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A Commentary On The Psalms From Primitive and Mediæval Writers Volumes 1 To 4 by Rev. J.M. Neale D.D.

O GOD, the Hope of all the ends of the earth,* hearken to the humble prayer of Thy family, that while it praises Thee with tuneful harmony and the chanted hymn, it may, adorned by the inward flow of the Comforter, be enriched with abundant fruit. Through. (2.)

Vouchsafe, O heavenly King, that we, delivered from the dryness of sin,* and plenteously watered with the river of Thy mercy, may be well filled, and join in the hymn sung by Thy Saints. (1.)

Hear us,* O GOD of our salvation, and gird us with Thy might; and while we desire steadfastness of faith, let us attain the quiet of hope, and reach the rest of love. (11.)

Hear us,* O GOD of our Salvation, Who art the Hope of all the earth, and in Thy might make ready the mountains, which Thou makest bright with Thy power, and lofty with abundance of eminent virtues; for Thine it is to enrich us with higher graces, by which we may climb the steeps of a blessed life: that Thy Church, spread abroad in all the ends of the earth, may, while seeking loftiness of faith, attain the quiet of hope, and reach the summit of love. (11.)

Bless, O LORD,* the crown of the year of Thy goodness in the day of our great solemnity, that our minds may shine with the plenteousness of doctrine, and the plains of Thy gifts may be fat with abundance, that nourishment together with Thy grace may be granted us, so that our flesh may be made glad with corn, and our soul with Divine virtues. (11.)

We humbly beseech Thee, O GOD,* that we may be united to the merits of Thine elect, that we may be joined in their rewards; and that, if we attain not to be graced with rewards, or decked with crowns, we may at last obtain pardon, and be saved from the pain of everlasting judgment. (1.)

O GOD, merciful FATHER, (D. C.) the Hope of all the ends of the earth, and of them in the broad sea, we beseech Thee to pardon our iniquities, and to the end that the words of the ungodly prevail not for ever against us, let Thine invincible protection never forsake us. (1.)

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