed into the hands of his most blessed
515. Then a voice issued from the
throne saying: “Today comes upon you the wrath of the Almighty,
and the first sentence, fulminated against the ancient serpent from
on high and afterwards in paradise, shall be executed: a Woman
descended from Adam and Eve shall crush its head (Gen. 3, 15),
because in your disobedience and pride, you have despised the
humanity of the Word in the virginal womb.” Immediately the
most holy Mary was raised from the earth by the hands of six seraphim
nearest to the throne of God and, enveloped in a refulgent cloud, was
placed at the side of the throne of her divine Son. From his own
essence and Divinity issued an ineffable and supereminent splendor,
which enveloped and surrounded Her like the globe of the sun. Beneath
her feet appeared also the moon, indicating that She was to subject
to Her all that was inferior, earthly and variable, symbolized by the
concavity of the moon. Over her head was placed a diadem or crown of
twelve stars, as an emblem of the divine perfections communicated to
Her to the fullest extent possible in a mere creature. She was also
shown as pregnant, not only of the concept of God in her mind, but
also of the corresponding love. She gave forth a voice as if of the
sorrows of the birth of what She had conceived, in order that all
creatures might participate in it; and they rejected it, although She
desired it with tears and groans (Apoc. 12, 1).
516. This sign, in all the grandeur
in which it had been conceived in the divine mind, was shown in
heaven to Lucifer, who was present as the great, red dragon with
seven heads crowned with seven diadems and ten horns. In this horrid
shape he represented himself as the author of the seven capital sins,
who attempted to crown these sins with his invented heresies as
diadems and who armed by his astuteness and strength as with ten
horns, had sought to overthrow the divine law contained in the ten
commandments. In like manner he had encircled with his tail and drawn
to hell with him a third part of the stars of heaven; (Apoc. 12, 4) ;
not only in seducing the myriads of angels, who followed him in
disobedience, but also in casting from heaven of the Church many of
the believers, who seemed to have risen above the stars either in
dignity or sanctity.
517. In such a fearful and horrid
shape stood Lucifer, and with him, in many other and various, all of
them abominable, shapes, stood his fellow-demons, arranged in battle
array around Mary, who was about to bring forth in spiritual birth
the perpetual existence and enrichment of the holy Church. And the
dragon, in furious envy, that this Woman should be so powerful in
establishing and spreading this Church, and that She should, by her
merits, example and intercession, enrich it with so many graces and
raise so many myriads of men to their predestined eternal happiness,
stood in readiness to devour if possible, what She was to bring forth
and to destroy this new Church. In spite of the envy of the dragon
She brought forth a man-child, who was to govern all the nations with
a strong rod of iron. This manchild was the most righteous and strong
spirit of the Church, which in the righteousness of Christ our God
holds sway over all the nations in justice; and likewise it signified
all the apostolic men, who in the same righteous spirit are to judge
(Matth. 19, 28) with the iron rod of divine justice. All this it was
that most holy Mary brought forth, not only because She gave birth to
Christ, but also because through her merits and diligence She brought
forth the Church in holiness and rectitude, nourished it during the
time She lived in it, and even now and forever preserves it in the
manly spirit, in which it was born, maintaining the uprightness of
the Catholic truth, against which the gates of hell shall not prevail
(Matth. 16, 18).
518. Then, says saint John, this
man-child was taken up to the throne of God and the Woman fled to her
destined place in the desert in order that She might there be
nourished one thousand two-hundred and sixty days. This signifies,
that all the legitimate offspring of the heavenly Mother, as well
that which is the fruit of the general spirit of holiness in the
Church, as also the particular souls which She engendered and
engenders as her proper spiritual children, shall arrive at the
throne where is her natural Offspring, Christ, in whom and for whom
She engenders and raises her children. But the solitude to which the
most blessed Mary was carried was a most exalted and mysterious
state, to which She was raised after her battle and of which I shall
say something presently. It is called a solitude, because She alone
of all creatures was in that state, and none other could ever reach
or attain it. In it She was without the company of creatures; and She
was moreover left alone by the dragon, who more than anyone else was
ignorant of this mystery, and could not any more tempt or persecute
Her in person. There the Lord nourished Her one thousand two hundred
and sixty days, which was the time She lived in this state before
passing to another.
519. All this was darkly known and
intimated to Lucifer and his demons before this heavenly Woman and
living Sign was hidden away from their sight. The knowledge of her
destiny took away the confidence, which, for more than five thousand
years, had inspired the dragon with the hope of being able to
vanquish Her who was the Mother of the incarnate Word. Hence the
despair and torment of Lucifer and his demons can to a certain extent
be imagined; especially as they now saw themselves overcome and held
bound by the very Woman, whom they had with such insane fury sought
to cast down from grace and deprive of the merits and fruits of the
Church. The dragon in agonizing efforts to escape, said: “O
Woman, give me leave to hurl myself into hell, for I cannot bear thy
presence, nor will I ever venture to come before Thee as long as Thou
livest upon this world. Thou hast conquered, 0 Woman, Thou hast
conquered, and I acknowledge thy power in Him who has made Thee his
Mother. Omnipotent God, chastise us Thyself, since we cannot resist
Thee; but do not send thy punishments through a Woman of a nature so
inferior to ours. Her charity consumes us, her humility crushes us,
and She is in all things a living manifestation of thy mercy for men.
This is a torment surpassing many others. Assist me, ye demons! But
alas, what can our united efforts avail against this Woman, since all
our power cannot ever deliver us from her presence until She herself
casts us forth? O foolish children of Adam, who follow me, forsaking
life for the sake of death, truth or falsehood? What absurdity and
insanity is yours, (so in despair I must confess), since you have in
your midst and belonging to your own nature the incarnate Word and
this Woman? Greater is your ingratitude than mine and this Woman
forces me to confess the truths, which I abhor with all my heart.
Cursed be my resolve to persecute this Daughter of Adam, who so
torments and crushes me!”
520. While the dragon thus gave vent
to his despair, the prince of the heavenly hosts saint Michael
appeared in order to defend the cause of the incarnate Word and his
most blessed Mother; and by the arms of the understanding they began
another battle with the dragon and his followers (Apoc. 12, 7). Saint
Michael and his angels hurled at them the convincing arguments of
old, reproaching them with their pride and disobedience in heaven and
with their temerity in persecuting and tempting the incarnate Word
and his Mother, and contending with those in whom they had no part or
right whatever, since they could accuse Them of no sin, injustice or
imperfection. Saint Michael justified the works of the divine
justice, declaring them most righteous and unblamable chastisements
for the disobedience and apostasy of Lucifer and the demons. Anew
they anathematized them and confirmed the sentence of their
damnation, confessing the Almighty as holy and just in all his works.
The demon and his angels on the other hand likewise tried to defend
their rebellion and the audacity of their pride; but all their
reasonings were false, vain, and full of diabolical presumption and
521. A silence ensued in the
altercation and the Lord of hosts spoke to the most holy Mary: “My
Mother and my Beloved, chosen from the creatures by my eternal wisdom
for my habitation and holy temple! Thou hast given Me human form and
restored the human race; Thou hast followed Me, imitated Me and
merited the graces and gifts communicated to Thee above all my
creature and Thou hast never permitted them to be unprofitable in
Thee. Be Thou the worthy object of my infinite love, the protection
of my Church, its Queen, Mistress and Governess. To Thee is
commissioned my power, and, as the almighty God, I place it in thy
most faithful disposal. In virtue of it do Thou command the infernal
dragon, that as long as Thou shalt live in the Church, he shall not
sow the seed of error and heresy which he holds in readiness; cut off
his hardened neck, crush his head; for during the days of thy life I
desire that the Church shall derive this advantage from thy
522. The most holy Mary executed this
command of the Lord and as Queen and Mistress enjoined the infernal
dragons to become mute and powerless to spread their false doctrines
among the faithful, and that, as long as She was to live upon earth,
none of them presume to deceive mortals by their heretical tenets and
doctrines. And so it happened; for although the demon, in his wrath
and vengeance, had intended to pour out this poison in the Church,
the Lord, for the sake of his love of the heavenly Mother, hindered
it during her lifetime. After her glorious Transition, permission was
given to the demon to spread his heresies because the sins of men
subjected them to the just judgments of the Lord.
523. Thereupon, (as saint John says),
the great dragon, the ancient serpent called satan and devil, was
cast forth and with his demons banished from the presence of the
Queen. Their chains were lengthened and they fell upon the earth,
where they were permitted to remain. The voice of the archangel was
heard in the Cenacle, saying: “Now is come the salvation, and
the strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of Christ;
because the accuser of our brethren is cast forth, who accused them
before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of
the Lamb, and by the word of the testimony, and they loved not their
lives unto death. Therefore rejoice, 0 heaven, and you that dwell
therein. Woe to the earth and to the sea, because the devil is come
down unto you, having great wrath, knowing that he hath but a short
time” (Apoc. 12, 10). By these words the angel proclaimed, that
in virtue of the victories and triumphs of the most blessed Mary,
united to those of her Son and Savior, the reign of God, his Church,
and the effects of the Redemption of man were assured to the just.
All this he called the salvation, the strength and power of Christ.
And as, without doubt, if the most blessed Mother had not overcome
the infernal dragon, this impious and powerful enemy would have
hindered the effects of the Redemption; therefore this voice of the
angel resounded victoriously at the conclusion of the battle and at
his casting forth unto the earth and the sea. He congratulated the
saints, because now the head and the plottings of the demon, by which
he slandered men, were crushed, and the angel calls them brethren
because of their relationship with the angels through the soul,
through grace and glory.
524. The calumnies, by which the
devil persecuted and accused the mortals were the illusions and
deceits by which he expected to pervert the beginnings of the
evangelical Church, and his appeals to the justice of God, alleging
that men, through their ingratitude and wickedness and by their
having taken away the life of Christ the Savior, did not merit
Redemption or mercy, but deserved to be punished by leaving them to
their own sinfulness and to the darkness of eternal damnation.
Against all these accusations, however, Mary, as our most sweet and
kind Mother, rose up in our defense, meriting for us faith and its
spread, the abundance of mercies and gifts accruing to us from the
death of her Son, all of which the sins of those that crucified Him
and the others, that would not receive Him, have indeed failed to
deserve. The angel, by his prediction of woe, warns the inhabitants
of the earth to be prepared for the serpent, which now descended to
them in such great wrath; for without a doubt this dragon knows, that
he has little time for wrecking his fury upon men, since he has
learned of the mysteries of Redemption, the power of most holy Mary,
the abundance of grace and wonderful favors in the primitive Church.
From all these facts he suspects, that the end of the world is at
hand, or that all men will follow Christ our Lord and avail
themselves of the intercession of his Mother to gain eternal life.
Alas, that men themselves should be more foolish and ungrateful than
even the demon himself dared to think.
525. In further explanation of these
mysteries, the Evangelist states, that when the dragon saw himself
cast upon the earth, he attempted to persecute the mysterious Woman,
who had brought forth the man-child. But to Her were given two wings
as of a great eagle, in order that She might fly into the solitude or
desert, where She was nourished for a time, and for two times, and
for the half of a time, hidden away from the sight of the serpent.
And therefore the serpent cast forth after the Woman a great river to
overwhelm Her if possible. By these words the wrath of Lucifer
against God, his Mother and the Church are more definitely declared;
for, as far as this dragon is concerned, he never permits his envy to
slumber, his pride to weaken, or his malice to sleep in tempting anew
this Queen as long as he has power and permission. But they were
taken from him in regard to the Queen; and hence it is said, that two
wings were given to Her for flying into the desert, where She is
nourished during the stated times. These wings were the divine power
of ascending to the vision of the Deity given to Mary and of
descending to distribute the treasures of grace to men, as we shall
describe in the next chapter.
526. From that time on the serpent
had no more power to tempt Mary in person, wherefore it is said that
her solitude or desert is removed from the sight of the demon. The
times and the time and half of a time are three years and a half,
which contain the thousand two hundred and sixty, less a few days, as
mentioned before. In this state, and in others yet to be spoken of,
the most blessed Mary spent the rest of her mortal life. But since
the dragon was forced to give up tempting Her, he shot forth the
blood of his venomous malice after the heavenly Woman; for after her
victory he sought astutely to tempt the faithful and to persecute
them through aid of the Jews and gentiles; and especially after her
glorious Transition into heaven did he loosen the flood of his
heresies and false schisms locked up within himself. The threats
which he uttered after her victory, referred to the war he intended
to wage against men in order to avenge himself upon Her; for, being
now unable to vent his rage upon the person of the Queen, he resolved
to continue it against those, whom the Lady loved so much.
527. Hence saint John says that the
dragon proceeded to make war upon the others, who are of her
generation and seed, who observe the law of God, and have the
testimony of Christ. And the dragon stood upon the sands of the sea,
namely; he relied upon the countless infidels, idolators, Jews and
pagans, through whom he has made and does make war upon the holy
Church, besides secretly waging the war of temptation against the
faithful. But the solid and firm set earth, which is the immutability
of the Church, and the imperishable Catholic truth helps the
mysterious Woman; because She opens her mouth and swallows and
absorbs the flood poured out against Her by the serpent. And so it
happened in reality, since the holy Church, which is the organ and
the mouthpiece of the Holy Ghost, has condemned and overthrown all
the errors, the false sects and doctrines by her definitions, by holy
Scriptures, by the decrees of her councils, by the teachings of her
doctors, instructors and preachers of the Gospel.
528. All these mysteries and many
others the Evangelist intimates and describes under the image of this
battle and triumph of most holy Mary. In order to end the conflict,
though Lucifer was already cast from heaven and given over, fettered
in chains, into the hands of the victorious Queen, the great Lady
perceived it to be the will of the Lord her divine Son, that She hurl
him and his hosts into the infernal caverns. Fortified and
strengthened by God, She released them and commanded them immediately
to depart into hell. As soon as She pronounced the word, all the
demons fell into the most distant caverns of hell, where they
remained for some time giving forth terrible and despairing howls.
Then the holy angels sang new hymns to the incarnate Word on account
of his victories and those of his invincible Mother. The first
parents, Adam and Eve, gave thanks to God, because He chose this
their Daughter for his Mother and thus repaired the ruin they had
caused to their posterity; the Patriarchs, because their great
expectations and prophecies were so happily and gloriously fulfilled;
saint Joachim, saint Anne and saint Joseph, with still greater
jubilee, glorified the Almighty for their Daughter and Spouse; and
all of them together sang the glory and praise of the Most High, so
holy and admirable in his counsels. The most blessed Mary prostrated
Herself before the royal throne and adored the incarnate Word,
offering Herself anew to labor for the Church, and asking his
blessing, which She received with admirable effects. She asked also
her parents and her Spouse for their blessing, recommending the holy
Church and all the faithful to their prayers. Thereupon the whole
celestial gathering took their leave and returned to heaven.
529. My daughter, with the rebellion
of Lucifer and his demons in heaven have commenced the battles
between the kingdom of light and that of darkness, between Jerusalem
and Babylon; and these battles will not cease to the end of the
world. The Captain and Head of the children of light is the incarnate
Word, as the Author of holiness and grace; and Lucifer, as the author
of sin and perdition, has constituted himself as the leader of the
children of darkness. Each one of these chieftains defends his
followers and seeks to increase his reign and the number of his
adherents. Christ seeks to draw men to Himself by the truths of his
divine faith, by the favors and gifts of his grace, by the holiness
of his virtues, by his consolations in labors and by the certain hope
of his promised happiness, commanding his angels to accompany, to
console and defend them until they should be able to bring them to
heaven; Lucifer, on the other hand, gains his followers by lies,
deceits and treachery, by the allurements of ignominious and
abominable vices, by darkness and confusion; he treats them in this
life like a tyrant, afflicting them relentlessly and depriving them
of all consolation; while in the next life he holds in readiness for
them eternal and horrible torments, which he himself and through his
demons shall inflict upon them with inhuman cruelty as long as God is
530. But alas! in spite of this
truth, so infallible and so well known to mortals, in spite of the
infinite difference of the recompense, how few, my daughter, are the
soldiers that follow Christ, as their legitimate Lord, as their King,
their Chief, and their model; and how numerous are those that band
with Lucifer, who gives them no existence, no life, who affords them
no nourishment, nor any return; who deserves nothing nor in any way
obliges them, as was and is the case with the Author of life and
grace, my divine Son? So great is the ingratitude of men, so foolish
their infidelity, so unhappy their blindness. Merely because God has
given men freedom of will, either to follow their Master or not, to
show themselves thankful or not, they side with Lucifer and serve him
freely, permit him to enter the house of God and his temple, that he
may tyrannically confuse and profane it and draw after him the
greater part of the world to his eternal torments.
531. This conflict will last to the
end, because the Prince of eternity, on account of his infinite
goodness, will not cease to defend the souls He created and redeemed
by his blood. But not only He himself battles with the dragon, nor
only through his angels; for it redounds to the greater glory and
exaltation of his name, if He overcomes the enemies and confounds
their pride through the human creatures, in whom they seek to avenge
themselves upon the Lord. I, being a mere creature, next to my Son,
the true God, was the Leader and Sovereign in these battles. Although
through his Passion and Death, He vanquished the demons, who had
become very haughty by the dominion of sin inaugurated among men by
Adam; yet, after He, and I in his name, had triumphed over the
enemies and through our victories established the Church in such high
perfection and holiness, the Church would have persevered and Lucifer
would have remained crushed (as I said before), if the ingratitude
and the forgetfulness of men had not impelled him anew toward the
perdition and ruin of the whole globe.
532. Nevertheless my divine Son did
not forsake the Church, which He had acquired by his blood, nor have
I, as its Mother and Protectress, forsaken it; and We continue to
look within it for some souls to defend the glory and honor of God
and fight the battles against hell for the confusion and crushing of
the demons. Hence I wish thee to dispose thyself by divine grace for
this battle and not to wonder at the strength of the demon, nor to be
downcast at thy misery and poverty. Thou knowest that the wrath of
Lucifer against me was greater than against any of the creatures, and
greater than against all of them together; but by the power of the
Lord I vanquished him gloriously, and thou, in the same power, canst
resist him in thy smaller temptations. Although thou mayest be weak
and wanting in what is required, I wish thee to understand, that my
divine Son acts now as a king who is short of subjects and soldiers
and will admit anyone who wishes to serve in his army. Encourage
thyself then to conquer satan in present matters, for then the Lord
will afterwards arm thee for greater battles. I tell thee, that the
Church would not be entangled in its present difficulties, if a
number of the souls belonging to it had taken it upon themselves to
defend the cause and honor of God; but the Church stands very much
alone and forsaken by the children, whom it nourished at its own
Chapter VIII
533. In the measure in which the
mysteries of the infinite and eternal Wisdom were being fulfilled, so
the great Lady was raised in the sphere of holiness beyond all human
thought above the rest of the creatures. As her triumphs over the
infernal dragon were gained under the conditions and circumstances I
have described, and resulted in the rewards I have mentioned; and as
all these events of her life were the sequel of the mysteries of the
Incarnation and Redemption and of all the rest, in which She had
associated with her divine Son, it is impossible that our lowly human
faculties should even faintly comprehend the effects of these
mysteries upon the purest heart of the heavenly Mother. She conferred
within Herself upon these works of the Lord and weighed them by the
scales of her most exalted wisdom. The devouring flame of her
celestial love grew into a conflagration, which excited the
astonishment of all the angels and courtiers of heaven; and her
natural powers of life could not have withstood the impetuous onsets
of her desire to annihilate Herself entirely in the essence of the
Divinity, if they had not been sustained by miraculous influence. At
the same time She was drawn toward men by her most sweet and maternal
charity; for they all depended upon Her, just as the plants upon the
sun that vivifies and nourishes them. She therefore lived in a state
of violent longing to unite both the objects of her love in her
534. In such a state the most blessed
Mother found Herself after the victories over the dragon.
Notwithstanding her having, through the whole course of her life from
its first instant, at all times done what was most pure, most holy
and exalted, without ever being embarrassed by her travels, labors
and cares in the service of her divine Son; yet at this juncture
there arose as it were a contest in her heart between her love of God
and of the souls. In all her works of charity She felt the force of
her aspirations drawing Her to the higher and new gifts and workings
of grace. On the one hand She was impelled to withdraw Herself from
all the sensible things in order to wing her flight to the continual
and supreme union with the Divinity, and, in imitation of
comprehensors and especially of the state of her divine Son on earth,
free Herself from all hindrance of creatures in order to enjoy all
that He enjoyed outside of what belonged to Him in virtue of the
hypostatic union. This latter was indeed not possible in the blessed
Mother; yet the height of her sanctity and love seemed to demand all
that was next below the state of comprehensors. On the other hand She
was drawn by her love of the Church to hasten the relief of the
faithful in all the necessities; for without thus being engaged in
these duties of a Mother of the family, She could scarcely rest
satisfied with the favors and delights of the Most High. As each of
these activities of Martha required time, She continued to study how
She might adjust her life so as to be wanting neither in the active
nor the contemplative life.
535. The Most High permitted this
sort of solicitude to arise in his most blessed Mother in order that
the favor of her new state, held in readiness for Her by his
omnipotence, might come to Her so much the more opportunely.
