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A History Of The Mass And Its Ceremonies In The Eastern And Western Church -Rev John O'Brien A.M.

Augustine, Saint, City of God.

Bona, Cardinal, Rer. Liturg. Antwerp, 1739.

Bona, Cardinal, Divina Psalmodia.

Benedict XIV., Pope, De Sacrosanct. Missæ Sacrif. et Enchiridion.

Bouvry, Expositio Rubricarum Missalis et Ritualis.

Bouvry, Expositio Rubricarum Breviarii.

Bannister, Temples of the Hebrews. London, 1861.

Burder, Religious Ceremonies and Customs. London, 1841.

Badger, The Nestorians and their Rituals. London, 1852.

Brerewood, Enquiries on the Diversity of Languages and Religions. 1674.

Bingham, Antiquities of the Christian Church.

Barry, The Sacramentals.

Breviary, Syriac Maronite. Rome, 1863.

Catalanus, Comment. in Pontifical. Romanum.

Cæremoniale Episcoporum.

Cæremoniale Prædicatorum seu Dominicanorum.

Cæremoniale Carthusianorum.

Cæremoniale Carmelitarum.

Ceremonial of the Papal Chapel.

Denzinger, Ritus Orientalium.

Durandus, Rationale Divinorum Offic. Naples, 1859.

De Herdt, Praxis Pontificalis. 3 vols.

De Herdt, Sacr. Liturg. Praxis. 3 vols.

De Conny, Les Cérémonies de l’Église.

De Conny Recherches sur l’Abolition de la Liturg. Ant. dans l’Église de Lyon.

De Montor, Lives of the Popes.

De Carpo, Cæremoniale juxta Ritum Romanum.

Ferraris, Bibliotheca.

Goar, Euchologium Græcorum. Paris, 1647.

Gavantus and Merati, Thesaur. Sacr. Rit. Missalis. Venice, 1749.

Gavantus and Merati, Thesaur. Sacr. Rit. Breviarii. 1749.

Gagarin, The Russian Clergy.

Hefele, History of the Christian Councils.

Hemans, Catholic Italy. 2 vols. Florence, 1862.

Holy Days of the English Church.

Innocent III., Pope, De Sacro Altaris Mysterio.

Kozma, Liturgia Sacra Catholica.

Lobera, El Porque de todas las Ceremonias de la Iglesia. 1781.

Liturgia Mozarabica.

Lingard, History and Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church.

Lamy, De Fide Syrorum et Disciplina in re Eucharistica.

Le Brun, Explication de la Messe. 2 vols.

Merati and Gavantus, Thesaur. Sacr. Rituum.

Martinucci, Manuale Sacr. Cœremoniarum. 4 vols.

Maimonides, Reasons of the Laws of Moses.

Maringola, Institutiones Liturgicœ. 2 vols.

Manuale Decretorum (up to 1866).

Moran, Origin, Doctrine, and Discipline of the Early Irish Church.

Morinus, De Sacris Ecclesiœ Ordinationibus.

Mühlbauer, Comment. in Pontif. Romanum.

Martène, De Antiquis Ecclesiœ Ritibus. Venice, 1783.

Neale, Holy Eastern Churchy General Introduction. 2 vols.

Neale, Hymns of the Eastern Church.

Neale and Littledale, Primitive Liturgies.

Northcote, The Roman Catacombs.

Newman, Tracts, Ecclesiastical and Theological. London, 1874.

Poetæ Christianœ.

Pococke, Travels in Egypt, etc.

Pleyer, De Sacrosancto Missœ Sacrificio.

Pope, Holy Week in the Vatican.

Palma, Historia Ecclesiastica.

Riddle, Christian Antiquities.

Romanoff, Rites and Customs of the Greco-Russian Church.

Renaudot, Liturgiarum Orientalium Collectio. 2 vols.

Romsee, Sensus Lit. Moralis ac Histor. Rit. ac Cœr. Missœ.

Rock, Church of our Fathers. 4 vols.

Rock, Hierurgia.

Schild, Manuale Liturgicum.

Semita Sanctorum.

Selvaggio, Institutiones Christianorum Antiquorum. 2 vols.

Smith and Dwight, Researches in Armenia. 2 vols.

Tondini, The Pope of Rome and the Eastern Popes.

Vetromile, Travels in Europe and the Holy Land.

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