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A Commentary On The Psalms From Primitive and Mediæval Writers Volumes 1 To 4 by Rev. J.M. Neale D.D.

O LORD, we beseech Thee, as we call upon Thy Name,* that as Thou didst feed our fathers with Angels’ food when the power of Thy Name went before them, so Thou wouldst cherish and renew us also with mystical dainties. (1.)

Grant strength,* O LORD, unto them that seek Thy Name, and pour into them alway the holy love of seeking Thee, that such as desire to see Thy face may not be held captive by the allurements of the world, but the light of Thy countenance may glorify them in bliss. (11.)

O LORD,* make us to rejoice in Thy holy Name, as we tell of Thy wondrous works, grant us wisdom in seeking Thee, and power to find Thee, that we may attain to behold Thee, and to rejoice evermore in the vision of Thy countenance. (11.)

Increase Thy people exceedingly,* O LORD, and exalt them either by merit or works, that we, who are gnawed by the teeth of the envious, may ever advance in happiness by Thy gracious goodness. (11.)

We beseech Thee,* O LORD, that Thou wouldst blot out the wicked nations before our face, and be Thyself the leader of our march, that evermore rejoicing in Thee, we may attain to be led into the Land of Promise, and enrolled in Thy kingdom, may with Thy Saints rejoice in everlasting gladness. (5.)

O GOD, (D. C.) Who showest Thyself sorely displeased at our wickedness, prick, we beseech Thee, our hearts into repentance, that we may intreat Thy mercy, and obtaining pardon for our sins, may give thanks unto Thee with a pure conscience, call upon Thy Name, and in return for the bounties we have received, unweariedly tell of Thy wondrous works. (1.)

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