Therefore He spoke to Her and said: “My Spouse and my Beloved,
the anxious aspirations of thy most ardent love have wounded my heart
and by the power of my right hand I wish to operate in thee what I
have done to none of the creatures, nor ever shall do; for thou art
chosen as none other of my creatures for my delights. For thee alone
have I prepared a state and condition, in which I shall nourish thee
with my Divinity as one of the blessed, yet in a different manner; in
it thou shalt continually enjoy my sight and my embraces, my peace
and tranquillity, without being embarrassed by created things or by
thy condition as a pilgrim. In this habitation thou shalt wing thy
flight freely and without bonds through the infinite regions required
by thy love; and from it thou shalt also fly to the aid of the holy
Church, of which thou art Mother. Charged with my treasures, thou
shalt distribute them among thy brethren according to thy pleasure in
their necessities and labors, so that through thee they all may be
536. This is the favor which I
pointed out in the last chapter and which the Evangelist clothes in
these words: “And the Woman fled into the wilderness, where She
had a place prepared by God, that there they should feed Her a
thousand two hundred and sixty days,” and a little farther on:
“And there were given to the Woman two wings of a great eagle,
that She might fly into the desert unto her place, where She was
nourished” (Apoc. 12, 14). It is not easy to make myself
understood regarding this mystery; for it contains many supernatural
effects, which have no counterpart in any other creature and are
wonders reserved by God exclusively to the faculties of the most
blessed Mary; and since faith teaches us, that we cannot measure or
comprehend the power of the Almighty, it is proper to confess, that
He can operate in Her much more than we can understand and that we
need only deny such excellence in Her, as would imply an evident and
manifest contradiction. In that which has been shown me for the
purpose of recording it in this history, supposing that I understand
it, I do not see any contradiction in the way I see it; although the
proper terms for recording it fail me in what I write.
537. I say then, that after Mary our
Leader and Mistress had triumphed in her battles over the dragon and
his demons, God raised Her to a state in which He manifested to Her
the Divinity, not by an intuitive vision like that of the blessed,
but by another clear vision through created species, which in this
history I have always called abstractive vision; because it depends
not upon the actual presence of the object seen, nor moves the
understanding by the object itself; but by other species, which
present the object as it is in itself, although absent; namely in the
same manner as God can show me the city of Rome as it is in itself by
infusing into my mind all the images and likenesses of that city.
This kind of vision of the Divinity the most blessed Virgin had
enjoyed before during her life, as I have often demonstrated in this
history. Although it was thus not altogether new to Her, since She
enjoyed abstractive vision at the moment of her Conception (as said
at the time), yet it was new now in two respects. First, from this
time on it was permanent and continual, enduring till her death and
till She passed into the beatific vision; while before that time it
had been occasional and passing. Secondly, from this time it
continued to increase in intensity day by day, and thus reached a
degree more exalted, more admirable and excellent than before, and
beyond all created thought and measure.
538. For this purpose all her
faculties were touched by the fire of the sanctuary, causing new
effects of the Divinity, illuminating and exalting Her above Herself;
for this state was to be a participation of that held by the
comprehensors and the blessed, yet at the same time different from
theirs. Hence it is important to note wherein it was like and wherein
it was unlike to theirs. The likeness consisted in Her seeing the
same object of the Divinity and the same attributes which they
enjoyed by secure possession, only She understood them more deeply
than they. The differences consisted in three points: first the
blessed see God face to face and by intuitive vision, whereas the
most blessed Mary saw Him by an abstractive vision as described;
secondly, the beatific vision of the saints in the Fatherland and
their essential fruition, in which the glory of the understanding and
the will consists, cannot increase; whereas the abstractive vision of
Mary in her pilgrimage had no limit or restriction, but her knowledge
of the infinite attributes and the divine essence increased day by
day; and for this were given to Her two wings of an eagle, by which
She was to soar continually in this limitless ocean of the Divinity,
comprehending ever more and more of its infinity.
539. The third difference was, that
the saints can neither suffer nor merit, this being incompatible with
their state; whereas our Queen could well accumulate suffering and
merit in her state of vision, as being still a wayfarer. And without
this possibility this state would not have been so great and valuable
in her eyes, nor for the Church; for the meritorious works of so
great a Lady, in this state of so great grace and holiness, were of
the most inestimable value and price to all men. She presented a new
and wonderful spectacle to the angels and saints, a sort of portrait
of her divine Son; for as the Queen and Mistress She had the power to
dispense and distribute the treasures of grace, and at the same time,
to add to them by her own ineffable merits. And though She was not a
comprehensor, as the saints in heaven; yet in her state of pilgrimage
She held a place so near to Christ and so like to his on earth, that,
if compared with Him, She was indeed a pilgrim in body and soul; but
if compared to the other pilgrims on earth, She seemed a comprehensor
and one of the blessed.
540. This her state required that all
the armory of her senses and other faculties should be of another
order and capable of operations proportionate to her condition Hence
the manner of her activity experienced an entire change, and in the
following way: all the species or impressions of creatures, which
through her senses had acted upon her understanding, were now at an
end or blotted out from her mind; though, as I have said above in
this third part (No. 126), the great Lady had not admitted any images
or species except only those that were necessary for the exercise of
charity and other virtues. Now even these, in as far as they were
terrestrial and in as far as they partook of the sensitive in
entering her understanding, the Lord abolished, purging and
distilling them of all that they yet contained of their origin in the
senses. In place of the images and impressions, which thenceforward
She could receive through the natural activity of her sensitive and
intellectual faculties, the Lord infused into her mind other species,
more pure and immaterial, and by means of these her perception and
understanding was raised to a more exalted level.
541. This wonder will present no
difficulty to the understanding of the learned. In order to explain
myself more thoroughly, I wish to say, that, when we call to action
the five bodily senses by which we hear, see and taste, we receive
certain impressions of the objects presented to them; these
impressions are passed on to another interior and corporeal faculty,
called the general or common sense, the imaginative, or estimative
phantasy, in which all the impressions of the exterior senses are
united and perceived or felt and are deposited and kept in reserve,
as in a storehouse of the five senses. Up to this point our
perception is like that of the animals, although with some
difference. After these impressions of the common sense or phantasy
have thus been stored within us, who are rational animals, our mind,
by means of the natural workings of its faculties, co-operates with
them and enables the intellect to become active, distilling from them
other spiritual or immaterial images; and by means of these spiritual
images, which it produces within itself, it naturally comes to know
and understand what first entered through the senses. Hence
philosophers say, that, in understanding our mind speculates upon the
phantasy in order to draw from it the images of what it is to
understand according to the natural routine of our acting faculties.
This routine is maintained, because the soul is united to the body
and depends upon it in its operations.
542. But in the most blessed Mary,
after entering the new state, this mode of procedure was not entirely
preserved; for the Lord had miraculously supplied for her intellect
another mode of action, independent of the phantasy and the general
sense. In place of the species, which her understanding was naturally
to draw from the impressions of exterior objects through the senses,
He had infused into Her other kinds of images, which represented
exterior objects in a more exalted manner; whereas those which She
acquired by the senses, remained in the storehouse of the phantasy
without being used by the active understanding, which was instead
furnished with and illustrated by the supernatural species. These her
understanding made use of in its activity, while at the same time
those received and stored in the general phantasy served Her for the
feeling of pain and sensible afflictions. Thus in this temple of the
most blessed Mary was fulfilled what happened in its figure long
before: the stones were shaped and wrought outside the temple,
whereas within, the strokes of the hammer or other noise were not
heard (III Reg. VI 7); likewise the animals were killed and
sacrificed upon the altar outside the precincts of the sanctuary (Ex.
40, 27); and in it were offered only the holocaust of the incense and
spices burned in the sacred fire.
543. Through the workings of this
miracle in our great Queen and Lady the stones of her virtues for her
adornment were hewn and polished in the lower sensitive faculties of
her soul, while in the for all of the common senses were offered up
the hardships, sorrows and pains, which She bore for the faithful in
her labors for the Church. But in the holy of holies of her intellect
and her will were offered up only the perfume of her contemplation
and vision of the Divinity and the fire of her incomparable love. For
this purpose the species of the senses, representing objects in a
more earthly manner and with the turmoil natural to them, were not
appropriate. Therefore the divine power excluded them altogether and
replaced them with other images of the same objects, infused,
supernatural and purer, capable of nourishing the abstractive
contemplation of the Divinity and more appropriate to her knowledge
of God, whom She unceasingly looked upon and loved in the inviolable
peace, tranquillity and serenity of her soul.
544. These infused species in the
most blessed Mary were founded upon the essence of God himself,
because they represented all things to her understanding in the same
way as a mirror represents objects to our eyes and make themselves
known to us without obliging us to inspect them directly. In this
manner She was aware in all things of whatever was for the good of
the children of the Church; of what She was to do for them in their
labors and difficulties and of the manner in which She was to promote
the fulfillment of the divine will in heaven and on earth. Favored by
this kind of vision, She was enabled to make her petitions in such a
way as to have them all granted by the Lord. From this kind of
insight the Lord exempted in Her the works which She was to perform
in obedience to the commands of saint Peter and saint John, and
sometimes requested by some of the other Apostles. The heavenly
Mother herself had asked for this exemption, because She did not wish
to interrupt her practice of obedience, which She loved so much; and
also because She wished to make it plain, that through obedience the
will of God is known with such certainty, that the obedient person
needs no other means or byways of finding the will of God than this
obedience to the commands of superiors; for this is without a doubt
what God wishes and commands, and therefore is right.
545. For all her other doings then
(except what pertained to obedience and holy Communion), the
understanding of the most blessed Mary did not depend upon her
intercourse with sensible creatures, nor on the images of the senses.
But of all of them She remained independent and undisturbed, enjoying
the abstractive vision of the Divinity without interruption, either
awake or asleep, working or at rest, without need of forethought or
reasoning about what was most perfect, or more agreeable to the Lord,
about the necessities of the Church, or the time and manner coming to
its aid. All this was present to her mind in the vision of the
Divinity, just like to the blessed through the beatific vision. And
just as the least important of the knowledge of the blessed is that
concerning the creatures; so also (besides what our great Queen knew
concerning the state of the Church, its government and of all the
souls), the principal object of her knowledge were the
incomprehensible mysteries of the Divinity, which She comprehended
more deeply than the highest seraphim and saints. With this heavenly
bread and nourishment She was sustained in that solitude prepared for
Her by the Lord. In it She was solicitous for the Church without
being disturbed, busily employed without inquietude, attentive
without distraction, and in all things She was full of God within and
without, clothed with the purest gold of the Divinity, immersed and
absorbed in this incomprehensible sea. Yet at the same time She was
attentive to all her children and their welfare, finding no rest
except in the ministrations of her maternal charity.
546. This was the reason why the two
wings of an eagle were given to Her; for by them She raised Herself
to the solitude where the thoughts of neither angels or men could
ever soar; and by them She descended from that unattainable height
and flew to the aid of mortals, not haltingly, but with the lightest
and swiftest flight. O prodigy of the omnipotence of God! O unheard
of miracle, which so clearly manifests his infinite greatness! Our
understanding fails us, our comprehension is suspended and our powers
are exhausted in the contemplation of such a hidden sacrament. Happy,
golden ages of the beginnings of the Church, when it held such
treasures within it, and fortunate we, if we could in our own unhappy
times, as far as is possible and as far as our necessities and
miseries require, see these signs and wonders renewed through his
most blessed Mother!
547. The happiness of that age, and
the manner in which the most holy Mother used her powers, will be
better understood, if we adduce some practical instances of the
assistance rendered by Her to the souls. One was that of a man living
in Jerusalem and well known in the city, because he held a prominent
position and was endowed with more than an ordinary mind and some
moral virtues. As for the rest, he was a zealous upholder of the
ancient law like saint Paul, and a bitter opponent of the teachings
and the law of Christ the Savior. The blessed Mary knew this in the
Lord, and through her intercession God had prepared the way for his
conversion. On account of his good standing in the opinion of others,
the blessed Lady desired very much to convert and save him. This She
asked of the Most High with ardent love and fervor, and the Lord
granted Her the request. Before the most blessed Mother entered the
new state of being, She had applied her great prudence and insight to
find means of converting this soul; but now this kind of study was no
longer necessary; for She needed only to attend to the Lord, where,
at her request, all that She had to do for his conversion was made
clearly manifest.
548. She saw that this man was to
come to Her through the preaching of saint John and that She need
only tell saint John to preach where this Jew would hear him. The
Evangelist obeyed her orders; and at the same time the guardian angel
of that man inspired him with the desire of seeing the Mother of the
Crucified, whom all praised as a loving, modest and pious Woman. The
Jew did not at that time foresee any spiritual good possibly to
result from this visit, because he had not the divine light for such
knowledge; but without proposing to himself any such ends, he desired
to visit the great Lady out of calculating curiosity, merely in order
to see who this Woman, so much spoken of by others, might be. But
when he came into the presence of most holy Mary and looked upon Her,
while with heavenly prudence She spoke to him, He was entirely
changed into a new man. He immediately prostrated himself at the feet
of the great Queen, confessing Christ as the Savior of the world and
asking to be baptized. He received Baptism then and there at the
hands of saint John, and while the words of Baptism were pronounced,
the Holy Ghost came in visible form upon this man, who thenceforward
was distinguished for his holy life. The heavenly Mother sang a hymn
of thanksgiving for this great and wonderful favor.
549. Another inhabitant of Jerusalem,
deceived by her cousin versed in witchcraft, apostatized from the
faith. As the blessed Lady knew all things in the Lord, She was aware
of her fall. In great affliction the Lady applied Herself to tearful
prayers and exercises of atonement for the return of this woman, for
She knew that such willful falling away in those who have once given
themselves to the pursuit of eternal life, always makes a return much
more difficult. The prayers of the most blessed Mother readily paved
the way for the salvation of this soul deceived by the serpent.
Immediately the Queen saw that this Woman should be warned and
exhorted by saint John, in order to bring her to a sense of her evil
deed. Saint John spoke to her, she listened and confessed her sin to
him, thus being restored to grace. The blessed Mary afterwards
exhorted her to persevere and resist the demon.
550. Lucifer and his demons dared not
disturb the Church in Jerusalem during the presence of the Queen,
whom they feared to approach; for her power filled them with fear and
drove them to flight. Instead they sought to make conquests among the
baptized of those ports of Asia where saint Paul and the other
Apostles were preaching; they succeeded in perverting some to
apostasy and to cause disturbance or hindrance in the preaching of
the Gospel. The most zealous Princess knew of the machinations of the
dragon and asked the Lord for assistance, if it should be proper
under the circumstances. She received answer, that She might act as
the Mother, as the Queen and Mistress of all creation, and that She
had found grace in the eyes of the Most High. Thus encouraged from on
high She clothed Herself with invincible strength; and like the
faithful spouse, who rises from the couch, leaves the bridal chamber
and the throne of her bridegroom, and arms herself to defend him
against his assailants: so the valorous Lady, armed with divine
power, rose up against the dragon, snatched the prey from his maw,
wounding him by the power of her virtues, and commanding him again to
sink into the abyss. And as She commanded, so it was fulfilled. Many
other innumerable wonders, wrought by our Queen, could be cited; but
these will suffice to indicate the state in which She then was
constituted and the way in which She operated therein.
551. For greater perspicuity and in
connection with the reckonings given before, it remains to mention
the year in which the most blessed Lady received this favor (Nos.
376, 465, 495, 435). When She betook Herself from Jerusalem to
Ephesus, She had attained the age of fifty-four years, three months
and twenty-six days; and her voyage took place in year forty of the
birth of Christ, on the sixth of January. She remained in Ephesus two
and a half years, returning in the year forty-two on the sixth of
July; and in the year fifty-six and ten months ef her age. The first
council mentioned above was held by the Apostles two months after the
Queen returned from Ephesus; so that during that council the most
blessed Mary completed her fifty-seventh year. Then succeeded the
battles and triumphs and her elevation to the exalted state herein
described, in the beginning of her fifty-eighth year, and in the year
of our Lord the Savior, forty-two and nine months. This state lasted
twelve hundred and sixty days mentioned by saint John in the twelfth
chapter, and then She passed to another, which I shall describe
farther on.
552. My daughter, none of the mortals
have any excuse for not ordering their lives in imitation of the life
of my divine Son and of my own; for We were an example and model for
all. Noone can be without blame, if in his own state he is not
perfect, having before his eyes the incarnate God, who became the
Teacher of holiness for all states of life. Some souls, however, are
by the divine will chosen and set apart from the common order, in
order that they may enjoy more of the fruit of his blood, imitate
more perfectly his life and mine, and cause his divine goodness,
omnipotence and mercy to shine forth more resplendently. Whenever
these chosen souls faithfully and fervently correspond with the Lord,
only worldly ignorance will wonder, that He should show Himself so
liberal in exerting his power to overwhelm them with favors and
blessings beyond all human conception. Whoever places such wonders of
his beneficence in doubt, will only hinder the glory God seeks in his
works. Such unbelievers attempt to measure them by the restricted and
curtailed capacity of the human mind, which in them is usually
depraved and obscured by their own.
553. And if the chosen souls
themselves are so gross as to doubt his benefits, or do not dispose
themselves to receive and use them prudently, or with the esteem and
appreciation due to the operations of God: then, no doubt, they
offend his Majesty much more than others, to whom no such blessings
or talents are vouchsafed. The Lord does not wish the bread of the
children to be cast to the dogs (Matth. 15, 26) ; nor his pearls to
those who tread them under foot or despise them (Matth. 7, 7) ; for
these blessings of special grace are the reserves of his highest
Providence, and the capital of the price of the Redemption. Reflect
then, my dearest, that such faults are committed by those souls, who
are diffident in arduous or adverse events, or who shrink from the
Lord, or hinder Him, when they are singled out as the instruments of
his power for his service. Their sin is still more reprehensible when
they refuse to confess Christ in all such works for fear of the
difficulties connected with them and of the gossip of the world
concerning such new undertakings; when they act in such a manner,
that they serve God and do his will only when it coincides with their
own; or if they practice virtue only when it is accompanied by such
and such conveniences; or love only when it does not disturb their
tranquillity; or if they believe or acknowledge benefits only when
sweetened by caresses. As soon as adversity or labor is to be
encountered for the sake of God, they at once give way to discontent,
sorrow, discouragement and impatience, by which they frustrate the
designs of the Lord and make themselves incapable of perfection in
554. All this arises from a
deficiency of prudence, knowledge and true love, which prevents these
souls from looking to their own and their neighbor’s advance.
For they look to themselves, rather than to God; and are governed
more by self-love, than divine love and charity. Tacitly they are
guilty of great presumption, since they attempt to direct God’s
will and even to reprehend it, professing their readiness for great
labors in his service under such and such conditions and their
inability under other conditions. They are unwilling to risk their
credit and their comfort, even for the common good and for the glory
of God. They think that, as they do not openly proclaim their
refusal, they do not make themselves guilty of this temerity; yet it
is the devil, who conceals it from them, in order that they may incur
555. In order that thou, my daughter,
mayest not fall into this monstrous sin, thou shouldst discreetly
ponder what I give thee to understand and record, and how much I
desire thee to imitate me. I could not fall into such sins, yet in
continual watchfulness I prayed to the Lord to govern me in all my
actions according to his will and pleasure only, and I gave myself no
liberty of doing anything that was not according to his greater
pleasure. Hence I sought for myself the forgetfulness and the
retirement from all creatures. Thou art subject to sin, and thou
knowest how many snares the dragon, by himself and through the
creatures, has laid in order to lead thee into it: hence thou hast
good reason for ceaselessly beseeching the Almighty to govern thee in
all thy actions, and for closing the portals of thy senses in such a
way as to exclude from thy interior every image or figure of mundane
and earthly things. Renounce therefore thy free will into the hands
of thy God and yield it to every pleasure of the Lord and mine. In
what thou must necessarily transact with creatures for the
fulfillment of the divine law and of charity, admit no image except
what is unavoidable; and immediately ask, that the remembrance of
what is not necessary be blotted out of thy mind. Concerning all thy
works, words and thoughts consult with God, with thy angels and with
me, for we are always with thee; consult also with thy confessor
wherever possible. All that thou dost or resolvest without this
consultation, hold in suspicion and as dangerous, and only by
comparing it with my teachings, thou canst ascertain, whether it
agrees or disagrees with the will of God.
556. Above all never lose sight of
the essence of God; for the light of faith which thou hast received,
is to serve especially for this purpose. Since this is to be thy last
end, I wish that even in mortal life thou attain this vision as far
as is possible to thee with the divine grace. It is indeed time that
thou cast out those vain fears and suggestions, by which the enemy
has sought to hinder and detain thee from giving constant credit to
the blessings and favors of the Lord. Begin to be prudent and strong
in this confident faith and deliver thyself entirely to the pleasure
of his Majesty, in order that He may do with thee and in thee what
shall be best for his service.
Chapter IX
557. I have described, as far as I
was permitted, the exalted state of the great Queen and Lady after
the first council of the Apostles, and also her victories over the
infernal dragon and his demons. Although the wonderful works which
She accomplished during these times and at all times, cannot be
recorded in a history, nor even summed up, I was nevertheless given
special light for the purpose of describing the beginnings of the
Gospels and the call of the Evangelists to undertake their writing,
the part which Mary bore in their being written, her solicitous care
for the absent Apostles, and the miracles She wrought for them. In
the second part, and on many occasions I have stated, that the
heavenly Mother had a positive knowledge of all the mysteries of
grace, of the Gospels and other holy writings, which were to serve
for the confirmation of the new Law. In this knowledge She was
confirmed many times, especially on the day of her ascension with her
divine Son into heaven. From that day on, without forgetting
anything, She often prostrated Herself in prayer before the Lord,
asking Him to send his divine light upon the Apostles and holy
writers and to order them to write, when the opportune time should
have come.
