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A Commentary On The Psalms From Primitive and Mediæval Writers Volumes 1 To 4 by Rev. J.M. Neale D.D.

O Glorious and Almighty GOD, (Lu.) in Whom the souls of the Blessed place all the confidence of their hope, grant that we, enlightened by Thy help, may be able to love Thee alway with a pure mind. (1.)

O GOD,* our praise and rejoicing, loose us from the chains of sin, that we who often fall as offenders, may be raised up by Thee as penitents. (1.)

O LORD,* Who liftest up them that are down, and loosest the prisoners, and givest sight to the blind; lift us up also when falls lay us low, loose us when sins bind us round about, and enlighten us when the cloud of ignorance surrounds us, that our soul may ever praise Thee and our life be lowly in faithful devotion, and because it is of Thy gift that we are, all our lifetime may serve Thee. (11.)

O LORD,* Who loosest the prisoners by the power of Thy Word, and enlightenest the blind with a moist salve of clay anointed with Thy holy spittle, loose, we pray Thee, the bonds of our sins, and break asunder the destruction which is an obstacle in our way; lift up those that are down, and illuminate the gladness of our minds with the teaching of Thy law, that as Thou guidest the righteous unto Thyself, and receivest him in Thy pity with pardon, and as Thou art the loving and heedful guardian of orphan and widow, so keep us in this pilgrimage, that Thou mayest suffer us to go in, after our sins are pardoned, to the sweetness of eternity. (11.)

Overthrow, (D. C.) O LORD, with Thy mighty right hand, our way, going downwards into sin, lift us up when we are fallen, loose us when fettered by our evil works, love us when Thou hast made us righteous, and make us persevere for ever in Thy love. (1.)

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