558. Afterwards, when the Queen
returned from heaven and was put in charge of the Church (as related
in the sixth chapter of this book), the Lord made known to Her that
the time for beginning to write the holy Gospels had arrived and that
She should make her arrangements for this purpose as the Mistress and
Instructress of the Church. But in her profound humility and
discretion She obtained the consent of the Lord, that this should be
attended to by saint Peter, his vicar and the head of the Church; and
that he should be specially assisted by divine enlightenment for a
matter of such importance. All this was granted by the Most High; and
when the Apostles met in the council mentioned by saint Luke in the
fifteenth chapter of the Acts, after they had settled the doubts
about circumcision, as I described in the sixth chapter, saint Peter
proposed to them all the necessity of recording in writing the
mysteries of the life of Christ our Savior and Teacher, so that they
might be preached to all the faithful in the Church without variation
or difference, thus doing away with the old Law and establish the
559. Saint Peter had already
consulted with the Mother of wisdom; and all the council having
approved of his proposal, they called upon the Holy Ghost to point
out the Apostles and disciples who should write the life of the
Savior. Immediately a light was seen descending upon saint Peter and
a voice was heard saying: “The high priest and head of the
Church shall assign four for recording the works and the teachings of
the Savior of the world.” Saint Peter and all present
prostrated themselves, giving thanks to the Lord for this favor. When
all of them had again risen, saint Peter spoke: “Matthew, our
beloved brother, shall immediately begin to write his Gospel in the
name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Mark shall be the
second, who shall likewise write the Gospel in the name of the
Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Luke shall write the third, in
the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Our most beloved
brother John shall be the fourth and last to write the mysteries of
our Savior and Teacher in the name of the Father, the Son and the
Holy Ghost.” This decision the Lord confirmed by permitting the
heavenly light to remain until these words were repeated and formally
accepted by all those appointed.
560. Within a few days saint Matthew
set about writing the first Gospel. While praying in a retired room
of the Cenacle and asking to be enlightened for the inception of his
history, the most blessed Mary appeared to him seated on a throne of
great majesty and splendor, the doors of the room still remaining
closed. The great Lady told him to arise, which he did, asking for
her benediction. Then She spoke to him and said: “Matthew, my
servant, the Almighty sends me with his blessing, in order that with
it thou begin the writing of the Gospel which thou hast the good
fortune to be entrusted with. In this thou shalt have the assistance
of the Holy Ghost and I shall beg it for thee with all my heart. But
concerning myself it is not proper, that thou write anything except
what is absolutely necessary for manifesting the Incarnation and
other mysteries of the Word made man, and for establishing his faith
in the world as the foundation of his Church. This faith being
established, the Almighty will find other persons, who, when the
times arrive in which it shall become necessary, shall reveal to the
faithful the mysteries and blessings wrought by his powerful arm in
me.” Saint Matthew signified his willingness to obey the
mandate of the Queen; and while he conferred with Her about composing
his Gospel, the Holy Ghost came down upon him in visible form; and in
the presence of the Lady He began to write the words as they are
still extant in his Gospel. The blessed Mary then left him and saint
Matthew proceeded in his history, finishing it in Judea. He wrote it
in the Hebrew language in the year forty-two of our Lord.
561. The Evangelist Mark wrote his
gospel four years later, in the forty-sixth year after the birth of
Christ. He likewise wrote it in Hebrew and while in Palestine. Before
commencing he asked his guardian angel to notify the Queen of heaven
of his intention and to implore her assistance for obtaining the
divine enlightenment for what he was about to write. The kind Mother
heard his prayer and immediately the Lord commanded the angels to
carry Her with the usual splendor and ceremony to the Evangelist, who
was still in prayer. The great Queen appeared to him seated on a most
beautiful and resplendent throne. Prostrating himself before Her, he
said: “Mother of the Savior of the world and Mistress of all
creation, I am unworthy of this favor, though I am a servant of thy
divine Son and of Thyself.” The heavenly Mother answered: “The
Most High, whom thou servest and lovest, sends me to assure thee,
that thy prayers are heard and that his holy Spirit shall direct thee
in the writing of the Gospel, with which He has charged thee.”
Then She told him not to write of the mysteries pertaining to Her,
just as She had asked of saint Matthew. Immediately the Holy Ghost,
in visible and most refulgent shape, descended upon saint Mark,
enveloping him in light and filling him with interior enlightenment;
and in the presence of the Queen he began to write his Gospel. At
that time the Princess of heaven was sixty-one years of age. Saint
Jerome says, that saint Mark wrote his short Gospel in Rome, at the
instance of the faithful residing there; but I wish to call attention
to the fact, that this was a translation or copy of the one he had
written in Palestine; for the Christians in Rome possessed neither
his nor any other Gospel, and therefore he set about writing one in
the Roman or Latin language.
562. Two years afterwards, in the
year forty-eight and of the Virgin the sixty-third, saint Luke wrote
his Gospel in the Greek language. To him also, as to the others, Mary
appeared when he was about to begin it. Having represented to the
heavenly Mother, that, in order to manifest the Incarnation and life
of her divine Son, it was necessary to touch upon the manner of the
actual conception of the Word made man and upon other things
concerning her dignity as the natural Mother of Christ, and having
received orders from Her to pass over in silence the other mysteries
and wonders connected with her dignity as Mother of God, saint Luke
obtained her permission to write somewhat more freely of the heavenly
Mary in his Gospel. The Holy Ghost descended upon him and in the
presence of the great Queen he began to write his Gospel, drawing his
information principally from direct inspiration of her Majesty. Saint
Luke continued a most devoted servant of the Lady and never permitted
the image of the sweetest Mother seated on the throne of majesty, as
he had seen Her on this occasion, to be effaced from his mind.
Thenceforward he lived continually in her presence. Saint Luke was in
Achaia, when this apparition happened to him, and there also he wrote
his Gospel.
563. The last of the four Evangelists
who wrote the Gospels, was the apostle saint John in the year
fifty-eight of the Lord. He wrote his in the Greek language, during
his stay in Asia Minor after the glorious transition and assumption
of the most blessed Mary. His Gospel was directed against the
heresies and errors, which, (as indicated above), the devil
immediately after the transition of the Virgin Mother began to sow
for undermining the faith in the Incarnation of the divine Word. For
as Lucifer had been humiliated and vanquished by this mystery, he at
once directed the onslaught of heresy against it. For this reason the
evangelist saint John writes so sublimely and adduces so many
arguments for the true and undoubted Divinity of Christ our Savior,
far surpassing the other Evangelists in this regard.
564. Although when the Evangelist was
about to begin his Gospel the most blessed Mary was already in
heaven, She descended in person, resplendent with ineffable glory and
majesty and surrounded by thousands of angels of all choirs and
hierarchies. Appearing to saint John She said: “John, my son
and servant of the Most High, now is the proper time for writing the
life and mysteries of my divine Son, so that all mortals may know Him
as the Son of the eternal Father, as true God and at the same time as
true man. But it is not yet the opportune time for recording the
mysteries and secrets which thou knowest of me; nor shall they as yet
be manifested to a world so accustomed to idolatry, lest Lucifer
abuse them for disturbing those who are to receive the faith in their
Redeemer and in the blessed Trinity. The Holy Ghost will assist thee
and I desire thee to begin writing in my presence.” The
Evangelist worshipped the great Queen of heaven and was filled with
the divine Spirit as the others had been. Assisted by the kind
Mother, he immediately set about writing his Gospel. Before She
departed to the right hand of her divine Son, She gave him her
benediction and promised him her protection for all the rest of his
life. Such were the beginnings of the sacred Gospels, all of them
having been commenced with the assistance and by the intervention of
the most blessed Mary, giving the Church to understand, that all
these benefits have been vouchsafed at her hands. After having thus
anticipated the history of the Evangelists, in order to account for
the beginnings of the Gospels, we shall now return to our narrative.
565. In proportion as the most
blessed Lady after the council of the Apostles was exalted by her
divine knowledge and the abstractive vision of God, so her care and
solicitude for the welfare of the Church increased; for the faith was
now spreading out over the earth day by day. As a true Mother and
Teacher, She lavished her special attention upon the Apostles, whose
names and whose welfare She bore written in her heart. All of them,
except saint John and saint James the less, immediately after the
termination of the council, left Jerusalem for the field of their
labors, and the kindest Mother was deeply concerned at the thought of
the hardships and difficulties connected with their preaching. She
looked upon them with tender pity in their peregrinations, and held
them in highest veneration on account of their holiness and dignity
as priests, as Apostles of her divine Son, founders of the Church,
preachers of his doctrine, and as the elect of the divine Wisdom
chosen for such high ministries to the glory of the Most High. It was
truly necessary that the most blessed Lady and Mistress, in order to
attend to and take care of so many matters throughout the holy
Church, should be raised to the state which She now held: for in any
lower condition She could not have so easily and properly attended to
so many duties and at the same time maintain that interior
tranquility and peace, which her soul enjoyed.
566. Besides her own knowledge and
solicitude for the whole Church, the most holy Mother again charged
her angels to take care of all the Apostles and disciples, to console
them in all their tribulations and to haste to their aid in all their
difficulties. For by the subtlety of their spiritual nature they
could attend to all this without losing sight of the face of God and
enjoying beatific vision. She thus charged them because it was so
important to establish the Church and because they were the ministers
of the Most High and the works of his hands. She told them also to
inform Her of all that the Apostles and disciples were doing, and
especially when they were in need of any clothing; for to this matter
the watchful Mother wished to attend in particular, in order that
they might go about clothed in a uniform manner, such as they wore
when they departed from Jerusalem. By this prudent foresight, the
Apostles showed no difference in their garments as long as the great
Lady was alive; but all of them wore clothes of the same form and
color, similar to that worn by her divine Son. Assisted by the holy
angels, She wove with her own hand the tunics for this purpose and
sent them through the angels to the Apostles on their journeys. In
thus making it possible for them to wear vestments similar to those
which had been worn by Christ our Savior, the great Mother provided
that even in their exterior appearance the Apostles preached his
doctrines and his most holy life. In regard to the other necessities
of life, such as food, She left them to begging and to the labor of
their hands, or to the alms which were offered to them.
567. At the orders of the Queen the
angels frequently assisted the Apostles in their travels and
tribulations and in the persecutions as well of the gentiles and the
Jews, as of the demons, who continually excited evil-minded men
against the preachers of the Gospel. The angels often visited them in
visible shapes, conversing with them and consoling them in the name
of the most blessed Mary. At other times they performed the same
office interiorly without manifesting themselves; sometimes they
freed them from prison; sometimes they warned them of dangers and
snares; sometimes they accompanied them on their way or carried them
from one place to another where they were to preach, or informed them
of what they were to do according to the circumstances peculiar to
certain places or peoples. Of all these things they also kept their
blessed Lady informed; for She took care of all of them and labored
with them more than all of them together. It is not possible to
enumerate the cares, solicitudes and diligent doings of this kindest
Mother; for not a day or a night passed, in which She did not perform
many miracles for the Apostles and for the Church. Besides all this
She wrote to them many times, animating them with heavenly
exhortations and doctrines, and filling them with consolation and
568. But what is more wonderful: She
not only communed with them by means of her angels and by letters,
but She appeared to them Herself, whenever they called upon Her or
when they were in some tribulation or necessity. Although (besides
appearing to the Evangelists, concerning which I have already
spoken), She appeared to many of the Apostles, I will here speak only
of her apparitions to saint Peter, who, as head of the Church, stood
in greater need of the counsels and assistance of the most blessed
Mary. Hence to him, She sent her angels more frequently, and the
saint sent those, which were assigned to him as pontiff of the
Church, and he wrote to Her and communicated with Her oftener than
the other Apostles. Soon after the council of Jerusalem saint Peter
was journeying to Asia Minor and came to Antioch, where he first
established his pontifical see. On account of the difficulties which
he met in the execution of his design, the vicar of Christ was
downcast and afflicted, and the most blessed Mary well knew of it and
how much he stood in need of her favor. In order to confer it upon
him in the manner suited to the importance of the occasion, She had
her holy angels bring Her to saint Peter, and appeared to him, seated
on a throne of majesty as at other times. The Apostle, seeing Her
before him so resplendent, prostrated himself before Her with wonted
fervor, and bathed in tears, said to Her: “Whence this favor to
me, a sinner, that the Mother of my Redeemer should come to where I
am ?” The heavenly Teacher of the humble descended from her
throne, and, moderating the splendors which surrounded Her, knelt
before the Highpriest of the Church and asked his blessing. With none
of the other Apostles, but only with saint Peter did She observe this
conduct in her apparitions to them; although except at these
apparitions, when She conversed with them in the natural way, She was
wont to ask their blessing on her knees.
569. But because saint Peter was the
vicar of Christ and the head of the Church She descended from her
royal throne and showed him reverence, acting as one of the members
of the Church yet in mortal flesh. Speaking familiarly with the holy
Apostle She conferred with him upon the weighty matters then under
consideration. One of them was the advisability of beginning to
celebrate some of the feasts of the Lord. After they had resolved on
the course to be taken, the holy angels took Her back from Antioch to
Jerusalem. Later on, when saint Peter, in obedience to the orders of
the Savior, had gone to Rome with the intention of transferring the
apostolic see to that city, the blessed Lady appeared once more to
saint Peter. There it was ordained that in the Roman Church should
thenceforth be celebrated the feast of the Nativity of her divine
Son, of the Passion, and of the institution of most holy Sacrament in
the manner as it is now done on Holy Thursday or Maundy Thursday.
Later on, after many years, was established also the feast of Corpus
Christi to be celebrated on the first Thursday after the octave of
Pentecost, as is still the rule. But the first feast of the blessed
Sacrament on Holy Thursday, was instituted by saint Peter, as also
the feast of the Resurrection, the Sundays, the Ascension, with the
paschal and other observances of the Roman Church to the present day;
and all of these were instituted by the order and according to the
counsel of the most blessed Mary. After these doings saint Peter went
to Spain, visiting some of the churches founded by saint James and
establishing others before returning to Rome.
570. On another occasion, before
(though very near), the glorious transition of the heavenly Mother,
saint Peter being likewise at Rome, a dispute arose among the
Christians, which greatly distressed and afflicted both him and all
those concerned. The Apostles remembered the favors he had received
in his tribulations at the hands of the great Queen and grieved very
much that he should now be deprived of her counsel and assistance. He
therefore besought the angels of his guard and those given him as
assistants in his office of highpriest, to manifest his troubles and
necessity to the blessed Mother in order to obtain help in his
difficulties by her powerful intercession with her Son. The Queen,
who knew the fervor and humility of saint Peter, failed not in
responding to his wishes. She commanded the angels of the Apostle to
bring him to Jerusalem, where She then was. They immediately executed
her command and brought saint Peter to the Cenacle and the presence
of his Queen. This singular favor inflamed the fervent affections of
the Apostle, and he prostrated himself before the most blessed Mary,
full of joy and tears to see the prayer of his heart fulfilled. The
great Lady commanded him to arise, and She, instead, fell on her face
saying: “My master, give thy servant thy blessing as vicar of
Christ our Lord my Son.” Saint Peter obeyed and gave Her his
blessing. Then they gave thanks to the Lord for having fulfilled
their wishes; and although the humble Mistress of virtues was not
unaware of the tribulations of saint Peter and of the faithful of
Rome, She listened to his account of what had happened.
571. The most blessed Mary advised
him of all that he needed to know and do in order to allay the
trouble and restore peace in the church of Rome. She spoke with such
wisdom, that, although he had had a high concept of her prudence, he
was carried beside himself in his admiration and joy of what he heard
and experienced of it on this occasion, and he gave humble thanks for
this new favor. Having thus informed him of many things for
establishing the Church in Rome, She asked his blessing and took
leave of him. The angels brought him back to Rome, while, as was her
wont, the most blessed Mary remained prostrate upon the ground in the
form of a cross, asking the Lord to quiet this disturbance. Her
prayer was heard; for on coming back to Rome, saint Peter found
matters in a better state, and soon the consuls permitted the
faithful freely to follow the law of Christ. From these miracles,
which I have adduced, some insight is afforded in the doings of Mary
in the government of the Apostles and of the Church. For if all were
to be recorded, more volumes would be required than I am now writing
lines. Hence I refrain from enlarging upon them, in order that in the
rest of this history I may describe the wonderful and unheard-of
favors, which the Lord conferred upon the most holy Mary in the last
years of her life; although at the same time I confess, that I can
give only some stray hints of what I have seen, in order that
Christian piety may be led to the contemplation and praise of the
Omnipotent, the Author of these venerable sacraments.
572. My dearest daughter, at other
times I have spoken to thee of a complaint, which I have against the
children of the Church, and especially against the women, in whom the
fault is greater. In my sight it is abominable, because it is so much
opposed to my own conduct in life. I repeat it here, in order that
thou mayest imitate me and keep away from what the foolish women and
daughters of Belial are guilty of: namely, treating the priests of
the Most High without reverence, esteem, or respect. This fault
increases day by day in the Church, and therefore I renew this
warning already several times recorded. Tell me, my daughter, what
must be thought of the fact, that priests, the anointed of the Lord,
appointed to represent Christ and to consecrate his body and blood,
are serving vile, impure, and earthly women? That they should stand
uncovered and do reverence to a proud and miserable woman, only
because she is rich and they are poor? I ask, has the poor priest
less dignity than the rich? Or do riches confer a greater or equal
dignity, power and excellence, than the one given to priests and
ministers by my divine Son? The angels have no regard for the rich on
account of their possessions, but they respect priests for their
exalted dignity. Hence, how could such an abuse and perversity creep
into the Church, that the anointed of the Lord should be outraged and
despised by the faithful, who know and confess them to be sanctified
by Christ himself ?
573. It is true that the priests
themselves are very guilty and reprehensible when they, disregarding
their dignity, enslave themselves to the service of other men, and
much more, of women. But if priests have some excuse in their
poverty, the rich have none in their pride, that they should, on
account of the poverty of the priests, oblige them to be servants,
when in reality they are masters. This monstrosity is very abominable
to the saints and very disagreeable in my eyes on account of the
veneration I had for the priests. Great was my dignity as Mother of
God; yet I often prostrated myself at their feet and considered it a
great happiness to kiss the ground on which they trod. But the
blindness of the world has obscured the sacerdotal dignity and
confounded the precious with the vile (Jer. 15,· 19); it has
lowered the priests to the position of the common people by its laws
and disorderly customs (Is. 25, 2), making use of the one as well as
the other for their degradation; and the same minister who now at the
altar offers the tremendous sacrifice of the sacred body and blood,
afterwards leaves it to serve and subject himself to the service even
of women, who by nature and by the condition are so inferior, and
sometimes are made even more unworthy by their sins.
574. I wish then, my daughter, that
thou seek to make up for this fault and abuse among the children of
the Church as far as possible. I give thee to understand that even
from my throne in heaven I look with veneration and respect upon the
priests who are on earth. Thou must always regard them with the same
veneration, as if they were at the altar, or holding the most blessed
Sacrament in their hands or at their breast; and even the ornaments
and all their vestments thou shouldst hold in great veneration, just
as I with reverence provided garments for the Apostles. Then, besides
what thou hast understood and written concerning the divine
Scriptures, thou must gage thy esteem for these writings by what they
contain and enclose and by the means which the Almighty took to
incite the Evangelists to write them. As well in the Gospels as in
the rest of holy writings the Holy Ghost himself lent his assistance
in order that the Church might be rich and prosperous in the
abundance of doctrine, of science and tight concerning the mysteries
and operations of the Lord. To the supreme pontiff of Rome thou must
render highest obedience and veneration before all other men; and
when thou hearest him mentioned. show reverence by inclining thy head
as if thou heardst the name of my divine son or my own named in thy
presence; for on earth he takes the place of Christ. And when I lived
in the world, I showed my reverence whenever the name of saint Peter
was pronounced. In order that thou mayest practice my doctrine and
find grace in the eyes of the Most High, whom all these works please
very much and who considers none of them small if done for his love,
I wish that thou be very attentive and a most faithful follower of my
Chapter X
575. Without ever failing in her
attention to the exterior government of the Church (as I have until
now made plain), the most blessed Mary in secret practiced other
exercises and good works, by which She merited innumerable gifts and
blessings from the Most High, as well for the common benefit of all
the faithful, as for myriads of particular souls in furtherance of
their salvation. As far as I can in these last chapters, I shall, for
our instruction and admiration and for the glory of the most blessed
Mother, write of these hidden and unknown works. First of all I will
state, that notwithstanding the many privileges which the great Queen
of heaven enjoyed, She constantly kept present in her memory the
doings and the mysteries of the life of her divine Son; for besides
the abstractive vision, by which She in these last years continually
saw the Divinity and knew all things, the Lord had from her
Conception conceded to Her the privilege of never forgetting what
once She had known or understood; for in this regard She enjoyed the
privilege of an angel, as I have stated in the first part.
576. I also stated in the second
part, in writing of the Passion, that the blessed Mother felt in her
body and purest soul all the pains and torments of our Savior Jesus,
so that none of them were hidden to Her or without the corresponding
suffering in her own self. All the images or impressions of the
Passion remained imprinted in her interior just as She had received
them; for She had made this request of her Lord. These were not
blotted out, as were the other sensible images, through the vision of
the Divinity; rather they were made more vivid, in order that She
might miraculously rejoice in her compassion and at the same time
suffer those sorrows, for this was her desire during the time She was
still to live in mortal flesh and to this exercise She directed her
natural will-power. As exquisite as her favors and privileges were
(according to what I have always maintained in my discourse), they
nevertheless were all pledges and tokens of the reciprocal love of
her divine Son, who, in our way of speaking, could not contain
Himself or refrain from dealing with his Mother as the God of love,
as the Omnipotent, infinitely rich in mercies. But the most blessed
Virgin did not ask for them or seek them; for her sole desire was to
be crucified with Christ, to continue within Herself his sorrows,
renew his Passion, and without this it seemed to her useless and idle
to live in passible flesh.
577. Hence She ordered all her
occupations in such a manner, that She might at all times preserve in
her heart the image of her divine Son, afflicted, outraged, wounded
and disfigured by the torments of his Passion and within Herself She
beheld this image as in a most clear mirror. She heard the injuries,
outrages, affronts and blasphemies against Him, with all the
circumstances of time and place, and She beheld the whole Passion as
in one living and penetrating vista. Throughout the day this
sorrowful vision excited Her to most heroic acts of virtue and
stirred her sorrow and compassion; but her most prudent love did not
content itself with these exercises. During stated hours and times
She engaged in other exercises with her holy angels, especially with
those I have mentioned in the first part as bearing the tokens or the
escutcheons of the instruments of the Passion. These in the first
place, and then the other angels, She engaged as assistants in the
following exercises.
578. For each kind of the wounds and
sufferings of Christ our Savior She recited special prayers and
salutations, in order to give them special adoration and worship. For
each of the contemptuous and insulting words of the Jews and his
other enemies, which had been spoken either in envy or in fury or
vengeance, for each of the blasphemies uttered, She composed special
hymns of veneration and honor to make up for their attempts at
diminishing it. For the insulting gestures, mockeries and personal
injuries, She practiced most profound humiliations, genuflections and
prostrations, and in this manner She sought continually to make up
for the affronts and injuries heaped upon her divine Son in his life
and his passion; and thus She confessed his Divinity, his humanity,
his holiness, his miracles, his works and his doctrines. For all She
gave Him glory and magnificence; and in all the holy angels joined
Her, and corresponded with Her full of admiration of such wisdom,
fidelity and love united in a mere creature.
579. Even if the most blessed Mother
during her whole life had engaged in no other occupation than these
exercises, She would have accomplished and merited more than all the
saints in all that they have done or suffered for God. By the force
of love her sorrow in these exercises was equal to martyrdom many
times over; and many times would She have died in them, if the divine
power had not sustained her life for still greater merit and glory.
And if, as is true, She in her immense charity offered all these
works for the Church, let us consider how much we are in her debt as
faithful children for thus increasing the treasures of help, which
She left at the disposal of us unfortunate children of Eve. And in
order that our meditation may not be halfhearted and lukewarm, I will
say, that the effects of her contemplations were often astounding;
many times She wept tears of blood, which covered her whole face; at
other times in her agony She was not only bathed in perspiration, but
in a bloody sweat, running from Her even to the ground. What is more,
sometimes her heart was wrenched from its natural position by the
violence of her grief; and when She was in such extremes, her divine
Son came from heaven, furnishing Her with new strength and life to
soothe her sorrow and heal the wounds caused by love of Him, and in
order that by such assistance and comfort, She might continue the
exercises of her compassion.
580. The Lord however wished Her to
lay aside these sorrowful sentiments and affections on the days in
which She commemorated the mystery of his Resurrection, as I will
speak of later on, in order that there might be maintained the proper
relation between cause and effect. For some of these sorrows were
incompatible with the favors overflowing in their effects upon the
body, yet excluding pain. But She never lost sight of his sufferings
and therefore felt other effects of her compassion by uniting with
her joys, the gratitude for what the Lord endured. Thus in the
sweetness of all the favors of the Lord his Passion entered as a
mixture of bitterness. She obtained also the consent of the
evangelist saint John to remain retired in her oratory for
celebrating the death and burial of her divine Son on the Friday of
each week. On those days saint John remained in the Cenacle to
receive those who called upon Her and allowed none to disturb Her;
and whenever he could not attend to this duty, it was performed by
some other disciple. The most blessed Mary retired for this exercise
at five 0’ clock on Thursday and did not reappear until toward
noon of Sunday. In order that during these three days no important
matter pertaining to the government of the Church might be neglected,
the great Lady appointed one of her angels to take her shape and
briefly dispatch what would suffer no delay, so provident and
attentive was She in all affairs of charity touching her children and
581. To describe or comprehend what
happened with our heavenly Mother during the exercises of these three
days can never be within our capacity; the Lord alone, who was the
Author of them, shall one day manifest it to us in the light of the
saints. Also what I myself have come to know of it, I am unable to
describe; I will only say that beginning with the washing of the
feet, the most blessed Mary commemorated all the mysteries up to that
of the Resurrection; and in each hour and moment She renewed in
Herself all the movements, actions, works and sufferings as they had
happened in her divine Son. She repeated the same prayers and
petitions as He himself had made and as we have seen described in
their place. Anew the most pure Mother felt in her virginal body all
the pains endured by Christ our Savior. She carried the Cross and
placed Herself upon it. In short, I will say, that as long as She
lived, the whole passion of her divine Son was renewed in Her week
for week. Through this exercise the great Queen gained great favors
and blessings for those who devoutly bear in mind the Lord’s
passion; and hence the powerful Queen has promised to all such souls,
especial assistance and participation in the treasures of the
Passion; for She desired from her inmost heart, that the Church
should continue and preserve its commemoration. In virtue of her
wishes and prayers the Lord ordained, that afterwards many persons in
the holy Church should follow these exercises of the Passion,
imitating his most blessed Mother, who was the first one to teach and
practice such an exalted profession.
582. In these exercises the great
Queen sought especially to celebrate the institution of the most
blessed Sacrament by new hymns of praise, of thanksgiving and fervent
love. She was solicitous to invite for this purpose her own angels
and many others from the empyrean heaven, in order to assist and
accompany Her in these praises of the Lord. It was a wonder worthy of
his Omnipotence, that the Most High should send from heaven
multitudes of angels to view this prodigy of Christ’s remaining
sacramentally present in her heart from one Communion to the other
and to incite them to give glory and praise for the wonderful effects
of his sacramental presence in this Creature, whom they beheld more
pure and more holy than the angels and seraphim and the like of which
they had not seen or would ever see in all the rest of creation.
583. It was not less wonderful to
them (just as it ought to be to us) to see, that though the great
Queen was worthy of preserving within Herself the sacred species as
in a tabernacle, She was so solicitous in preparing Herself anew by
the most fervid exercises and devotions every time She was again to
receive holy Communion; and this She did nearly every day except on
those in which She remained in her oratory. She first offered up for
this purpose her weekly exercises of the Passion; and besides this,
whenever She retired at nightfall before the day of Communion, She
began other exercises, such as prostrations in the form of a cross,
genuflections, prayers, and adorations of the immutable essence of
God. She asked permission of the Lord to speak to Him and to permit
Her, in spite of her earthly lowliness, to partake of his Son in the
holy Sacrament; She appealed to his infinite bounty and to his love
toward the Church in thus remaining sacramentally present, as a
reason that She should be favored with this blessing. She offered to
Him his own Passion and Death, the worthiness with which He had
communicated Himself, the union of his human nature with the divine,
all his works from the moment of his conception in the virginal womb,
all the virtue of the angelic nature and its works, of all the just
in past, present and future times.
584. Then she made most intense acts
of humility, professing Herself but dust and ashes in comparison with
the infinite being of God, to which the highest creatures are so
inferior and unequal. In the contemplation of what She was to receive
sacramentally, She was so affected and so deeply moved, that it is
impossible to describe it in words; for She raised Herself and
transcended above the choirs of seraphim and cherubim; and as, in her
own estimation, She considered Herself the lowest of all creatures,
She called upon her guardian angels and upon all the other angels,
asking them, with incomparable humility, to supplicate the Lord to
dispose and prepare Her for receiving Him worthily, since She was but
an inferior and earthly creature. The holy angels, obeying Her in
joyful admiration, assisted and accompanied Her in these petitions,
in which She persevered for the greater part of the night preceding
her Communion.
585. As the wisdom of the great
Queen, although in itself finite, is for us incomprehensible, we can
never worthily understand to what height rose her virtues and works
of love on these occasions. But they were often of such a kind as to
oblige the Lord to respond by a personal visit, in which He gave Her
to understand with what pleasure He came to dwell sacramentally in
her heart and to renew in Her the pledges of his infinite love. When
the hour of her Communion arrived, She first heard the Mass usually
celebrated by the Evangelist. In these Masses, although the Epistles
and Gospels, being not yet written, were not read, the consecration
was always the same as now, and to it were added other rites and
ceremonies with many psalms and orations. At the end of Mass the
heavenly Mother approached, making three most profound genuflections;
all inflamed with love She received her Son in the Sacrament,
welcoming in her purest bosom and heart that same God, to whom She
had given the most sacred humanity in her virginal womb. Having
communicated, She retired, and, unless some very urgent need of her
fellowmen demanded otherwise, remained alone for three hours. During
these hours the Evangelist was often privileged to see rays of light
darting forth from Her as from the sun.
586. The prudent Mother also provided
that for the celebration of the unbloody sacrifice of the Mass the
Apostles and priests be clothed in ornate and mysterious vestments,
different from those they wore in ordinary life. Accordingly, with
her own hands, She provided ornaments and sacerdotal vestments for
its celebration, thus originating the ceremonious observances in the
Church. Although these vestments were not quite of the same form as
nowadays; yet they were not materially different in appearance from
those which in the course of time came into use in the Roman Church.
The material was more alike; for She made them of linen and rich
silks, purchased with the alms and presents made to Her. Whenever She
worked at these vestments, sewing or fitting them, She remained on
her knees or on her feet, and She would not entrust them to other
sacristans than the angels, who assisted and helped Her in all these
things; likewise She kept these ornaments and all that pertained to
the service of the altar in incredible order and cleanliness; and
from such hands as hers, all came forth with a celestial fragrance,
which enkindled the spirit of the ministers.
587. From many kingdoms and
provinces, where the Apostles were preaching, numbers of converts
came to Jerusalem in order to visit and converse with the Mother of
the Redeemer of the world, at the same time offering rich gifts.
Among others, four sovereign princes, who were royal governors of
provinces, visited Her and brought many valuable presents, which they
placed at her disposal for her own use and for the Apostles and
disciples. The great Lady answered that She was poor like her Son,
and that the Apostles likewise were poor in imitation of their
Master; that hence these riches were not appropriate to the life they
professed. They begged Her to console them by accepting their gifts
for the poor or for the divine worship. On account of their
persistent requests She received part of what they offered, and from
the rich silks She made some ornaments for the altar; the rest She
distributed among the indigent and the infirmaries. For She was
accustomed to visit such places and often served and washed the poor
with her own hands, performing such services, as well as distributing
the alms, on her knees. Wherever it was possible She consoled the
needy and assisted the sick in their last agony. Nor did She ever
rest from works of charity, either actually engaging in them, or
pleading and praying for others in her retirement.
588. She gave salutary advice to
those princes or kings at their visit, admonishing them and
instructing them in regard to the good government of their provinces.
She charged them to watch over the equitable administration of
justice without acceptation of persons; to consider themselves mortal
men as all the rest, to fear the supreme Judge, by whom all are to be
judged according to their own works; and above all, to further the
exaltation of the name of Christ, the propagation and security of the
holy faith, in which alone the governments and reigns can be firmly
established. For without faith, government is but a lamentable and
disastrous slavery of the demons, which is permitted by the hidden
judgments of God for the punishment of both those that govern and
that are governed. The fortunate princes promised faithfully to
execute all her instructions and they afterwards remained in
communication with the heavenly Queen through letters and other
intercourse. The same benefit in its degree resulted to all that
visited Her; for all of them left her presence more ardent in virtue,
full of light, joy and consolation unspeakable. Many who were as yet
unbelievers, on seeing Her, loudly professed their belief in the true
God; for they were unable to restrain the interior forces awakened by
the presence of their most blessed Mother.
589. And such effects must not be
held as surprising, since the great Lady was entirely transformed
into a most efficacious instrument of the power of God and of his
grace among men. Not only her words, so full of wisdom, roused the
admiration and convinced the minds by communicating new light; but on
her lips was diffused heavenly grace for communicating it and in her
countenance shone the sweetness and beauty of heaven, while her own
quiet majesty and modesty, grave yet pleasing, together with the
hidden virtue (like that ascribed to her divine Son in the Gospel),
attracted and refreshed the hearts (Luke 6, 19). Some remained
speechless in admiration, some broke forth in tears, others in
exclamations of wonder and praise, confessing that great is the God
of the Christians, who had formed such a Creature. Truly could they
testify to what some saints said to Her: that Mary was a divine
prodigy of virtue. Let Her be eternally known and praised through all
the generations as the true Mother of God, who made Her so attractive
to human eyes, such a sweet Mother to the sinners, so amiable to
angels and men.
590. During these last years the
Queen ate or slept very little; and this little only, because saint
John asked Her to rest for at least a small portion of the night. But
this sleep was only a slight suspension of the senses, lasting no
longer than a half hour, during which, in the manner above described,
She lost not the vision of the Divinity. Her food was a few mouthfuls
of ordinary bread and sometimes a little fish, taken at the instance
of the Evangelist and in order to keep him company; for in this, as
in other privileges, saint John was thus fortunate, not only eating
with Her from the same table, but having the food prepared for him by
the great Queen and administered to him as from a mother to her son,
and moreover being obeyed by Her as a priest and a substitute of
Christ. Very well could the great Queen get along without even this
sleep or nourishment, which seemed more a ceremony than the
sustenance of life; but She partook of them not from necessity, but
in order to practice obedience and humility and thus pay some tribute
to human nature; for in all things She was most prudent.
591. My daughter, through the whole
course of my life is evident how gratefully I kept in mind the works
of the Redemption, the passion and death of my divine Son, especially
after I had actually seen Him sacrificed on the Cross for the
salvation of men. But in this chapter particularly have I wished to
draw thy attention to the care and the continual exercises, by which
I renewed in me not only the remembrance, but the sufferings of the
Passion. I desire that the knowledge of this cause men to feel
reproach and confusion at their monstrous forgetfulness of the
incomprehensible benefit of the Redemption. 0 what a shameful, what a
horrible and dangerous ingratitude of men is this! Forgetfulness is a
clear proof of contempt, for one does not forget so easily, what one
holds dear. What reason or excuse then can there be, that men forget
the eternal blessings they have received? That they should despise
the love, with which the eternal Father has delivered over to death
his only begotten Son? The charity and patience with which his and my
Son accepted it for them (John 3, 16.) The insensible earth responds
to the efforts of those that cultivate it; wild beasts become tame
and domesticated in return for benefits. Men among themselves are
beholden to their benefactors; and when such thankful feelings are
not forthcoming, they resent it, condemn it, and call it a great
592. What is the reason then, that
only toward their God and Redeemer they should be ungrateful and
forget what He suffered in order to rescue them from eternal
damnation? And in view of this very evil return, they complain of not
receiving his assistance as they desire. In order that they may
understand what fearful guilt they load upon themselves by their
ingratitude, I will remind thee, my daughter, that Lucifer and his
demons, seeing so many souls oblivious of the sufferings of Christ,
draw the following conclusions and say of such souls: “This
soul does not remember or hold in esteem the benefit of God’s
Redemption and we are certain of gaining it over to our side; for the
soul that is so foolish as not to remember such a blessing, will
certainly not detect our wiles. Let us proceed to tempt and destroy
it, since it is deprived of its strongest defense.” Having in
their large experience found their reasoning on this point to be
almost infallible, they zealously seek to blot out the memory of the
passion and death of Christ and to excite a contempt for the
preaching or discoursing about it among men; and they have succeeded
to a great extent, causing dreadful damage to souls. On the other
hand they are wary and fearful of tempting those who have accustomed
themselves to the meditation and the remembrance of the sufferings of
Christ; for from this source they feel issuing against them a force
and influence, which often prevents them from approaching those who
thus piously cherish the memory of the Passion.
593. I desire thee then, my dearest,
not to detach from thy bosom and heart this bouquet of myrrh (Cant.
1, 12) and to imitate me closely in the contemplation and the
exercises of the Passion. For thus must thou keep alive the memory of
the sufferings of my divine Son and satisfy for the injuries and
blasphemies inflicted upon his divine Person by his enemies who
crucified Him. Seek thou, as long as thou shalt be upon earth, to
compensate for the ingratitude and forgetfulness of mortals. And in
order to do it as I desire, never let thy remembrance of Christ
crucified, afflicted and blasphemed be extinguished. Persevere in thy
exercises, never omiting them except in obedience or in a just cause;
for if thou imitate me in this I shall make thee a participant in the
effects I myself felt.
594. In order to dispose thyself day
by day for holy Communion thou shouldst apply whatever thou
performest in these exercises; imitate also the other works and
practices, which thou hast come to know of me. If I, the Mother of
Him whom I was to receive, deemed myself unworthy of Communion and by
so many means sought the purity necessary for such a Sacrament,
consider what thou must do, so poor and subject to so many miseries
and imperfections! Purify the temple of thy interior, scrutinizing it
by the divine light and adorning it with great virtues, since it is
the eternal God, whom thou art to receive; One, of whom nobody but
Himself is worthy. Invoke the intercession of the angels and saints
to obtain grace from the Lord. Above all I exhort thee to call upon
me and ask me to help thee; for thou must know, that I am the special
Advocate and Protectress of those, who desire to arrive at great
purity for receiving holy Communion. Whenever they invoke me for this
purpose, I present myself before the throne of the Most High, and, as
one well knowing the disposition required for harboring God himself,
I ask his favor and grace for those who are about to receive Him in
the holy Sacrament. I have not lost in heaven the solicitude and
zeal, which I exhibited upon earth. Having asked me, proceed to ask
also the intercession of the angels, for they also are very anxious
to see souls approach the holy Eucharist with great devotion and
Chapter XI
595. In the eighth chapter I have
stated that the Queen of heaven for a thousand, two hundred and sixty
days was nourished and maintained in the condition and state
described by the Evangelist, as described in the twelfth chapter of
the Apocalypse. That number of days made up more or less three and a
half years, and brought the most blessed Mary to the sixtieth year of
her life plus two months and a few days and the forty-fifth of the
Lord. Just as the stone falls the more swiftly the closer it
approaches to its centre of gravity, so, in proportion as the great
Queen and Mistress of all the creatures advanced toward the end of
her most holy life, the more swift became also the flight of her
purest spirit and the impulse of her desires to arrive at the centre
of her eternal rest and repose. From the moment of her Immaculate
Conception She had issued forth like a vast river from the ocean of
Divinity, where She was conceived in the eternal ages; and by the
inundations of gifts, graces, favors, virtues, merits and holiness,
She was now grown in greatness beyond the limited sphere of all
creation. The impetuous floods of her wisdom and love resistlessly
rushed back to unite themselves with the ocean of the Infinite; for
thence She had issued only in order to shed forth over and over again
her maternal clemency upon the Church (Eccles. 1,7).
596. In these last years of her life
the great Queen had already, by the violence of her love, begun to
suffer a sort of ceaseless martyrdom. Without a doubt it is true in
the spiritual order, what philosophers claim in the corporal: that
the nearer a moving object approaches its centre of attraction, the
more powerfully is it drawn to that centre; and the most blessed Mary
had now approached so closely to the infinite and highest Good, that
She was divided from It, as is said in the Canticles (Cant. 2,9),
only by the grating or partition of mortality. This did not any more
suffice to impede the reciprocal vision and love, and between Them
was only the vast force of love, impatient of all hindrances, to
complete the union, so that all other desires were swallowed up by
the one immense desire of overcoming and doing away with these
hindrances. Such was the desire of her divine Son, held back only by
his reluctance to deprive his Church of such a Teacher; such was also
the desire of the most holy Mother, who, although She restrained
Herself from asking for the natural death, could not restrain the
forces of her love and thus felt the violence of the constraint of
mortal life and of the fetters hindering her flight.
597. Yet as long as the conditions
predetermined by the eternal Wisdom had not arrived, She continued to
suffer the pains of that love, which is strong as death (Cant. 8, 6).
Through them She called upon her Beloved, who came from his retreat
from the mountains to dwell in the village of the plains (Cant. 7,
11), to view the flowers and the fragrant fruits of his vineyard. By
the darts of her eyes and of her desires She wounded the heart of her
Beloved and drew Him from the heights into her presence. Hence it
happened once, in the time of which I am going to speak, that the
ardors of love in the most blessed Mother grew to such proportions,
that She could truly be said to be languishing with love (Cant. 2,
5); for without being affected by the infirmities of our earthly
passions, She languished on account of the impetus of her loving
heart drawn toward the Lord, in order that just as He was the cause
of her ailment, He might also be its glorious medicine and cure. Her
holy angels full of admiration of the effects of their Queen’s
impetuous love, spoke to Her angelic words in order to soothe her
ardors by inspiring her with hope of secure possession. But these
remedies allayed not the flame, but rather enkindled it; and the
great Lady answered only by conjuring them to tell her Beloved, that
She was languishing with love. To Him they brought her message and
presented to Him the tokens She desired. On this occasion, and on
others of this last part of her life, (as I wish especially to
state), were fulfilled in Her, the only and worthy Spouse, the hidden
mysteries of the Canticle of Solomon, and so it came, that the
supreme princes of heaven, who were present in visible form, were
obliged to support Her in their arms on account of the pains of love
that overcame Her.
598. Then her divine Son came down
from heaven, seated on a throne of glory and surrounded by myriads of
angels, who gave Him praise and magnificence. Coming to the most
blessed Lady He refreshed and comforted Her in her pains, and said to
Her: “My Mother, most beloved and chosen for our delight, the
clamors and sighs of thy loving soul have wounded my heart. Come my
Dove, come to my celestial fatherland, where thy sorrow shall be
turned to delight, thy tears into gladness, and where thou shalt rest
from thy sufferings.” Immediately the holy angels, at his
command, placed the Queen at the side of the Lord, her divine Son,
and with celestial music they all ascended to the empyrean heaven.
Mary fell in adoration at the throne of the most holy Trinity. The
sacred humanity of Christ kept Her at his side, causing new
accidental joy to all the courtiers of heaven and, according to our
mode of speaking, exciting anew the attention of all the saints, He
presented Her and spoke to the eternal Father, saying:
599. “My Father and eternal
God, this is the Woman, that gave Me my human form in her virginal
womb, that nourished Me at her breast and sustained labors for Me,
that shared in my hardships and co-operated with Me in the works of
the Redemption. This is She, who was always most faithful and
fulfilled our will according to our entire pleasure; She, pure and
immaculate as my Mother, through her own works, has reached the
summit of sanctity according to the measure of the gifts We have
communicated to Her; and when She had merited her reward and could
have enjoyed it forever, She deprived Herself of it for our glory and
returned to attend to the establishment, the government, and
instruction of the Church militant; and We, in order that She might
live in it for the succor of the faithful, deferred her eternal rest,
which She has merited over and over again. In the highest bounty and
equity of our Providence it is just, that my Mother should be
remunerated for her works of love beyond all other creatures; and
toward Her the common law of the other mortals should not apply. If I
have merited for all infinite merits and boundless graces, it is
proper that my Mother should partake of them above all the others who
are so inferior; for She in her conduct corresponds to our liberality
and puts no hindrance or obstacle to our infinite power of
communicating our treasures and participating them as the Queen and
Mistress of all that is created.”
600. To these words of the most
sacred humanity of Christ the eternal Father replied: “My most
beloved Son, in whom I have the plenitude of my pleasure and
complacency (Matth. 17,5) : Thou art the First-born and the Head of
all the predestined (Rom. 8, 29) and in thy hands I have placed all
things (John 3, 35) in order that Thou mayest judge with equity all
the nations and generations, and all my creatures (John 5, 22).
Distribute my infinite treasures and communicate them as Thou
desirest to thy Beloved, who clothed Thee in passable flesh; reward
Her according to her dignity and merit, which are so pleasing in our
601. In accordance with the pleasure
of the eternal Father Christ our Savior decreed and as it were
pledged Himself to his most blessed Mother, in the presence of all
the saints, that from henceforth, as long as She should live in
mortal flesh, She should, on every Sunday after finishing her
exercises of the Passion, be brought by the holy angels to the
empyrean heaven and there, in the presence of the Most High,
celebrate in body and soul the joys of the Resurrection. The Lord
also decreed, that in her daily Communion He should manifest to Her
his most sacred humanity united to the Divinity in a new and
wonderful manner, different from that in which She had enjoyed it
until that day; so that this might serve as a pledge and foretaste of
the glory, which He had reserved for his most holy Mother in
eternity. All the blessed understood how just were these
manifestations of his glory and greatness in his holy Mother, how
well they corresponded to the dignity and holiness of the great
Queen, and how well they were merited by her full response to the
divine operations in Her. All of them sang new canticles of praise
and glory to the Lord, who was so holy, just and wonderful in all
these works.
602. Then Christ our God turned to
his purest Mother and said: “My most loving Mother, I shall
remain with Thee always as long as thy mortal life shall last; and I
shall be with Thee in a new manner, so wonderful, as neither men nor
angels have known until now. In my presence thou shalt not feel
lonely, and where I am, there shall be my reign, in Me shalt Thou
rest from thy anxieties; I shall be thy recompense in the narrowed
space of thy exile; for Thee the fetters of thy mortal body shall not
be irksome and soon shalt Thou be free of them. Until that day comes,
I shall be the end of thy afflictions, and I shall release the
barriers still opposing thy loving desires. In all this do I give
Thee my royal promise.” While these promises and favors were
lavished upon Her the most Holy Mary was immersed in her ineffable
humility, praising, magnifying and thanking the Omnipotent for his
beneficent liberality and annihilating Herself in her own estimation.
Such a spectacle can neither be described nor understood in this
life. For here was to be seen the infinite God freely proclaiming his
Mother worthy of assuming the highest place in the estimation of his
infinite wisdom, while She, in rivalry with the infinite Power,
humiliated Herself, abased and annihilated Herself, though meriting
the exaltation She received.
603. Besides all this She was
enlightened and renewed in all her faculties, (in the manner
explained elsewhere), for the beatific vision. When She was thus
prepared, the veil fell, and for some hours, wrapt in the intuitive
vision of God, She enjoyed the essential fruition and glory in a
manner far above that of the saints. She drank the waters of life
from their own fount; She satiated her most burning desires; She
reached her centre and rested from that swift motion, which She was
again to resume as soon as She was to return from her vision. After
this vision She gave thanks to the most blessed Trinity and again
interceded for the Church. Then, entirely refreshed and comforted,
the holy angels brought Her back to her oratory. There, as described
on other occasions, her body had remained in visible form, in order
that She might not be missed by the faithful. On leaving the cloud,
in which She had been borne from heaven, She prostrated Herself as
usual upon the ground and humiliated Herself for all these favors and
benefits more deeply than all the children of Adam ever humiliated
themselves for all their sins and miseries. From that time on, as
long as She lived, the promise of the Savior in regard to Her was
fulfilled; and on all Sundays, after She had done with the exercises
of the Passion, at the hour of the Resurrection, all her angels
raised Her in a cloud-throne to the empyrean heaven, where Christ,
her most Holy Son, came forth to meet Her and unite Her with Himself.
The Divinity did not always manifest Itself intuitively; but aside of
this, the effects and participation of this visit were glorious
beyond human capacity to comprehend. On these occasions the angels
were wont to sing that hymn: “Regina Crœli lætare,
alleluia;” and these were days of solemn festivity for all the
saints, especially for saint Joseph, saint Joachim and Anne, and
those more closely connected with Her, as well as for her guardian
angels. At these visits She consulted with the Lord about the arduous
affairs of the Church, pray for it, particularly for the Apostles,
and return to the earth laden with riches like that ship of the
merchant, of which Solomon speaks in the thirty-first chapter of the
604. This privilege, although it was
a special grace of the Most High, nevertheless was due to the most
blessed Mary on two accounts. First because, for the sake of watching
over the Church, She voluntarily deprived Herself of the joys of the
beatific vision, and therefore, by the ardors of her love and of
seeing God, many times suffered the agonies of death. Hence, in order
to preserve her life it was very proper, that She should sometimes
enjoy the divine presence; and whatever was possible and proper, was
due to the Mother from her Son. Secondly, in renewing every week the
memory of the passion of her divine Son, She as it were suffered it
on her own Person and died with the Lord: consequently, it was proper
that She should rise with Him. As He however was already glorified in
heaven, it was reasonable that She should, through his presence, be
made a participant in the joy of his Resurrection, and thus reap the
fruits of the sorrows and tears She had sown (Ps. 125, 5).
605. With regard to the second
privilege, which the Lord promised her, namely, daily Communion, I
advert that, up to the time of which I am speaking, the great Queen
omitted holy Communion on some days; as for instance during the
journey to Ephesus, during some absences of saint John, and on other
occasions. Her profound humility induced Her to submit to these
omissions, resigning Herself without complaint in obedience to the
Apostles; for in all things the great Lady was the model and Mistress
of perfection, teaching us self denial also in such things as appear
most holy and proper. But the Lord, who seeks his rest in humble
souls and above all desired to rest and live in the heart of his
Mother for the purpose of frequently renewing his wonders, ordained
that from this time on, She should communicate every day for the rest
of her life. This will of the Most High, Mary perceived in heaven;
but, being most prudent in all her actions, She resolved to wait
until it could be executed in obedience to saint John; for She did
all things as an humble inferior and as a subject of those by whom
She was to be governed in such things.
606. Therefore She did not herself
tell saint John of what She had recognized as the will of God. But it
happened one day that the Evangelist was very much taken up with
preaching and he let the hour for Communion pass. She spoke to her
holy angels, asking their advice; and they answered, that the command
of her divine Son ought to be fulfilled, and that they would inform
saint John and intimate to him this order of his Master. Then one of
the angels manifested himself to saint John where he was preaching
and said: “John, the Most High wishes that his Mother, our
Queen, receive Him sacramentally every day during her life upon the
earth.” Thus reminded, the Evangelist immediately returned to
the Cenacle, where the most blessed Mary was waiting for holy
Communion, and said: “My Mother and Lady, the angel has told me
of the command of the Lord, that I administer his sacramental body to
Thee each day without exception.” The most blessed Mother
answered: “And thou, Sir: what dost thou command in regard to
this?” Saint John replied: “That the command of thy Son,
my Lord, be fulfilled.” And the Queen said: “Behold me
ready to obey in all things as thy servant.” From that day on
She received holy Communion every day without exception to the end of
her life. Fridays and Saturdays, the days of her exercises, were not
excepted; while on Sundays, instead of holy Communion, She was raised
to the empyrean heavens.
607. At the moment when She received
in her heart the sacramental species, the sacred humanity of Christ
manifested itself through them in the form He had when He instituted
the blessed Sacrament. Although the Divinity did not manifest Itself
in any other than by the abstractive vision now habitual to Her, yet
the humanity manifested Itself to Her glorious, much more resplendent
and wonderful than at the Transfiguration on mount Tabor. This vision
She enjoyed for three consecutive hours after receiving holy
Communion, and its effects upon Her were such as cannot be described
in words. This was the second reward offered to Her by her divine Son
to recompense Her somewhat for the eternal glory, which He had
delayed at her own desire. Besides this there was another reason for
this wonder: the Lord wished to recompense Himself and counteract
beforehand the ingratitude, the lukewarmness and evil disposition,
with which the children of Adam were to receive and handle the sacred
mystery of the Eucharist during the ages of the Church. If the most
blessed Mary had not made up for these shortcomings of creatures, the
Lord would have earned no sufficient thanks from his creatures, nor
could He have been satisfied with the returns made by men for the
institution of this Sacrament.
608. My daughter, when mortals,
having run the short course of their lives, come to the end at which
God expects them to merit eternal life, then will they also by their
own experience, see the finish of all their errors and deceits. Then
the just will see in what consisted their real salvation and
happiness, and the reprobate, wherein lay their lamentable and
everlasting perdition. 0 how happy, my daughter, is the man, who
during the short instant of his life seeks to anticipate the divine
science, which he is so soon to possess by experience! This is the
true wisdom, not to wait for the end until knowing that end, but look
to the end in the beginning of the course, and enter upon it, not
with so many doubts whether we shall attain the end, but with some
security of attaining it. Consider then, with what sentiments those
must be animated, who, at the beginning of a race, see a great prize,
which they can attain by pressing on their course for a time with
great diligence (I Cor. 9, 24). Certainly they will set out with all
speed, without turning aside or permitting themselves to be detained
by any cause whatsoever. And if they press not on or if they cease to
look to the prize at the end of their course, they will be held
either as foolish, or as ignorant of what they were losing.
609. Such is mortal life of men, a
short course, the end of which shall bring to the runner either
eternal glory or everlasting torment as a reward or punishment. All
men are born to run this race by the use of their reason and free
will; and no one, much less the children of the Church, can plead
ignorance as an excuse. Hence, where is the judgment and good sense
of those in the Catholic faith? Why does vanity still retain its hold
upon them? Why do they ensnare themselves in the love of what is only
apparent and deceitful? Why do they ignore the end to which they
shall come so soon? Why will they not understand what there awaits
them? Do they perhaps not know that they are born but to die (Ps.
138, 49), that life is but momentary, death infallibly certain, the
reward or punishment unavoidable and eternal? (II Cor. 4, 1i). What
can the lovers of this world answer to these questions? Those that
consume all of their short life (for even the longest lives are very
short), in accumulating honors, or riches, in wasting their strength
and powers in the enjoyment of corruptible and most vile pleasures?
610. Alas, my friend, consider how
false and treacherous is the world in which thou art born and which
thy eyes behold. In it I desire thee to show thyself as my disciple,
my follower, a child of my desires, and a fruit of my prayers. Forget
it entirely with a heartfelt abhorrence: do not lose sight of the end
toward which thou runnest so swiftly, the purpose for which thy
Creator formed thee out of nothing; sigh for it continually, and
direct toward it thy anxious solicitude; do not permit thyself to be
drawn away by the fleeting, vain and deceitful things of the world;
let the divine love alone dwell in thee and engage all thy forces;
for that is not a true love, which permits any part of them to be
diverted to other things, or which does not free them and mortify
them entirely from passing things, and subject them to the one great
end. Let this love be in thee strong as death (Cant. 8, 6), so that
thou mayest be renewed entirely as I desire. Do not hinder the will
of my divine Son in all that He wishes to accomplish in thee, and be
assured of his fidelity, which rewards a hundredfold (Matth. 19, 29).
Keep in mind with humble veneration what He has until now wrought in
thee; and I exhort thee and admonish thee to experience in thee anew
his truths, as I have commanded thee. For all this continue thy
exercises with new solicitude in finishing this history. And give
thanks to the Lord for the great and inestimable benefits of his
having ordered and disposed thy superiors to permit thee to receive
Him daily in holy Communion. Preparing thyself for it in imitation of
me, continue also the petitions I have recommended and enjoined upon
Chapter XII
611. All the offices and titles of
honor, which the most blessed Mary held in the Church, that of Queen,
Mistress, Mother, Governess and Teacher, and all the rest, were given
to her by the Omnipotent not as empty and fruitless names, but were
accompanied by the superabundant plenitude of grace which is proper
and which the Almighty can communicate to each. This plenitude
consisted in this, that as Queen She knew all that concerned her
reign and its extent; as Mistress She knew the measure of her power;
as Mother She knew all the children and dependents of her household,
without excepting anyone through all the ages of the Church until the
end; as Governess She knew all that were subject to Her; and as
Teacher, She possessed the wisdom and science through which the holy
Church, by her intercession, was to be instructed and guided, while
enjoying the presence and the influence of the Holy Ghost until the
end of the world.
612. Hence our great Queen had a
clear knowledge not only of all the saints that preceded or followed
Her in the Church, of their lives, their works, their deaths, and
rewards in heaven; but also of all the rites, ceremonies, decisions,
and festivities of the Church in course of the ages, and of all the
reasons, motives, necessities and opportunities, in and for which
they were established with the assistance of the Holy Ghost. For He
gives us our spiritual nourishment in proper time for the glory of
the Lord and the increase of the holy Church. As I have spoken of
this matter in the course of this history, especially in the second
part. I need not repeat it here. From her full knowledge and her
corresponding holiness, there arose within the heavenly Instructress
a certain thankful eagerness, to introduce into the Church militant
the worship, veneration and festivities observed by the holy angels
in the triumphant Jerusalem, and thus imitate, as far as was
possible, what She had so often seen done in heaven for the praise
and glory of the Most High.
613. In this more than seraphic
spirit She commenced to practice by Herself many of the ceremonies,
rites and exercises, which were afterwards introduced in the Church;
and these She also inculcated and impressed upon the Apostles, in
order that they might introduce them as far as the circumstances then
allowed. She not only invented the exercises of the Passion, of which
I have spoken above, but many other customs and ceremonies, which
were later on received in the churches, in the congregations and
religions. For whatever She knew as pertaining to the worship of the
Lord or the practice of virtue, She performed, and in her wisdom She
was ignorant of nothing that ought to be known. Among these exercises
and rites was the celebration of the feasts of the Lord and of
Herself, in order to renew the memory of the benefits for which She
stood indebted, as well the benefits relating in general to the human
race, as those especially referring to Herself, striving thus to give
thanks and adoration for all. Although She had spent her whole life
in this pursuit without relaxation or forgetfulness, yet, when She
entered upon this new mysterious phase of her life, She prepared to
signalize these feast days by celebrating them with exercises founded
on a deeper insight. As I will speak of the other festivals in the
following chapters, I will describe here only how She celebrated her
Immaculate Conception and Nativity, the first mysteries of her life.
These commemorations or feasts She had begun to celebrate since the
Incarnation of the Word; but She celebrated them more particularly
after the Ascension, and especially in these last years of her life.
614. On the eighth day of December of
each year She celebrated her Immaculate Conception with a jubilee and
gratitude beyond all human words; for this privilege was for the
great Queen of the highest importance and value. She imagined Herself
altogether incapable of ever acknowledging it with sufficient
gratitude. She commenced her exercises on the evening before and
spent the whole night in admirable devotions, shedding tears of joy,
humiliating Herself, prostrating Herself, and singing the praises of
the Lord. She deeply reflected, that She was formed of the same earth
and descended from Adam according to the common order of nature; that
She was preserved and exempted from the weight of the same guilt and
conceived with such a plenitude of graces and gifts only because She
was set apart and snatched from the rest by the Almighty. She invited
her own angels to help Her to return proper thanks, and in union with
them She alternated new songs of praise. Then She asked the same
favor of the rest of the angels and saints in heaven; but during all
this time the divine love so inflamed Her, that the Lord was obliged
to strengthen Her, lest all her natural forces be consumed and death
615. After She had spent the whole
night in these exercises, Christ descended from heaven and the angels
raised Her to his royal throne in heaven, where the celebration of
the feast was continued with new glory and to the accidental joy of
the courtiers of the heavenly Jerusalem. There the blessed Mother
prostrated Herself and adored the most holy Trinity, again giving
thanks for the benefit of her immunity from sin and her Immaculate
Conception. Then She again took her place at the right hand of Christ
her Son and the Lord himself as it were acknowledged the goodness of
the eternal Father in having given Him a Mother so worthy and so full
of grace, exempt from the common guilt of Adam. Anew the three divine
Persons confirmed upon Her this privilege, as it were ratifying and
approving it and pleasing Themselves in thus having distinguished Her
among all the creatures. In order to give repeated testimony to this
truth, a voice proceeded from the throne in the name of the Father,
saying: “Beautiful are thy footsteps, 0 prince’s
Daughter, conceived without sin.” Another in the name of the
Son, said: “Altogether pure and without contact of guilt is my
Mother, who gave Me human form to redeem men.” And in the name
of the Spirit:
“All fair
art thou, my Spouse, all fair art thou and without stain of the
universal guilt.”
616. In between these voices were
heard the choirs of all the angels and saints, singing in sweetest
harmony: “Most holy Mary, conceived without original sin.”
To all these honors the most prudent Mother answered by thanksgiving,
worship and praise of the Most High, rendered with such profound
humility that it passed all angelic understanding. In order to
conclude the solemnity She was raised to the intuitive and beatific
vision of the most holy Trinity; and after enjoying this glory for
some hours, She was brought back by the angels to the Cenacle. This
was the manner in which her Immaculate Conception was solemnized
after the Ascension of her divine Son. Now this feast is celebrated
in a different manner, as I will describe in another book, which I
have orders to write concerning the holy Jerusalem, the Church
triumphant, if the Lord shall concede this grace to me. This feast
and others She began to celebrate from the time of the Incarnation;
for finding Herself to be the Mother of God She wished to commemorate
the blessings She had received in virtue of this dignity, and
therefore in this latter part of her life, She requited them in
company with Her holy angels by rendering her worshipful thanksgiving
to the Son of God, who had thus favored Her. The other exercises She
performed in her oratory on returning from heaven, and they were of
the same kind as I have often referred to on occasions of special
favors from God; for all of them ever increased Her admirable
617. The feast of her Nativity She
celebrated on the eighth of September, on which She was born. She
began on the evening before with the same prostrations and canticles
as at the feast of her Conception. She gave thanks for having been
born to life into the light of this world, and for the favor of
having been raised to heaven in the hour of her birth to look upon
the Divinity intuitively, as I have narrated in the first part of
this history. She resolved anew to spend her whole life in fulfilling
the pleasure of the Lord, acknowledging that for this purpose alone
it was given to Her. Though in the first beginning and entrance of
her life She had advanced in merit as far as the highest saints and
seraphim, She resolved now, in its latter part, to begin to labor
anew as if She were just beginning the practice of virtue. She asked
the Lord to lend Her his assistance, govern Her in all her actions
and lead Her to the highest end proposed for his glory.
618. As for the rest concerning this
feast, although She was not raised to heaven as on the day of her
Conception, yet her divine Son came down from there with many choirs
of the angels, with the Patriarchs and Prophets, and with saint
Joachim, saint Anne, and saint Joseph. With this company Christ our
Savior descended in order to celebrate the birthday of his most
blessed Mother upon earth. And this purest of creatures, in the
presence of that celestial company, adored the Lord with wonderful
reverence and worship, and again expressed her thankful
acknowledgment for having been placed upon the earth and for the
benefits connected therewith. Then the angels imitated Her and sang:
“Nativitas tua, Dei Genetrix Virgo,” etc., signifying:
Thy birth, 0 Mother of God, announced to all the universe a great
joy; for of Thee was born the Sun of justice, Christ our God. The
Patriarchs and Prophets sang their hymns of glory and thanksgiving;
Adam and Eve also, because in Her was born the Restorer of their
ruin; her parents and her spouse, because they had been blessed with
such a Daughter and Spouse. Then the Lord himself raised the heavenly
Mother from the ground on which She lay prostrate, and placed Her at
his right hand; and straightway new mysteries of the Divinity were
manifested to Her. This vision, although not intuitive but
abstractive, afforded Her a still deeper insight and participation in
the Divinity.
619. By these ineffable favors She
was transformed, inflamed and spiritualized to the likeness of her
divine Son in a new and special manner, as if for a new beginning. On
these occasions the Evangelist saint John merited some measure of
participation in the feast, for he heard some of the music of the
angels and he was privileged to say Mass while the Lord and the
angels were present in the oratory, and to communicate the great
Queen while Jesus her Son, whom She was receiving sacramentally, was
Himself at her side. These spectacles were the source of new joy to
the saints, who served at the same time as witnesses to this
Communion, more worthy than any ever was seen since Christ lived, or
shall ever be seen upon earth. At the moment of Communion her divine
Son remained with the great Lady in the sacramental form, while He
himself, in his glorious and natural form, ascended to heaven. O
hidden marvels of the divine Omnipotence! If the Lord shows Himself
wonderful in all his saints, (Ps. 67, 36), how wonderful will He not
have been with his exalted Mother, whom He loved above all, and for
whom He had reserved the great and special manifestations of his
wisdom and power? Let all the creatures confess Him and give Him
glory, virtue and magnificence.
620. My daughter, first of all I wish
to enlighten thee concerning certain doubts of thy heart regarding
the exalted and extraordinary mysteries of this history. Two
misgivings have disturbed thy interior: first, whether thou who
knowest thyself to be such an insignificant, useless and ignorant
woman, art a fit instrument for recording these mysteries; whether it
would not be better to let some other person, more learned and
perfect in virtue, write them and thus give them more authority;
since thou art the least of all, the most useless and ignorant.
Secondly, whether these mysteries, which are so extraordinary and
never heard of, especially the frequent beatific and intuitive
visions of the Divinity during my life, shall ever find credit among
those who read of them. To thy first doubt I answer, that in truth
thou art the least and most useless of all; since thou hast heard it
from the mouth of the Lord and I confirm it. But remember that belief
in this history and in all that it contains, does not depend on the
instrument, but on its Author, who is the highest truth, and upon the
contents of thy writing; and in this regard not even the highest
seraph could add thereto, nor canst thou diminish or omit anything.
621. That an angel should write this
history is not befitting; and if he should, the unbelievers and the
sluggish of heart will nevertheless find occasion to slander him. It
is necessary that the instrument be a human person; but it was not
proper that this person be the most learned or wise; for then this
work might be ascribed to his knowledge and thus occasion the danger
of having the divine light esteemed no higher, or even lower, than
human knowledge, or it might be attributed entirely to human
forethought and industry. It is more to the glory of God, that this
person should be a woman, who can rely neither on her own knowledge,
nor her own industry. I likewise take special pleasure and honor from
the fact that thou art this instrument; because thou (and all others)
wilt know, that there is nothing of thy own in this history and that
thou must not attribute more to thyself than to the pen with which
thou writest, since thou art but the instrument in the hands of the
Lord and the repeater of my words. And, as thou art such, so
insignificant and sinful, thou wilt not be disturbed in seeing
mortals refuse to believe; since, in disbelieving what thou writest,
they will not do any wrong to thee, but by their unbelief fail in
proper reverence for my words. Although thy faults and shortcomings
are many, they can all be neutralized by the charity and kindness of
the Lord, who has not looked for any other instrument of this work,
but has raised thee from the dust and manifested in thee his liberal
power. He has communicated his doctrine by one in whom the power of
his truth would appear more plainly; and hence I desire that thou
follow it up in thy conduct and reach the perfection thou desirest.
622. In answer to the second
misgiving and anxiety, whether the greatness of these mysteries will
not prevent belief in what thou writest, I have said many things in
the course of this history. Those that take care to attain a worthy
concept and appreciation of me, will find no difficulty in believing
me; for they will understand the relation and proportion of my
privileges to the dignity of Mother of God. They will understand that
God’s works are perfect; and if anyone begins to doubt in these
matters, it is certain that he does not know what God is, or what I
am. If God has shown Himself so powerful and liberal in the other
saints, that many in the Church are held to have seen the Divinity in
mortal life, and certainly have seen it, how, or on what grounds can
that be denied to me, what is conceded to so many others inferior to
me? All that my divine Son merited and did for them, was ordained for
his glory, and secondarily in my honor; the end must be held in
higher esteem and valuation than the means: hence greater was the
divine love, which inclined God to favor me than all the rest, whom
He has benefited for my sake. There is no reason for surprise in
stating that what He has done sometimes for them, He has done many
times for Her, whom He has chosen as his Mother.
623. Let the pious and the prudent
keep in mind what has been taught in the Church, that the measure of
the favors I received from the hands of my divine Son, is his
Omnipotence and my capacity; for He has conceded to me all the favors
which He could confer, and which I was capable of receiving. These
graces were in me not barren, but always fruitful to the fullest
extent in which it was possible in a creature. The divine Master
himself was my Son, powerful to operate as far as the creature placed
no obstacle; since I placed no such obstacle, how can anyone dare to
limit his works of love toward me his Mother, whom He himself had
made worthy of his benefits and favors above all the rest of his
saints, not one of whom deprived himself, like I have, of his
fruition, even an hour, for the sake of helping his Church? And if
what He did for me seem much, I desire thee and all the rest to
understand, that all his favors were grounded upon and included in
the one privilege of my being conceived without sin; for it was a
greater favor to make me worthy of his glory, when I could not merit
it, than to show me his glory when I had merited it and had placed no
624. By these considerations thy
doubts will be solved; and as for the rest, let that be my concern,
and let it be thine, to follow and imitate me; for as far as thou art
concerned, this is the purpose of all thou understandest and writest.
This should be thy solicitude, that thou omit the practice of no
virtue made known to thee. I wish that thou also attend to what the
other saints have done in following my divine Son and me; for thou
dost not owe less than they to his mercy, and with none have I been
more kind and liberal. In my school I wish thee to learn the love,
the gratitude and humility of a true disciple of mine; for I desire
thee to distinguish thyself and advance thyself exceedingly. All my
festivals thou shouldst celebrate with a sincere devotion and invite
the saints and angels to assist thee therein; especially the feast of
the Immaculate Conception, in which I was so highly favored by the
divine power and from which I derived so much joy. In these times,
more than formerly, I am solicitous of seeing it acknowledged by men
and of their praising the Most High for this extraordinary miracle.
On the day of thy own birth into the world thou shouldst render
special thanks to the Lord in imitation of me and perform some extra
work in his service. Above all thou shouldst resolve thenceforth to
amend thy life and to commence to labor in this anew. And all the
mortals, instead of spending the anniversary of their birth in
demonstration of vain earthly joy, should make similar resolutions.
Chapter XIII
625. Gratitude for the benefits
received at the hands of the Lord is a virtue so noble, that by means
of it we may preserve our intercourse and correspondence with God
himself: He, as rich, generous and powerful conferring upon us his
gifts; we, as poor, humble and aware of our needs, returning for them
our thanks. It is natural that he who gives liberally and generously
should be content with the thanks of him who, as the needy one, is
receiving the benefit; and this thankfulness is a short, easy and
delightful return, which satisfies the liberal giver and induces him
to continue his liberality. If this ordinarily happens among men of
generous and magnanimous heart, how much more in the dealings of God
with men; for we are misery and poverty itself, while He is rich,
most liberal, and if we could imagine any constraint in Him, it would
be that of receiving and not that of giving. As this great Lord is so
wise, just and equitous, He will never reject us on account of our
poverty, but only on account of our ingratitude. He desires to give
us plentifully, but at the same time He wishes us to be grateful,
rendering Him the glory, honor and praise contained in gratitude.
Such a return for small benefits, obliges Him to confer other greater
ones; if we are grateful for all, He multiplies them. However it is
only the humble that secure them, since they are at the same time
626. The great Teacher of this
science was the most blessed Mary; for, though She alone had received
the plenitude of highest blessings possible to be communicated to a
mere creature by the Almighty, She forgot none of them, nor ever
ceased to acknowledge them by the most perfect thankfulness within
the powers of a creature. For each one of the gifts of nature or
grace, none of which She failed to recognize and acknowledge, She
composed special songs of praise and thanksgiving and instituted
admirable exercises in special commemoration and acknowledgment. In
view of this She had assigned the days of the whole year, and special
hours of each day, in which She sought to renew the memory of these
graces and give thanks for them. But in the midst of all these
observances and solicitudes She forgot not those of the government of
the Church, the instruction of the Apostles and disciples, the
counsel and advice to be given to the innumerable persons, who came
to Her; for She denied Herself to no one who came, nor failed to
respond to the needs of any of the faithful.
627. Hence, if due thankfulness
obliges God so much and inclines Him to renew and increase his
blessings, what human thought can ever conceive how much his
beneficence was called into action by the gratitude shown by his most
prudent Mother for his many and exalted blessings and rendered to Him
with all the fullness of humble love and praise due to each? All we
other children of Adam in comparison with Her are slow, ungrateful
and so dull of heart, that the little we do (if we do anything at
all), does not appear worthy of consideration; but “the great
things, which the faithful and thankful Queen performed, seemed
little to Her, and even when She did all in her power, She held
Herself to be remiss and failing in diligence. In another place I
said that the activity of the most blessed Mary resembled that of God
himself, who is a pure act, operative by his very being or essence,
which cannot cease in its infinite activity. Of this quality and
excellence of the Divinity our great Queen had acquired a certain
ineffable participation, so that She seemed in Herself to be one
continued and untiring act. If grace is impatient of rest in others,
no one must be surprised, if in Mary, in whom grace was without
measure and, according to our way of thinking, without known limits,
it should partake in such an exalted degree of God and his activity.
628. I cannot show or elucidate this
mystery better than by referring to the admiration it caused in the
angels, who were witnesses of it. Many times it happened, in their
wonder at what they saw in their Queen and Lady, that they spoke to
Her or to each other: “Powerful, great and admirable is God in
this Creature more than in all his works. Vastly does human nature in
Her rise above us. Eternally be blessed and magnified thy Maker, 0
Mary; Thou art the ornament and beauty of all the human race. Thou
stirrest to holy emulation all the angelic spirits, and to admiration
all the inhabitants of heaven. Thou art the wonder of God’s
omnipotence and of the power of his right hand, the summary of the
works of the incarnate Word, the exact copy of his perfections, the
reproduction of all his actions, assimilating Thyself entirely to the
One Thou hast given form in thy womb. Thou art a worthy Teacher of
the militant Church, the special glory of the triumphant, the honor
of our people, the restorer of thy own. Let all the nations know thy
virtue and greatness, and let all generations praise and bless Thee.
629. With these heavenly princes the
most blessed Mary celebrated the memory of God’s blessings and
gifts. She invited them to accompany Her in rendering proper thanks,
not only because of her most ardent and fervent love, which, on
account of the insatiable thirst caused by the fire of her charity,
demanded such a return as of justice; but also because of her
profound humility, which caused Her to acknowledge her obligations
beyond all other creatures. Hence She asked all creation to help Her
in paying her debt, although no one but She could ever pay it
worthily. Filled with this wisdom, She drew down to her oratory on
earth the court of the supreme King and changed the world into a new
630. On the anniversary of her
Presentation in the temple in commemorating this benefit, She
commenced the evening before and spent the whole night in exercises
of thanksgiving as described for the feast of her Conception and
Nativity. She acknowledged the blessing of having been called to his
temple by the Lord, and to the house of prayer at such an early age,
and of having received so many favors while residing there. But the
most remarkable feature of her celebration was, that the great
Mistress of virtue, full of divine wisdom, renewed in her memory the
teachings and instructions given to Her in the temple by the priest
and her teacher at that early age. With the same loving solicitude
She preserved in her memory the teachings of her holy parents Joachim
and Anne, and those of the Apostles. All of them She rehearsed and
practiced with greater and greater perfection according as the
advancing years of her life demanded. Although the teaching of her
divine Son were eminently sufficient for all her doings; yet She
recalled those received from all the others; She permitted Herself no
cessation in the practice of humility and obedience, nor ever
overlooked the least point or permitted any of the ingenious secrets
of these virtues to be obscured and remain idle. 0 how highly did She
esteem the sayings of the wise! “Lean not upon thy own
prudence; be not wise in thy own conceit” (Prov. 3, 5, 7).
“Despise not the discourse and the teaching of the presbyters,
and live always according to their sayings” (Ecc1i. 8,9). “Do
not enter into high speculation with yourselves, but conform to the
lowly” (Rom. 12, 16).
631. In celebrating this feast the
great Lady felt some certain natural regret for the quiet retirement
of the temple in her youth, notwithstanding that She had so promptly
obeyed the Lord in forsaking it and in resigning Herself to the
exalted ends for which He had withdrawn Her. But He did not fail to
requite Her by some special favors on this feast. On this day the
Lord descended from heaven in great magnificence and in the company
of the angels as on other occasions, and addressing his most blessed
Mother in her oratory, He said: “My Mother and Dove, come to
Me, thy God and thy Son. I wish to afford thee a temple and a
habitation more exalted, more secure and godlike, one that is within
my own being: come, my most Beloved, to thy legitimate dwelling.”
At these most sweet words the seraphim raised their Queen from the
ground, where She always lay prostrate at his visits until He bade
Her rise, and with heavenly music placed Her at the right hand of the
Lord. She perceived or felt Herself at once filled with the Divinity
as a temple with his glory, and bathed, surrounded and contained as a
fish is in the sea, experiencing by this union or contact with the
Divinity new and unspeakable effects. For She thereby attained a
possession of the Divinity, which I cannot describe and which
afforded the heavenly Mother a great delight and joy, additional to
that of seeing God face to face.
632. This great favor the prudent
Mother called “My exalted refuge and dwelling,” and the
feast itself She called “The feast of the Being of God”;
and She composed wonderful canticles to express its significance and
give thanks. At the end of this day She thanked the Almighty for
having created the ancient Patriarchs and Prophets, including all
from Adam to her natural parents in whom her lineage ended. She
thankfully rehearsed all the gifts of grace and nature conferred upon
them by the divine power, and for all their prophecies, and for what
is recorded of them in the holy Scriptures. Then She turned to her
parents Joachim and Anne, and thanked them for having presented Her
so young to God in the temple. At the same time, as they were now
enjoying the beatific vision in the heavenly Jerusalem, She besought
them to thank God in her stead and to ask Him to teach Her how to be
thankful and to be governed by Him in all her doings. Above all, She
besought them to give thanks to the omnipotent Lord for having
exempted Her from original sin and chosen Her as his Mother. These
two blessings She always considered inseparable.
633. The feast days of saint Joachim
and saint Anne She celebrated almost with the same ceremonies as that
of her Presentation. Both of those saints descended with the Lord to
her oratory with an innumerable multitude of angels; with them She
gave thanks to God for having provided Her with parents so holy and
conformable to the divine will, and for the glory which He had
conferred upon them. In acknowledgment of all these works of the Lord
She composed new hymns with the angels, which they sang to sweet and
harmonious music. Besides this, another marvel took place on these
festal days of her parents: the angels of the Queen and others who
came from on high, divided into choirs, some explaining to the Queen
the attributes or perfections of the Divinity and others those of the
incarnate Word This colloquy afforded Her incomparable joy and new
incentive to her loving and inflamed affections. Saint Joachim and
Anne derived therefrom also a great additional delight. Before they
returned to heaven the great Lady asked their blessing and then
remained prostrate upon the ground in thanksgiving for these favors.
634. On the feast of her most chaste
and holy spouse Joseph She celebrated her espousal, in which the Lord
had given her a most faithful companion to conceal the mysteries of
the Incarnation of the Word and to execute with such high wisdom the
secret works of the Redemption of man. As all these dealings and
eternal counsels of the Most High were recorded in the purest heart
of Mary, and as She held them in so worthy contemplation, She
commemorated them with ineffable joy and thanksgiving. On this feast,
saint Joseph came in the splendor of glory and with myriads of
angels, in order to solemnize the feast with joyful music and to sing
the new hymns and canticles, which the heavenly Mother composed in
thanksgiving for the blessings received by her holy spouse and
Herself at the hands of the Most High.
635. After having consumed many hours
in this celebration She spent others of that day in conversing with
her glorious spouse about the perfection and attributes of God; for
in the absence of her Lord the most loving Mother delighted most in
such discourses and conferences. On taking leave from her holy
spouse, She begged him to pray for Her in the presence of the
Divinity and to praise Him in her name. She recommended to his
prayers also the necessities of the holy Church and of the Apostles.
Then, after asking his blessing, She continued her acts of humility
and thanksgiving as usual, while the glorious saint Joseph returned
to heaven. But I wish here to mention two things: first, that on
these festivals, while her Son lived upon earth and happened to be
present, He was accustomed to show Himself transfigured as He was on
Tabor. This favor He showed Her many times, and mostly on these
occasions; for by them He repaid Her in a measure for Her devotion
and humility and renewed the divine effects consequent upon these
marvels. Secondly, that in order to celebrate these favors and
blessings, the great Queen, besides what has already been mentioned,
added other observances worthy of her piety and of our attention.
Namely, on the days spoken of and on others of which I shall speak
directly, She gave food to many of the poor, preparing the victuals
Herself and serving them with her own hands and on her own knees. For
this purpose She directed the Evangelist to gather the most needy and
destitute, which he faithfully did according to her orders. Moreover
She had more costly food prepared to be sent to the poor sick in the
infirmaries whom She could not gather around Her, and afterwards She
went in person to console and heal them by her presence. This was the
manner in which the most blessed Mary celebrated the festivals and
which She taught the faithful to imitate, showing them how to be
thankful for all things as far as possible, both by making sacrifices
and by good works.
636. My daughter, the sin of
ingratitude is one of the most heinous committed by men against God
and by it they make themselves most unworthy and abominable in the
sight of God and the saints. For both God and the saints have a kind
of horror of this vile conduct in men. Yet in spite of its pernicious
effects, there is none which men, each one in particular, commit more
frequently and thoughtlessly. It is true that in order to lessen the
debt accumulating by their most ungrateful and universal
forgetfulness of his benefits, God requires from his Church a certain
recompense for this want of thankfulness in her children and in
mankind. For in recognition of his blessings, the Church as such
offers up so many prayers and sacrifices of praise and glory as we
see ordained in her. But as the favors and graces of his liberal and
watchful Providence are not only for the common good of the faithful,
but to the advantage of each mortal in particular, the debt of
gratitude is not paid by this general thanksgiving of the Church;
each one for himself owes thanks for what he receives from the divine
637. How many are there among the
mortals, who during the whole course of their lives have not excited
one sincere act of thanksgiving for the gift of life, for its
preservation, for health, food, honors, possessions and all the other
temporal and natural goods! Others there are, who, if at any time
they give thanks for these benefits, do it not because they truly
love God, the Giver, but because they love themselves and delight in
these temporal and earthly blessings and in the possession of them.
This kind of vain deceit discovers itself in two ways: first, in
seeking these earthly and transitory goods, men are full of
dissatisfaction, haste and discomfort, and they scarcely can think
of, ask for, or desire other more spiritual things, loving only what
is apparent and passing. Although many times their being deprived of
health, honor, possessions and other things is a blessing of God,
which prevents in them a blind and disorderly attachment to such
matters; yet they think it a misfortune and, as it were, an injury,
and they allow their heart continually to verge on destruction by
trespassing upon what is finite and perishable.
638. Secondly, this deceit is known
by the forgetfulness of spiritual benefits in the blind pursuit of
what is transitory, so that men neither recognize or acknowledge what
is beyond. This fault among the children of the Church is most vile
and dreadful, since, without any obligation on the part of God and
without any of their merit, the divine mercy seeks to draw them to
the secure path of eternal life, signally applying to them the merits
of the passion and death of my divine Son. Everyone who is now in a
state of holiness in the Church, could have been born in other times
and ages, before God came into the world; moreover he could have been
born among pagans, idolaters, heretics or other infidels, where his
eternal damnation would be unavoidable. Without their merit God
called such persons to his holy faith, giving them knowledge of the
certain truth; justifying them in Baptism, putting at their disposal
the Sacraments, the ministers, the teachings and enlightenments of
eternal life. He placed them upon the sure path, granted them his
assistance, pardoned them their sins, raised them from their falls,
waited for their repentance, invited them by his mercy, and rewarded
them with a liberal hand. He defended them through his holy angels,
gave them Himself as a pledge and as a nourishment of eternal life ;
and thus He accumulated so many blessings upon them, that they are
without measure or number, and that not a day nor an hour passes
without increasing their indebtedness.
639. Tell me then, daughter, what
thanks are due to his so liberal and fatherly kindness? And how many
men deserve to experience it? The greatest blessing of all is that in
punishment for this ingratitude the portals of his mercy have not
been closed, and the fountains of his goodness have not dried up; for
it is infinite. The root of this most dreadful ingratitude in men is
the boundless desire and covetousness for the temporal, apparent and
transitory goods. From this insatiable thirst grows their
unthankfulness; for as they hanker so much after the temporal goods,
they undervalue what they receive and give thanks neither for them
nor for the spiritual goods; and thus they are most ungrateful as
well for the ones as the others. In addition to this unbearable
foolishness they are guilty of a still greater one, namely, they ask
God not for what is necessary to them, but for things which are
injurious and will bring about their eternal perdition. Among men it
is considered mean to ask a favor from the one they have offended;
and still more outrageous to ask a favor for the purpose of
committing a still greater offense. What must we then say of a vile
earthly being, an enemy of God, when he petitions his Creator for
life, health, honor, possessions and other things. . for which he
will never give thanks, and which he does not intend to use for any
other purpose than to offend the divine Giver?
640. If, in addition to this, such
men never thank God for having created them, redeemed them, called
them, borne them with patience and justified them, prepared for them
the same glory which He enjoys: and if, while expecting this glory,
they do not even ask for the grace of acknowledging and repenting of
their sins, they certainly show nothing but the utmost temerity and
presumption. I assure thee, my dearest, that this so frequent
ingratitude toward God is one of the most certain signs of
reprobation in those who are guilty of such forgetfulness and
carelessness. It is also a bad sign, when the just Judge confers
temporal blessings upon those who ask for them in forgetfulness of
the blessings of the Redemption and Justification; for all such,
oblivious of the means of their eternal salvation, demand but the
instruments of their death, and to yield to their demands is no
blessing, but a chastisement of their blindness.
641. All these evils I manifest to
thee in order that thou mayest fear them and avoid their causes. But
remember that thy gratitude must not be of the ordinary or common
kind; for the blessings thou hast received go far beyond thy
knowledge and power of appreciation. Do not allow thyself to be
deceived into shrinking from proper acknowledgment of graces on the
plea of humility. Thou knowest the efforts of the demon to make thee
forget the works and the favors of the Lord by drawing thy attention
toward thy faults and miseries and making thee believe that the
blessings of truth, which thou hast received, are incompatible with
these thy shortcomings. Begin in earnest to cast off this deception
and know, that the more thou ascribest the goods thou receivest from
his bounty to Him alone, the more dost thou annihilate and humiliate
thyself; and that the more thou owest to Him, the less able thou art
to pay thy debts, since thou canst not pay even for the least of his
favors. To be convinced of this truth is not presumption, but
prudence; and not to acknowledge this indebtedness is not humility,
but most reprehensible foolishness; for thou canst not be thankful
for what thou dost not know; nor will thy love be stirred to action
readily without being incited by the blessings and favors of God.
Thou art full of fear of losing the grace and friendship of the Lord;
and with good reason dost thou fear, if thou dost not make them
fruitful; for He has done as much for thee, as would suffice to
justify many souls. But to have a prudent fear of losing his grace is
quite a different thing from doubting it for the purpose of escaping
acknowledgment for it; and this is the kind of doubt into which the
enemy labors to cast thee, seeking to substitute a stubborn
incredulity for holy fear of God, by clothing it in the mantle of a
good intention and humility. Thy fear must exert itself in watching
over thy treasure and in striving to imitate me with the purity of an
angel and practicing all the teachings which I give thee in this
history for this very purpose.
Chapter XIV
642. As the most holy Mary was so
faithful in smaller things, there can be no doubt that She was
faithful in the greater. If She was solicitous and diligent in giving
thanks for the minor blessings, certainly She would render the full
measure of thanks for the more important benefits conferred by the
Most High upon Her and all the human race. Among these the
Incarnation of the eternal Word in the womb of the most blessed and
pure Mother takes the first place; for this was the most excellent
work and the greatest grace possible to God’s infinite power
and wisdom in his dealings with men. The joining of the divine
essence with the human being in the person of the Word through
hypostatic union was the beginning of all the gifts and blessings of
the Omnipotent conferred upon the human as well as upon the angelic
nature. This truth is more intelligible, when we take into
consideration what faith teaches: that the divine Wisdom foresaw in
eternity the ingratitude of the reprobate and their abuse and waste
of the wonderful blessing of the Incarnation of the true God, by
which He became the Teacher, Redeemer and model of all the mortals.
643. Hence the infinite Wisdom
marvelously provided, that among men there should be some One, who
could compensate this injustice and, by worthy thanksgiving, be the
means of placating and satisfying Him as far as is possible on the
part of human nature. This was done in the first place by the sacred
humanity of our Redeemer and Master, Jesus, who is our Mediator with
the eternal Father, reconciling to Him the whole human race (I Tim.
2, 5), satisfying for its shortcomings and paying its debts by the
superabundance of his merits. However, as this Lord was true God and
man, human nature apparently remained a debtor to Him, unless some
one among mere creatures could repay the Redeemer in as far as with
the divine grace it was possible to man. This return was made by his
own Mother and our Queen; since She alone was the secretary of the
great counsel and the archive of his mysteries and sacraments. She
was the only one who knew, weighed and thankfully acknowledged it in
the measure to be expected from a human being not united personally
with the Divinity. She alone supplied a recompense for all the
shortcomings and imperfections, and for the total want of gratitude
in the children of Adam. She alone knew how and was able to appease
and satisfy her divine Son for the unjust behavior of all the mortals
in not having received Him as their Redeemer and Master, as the true
God made man for the salvation of all.
644. The incomprehensible and sacred
mystery of the Incarnation the great Queen kept so constantly present
in her memory, that She never forgot it even for one instant. At the
same time She was ever conscious of the ignorance of this blessing in
so many of the children of Adam; and in order to give thanks for it
in her own name and in the name of all, She practiced many
genuflections, prostrations and other acts of adoration, repeating
continually in diverse variations the following prayer: “My
Lord and highest God, in thy royal presence I prostrate myself and
present myself before Thee in my own name and in that of the human
race, I bless and magnify Thee, I confess and adore Thee in the
mystery of the hypostatic union of the human and divine nature of the
eternal Word. If the unfortunate children of Adam are ignorant of
this blessing, and if those that know of it fail in giving worthy
thanks for it, remember, our kindest Lord and Father, that they live
in the weak flesh, so full of darkness and passions, and that they
cannot come to Thee, if Thou in thy loving condescension dost not
draw them on (John 6, 44). Pardon, my God, the shortcomings of their
weak nature and condition. I, thy slave and vile wormlet of the
earth, with all the courtiers of thy glory, give Thee thanks for
myself and for each one of the mortals in acknowledgment of this
blessing. And I beseech Thee, O my Son and Lord, from the bottom of
my soul, to take up this cause of thy brethren and obtain for them
the forgiveness of thy eternal Father. Favor with thy immense
clemency these unfortunates conceived in sin, who do not recognize
their own misfortune, and do not know what they are doing nor what
they should do. I beg for thy people and for my own; for as far as
Thou art man we are all of thy nature, which do not Thou despise; and
in as far as Thou art God, Thou givest infinite value to thy works.
Let them be the worthy return and thanksgiving for satisfying our
debt, since Thou alone canst pay what we have received and what we
owe to the eternal Father for sending Thee from heaven to earth as
the Savior of the poor and Rescuer of the captives (Luke 4, 18). Give
life to the dead, enrich the poor, enlighten the blind (Matth. 11, 5)
; Thou art our salvation, our happiness and our restoration.”
645. This prayer and others like it
were of ordinary occurrence in the life of the great Queen of the
world. But to her continuous and daily thanksgiving She added other
exercises to celebrate the exalted mystery of the Incarnation,
especially on the anniversaries of the days in which the divine Word
assumed flesh in her purest womb; and on these days She was more
favored by the Lord than on others. This feast for Her lasted not
only for one day, but for nine, comprising the nine days before the
feast of the Annunciation, or the twenty-fifth of March, during which
She had prepared Herself for this sacrament, as described in the
beginning of the second part of this history. I have there recorded
in nine chapters the marvels which preceded the Incarnation and by
which the heavenly Mother was to be worthily prepared for the
conception of the incarnate Word in her sacred and virginal womb. It
is necessary here to refer to them and recall them briefly in order
to describe the manner in which She celebrated and renewed her
thanksgiving for this highest of marvels and blessings.
646. She commenced the solemnity on
the sixteenth of March in the evening and during the next nine days
until the twenty-fifth of March, She remained in retirement without.
eating or sleeping. Saint John the evangelist was the only one who
came to Her, and only in order to minister to Her holy Communion
during the nine days. The Almighty renewed all the favors and
blessings which He had conferred upon Mary during those days
immediately preceding the Incarnation; with this difference however,
that her Son and our Redeemer now added new ones; for as He was
already born of Her, He took it upon Himself to assist, regale and
favor his most loving and worthy Mother in this feast. On the first
six days of this novena, after the blessed Mother had passed some
hours of the night in her accustomed exercises, the incarnate Word
descended from heaven refulgent in glory and majesty and accompanied
by myriads of angels; with them He entered the oratory and showed
Himself to his most blessed Mother.
647. The most pious and prudent
Mother adored her Son and true God with the humility, veneration and
worship, such as She alone in her wisdom knew how to render. Then by
the ministry of the holy angels She was raised from the earth and
placed on the throne at the right hand of her Son the Lord. There She
felt within Herself an intimate and ineffable union with the humanity
and Divinity, by which She was transformed and filled with glory and
new divine influences unspeakable to man. In this condition and state
the Lord renewed in Her the marvels of the nine days before the
Incarnation in the order in which they had then occurred. And to
these He added other favors and admirable effects, conformable to the
state attained since then both by Himself and his blessed Mother.
Although the habitual science of all things was always preserved in
Her, yet on such occasions Her knowledge was enhanced by a new
intelligence and divine light, which enabled Her to apply and
exercise her knowledge with greater insight and with more powerful
648. On the first of these nine days
were shown Her all the works performed by God on the first day of the
creation of the world; the order and mode of their creation; the
heaven, the earth and the abysses, with their length, breadth and
depth; the light and the darkness, their separation and all the
conditions, changes and qualities of these material and visible
things. Of the invisible things She saw the creation of the angels,
all their species and perfections, their perseverance in grace, the
strife between the obedient and the disobedient, the fall of the
apostates and the confirmation of the others in grace, and all the
other mysteries, which Moses includes in the works of the first day
(Gen. 1, 1). She recognized likewise the intentions of the Almighty
in the creation of these and other things: namely to communicate and
manifest his Divinity, so that all the angels and men, according to
their faculties, might know and praise Him in them. And lest the
renewal of this knowledge be fruitless in the most prudent Mother,
Her divine Son said to Her: “My Mother and my Dove! I gave thee
knowledge of all these works of my infinite power, in order to
manifest to thee my greatness before assuming flesh in thy virginal
womb, and I renew it in thee now, in order to confirm in thee thy
possession and dominion over the angels, the heavens, the earth, the
light, and the darkness, all of which shall serve and obey thee as my
Mother; and in order to afford thee an occasion worthily to thank and
praise the eternal Father for the blessings of creation, which men do
not know how to appreciate.”
649. The great Queen faithfully
responded to this will of the Lord and satisfied for the indebtedness
of mankind in its entirety, giving thanks in her own name and in that
of all men for these incomparable blessings. In these exercises, and
in other mysterious ones, She passed the day until the Lord returned
to heaven. On the second day at midnight the Lord again descended in
the same manner and recalled in the heavenly Mother the knowledge of
the works of the second day of the creation: how in the midst of the
waters was formed the firmament, dividing the one from the other, the
number of the heavens, their harmonious arrangement, nature and
qualities, their greatness and beauty. All this She knew with
infallible certainty, just as they came into being, without admixture
of mere opinions; She knew also what were the views of the learned
and of authors. On the third day was refreshed in Her the knowledge
of what is indicated in the Scriptures for the third day of creation;
that the Lord congregated the waters upon the earth and formed the
sea and the dry land; and how the dry land, upon the command of its
Creator, immediately produced plants, herbs, trees and other things
for its beauty and adornment. She knew the nature and qualities of
all these plants and the manner in which they are useful or hurtful
to man. On the fourth day She recognized particularly the formation
of the sun, the moon and the stars of heaven, their material, their
form, properties, influences and all their movements, dividing the
time into seasons, days and years (Gen. 1, 14). On the fifth day was
manifested to Her the creation and generation of the birds of the
air, of the fishes of the sea, how in the beginning they were formed
of the waters, and how these animals afterwards are reproduced and
propagated; how many were the species, the conditions and faculties
of the animals of the land and the sea. On the sixth day She received
new enlightenment and insight into the creation of man, as the
terminus of all the material creatures; and in understanding his
exquisite and harmonious nature as a recapitulation of all the rest
of the world of creatures, She comprehended also the mystery of the
Incarnation, which was the end and purpose of his creation, and She
possessed the other secrets of the divine Wisdom hidden in this and
the other works, testifying to his infinite greatness and majesty.
650. On each of these days the great
Queen composed a special hymn of praise to the Creator for the works
performed on the corresponding day of creation and for the mysteries
made known to Her. Then She prayed for all men, especially for the
faithful, asking for their reconciliation to God and their
enlightenment concerning the Divinity and his works, in order that
they might thereby be helped to know, love and praise the Almighty.
And as She was aware of the ignorance of so many unbelievers, who
would not come to the knowledge and belief of the true faith, and as
She considered the ingratitude and sluggishness of so many believers,
who know of these works of the Most High, the most blessed Mother
performed heroic and admirable works in compensation for these
defects of the children of Adam. Because She so faithfully responded,
her divine Son raised Her to a new participation in the gifts of his
Divinity and attributes, accumulating upon Her all that the rest of
mortals lost by their most ungrateful forgetfulness. Over all the
works of that day He confirmed upon Her anew full possession and
dominion, in order that all might acknowledge Her and serve Her as
the Mother of their Creator, and as the supreme Queen over all
creatures in heaven and earth.
651. On the seventh day these divine
favors were still further increased and enhanced, although her divine
Son did not descend from heaven in the last three days; but instead
She herself was raised up to Him, in correspondence with what had
happened on the three days before the Incarnation. Accordingly at
midnight, at the command of the most high Lord, the angels carried
Her up to the empyrean heaven, where, while She was adoring the
immutable being of God, the supreme seraphim clothed Her in a
vestment more pure and white than the snow and more refulgent than
the sun. They girded Her with a girdle of jewels so rich and
beautiful that there are none in nature for comparison; each one
shone more brilliantly than the globe of the sun, yea of many suns
combined. Then they added bracelets and necklaces, and other
adornments befitting Her whom they adorned; and all these adornments
the seraphim brought from the throne of the most blessed Trinity,
each of them in its own way signifying a new participation and
communication of the Divinity. And not only these adornments
signified a new participation and communication of the divine
perfections in their Queen, but also the seraphim, those six that
adorned Her, likewise represented mysteries contained in their
652. To these succeeded six other
seraphim who, in another manner, adorned the Queen, as it were,
retouching her faculties and giving them subtlety, beauty and grace
unspeakable in human words. And still other six seraphim furnished
the celestial light by which her understanding and will was made
capable of the beatific vision and fruition. Having thus adorned and
beautified the great Queen, all of the eighteen seraphim raised Her
to the throne of the most blessed Trinity and placed Her at the right
hand of the Onlybegotten, our Savior. There She was asked what was
her petition and desire. And the true Esther answered: “I ask
mercy for my people, 0 Lord (Esther 7, 3); and in their name and mine
I desire and long to thank thy almighty clemency for giving human
form to the eternal Word in my womb for their salvation.” To
these petitions and prayers She added others of incomparable love and
wisdom, supplicating for the whole human race and especially for the
holy Church.
653. Then her divine Son spoke to the
eternal Father and said: “I confess and praise Thee, my Father,
and I offer to Thee this creature, the daughter of Adam, pleasing in
thy eyes as the one chosen for my Mother from all the creatures and
as a testimony to our infinite attributes. She alone knows worthily
and fully to estimate and thankfully to acknowledge the favor I have
shown to men in vesting Myself in their nature for the purpose of
teaching them the way of eternal life and saving them from death. We
have chosen Her in order that She might appease our indignation at
the ingratitude and small return We receive from mortals. She makes
up for what the others are either unable or unwilling to give; and We
cannot despise the prayers which our Beloved offers for them in the
plenitude of her holiness and entirely to our pleasure.”
654. All these marvels were repeated
on each of the last three days of the novena; and on the last, which
was the twenty-fifth of March, at the hour of the Incarnation, the
Divinity manifested Itself to Her intuitively and with a greater
glory than to all the blessed. The saints received an addition to
their accidental joy on all those days; but the last was one of
greater festivity and of extraordinary jubilee for the whole of
Jerusalem triumphant. The favors received by the most blessed Mother
on that day far exceed all human thought; for all her privileges,
graces and gifts were on that day ratified and increased by the
Almighty in an ineffable manner. As She was still a Pilgrim and knew
all the conditions of the holy Church in the present and the future
ages, She asked and merited great blessings for all times; to say it
more briefly, She obtained all the blessings which the divine power
wrought for men from the beginning and shall work unto the end of the
655. On all these feasts celebrated
by the great Queen, She obtained the conversion of innumerable souls,
which at that time and at succeeding times were to come to the
Catholic faith. On this feast of the Incarnation, however, this
privilege was made still more extensive; for on these days She
merited for many kingdoms, provinces and nations the blessings and
favors they have received in being called to the holy Church. Those
that have persevered more faithfully in the Church are so much the
greater debtors to the petitions and merits of the heavenly Mother.
But it has especially been shown me, that on the day on which She
celebrated the Incarnation, She liberated all the souls from
purgatory; and that from heaven, where this favor was granted to the
Queen of all creation and the Mother of the Redeemer, She sent the
angels to bring them to Her in order that She might offer them as the
fruit of the Incarnation to the eternal Father. For in that mystery
He had sent his Onlybegotten Son to regain for Him the souls from the
tyranny of their enemies. For all these souls Mary composed new
canticles of praise, and in the jubilee of having thus augmented the
heavenly court of heaven She returned to the earth, where She
continued her thanksgiving with her accustomed humility. This miracle
is not at all incredible, for it is not strange that on the day on
which the most holy Mary was raised to the immense dignity of Mother
of God and Mistress of all creation, all the treasures of the
Divinity should be opened to the children of Adam, her brethren and
her children; for on that same day the Divinity itself was poured out
on Her, entering her womb and uniting Itself hypostatically with the
substance derived from Her. She alone in her wisdom could worthily
appreciate this blessing special to Her and for the common good of
656. The solemnity of the birth of
Christ her Son She celebrated in still another manner. On the evening
before She commenced with the exercises, hymns and other devotions as
for the other feasts; and at the hour of the Birth, her divine Son
descended with myriads of angels and in glorious majesty as on other
occasions. He was accompanied also by the patriarchs saint Joachim,
saint Anne, saint Joseph and saint Elisabeth, the mother of the
Baptist, as well as other saints. Then the angel at the command of
the Lord raised Her from the ground and placed Her at his divine
right hand amid celestial harmony, rehearsing the hymn of glory as on
the day of Nativity and other canticles, which the Lady herself had
composed in honor of this mystery and in praise of God’s
infinite perfections. After having united with them in these praises
for a long time, the heavenly Mother, with the permission of her Son,
descended from the throne and prostrated Herself anew at his feet. In
this posture She adored Him in the name of all the human race and
thanked Him for his having been born into the world for their
salvation. In addition to this thanksgiving She prayed most fervently
for all men, especially for the children of the Church, urging the
weakness of human nature, its need of grace and divine help for
raising itself and for meriting eternal life. As an argument She
alleged the mercy of the Lord in being born for their salvation, the
poverty of his Birth, the labors and hardships it entailed, how He
was nursed at her breast and cherished by Her as his Mother, and how
many were the other works connected with these mysteries. This prayer
was accepted by her Son, our Savior; and in the presence of all the
angels and saints that accompanied Him, He acknowledged his
obligation to listen to the charitable pleadings of his most blessed
Mother for her people. Again He confirmed Her as Mistress and
Dispenser of all his treasures of grace and commissioned Her to apply
and distribute them to men according to her pleasure. This the most
prudent Lady proceeded to do with admirable wisdom and to the immense
benefit of the Church. At the close of this solemnity of the birth of
Christ She begged all the saints to praise the Lord for the mystery
of His birth in her name and for all the other mortals. She then
asked the blessing of her divine Son, who in giving it, returned to
657. My daughter and disciple, I
desire that thy admiration in writing of the mysteries of my life and
holiness induce thee to praise the Omnipotent for his liberality
toward Me; and thy confidence in my powerful intercession and
protection should raise thee above thyself. But if thou art
astonished that my divine Son should thus add grace upon grace and
gifts upon gifts, and that He should visit me so frequently and raise
me to his presence in heaven, remember what thou hast already
recorded concerning my depriving myself of the beatific vision for
the sake of governing the Church. And even if this charity had not
merited this recompense during my mortal life, He was ready, on
account of my being his Mother and He my Son, to work such wonders
with me as are beyond created thought and were due to no other
creature. The dignity of Mother of God so far exceeds the sphere of
all the other creatures, that it would be base ignorance on the part
of men to deny me favors greater than those bestowed upon other
saints. Taking human flesh of my substance carried with it such an
obligation in the eternal Word, that (according to thy mode of
understanding) God himself could not meet it, without a return
adequate to his Omnipotence and corresponding fully to my capacity of
receiving. This power of God is infinite and inexhaustible, and will
always remain so; but that which God communicates, is finite and
limited. I, too, am a mere created being, and in comparison with the
being of God, all created beings are nothing.
658. In addition to this, on my part,
I placed no obstacle, but deserved the unlimited and unrestrained
liberality of the Omnipotent in all his gifts, graces and favors as
far as they could be communicated to a creature. As these,
notwithstanding their wonderful greatness, were always finite and the
power and essence of God is always infinite and without limit, it can
easily be understood how I could accumulate grace upon grace and
blessings upon blessings. And not only was I capable of thus
receiving, but it was equitable that I should thus receive, in order
that I might correspond with entire perfection to his marvelous work
of making me the Mother of God; for none of his works remain
imperfect or defective. Since this dignity of being made the Mother
of God contains all graces as in their origin and fount, therefore,
as soon as men know me to be Mother of God, they implicitly also
know, as in their cause, the perfections due to such excellence in
dignity. It was left to the devotion, piety and good will of the
faithful to earn the regard of my divine Son and my protection, by
searching properly into my holiness and gifts and by recording and
confessing them in evidence of their devotion and my dignity. For
this purpose, special knowledge and enlightenment has been given to
many saints, to authors and writers, besides special revelations to
others concerning some favors and privileges conceded to me by the
659. As nevertheless many of the
mortals, even the zealous ones, have been timid in this matter, and
others, in their want of piety, unduly sluggish, my divine Son has,
in his fatherly condescension and at the time most opportune for his
holy Church, manifested to them these hidden mysteries, without
depending upon human insight and knowledge, but upon the
enlightenment of his own truth, in order that they might gather new
joy and hope from the knowledge of my privileges, and give to the
Almighty new glory and praise for the blessings coming from me and
from the works of the Redemption.
660. I wish, my daughter, that thou
consider thyself more under this obligation than all the rest of men,
since I have chosen thee for my special disciple and daughter, in
order that, by the writing of my life, thy heart may be raised to a
more ardent and anxious desire to imitate and follow me. The lesson
of this chapter for thee should be, that thou follow me in the
ineffable thanksgiving for the blessed Mystery of the Incarnation of
the Word in my womb. Write in thy heart this marvel of the
Omnipotent, in order never to forget it, and signalize especially the
days corresponding to the mysteries which thou hast there described.
In them and in my name I desire that thou celebrate this festivity
with great fervor and joy of thy soul, thanking God in the name of
all mortals for his having become incarnate in me for their
salvation; and also praising Him for having raised me to the dignity
of being his Mother. And remember that nothing ever caused so much
astonishment in the saints and angels, who have a knowledge of the
infinite essence of God, than to see Him united to the human nature;
and, although they continue to understand more and more of this
mystery, there will always remain more to find out through all the
661. In order that thou mayest
properly renew and celebrate these benefits of the Incarnation and
Nativity of my divine Son, thou must try to acquire humility and
purity as of an angel; for by these virtues thy thanksgiving will be
pleasing to the Lord and by them thou wilt in a measure give some
return for his having made Himself of thy nature. Ponder deeply how
heavy are the sins of men who, while having Christ as their Brother,
fall from such excellence and neglect their obligations. Consider
thyself as a portrait or image of the Godman, and that any kind of
sin is equivalent to thy despising it and blotting it out of thy
soul. This new dignity to which human nature was raised is much
forgotten by the children of Adam and they refuse to forsake their
old habits and miseries in order to put on Christ (Rom. 13, 14). But
thou, my daughter, forget the house of thy father and thy people (Ps.
44, 11), and seek to renew thyself with the beauty of thy Savior, in
order that thou mayest be pleasing in the eyes of the supreme King.
Chapter XV
662. In renewing the memory of the
mysteries of the life and death of Christ the Savior, our great Queen
sought not only to give worthy thanks for Herself and for the whole
of the human race, in order, as the Teacher of all holiness and
wisdom, to lead the Church to this holy science of gratitude; but
besides fulfilling this debt of thanks, She also sought to draw down
God’s infinite bounty and merciful clemency to meet the
weakness and misery of the human kind. The most prudent Mother knew
that her divine Son and the eternal Father were much repelled by the
sins of mortals, and that at the tribunal of his mercy they had no
other claim than the infinite charity by which God had lovingly
reconciled them to Him though they were sinners and his enemies (Rom.
5, 8). As Christ our Savior had accomplished this reconciliation by
his works and the mysteries of his life and death, the heavenly Lady
thought these very days, on which the works of Christ had been
performed, most convenient and proper for multiplying her prayers to
the Omnipotent, beseeching Him to show his love for love’s sake
to call them to his faith and friendship, and to justify them for no
other reason than because He had himself merited and gained for them
justification and life everlasting.
663. Never will either men or angels
fully know what a debt the world owes to the maternal piety of this
great Lady and Queen. The many favors which She received at the hands
of the Almighty each time She was admitted to beatific vision in her
mortal flesh, were blessings not only for Her, but also for us; for
on those occasions her divine knowledge and charity reached the
highest possible degree in a created being and in the same degree did
She desire the glory of the Most High in the salvation of the
rational creatures. As She was yet in the state of a pilgrim and thus
could merit and gain their salvation, her loving anxieties lest souls
lose the enjoyment of God overflowed all bounds in her purest heart.
Hence She suffered a martyrdom prolonged through her whole life and
it would have consumed her vital forces each hour and each instant,
if the power of God had not prevented it; for the thought that so
many souls should damn themselves and be eternally deprived of the
vision and enjoyment of God, and, in addition to this, that they
should suffer the eternal torments of hell, without further hope of
the remedy which they had despised, was really a martyrdom to Her.
664. This lamentable misfortune
caused an immense sorrow to the sweetest Mother, because She alone
recognized and weighed it fully in her wisdom. She was filled with a
corresponding charity, and would have suffered without any relief, if
She had been left only to the influences of her love and merely to
the consideration of what the Lord had done and suffered for rescuing
men from eternal damnation. But the Lord foresaw and provided against
this deadly sorrow in his most faithful Mother; therefore He at times
miraculously preserved her life; at others He withdrew her mind from
it by diverse enlightenments; at others again He revealed to Her the
secrets of the eternal predestination, in order that her heart might
be quieted by seeing into the equity of his divine Justice. All these
and other measures were applied by Christ the Savior in order that
his most blessed Mother might not die at the sight of the sins and
the eternal damnation of the reprobate. And if this unhappy and
calamitous fate of sinners as foreseen by the heavenly Lady, could so
afflict her purest heart, and if it could so move her divine Son,
that He subjected Himself for their salvation to the sufferings and
death of the Cross, what words can describe the blind foolishness of
those men, who so senselessly rush upon their irreparable and never
sufficiently to be dreaded ruin of their souls?
665. But the manner in which our
Savior and Master Jesus alleviated the sorrows of his beloved Mother,
was by listening to her petitions and prayers for mortals, by showing
his appreciation of her love, by offering Her his treasures and
infinite merits, by constituting Her his principal almoner, and by
consigning into Her hands the free and loving distribution of all the
treasures of his mercy and grace, and thus bring succor to the souls
whom in her deep science She knew to be in greatest need thereof.
These promises of the Lord to his most blessed Mother, as well as the
solicitude and prayers of the loving Queen, were of ordinary and
constant occurrence; and they were still more notable on the
festivals commemorating the mysteries of her divine Son. For the day
of the Circumcision She commenced her exercises at the same hour as
at the other feasts; and the incarnate Word descended to her oratory
with the same majesty and accompanied by the angels and the saints.
As this mystery consisted in his beginning to shed his blood for men
and in his subjecting Himself to the law of sinners as if He were one
of them, the acts of his most pure Mother in commemoration of that
great condescension and clemency were ineffable.
666. The great Mother humiliated
Herself to the lowest depths; She lovingly compassioned the
sufferings of the Child-God in such a tender age; She thanked Him for
this blessing conferred upon all the children of Adam; She bewailed
the universal forgetfulness and want of appreciation of the blood
shed for the rescue of all. And, as if ashamed in the presence of her
divine Son for not having paid her debts, She offered her own life
and her own blood in satisfaction and in imitation of her Master’s
example. She spent that whole day in sweet converse and colloquy
reiterating her desires and petitions. Yet, though the Lord accepted
her offerings, it was not befitting to let Her actually pay all the
sacrifices of her inflamed love. Therefore She added other inventions
of her charity toward the mortals. She besought her divine Son to
divide his gifts, caresses and favors among all the children of men;
She begged that She alone be singled out to suffer for his love; that
all should share in the reward, all should taste the sweetness of the
divine Spirit, that all might be induced to enter the path of eternal
life, and none be lost in eternal death, since their God himself
became man and suffered for the very purpose of drawing all men to
Himself (John 12, 32). Then She offered to the eternal Father the
blood, which his Son shed in the Circumcision and his humility in
allowing Himself to be circumcised in his sinlessness. After She had
thus exercised acts of incomparable perfection and adored Him as true
God and man, her divine Son gave Her his blessing and returned to the
right hand of the eternal Father in heaven.
667. To prepare for the feast of the
Magi She began her devotions some days before, in order as it were to
get ready some presents to offer to the incarnate Word. The principal
offering of the Queen were the souls brought to a state of grace and
called by Her the gold. For this purpose to obtain this gift of gold
She availed Herself of the services of the holy angels, ordering them
to lead numerous souls to the knowledge and belief of the true God by
special and powerful inspirations. This result was brought about by
their ministry and much more by her own prayers and petitions, so
that She drew many from sin, brought others to the faith and to
Baptism, and snatched others from the talons of the infernal dragon
at the hour of death. To this gift She then added the gift of myrrh,
which were her prostrations in the form of a cross, her humiliations,
and other exercises of penance, by which She prepared Herself so as
to present her own Self as myrrh before her God. Her third offering
was the incense of her inflamed and soaring love, her words and
ejaculations, and other promptings of her affection, so full of
wisdom and sweetness.
668. In order to receive these
offerings, her divine Son, on the day and hour of the mystery,
descended with innumerable angels and saints. In their presence, and
inviting all the courtiers of heaven to assist, She made her offering
accompanying it with wonderful adoration, worship and love; and with
the offering She combined a fervent prayer for all the mortals. Then
She was taken up to the throne of her Son and true God and made to
share the glory of his sacred humanity in an ineffable manner. She
was divinely united with it and as it were transfigured by its
splendors and translucency. A few times, in order to moderate the
conflagration of her love, the Lord himself embraced Her and
permitted Her to recline upon his arms. These favors are such as
cannot be described in words; for the Omnipotent sought each day to
exhaust upon Her the treasures of his blessings, old and new (Matth.
13, 52).
669. After receiving these favors,
She descended from the throne and supplicated the Lord for mercy upon
mankind. She concluded her petitions by a canticle of praise in the
name of all and She asked the saints to accompany Her in all this. On
this day also a wonderful thing happened; namely, at the end of this
feast She asked all the Patriarchs and Saints present to intercede
for Her with the Almighty, that He might assist and govern Her in all
his works. For this purpose She went from one to the other repeating
her request and as if humbly kissing their hands. Her divine Son,
ineffably pleased, permitted Her to exercise her humility also before
her parents, and before the Patriarchs and Prophets related to Her.
But this demonstration of her humility was not extended to the
angels, because they were her ministers and not in the same relations
with Her as her holy forebears. These heavenly spirits attended upon
Her in another way, namely serving Her in these exercises.
670. Then the Queen celebrated the
Baptism of Christ our Lord with magnificent thanksgiving for his
submitting to be baptized Himself and thus establishing this
Sacrament. After offering her prayers for the Church She withdrew to
fast for the forty following days in order to commemorate the fast of
the Lord and of Herself after his Baptism, as I have recorded in its
place. During these forty days She did not sleep, or eat, or leave
her retreat, unless some great necessity of the Church demanded her
presence. Her only intercourse was with saint John when receiving
holy Communion, or when She was obliged to despatch some business for
the government of the Church. The beloved disciple was also more
solicitous in his attendance upon Her, absenting himself rarely from
the Cenacle. He relieved the numerous persons who sought help in
their necessities, and he cured the sick by applying some article,
which had been used by the powerful Queen. Many possessed by demons
also came, and some of them were freed before arriving; for the
demons dared” not linger within the bodies of those that
approached the dwelling of most holy Mary. Others of the demons cast
themselves into the abyss as soon as the possessed were touched by
the cloak, or the veil, or some other article belonging to the Queen.
If any of the demons still resisted, the Evangelist called the
blessed Lady, at whose presence they fled without waiting for further
671. It would be necessary to write
many books, if all the miracles and works of the great Queen during
these forty days were to be recorded: for, if She did not sleep, or
eat, or rest, who can estimate what She in her great solicitude and
activity accomplished during so long a time? It is enough to know,
that She applied and offered up all for the increase of the Church,
the justification of souls, the conversion of the world, and to
assist the Apostles and disciples preaching the Gospel throughout the
earth. At the end of this Lent her divine Son regaled Her with a
banquet similar to the one brought by the angels to Him at the end of
his fast, as I have described in its place. Only this one was more
splendid, since at it was present the glorified Savior, full of
majesty and accompanied by myriads of angels, some of them serving,
others singing in divine and celestial harmonies; and the Lord
himself furnished what was eaten by his most blessed Mother. This day
was very delightful to Her, more on account of the presence of her
divine Son and his tokens of love, than on account of the exquisite
nectars and mannas of heaven. In thanksgiving She prostrated Herself
and asked his benediction, adoring the Lord; and He, having given it
to Her, returned to the celestial regions. During all these
apparitions of the Lord Christ, the pious Mother performed great and
heroic acts of humility, submission and veneration, kissing the feet
of her Son, acknowledging Herself unworthy of those favors, and
asking for new graces in order to serve Him better in the future.
672. Possibly there may be those, who
in their human prudence, will consider as rather frequent these
apparitions of the Lord, which I have described for so many
occasions. But those who think so, will have to show what is the
measure of the holiness of the Mistress of grace and virtue and the
reciprocal love of such a Mother and Son, and they will be obliged to
tell us how far these favors exceed the measure due tc the
circumstances. They forget, that both faith and reason convince us,
that this measure goes far beyond all human estimate. As for myself,
the light in which I see these things excludes all doubt, and
moreover it should suffice for anyone to consider, that each day,
each hour and moment, Christ our Savior descends from heaven,
wherever in all the world a priest legitimately consecrates the
sacred Host in the Mass. I say, that He descends not only by a bodily
motion, but by the change of bread and wine into his sacred body and
blood. Though this descent happens in a different manner, which I
will not gainsay or dispute; yet the holy Catholic faith teaches me,
that the same Christ is actually present and remains in the
consecrated host. This wonder the Lord performs thus frequently for
men and for their welfare, notwithstanding that there are so many
unworthy ones, and some even among those who consecrate. If anyone
can induce Him to continue this favor, it is no one else than the
most blessed Mary, for whom He will do it and for whom He has
principally begun to do it, as I have explained elsewhere. Hence it
is not astonishing that He should have visited Her personally so many
times; since She alone was able and knew how to merit it not only for
Herself, but for all the rest of us.
673. After the fast the great Lady
celebrated the feast of her Purification and the Presentation of the
infant God in the temple. In order that She might make this offering
and that God might accept it, the most blessed Trinity appeared in
her oratory with his heavenly court. To prepare Her for offering up
the incarnate Word, the angels vested and adorned Her with the same
garments and jewels, as I have described for the feast of the
Incarnation. Then she offered up a comprehensive prayer, in which She
supplicated for the whole human race and especially for the Church.
The reward for this prayer and for the humility, with which She
subjected Herself to the law of the purification as well as for her
other exercises, was a new increase of grace, new gifts and favors
for Herself, and for others great helps and blessings.
674. The memory of the Passion, the
institution of the blessed Sacrament, and of the Resurrection She
celebrated not only every week, as described above, but also on the
anniversaries of their happening. Each year She observed their
commemoration in the manner as is now done in the Church in the Holy
Week. Besides the exercises of each week She added many others; and
on Good Friday, at the hour in which Christ was crucified, She placed
Herself upon a cross and there remained for three hours. She renewed
all the prayers of the Lord, with all the sorrows and mysteries of
that day. But on the following Sunday, which corresponds to the
Resurrection, She was raised by the holy angels to the empyrean
heavens where during that day She enjoyed the beatific vision, while
on the ordinary Sundays her vision of the Godhead was abstractive.
675. My daughter, the divine Spirit,
whose wisdom and prudence governs the holy Church, through my
intercession has ordained, that in it so many different feasts should
be celebrated, not only in order that proper thanks should be given
to the Creator and Redeemer for the works of the Redemption, of my
life, and of the saints, and that the blessings, which never can be
properly repaid, may not be forgotten by mankind; but also in order
that these solemnities might afford men an opportunity of attending
to holy exercises and of recollecting themselves interiorly by
withdrawing from the solicitudes of temporal affairs; and in order
that they might, by the exercise of virtue and the good use of the
Sacraments, repair the losses sustained by their distractions,
imitate the virtues and the lives of the saints, solicit my
intercession, merit the forgiveness of their sins and gain the graces
and favors held in readiness by the divine mercy in these mysteries.
676. This is the spirit of the holy
Church, by which She desires to govern and nourish her children as a
devoted mother. And I, who am Mother of them all, sought to attract
and bind them to the secure path of their salvation. But the
insinuations of the infernal serpent have always (and especially in
the unhappy times in which thou livest) tended to pervert these holy
ends of the Lord and mine, and when he cannot pervert the order of
the holy Church, he exerts himself to prevent the greater part of the
faithful from being benefited by her institutions and strives to
induce many to convert them into greater guilt for their
condemnation. And the same demon will stand as their accuser at the
tribunal of the divine justice; for on the days of greatest solemnity
and festivity men not only fail to enter into the spirit of the
Church by employing them in works of virtue and in worship of their
God; but just on those days they commit the most grievous sins, as is
ordinarily the case with carnal and worldly men. Certainly most
outrageous and reprehensible is the common forgetfulness and contempt
of this duty in the children of the Church, when they profane the
sacred and holy days by spending them in diversion and play, in
excessive and disorderly eating and drinking, irritating the justice
of the Almighty instead of appeasing Him, in succumbing to their
invisible enemies instead of vanquishing them, and in permitting them
to triumph in their pride and malice.
677. Do thou, my daughter, bewail
this damage, since I cannot bewail it now in the same way as I have
done it in mortal life; and exert thyself to assist thy brethren in
overcoming this widespread carelessness. And although the life of the
religious should differ from that of seculars so as to have no
distinction of days and to apply every day for the divine worship,
for prayer and holy exercises, as thou shouldst teach thy subjects;
yet I desire thee to celebrate with them the feasts of the Lord and
mine by a more careful preparation and purity of conscience. I wish
thee to fill all thy days and thy nights with works holy and pleasing
in the sight of the Lord; but on the festivals thou shouldst add
other interior and exterior exercises. Excite the fervor of thy
heart, recollect thyself, and if it seems to thee that thou art doing
much, labor still more earnestly to make certain thy vocation and
election (II Pet. 1, 10), nor ever omit any exercise out of
negligence. Consider that the days are evil (Ephes. 5, 6), and that
life disappears like a dream (Ps. 143, 4). Live very carefully in
order that thou mayest not be found without merit, holy deeds and
perfect works. To each hour assign its legitimate occupation, as thou
hast seen me do it, and as I have many times admonished and taught
678. For this purpose I exhort thee
to live attentive to the divine inspirations and amid all the other
blessings not to forget those contained in such enlightenments. Let
thy care be such, that no virtuous act or greater perfection, which
is possible to thee and comes to thy notice, remain unexecuted. I
assure thee, my dearest, that through their negligence and
forgetfulness mortals lose immense treasures of grace and glory. All
the perfection that I knew of my divine Son when I lived with Him, I
imitated, and whatever the Holy Ghost pointed out to me as being most
perfect, I executed as thou hast seen. This anxious solicitude was as
natural to me as to breathe; and through it I induced my divine Son
to show me so many favors and visit me so often during my mortal
679. I desire likewise that, in order
that thou and thy religious may imitate me in my retirement and
solicitude, thou establish the manner in which the customary retreat
is to be conducted; and that those who make it should live retired
during the days appointed for it in holy obedience. Thou knowest from
experience, what fruit is gathered in these retreats, since in it
thou hast written nearly the whole of my life; and in this solitude
the Lord visited thee with greater blessings and favors for the
betterment of thy own life and the conquering of thy enemies. In
order that thy religious may understand how they must conduct
themselves in the exercises of the retreat for their greater profit
and advancement, I wish that thou write for them a special treatise,
in which thou wilt assign all their occupations to certain hours and
times. These should be arranged in such a way, that the one who is in
retreat does not miss the community exercises; for conformity to them
is an obligation superseding all the particular ones. As for the
rest, those in retreat should observe perfect silence and go about
veiled, in order that they may be known as making the retreat and not
spoken to by any of the others. Let none be deprived of this benefit
on account of their office and let their duties be assigned to others
in obedience. Ask enlightenment of the Lord for writing this
treatise, and I shall assist thee to understand more thoroughly my
practices in retirement, in order that thou mayest teach it to the
Chapter XVI
680. In each one of the works and
mysteries of our great Queen and Lady are found new secrets to
penetrate and new reasons for wonder and praise; but I am running
short of new words to make known what I see. From what I have been
made to understand concerning the love of Christ our Lord for his
purest Mother and most worthy Spouse, it seems to me, that for the
sake of this love, the Lord would have resigned his throne of glory
and the company of the saints to be with his most beloved Mother, if
other reasons had not demanded his presence in heaven and that of the
Virgin upon earth during the time of her separation and bodily
absence. But let no one say that this high opinion of the excellence
of the Queen derogates from that of her divine Son or the saints; for
the Divinity of the Father and the Holy Ghost was in Christ in its
highest individual unity; the three Persons exist in each one in an
inseparable manner, and the Person of the Word cannot exist without
the Father and the Holy Ghost. It is certain, that the company of the
angels was less than that of his most holy Mother in the eyes of her
divine Son; that is, considering the force of reciprocal love between
Christ and his purest Mother. But for other reasons it was befitting,
that the Lord, after accomplishing the Redemption of man, should
return to the right hand of the Father, and that his most blessed
Mother should remain in the Church, so that, through her industry and
merits, the efficacy of the Redemption should be proved and that She
should bring forth to light the fruit of the passion and death of her
divine Son.
681. With ineffable and mysterious
providence Christ our Savior arranged his works, showing in them his
divine wisdom, magnificence and glory, confiding entirely in this
strong Woman, as described by Solomon (Prov. 31, 11). And his
confidence was not frustrated, since the most prudent Mother, by
uniting her own solicitude and merits with his passion and blood,
purchased for her Son the field in which She planted the vines of the
Church. These were the souls of the faithful, propagated in the
Church on earth, and of the predestined, in whom the Church was to be
transplanted to the triumphant Jerusalem forever and forever. If it
was befitting the glory of the Most High, that all this great work
should be entrusted to Mary, in order that our Savior Jesus might
enter into the glory of his Father after his glorious Resurrection,
then it was also no more than just that, as far as was possible, He
should keep up his intercourse with his most blessed Mother, whom He
had left in the world and whom He loved without measure. To this He
was held not only by his own love toward his Mother, but by her state
and the task imposed upon Her during her sojourn on earth, where the
grace, the means, the favors and blessings must necessarily be in
proportion with the origin and the end of those hidden mysteries. All
these requirements were gloriously fulfilled by the frequent visits
of the Son to his Mother and by her being raised to the throne of his
glory. Thus, neither would the invincible Queen be totally deprived
of her court, nor would the courtiers for so many years be deprived
of the delightful sight of their Queen and Lady. Hence as this
delight was possible, it was proper that all those concerned should
also enjoy it.
682. One of the days (in addition to
those already mentioned) on which the celestial wonders were renewed,
was that on which She celebrated each year the Ascension of her
divine Son. This day was a great festival for Her and for all heaven.
She prepared for it during forty days from the day on which She
solemnized th |